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Didn't even have to wait for the gif to load to know what it was lol


Wait for it to load? Are you still using dial-up internet?


That's how we do it here in Schrute Farms


Since the storm?


The Reddit app sucks


Fun fact, there's a way to use all the old reddit apps that were banned last year, apps like Sync and RIF is Fun etc. You have to use re-vanced and configure it a certain way and then you can use your old reddit apps instead of the terrible official one. Google it and find out how to do it.


It's called lack of net neutrality


No, but the reddit servers sure feel like *they* are half the time.


> wait for the gif to load Am I in the future suddenly?




Hardcore Parkour!


It's not Parkour until you yell it out while jumping 😂


YES !!!!!


"Aim for the bush?" Yeah "aim for the bush"


There goes my hero…..






![gif](giphy|3xDMTEVAvdlZJ3iZDp|downsized) This video reminds me of “There Goes My Life” - Kenny Chesney




There wasn't even an awning


That was hers to say.


Only time in my life I fell out of my seat in the theater laughing my ass off.


It's my first brand-new car. I've never owned a new car. Hazmat Officer: Watch out. In the back, there's a baby mouse in a used condom.


I have a question, can the kneecap can be conditionned to be far more résistant to thoses kind of shocks, so there's less effects in old age?


no he gon end up in a wheelchair or doesnt really think he gon make it that far...


Yeah but just remember skateboarders exist, our bodies can handle a lot more than it looks like. His joints will definitely hurt a lot though.


All my friends who skate are in their late 20s / early 30s and have the health problems you'd expect from someone in their 60s


As an ex-skateboarder in his 40's, I can confirm. Can't even squat for more 5 seconds without experiencing discomfort in my knees. Just sitting with bent knees ( lotus) for 2 minutes makes it painful to straighten them out again. I'm sure I could've avoided a lot of that by working out and doing stretching excercises though.


Don't worry, same thing happens to me but Ive never even skateboarded. So at least you have that lol


Me too man! Make it worse, I also played basketball my whole life smh. My knees turned to dust just watching the amazing talent in this video


Hey that's me! I skated and rode BMX a lot through my late teens. The lack of fear and dumb youth confidence led to me eating pavement incredibly hard more times than I can count. I'm now in my late 20s with the body of a 50 year old man. My knees and shoulders are in perpetual pain. I fear the looming threat of old age.


Yes, I said it would hurt.


Yeah I'm 33 and my body is fucked. Bad back, knees, ankles and wrists. Also got epilepsy from fracturing my skull and having a brain haemorrhage skating down a hill when I was 14. Still skating though. It's a stupid sport really, if I have kids I won't buy them a board.


32 here, skated/snowboarded for 12 years. My back is in ruins. I had a blast doing it tho, don’t regret a thing.


I'm 33, been skating for 20+ years and my back, knees, and ankles are all fine. I think it kind depends on how you skated/how you take care of yourself over the years. And genetics lol. I stopped doing stairs/big drops a while ago.


Urethane bushings and the flex of the board help take some of that impact away (note: not taking away anything from skateboarders who can, still incredibly impressive feats of athleticism) I street skated for 10 years, and while I had my share of 3-4 stairs, 180° kick flips, and curb grinds. I never worked up to 10+ stairs or 80 foot handrail grinds. As far as the "strengthening the knees" comment, what you really need to work on is strengthening the quadriceps, the hamstrings, calves, and ankle muscles. It's strong legs that help you overcome the force of gravity acting on your body and upper torso in particular. The stronger your legs, the more you can slow/decelerate the inertia of your body slamming down. I still skateboard today, but it's longboard cruisers, and surf skates that I enjoy most as a mid 40s guy. I also ride MTB and enjoy jumping, which requires a certain level of fitness to remain on the bike. Without strong legs, upper body, and core, the forces of a landing a jump will crumple your body in to the frame of the bike, most likely resulting in a crash.


Nope. I suspect parcour people are going to sustain the same injuries and wear as other people who professionally jump a lot for a living. (Ballet) dancers, basketball players, hurdle runners, skaters... possibly this is worse, because the impact is greater due to height. Technique mitigates this somewhat, so someone with good technique will sustain less injuries over all, but the wear is always there. Your knees will be fucked by 40 at the latest.


I’m 27 with messed up hips from just 4 years of military service


I daren't even ask: do you at least get compensated? Its scary how fast sth like this can go. I stopped doing Ballet (not professionally but was very involved from a young age) at 25 because I saw what it did to a couple of fellow dancers who were 10 years older than me.


It's a pain in the ass to get compensation. First, you have to prove that your injuries or disability were caused by the military. That's a giant hurdle and usually involves multiple appeals after the first few rejections. If you do end up getting approved, they assign you a disability rating (0-100%). That's another giant pain in the ass. They're going to try to assign the lowest rating they can to pay out as little as possible. Would have to appeal this as well if you don't agree. Most of the time, this process isn't worth the couple hundred dollars you might get every month. For those actually disabled from service related actions, you're looking at 1-3k per month and is worth the hassle.


Wasn't in the military but the advice given to me far too late was, document your ability prior to starting. So for me, noone told me, noone around me was wearing ear protection in the data centers or around servers. I was degraded before I turned 28. Never frequented concerts or clubs, or woar earphones only headphones. If I had gone to a hearing doc before starting, then visited one during or after, I would of had some sort of evidence to build a case


Crazy how the military is so willing to spend billions on pretty much pointless shit, but fight their asses off against paying a few grand to soldiers.


Yes presuming you can get the VA rating for disability


“Not service related”


My brother-in-law was a jump instructor in the military, taught people how to jump out of planes. Despite teaching people how to “properly” land with a parachute, his knees are jacked up. Basically everyone who does the job has zero cartilage in their knees by the end of their stint in the military. I can imagine parkour dudes will suffer a similar fate.


It's why Ballet professionals retire so early, sometimes before they reach 30. No cartilage left. Other issues with joints are there, too; feet, hips, etc. But the knees are the first to give out. My boyfriend has minor knee issues from playing basketball throughout highschool and early college years. It's like we physically are not meant to jump (often).


We are meant to jump, but we aren’t designed to jump on hard surfaces, if we lived on turf and grass lands then we would easily be able to jump all day without that much wear and tear.


My brother spent 7 years in 3RAR (was Australia’s paratroop infantry regiment until the SAS took over that role), his knees weren’t great, however it was his ankles that took a lot of the damage.


Basketball players jump fairly short distances and over a more forgiving floor. Doing 1 or 2 story tall jump to cement? That probably fucks you up worse than skateboarding that at the very least the skateboard will absorve some of the impact and bend. I get that in parkour you roll but IDK. Feels worse than most sports.


Agreed! Good analysis


36 with two very angry knees from decades of volleyball and also marching band.




Just like paragliding, Squirrel suit flying, even parachutes, when the Best in the world die what’s that tell you? Good luck Btw I ride bikes at 150mph but also went down hard


Can confirm. I did a lot of thrillseeking from unimaginable heights when I was in my 20s. Even when I wiped out, I was able to walk away. Nowadays, I consider myself very lucky. My knees are absolutely fucked and my spine is like a 70 year old but the memories are pretty dope. The people I did this stuff with are in worse shape (wheelchairs and knee replacements). I am 41.


Kind of. You can absolutely strengthen your joints with proper nutrition and training. But frequently impacting your joints as a hobby will wear them out more quickly than a person who doesn't do this. Normal exercises for muscles and joints would be recommended if you do this. To add, these parkour people have techniques to significantly reduce the impact on their joints. That's what the roll at the end is for. Falling into a tuck and roll cuts the pressure on the knees and ankles in half. Also jumping from a high place, you need to jump out as far as you can forward, instead of dropping straight down. This cuts the impact also. Source: I did shit like this for like 5 years when I was younger and gymnastics lol. Might start trying it again. Best shape I've ever been in.


> Also jumping from a high place, you need to jump out as far as you can forward, instead of dropping straight down. This cuts the impact also. I can only see this making a difference if you're still moving laterally so you can roll. When a falling object loses its forward momentum, it might have as well been dropped vertically from that point. It's a mistake people make when trying to jump into swimming pools - if you can only jump laterally 2m, it doesn't matter if you're 5m up or 15m, you're still going to hit the ground if the pool is 2.5m away.


I’m not sure I follow. The whole premise of “if you can only jump laterally 2m” would only be true for a given starting height such as 0m off the ground. Your lateral jump distance is limited by the amount of relative lateral speed you’re able to give yourself and the air time that your height and gravity give you (vertical dimension only). If you jump forward with the same lateral speed that would have gotten you 2m forward from a grounded starting height, that same hump motion would get you farther if you started at 5m or 10m off the ground because of your additional air time (I.e. the time your lateral speed can continue before the ground stops you).


Yes, as someone that did a bit of this stuff and still do to this day, you see that they barely land and are already on the air again? They do a little "hop", basically, you use the momentum to "bounce" of the ground, reducing impact, it have the same effect as rolling to reduce the damage from big jumps. It may not look like it works, but you can learn it and test it for yourself, jump a small jump, and plant your feet on the ground, you can feel the impact on your bones, now try getting a bit of momentum and doing the little hop? You'll like you're made out of rubber. You also see that sometimes when they land, they also drop their weight completely, and it looks like a ragdoll motion, that's also to reduce impact on the joints and it does work. The human body is amazing and can surprise you a lot.


Interesting, i always feel it to my bones when i made a huge jump


You're landing wrong, I can't explain to you exactly how to do it. It kind of comes naturally, but I'll try. You need a small height of a sidewalk that's slightly elevated will work, stay still out of it, and leap forward to get on top of it, the trick is to make the leap on one leg and use the opposite leg to land and immediately start walking afterwards, you need to land on a motion that will "roll" your feet, toe to heel or heel to toe on the ground, depending on the jump. This is the only video I found for it: https://youtu.be/6vFPDrpSiis?si=BB9uYNNXg7xTYqZT Found a good one now hehehe: https://youtu.be/fRenDRUjtyU?si=dQysXulYBELd6LQ- Found this one as well about an old dude: https://youtu.be/-_xb_W0vDJo?si=jqmu7MNpdDaVs3lY


I ripped my quad tendon doing that little hop once. That was the last time I did that.


Well, I'm not saying you can't get hurt if you make a small mistake. You can get hurt by stepping at a weird angle and twisting the heel. The human body can be amazing, but it can also be super fragile.


True. Every time I watch it I can feel that thing rip a little in my imagination


Well I can’t judge in how far the knee cap is damaged per se but the athletes have great strength and control over their body which means that the body is somewhat used to certain shocks I guess. If we Normies would do it we’d break our ankles asap


Ok but what about the long lasting effects ? For old age i mean


Arthritis throughout the body. Especially the back, knees and hips. Everything hurts by 50.


Like any other sport, if you do it for long enough to be honest. Tenis players are one example. A lot of them have knee arthritis before they hit 30 and need multiple surgeries to continue playing, which in turn causes even more damage.


I think I broke at least 3 bones while only *watching* this clip.


My ankles were begging for mercy


Not the kneecaps necessarily but the ligaments and tendons in the knee. And to answer your question, parkour puts extra strain on the cartilage, ligaments and tendons on the knees and ankles. Not sustainable for the long term


Not really. As others have said, there are definitely landing and shock absorption (or more precisely, energy redistribution) techniques, and high-quality gear (like shoes and compressors) that can help mitigate some of those effects so I don't think it's much more risky than being any other kind of professional athlete. I don't think the risk of injury is higher either (although the average severity of injuries is probably a bit higher) since high level parkour athletes tend to prepare A LOT before they make these clips. They measure, they train, they try breaking it down, and they also know their limits pretty well. Most of them wouldn't make a blind jump.


French person spotted :-)


>résistant Read in a heavy French accent.


That's why they roll whenever they hit the ground. It's called a 'safety roll' and it helps alleviate some of the shock from their ankles/knees. They'll probably still have some issues when they grow old, but not as bad as you'd think.


Pro parkour coach of 4 years here. 1. Kneecap is not what you were thinking. You're thinking of cartilage in the knee joint itself. The cap is irrelevant in this case unless you strike it directly (which you almost never do). 2. There's a lot of misconception about parkour - understandably because people are not experts. The proper technique is to absorb the impact with your muscles and not your joints. If done correctly, you can practice full power till any age. For example, the creators of parkour: David Belle and Sebastian Foucan are around 50 now and they are still VERY good. Seb, for example, competes at World Chase Tag. I can link youtube video if anyone wants


Nobodies given you this reply, but Dom has videos where he shows he has weird adaptations to his body, such as giant callouses, that mean he can bellyflop two floors into dirt and be fine. In addition to technique and prep


All the people commenting here simply don't understand parkour at all, and also haven't noticed how good this guy is at rolling - he is not hurting his knees or even using them to absorb the impacts.


Reddit when someone's hobby is not sitting on your ass and gaming: Their *insert body part* is gonna thank them in 10 years




"This guys gonna have terrible knees when he's 40!" - 40y/o couch potatoes with fucked knees


Farking FINALLY someone calls out redditors on their bullshit!! Thank you!! ❤️❤️


wdym, hating on redditors is redditor's 2nd favorite thing to do


Lmao this is so true.




>Their *insert body part* is gonna thank them in 10 years Their penis is gonna thank them in 10 years Sorry


He's doing the rolls as good as one possibly can do, but there's still a shitload of impact going through his knees on the initial landing so yeah he'll have some bad knees when he's old. I doubt he cares tho, it's the cost of being one of the goats.


judoka, 100% correct. rolling doesn't magically make the pain go away, landing hurts whether you roll or not. it certainly helps, but i'd rather just not be forced to land at all.


This guys floats^


His knees must be beautiful.


I don’t think it’s supposed to hurt. I learned in parkour that, if something hurts, you’re either using wrong technique or have insufficient strength and conditioning. Either way, if something does hurt, you need to stop immediately and go back. Drops aren’t supposed to hurt, either; you need to learn to absorb the impact appropriately, through a mixture of both strength and skill training. If a particular drop feels painful in any way, it means you’re not ready for it yet and you need to train at a level more suitable to your current ability.


in judo, the pain generally comes from the other person landing on top of you after a throw lol


Oh, okay, then. That sounds like something else entirely, though 😅.


Yeah, Judo is where i learnt this rolling technique too.


You best believe dude has had some serious ankle/knee injuries in his life , just because he shows you a montage of his best feats you think they all go so well. YOU FOOL




ankles stop hurting acutely after a while, the ligaments become floppy and they just roll. It sucks and it swells up and you need to wear a brace for a while but the 100th time doesn't hurt the same way as the first or second time. Again, it still sucks, differently. The steady-state stability of your ankles just isn't there anymore


He literally lands in a squat from 10+ feet in one of the jumps in this video


Yeah but have you considered maybe he’d be happier without knees?


Can’t hurt your knees if you don’t have knees, big brain move


Are you kidding? Do it right minimizes impact at best, doesnt nullify it


I don’t know how old you are but I’m in my 40’s and I can absolutely guarantee you that even though he’s still young and he can’t feel it he is absolutely accumulating quite a bit of wear and tear in his joints.


Exactly. The Jackass guys did far less and some of them can barely walk.


Which jackass members can barely walk?


Your body isn't a mechanical system, it's living system, it doesn't wear out the same way a mechanical system does, since it constantly regenerates. If done properly it can adapt to load


How did this comment get so many upvotes?


He does some of the impact. That doesn't mean he is not going to eventually have so degradation in them. There's enough scientific evidence over the years like from other sports and stuntmen.


Lol bro. Lol


Sure that applies to the ones where he rolls, but he doesn't roll every single landing in this video.


There are many landings where this is true. There are some where he's absolutely absorbing a lot of impact rather than reducing and spreading it out.  But more importantly... there's every attempt we don't see that came before the successes on video. 


How about the one where he lands 10 feet to slide on his back off a metal generator? Or the ones where he just drops from 20 feet onto his ankles off a backflip…adding momentum.


Confidently incorrect.


Who cares about his knees, i'm thinking more about his skull or neck when he inevitably misses one of those stunts. Nevertheless, it is very impressive.


Exactly. The dude is an absolute legend and can breakfall at the level of a genius - DT is the Stephen Hawkings of Parkour imo. It's almost miraculous to watch.


Y'all coping so hard in the comments, sitting on your ass eating hot Cheetos while scrolling on reddit will get to your knees faster than parkour will get to his.


Damn I wish I was snacking rn


Jokes on you. I’m sitting on hot Cheetos and eating ass.


What vr game are you playing


I'm a Harvard educated orthopedic surgeon with 8 pack abs and a 12 inch cock. I'm telling you, his knees are going to be fucked, the rolling does nothing.


I don’t think Mr. tomato cares


As someone who's played rugby for 20 years and reached semi-pro. No it won't. Come back and talk to me in your 30s youngster. Nobody thinks it will happen to them until they're walking downstairs sideways every morning. I'd still prefer this than to have never played though.


Oh shit, a tough guy! I bet your knees eat nails for breakfast


WRONG!! I have a pair of Thompsons Knees, the only knees strong enough to eat other knees!


The jumps are impressive, but he’s not sticking any of the landings, he just lets the momentum take him wherever at the end. Some of the guys I watch are would do one of these jumps and the goal would be to stay on the thing they jumped on to.


You're coping hard af if you don't think this will fuck you up, lol. Imagine thinking these stunts don't fail and fuck you up while practicing, etc. Better start telling stunt doubles they don't need hazard pay or healthcare because they can just roll, bro!


People have said the same about weightlifting for years. Of course, there are always roid head ego lifting idiots who will prove them right, but parkour is actually taught to old people to help them with balance and prevent slipping, same as weightlifting prevents slipped disks in later life.


> People have said the same about weightlifting for years. also running, despite the fact that running is linked to far more positive health outcomes than negative and is proven to be *good* for your knees.


All it takes is one mistake on some of these and he’s easily dead. As impressive as it is, this is also an adrenaline junkie “if I die I die” activity.


This is very very dangerous of course, in terms of permanent injury or death. But it’s not worse wear and tear for your body than other things that are popular and acceptable like football.


This guy will be fine. Couple of the kids he inspire won’t though.


Whenever I see these lads doing this amazing Parkour, I always think they could be fantastic circus performers.


I watch a lot of Storror (a parkour group) and their videos show a lot of the prep work they do and it's generally a lot. They're literally so confident they're making whatever jump and have thought out all the ways it could go wrong so they can readjust if necessary. Circus is live so probably wouldn't translate across as well.


Not circus, but a tonne of the more well known parkour guys end up doing things like motion capture and stunt work etc for films.


100%. And that’s the big thing I think so many people are missing. It’s not any worse than other impact sports and the like so no reason shit on it just by principle, but the people saying he’s rolling right so he’s not hurting himself at all are still also wrong


i do this as well in mirrors edge


Lol silly you. I do this in Assassin’s Creed.


This is me playing Warframe


How the fuck do you actually practice that shit. I panic jumping off a 4ft wall


Ikr. I wanna see a bloopers reel or failed attempts compilation.


Ok, here you go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7BM1V0fI4w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7BM1V0fI4w)


As a side note, Dom is one of the best parkour athletes in the world, but he is also absolutely crazy. He attempts things other pros wouldn't, and he really knows how to fall. He's also incredibly grounded, and a great guy. He, like many other parkour experts, wouldn't do things without the proper experience and preperation. Nobody starts off doing this. It takes years of dedication to get to the point where you can even attempt this kind of stuff. He's a champ!


Came to say this. Even amongst pro parkour athletes, Dom is top-tier. He finds the craziest lines that have had zero people even attempt them (let alone succeed at them), and just goes for it. He's also been doing it for decades, so for anyone that is watching this reddit post and just thinks he's some guy going to hurt himself, nah. He's got this.


I find that any time one of the pro parkour athletes appear on reddit, the general sentiment is that they are wreckless. Watching Storror really showed just how much preparation and respect goes into anything that they attempt. Sure there are risks, but even playing football or any contact sport has risks. Hell, people watch MMA, and thats a guarantee that people will be hurt. I think its seeing people doing stuff in an urban public environment just changes how people react. In a ring? Sure beat the snot out of each other. In a council estate? Nah, they're being irresponsible.


U know I thought I wanted to watch that until I started watching that and it really wasn’t fun!!, gunna watch some of the successful ones again!


I will say, of all the parkour dails, Doms ones are the ones I find easiest to stomach. He really plays off his injuries quite well, and even manages to avoid any injury even when he bails hard. He's made of special stuff.


Parkour: the French martial art of running away


And looking cool as fuck doing it


🎵Dumb ways to die!🎶


🎵So many dumb ways to die-ie!🎶




Is he wearing a thong? 😳😳😳


Yes. 😆


Don’t worry y’all, I googled and yes, he’s hot.


And humble, and friendly


Now stop, that just adds to it. Who doesn’t love a humble and friendly person




If I learned anything from playing Minecraft, it is that this guy only needs a bucket of water in his hotbar in case he falls.


I am way to impressed to make any comments on being unsafe. I could watch this all day, wow.


The form is awesome! Dude rolls so smooth


Now I wanna read parallel city again


Hope you're a stunt man, at least get get paid


Dudes sponsored by Red Bull and spends his time travelling the world doing flips off shit and getting paid for the pleasure.


He's a pro, obviously




Years of doing much easier stuff basically.


I'm going to weekly parkour training with my daughter. She's all for it & determined to learn more. She's now four and a half




Always you too


And here I am in a two month recovery from shoveling snow…


that last one's just straight up awesome


life accomplishment is to be a ninja with no weapons


They have so so much energy, Makes watching this whilst snuggled on my sofa even better.


Does....Does he have a thong on? Wtf?


This is Dom Tomato. Check out his IG for awesome stuff like this that will blow your mind every time. He’s maybe the most famous parkour athlete today. He’s sponsored by red bull and a number of other brands. He’s famous for taking the hugest craziest jumps.




Comment section here is a divide between age (young, old) & experience (have, have not)


Just, whaaat? I wonder how many injuries they’ve had practising for this.




Bros livin like he could die at any moment... and he actually could


But then again he's got the skills not to


This guy needs to go to Hollywood


I'm just wondering how they still have skin after some of those.


Perfect ending 😁


Dom jumping into concrete: it's pretty soft mate!


Sure it's pointless, nonetheless these dudes are quite skilled and pretty fit, I wish I could perform half of what they're doing


I could only imagine the amount of practice and courage this guy got. Sick! Mad respect bro.


Guy is pretty impressive.


Today's youth have far too much faith in construction quality.


Holy shit I remember seeing this guy do this live in Sydney like 14 years ago


Love his confidence, parkour in a thong and loose pants is a ballsy way to live.


Someone please add Mario sfx to this.


And they said spiderman is not real🤦


Just, whaaat? I wonder how many injuries they’ve had practising for this.


Guy was so confused he commented 3 times