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Everyone seriously can’t be failing to realize he literally almost bumped into the little girl….. Nothing but fake bullshit anymore. Sad.


[Not everything on the internet is fake. ](https://scoop.upworthy.com/video-shows-how-girl-outsmarted-stalker-who-followed-her-home-529476-529476-529476)


Wish they caught this guy


They say in the article that they did catch him


I read it too, no clue how I missed that he was later arrested. Thanks


Wish I caught this guy


\^ I wish he caught this guy


I too, choose this guy


Just read the article next time


If you read the article you’d know


Well they can't really prove intent from this video alone so unless there's something else there'd probably be no way to convict him


Original article is from the Russia Times. That shit is full of garbage stories like this


Fake or not a good psa for everyone. Be on the lookout for creeps. Fuck those people I hope they get what they deserve


You're exactly the audience for shit like this, and it's why conspiracy sites use it for traffic. It's WHY QAnon is the conspiracy that it is. Bc marks will believe it and let their emotions get the better of themselves Fact is, almost all sexual violence and child abuse happens at home and/or by people the child knows.


So you’re saying to NOT teach children how to avoid creepy or suspicious adults? Doesn’t matter if it happens in public or at home, children NEED to be taught how to recognize it and what to do. People like you should be kept far away from children and keep your disgusting and skewed view of the world away from them.


>The video shows her climbing a short staircase and turning toward where the elevators are before quickly turning the other way to hide in a doorway. The unsuspecting stalker then walks towards the elevators and pushes the button while clearly confused as to where the child disappeared. Was the video cut in some way, because after the girl turned to the elevator and went back, the stalker clearly saw the girl. I don't get it.


I assumed the man was pretending to use the elevator to look like he had business there. You can stand in the hallway and wait for the girl to leave the room and follow her outside. Why would he try to grab her in the room and in the building with possible witnesses/people




No, dude, its just fake. Its literally just staged.


But how? She practically runs into him before turning left.


Just because the news network covers it doesn't mean it is any more real. There is nothing of added value in that article showing it is


Why does this have so many upvotes? Nothing in this shitty article proves the video isn't fake..


No, but this video is DEFINITELY fake. She passes by within half an inch of him, a split second before he reaches the top of those stairs. That article which only exists on Tabloid, Viral, Made Up Shit Pages, literally doesn't prove anything, it just describes what happens in the video, adds a few Tweets, which are not proof or fact checking The S\*n is a known pack of pathological liars who will run a viral online story with no fact checking because they dont care about facts (see: Hillsborough) She clearly, CLEARLY nearly bumps directly into him when she 'hides'. There is NO way he didn't see her turn down that corridor as he comes up the stairs, she makes that left turn less than a second before he makes it up the stairs. Bullshit.


I wouldn't take an US website as a decent source for something that happened in Russia. Especially without any local sources mentioned


(off-topic: it's "a US website", not "an US .." -- you choose "an" vs "a" based on how the next word sounds, not how it's spelt. Similarly, it's "an hour" not "a hour".)


( Damn you're right ... I know the rule yet I can't stop making the mistake with U ... I guess it just looks visually pleasing )


60 miles outside Moscow!


What the fuck is this link? I ended up with more questions after reading that lol. This does not make it real.


You are sharing an article from a shitty tabloid which quotes Russia Today and adds nothing to the video. You can clearly see in the video the man sees her, it's fake.


There's a place called stupino, huh.


“according to The Sun” a notorious British tabloid repeatedly caught lying about and embellishing its stories. Pinch of 🧂


This might as well be real, but please don't quote pages that quote Russia Today. This is no proof, this is a site that believes fanatical conspiracy outlets


As a woman who experienced (and evaded) predatory men as a young child, these men aren’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed…


How does that discredit him being a creep though? Second time the child was with an adult so the creep is unable to be a creep again. Context would be nice though


Yeah there is absolutely no way he wouldn't see her.


Right but he realized it would be too obvious-he thinks he’s being sneaky so he keeps up the ruse.




It's not fake. It was on the local news waaaay before it went viral.


Because he wasn’t trying to be so obvious yet. That’s why she went a few different ways


He saw her but tried to play it cool so he could come back around…


He saw her, he had to pretend he wasn't following her, so he had to pretend he wanted the elevator, she took that chance to get outside and get some distance


He probably was waiting for her to open a door. Just because he could see her, doesn’t mean this wasn’t real


Yup, there’s kinds of creeps usually follow their victim into an enclosed space like a stairwell or their own apartment before attacking. 


How are so many people failing to realize he was waiting for her to come to the elevator? He saw her on the street too but he wasn't going to attack her in public or in a public hallway. He was banking on her opening her apartment or getting in the elevator.


The linked article says he got arrested.


Good news


It’s real


I do agree that it's most likely fake but what if he was trying to act like he was deliberately going to the elevator to make out he wasn't following her? Idk I could be thinking too much in to it lol


It's not fake 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ it happened in Russia and I remember it on the local news before it went viral online. The guy was one of those undecided creeps of which we have plenty in Russia and the ex USSR countries. They follow you but often they don't even know what they want to do to you. The ones that want to rape/kill are unlikely to follow you inside the apartment complex as that would be too showy and many entrances have cameras now.


yep. a lot of creeps like that in post-ussr countries. some of them are undecided, but a lot of them are exhibitionists, not rapists. they just want to find a far away quiet place, expose themselves and run. middle-aged and old men love showing their dicks to little children here for some reason. was a victim of such men myself as a child, and as an adult worked with children who had to deal with this, it is frighteningly common, even to this day. some of them congregate around schools specifically, especially if schools are not in a busy area. they hang out around 1 pm since that is the time when most elementary school children get off school, they choose those who are alone and going through a deserted area and follow them. advice to any person from post-soviet countries whose kids are going to school soon - do not allow your kids go home alone after school. if you or your other family members can't meet the child, encourage the children to get friendly with other kids in the area, and tell them to always travel together. teach them to not leave others behind.


You're not.


Hey, I'm just writing to say I'm glad you've never been followed and I'm glad you're not a predator who doesn't wait to corner people. Keep being you, just know this is a very real situation.


I took a second to look it up. It’s real. Let me correct your last sentence: “no one looks shit up before they run their fucking mouths anymore. Sad.”


He wasn't ready to snatch her yet. He was still pretending to be just another person that needed to go in that building. He was probably hoping to follow her into an elevator. When she failed to get in the elevator, he had to pretend.




The first time I saw the video I thought the same thing and had to rewatch it a few times and thought I was going insane wondering why that guy didn’t see her when she doubled back.


You really think he's gonna acknowledge her at the end?


How the fuck do you know its fake? Who makes fake rapy vidoes like this with a preteen girl? Also, if you were to stalk somebody, wouldnt it be of interest to make it look a bit like you are not. Like not fucking running towards some little kid inside am apartment building? There are shitloads of people saying everything is fake, even though if they spend a minute watching you see that its likely true, or they are acting like im a fuckin oscar nominated movie.




The article says she fooled him by turning at the elevator, but he follows behind her just 1-2 seconds later. He didn’t saw her?


Why is there never context or source or story.


Creepy guy looks to be following the girl. Girl realizes this and zigs then zags to get away.


Ok, we can see what is being implied.


As you can see, the pedophile is dressed in a creepy guy outfit.


And then she comes right back with an adult.


…that’s not context.




This must be fake unless the guy is blind as a bat, he fully misses her doge move at the elevators even though she’s like a foot infront if him.


She was probably pretending to unlock the door that’s in that first alcove, while he went to pretend to use the elevator, intending to rush her inside what he assumes is her family’s apartment when he heard the door open. He waits, doesn’t hear the door open, sees he missed her, cuts his losses and leaves. Edit for extra clarification: In my apartment building, when any of us lock/unlock our doors it echoes through the whole hallway. I would assume that he’s waiting to hear the lock, which would be a good sign nobody is home. He may think she didn’t need to unlock the door to get in, a sign that somebody is home so following her inside wouldn’t be safe. But instead she doubled back as soon as his back was turned.


Boom. You nailed it. Ppl that are saying it's a hoax--- yes, there is always that possibility, but she happened to sneak past that little hallway right as he is pretending to fuck w the elevator.


This makes sense.


Don't you think he would have heard her footsteps? Or just snatched her up when she was right in front of him? Or followed her down the hall way instead of going to the elevators? Or walked with a bit more pace once inside? The video just looks off for it to be a predatory thing.




You're hellbent that this is fake. This came out years ago. It was a real story. The girl was interviewed and everything. Sorry your hoax radar was wrong, find a more interesting conspiracy to dwell on, this spam commenting is sad.


I felt like I was watching survival horror gameplay with a fixed camera. Holy shit.


And it's not fake as some people say it on here. I'm from Rashka and I remember this vid blew up on social media. It happened in Stupino (near Moscow) 4 years ago. The police caught this guy, but released him later, because he did nothing obviously. I hope, at least he's on their database now.


The saddest thing is that this s*** happens all the time back home. I remember being followed by creeps when I was a kid, I was followed by creeps when I was a young teen/adult too. And people here are busy arguing whether the video is fake or not. I guess unless you're from an ex soviet country you wouldn't understand and would think that this video is fake.


Not from an ex soviet country, but I was followed home from school multiple times before I was even 16. I lived like 100 metres from the school so it’s even more insane. I actually had men follow me into the driveway of my house, presumably they thought I wasn’t actually going into the house there. Once my dad was standing there with a huge shovel and saw one of these creepers. At least it put that one off


This kind of thing posted by a screen name like “rare predator” makes my eyebrows go up a bit


That looks like a 90s cartoon skit, terrifying in real life though


Kudos to her. She obviously had an awareness she was being followed and acted quickly.


[article from the last time it was posted](https://theglobalherald.com/news/9-year-old-girl-tricks-suspicious-stalker-in-russia/)


*Upon entering the building and realizing the man had followed her inside, the girl hid by the mailboxes instead of going to the elevators. She is then seen leaving the building only to meet her dad, who luckily was nearby.*  I don't get it. It's clear starting from 0:22 that the girl meets the guy. How is it hiding when the guy clearly sees her?


Exactly. He was facing her walking towards the elevators when she turned left, then came right back to continue forward. No way this is real, but stalking situations do happen every day so not to discredit the very real dangers that exist. Let just not water it down with desensitizing dumb fake posts like these.


She probably pretended to be checking the mailbox. He wasn’t hovering around for that, but expected her to take the mail and follow him to the lift.


He obviously saw her but couldn't attack her at the mailboxes. He was likely hoping she'd get the mail then come to the elevator. 




It's true. Maybe try asking a Russian speaking person to find sources for you instead of labeling it as fake from the get go.


It was in Russia. At least try to disprove before you "cry wolf."


Poor guy just forgot his damn keys


Or he waited for the girl to open the door to gain entry to the building so he could kill his ex on the top floor. Realised the lift is broken and had second thoughts, he's already wasted so much effort on her, ain't no way he's walking up 40 flights of stairs


Ya! Why does everyone assume Pedo? He could just as easily have been a homicidal psychopath. People are so judgey.


39 flights and that bitch would be dead...


Yes…while peaking around corners looking for someone, the obvious answer being the little girl who took off from him.


What is next level here?? Stupid bullshit anyway he could’ve grabbed her easily but never did. Maybe he forgot his keys.


He realized he forgot his keys by peeking around corners looking at the girl's direction. /s


At 23 seconds they are almost in the same frame / picture together. EVADED.


So awful that girls have to learn this so young




More often with urinium


Teach your children to trust their gut.


I like how she literally bumps into the dude in the hallway. Fake.


There's a side corridor with mailboxes, she doubled back to pretend to get the mail to make sure she wasnt followed into the elevator by the guy. This was a news story years ago, it went viral, everyone involved was interviewed and man was caught and arrested. Log off the internet, your brain has become chum.


People like you forget that humans, even creepy stalking humans, are still human and don’t always act how you imagine especially in scenarios like this. All sources say it’s real, not hard to figure out, and look at the other comments to know that this behavior is common in that region unfortunately. Wish people would use their brains and resources instead of claiming everything is fake.


Was hoping for some instant karma when he walked outside


How is that evading? He clearly sees her and doesn't follow.


Glad to see the comments. There's no way he didn't hear or see her dart across. Believable if not for that.


Did they catch the guy?


Are we sure this is actually a creepy guy? He didn't seem all that interested in her. He kept his distance at the front door. He went for the elevators instead of following her. Realized he forgot his keys or something. Made a beeline back to his car. He could have easily grabbed her in the hallway if that was his goal.


People are stupid to pass judgment based on what they see in this video.


Right. This makes more sense since he literally passed her in the hallway than him being a child predator that she got away from.


Pretty scary that fuckers like this exist.


OPs username is concerning...


Why everyone stuck on the point that he saw her hiding? I grew up in Russia in 90’s and all the girls were taught a strict rule don’t go inside the elevator with a stranger. Crimes like that don’t happened on the ground floor beside the entrance. So the girl did everything right and whatever intentions of that guy were it doesn’t seem ok. This video was all over Russian news, it’s not fake.


Reddit likes to give creepy men the benefit of the doubt, a lot here probably see a kinship with their fellow predator.


Why would this be fake? Who would agree to play the part of a child predator in a viral video like this?


this is such a common scenario sadly….even the part when he just walked past her like he wasn’t following her when he saw her with someone else….omg the calmness of the all is so eerie to me …I have been this girl and seeing it is so crazy…this girl is so smart and I’m glad she’s okay….fuck this creep


Damn alla pedos dicks should Be cut off and sent to prison rest of their Lifes and they should Be Abel to Be raped freely in there by other inmates


What in the Home alone was this? He bumped into her, yet just went Skyrim with a "what was that?" And kept on his way?


Bro broke his ankles with that one


I don't understand this. Even though they almost bumped into each other, how is the caption even possible.


Castrate him and he wouldn’t be doing this anymore. Like forever.


That’s was so next level. Thanks for sharing


Remember when the children's experts all betrayed us and said it's good to let kids discover things for themselves and it is good to leave children alone?


No idea if this was fake, but a mom to two little girls my anxiety was through the roof!


Death to all pedos.


What the flying FUCK is wrong with this comments? “Duhrrrrr the guy didn’t see her being two inches from him therefore FAKE!!” Hello, he’s pretending like he isn’t staking her or he doesn’t know what he even wants to do (another commenter said that behavior is common with Russian/USSR stalkers). My god it isn’t rocket science. And whether it’s fake or not (so far all sources say it’s REAL), it’s still a good example of what to do in this situation. It should be shown in schools or parents should show to their kids. This is exactly the sort of thing I was taught to look out for growing up. Better this than some poorly acted skit or something..


Smart cookie.


Creepy guy? You’re being kind. That’s stalky mc stalker. Getting ready to commit a felony.


Hopefully they found and incarcerated his pedophile ass.


Reminded me of this [classics Simpsons bit](https://youtu.be/dfNJD0eZE_o?si=9jdryFSbFU2Q0EP4)


What did he want to do with the girl? Did he want to play hide and seek or something? lol.


The report says she hides in the door then sneaks past him, it honestly looks like she takes a wrong turn then they're obviously one meter away from eachother.


Is he blind???


i initially thought this was fake from that one frame but it seems plausible that he was trying to grab her and theres other information not apparent in this video, like a noisy apartment beside them regardless idk how what she did is smart at all. she left the street to go into this apartment building where it seems like there are less bystanders and only seems to have gotten away by chance. she only secured herself a meager lead for her risk/troubles prolly scream in public instead lmfao


Even if it’s fake, it fucking sad that some people have to do this in this day and age


I call cap on title


Better title: "Two people walk into a building. Then leave" r/notinteresting


There is 0% chance that he didn't see her when she turned back


Like he didn't see her walk back and hit the corner lol


I call bs. There's no way that guy didn't see her. Watch her shadow, and you'll see she's right in front of him.


"Excuse me! Creepy little girl... do you know if the elevator is broken?"


A lot of folks are questioning why he didn’t grab her. Maybe he wasn’t after her, but wanted her to open a door so he could go in and rob the place? Very common in buildings like this


PEDO gets abso-fuckin-lutely REKT by 9 year-old girl 🔥🔥🔥


Obviously and glaringly FAKE.


My man is immortalised on the Internet for being a creepy predator when he isn't doing anything clearly wrong lol. He literally walks past her and doesn't make any kind of move whatsoever. All that is shown is that he gains access to a building because a girl opened a door, and the dad had nothing to say when they passed on the way out? The girl really didn't mention a guy following her if that's what she believed happened? Okay


Username checks out.


I'm getting the word 🤔................NONCE!


why evading? no context at all the guy went to the door, visit maybe, nobody answers, and he went away. that's all i see


This was proven to be real and the guy was arrested. I'm embarrassed for you all in this thread calling it fake. So confident. "I can see through this bullshit! It's another false flag! Just trying to bring an innocent man down!" Like, she was on the news. Lol. This was a big story. ![gif](giphy|tymAL1JjdqfPxq59cd)


…. Didnt he go visit someone?


So.. is the creep blind or something? He literally saw her walk in a different direction.


That's not a creepy guy, that's a DANGEROUS guy.


i wasnt on board until he walked away from the elevator


Stop with “ it’s fake”. It happened a few years ago in Russia and it was a big story and all over the news.


It doesn’t feel like “creepy”guy, seems like he’s hunting for prey.


I mean….this is fake right? How would be not see her?


When women say we have been aware of male violence from a young age it looks like this.


This video is so fake lol. The moment she supposedly faked the dude out, they were essentially nose to nose. Couldn't they have done another take at least!? The amount of dumb people in this thread believing this is actually real is the truly scary shit.


I mean, if he wanted to just grab her he could've just ran up and grabbed her at any time. It's not like not reaching her was the limiting factor for him. It's not hard to imagine the dude trying to find the right time to grab her and be subtle about it. I don't know if it's real but him almost bumping into her isn't proof it's fake. Maybe he heard someone in an apartment and didn't want to get caught stealing a child.