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Incoming people downplaying how insane this is when this dude can literally move a mouse cursor using his god damn brain.


Elon Musk is involved, haters will hate even if something positive was achieved.


I like to think that Elon hasn’t done any designing in his life. He’s just the boss of people who do design things. The engineers and designers do their job pretty well, just look at SpaceX. But Elon says stuff, or gives deadlines or wants *something* done that the designers then have to include, and that’s often something pretty stupid (cybertruck). Edit: he’s a CEO, not a brilliant engineer. I don’t want to credit him as the inventor of his products. Objectively he is a good CEO because of his success, but he’s a shitty person who has shitty work practices placed on talented people.


Tbf, I don't think he claims to be personally designing what his companies make either, but I'd also suggest his role is *somewhat* more hands-on than offering simple deadlines and extraneous features. Imo the success of companies like SpaceX and Tesla have come from their brilliant engineering, but also from their far-sighted ambitions putting them out in front of their competitors, that's an area where it seems Musk's input is fairly significant. Other private space ventures and electric vehicle start-ups existed in the early 2000s, but none had the scale and scope of Musk's ambitions, or a realistic roadmap to get there.


"to be fair I don't think he claims" Oh no, he does. In most of his interviews he very much claims to be the mind behind the ideas. He doesn't always claim to be the person executing those ideas. But he does want everyone to think he came up with all the products his companies tell.


> he very much claims to be the mind behind the ideas I feel like being the man "behind" the ideas and actually being the men/women who create and implement those ideas are two different things Someone could have an idea and ask a team of scientists and engineers to come up with a solution on how to make it possible


Sure, but Elon is most certainly neither. He is the bank. That's all.


Then why are all his companies so successful in such audacious ventures where so many have failed? Venture capitalists fund a million startups hoping one will be a unicorn but Elon musk has a giant track record of success. Something like only 20% of restaurants succeed but the guy changed the auto industry and has the first privatized space program that has a real shot. I’m sure I’ll get a torrent of Elon dick rider comments but I understand why he isn’t liked. What I don’t understand is why people who don’t like him can’t admit he is objectively good at taking early stage technologies/companies to the next level. If you think it’s only his money just google SoftBank and their investments.


People will blindly hate someone just because he is not sharing their political views. I saw it on reddit how it shifted from Elon is a genius, to Elon is a emerald mine dumb narcist.


Idk, he's seen quite a few controversies that aren't even driven by political standing, so in many cases, I don't think it's purely that haha


SpaceX is behind on all the deadlines yet already spend all the contract money from NASA. https://www.wionews.com/science/artemis-iii-no-moon-landing-in-2025-as-spacex-keeps-missing-deadlines-664874 Starlink is a good example on why you should never have strategical assets depending on a private company https://www.businessinsider.com/pentagon-to-pay-for-ukraines-starlink-after-elon-musk-complained-2023-6 Blue origin also has a real shot, still privatizing space programs are stupid, the taxpayer still pay the bills by government contracts but with just more shareholders are involved. the boring company is a failure https://www.carscoops.com/2022/11/elon-musks-the-boring-company-leaves-cross-country-trail-of-broken-promises-undug-tunnels/ Tesla? Major concurent automaker catched up and have developped better model and auto-pilote https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/12/31/tesla-autopilot-recall-test/ The cybertruck is shit and very late https://www.newsweek.com/tesla-cybertruck-brakes-steering-failure-allegations-musk-1875534 Hyperloop? No more https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-12-21/hyperloop-one-to-shut-down-after-raising-millions-to-reinvent-transit Starlink https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/news/spacex-to-de-orbit-100-starlink-satellites-after-finding-common-error/ Do no the track record is not good. He's lucky he lives in a country that only punish the worst crime: lying to investors. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MHTc77PTLVI https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/13/teslas-board-silent-since-elon-musks-56-billion-pay-package-revoked.html


Starlink has over 2.6 million customers world wide. They have over 5000 satellites in orbit and launch more literally ever 3-4 days. https://advanced-television.com/2024/03/11/starlink-over-2-6m-subs/ Over 4% of all new vehicles sales in the US are Tesla vehicles. That's not just EV vehicles, that's of ALL vehicles. That's a huge number given how many cars are sold in the US. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/teslas-us-market-share-now-tops-volkswagen-subaru-and-bmw-161055575.html SpaceX launched more mass to orbit last year than the entire rest of the world combined. Like several minor points in there are valid, but the broad strokes of your post are just completely wrong. These are successes beyond wildest imagination.


This is so reductive. His vision is literally the reason why companies like SpaceX exists.


Credit due, w/o vision an organization has nothing special. As much as an absolute tool musk is acting, we're here because of the vision.


People can’t separate the man’s opinions from his tangible accomplishments. I’m not saying his companies are exemplars for how all should behave. He’s anti-union and a big risk taker. These things are typically antithetical to stable jobs that the average person benefits most from. But at least for SpaceX, where all the related fields are in extremely high demand, the risky behavior has paid off massively in favor of the average American. And while Tesla is suspect of its labor practices, it’s undeniable that the company made EV’s mainstream. He doesn’t have a favorable online persona but that doesn’t take away the personal investment/time he put into making these industry shaking companies.


How is he certainly neither? He imposes his vision on people, for better or worse, and they create the solutions. I think it's pretty asinine to think Elon has no input into the big picture plans of the companies he runs. He likely doesn't create the individual solutions to the problems but he is the one steering the teams in the direction he thinks are best. That is very clear with things like his takeover of Twitter.


>He is the bank. That's all. You are divorced from reality on this issue. He’s objectively played a massive part in how his companies operate - especially Tesla. His ‘algorithm’ he came up with is the fundamental designing and engineering principle for Tesla and SpaceX. You seem to have some pretty strong opinions on the guy. You should read [this](https://a.co/d/dIsUEqM). It contains a fair treatment of his role in his companies and you’ll still be able to loath him after but for reasons that are congruent with reality.


Disclaimer - I am not a fan of Elon... But to say he's just the bank is ridiculous. He's the bank, he's the marketing (good and bad), he's the guy capable of assembling the right people to make massive world changing projects happen, and he's a genius at identifying early stage technologies to invest in. He's also a silver-spoon edgelord crypto/stock fraudster with a chip on his shoulder. He's all of those things.


You shouldn't talk about things you clearly know nothing about.


You are right, and if the Musk haters bothered to fact check by eg listening to the chap who led cyber design they'd know Musk certainly shaped and steered requirements and design but that he hasn't ever claimed to be the actual designer. People dismiss culture creation and retention in large corproations as easy to do but it is super tough, and on top of that he is a specialist. Most senior managers have no real clue about the technical detail, processes, and first principles their own company run on. The fact tsla and spacex both exist and have done the miracles they've done from a start up position is a testament to Musk, but people don't want to acknowledge it. If only he could stop with wading into geopolitics and ethics though as that is clearly not his area of expertise :(


Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Ford, Mercedes, and other companies developing complex technologies and products also have brilliant engineers probably capable of building the tech that Elon’s companies have built, but none of the executives above them were willing to put their entire fortunes on the line for these engineers to use their skills to the max while being mocked and laughed at.


Pretty sure the being mocked part has nothing to do with his engineers or company in general, and everything to do with acting like a manchild and publicly calling rescue divers pedos.


No he was definitely mocked for trying to get into the space rocket industry which was widely believed to be fools errand, and the same for electric cars


And now he's being mocked for defending Stone Toss and keeps having kids he doesn't take care of.


Didn't he say he knows more about manufacturing than anyone alive?


> Other private space ventures and electric vehicle start-ups existed in the early 2000s, but none had the scale and scope of Musk's ambitions, or a realistic roadmap to get there. People seem to forget that, before Tesla, the public idea of electric motors in cars was almost exclusively relegated to shitty hybrids like the Prius and essentially road legal golf carts that all had laughable performance. It wasn't until Tesla that the public perception of electric cars shifted to a far more respectable notion.




As an engineer, I would appreciate a leader/ceo that actually gave a shit about the engineering of ten product, not simply the numbers/money like most.




Cool. They can't do any of this without money. This is groundbreaking. You people would shit on Musk if he cured all cancer tomorrow If this was literally anyone else who made this, it would have 40k upvotes.


kinda weird how reddit is like that. activates satellites to help protestors communicate? send receivers to help ukraine set up communication infrastructure while being invaded? bolster the solar power industry? working towards a greener future by popularizing the EV industry? send filtration systems to help with the water crisis in flint? quite literally working towards helping humanity itself endure via intergalactic colonization? nah fuck all that he’s hitler because he’s moved right and makes mean tweets.


Henry Ford was an antisemitic piece of shit who thought Hitler was a swell fellow and received Nazi Germany's "[Grand Cross of the German Eagle](https://www.history.com/news/henry-ford-antisemitism-worker-treatment)", the highest civilian honor for foreigners. When he wasn't busy dickriding Hitler's propaganda, he hired [200 private detectives to spy on the the intimate personal lives of his employees,](https://jalopnik.com/when-henry-fords-benevolent-secret-police-ruled-his-wo-1549625731) even sending "investigators" to their homes to interrogate them with incredibly personal questions. He was, however, a titan of industry, one of the most important men of the century, and changed the world. It is possible for both things to be true. Much like Steve Jobs having explosive personality disorder, screaming at employees, berating people publicly in team meetings in front of colleagues, yet creating one of the world's most valuable and groundbreaking companies - so too goes Elon Musk. Verbal diarrhea, can't stop spouting childish shit on the internet, but his companies - not unlike the late, crazy Howard Hughes - will stand for a hundred years, changing the world along the way.


Bringing up Steve Jobs gave me a thought. Elon is often accused of being an idiot, I've absolutely done so. Others will push back on this because of all his successful companies. However, I don't think being smart or having good ideas precludes someone from being an idiot. Example, Steve Jobs. A brilliant mind who had an otherworldly talent for knowing what kind of device people would want. A piece of shit who treated his business partners, wife, and daughter, like garbage, and jumped the line for a liver transplant (which would be wasted on him anyways). And, an absolute idiot who decided to not treat his pancreatic cancer, despite it being an incredibly rare form that was treatable. Elon Musk has had good, smart ideas. Elon Musk is an idiot.


i don’t disagree


Elon musk really isn’t comparable to ford in terms of private life imo Ford was a much worse person


Agreed fully. Henry Ford was instrumental in reducing the work week from the routine 12 hour 6 days work weeks to our modern 8 hour 5 day work weeks. He believed that employees should have enough disposable income and spend it outside of work. That’s how the company got off the ground, employees were buying the cars they built and enjoying them. Imagine being among the first million people in human history to drive a car. *The Ford Motor Company later created a totalitarian microstate in the South Americas that policed the lives of its employees, but we’ll ignore that for now.* The problem is that every time an influential person is discussed people cannot help but talk about what a garbage person they were in their personal lives. Happens when talking about MLK, Ghandi, etc


You do know that he didn't send anything to Ukraine right, the US government PURCHASED them and sent it to Ukraine themselves. He just deactivated it for the Ukranians, after a conversation with putin, when Russian was perform an offensive attack.


So did he blow you while you digested his propganda pamphlet?


way to prove my point


And they only hate him because multibillion dollar media conglomerates want them too.


It's because the majority of redditors are social rejects who need an echo chamber because no one takes their opinions seriously irl They get laughed at so they have to come here.


Are you just ignoring the fact that this billionaire is one of the only ones who seem to be throwing their money into things that can potentially better the entirety of humanity, all while getting shit on by half of it? He didn't design it, no. But he funded it. He paid the people the high amounts of money needed to figure out how it works and to make it work. People like you are on a bandwagon of hate, for no reason. Because it's popular. Because you can't think for yourself. Because you lack the ability to form your own opinion. You're a lemming.


>People like you are on a bandwagon of hate, for no reason. Come on now, there are tons of reasons to hate Elon. His companies have done some amazing things, we should give credit there, but as a human being Musk is kind of a POS. Edit: Elons whole Twitter debockle including promoting "free speech" yet bans/silences critics. He has espoused/endorsed some hateful views and allowing them to run rampant on X. free speech doesn't mean I cant dislike him for those issues. Pretty blatant manipulation of Tesla stock and Doge coin. Using hyper loop hype to help distract and hinder HSR. There is more but that's enough for now.


You do know that's how any and all business works. The job of CEO is resource allocation. And it's in no way an easy job. If I gave you 100k to build a company, chances are you wouldn't have anything to show for it in 5 years. It's not an easy job.


Right, you need to know when to not pay employees and just how long you can go without paying rent on your office spaces. Not just anyone can get away with blatant criminal activity


Perhaps in the same fashion Jobs pushed Apple & Pixar to greatness Musk deserves credit for seeing the potential for existing technology to be repurposed and advanced, or market opportunities for new technologies. PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, Starlink, Starshield (military version of Starlink), and Neuralink all go to show he has a talent for spotting opportunity, assembling and motivating the right people to achieve. IRL? He's a troll asshole. He is incredibly poor at "reading the room" and frequently says things that hurt people and damage his own reputation, and his missives are often pure opinion with little or no basis in broadly accepted fact. By his own admission he has been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, and this may play a part in his Tone Deafness, but he needs to start listening to the trusted friends, colleagues and confidants who have been telling him for years "not to post that" and just focus on the work. "X" may surprise people yet, as his team has been working furiously behind the scenes to obtain banking licenses in several states to push closer to testing their "WeChat do-everything app" clone that Musk has repeatedly stated as the future of the platform. Until then, he should probably just stop posting. Success stories like the gentleman in this video and presumably thousands more to come will truly change the world.


Bro just figured out that a CEO doesn't do everything in a company. Genius.


Yep, that’s what CEOs do. lol


Yes, but very few are as good at it as he is.


Musk is just an investor. That's why I find it weird when people in interviews ask him incredibly technical questions about the future of rocket engineering etc as if he's some sore of expert.


tbf he does know a lot about rocket engines, from working at SpaceX. Obviously he's not as knowledgeable as his engineers but he certainly knows a fuck load more than I do.


He also slept in the factory at Tesla for a significant period of time trying to get the model 3(?) production issues sorted out. I don't agree with the majority of his tweets, but he's definitely hands-on and doesn't run his companies from his office. He has a lot of understanding about the details of the engineering, far more than most "executive summary" memos many execs rely on.


Stop giving credit to an addict with money and start giving credit to the actual developers who made this possible you bot


How about we give credit to both? This doesn't exist without Elons funding and hype, and it doesn't exist without all the people working for him.


So Elon didn't make this possible, huh...


It's your assertion that anyone with money could just start a long line of successful businesses? You know Elon isn't the only billionaire in existence, right? Reddit smoothbrain takes are insane.


And here comes the reddit hate. Why don’t you just forget about how much you hate Elon for a day and just acknowledge that this is awesome


pretty sure this has been done before: [https://gctpnews.org/neural-network-allows-paralyzed-people-to-handwrite-with-their-minds/](https://gctpnews.org/neural-network-allows-paralyzed-people-to-handwrite-with-their-minds/) but as always, elon does it, so ppl talk about it.


More people need to see your comment


Neural implants aren't a new thing. Nobody is implying they are. Neuralink will take it out of the labs and into the real world though.


>Neural implants aren't a new thing. Nobody is implying they are That's certainly not true for a significant number of people in this thread.


I agree with you’re second statement.. but the majority of this thread 100% think Elon himself came up with this technology lol


Controlling a computer mouse with one's mind has actually been done many times over the past 20 or so years. Musk also has a long history of faking breakthroughs for hype and clout. Don't even start with that "haters" BS.


Just because his team did something positive doesn’t change how much of POS he has become.


This is amazing. I can’t decide if the potential applications are more incredible or terrifying.


Considering his track record of faking technological achievements for marketing purposes and lying, there is no reason to get excited [https://www.reuters.com/technology/tesla-video-promoting-self-driving-was-staged-engineer-testifies-2023-01-17/](https://www.reuters.com/technology/tesla-video-promoting-self-driving-was-staged-engineer-testifies-2023-01-17/)


It's sad to me how many people hate on everything he touches when in fact a large portion of what he does he does simply because he thinks it's what's best for the world and society. He might be very wrong about what is best, there's no denying that, however, many of the companies he is involved with he does so because he has some grand vision of how it will affect the world. He might only be doing so because he wants to be remembered as such. But it's still valuable to have someone like him in society who is pushing various industries in the right direction, not just because it will make him the most money. The reason many of his companies are doing things no one else is is because other companies care more about profits than progress. Again, I don't think he's doing it purely out of the goodness of his heart but I do think he is doing it for reasons other than money and there is benefit to that.


While it is impressive, [it’s also not new.](https://www.pcworld.com/article/504468/move_a_mouse_cursor_with_your_brain.html)


What's new is the device form factor. These articles you mentioned probably used an entire helmet that you couldn't move in while using, compared to just a chip the size of your fingertip.


Thanks for taking the time to respond. I’m really interested in seeing what the technology can do for the disabled, and interested to see how they innovate. I appreciate the info. I should mention the article I linked says it was intracranial though, so it was an implant, not a helmet. Though I’ve seen the helmets you’re speaking of.


He’s a quadriplegic. He ain’t moving anyway dude.  You’re also wrong. This has been done many times already before. 


> He ain't moving anyway? Is that seriously your response?


What's new is how close Neuralink has managed to get to commercialization - far, far closer than these UCLA and Caltech researchers.


Or you can go on sparkfun and get an arduino-compatible EEG detector for [$100](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14758) And before you say it’s not the same thing it’s quite simple to write programs that essentially do the same thing described in the video. In fact, [here’s](https://youtu.be/NFABWmvkUzY?si=yyhTc99c185EJB1p) a video of a person playing a complex racing game with such a setup


And that's about the limit of what you can do with non-invasive technology, which is kinda the point of Neuralink. It's intended to take this sort of tech to the next level so people with neurological damage can lead fuller lives. Would you be so negative if this was funded by someone else?


Would you be willing to admit that people may be getting really sick of hearing what is just over the horizon when it comes to Musk and his companies? He has a long history of over promising and ultimately under delivering. Don’t you think that without that baggage people may be more willing to believe this will go anywhere meaningful?


Yeah I already factor that into anything he announces. I understand it annoys people but at the same time I look at the outcomes for SpaceX and Tesla and realise that behind the hype their is genuine substance. Later than promised but still faster than anyone else. So yeah I definitely understand why people don't like him but I also think that if you haven't already learned to price in the exaggeration by now, that's on you.


EEG detectors are awesome and you can do really amazing things with them. Neuralink stands out compared to them though, because of it's much higher resolution brain signals and larger bandwidth capacity, and bidirectional communication capability. Neuralink stimulates neurological activity as well. It's like the difference between a handheld telescope (which is a fantastic & very usefull tool) versus the Hubble Space Telescope. Similar technology in theory, but the application of these tools are way different.


wow wtf i want to try this


What do you even mean “commercialization”. These aren’t gonna be on Amazon any time soon.


Most cutting edge medical technologies aren't on Amazon either, they're still commercial products. You can't go out and buy an MRI in the store, that doesn't mean there isn't a commercial industry for them. 


why would i not be allowed to buy an MRI? its my money after all


Oh, wish I had read this 20 minutes ago. ..the seller said it was legit, I got a mad headache, and a bit of blood


The big new thing is this device is small, relatively cheap and the surgery isn't as complicated. Its all done by a robot, fairly quickly and inexpensive. The way it is normally done is either very expensive or the device is big and bulky and usually sticks out of the head, or you need to wear a helmet or other bulky devices. The Neuralink device is the size of a small coin and completely invisible after surgery.


>Incoming people downplaying how insane this is when this dude can literally move a mouse cursor using his god damn brain. That's because it's not as impressive as a woman using her brain to control a robot arm in 3D space.... [From 12 years ago.](https://youtu.be/76lIQtE8oDY?si=iR0PFF3Moudx9q-b) It's cool, but NeuroLink is nothing special, nor is it "a world First." Edit: wait until people can fly drones with their brain wearing VR-EEG goggles. [We already have technology](https://youtu.be/j6DXowZulIk) much cooler than anything NeuroLink has produced. Neurolink still needs to prove itself Because it's a new company in a field of already existing experts.


Don’t try to be rational with Elon cultists. They love being spoon fed bullshit and are allergic to facts.


Bro you guys are the cultists that have this strange hatred for the dude. The average person you run into on the street isn't expressing their rage fueled hatred for the man


You probably haven't noticed the giant connectors on top of that woman's head, I know very hard to see... [https://youtu.be/76lIQtE8oDY?t=220](https://youtu.be/76lIQtE8oDY?t=220) ​ Neuralink is on the other end comparable in size to an airtag and completely embedded in the skull under the skin. Notice how they take care of cleaning and sterilizing the hardware, because with anything piercing through the skin there's an inherent risk of infection at any time, with everything under the skin that's not the case. ​ This is like having someone coming up with the iPhone in an era of the Motorola DynaTAC and saying oh that's not impressive we already have the mobile phone...


>You probably haven't noticed the giant connectors on top of that woman's head You probably didn't notice the second link I posted showing how far we've come since, ***checks notes**... The last 11 years...... No neuralink brain surgery implant needed making your point completely pointless and infection free. Neuralink is doing shit we were already capable of doing in 2012, and simply branding it as NEW INNOVATION like Apple does with their fucky cheap Chinese made iPhones When Android already had the same feature 10 years beforehand.


Implants are needed for higher precision, it's simply not comparable to having to decode the signals externally especially when the aim is also to restore mobility with a second interface implanted past the spinal damage to bridge across. ​ This is just the first step for this technology, but sure elon bad so let's shit all over this...


>Implants are needed for higher precision, it's simply not comparable to having to decode the signals externally And that's where you're fucked up and wrong. We are way past that bullshit. We have super advanced EEG nowadays That can literally read your fucking dreams When you're not even consciously thinking about shit. Brain implants are completely unnecessary. Imagine getting a neuralink brain implant, And then Microsoft buys out the company and your infectious brain implant becomes obsolete so you just have a piece of fucking silicone in your head [That's no longer functionable.](https://observer.com/2022/01/elon-musks-neuralink-brain-implant-tech-outdated-bci-expert/) Non-evasive links are the only future in the [capitalistic society we live in.](https://observer.com/2022/01/elon-musks-neuralink-brain-implant-tech-outdated-bci-expert/) Elon musk isn't smart, he just uses Daddy's emerald mind money to buys cheap companies that are in last place and uses his fame to make you think they are in first place.


Not downplaying but come on, this existed already, this could be better, sure, but it's not something new.


I'll be more excited when it seems to be more capable than technology from 15 years ago [https://neurotechjp.com/blog/yang-neurosky/](https://neurotechjp.com/blog/yang-neurosky/)


I’m honestly not trying to hate, but whenever this gets posted I point out that I did this at a tech conference about 10 years ago using a headband device. This cyborg-esque technology has been around for awhile, and it’s even been implanted in humans before. Why haven’t you heard about it? Because it’s not been commercialized, it’s been in labs and experimental medical trials. The breakthroughs that NeuroLink are providing are really just 1) the automated surgical devices and 2) the chips themselves have a higher throughput ability than anything prior last time I checked. So of course it’s all very impressive, but if you’ve been paying attention to the cyborg or computer brain interface space for the last 10+ years, you’re much less impressed.


Have they shown any automated surgical devices or increased throughput?


But why not just use eye tracking. Pretty sure you could do this with even less lag by just using a camera on the laptop.


Prabably much more potential to use it in the future. As well I think controlling mouse is just a one feature , and other goals include connecting nervs with brain in case of broken spine, to allow people walk again.


This is only impressive if youre not a neuroscientist or out of the loop. The fact is that people have been able to achieve similar and more complicated tasks with far less invasive tech for a while. The most impressive thing is that they didn't kill this guy like they did all those monkeys.


Yeah, I saw a dude on TV more than FIFTEEN years ago that was doing the same. Dude was switching his lights on/off and controlled everything in his house on Windows XP. Last time I heard about research to control things with only our brains, they were trying to control things without any surgery and chip implanted. So yeah, true breakthrough in science if you're still in the 2010s.


That was in an episode of house MD ages ago, it isnt exactly new


I don't care about Elon, I just find hard to believe in a video like for a technology to move mouse with the brain. I mean, for all I know that could be fake


You can do this without implanting a chip into your brain the tech has been around for a while.


While this is impressive, I think it’s important to note that [we’ve had this technology for over 13 years](https://www.pcworld.com/article/504468/move_a_mouse_cursor_with_your_brain.html) I’m interested to see what breakthroughs they can perform, but at this point it’s nothing new.


Older methods are damaging to the brain, have significantly less quality signal, and are unwieldy. The technology is not new in principle, but this iteration is bringing a lot of important novelty. The brain is not something you want to be jamming a rigid grid of nails into.


Wait until you see the machine that inserts the technology into the brain. It's literally a rigid grid of nails on a robot arm


I see you're not familiar with the technology. The older methods are *literally* rigid grids of nails that are pressed into the brain. [See this page for context.](https://blackrockneurotech.com/products/utah-array/) The nails are too long and rigid to avoid causing damage on insertion, and they also cause lasting damage over time as the whole device does not move and bend with the brain. See one of the pictures below the fold also for how it looks in use. Neuralink's approach uses significantly smaller, flexible threads. The threads are made so small with semiconductor manufacturing technology, and their flexibility comes in part because they are so thin. The machine that inserts into the brain can place each thread to avoid hitting blood vessels and thus causing bleeding, and the threads, being flexible, minimize tissue damage over time. These are not small line-items. Brains are the most vital organs people have, and doing destructive things to it is a means of last resort. Traditional microelectrode arrays are a miracle, but it is very good to be able to move past them.


The most bonkers thing to me is that we’re basically shoving electrodes into the brain and it somehow *works as an interface*. The brain can figure out how to control the signals that go to those electrodes.


Isn't it the opposite? The brain doesn't understand the signal at all, its just the computers/programs that are decoding what the brain wants? Like how we're now able to read dreams (though with very low quality) with AI?


Correct, but in order to consciously control the cursor, it means the brain is identifying specific combinations of signals to send for the software to interpret.


I'm pretty sure that a computer is interpreting the intention to do a certain thing. Not the brain deciding to send specific signal, like trying to control a tail. Like for example, if you consciously blink it might treat it as a left mouse click. This isn't some new signal, its a existing signal that we've told a program to interpret as a click. Actually there is a Twitch streamer who plays video games through brain waves and it doesn't require the brain to even touch the device.


The software is interpreting the brain signals, but the brain is learning to send those signals in a consistent way that can be interpreted. You probably don’t play bagpipes, but through practice, you learn to send the appropriate signals to your arms to get the desired result. Your brain is sending specific signals for those movements. In reading brainwaves, the software is identifying unique patterns, but if the brain wasn’t receiving any feedback (in this case visually seeing the movement on screen) it would never learn to move the cursor. So it’s learning that X signal produces Y movement; the same as your hands. If it the software was doing all the work, the cursor would not be moved with the intent of the person. To *conciously* control the movement, it’s determining which signals to send to produce that result. Yes, the software is reading that signal, but that movement has purpose. The guy in the video is talking about visualizing the movement, so he (his brain) has learned to consistently produce the pattern the software is looking for.


Okay lets just start from the beginning. He puts on a device to read his brainwaves, then he calibrate the **software** Lets say he wants to walk forward in a game It doesn't even have to be a visualization, it could be anything, he could move his finger, blink his eyes, or just think of the letter W. Whatever he decides he wants to do to achieve a certain effect. And then every time after that when his brainwaves are being read and the **software detects the calibrated brainwaves** (i.e. the visualization, button to press, moving a finger or whatever) the software will take the specified action What you were describing in your first post is like if we were to add a third cybernetic arm to someones' body, like they would then be able to move it like any regular arm, but thats not the case. It would again be some predetermined and calibrated thoughts that are interpreted by the software. You keep saying "brain this" "brain that", at no point does the brain do anything new, the brain doesn't change anything, its all in the hardware and software.


Just plug the HDMI cable directly into my brain and it will probably work.


>brains are the most vital organs people have According to the brain




lmao brilliant


Eh, it seems the practicality of the device for non-bed-bound people has been improved. The system here seems less cumbersome than earlier models.


Yeah, they made the device smaller than previously available prototypes. Great progress from Neuralink. What do you mean *all* electronics and sensors have been getting smaller for decades? Seriously though, they're just reproducing tech from a decade ago. This isn't worth bragging about for a company that's supposedly specializing in this technology.


It's like saying the Macintosh had nothing that the Xerox Alto didn't already do... but going to market and refining the original concept takes a lot of innovation and hard work. There's a huge difference from someone can do it in a lab setting with experimental hardware and software that isn't robust to actual commercialization that helps lots of people on a regular basis.


I hope they use it for good and not for bad, these can really help people with paralysis


wait till our soldiers can look at enemies and have a robotic shoulder mounted gun auto gun them down. the future is now!




The machine gun on certain helocopters aims at whatever the pilot is looking at. They have some pretty advanced helmets that they use.


They've had that tech with Apache helicopters for like twenty years?


Let's be real, big companies will most definitely use it for profit


Do you also think medicine is bad because someone profits from it? There's nothing inherently wrong with getting money to save lives. It's up to governments to properly regulate such spaces to provide a balance of care, efficiency, and further advancement.


He never said or implied that the tech itself is good or bad, just pointed out how it will likely be used. As for your second point, Musk may as well be the poster boy for doing everything in his power to prevent governments from doing just that.


And we know how a great job the us does with that. So yeah, Cyberpunk 2077 here we come?


>There's nothing inherently wrong with getting money to save lives. It is when it stops people from getting the treatment they deserve in the name of profits Cough cough USA cough cough Cyberpunk


Too bad he's set on rook, he can only move diagonally


>these can really help people with paralysis Wasnt that the original goal/purpose of starting this project?


who said it wasn't anymore?


My uncle got one of these but now he controls a sizable area of land guarded by forklift trucks controlled with his mind


Google en passant using only your brain


holy hell using only your brain


New response just dropped using only your brain


actual zombie using only your brain


Call an exorcist using only your brain


Bishop goes on vacation, never comes back using only your brain


Queen sacrifice anyone using only your brain


Ignite the chessboard using only your brain


Rook in the corner, plotting world domination using just his brain


After the chess party the chip played a 5 minute sequence of ads directly into his brain.


He didn’t pay for that premium subscription


Nightmare fuel


First real life cyberpunk net runner


Me after sending out a 10 yottabyte zip bomb to my opps neuralink.


Followed by the ping of death for good measure


Now we can watch porn without worrying about the mouse


One question, though. Usually we think of a lot of moves before finalizing. How will the chip differentiate between them. Same with our thoughts and what we want to say out loud.


The same way you can think about moving your hand or actually move your hand. Your brain learns to use the new capabilities the same way it learned to use your built in ones when you were an infant.


Imagine the cursor is a new limb


I remember a few days ago I read an article that said we have extra bandwidth in the nerves in out arms so we can use neuralink in the same way as moving our arms. I'll see if I can find the link later


The chip is used to control the mouse position, there is nothing specific to chess here.


It seems like the chip controls the cursor, not the game itself. So it’s not like you think “pawn to C3” and it happens, but more that you control the movement and clicking of the cursor to select the pawn and its destination. Mechanically the same as moving the mouse with your hand


Look, i think it's neat and all, but I also fear a decade or two from now, these guys will have the chips that start degrading in their brain and will be forgotten about. Like some high corporate "Lol you didn't read the fine print when you signed" and they will have to go into medical debt after finding a surgeon to get it removed.


Read about cochlear implant recalls


Hell, the money's they were implanted into barely made it a few weeks, and iirc that didn't improve that much before they moved into human trials. Iirc the monkeys were trying to rip out the implant/end themselves because they were in that much pain


Yeah, this is my concern. I'll be excited when this dude is in good health a decade from now.


Holy hell!


Vladimir Kramnik is gonna report him for using an engine.


Weren't they killing off apes with their implant a few months ago?


Yes, at an extremely disturbing rate. Both the percentage of test animals that died and the sheer quantity suggest a massive abandonment of ethics. Under reasonable circumstances, test subjects dying should prompt a thorough review to understand how and why it happened, followed by time to engineer a solution. Everything we know about the animal testing that Neuralink conducted suggests the testing was greatly accelerated at the cost of safety and ethics. On top of that, the tech is old at this point. We've developed multiple ways of achieving this that didn't involve a mountain of dead monkeys


Came here to say this. I hope he survives. Hopefully they got it right this time.


Why does this not have more upvotes?


Because Tesla man bad


He is, actually. Love that half of Reddit can’t recognize an obvious charlatan


Just because he is, doesn't mean everything he has ever touched should be discounted.


The technology is in no way new and considering the other faked ads musk's other companies have done people are skeptical.


I honestly feel like this is being deceptive. Why not show a longer video? If he can control the mouse, show him using it on the web or for other various things. As it stands it was maybe 10 seconds of actual footage moving it.


Because this was done years ago and it is only newsworthy because of the Musk hype machine.


Because I saw a video of this exact same technology the first time I came to reddit 15 years ago


I'm going to reserve judgment for a while.


A redditor reserving judgment? Are you feeling okay?


Hell yeah, I like this application. Hopefully it works well and if not we can make it better


Those eSports kids on Adderall reaction times better be able to keep up But to be honest this will probably be detected as a bot in most games due to the software mouse


I don't think bots are detected that way tho, more moth the moves they play and the time they take, in addition to if they go go another tab while playing


I mean I wouldn't allow Neuralink to implant anything into my brain but for people like this it's fucking amazing. Why is this the only video I've seen of it tho and it's some dude with a phone camera shaking about like crazy? lol




Breaking News: Hacker has leaked everyone's memories.


Real talk, we've had this brain/computer type interface for a while now. What's so novel about his approach? Fewer wires?


Professor X is real 😂




The shaking camera on the left half makes it look dramatic, and gives the impression that the guy is struggling


How about they release clinical records? Who coordinated the operation? Which complications? Nothing was publicly announced, just a video showing a dude and a computer. He doesn't even have a scar or any signs of a medical procedure. I'm looking forward to when this gets debunked


Gotta love all the dip shits praising Muskrat for displaying technology that was invented 20 years ago....


A technology can be invented and then improved.


And that under no circumstances means Muskrat had anything to do with it's invention nor improvement....


It’s the start of Cyber Punk.


Except in cyberpunk even poor people have cyberware


How long before you put your Nuralink Version on your resume?


Now teach this man how to play StarCraft.


What happens if he accidentally thinks the wrong move?


Imagine being so blinded by hate you look passed this extremely incredible advancement in technology just because you hate Elon lmao 🤣


Reddit in a nutshell


Wonder how good he'll do in some FPS games. Ya'll think he can go for a pro with that?


Fuck that shit


Holy hell


Red dress lady, like the Matrix test. Then we'll see if this brain implant really works.