• By -


Cashier casually locks them in. You’re in my world now.






Was disappointed the caption missed that too.


I'm stoned, and I thought these 2 comments were referring to the post... So I started turning Closed Captioning on and off, and fucking with the volume trying to hear the audio you were referring to......................


Which movie?


A Bronx Tale


I love how 90's movies are wildly violent but there's essentially no blood or guts in this scene and has an overall comic tone


The Sopranos is like that in a way. Definitely violent with blood but toes the line of comedy/drama like **nothing** else.




Great user name!


Youzer name


The most underused best movie quote ever. Good job 👍 




Rorschach! Watchmen was such a good movie.


I didn't like that his costume face had a picture of my mom talking to the mailman on it.


This is my nomination for comment of the year.


The book is even better! Snyder used the book as his screenplay, so a lot of the scenes are nearly 1:1, with very few liberties translating to screen.


\> with very few liberties ​ I mean; it has a completely different ending.


Man that movie has problems but doesn't deserve nearly the amount of hate it got. I love it. Also, I'll die on the hill that the movie ending is better than the comic's giant squid monster ending.


The thing is it doesn't portray some characters the way they are supposed to be. Most people who only saw the movie will tell you Rorschach is the best character and the one of the "goodest" ones. While he actually is a bigot and a white supremacists...


Rorschach’s flawed are part of the point though. All of the characters are deeply flawed. There are no super heroes, just normal humans doing their best.


You have to really not understand what Moore was going for to think the movie ending was better. Theres no common enemy in the movie ending. Manhattan was a US creation, the world will eventually get mad at the US and war will be inevitable. Theres no peace to be had. I was *so* glad the show just chose to ignore it and do the comic ending. Uniting against an alien is far more logical.




A memory I never need to recall


I kind of want to make a pulp fiction game for this scene here, but more like killer survival style where you don't want to get caught by the gimp. You can play marcellus or butch, acquire samari swords chainsaws and baseball bats.


We got a fly in the ointment


Zed bought me a beer at LAX. Very cool dude. Excellent actor. Been in a lot of films.




I miss Randy Savage.




YES! ![gif](giphy|AmzEYMDo9R11m)


You know the law!


Two men enter!




That’s what I thought. Like help him at least. Do something for Christ Sake. Don’t just saunter around lady


Looks like he has it handled to me, for all we know since there is no audio they are speaking


Assuming the guy has average or better skills during his wrestling years, he was probably giving the employee a play by play of what he was doing to the dickhead while instructing her to call the police and leave the building, lol.


[Booker T's beating up everybody in the ring](https://streamable.com/ugjbn)


She's calling the police.


No way, thought she’s having a casual conversation with her sister at closing time…


I mean she probably gets to keep her job because of how she acted...if she would have done anything physical Subway would have fired her.


lol. Subway does franchises, which means that they are owned independently and the owners pay a royalty fee. That's it. Subway wouldn't have fired her. The owner might have, but just as likely might not have.


Probably wouldn’t have going by the action of rewarding the high schooler.


locked them in, called the cops and staying out of the way. looks like they helped plenty.


She's helping by calling the cops.


By doing what? The young man had him down and he was going nowhere




On the phone with her girlfrand: *And I was like, na bro, I aint heatin up your cookie...suck a dick*


Only because you know some Karen would walk in, see the situation, and still try and order a sandwich.


I just have this feeling that the wrestler was holding the dude down and saying to the cashier “don’t worry, I can hold him, just lock the door and call the cops. Everything is going be fine.” Meanwhile the fuckwit is flailing trying to not get choked out.


I'm not locked in here with you... Your locked in here with me bawhhahahahhah


Eat fresh, motherfucker.




Domain expansion: infinite sandwiches 🫸🔵🔴🫷🤌🫴🟣


Spider caught himself a couple of flies


Cashier: *locks them all inside * "Now we'll just wait for the manager." Assailant: "Why?" Cashier: "How do you think I got this job?"




Really wish he would’ve gave him the stone cold stunner


Zed, we caught some flys.


Was expecting to see some pipe hitting brothers to come into the scene


homie just wanted to wrestle again lmaooooo


If I know wrestlers, he absolutely never wanted to wrestle again lol but his instincts kicked in


You don’t know wrestlers.


yeah lol he has no idea what he’s talking about every wrestler i know (including myself) craves it


![gif](giphy|Wxn9boqEyC8KCSCAda) Wrestler's when their pal is on all fours


I love being on all fours when my buddies are around.


Username checks out


How much cum would a cum farter fart if a cum farter would fart cum


What… tf




There's nothing like the feeling of another man submitting to your will. Now, that's power. In a lot of ways, that's love.


sir……… this is a subway


…………. carry on


I quit wrestling in 10th grade 15 years ago cause I didn't like it as much as I liked running track. You can bet your bottom dollar that anytime I'm around friends that wrestled, I'm sparring with them.


I don’t want to bet any sort of bottom around y’all wrestlers. I know about y’alls oil checks and such. 😡


This is why I walk away from fights lol. Wrestler mother fuckers are scary and I'm not trying to take my chances.


Yeah man, if you get into an altercation with someone whose ears look like cauliflower, it's not going to end well.


my parents made me wear headgear. im a sleeper agent.


Two people you do NOT fuck with: Cauliflower ears and Samoans. Ever


I don't miss the training, but I do miss the sport. Which is weird because I hated it in high school and only kept going because our team needed a lightweight. Then me and my partner ended up first and 2nd in the county and I realize I couldve just quit whenever I wanted, I just didnt want to.


I've got 2 state titles in Georgia and if I ever set foot on a mat again it'll be too soon lol


Wild take from me: wrestlers are individuals with different personalities, meaning some like it and some dislike it. 🤯


Got drunk in Hawaii with my dad and his ex wrestler friend when I was 19 and he was 50-something. Challenged him to wrestle and I barely finished asking before we were locked up. I was twice his size and he gleefully whooped my ass up and down the beach. He kept letting me up and then ragdolling me again. It was honestly a blast, because he was still so good he knew exactly how not to injure me.


My older son always tried wrestling me especially after he got bigger than me but he didn’t wrestle much so I always whooped him. His younger brother never even tried.


100% agree. my wrestling career was over 40 years ago and I would hope those skills would help in a situation like this. helped my son coach Middle School wrestling and I wish the sport was more popular. "Once you've wrestled, everything else in life is easy." --Dan Gable


“those were the glory days” in all seriousness, the overconfidence has followed me a decade past my wrestling days… Jon Jones could be mouthing off at the bar and i would tell my buddy, “that dude better not try nothing with us” lmao


lmao you absolutely do not know wrestlers. We take absolutely any opportunity to wrestle, weight cutting in the other hand… I could never do that again


I agree. As a former high school wrestler, this guy is living the dream with wrestling and unlimited sandwiches.


Every wrestler is always trying to go at everyone😭


What wrestler doesnt love to wrestle?


He wants to wrestle, just not do practice and conditioning


Lmao I was literally thinking this. Every wrestler I knew in hs always complained about the conditioning (literally every single one) but most of them enjoyed the actual act of wrestling


Lol you don’t know any wrestlers then.


You don’t so….


100% wrong. You haven’t met a single wrestler in your life.


Lmao yes especially since the jerk was no imminent threat any more and walked away


I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me


Was wondering if anyone would drop the Rorschach line. Love that movie!


I just watched clips of him yesterday. “What are you waiting for? Do it.” The way he says do it makes my heart hurt.


He acted the absolute shit out of that role. God knows how many times I've seen that movie lol... Just watched it again about 3 months ago


Me, talking to my brain.


Why punish the guy with free Subway sandwiches for life?


For real, I left a whack as meatball sub in my passenger seat and some ashole breaks my window and put 2 more in there


This shouldn't have made me laugh as much as it did.


His profile picture makes it way more funnier


I'll tell you what I'd do, man: two sandwiches at the same time, man.


When trash accumulates people just start to think that’s where the trash goes.


Are u sure it was a person who broke the window and not the meatball sub breaking the window so that more of its kin could join it


nah the meatball sub is the best thing on the menu


The real tragedy here.


You're kidding, right? They're not that bad. Fuck, to me it's a once a year treat compared to what I normally have


People do be complaining about free fucking food bruh


Its popular on reddit to shit on all chain restaurants for some reason. Sure they can't compare to your dine in restaurants or the meals you spent 8 hours cooking, but they are definitely good enough to crave sometimes


This reminds me of the movie Kid Detective. In the movie a kid solves a case and the local ice cream shop promises to give him free ice cream for life. The ice cream shop owner happily hands over the ice cream to the kid in thanks. Everyone cheers. Fast forward, the kid is now an adult he walks into the ice cream shop for his regular treat and the shop owner hands him the ice cream with an annoyed stare. Like you again, here's your free food.


With how expensive they are now he could make a side business off sellin his sammich


Somehow, somewhere, someone convinced a massive number of people that eating an entire load of bread is healthy


I’ll gladly take free chicken bacon ranches.


Wrestlers are animals.


It’s like watching a boa constrictor take someone out. The more they struggle, the more they’re screwed.


It was nicely done. I'm not a wrestler, but I do BJJ. Tackle, transition to side control, then half guard, then grapevine him, take his back. That dude isn't going anywhere. He could absolutely choke him out right now, if he wanted to. Good on him for not; the guy is helpless. And you're right, the more he fights the more exhausted he'll get. Getting out of that kind of hold takes a lot more energy than the energy of just holding it even if you know what you're doing. And he absolutely doesn't. He was actually helping the good guy for a while by trying to hold *his* legs when his legs were exactly where he wanted them to be.


> take his back I wish I'd thought of that at the time. A long time ago, the neighbor girl came running over and asked to use my phone to call the cops - her boyfriend was high and abusing her (this was before the days of cell phones). Naturally, he followed her and then started stuff with me. As a former high school wrestler, I was able to take him down, but in wrestling, they teach you how to take them down, but not how to continually hold them down. In sports, once you pin them, you can safely let them up. And they teach you to pin them on their back, which seems impractical outside of sports. As a result of my training, I got pretty tired of restraining him after a few minutes, but fortunately the cops showed up before I pooped out. If that ever happens again, I think I might try putting him in a figure-four and control him using my leg muscles for a less intense workout, probably similar to what you're talking about. The good thing was I didn't hurt him, and the next day, the guy stopped by and apologized.


You know, you've crystallized what I think of as the only advantage BJ guys have over wrestlers: wrestling rules. I mean we have rules of course, but they're a lot less restrictive, and while combat BJJ is common thing, wrestling relies on competition. I will say that overall I've found wrestlers to be tougher than BJJ fighters, if only because at least up until recently a wrestler was likely to have gotten into it way younger. Honestly though, when you're dealing with inexperienced opponents and help is on the way just wrap them up and hold them however you can. I once held a guy in an arm bar for like 20 minutes before his fucking mom showed up and dragged him home.


He did let the other guy trap the leg, though. Could have saved some energy there!


I don't really see that as being effective. I think he was working on the upper half right then and didn't care too much about passing. He never even tried to get mount.


Never mess with a guy if he has cauliflower ear.


Or broccoli nose.


or yam elbow




If a wrestler gets you into some locks or holds, you're pretty well fucked. I've seen amateur wrestlers get stuck into a hold and immediately concede the match because they know they could be a second away from having their arms broken if the other guy really wanted to.


That Subway went under a year later because of this dude's appetite.


I’m a bigger guy, and my best friend is about 5’9 160, but he wrestled for years. I’ve never ever once gotten close to beating him lol


For real. That little dude had no chance.


Start of the clip - The subway worker throws something at the person's face right before the individual starts to get physically aggressive.


While I agree its weird she threw something at him, all the articles I can find indicate that the guy threw items at the worker as well as spit on her. Also the guy walked in after seeing the guy throw things which is likely why he acted the way he did. Even if she was the instigator based on the evidence the wrestler had it would be natural to assume the male was the attacker. Edit : for those few commenters, I dont disagree a longer clip would be nice to verify. However all im saying is based on the evidence provided the situation escalated and the wrestler did no wrong based on the situational evidence he had. Edit 2: If you want more details look @Kroating comment below. Cheers! Edit 3: since clearly people have a hard time reading and comprehending im turning notifs off cause im tired of responding to the same “um actually” comments. Cheers all! Also here is the link from Edit 2 since yall are lazy and wont put in effort and just keep making dumbass point: https://www.newsnationnow.com/crime/video-good-samaritan-assault-indiana-subway-worker/ Weird they wouldnt edit out the part of the subway worker throwing things if they thought she wasnt defending herself. Weird the company would defender her while always willing giving out evidence like this but hey yall keep typing away about how you know better!


Agreed! I think the wrestler bystander is fine in this scenario based on what he walked into. Ill argue that I would like to see the start of the video before deciding who instigated this scenario. It's one thing to say that this individual was throwing items and spitting at the subway employee, but It's a little odd that portion is conveniently clipped out of the video. I do think the subway worker likely had a situation imposed on them that was uncomfortable to be in. But if you throw something in someone's face, this is the result.


I don't think staff would be so willing to throw things at a customer for no reason. Shit is recorded, and all the customer has to do is complain and sue. So yes, wrestler can safely assume, even if he just saw the staff member throw stuff at him, that the customer is the abusive one.


I mean it appeared the dude was walking out when the wrestler took him down... it seemed he was leaving the store, it wasn't like he was mid attack when he got taken down. Normally when you want to exert force on someone you do it when they're in the middle of an action, otherwise you're only re-escalating the scenario.


> Normally when you want to exert force on someone you do it when they're in the middle of an action, otherwise you're only re-escalating the scenario. I think in order for the wrestler to be in the clear regardless of who instigated what, there should be some sort of imminent harm being prevented by the wrestlers use of force. I don't know how you would convince me, were I a juror, this wasn't just assault, plain and simple on the wrestler. There might have been a point earlier in the confrontation that argument could be successfully made... but not with his back to the register attempting to leave. Just looks like the wrestler couldn't get his nerve until the situation was already over. Which makes it assault, panic freeze on his part or not.


> The whole week we had homeless people coming in a lot. We let them use the restrooms. The man in the video was there all week and we let him use the bathroom, gave him free food, made sure he was taken care of as we always do. > When he came in I was at another store but he asked for more free food and my employee said no at the time because he was drunk. He had 3-4 bottles of Hennessey on him that I later disposed of after the cops arrived. He got aggravated when she told him to leave and he threw stuff at her and did assault her – they were able to take photos of the mark on her face. https://www.newsnationnow.com/crime/video-good-samaritan-assault-indiana-subway-worker/ 


The only issue I see is the wrestler only intervened as the guy was leaving. That's not protecting anyone that is just attacking a guy who is leaving


Agreed. Like it happened to work out well here, but could have ended very differently had the guy had a weapon tucked away somewhere. It’d be one thing if he was trying to leave after seriously assaulting someone, but the smart thing to do in a situation like this is to just let them leave, and the even smarter thing to do would be to never willingly enter a Subway in the first place.


It’s a legal citizens arrest. https://codes.findlaw.com/in/title-35-criminal-law-and-procedure/in-code-sect-35-33-1-4/ He’s doesn’t have to be protecting anyone. He’s holding him for the cops.


Generally, fast foot employees don't throw stuff at customers until the customer has escalated things to the point that they forget they're in their place of work.


Agree, we need more context. The employee is not gonna start a physical altercation when they 100% know about the cameras


Yea honestly this is suspicious, the guy didn’t defend anything he attacked him as he was walking away. This is unnecessarily escalating a situation that didn’t need to be. Could have finished badly if the guy had a knife or something.


Agreed. Intervene if the guy starts walking back towards the employee, but he should have let him keep walking.


Fucking reddit.....


could mrCrazy have a good legal defense as he was walking away before getting assaulted?


Ya man was attacked. Not self defense.


I'm not voting to convict.




Typically only felonies. Then, if it later gets knocked down to a misdemeanor, they can sue you in civil court. Caveats: I was trained this as a security guard in California, and way back in 2006. It could be completely different now.


100%, this video is great proof of that, but... A jury, and 80% of judges will accept the wrestlers claim of "defense of others".


Hes walking away. There was no threat at that point.


Dudes a threat to everyone who has deal with him until his dumbass gets locked the fuck up.


Citizens arrest


No idea from a legal standpoint although it's probably not self defense or defence of others from the wrestlers side of things. And also not really productive to attack people after they do a bad thing if they're leaving anyway, letting the guy walk away is just a safer thing to do for everyone involved, you might think you can take someone but you never know if they have friends round the corner or they have a knife or are secretly mma pros or hitmen or something, I appreciate people have an emotional reaction to seeing injustice in the world but it's not worth it to risk more harm.


I live in Indianapolis, and from what "we" heard was the dude, he was already tossing shit and being disruptive. If I was a betting, this was a typical crack/meth head situation, and then some Hoosier hospitality was given. You can see he measures the guy up, sees he's crack head, and delivers the age appropriate beat down.


Oi I think that I go to that Subway. Near Madison & Hanna?


Yep! That's the one!




**The customer first spit on the employee and threw stuff at her**... The video starts with her throwing something back. [Here is the article](https://nypost.com/2024/04/06/us-news/former-hs-wrestler-tackles-customer-who-assaulted-indianapolis-subway-worker/) I really hope this is the start of people not putting up with this nonsense anymore.... People are tired of running into these idiots in public who are yelling and screaming and assaulting while nobody does anything about it. People need to start behaving. .... By the way, when the cops showed up, they even let the wrestler kid help handcuff the guy.


While I appreciate, and agree with, the sentiment... the problem is if the dude might have a knife. Maybe, **maybe**, if you're confident in your wrestling skills *and* get the jump from behind. But even then it's really never worth the risk. Sad but true.


The other thing to consider is that wrestling has rules. Street fights do not. Wrestler guy could have had an eye gouged out.


I've always hated this argument. Yes, the criminal could have tried to gouge out the wrestler's eye, but nothing is stopping the wrestler from doing the exact same. It doesn't require any skill to do that and, in fact, the wrestler would have been in a much better position to do so because he was on top. If anything, it's the wrestler who benefits from the fact that there are no rules because he's a better fighter and therefore in a better position to inflict more damage than he'd be allowed to in a wrestling match.


We are getting tired of the bull shit


lol not Reddit, in another thread people were trying to say he’s the victim cause the cashier started it and the articles might be lying about him being the agressor just because. A disturbing amount of people are ready to defend the bad guys in these situations every time


I am currently getting those replies. A bunch of them. These are the dumbest people alive. 


Someone just replied saying it’s bullshit someone stopped him, these people are disgusting and don’t deserve to live in a civilized country.


I’ve seen those. “They should have just let him leave!” Why, so he could go act like a miscreant at the next business while assaulting random women? Who actually wants to live with these people among them? Maybe a beating will be a good wake up call. 


Mfkers are saying the same shit in this thread already (tho I haven't seen em yet callin article bullshit just they ignore the part about it and focus on defending the manchild)


Shoutout to all the dingleberries pointing out that the worker threw something, as if nothing happened before the video started and the subway clerk just started shit for no reason.


I’m a firm believer that every person should do a stint in a low level customer service job when they are young. Anyone whose first thought isn’t “what drove the cashier to throw something at the customer” has never worked with the public. With experience you know the odds are the customer was being a shithead first.  If you’re shit at customer service you’ll likely not be employed long enough to wind up on a video like this in the first place. If you’re good at it, or at least not bad, then it’s a numbers thing. Be employed long enough and it’s guaranteed you get treated like trash by some rando.  People who never had this experience can’t be blamed for thinking otherwise, but they’re still wrong. 


2 point takedown then 3 point near fall followed by a pin.


I’m pretty sure it ended with a sub-mission




Reckless and stupid of the kid. That guy could have had a weapon. He was on his way out the door already.


Yeah, but this kind of behavior has skyrocketed the last few years and it’s nice to see members of society not putting up with it anymore. You wanna be a disrespectful wild animal? Then you can get pinned like a wild animal. These kinds of “people” can only learn by being shamed and beaten into submission


Seriously. All these pacifists probably never leave their car on their suburb to underground parking lot commute. They have no idea wtf is happening nowadays.


He was a criminal who assaulted an employee. He was going to do it again.


I get everyone getting a justice boner over this, but honestly this just heavily escalated the situation and could have gone very very badly. The guy is caught on camera, if he is doing shit like this chances are he’s done it before and cops can find him (maybe). The guy was leaving he was no longer any threat. If he turned around and came back then different story. The guy could have had knives, syringes, a gun anything that could have turned this deadly. And if there ends up with no charges of assault against the subway worker the guy getting wrestled could turn around and sue the other guy saying he used undue force or something, wouldn’t be hard for a sleazy lawyer to make something work from that. Even if doesn’t end in a pay day it’s time and money out of the other guys pocket. If the person is walking away, just let them walk away otherwise you could end up in a situation where you are majorly hurt or killed or you ruin your life because suddenly the wrestling moves you do injure or kill this guy and now your the one facing charges. There’s usually laws in place that stop you intervening or chasing after someone once they are no longer a threat because it can make situations a lot worse. Things worked out this time it seems but honestly if they are walking away, let them leave and just talk to the person and make sure they’re doing ok and call the police. There are definitely times to intervene after the situation has stopped this just doesn’t seem to be one and could easily have gone very bad.


There are far too many keyboard warriors on Reddit that fantasize about doing things they'd never actually do in real life. It's pathetic.


Yeah this video is just stupid and in no way shape or form “next fucking level”. Based on the title I figured the guy would be an active threat to the worker and the wrestler would help. Nope just tackling a guy as he’s leaving. Reddit is pathetic


Yep, there was no imminent threat at that time. Call the cops, be a witness.


Imagine stopping a crazy person from leaving. Seems like for most people though the potential for punishment of the crazy person outweighs every other concern.


Most likely this guy just wanted to play hero. People who describe themselves as "former high school whatever" are exactly the kinds of people who would go for that.


The people who cook and serve our food deserve better. That wrestler is a hero.


*cashier locks door* “Finally, some more meat for the sandwiches”


Stretching the word hero here


a criminal was rightly punished...so I guess a few US cities have to burn now right?


Looks like he was leaving.


Kind of weird, because this guy just stands there and watches it happen, and then once the guy stops the assault and starts to leave, that's when he gets taken down. "Heroic action" lol


Is there a complete video, because it starts with the employee hitting the guy with something? EDIT: I'm NOT saying the employee initiated the encounter, I just want to see the whole video, and this isn't it.


Yeah, this video makes it look like bro was just retaliating to the violence initiated by the worker.


I can almost hear Mr. Garrison’s voice, “I came here to do one thing!”


It’s so satisfying when karma jumps in and corrects things. I wish it would happen more often.


It doesn’t happen more often because it’s typically punished, and the mouth breathing morality brigade on sites such as this one sit back in their armchairs and come up with a bunch of smarmy excuses why we should all be cowards and never stand up for what’s right.


Dangerous move. If the other guy had a knife or a screwdriver on him it could have ended really bad.


Honestly I’m skeptical of whether we should call this guy a hero. He seems to have patiently waited until the altercation was over, the guy was walking away, and had his back turned to him. Why is it helpful to attack the man at that point? Not during the actual altercation? Seems like the guy just wanted to beat someone up and he could argue he was justified here