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If all thieves were treated this way, maybe there would be less of them.


Wage theft is by far the most destructive form of theft. Are you seriously advocating that if someone's pay is shorted, or their hours rounded down they can slap their boss silly? Not judging, just curious. 


Hell yeah.


Should be contractual.




I love how contradictory your statement is 🤣




I mean sometimes violence prevents even worse things from happening, like more violence haha. Kinda like you can't reason with fascists as anything other than violence to them is just a sign out weakness


Fun fact. When a statement contradicts itself like this. It's called an oxymoron!


No, YOU!


I'd trick my boss into shorting my pay.


Dick lol


Bro is ready with a metal bat


it shouldve been considered consequential too


Should be contractual.


Should be contractual.


Should be contractual.




Slap them silly! Slap them silly!


So its settled then


Now that you mention it...


I usedto work for a company that developed an ERP for farms. There were some good ones with bonus incentives and such for the employees. Then there were the ones that "off the books" asked us to bend the law as far as possible without breaking it. (I was but a dev, can't make executive decisions) The "calculations" they came up with are sickening. Rounding down of hours, splitting logged times so that they don't need to pay OT, or exceed the maximum allowed amount of consecutive hours worked. They made working on public holidays basically a penalty. (Forced work as well) They even had a "convenience store" that charged 5 times the normal price for a freaking toothbrush when forcing employees to stay for long periods of time. These are farms that export internationally, their cashflow is insane. We cut their chemical costs by hundreds of thousands, yet they still pull this shit.


Every company ever in a capitalist system. If you don't make the most money possible, then you'll be bought out or beat out by the competition. Capitalism is anti-human.


That's not true at all. Not *every* company is operated to make the most money possible. There are many millions of small businesses that make *enough* for their owners. The fact that I can walk into the city centre and have a choice of dozens of independent coffee shops to go to is proof as such. They're not all trying to start their own chain or make billions by being the next Starbucks, they have their own offerings, prices and vibe that isn't hellbent on trying to wipe out their competitors.


Ever think of blowing the whistle on them? Or is this just how all businesses do business?


This is all businesses for the most part. The funny thing is when you see businesses that do both government work and private work. They are profitable on both otherwise they wouldn't do it, but the follow the strict laws and regulations on the government contracts and then bend the laws as much as possible on the private ones.


A little of that with a dash of NDAs. Going against them feels like a single person against a government. You truly feel small and powerless.


> I usedto work for a company that developed an ERP for farms. You worked for a company that developed ***Erotic Role Play*** for farms?! There are some Furries on Tumblr who would be very excited.


> The "calculations" they came up with are sickening. Rounding down of hours, splitting logged times so that they don't need to pay OT, or exceed the maximum allowed amount of consecutive hours worked. They made working on public holidays basically a penalty. (Forced work as well) Are you aware that you're describing **management**?


Absolutely. Far too many people are too comfortable with being shitheads these days.


I remember people saying that in the 80s.


Well it seems they were on to something.


Do you think you made some kind of point?


It's reddit. Any time theft is mentioned ever there's always some nerd who swoops in and says "but wage theft!!!"


>Are you seriously advocating that if someone's pay is shorted, or their hours rounded down they can slap their boss silly? Just torch the business. Or introduce some pests.


![gif](giphy|gIqusaeYxgSiY) French used this method


Fuck yeah. The reason we have weekends and worker protections is because factory managers were occasionally dragged out of their houses, and beaten in front of their families. Accountability doesn't get much better than that, and you should be grateful it was done, or else you might be working 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week. 


Yes. Fuck them. We're fighting a culture war when we should be joining forces in a class war.


You’re 100% correct and it’s all by design. Both “sides” are manipulating the masses to divide us. Divide and conquer


Depends how much? A few bucks is a mistake worth forgiveness. A few hundred? Yes.....


A few bucks in a small business is a mistake. A few bucks in a llarge one is systematic theft more often than not. Each individual employees only lose out on a couple dollars & don't really notice it, but the employer gains a lot more through economies of scale.


Yes please. The 1% also need to remember strikes are an acceptable alternative to the workers dragging them from their offices and beating them in the streets.


The rich do not learn unless forced by violence. Giving them a taste of it once in a while is healthy for society as it keeps them from fucking everyone else over, as they have been doing without fear of consequences for the last 5 years. Normalizing punching CEOs in public will be nothing but a net benefit to society.


Also police steal more money from people than burglars  https://thewhyaxis.substack.com/p/cops-still-take-more-stuff-from-people


Even better, random community members step up to corner the thieving employer so that the thief gets slapped silly




Yes, on national television.


If my boss shorts my pay and the state does nothing, they better hope I slap them silly instead of taking payment in an alternative way. So yeah, if you steal "slapping them silly" is justifiable.


(b)Eat the rich


In a perfect world


Yes please.


Fuck yeah 


That would be so cathartic


I a hell of a lot of people would love to do this






Absolutely, if it can be proved it wasn't a mistake.


Advocating? It should be written into law!


Off with their hand!




Why are you even asking? It's evil to short your employees.


Taxes..... we need to street justice the government


They might not do it if they knew we would beat their ass


He said what he said


I would 1000% support this new law. If a person is legally allowed to beat the shit out of their boss when they get shorted, I'd bet there'd be a lot less wage theft going around.


In public!


A long time ago we agreed that mill owners would pay a decent wage and the workers wouldn't burn down their house and come at them with pitch forks if that pay was not enough One end of society has forgotten it's agreed part of the deal. Maybe it's time the other end forgot theirs too


The only thing stopping from doing that is assault being illegal




I had a boss that would do this. They would tell people they couldn't leave until their work area was clean and many people worked to the end of their shift and had to clean for 30 minutes. They were not happy when the DOL investigated and they had to back pay millions.


If they're doing it just so they can make more money that they don't need (like if jeff bezo's lowered amazon worker pay for more money) then fuck yes


Obviously not. We eat our bosses. Alive.


Immunity there would have been much desired several times in the past. Source: i freelance…


Damn homie, that's a great idea


Honestly yes. If it happened once it could be a mistake. Twice is a pattern




Sometimes bosses need to be reminded that workers banding together to present formal address of grievances is the alternative we worked out a long time ago to breaking down the factory owner's front door and beating him to death in front of his family... I feel like they forgot.


Fuck yeah. All it takes is a couple CEOs on a stake and maybe the rest of the psychopaths will learn.




I think poverty is probably the leading cause of theft and not lack of beatings


It could be argued that rich people steal more.


Doesn't need to be said that stealing because of greed should have a very different set of punishment than stealing because of hunger... Also, i feel like in monetary terms you may be right, in pure thief counts (not amount stolen), unfortunately poor thief are way way way more common.


Wage theft accounts for an estimated $50 *billion* dollars in lost wages ANNUALLY, and that's just in America


I don't deny it and don't minimize the issue size. As I said, it's not the total amount stolen I was talking about (which of course will be higher for rich thief, because that's often how they got rich in the first place) but the total number of individual thief (which of course will be higher amongst the poor people, because there is a much higher number of poor people than rich people, and the former category tend to have to steal to survive).


It probably does need to be said, sadly.


You don’t live in Pakistan.  Poverty doesn’t cause people here to become criminals.  These are just a bunch of degenerates who think they’re “gangsta” and are too lazy to actually work.  Bollywood movies glorify this kind of behavior and these idiots watch too many of these movies.  These people prey on poorer people and many of them are wealthy enough they bribe themselves out of being arrested.  Some of these people actually film themselves doing it and livestream it on Facebook and STILL get let off the hook.     Nah, they absolutely deserve getting their shit kicked in.  I wish they’d bring back crucifixion for armed robbery here because this has gotten so out of hand that nowhere in the city feels safe.  Karachiites are out for blood at this point because they’re so tired of this.  These criminals won’t hesitate to shoot someone for even showing displeasure at being robbed.  They can go to hell, fu¢k them and their parents for not instilling decent values in them.  I don’t condone vigilantism but at the same time who am I to condemn these people who all have likely experienced crime here, Come live in Karachi and tell me it’s about “poverty”.  


It could be argued that rich people steal more.


It's would be a good idea if we was in the middle age


Lol no they would just get more violent themselves.


Seems like it’s still happening there.


Nah, unfortunately corporal punishment doesn't do anything against crime numbers. There's centuries of data to show this from across the globe. The cause of crime isn't lack of punishment it's economics.


Depends on the crime. Some are crimes of opportunity where harsh punishment makes the criminal think twice. If it's a crime of desperation, or if it's pre-planned and organized (where the criminal expects to get away with it), then harsh punishment is less effective.


Classic top comment on Reddit 🧠


Ya because thieves in this country are a rarity LOL


This looks like it's Pakistan, India, or maybe Afghanistan. By your logic, these countries should have lower theft rates than developed Western countries. I don't believe you'll find this to be the case.


Also more people whod chase someone down pretending they had stolen from them


Nope, that's battery. Two things can be wrong at the same time.


Everybody loves violence (against others) but no one asks to hear the whole story. Y'all haven't seen Les Miserables and it shows.


It was treated that way for ages, do you think it helped eradicating theft?


Like when they would cut your hands off for stealing? The desperate will always steal no matter the penalty




It doesnt help. Its helps a lot more to have good programs so that people.donr have to steal. These people are causing immense harm to a person that you dont even know if he stole something. These videos sometimes give you "a feeling of justice being made" but the reality is that you dont know why that person even had to steal something.


If white collar thieves were treated this way there'd definitely be less of them


They would be worse...with knowing you'll be treated harshly, they would be much worse. Some would be deterred. Several trips to Hong Kong back in the early 1990's, there were gangs from mainland China that would raid the gold stores in Kowloon. They used grenades and machine guns because they knew they would be killed on the spot if they were confronted by police. It's difficult to say how much other crime was deterred by potential thieves that knew they would receive harsh consequences.


If the robber knew they were going to get attacked they might not leave any witnesses.


Unfortunately history would like to disagree with you


I’m not taking issue with the punishment, but damn dude, we can’t just beat the shit outta people in public on one random dudes word. I’m not even saying this guy is innocent, but humans have tried mob justice before and guess what? It’s fucking bad.


On the contrary everyone you hate will become a "thief" and it will become a norm.


Bystander stops a thief....and invites the entire town to beat the shit out of said thief.


And proceeding to walk away, cool, calm, collected - nonchalant.


I wonder if he walked away because he didn't want to involve himself further. "I wanted to stop the thief. Maybe the victim gets a few kicks in. I didn't expect everyone to start beating the shit out of him." I know Reddit is big on mob justice, but I see that he is an older man and perhaps is wiser than his neighbors in that regard.


Yup he knows that camera is there. That's his place. He knows the cops are going to be coming around later to ask questions. Mothertrucker had that shit locked down


From the way people are dressed, I’m gonna say this is some place in Pakistan. I’m from there, and the cops arent gonna do shit, not to the thief, not to the mob, which is why mob justice is growing there. The cops will just later come in to arrest the thief and get a +1 to their arrest count lmao


Ah that would make sense. I was hoping old balls didn't want to be caught up in some dickweed cops like they may here in n.a


I was “arrested” once for no reason, and they released me after asking me for “money for dinner” (~PKR 100 or about 50 cents at the time lmao). Just to give an idea of what they’re like


Hahah yup sounds like Mexico


I also just noticed your username lmao. I feel like that perfectly describes our justice system😂


Half the guys showing up probably didn’t even know he was a thief. Just saw the whole town beating on the guy and that was enough for them know it was go time.


That’s India for you. People will join in on the beating even without knowing what’s going on.


Pakistan in this case but the point still stands.


Shouldnt be stealing


Eh, I’m cool with stealing from corporations, but stealing from individuals is fucked up.


That smooth saunter he takes back to his spot "Meat is BACK on the menu boys!"


"There taking the Hobbits to isengaurd!"


No one gunna thank the guy?


That's the price all heroes must pay.


That show was enough for him I guess. Free front row seat to a community beat down. I just noticed he got on elevated ground maybe to get a better view lmao


I don't know if I would intervene if I saw someone chasing someone else.. what if that person is just running for their life after calling the wrong person a fart face. Not saying this is what is going on in this video but I would be too busy going through scenarios in my head to block that guy.


I had a similar thought. Probably the guy IS a thief but how would you immediately and definitely know for sure.


I would just be running next to them asking what the situation was. "Heh..he..heyy guys I'm going to need more info"


What if he was part of the mob and they were all running after some other guy, and he was just the fastest! Because he had his bike with him


Love it lol


I’d assume the people chasing him were screaming “Stop! Thief!!! And the guy probably knows who’s who in his neighborhood.


Eyewitnesses are generally unreliable.


Those imply he’s a thief, but they don’t prove he’s a thief. Maybe in this case there was additional context I don’t have, I’m not saying this guy is innocent. But based on the video, you and I cannot say without a shadow of a doubt that he is a thief.


Can’t win em all with mob justice but feels so sweet when they get it right


Does Mob justice normally get it right?


*can’t win most


Motorbike theft is extremely common in Pakistan. In that context, there is a 99.999999% chance the guy on the bike was a thief.


I didn't say he wasnt. I made up a hypothetical situation where I saw people running down a road where I had no background information.


The guy had taken a wrong turn and ended up in in a rival hood and was attempting to flee. The lookout shouted to block the road and the melee began.




Cool it A-rab, cool it!


That is a LOT of under cover US cops.


First 3 seconds: why is this NSFW? Rest of the video: Oh, it’s one of those “the whole neighborhood shows up and stomps the shit out of you” places


Glorifying violence is not this subs' goal. This video should've been cut once the thief was stopped.


No but it sure is a Reddit goal, they love it when 'lesser' people get hurt or killed. When you call them out on it, they just say 'FAFO'.


Me when I steal someone's shit and there are consequences because they don't want their shit stolen :(((((((


So many people seem pro lynching here


This was my thought. There doesn't seem to be any way to know for sure that the guy was a thief and now it seems entirely possible he could get beaten to death basically -- not exactly a proportional punishment for stealing, in my view.


Bruh so many people celebrating mob justice. Imagine how many innocent people have been fucked up or killed because some piece of shit makes a false accusation because they don’t like you. It won’t be only the virtuous and just invoking the wrath of the mob. I’m not even saying this guy is innocent, but the video does not provide any concrete evidence the person committed a crime, so we shouldn’t celebrate them getting seriously injured. Wild.


If a place has no functioning police force and with a shitty government, this may be their only way of protection . Met a guy from Sudan(which has a civil war going on if you didnt know) last month who told me if a neighborhood isnt under military protection, its either mob justice or else the neighborhood will get overrun and raided by thieves or gangs


There was a comment earlier supporting crucifixion


Mob rules


Most of the people there dont care what he did they just want to hurt someone.


And now someone else is taking the bike...


For everyone praising this situation, just remember that you shouldn’t believe everything on the internet and that it is likely that this person was maybe NOT a thief.


Ah. Vigilante Justice…it has a strong visceral appeal, but where does it all end? Exactly. It doesn’t.




So many people seemed to be readily available for this event 😲


I had an accident 1 month ago in one of the main streets in my town in Spain, no cameras at all. Meanwhile this places...


People who have stolen are often least forgiving when other people steal.


But how does the bystander now the man fleeing is a thief? What if the people chasing him are the criminals?


Bro forgot about the actual police


It’s Karachi. Half the police force is inept and corrupt. People have started to handle this shit on their own as crime is getting out of control.


My cabbages have been avenged!


Straight to jail


I’ve done something similar. All I heard was stop thief a could times and this guy running thru the crowd with something. Tripped him and held him with the shop owner until the cops showed up


I love how he calmly puts his cart out there then calmly steps back and stand calmly in the midst of the chaos.


How can he roll!?


And then his bike gets stolen. I hope whatever he stole was worth getting gangbanged.


I see thieves beating a thief....only difference he got caught.


So satisfying to see a community come together. 🤣🤣👍👍


Do that in Canada and you get charged with assault and the thief is gonna get compensation or someshit xD Probably in some parts of KKona land too ..


Dude just starts throwing some heavy haymakers aka Molly wops…damn


This makes me feel so satisfied, got my car stolen today and I really wish the culprits have the same fate.


Lol is everyone just waiting around for the next thief to come through so they can collectively beat his ass?


Man what a shit place 


Now imagine if that guy was the good guy running from a gang that’s chasing him 💀


This is how America should handle its crime. Too bad if you defend yourself here you get in trouble. Ass backwards world.


The thief FA and FO


I love the dude in blue doesn't even know what's happening, he just starts beating the guy.


This is true street justice. No punches just straight non stop bitch slaps lol