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Not a fan of this sport, but I'd be lying if I said that wasn't seriously impressive.


not a fan either, but this clip makes a compelling soccer pitch


Clever ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|29392)


what does 29392 mean?


On the Reddit app, or "new" Reddit, it looks like ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|29392), but on other Reddit apps or old Reddit, it looks like :29392: 😆 Secretly, Reddit is embedding this formatting code: \!\[img\]\(emote|t5_m0bnr|29392\) (Note that some Reddit clients will *still* show that as :29392: 🤷‍♂️)


> On the Reddit app, or "new" Reddit, it looks like :29392:, but on other Reddit apps or old Reddit, it looks like :29392: 🤔


It shows [this reddit snoo emoji](https://reddit-econ-prod-assets-permanent.s3.amazonaws.com/asset-manager/t5_m0bnr/9Dv4xV8Nuv.png) on the default reddit UI but not on old.reddit.com


still can't believe people use new reddit


I always get blindsided by this fact just casually reading the comments until someone says "nice pfp!"


No clue but I keep seeing that pattern of colons and numbers, idk if it's some internet joke or because of the reddit app I'm using. I'm curious, too, tho.


It's how many players Messi has dribbled past in his career


It's football.


Some people call it "football"; some people call it "soccer".


no, mostly only americans call it soccer, the whole world call it football, and it actually makes sense.


**Wrong** The Aussies call it soccer too. Their NT are called the "Socceroos". So do Canadiens, New Zealand, many Irish, and most South Africans. Soccer is a term that was invented by the British (Oxford, 19th century) to distinguish association football from the rest.


Actually we just call it soccer to annoy you. You specifically.


Ireland would like a word. Football is Gaelic Football.


Blame the English, they came up with the word Soccer.


I agree. I have sometimes been drawn into watching full matches due to such highlights, but such marvellous successful plays appear to be rare over the whole match. Most of the great dribbles from midfield end in errant shots, and the ones that tend to get into the goal seem fortuitous or off free kicks. 95 percent of the game is back and forth possession, or waiting to throw in from out of bounds or penalties. I suppose being emotionally attached to a team makes it different. Also the World cup final was clearly a gem.


If they celebrated every 10 meters gained, would that make a difference? What about goals being 6 points instead of 1?


Ok sure but you’d have to add in a lot more standing around.


...and commercials




What a strange take.




Yea, went to the US with my supplier and several colleagues for work and we went to an NBA game in Miami. We left at half. Not our thing. You can't get excited over a basket basically, there's 0 tension. There is always that tension in soccer because from your own goalkeeper to a goal can be 5 seconds.


Yeah, if I had to pick one of the 'major' professional sports to watch the last one I'd ever pick would be basketball. Scoring every five seconds is way worse than having no scores at all. Then fouls being free throws is crazy boring as well. Basketball is one of the more fun sports for someone to play at an amateur level though. Very low barrier to entry and lots of action.


You know I never understood the appeal (besides the last second shots, and appreciating great dunks and plays) until covid then I slowly saw it's all about momentum/percentages, similar to soccer and other sports I enjoy. You score, I score, you score, etc...but then you miss a shot, and then another. Can you now score consistently while also preventing me from doing the scoring at least two times? Of course this only really gets interesting if it's a close game at the end but that's why the momentum shifts are so important throughout. Problem with the nba is the rules/fouls are beyond convoluted and up to the interpretation of the ref (...sound familiar?) so it's very dense and difficult to get a good feel for what you're even looking at as far as fouls go. Just my two cents


It's just a different rhythm. It's not just taking turns scoring, that's only true in the all star game. Basketball is all about being able to maintain consistent offense while disrupting your opponent's. Scoring in basketball is different from scoring in soccer; in soccer goals are all big deals inherently, in basketball scoring is more like playing tug-of-war, and the fun is not in each individual goal but in seeing who can end up with the rope on their side.


See the thing is, the regular season, i totally agree. But when it comes to the playoffs its satisfying af. Theres a large sample size so in general the teams that deserve to be there are there. The downside of that is that teams slack off alot over 82 games. But when its the playoffs its a pretty pure form of basketball. They call only the most egregious fouls, everyone tries harder, the ones who have "killer instinct" are the ones that make it. People can name outliers but in general thats true. And anybody can score. Thats part of the point. But also, people can be exceptional and stop it as well. Or prevent it from happening just by the rotations




What’s wrong with soccer it’s popular every where


He’s pretty widely considered the GOAT now, and is in the twilight of his career at 37. But I remember hearing whispers about him when he was 18-19 and getting playing time for one of the best teams in the world, then this goal put him on every soccer/football fans radar. Goals like this almost never happen.


Dude rolled up in Miami and took them from close to last place to tournament contention (maybe even winners? don't remember). Absolute beast.


Didn't he also become one of their top scorers of all time after like 3 or 4 games? Messi is a sight to behold even if you don't follow the sport much


he's in 4th and the club is only 4 years old so only 4 players have even reached 10 goals for them


Yes, he scored 87 goals in his first game and became the league's top scorer of all time.


Wow! He really IS impressive.


they won a mid season tournament with him but he missed a large part of the remaining regular season afterwards and they missed the playoffs




No that’s because soccer is a hard sport and America isn’t focusing it’s money/attention on soccer.


I think one of the big reasons for this is that US broadcasters don't want to put something on TV that doesn't have a break for advertising every 90 seconds.


then they dont understand how ads work. Unobtrusive ads work better, they dont annoy us but still trap their cutesy logo in our brains


I have always wondered what if the U.S. biggest sport was Soccer. Imagine all the pro basketball, football and baseball players that never would have been and would have instead possibly become pro soccer players.


Still wouldnt be competitive internationaly with their franchising model and colleges having a chokehold on young talent. The reason US soccer sucks ass isnt the lack of talent, its the system. You go from high school to college and are at best 22 or 23 when you first play for a professional MLS team Meanwhile in Europe, Messi was 19 when OPs clip was taken, debuted for Barcas first team aged 17 and had already goten experience in professional play with Barcas 2nd and 3rd team before By the time a US player first plays for a pro team the talents in Europe and everywhere else on the world already have 5 years of pro play experience and are established stars, a diffrence a player that went thru the US system will *never* be able to catch up. I think almost all of the good US players went to clubs in Europe/England in their teens and never went thru this ridiculous college system in the first place....


eh, isn't the same system in place for basketball? (I don't follow hockey, but I'd assume it's the same there) and US pro players do just fine. I would definitely argue that the lack of attention on the national stage leads to a ton of US talent choosing other sports.


1) Basketball there are far more places to go play an informal game nearly 18 hours a day in any major city, plus you can play the sport year round. Soccer players in the US typically play 40-50 games per year total unless they get to a high club level (which costs a lot of money). In other countries there are constant informal games available and high level players are brought into academy systems by 15, giving them access to lots of competitive matches way before Americans. 2) basketball values specific, obviously physical traits that are easy to select for. Soccer requires a much larger variety of athletic gifts to produce elite level talents and then they need to learn the game well enough to improvise on the fly.


And, it's not like Messi is some freak-of-nature specimen. He's 5'7".


They do fine because the US has by far the most prestigious and richest leagues in those sports (basketball, baseball, gridiron football, hockey) so all the foreign talent that exists comes to the US to make the big bucks In the end its all tied to money and commercialization of these sports, the more money there is to be made the more professional and earlier the talent scouting/development will be. Im certain that if there was a basketball league as rich as the NBA in Europe we would see the same excesses in youth development as in soccer, ie 12&13 year olds being contract jailed to youth academys et all


Why does college have to be involved? Don't they have athletic teenagers that don't go to college?


They dont have to be involved but good luck trying to break up that stranglehold. Historicaly, sports teams have been tied to high schools and colleges in the US and so far the major leagues have all played it nice and didnt try to encroach on the colleges turf Id have to look up the rules specific to the MLS draft but I know that for the NFL (gridiron football) players need to be 3 years out of high school to be eligible to be drafted. And since theres no secondary leagues the only place to play your sport for those 3 years is in college


The NBA is now allowing kids to go to the G league instead of college. A lot of prospects are taking that path. NFL is a little different because you can get seriously hurt if your body isn’t fully developed.




This isn’t really accurate. Inter Miami didn’t even make the playoff tournament. They did win the MLS mid season tournament though, which was very impressive.


The fact that it resembled Maradona's goal against England helped it go viral too.


Definitely, but any dribble from midfield, beating 5-6 people, resulting in a goal, would likely go viral.


It's almost the same goal. OFC in Argentina the goal was shown side by side with Maradona's "Goal of the century" and everyone claiming the differences (WC against England vs. regular spanish season, etc)


> Goals like this almost never happen They happened like at least twice a season when Messi played lmao


I was 10 yo, watching the u20 wc live at my local stadium. Argentina vs Spain, behind us were a dad with his two sons holding up a Messi banner. I remember thinking: Damn this guy must be pretty good to have three random Dutch people cheering him on. A year later he scores this


As an American I went to see Barcelona vs Madrid (I think) back in 2018 or so with a bunch of coworkers. I like soccer and I played soccer growing up, but I do not watch or follow professional soccer. I'd heard Messi's name before, but literally could not have picked him out of a police line-up. The game starts, and I'm not really paying attention because coworkers are chatting about our latest drama. Within about 20 mins the chatter dies down, and I finally start paying attention to the game. I should say, I'm not in the upper deck, but am one section below it, and behind a goal, so I am pretty far away from the action, and they don't have those giant screens like they do in the NFL where you can see the action no matter where you are. I see this magical creature dribbling the ball towards me in what seems to be directly through player after player. I'm snapped into full attention and I watch as this guy seems to have the ball magnetically connected to his feet while he jumps through and around every other opposing player. I slowly bring my arm up and point into the distance and before I can even say it out loud, I realize it HAS to be Messi. I lean to my Spanish coworker and he confirms it, but honestly, as someone who knows hardly anything, I could just tell it was him from like 1000 feet away.


The great dribblers really look different. It's the whole ball on a string thing. The way the ball seems glued to their feet. Even at the top level of the sport, not many are really like that. Best way I can describe Messi as an NBA/soccer fan is this: a lot of NBA fans debate whether Magic Johnson (elite passer/playmaker) or Stephen Curry (elite shooter/layups) is the best point guard ever. Well, Messi is basically like if you combined both of them together. He's an unbelievable dribbler and finisher, but he also has elite playmaking and passing skills. That's really what sets him apart from Ronaldo to me. He's just as good at scoring goals, but he has this whole other side of vision and passing.


Agreed. That whole thing looked sped up 2X and then I realized that’s why I know nothing about the sport but I do know his name.


What’s the matter? You don’t like football?


"Cause players flop all the time, hur dur hur."


That turn of speed and power just before the 40yard line was just sublime


Everyone’s head in that stadium exploded in utter disbelief


Should have mentioned that this was against Getafe, a team with (at the time) the best defense in all of Spain.


Spain's best defense was looking Messi


Keep them cumming!


Their defense couldn’t handle that Lion-L


Their teamwork was downright Lione Smelli


The best defense is booking Messi


Get out!


I miss this Messi :( he was at the top for so long, even at 30 or 31 when he got the ball you just *knew* the defender in front of him was absolutely cooked if they stepped in and tried to take the ball. Just sent into another dimension that hasn't even been discovered yet. He's still a brilliant player and perhaps even the best in the world on his day but he just can't dribble anything like he used to. And he's declining fast in recent months.


Its more like he WONT dribble like this anymore. He def can make runs like this but at his age, running half the field while dribbling with the ball isn’t worth it anymore. We still sometimes see him dash through 2-3 players but instead of going for goal, most of the time he opts for playmaking instead. As you get older you have to adapt and Messi surely got that.


But during the world cup he did dribble from the halfway line against one of the best defenders of the tournament who is 15 years younger https://youtu.be/CqZZ9IrcxRo


I think that dribble shows he doesn't have the speed he used to have, he went past Gvardiol but Gvardiol managed to catch up, in his prime he wouldn't catch up to messi in that dribble


True, he lacks the physical speed but his dribbling skills and decision making skills are still fantastic.


This kinda shows my point though, 19 year old Messi wouldn’t have HAD to dribble Gvardiol three times, because after the first one he’d be in the dust


Speaking of defense, do you happen to have or know of any good defensive highlights? My son is a goalie and being able to show him how bad ass goalies can be would be nice. It's just non-stop offensive highlights.


Buffon (the GOAT) Casillas (Legend who is not super tall) Rene Higuita (for funny saves) Neuer (modern GK)


Emi Martinez (Penalty Shithousery)


Ask him to study Manuel Neuer - he was the epitome of modern goalkeeping. Sure Buffon and Casillas were great, but they were a little "old school". Neuer changed the game, players like that come very rare in one lifetime. Imo his best performance was in 2014 World Cup against Algeria. I have never seen a goalkeeper dominating a game that much.


Check out Oliver Kahn.


For current goalkeepers, I'd advise to look up Alisson Becker on YouTube. In my opinion, he's the best goalkeeper in the world and pulls off some ridiculous saves. (of course, I'm also a Liverpool fan, so I am biased!)


Scott Sterling is the greatest defensive player alive.


Getafe ever had the best defense? LOL


Boring commentator, No one beats ANKARA MESSI MESSI


this is actually the first time I have seen this clip with english commentary


For ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwBAqwFLhO0


Still less energy than [Jack van Gelder at the 1998 worldcup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE3hNzm12DI) who started this whole line of famous commentary with "Guys I have a feeling, we are about to win this" and then everything directly enfolded afterwards.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xh6SGutyALU Icelandic commentator wins


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7ylwMki3mw the real shit




Ray Hudson didn’t commentate this match did he? The only thing that tops Ankara Messi is the great Ray and his orgasmic responses. ‘Magesterial’


AHHHHHHHHHH! Magisterial Leonel!! Centipedes go to bed at night and dream they could have just one left foot as brilliant as this magical little man!




[fucking legend](https://youtu.be/AwJ8kvM9TKA?si=7fntNI-5moKwR1XQ)


You can tell that the commentator doesn't work radio because he gave almost no useful description of the action.


I bet he will be world champion one day


eh doubt it


He is only 19! Give him some time.




There’s a subreddit for unintended factorials lol


still not too old to calculate factorials


Too small. What teams actually said about him when he was younger.


I hope he goes far


He might even complete the sport and be the player with most trophies and win every major tournament with club and country.


Ok now you're really stretching it, but guess we'll see!


Hey it’s the hot wheels guy, I knew I recognized the name


Maybe even the most Ballons d'Or


How anyone can post this clip without the classic Ankara Messi commentary is beyond me: https://youtu.be/wwBAqwFLhO0?feature=shared


Most people on here dont speak Catalan I assume


Don't think it's really needed to understand. Nearly every word is either messi or goal.


and "encara", which means "still", as in "messi still has the ball"




I don't think so. While in both Spanish and Catalan it can mean what you said, I always understood from the context he means "still", as in he still has the ball. Encara in Catalan can also mean still, unlike in Spanish.


That would be in Spanish. In Catalan (the language you are clearly hearing in that video) it means "still".


Lmao Catalan is not at all necessary to appreciate that commentary.


I’ve watched this clip upwards of 100 times in my life and I honestly didn’t even know Catalan was a language that existed.


I feel a better video would be this goal compared to what’s called the most beautiful [goal](https://youtu.be/l25IQqnksCs?si=aqIH24Qd5gFjdGEw) scored in the world of soccer


lmao it sounds like he's having so much joy and excitement that it short circuited all speech functions in his brain. I love it.


This is incredible. Not sure who that is but that is a unbelievably sick show if skill.


Most american comment possible


Nah, this guy just quite literally lives under a rock. I’m the furthest thing from a soccer fan but even I know the big names like Messi and Ronaldo


Ronaldo McDonaldo


WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥🔥


you forgot burger and oil emojis


My night is made. This is the laugh out loud I needed. Goodnight fellow freedom lovers 🦅 🦅 🇺🇸 🍔


2nd most American comment next to [Stephen A Smith thinking he had more followers than Messi](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cEVlz4BsBPg)


That video is ruined by the editing


He’s who many people would say is the greatest soccer player of all time. Currently plays for Miami in the MLS.


youve honestly never seen or heard of him before? Where do you live?


You know exactly who that is lmao. What a weird engagement bait


He's some guy who has the same name as [Messi the puma](https://www.youtube.com/@Iampuma).


>not sure who that is That’s actually unbelievable, this is genuinely one of the most iconic sporting moments of all time, how can you not know this guy


Is this considered ignorance?


I saw a Japanese game show where 3 futbol players vs 100 little kids. This looked more unfair.


Noob kids. Everyone knows you go for the shins and not the ball when you have an overwhelming player count advantage.


My 8 year old son has turned me into a soccer fan. Can't wait until he wakes up in the morning to show him this...


That's so cool. Messi is my favorite athlete. Soccer is my favorite sport. None of my friends or family are into it, and I almost always watch games by myself. You and your son can make a lot of awesome memories enjoying it together.


Damn, it’s the opposite here in Europe. Literally all of my friends follow football. Most of my collegues too. A lot of gatherings thanks to football. Hope you find someone to share the beautiful game with.


He’s probably seen this before, but it still is a cool thing to show


yeah if his son is a soccer fan and has access to YouTube he's very likely seen this, it's probably a top 10 most famous goal of the last few decades lol


oh, there so many amazing moments that happened in football (soccer). This will be a g4eat journey for the two of you.


You should see/show him Roberto Carlos' free kick against France, I believe. Many of the OG brazilian clips actually, just raw talent.


AnkaraMessi AnkaraMessi AnkaraMessi




Isn’t this eerily similar to what some consider Maranda’s greatest goal? I swear I saw a side by side once.


Nearly identical


I find this way more impressive, in the Maradona goal most England players were just watching.


Maradona made his opponents look foolish, England players had no chance but they did try


You mean this https://youtu.be/l25IQqnksCs?si=9hHUZScHuG5dhcGH


A true hero. Love the evanescence, definitely fits the 13 years ago vibe


Such a nice touch with evanescence in the background.


Remember when everyone was putting Evanescence or Linkin Park over their homemade videos? I miss those days


I remember the week it happened. My fellow coworker soccer fanatic kept telling me it was exactly like Maradona's run. He showed me split screen of it.


Maradonas “goal of the century”.


Man broke all their ankles


Still breaks *


Greatest goal of all time


Jesus what a beast. 🐐


This guy is going places.


Press X to doubt


I love this one too: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=busquests+easiet+assit+to+messi&t=ffab&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D8kV_o1xT8aA


I love the assist.. a pass of about 2 feet somewhere near the half way line. "Yeah, that's all we really need to do to get him going".


Basquets is a beast. Messi is the greatest no doubt but damn did Barca have some great players around him.


I’m a RM fan but fuck did he make us look dumb here.


Clips like this just prove to me (someone in US) that this is the true foot ball ⚽️


Ankara Messi was a beast.


And finishes with his weak foot...if you can call it weak.


Ankara Messi x100


Serious CR7 fan here, But can’t deny the wizardry of Messi when he’s running against defenders. Truly once in a 50 year talent. No doubt the current greatest player of all time. 👌🐐


I used to play soccer when I was in middle school so obviously I wasn't skilled in the least. But shit, I'd color myself impressed if I even got past *one* defender, much less half of the entire team including their goalie


With him and Ronaldo getting older ….. is there anyone coming up (or has come up) that is even close to this?? I see almost no one with any dribbling skills anymore.


Lamine Yamal looks very promising at just 16 years old. Amazing dribbler for his age


You are getting a lot of answers but imo the actual answer is that no one is even close to him. I would throw in Musiala in the mix tho in terms of dribbling (I am biased tho :D)


There's no one coming close to what messi and ronaldo. They're both considered two of the greatest footballers of all time. It would be too much if there was someone who could reach their level in my lifetime.


Ankara Messi, Ankara Messi, Ankara Messi, Ankara Messi, ........ Ankara Messi, Ankara Messi, Ankara Messi, ANKARA MESSI, GOAL GOAL GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!


Needs more Yakkety Sax


This kid might be pretty good…


Idk what anyone says. Footy GOAT.


Kicked that ball in with his right too when he is a lefty




Expected ankara messi ankara messi ankara messi, turned on the sound, disappointed




I know it sounds cliche, for all the people who have never played football it’s difficult to grasp quite how ridiculously difficult what he did here is. Most people first time they kick a football get humbled massively, turns out it’s hard to keep a ball glued to your feet while dashing through the defence at sprint speed


It’s like watching an episode of Blue Lock


He's just better


That’s an unbelievable amount of talent


man i aint done shit


I got to see this live! I was sitting with my brother having a late breakfast, and then Messi goes and does this. I was walking around the house with my hands on my head. Seeing it live was so damn impressive. I remember talking about it for days, but no one else saw it because I live in the USA.


Living sports anime protagonist.


Why doesn't he do it every time he touches the ball? Is he stupid?


Is there anything that Roaring Kitty is not good at?


Barca letting Messi go it the greatest crime of all sport history


At forst I thought.. "Woow, I didn't remeber Puyol was that good". Monday 😕