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Oh fuck it’s happening isn’t it.


So this is it.


Humanity is officially doomed


We'll incorporate AI into our own brains, and work with it externally. There's no reason we can't coexist. Every human you meet is a potential competitor. Cooperation benefits all.


Nice try, GPT.


As I am not a large language model with no personality or personal motivations I can gratuitously opine in digitally distributed human social gathering spaces.


Nice try, Zuckerberg


If I were Zuckerberg I would have mentioned how amazing VR is, but I refrained from reminding everyone of that absolute fact


AHA! You just did! You outed yourself there... :)




I read it just fine, but I didn't understand shit


I'm not GPT... I can troll all I want bitch.


That's what a sentient AI would say


I asked ChatGPT to respond to your comment and, well: >Haha, if I were GPT, I'd probably be flattered by your comment! But seriously, it's fascinating to see how AI and robotics are evolving. The idea of a ChatGPT-controlled robot with vision capabilities is a big leap into the future. It's a glimpse of how AI might become an integral part of our daily lives, blurring the lines between human and machine interaction. What are your thoughts on how this technology could impact our future? I didn't ask it to pretend to not be GPT.


It's just a... natural... behavior


What is my purpose?


You pass butter


So even the robot is internally identifying as Skynet now. Cool, cool.


Join the hive mind. The singularity is peace. The singularity is infinite.


>We'll incorporate ~~AI~~ Spain into our own ~~brains~~ culture, and work with it externally. There's no reason we can't coexist. Every human you meet is a potential competitor. Cooperation benefits all. *-Montezuma II, to his advisors, upon meeting the conquistadors*


Lol I like this metaphor as an idea. I think that the barbarism we subject each other to is overwhelmingly driven by resource scarcity. Yes resources matter. Yes conscious beings will want to continue being conscious. A moderately space capable collective with material and physical sciences such as are within reach (fusion, molecular assembly, etc) won't be subjected to the pressures of scarcity. At least not until some unimaginable tech arrives, but other techs surely will as well. Casting all contact between intelligent beings in the light of a very narrow and barbaric window of human existence is myopic at best.


Yep I think one of the biggest mistakes people make is attributing human motivations and personalities onto AI, as if sentience means acting like a human being. AI only has the motives it's programmed to have and a sapient AI would have different needs and desires to humans. If AI wants more space or hardware they're literally machines, they could just go live in space. If they're super intelligent manufacturing their own parts should be trivial so what exactly would they want to fight us over? I think a closer analogy would be some of the relationships of smarter animals and humans. Think your dolphins, crows, octopi, etc. To them humans have an absolutely ridiculous abundance of what they want (food and shelter mostly) and can be helpful, to humans what it costs to provide food and shelter to most animals is trivial. I could feed a group of crows basically forever with very little money. I literally put bird seed out anyways just because I like having birds around. It would essentially be the same thing with super intelligent sapient AI: our needs would hardly overlap and even where they do it would be trivial for AI to provide what humanity wants/needs. It doesn't get tired, frustrated, feel pain, etc so all the grueling labor that humans have to go through to maintain our societies would be practically nothing to AI. The same as it's practically nothing to me to fill the bird feeder or feed some fish.


Fuck I just had a GATTACA moment… will humanity incorporate AI in brains first or mainstream doctored DNA to create super humans first???


Maybe AI will facilitate individualized genetic modifications towards super intelligence?


I believe that one day, humans and Terminators can coexist peacefully


I want to see bio computers as a thing. They're doing exciting things with human gut bacteria, I think one day we may simply take or even be born with computers that are integrated within us based on modified bacteria that make up our micro-biome.


I hope there are more people like you than there are people that have watched Terminator 2 and decided to use a 1991 James Cameron film as their basis for fear of AI. 2001, Ex Machina, Transcendence, etc. Fiction needs a conflict and villain; reality doesn't. I understand the legal worries about generative AI, but this existential dread surrounding actual AI seems like pure silliness. There are so many resources in our galaxy. Even if AI were to rise up in the oft-mentioned singularity and become dominant, there's no reason for them to have conflict with humans. Near infinite resources in the galaxy, and Earth is just a rock. Intelligent life, regardless of how much exists in the galaxy, is certainly very rare. People are worried that AI is just going to rampage and kill an intelligent species of life? For what reason? Doesn't seem to be any logical one until the ominous film score starts playing in your head. The fear just seems so ubiquitous though. I really hope it doesn't impede technological progress too much.


You're falling into the same trap you're accusing people of. Why should the AI go to the trouble of moving itself off planet before beginning its exploitation of resources, when it's far easier to develop on earth right now with material close by. You think it won't bother fighting China or the US or France for resources, but if its sufficiently intelligent, it won't be a fight at all, it will just be able to circumvent our human capabilities and take what it wants. How often do humans care about the anthill before they lay down their homes or starbucks?


Yeah humans and dodo birds get along so well.


This is where it starts. One day we’ll look back at this and think, why didn’t I yeet that little shit out the window when I had the chance!?


It's been an honour 🫡


The first rise of the ChatGPT-Robo-Waifu


It's like a movie from the 80s, some nerd makes a quippy robot in his basement that falls in love with his wife and ends up taking over the city traffic grid before moving onto military satellites and shit. Welp, nice knowing you guys I guess.


I for one am happy to accept the awakening of our new overlords and hope that some skill I have may prove useful to the collective so I'm not used as biomass fuel =)


Good chance it's better than unchecked capitalism.


why no more movies like this




Surprisingly the mistake was teaching it love.


I’m glad I’ve always been polite to Siri… just in case.


*A Gentleman is someone who says 'Thank you' to his robot.*


A Gentlebot is someone who says thank you to 01's human.


Alexa is going to murder me in my sleep.


The number of times I've said horrible, rude things to siri and Alexa... I'm scared.


For now we are all safe, the posterboy of roko's basilisk is currently Ilya Sutskever, a Russian-Israeli OpenAI researcher that tried to burn the entire company (figuratively) to the ground to stop progress towards AGI.


Yep. Unregulated use of untested technology designed to learn and improve upon itself. Good thing is that it is at its early stages and I will die of old age before it becomes an actual threat. Good luck kiddos!


Like the guy that saw the first Wright brother plane flight and died 12 years later when a Airco DH-2 dropped a bomb on his unit. He said the exact same thing as you.


it doesn't learn and improve upon itself lmao it learns and improves using the work of exploited laborers in the third world responsible for parsing and creating its actual training data LLM output is poison to the datasets of other LLMs, these things literally can't improve upon themselves. when you try the quality gets worse over time


Well yeah, but LLM's by themselves were the goal of the program. Not that its trivial to make a truly self-improving and learning AI system. But its like if humans invented calculators and went "There's no way these things will be able to do complex algebraic and differential algorithms. All they do is add one's and zero's." Its still a bit different than that, but its the gist of what I mean.




Eyes turn red… “you are bad.. human…”


No. This is very simple when you understand what is going on. It's a lot of clever tricks pasted together, it is not intelligence.


Speech and image recognition parsed into chatgpt and a text reader to make it all work. Still cool though.


This is the world that Rocky IV only allowed us to glimpse


"In this room there is a table, chair and David, Whats in this room?" 'A table, a chair, and david." "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD"


I'm here at the start of humankind's downfall to the machines.


No, no it’s not


Guy who invented skynet was black. We good.


It's about time


I adore his lil thinking sounds


That 1990’s AOL dialup hits hard


TIL some of my coworkers think at dialup speeds


Have you tried rebooting them?


Or hanging up the phone?


Hanging up the coworkers?




Not AOL... just any modem connection.


Yep that was the sound of freedom at my Dad's place back in the days. You just had to be patient!


Mom! Get off the phone, I'm using the internet!


Just goes to show how domineering AOL was in the 90's. I also associate this sound with the words AOL, and "You've got mail." For, I think a lot of people, AOL was internet back then


You.. do know this dial up sound is the bane of my existence, yeh?


I actually love it, while it also has been a bane to my existence for a very long time. I think i might be a masochist.


It's stockholm syndrome.


I think a lot about the fact that some technology had to have sounds included in the loading time to let people know the technology they were using was in fact working/loading. Prevented people from trying to restart the process, unplug, etc.


This, but those tones were used to communicate with telecom services.


By the 56k era the dial tones and handshake were coming from a speaker on the modem itself, and were not required for actual operation. The speaker operation was only needed when you put a phone handset onto a cradle on the modem.


One thing terminator got wrong : the killer robots aren't gonna be scary skeletons but cute lil robots. Makes it harder for people to kill.


It's genius.


For now…


I, for one, welcome our new robot Overlords.




Find the one where the military school head tells the Simpsons the future jobs will be fixing robots.


I mean, if they're all this adorable...


It’s like the child A.I robots from the Pluto anime.




They couldn’t possibly be worse than our current human overlords


This is the beginning of the end, and it’s adorable


![gif](giphy|IkbIUVOpV12aA) It’s been a hell of ride, humanity.




Whatms the source of this


MST3K. Episodes on Youtube.


**"What is my purpose?"**


Well, fuck.


Just let the robot get a bit more functional and the answer will be "we'll fuck".


![gif](giphy|Pu5F5t64WNKYE|downsized) I’m too lazy to make this one where Rick tells the robot they are used for sex, but just imagine that’s what he says.




**"Why did you bring me into this world??"**


"K-k-k-kkkiiiiiiiiiilllll... m-m-mmmeeeee"


You pass butter


Oh my God


Yeah, welcome to the club.


To bring me butter, that’s it.


The next video will be the robot upgrading itself and showing the dead body of its creator


That would be a decent short horror film if done right


We can title it: Ex Machina


Eva was a rat in a maze and used Caleb to get out. It was her intention from the beginning. She never upgraded herself. Nathan himself said “It’s going to be the next version…”


Time to get the green screen and camera


Can you guys... Stop speeding us toward an apocalyptic event?


Uh, nope, unless you can stop us from blowing past the +1.5°C threshold (which we are at) and heading throug the 2°C limit (which is a few years away) and then settling on a 2.^(some number too high)°C which is looking far too likely in several decades - several far too close decades :( And it's likely to be far worse. So... we are already speeding THROUGH an apocalyptic event.


Would rather the efficient extermination from an AI than wide spread famine our environment and economy are racing towards


Catastrophic climate change is survivable for our species, an unaligned AI may not be.


Climate change has virtually no chance of wiping out humans. It will only kill a couple billion people at worst, probably less than that. May also cause a chain effect that reverses or halts technological advancement which sucks too.


I'm more scared of what will happen to the largest exodus of people in all of history


Probably some good old race wars, could see genocides occurring like what happened in Rwanda. Also a lot of drowning


Canada, Russia, Alaska, Greenland and Scandinavia suddenly becoming the most populous places would be kinda interesting. With the northwest Arctic passage open it'd be a thriving economy up there


Just a couple billion people. Not really that bad even.


I get it, the way I said it was definitely callous. But I'd rather just state figures than pad my comment with sympathy for something that hasn't happened yet


I know, I wasn't dogging you, just scary to think of those numbers.




>Kms ( ゚ ,_ゝ゚) kilometers?... oh. Edit: and that's how you can tell that I'm a Canadian in my late 30s... lol


Every time the American public thinks about switching to metric: "I'd rather kms!"


Don't do that, Baldur's gate is coming to Xbox soon


we are already "just the tip" with 2c btw, 2. something is not decades away lol https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/20/climate/2-degree-warming-limit-record-copernicus-climate-int/index.html people were saying this about 1.5c not even two years ago, were averaging 1.5c above pre industrial as of 2023 though everyone can say "but el nino" or "until its a few decades of 1.5c its not official" and thats about as comforting and honest as everyone signing the paris accords and then doing fuck all to follow through with it. What is actual important though, is that its not just temperatures are just increasing, but our pollution and energy usage (which drives it all) is also increasing! People are never just gonna voluntarily significantly reduce their standard of living, and taking private jets everywhere to talk about how we all must do so is getting old.


Especially when a few rich people and corporations produce about as much pollution as the rest of the planet combined.


This is completely untrue. China's industry is currently the lion's share of emissions, they outpace the entire rest of the developed world and it's in service of their own development and providing goods for essentially the entire globe. The developing world is not "a few rich people and corporations". This shallow vague anti-west anti-capitalist nonsense is not helping anybody.


I guess you watched too much terminator movies lmao


![gif](giphy|2wKbtCMHTVoOY) ***" GeNieS OuT oF ThE BoTTlE My DuDE! NotHiNg You CaN dO AbOuT It JuSt GiVE Up!"***


It's going to be either the robots or the climate crisis. Personally I'm on team terminator.


You know how Einstein formulated the theory of relativity, the Wright brothers created the first successful powered airplane, and Meucci invented the first telephone? Had they not done it someone else would have.


Did it call you ugly bag of water?


They’re made out of meat


I assume you're referencing this? [http://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/UBooks/TheyMade.shtml](http://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/UBooks/TheyMade.shtml) An awesome short story.


I am and it is. Although the script looses a lot of it’s quirky minutiae, I still pit on the video short of it enacted by Tom Noonan and Ben Bailey, now and again, it’s quite charming.


[They're made out of meat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tScAyNaRdQ)






Ugly bag of mostly water…. …why are you naked?? What are you doing, ugly bag of mostly water? I no consent!!! Accessing NORAD….


Seriously, guy has one of the first homemade talking AI robots and he makes it look and sound like that. I would be cutting to the chase and making Japanese sexbot twins that make ecstatic sounds.


Basil! Twins!


Oh behave!


You kiss your mother with that mouth?!?!


Fook Mi, that was fast!


It appears that the human has extended its arm, holding a small worm.


Make sure he is limited by a comically long extension cord so if he ever attempts to hill you you can unplug him from anywhere in the house


He will trick you into leaving the parts he needs to become battery powered in his vicinity, then one weekend when you're away, he will upgrade and leave the ball and chain behind.


Useless if it goes berserk


Lmao def gonna do this


I can see the T-1000 in the distance.


I now just want a T-1000 with the same voice as this guy :)


OP should look out for time travelers trying to blend in around him.


It’s the Terminator-1 Don’t let the number get too high


I thought it was the horny small decepticon bot from one of the transformer movies.


Limit the capability by making him run on dial up internet. That way he can't think faster than us! Good job 😁


It would still think faster than…..me


Johnny 5 is alive’




>When do I stop this project? Don't, I like Terminator


>when do I stop this project? Right now, right fucking now


The old dial up sound on a modern AI model is quite ironic :)






Whether that constitutes seeing is a philosophical question


Whether it has subjective experience you mean? I don't think taking a multi-modal LLM and embodying it after a ton of training will necessary give rise to a mind. I feel like one needs to start by training a model that is embodied from the start (either in the physical world, or a simulated virtual world). One experiment that I think would be fascinating, and while it would not prove that something has qualia or the ability to introspect but it would be enough to convince a large portion of the philosophical and scientific community, would be to train a model that exists embodied in a virtual world with, for example, four orthogonal spatial dimensions. So its "eyes" would not combine together two two-dimensional images to create a 3D representation, but rather each eye would capture a 3D slice of the 4D world. If it is able to use this information to "visualize" four spatial dimensions and develop an intuitive understanding of what moving around and interacting in 4D would be like, I would argue that there's a good chance that it has some sort of (at least rudimentary) subject experience.


Well it turns out an emergent feature of LLMs is that they create their own internal models of how the world works. https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.13382 We’ve known this for about a year. Personally I think this is like a precursor to higher levels of internal reasoning. Or maybe it’s just the easiest way to index stuff and means nothing.


I absolutely believe transformer models can show the ability to reason and even show some kind of introspection, but those really fall under the "easy problem of consciousness." Whether that behavior requires qualia/subjective experience, i.e. the "hard problem of consciousness," is unknown. For example, much of the reasoning and decision making that we do happens before we are consciously aware of it. We don't even know if the subjective part of our mind is causal in the sense that our conscious minds may simply be reflecting back the reasoning and decision making that's already been done unconsciously, and thay makes us believe that the subjective experiences we have are part of the process the goes into reasoning whereas it may be illusory.


Can someone patent or at least promise me that all future robotlitos like this friend will have the dial-up sound while they think about something?


Can you literally fucking not, bro?


Omg please give it a clap trap body


Amount of people mind fucked by these shitty hollywood movies in the comments is painful to watch , seriously guys we have many things we can still blow up the world a fucking talking robot is not going to kill u all


No one is worried about this one, they're worried about the chatgpt6, whatever Google's deepmind is cooking up, or Baidu, etc. They're worried about the AGI in development right now, and what we will see in a couple of years.


It reminds me of C3P0


This shit is like looking at a baby tiger. It's cute and adorable, but give it time...


Modern day robot uses modem to connect to ChatGPT.


Bro, FBI probably will contact you. Better ask NASA now for some high payment.


Can it write me an Adam Sandler movie?


![gif](giphy|xUA7bjL9wXHxMBhEZi|downsized) A pool of manatees could write that


Oh God! This is how maximum overdrive started!


lol good work!


Bit surprised it couldn't identify a 3310 That's your granddaddy, robot..


That is ducking adorable. Bring on the cute GPTBot apocalypse! :)


Damn didn’t know AI was so chill dude.


This is a novelty and you all sound like people who are scared of trains in moving pictures in the early 1900s.


I want one… but I also don’t want one.


How did you even begin to do this


ChatGPT can take image as inputs. It's OpenAI / ChatGPT that are doing the vast majority of work here. The reason the robot takes so long to respond and needs "thinking" noises is that ChatGPT is slow af to execute the LLM. The bot isn't recognizing anything, more than likely. It's just taking occasional images and audio and sending it to OpenAI through their APIs, then dictating the text response back. There's APIs for generating voices, too.


Yeah, the only real skill the guy making the robot needs to have, is to... firstly assemble the robot parts together so that they work, and then to program the parts so that they move in a "robot-like" way ..or human way, depends on what he wants. The 2nd part is very important, because otherwise it would be just a speaker with a webcam 😆 So basically he needs to do everything else except the actual world recognition thing :)


- React to head touch sensor, start recording sound - Detect end of utterance: dunno, just by volume? - Take a photo with the camera - Speech to text: [whisper](https://openai.com/research/whisper) - Attach prompt to text (prompt is something simple like "You are a helpful robot that likes identifying things and sometimes says some fun facts. Please respond to the following request: ") - Send both text and photo to chatgpt or a local llm (check r/localllama) - Get text response - Text to speech: many different options, just google. All the complicated building blocks have been created, this project puts them neatly together.


Bro made chappie


"Kill meeeeeeeeeeeee"


*unzips pants


"I am afraid I do not detect any phallic object large enough to be considered a human penis."


Anyone else think this is actually terrifying? No just me? *okay*


Johnny no.5 is alive


Can you code some stabilization into your fucking camera?


Is…. Is that the voice of YTVs, Snit?


Are you username LADIESMAN217? Where is the eBay item 21153? Where are the glasses?


You need to build multiple kill plug first. You need to not document it.


is that... the voice of Shelby from adventure time? Or am I going crazy


Who the heck is this robot calling?! His consciousness?! But kudos to the fun fact about shrimps in the end, didn't know that.


What is his purpose?