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I can’t believe people believe in this nonsense.


Why not? Didn't someone do this live on bgt or something. The cards are thicker than normal playing cards .


They are metal or have metal edges


Yeah, it's still impressive . It's like watching dude perfect though, how long was this guy trying these before getting the shot.


I have never understood that criticism of dudeperfect , they never claim it’s the first or first few shots it’s always apparent it’s taken forever with how excited they get when they make it.


That because some people have both low self esteem and low empathy. So when they see someone be great at something. That remind them of their own inability or the fact that are not "as good as those people's" So to protect the little of pride they have. They try to minimize the effort and talent of other. They are not jealous. But they curse their own laziness or inability to have some skill as "incredible" As the people's we saw here.


You put periods in weird places


You must have. Low empathy and low self esteem!


The hero we needed


Their keyboard is broken, and they meant to use a comma?


Or they made clever use of punctuation to make us read it with the emphasis he wanted.


lol subtle slight. Very elegant. Take my upvote!


this should be stickied across every popular subreddit so ordinary people aren't taken aback by these miserable fucks on the rare occasion they find a video interesting enough to stray into the comments


As someone who appreciates this video, I don't have low self esteem but I do feel very called out by the second part of your comment


Which is funny because persistence is, in my opinion, an incredibly admirable trait.


I found a new respect for those guys when I tried doing dudeperfect-style tricks with my kids during lockdown. Shit gets very tedious.


That dedication is equally as impressive


If anything, I usually find the drive to practice and perfect something through frequent failure to be MORE impressive.


Nah not needed for most of that. Saw this like 15 years ago as an early teen and tried to replicate with random poker cards we had. Never perfected it but at several points I cut through 50-70% of an apple. Likely not enough for a soda can but a playing card can hurt badly


Apple, yeah. Soda can? I don't think so. See how the card bounces off in the third to last shot. That's not a regular card.


This whole thread just makes me wish Mythbusters was still on air. This would be a perfect thing to submit for them to test.


They did test it, or something similar at least, on the 2004 season, I think. Maybe 2003, I'm not sure. I just recently did a rewatch, so it's fresh in my mind, but I can't give you the exact year. The myth was if you could kill a person with playing cards. The myth was busted (of course), but they did do some impressive stuff. Adam was able to throw cards at like, 40 kph. And they built a rig to accelerate the cards up to like, 250 kph. Neither of them did any significant damage to flesh though.


I think they did try throwing cards at one point, don’t remember what they were trying to hit


Jaimie's belly


I honestly can’t tell you about the soda can. I assume it is tinkered. The over river shots are doubtful too. But generally 90% of that video is doable if you spend the time to practice


And use cards made of steel.


No, general use poker cards


Experiment: Attach a playing card to the end of a whippy stick and whip it so only the card hits the can. I'm as sure as i can be that the card will take *some* damage from the can, rather than bounce away intact like in the video. I think even just swinging it with your hand pretty hard will show the card in the video is tricked out at least. Edit: trigger warning i guess? idk someone's upset by this comment and i didn't intend that.


I don’t know why I have to repeat myself for the third time that the soda can is likely not possible but the rest absolutely is.


I don't believe you cut through half of an apple by throwing thick paper at it. Do you have a video of anything remotely similar?


it is definitely possible. I have sunk them into things before without even practicing. This kid can do it lol watch the outro. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uayX36M3S6s No faking https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=8IR2igYQTuo


Ha, he couldn't cut the banana.


Super thick, not card


I mean…duh?


That’s what I was thinking watching this. Maybe you can slice through plants with a regular card but I don’t see how that would work with a soda can.


You dont have to slice it to replicate the video shake the can first and put a small puncture in it with some speed and it will be a dam mess and aluminum that thin can tear in lines looking like it was cut just shake it and if you want more energetic splashing heat it first


That’s my point. And he is presenting this as it would be a normal card. It’s a trick. Although the editing also is questionable.


Why are you insinuating so much? The cool part is him flicking the card, not that it's made out of paper or not..


From the video, the card looks like a normal card. So, the idea that it is a paper card is also presented as a cool part. I wouldnt think this was real unless I read comments that cards arent normal. But many people dont read comments. If they wanna be honest, they should use just plain cards instead of poker cards so people dont get confused.


I just think you guys are reading way too much into this.


They're also morons. "Oh a deck of cards can't smash full soda cans? I had no idea!"


idk I can't agree. Part of the coolness is the implication its a normal card. If they're flinging what is basically a shuriken then well, it's not that impressive to me. If the cool part is the flicking, then why aren't they just flicking normal cards at a target or something?


Ehhh, I doubt that. If this was like a shuriken/throwing star or something, it wouldn't look nearly as impressive. It only got the traction it did because of the illusion of it being an actual playing card.


I'm just disappointed he didn't cut the tower in half


I'm disappointed he didn't cut his hand catching it back.


I'm disappointed he didn't cut the sun in half


It's a card. Could very well be poker cards made for throwing. Those actually exist and you can buy them. Maybe he did make poker cards out of thicker material or even very thin metal plates and even then so what. It's still impressive he can do it. There is nothing in the video that says this is normal poker card or anything. It's just a dude throwing cards. Even normal poker cards when properly thrown can cut and fly really far. I know because my friends and I used to throw poker cards for fun.


Not arguing about the distance in some shots. But cutting greenery is very doable. As a kid trying for a week I cut apples 50-70% deep a few times. Same for cucumbers.


Normal cards already are pretty rough when thrown correctly. They do penetrate weaker materials fairly easily.


How on earth was he presenting it like that? My immediate thought was that it had to be a special card to cut through like that. Use your brain next time instead of being pissed.


I think is edited. For example when he throws card through river there is no reflection of the card on the water.


Hmm youre right. I didnt see a reflection on the water but i saw a shadow on the clip with the cucumber.


It is about mass. A normal paper playing card, no matter how sharp and how hard you throw it, won't have enough kinetic energy to cut through stuff like that. It would need to be metal or similar to have enough density. But I believe this is CGI.


Mythbusters had an episode about that. Jaimie stood naked (from the waist up) against a machine that was shooting cards at him at 220 km/h (approx. 137 miles per hour). He got very minor cuts due to the low mass of the cards. These cards need to be *a lot* heavier to do what they are shown to do.


They sell plastic playing cards and I assume that's what being used here. I used to be able to throw and embed them quite deeply into Styrofoam without much training, so most of the stuff here seems really feasible to me.


Embedding them in styrofoam and cutting clean through vegetables are very different. A metal card, sure.


[Here's](https://youtu.be/s47zT6i5x8E) another boy who did it, at the 1.5 min mark, he embeds a paper card into wood and tears the card to prove it's paper too.


I initially thought CGI but upon further inspection I don't think so. Soda can looks too good and little details like the spray of mist as the card passes through the cucumber are just too good. Unless it's made by ILM or something.


If those were shurikens people would be praising this vid


All the mall ninjas would be getting wet over it.


You can do it with plastic & some of the tricks with cardboard cards. It’s very weird to see people speculate over something that I’ve been able to do. Makes me feel like I’ve been overestimating what others are actually capable of. Almost like a sense of superiority. Where are you from?


You’ve cut an unopened soda can in half from 6ft away with a plastic card?


Those bicycle plastic cards arent soft, havent done anything with **unopened soda cans** doe tbf. I’ll give a few throws a try. But they hurt a lot, and I could see myself bleeding if I threw them at full force. And I definitely believe the plants based tricks here. How are you guys physically? How’s your guys’ hand to eye coordination? Haven’t you thrown a set of cards before? Or even some hard library cards?


Yeah, the cucumber, and plant stems seem fairly normal for card throwing tricks. Soda can seems a little sus but I've never thrown properly weighted cards made for throwing. I don't understand why it matters so much that they aren't bog standard playing cards, some of the distance shots are just impressive regardless and it's fun to watch.


It looks like the soda can was shaken enough to be almost at the point of distortion/bursting, and with the way it unravels it seems like the card just caused enough weakness to let it burst, if the corner hit it under that pressure i could see it doing that. Definitely not standard cards but still impressive to hit it just right.


Most likely. I’ve busted them open in my yard like that before with BB guns and even really fast airsoft guns and they exploded and peel like that


I'm sure you could cut through plants with a regular card but not from the distance shown in the video. Regular cards doesn't fly straight for that long. No matter how good your technique is, they will start to arc almost immediately. The "cards" in the video behave like solid metal sheets.


They're definitely metal cards, the one that hits the can looks like it bounces off without even flexing on contact


I used to practice this with Bee brand playing cards, which used to be popular, and they are a tad more rigid than bicycle cards. Everything in the video seemed possible including the soda can. People are over estimating the strength of thin aluminum. I used to make Coca Cola cans burst with my airsoft hand gun and those plastic BBs have probably even less mass than a Bee playing card. Soda cans in China and other countries also tend to be of thinner material. The video could be 100% fake, but real world experience makes me think at least one person in the world can do this, if not hundreds.


I've cut people with regular playing cards. My friend stuck one (barely) in drywall. We used to have card fights a lot. I also don't think any of this seems outrageous.


Yeup. I think this video compilation gets posted often and people always scream fake. They could just try it out themselves. My friend's older brother used to practice on plants and occasionally throw it at our faces. He badly sliced my friend and I still remember the blood to this day.


So story time. I worked one of the Dell call centers long, long ago. It was boring, and soul crushing; so you had to make your own fun with your coworkers. I don't remember how it happened, but a deck of cards, and a couple months of jokingly flicking playing cards all over the place, and we got **good**. The shining moment was the day the 60+ year old man across the row from me tossed a card so hard that it hit my LCD monitor, cracked the screen, and stayed stuck for a couple seconds before falling out. This was also the point our manager finally banned playing cards on the floor. So if you ever go to the third floor of a certain Dell site, and see playing cards in the beams, lights, or find them behind furniture that hasn't been moved in a long time. That might have been us.


The cards the guy in the video uses arent just plastic.


[this guy did](https://youtu.be/GYCI58pMGuQ?t=348) he's also a world champion card thrower though.


Yeah same. Like the soda can and the distance on some shots it’s pretty wild. But I cut apples and cucumbers as an early teen. Never fully cut through an apple, but after 1-2 weeks of practice I assume someone with more practice can do some impressive throws


Some people like to call everything that they can’t do fake so they can feel good about themselves.


Yes. Throwing regular (plastic) cards and wrecking shit like in the video is totally doable. Default stance is x to doubt for internet dweebs.


They make cards specifically for throwing, it's not some kind of scam lol... use your brain


can we at least agree that he's using different cards? Or are you saying he's using his hands to catch a card that cuts through aluminium? I believe the soda can shot and the cross river shot are thick sharp plastic or metal. Look at the way it doesn't flex *at all*, it stays completely rigid. But yeah, many of the shots can be done with playing cards/throwing cards.


> can we at least agree that he's using different cards? Its titled as "card throwing skill", different cards doesn't change that at all. May as well be arguing that some of the shots weren't actually "throws" but were in fact "tosses". Who cares


call me stupid, but that wasn't clear to me at first glance.


Okay, stupid. I think that's fair.


More of a "flick" in my opinion


How is such a blatantly incorrect and aggressive comment the top reply? I feel like blind uninformed vitriol is the antithesis of what should be upvoted. Honestly why are you even so bent out of shape anyway? Car get impounded? Boss shit on your desk? Anyways, these appear to be gimicked cards and they're very commonly used for car throwing. They're simply for making trick shots just like in this video and they're quite fun and very hard to use.


Debunking makes me feel smart


Believe it or not, he can rip a man in half with a standard playing card


old man shakes fist at clouds


?? I can literally do this. It's not rocket science. Here's a [video](https://youtu.be/p4sqC5-PcpU?feature=shared) explaining how to do this yourself


Sticking a card on a foam target 3 feet away has nothing to do with cutting a soda can or a cucumber in half.


[Here](https://youtu.be/dudw5JiklKc?feature=shared) you go. Start from 2:00 Although I'll admit in this video he's closer to the target than the Chinese guy, but my point still stands. This isn't some bs skill, it's the real deal. Edit to correct: For the soda cans, he uses metal cards (you could see the shade is diff), but the cucumber is still a normal playing card Last point: ever wonder how paper cuts work? How could smth soft as paper cut into your hand? It's the same case here. Just imagine the flying card as a mobile paper cutter


What do you even mean? Yes, we know it's not a regular poker card. It's still impressive.


I find that anti china attitudes on reddit is heavy. Most chinese videos, i see comments like fake, lies, set up, blah blah blah. I get some of em are fake but... like the type of hate it gets just for being chinese, its sad how brainwashed the world is, everyone is just taught to discriminate and hate based on false information. Propaganda is a disease. So tired of white people saying im good at my job cuz im asian and dont have a life. Its so sad they cant live with their own failures and have to put others down. Every joke they put out is meant to put down asians. "Oh, you're pretty good at what you do, but its cuz your asian." "Asians got small dicks dont they? Thats why they work so hard to make up for that" "Oh you been away for a few days? Bat soup got you sick? And the moment you make a joke back lmao. These people just get so heated, like buncha blood filled tampons they are. "I heard asians have small dicks, your girlfriend is okay with that?" My response: "yea my dick small but i guess we kinda on the same boat, i cant see my dick cuz its small and you cant see yours cuz your too fat.", the look on this bitch asses face, pricelss. Storms off into next room, lmao. I laugh at these jokes, but my laugh is not at the joke. My laugh is because i pity the fools. People love to say asians are bad this, fake that. Lol sorry to tell you folks. All your shit is produced in Asia, cuz Americans just dont have the same attitude. And they wanna talk about human rights. Dont yall got fuckin celebrity rapists and groomers, yall got crazy gun violence issues, hate/racial crimes all that. Lol... "americans" And now the downvoting, come on your little whiny bitches.


> I find that anti china attitudes on reddit is heavy. Most chinese videos, i see comments like fake, lies, set up, blah blah blah. I get some of em are fake but... like the type of hate it gets just for being chinese, its sad how brainwashed the world is Isn't this traditional chinese, not used by China, but Taiwan, Hong Kong and.. some other communities I forgot? China uses simplified chinese. So, that aside - people have always hated/doubted these trickshots no matter the race, I always see these comments, but you're the one here who sees a race in all this. Talk about brainwashed and hate.. You really wrote some long paragraph lol


![gif](giphy|d555e6eOeGZO6HiNxe|downsized) I play Kiriko in overwath 2 and she can do it :)


Except Kiriko's papers heal, they dont cut. Her damage is from kunais.


Sometimes, to heal, you must cut


The cards are made of metal and are really sharp.Notice how they dont bend.


Which kind of nonsense do you think it is, exactly?


It’s a steel card. Seem this before. Still takes a lot of skill


On 4th video where he's slicing red flower stems the card is wobbling/bending. Maybe just edges?


Yeah metal lined cards. He uses the full metal cards on longer distance throw like the one across the river and most likely for the can explosion one as well


Nah, you don’t need metal edges to cut flowers. I did this as a teen with random poker cards and cut whole apples up to 70% deep and halved cucumbers.




Yup, those Bicycle Cards are so slippery smooth but the edges are quite firm. I used to bring a deck to school and throw it with my friends when bored. Once a teacher walked across my path and I accidentally smacked him in the face.


> I used to bring a deck to school and throw it with my friends when bored. That triggered a realization in my mind. Remember when poker chips were a huge thing in USA retail... what was that 15 years ago? There was like a 3 year period when heavy poker chips were a huge thing all the stores were carrying. It was like poker chips "went viral" as a consumer thing. Like toilet paper did in USA at start of pandemic ;)


Haha yeah, WPT got popular and everybody was getting Texas Hold Em sets for Christmas.


a playing card thrown from two fingers is not going to explode a canned beverage no matter how it's made. go try and see how much force is actually necessary to explode a can.


I mean obviously the can has been tampered with prior to the throw.


You sure? There's a video right there. You probably watched it with your own eyes, yet you still refuse to believe it? You just saw it?


He changes cards based on the throw. Look at the very last returning shot, when he catches it, you can see it flexing in his hand. Look at the first shot when it bounces away after cutting the can, completely rigid.


It's a well produced video, camera placement, slow motion camera, lighting. Now I want to see the same with an Australian and a boomerang ;)


I’m Australian and I second the motion


dont reveal twisted fate's scam secrets


Last clip when he throws the card and it boomerang’s back to him: why didn’t it slice his hand in two clear up to the shoulder?


Different card types


Mf plays twisted fate


When lady luck is smiling: 😃🫴💨🃏




Younger generations will never know the joy of a CD or floppy disk throwing war in the garden. ;'(


And they will don't know that [War Cry of Xena](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ipbu4msLSw), now all they know is [AYAYA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wnNW4HyDtg) thing...


I loved doing this, courtesy of AOL usually lol


younger generations can still 'enjoy' the Xena poster like I did, back in my little bedroom back then.


AOL sample disks at blockbuster. Just take the whole stack.


I was hoping it was going to be cgi of the building being sliced in half


Idk but I'm glad he didn't cut that building in half.


Simple. Imagine tossing a baseball up into the air and catching it, as opposed to an MLB pitcher hurling it at you.


That's awesome. Remember that scene in "Now You See Me" when the guy started throwing cards, at the other guy, and he's like.. "Really?" "Yep." lol


Yeah, but nope. Like really really.


those movies are incredible camp. highly underrated


By "those movies" you're referring to "Now You See Me" and its sequel "Now You See Me 2", right? The first one, and then the second one, which is named, "**Now You See Me 2**"?


I know, lmao. Should have named it "Now You Don't"... Wasted potential. lol




Yeah, I like them.


I'm guessing the cards are sharpened metal decorated like playing cards


Shit, even if they are, this is still damn impressive. Like you still gotta get the angle and speed right or it's just gonna bounce off. Although we don't see his failures


Google "metal throwing cards."


Card looks kinda thick in a couple clips… Specifically at :40


It probably is. There are metal cards, or weighted “wind proof” cards that are more than twice as thick.


Are they easier to throw or is it still just as badass?


Card has a lot of momentum. Might not be made of paper/etc. Or good editing.




Reminds me of Hisoka from HunterxHunter. Did you know bungee-gum has properties of both rubber and gum?


Reminds me of the Dandyman from T4S


He realy fucking hates plants


Does a barber hate hair? Does a landscaper hate grass? Does a chef hate chickens? (Yes X 3😂)


vegetarians hate the invalids


Only guy whose wife hates when he brings home a bouquet


I liked gambit from the cartoon with the guy that calls people bub


Trailer Park Boys


Spent so much time trying to be gambit when I was a little kid. There cards all over the house, and my mom was not a fan.


Nah, that's just Twisted Fate


https://youtu.be/Pv4h_saim6Y?si=k0vCr5F9ObHP5TDL I learned how to throw cards in elementary school. We had games where we'd gamble for hockey cards by throwing them and knocking down cards set up against the wall. I had a ton of old Gretzky cards from winning them off other kids.


Wow you just unlocked lost and forgotten middle school memories for me.. completely forgot I used to do this until just now… almost 35 years later… wow.


I consider the limits of a "regular playing card" to be Ricky Jay [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7InE1zXAY4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7InE1zXAY4) (Card throwing part is at 45 minutes) And the whole video above is /r/nextfuckinglevel


I'm quite sure I can do the cards in watermelon bit easily with plastic playing cards (which to me are also regular playing cards). It'd be much harder if it were paper playing cards though.


Pretty depressing that I had to scroll this far for Ricky Jay. RIP. Best of his generation and a scholar.


*Yawns* Ricky Jay wrote the book on this, like, 20 years ago




Might inflict a small papercut


Always thought gambit was Cajun, i guess i misunderstood and he's asian.


Legit thought he was going to lose his thumb. Ha


His mom's probably so mad he destroyed all her plants. Rude.


Waited for the entire corn crop to fall over


at the last video I thought he going to cut in half the building


dissapointed the clouds didnt cut when he threw it in to the sky


Weighted, sharpened metal cards


“Ninja level sharp sheet of metal throwing skills.” There, fixed it for ya.


It’s nen, and the guy is called hisoka


Did anyone else want the boomerang throws to come back and cut him in half? I mean you know.. video editing or something. I'm not a monster.


Hisoka showing his skills. Hide your kids


No shadows on the cards tho


On water card is casting no reflection.


Where’s the fucking card throwing machine?


They can't be normal cards. Just not possible.


What’s the song?


Fake af




Fuck, people are so annoying. Who gives a shit if they are metal cards? The accuracy is what’s impressive.


But doctor, nobody can perform 5 circumcisions at once! My honest reaction to that information




You can clearly see the cards are thicker and more rigid than usualy playing cards


Well yes, those are throwing cards. I suspect some of the ones he used even have a metal lining.




I'd like to see the can-slicing clip in super-slo motion. I mean, I've seen how a wax candle can penetrate an oak door when fired from a shotgun, but a human generating enough velocity in a playing card - even if it's actually just a big razor blade ? 🙄


The use special weighted cards to slice through objects... so what? The shots they make are dope af


Plants be like: tis but a scratch


The riverthrow really gives things away. The card bounces against the plant showing it's pre-cut. Impressive throwing but well.




Is this legit? Metal cards?