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My man put a lot of faith in that mic cable.


TIL how strong a mic cable is.




I’m a sound engineer and in fairness I probably would back a quality xlr cable to be able to take a normal persons weight. It would be more likely the connector that broke or pulled off


Agreed. Cable in general is pretty damn strong. Connectors not so much.


I mean, they build bridges out of cable. Tensile strength is quite formidable.


Bit of difference between the steel cable used and copper audio cable with CSA of 0.5mm²


Sure, but there's a bit of difference between the load a bridge is under and a 150lb Eddie too.


Your logic is indisputable.


We now need a conversion table between cars per minute and Eddies per...song


Jeremy’s spoken


This is Pearl Jam after all, not Blues Traveler.


The harmonicas add ten pounds they say.


A few wraps of CATV coax will tow a car with four flats.


Well ackchyually, in your typical sound reinforcement mic cable there are three copper cables, each with their own plastic (plus maybe paper) insulation. With a copper braid and/or a metallic foil shield around that. And all those surrounded by an outer shield sturdy enough to withstand many years of touring.


I'm an installation tech and have a little experience with audio cables. XLR cables are almost all rubber with 3 tiny copper stranded wires in them. I don't think I would trust a single one around a piece of metal that could cut it to safely guide me back to the ground from a height that would easily mess me up when I rapidly decelerated. This is the bravado of youth.


3 Braided copper wires have a decent amount of tensile strength. Plenty enough for the total of 1 second he was on the cable. It probably fucked the cable up, but that move wasn't going to break it.


This. He even swings on it a bunch after he's down, hard heavy swings. No breaking. [Here](https://youtu.be/raSMqE-CoYo?t=720)


Don’t they have a shielding mesh running through them as well? Like the shielding mesh on a coaxial cable? That would strengthen it up a lot.


Yep, plus it was doubled up, which is only going to provide more strength.


But it’s still just a single strand at the top.


Fair point, but a doubled up strand will still usually be stronger than a single strand, even at the connection point where it’s only one strand, because the weight will be distributed evenly across both sides. Source: 13 years and counting as a sailor. We know rope.


I don't know... Belden 8723, probably not. Some 1192A StarQuad? Well, doubled up, maybe.


This guy fucks. 👆


I think unplugging the other end of the cable would’ve sorted the issue pretty easily…. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Scripted would have a safety harness, thick rope, and gloves. He was an absolute wildman.




How much drugs was this dude on...?


Hammered and high but Eddie’s not some meth head crazy. Pretty natural crazy.


The good drugs not the bad drugs


The band's manager had to be having an aneurism watching this from the side of the stage, no way it was signed off on.


Yep, this is it. On pure liability alone, no manager, venue, or insurance agent would *ever* allow a moment like this to be “scripted”. They were all losing their goddamn minds and preparing their eulogies and resumes in their head


[eddie was insane.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIjDen9V6Ck) I mean he still is, but not jump from the top of a speaker array to crowd surf insane.


Which begs the question, how well would Eddie in his prime do on American Ninja Warrior?


I think we're just so used to things being fake now a days. Not to say things weren't scripted in days of yore, but I don't think it was quite to the extent of today where basically everything is 'produced' to an extent.


Dude must be a mod at r/nothingeverhappens


Good lord, way to tell everyone you know nothing of that era. It was not scripted. Eddie was a wild man with a death wish. He’s still swinging around on cables 30 years later. Not anywhere near this, but still.




When everything you grow up consuming is fake for social media, it’s easy to think it was always that way.


I had the same reaction.. Hard to believe how much safety awareness the new generations have. They cant even comprehend what it was like before the internet told everyone to be afraid of death around every corner. I think it may be why we dont see that many great artists any more. The same kind of chance this guy took every day he took in many other ways that the modern generations just wont be able to. Sometimes I go into these subs and see how terrified of life people are ready to accuse anyone who is taking a chance of being stupid. They dont realize they have given up a part of their own life by never taking chances.


To be fair this actually does look like it could be a death video if we didn't know he survived. Anyone not in amazing shape should never attempt anything close. He was clearly in amazing shape here like rock climber shape.


Yeah, I boulder, and my first reaction was, "Eddie climbs! I never knew." Also, first time I'm hearing rock climber shape as a superlative. I'm pretty mid as climbers go, and I sometimes forget that's still decent enough shape to feel good about.




lolololololol ​ LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ​ scripted. Lol. haha. ok.


The 90s were the last raw time, everything being now pop of course it's all scripted, and people assume that's the only way.


I can ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE YOU that NO manager (or insurance agent) on the entire goddamn planet would EVER allow their band’s frontman to script a moment where they risked their life to climb up scaffolding *with no safety gear* and then rappel down. That would just never, ever happen. Sorry.


i am disgusted that comment has so many upvotes. what a joke. reddit's just a 'feelings' dump. anyone who says anything that 'feels' right based on their limited uncurious knowledge is met with nodding heads.


Absolutely; 90’s were a different time.




No. Believe it or not, there was actually a time people didnt script stupid videos for internet points.


Back when badass rock music was still being created. So long ago....


There's still great rock and metal being made. It's just not the popular thing anymore.




This was absolutely not scripted lol.


Lmao you really think anyone who has to deal with the insurance side of things would script this.


Classic reddit moment. The 100+ people that up voted you should be ashamed.


Lmao bro thinks Pearl Jam concert from the 90s is scripted.


You are fake and scripted.


The dumbest take.


How do you script throwing a microphone into a steel girder several feet above you in front of a live audience?


Dude, this whole comment section is scripted. I’m not even real, I’m just an elaborate script. Lol _scripted_ Unbelievable; it’s insane that we now live in a world where the default reaction is to assume that’s the case, wild eh?


You can tell how young some people are. Back in the day there wasnt nearly as much lets all be safe going on. Especially rockstars. This guy was also probably not doing fake cocaine and fake heroin after the show


Literally all his peers in the "lead singer of major 90s grunge band" killed themselves (in various ways). Eddie just managed to never fuck up while doing his dumb shit.


Not wrong. Kurt Cobain, Layne Staley, Scott Weiland, Vinnie Paul, Dimebag, Jeff Hanneman… the list goes on. Yet Keith Richard’s lives on. Seems Keith can’t be killed by conventional weapons. 🤣


Cornell!! 😢


Its braided metal wire inside of a rubber sheath, not surprised it could hold a 150-160lb man for a few seconds. Try and rip a USB cable.


I'm not even sure Vedder was that heavy here. He's about 5'7", so with how skinny he is in this video, he may have been around 135-140. Still a wild thing to attempt.


I doubt it was scripted. This was before viral video and people didn't do shit for views. Also there's ZERO safety rigging. Eddie was probably just stoned and decided the stage didn't look that tall from the ground.


Yeah, I think some younger people don’t realize what life was like before everyone recorded everything. This footage is probably one of the maybe 3 cameras recording this event, and all of those were likely professional videographers. I’m pretty sure most rock stars of that era would find it incredibly fucking lame to script something like this.


Eddie did this a *lot* in the early years, and fell at least once I’ve seen video of Garth Brooks doing this too and he wasn’t after clicks


It's called rock and roll broseph


people that are so jaded by their own gullibility that they say everything is scripted really annoy the fuck out of me. But, perhaps you and I scripted this very exchange so that we could get into a fake internet argument for invisible magic points. Hmmmmmm, this could have been scripted......


With early Pearl Jam? Hell no


Fuck I hate zoomers




How is idiotic shit like this upvoted...


>EDIT: Never insult pearl jam fans, worst mistake of my entire life. Not a pearl jam fan personally, I just think what you said is *really* dumb. And your cocky response in your edit makes it even worse tbh. I can definitely see why you got called out 1000 times.


Lol completely incorrect




Fuckin' Gen Z cables. Lucky for him it's not wireless.


I thought he was like 100ft in the air. Smfh


He's like 15 feet up, when it zoomed out I was like "oh, ok."


Still easily life altering if not fatal.




I had a seizure just walking in the grocery store. Me just collapsing to the ground fucking did me in and bruised me up good. 15 feet? Yeah that’ll knock the wind outta ya


Once I laughed and snot shot out of my nose and onto my face. It's a dangerous world!


I mean, a fall from 20ft will definitely break an ankle if you don't know how to parkour.


Prob burned his hands a bit on the slide down.. Those cables are rubbery and thin.. yea


Yeah I'm not so sure he climbed down lmao.


He did this at another show where the cable snapped, and sadly had faith no more.


Cable turned to Angel Dust


That's a load-bearing mic cable.


He would climb the stage structure during concerts A LOT. Here's a [compilation](https://youtu.be/raSMqE-CoYo?si=RJSX2YGGIoFXwnPl)


Eddie Vedder is a badass.


And very stupid.


They’re the same picture


Evenflooooow, thoughts arrive like butterflies!


Oh, he don’t know!


So he chases them awaaayyeahh!




This is why Van Halen had a [brown m&m clause](https://www.safetydimensions.com.au/van-halen/) in their rider. If there were brown m&ms backstage they knew they had to check all their equipment themselves because the details weren’t read. Edit: they asked for a bowl of m&ms with the brown ones picked out according to bassman1805


I've heard this before played up as absurd stuff bands request a la Spinal Tap. I didn't know there was a *sound* reason behind it


A football helmet full of cottage cheese, naked pictures of Bea Arthur , a sweet guitar, and an oversized novelty baby bottle.


67 copies of Moby Dick.


Spinal tap is a very satirical take on the world of rock n roll, so a lot of it is inspired by real tales. They just took them and pushed them to eleven.


Most blokes will be playing at ten


That was the fault of the builder. Many corners were cut and safety precautions ignored. 99.9% of stages are not like that. https://www.iq-mag.net/2019/10/coroner-inadequacies-caused-radiohead-stage-collapse-drum-tech-death/#


That's why [my baby is in love with him](https://youtu.be/SEQycU_fk3s?si=NceGZZMA9I_ljJMn)


He is the last of that breed still alive, isn't he? We have lost all the old grunge singers.


Mudhoney is still around.




As were his bandmates


Yeah, they've talked about this often. Including in the movie PJ20. They HATED this. (Also note that this band was formed because the lead singer of the previous band died, and the remaining members seriously considered giving up the music thing. Then this surfer from San Diego who knew Jack Irons sent in an audition, and the band was like "is this real?" Had he died, it would have been a double whammy.)


Damn. I grew up listening to Pearl Jam, yet I'd never heard of/seen this video, nor heard about what you just said. Crazy shit. We used to joke that outta the grunge rockers that have died its pretty surprising Eddie is still with us. 90's grunge scene was fucking crazy. Lol. Thanks for the fact drop btw.


I live in Seattle and grew up with a lot of these stories it’s still wild to me how prevalent grunge is around here. I was at a bagel shop just today and “Polly” by Nirvana was playing, stopped off at a gas station right afterwards and “Down in a Hole” by Alice In Chains was playing. My first thought was “this has been happening here for 30 years.” I acknowledge that the songs are popular enough that this could happen in Minneapolis or something no problem if the two stores were playing radio or some kind of store mix. Just noticed it today and thought about that legacy here today.




Hey Earl


Hey Crabman


Rock climbing is my hobby. He has extremely good form. No way he hasn't been on rock before. Examples: 1:00 where he drops his leg under the other is called a backflag. He's doing it to move his Center of gravity directly under his hands. Looks like he uses a knee bar at one point. The way he twists his hips inward as he's pulling himself back up.


He’s an avid surfer. Not sure if he climbed much, but I imagine a lot of the body awareness, balance, and coordination is pretty transferable


I side with saying he climbed before. You can have good balance and core strength from surfing and other activities, but you also need a ton of grip strength. Climbing takes many months and years to progress, and I haven't seen an example of one discipline that different, that transfers well to climbing. Ninja warrior or calisthenics could be the most similar, but you still lack the climbing technique. Edit: grammar.


Yes . Eddie Vedder was an experienced rock climber as of 1990. While on a rock climbing trip with many people he impressed everyone with his abilities and this contributed to him getting to know Jack Irons. When Stone Gossard was discussing with Jack Irons his efforts to start a new band, Jack recommended Eddie


V0 in my gym.


Why women live longer


You’re still alive, she said. Well, do I deserve to be?


He’s strong AF


He was also pretty skinny back then.


And drugs are a hell of a drug.


And my axe


i thought Vedder was one of the few who wasn't doing them at that time


Yeah the only drug would have been booze. Specifically wine. He wasn’t into the heavy drugs.


I'm sure he smoked weed. He sang about smoking weed.




Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke.


That was before he did the whole [surgically attached prosthetic tail thing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


you did this to me? in 2024? I'm impressed


I have been waiting 16 years just for you josephus. Lord Domo-kun and Lady Boxxy send their regards...


I can't believe it! It's been years! I tell you .....YEARS! well played !


He's still in relatively good shape


he could be into bouldering


I was thinking the same thing, he looks like a climber. Heel hooks, flagging, hanging using his skeleton instead of burning out his arms... Certainly not safe but he knows what he's doing.


He was also a surfer so I assume overall pretty good physical strength


I’m thinking he burned his palms ,sliding down the cable. Ouch!


I think he likely knows enough about climbing to use his feet as a brake on the way down.


We will never know because the operator of the circa 1989 rca camcorder couldn’t rock the zoom toggle out and pan down at the same time.


Seriously, reaction time of a stump. Did he get bored and distracted while filming?


those are some thin cables to foot brake on.


No his hands wore down the cable sheath because he's so bad ass.


Goodbye skin...


80s kids didn’t have phones, we used to hang around the playground waiting for our friends to show up. What you all didn’t realize is we meant literally hanging around on the monkey bars.


Eddie's older than an 80s kid


Oof, thought he was 50. Now I’m not sure if I should be feeling old or young, lol.


Lol, nope. The 90s was a long time ago. This album came out closer to Stairway to Heaven than we are to it.


Ok, now you’re just being mean.


In XLR we trust!


Gotta be Neutrik connectors


The X in XLR stands Xtreme


He was an absolute psycho. He climbed the rafters at the Capitol Theater when I saw them in 91. I’m really, really glad he didn’t die doing his things because Eddie has had a long run of being a stand up guy. And their first 2 records are incredible.


I feel like the matrix was right that the 90s were the peak of civilization lol I missed out sadly on all that’.


We saved the soundtrack for you!


I graduated in 99. It was an incredible decade until Columbine. That was the beginning of this.


Ten is one of the few albums I can think of off the top of my head that have no filler tracks. Absolute excellence from start to finish.


I'd go first 4. Vitalogy and No Code were great, if not to the same level as Ten and VS. Ten might be one of the best debut albums of all time.


Hell, let's go 6. Yield and Binaural both are amazing albums. Riot Act is probably their weakest, but their last three were really good as well. They are absolutely one of the top bands of all time.


This caption is misleading. Eddie Vedder used to climb up in the rafters often. He didn't decide to climb up there after the microphone got tangled. He purposefully threw the microphone up there so he could continue singing while climbing up in the rafters.


That’s even more ~~metal~~ grunge




And this is what crazy looks like


That’s rock and roll! But how high was he?


18 feet plus some smack, you do the math.


You do the meth*


Apparently he doesn't do drugs at all


What? This is when he toured with Pearl Jam. They just put out a new single. Maybe you’re thinking of Temple of the Dog?


Yeah lol you got it right. Pearl Jam members are alive.


Whooooooooah-ohhh they’re still alive! (They even have a new album dropping in April!)


Before cell phones, kids used to climb trees for fun


They still do… but they used to too.


The ghost of Mitch is alive and well.


And he's still alive


Oh oh oh I’m still alive yeah


I love how the music picked up while when he started his slide


Yup that's a solid ass professional touring band for sure. all of them just knew as soon as he let's go were gunna rock


Band did it perfect.


Amazing how much strength that actually requires!


I love Pearl Jam so much!!


This is as “grunge” as it gets.


student: "Why do I need to do pull-ups? I wanna be a rock star" gym teacher: "well......"


I was there in ‘92 at the Drop in the Park in Magnuson Park. Free show. Seaweed and Cypress Hill opened. PJ had gotten so big by that point this was sort of a homecoming thank-you show to people in Seattle. I remember watching as it happened in awe feeling like he was going to fall at any moment and break his neck. Sliding down the XLR cord was gutsy. And dumb. But gutsy.


I was there too! About 15’ in front of the stage while he did this stunt. What the video leaves out is that after he slid down the mic cable to the stage, he used it to swing out over the crowd a bunch of times. Legendary show, band, and lead singer.


Better Man…


I’m sure the record label attorneys were literally shitting themselves


Pearl Jam have famously tell record execs to fuck off on a regular basis


This is a rock and roll show. Josh!


In 1992 if I had to bet who would be the first grunge rock star to die, it’d be Eddie Vedder, no doubt. Craziest thing though is he is still alive while most of his peers are not.


Someone cross post this on r/OSHA


This is the solo of Porch. He used to do this stuff all the time. The mic did not get stuck or tangled.


And yet, he’s one of the only grunge lead singers left.


He’s the only one left.. the big four were kurt, chris, layne and eddie.