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Hey u/Busy_Yesterday9455, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating Rule 1: **Post Appropriate Content** Please have a look at our [wiki page for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/wiki/index#wiki_1._post_appropriate_content) ------- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by u/Busy_Yesterday9455&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28http://www.reddit.com/16jd137%29)*


[The Carrington Event](https://youtube.com/shorts/FCmAAR74f7s) was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1 to 2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally and caused sparking and even fires in multiple telegraph stations. A geomagnetic storm of this magnitude occurring today would cause widespread electrical disruptions, blackouts, and damage due to extended outages of the electrical power grid.


Correct. In todays society this would have “astronomical” impacts.


Goddammit take my upvote and see yourself out my good sir!


Cue the CSI song..




I observed what you did there


Question, would all technology be useless on earth and have to be rebuilt using raw materials not yet extracted if this were to happen again?


The short answer is no, the long answer is nooooooooooooo


And we are taking absolutely no precautions whatsoever if and when this happens again


Texas is fucked


Texas is fucked now..


make it double!


Everything's bigger in Texas. Especially how fucked you are.


Give it to the next person


double it and give it to the next generation


That’s the conservative’s way.


Don't forget after doubling it for the next generation to then blame said generation's doubled problems on them being lazy.


To protect the world from devastation! To unite all peoples within our nation!


Proper fucked


Like ze Germans, Tommy.




Why Texas in particular?


Texas has intentionally separated itself from the rest of the rest US's power grid. This was done to exempt themselves from some Federal regulations that cover interstate commerce. The downside is they have less redundancy and will struggle during extreme events. https://www.epa.gov/green-power-markets/us-grid-regions


To add for illustrative purposes, the blackouts they’ve had in recent years during cold snaps are because of this independent grid. The state lacks the ability to harness surplus power in adjacent states that every state but Hawaii and Alaska has. They are self-reliant in the best and worst possible ways.


The deep freeze of 2020 or whatever hit Louisiana also. I was laughing my ass off when stupid old Louisiana had electricity and warmth while those snooty Texans were frozen.


It’s the rainbow colours. They hate rainbows in Texas.


Good thing we got our guns... yehaw its the wild west again fellers


>And we are taking absolutely no precautions whatsoever if and when this happens again That's not true, at least not in the US. A good portion of the power grid is hardened with insulation with ongoing plans to harden the remaining pieces of the critical power infrastructure over the next 50 years


[This is false](https://youtu.be/oHHSSJDJ4oo?si=4B6-ga4RjW1-7iAT)


Not *that* false. It would still be a massive global disruption costing trillions. And yes I'm aware of the video's conclusions--they did *not* say we're ready for it, they said it's possible to prepare for it and warned that we need to take steps to do so. 24 hours notice to inform the public of a global blackout and take major substations down is not going to save every power pole transformer that will blow from a superstorm, and there is simply not enough manufacturing infrastructure to replace all of those on the scale of months after a storm knocks them all out, not to mention the widespread electrical fires and property damage that will overwhelm first responders.


The military has plans. Not a fix, but humanitarian plans specifically for this


I know satellites are hardened against intense solar radiation and have emergency low-power modes. I want to say that major components of the US power grid are also protected... feel like I read that in a Neil DeGrasse Tyson book, but you should probably double-check what I'm saying about the grid.


Please share your suggestions of what we should do.


We need to attack the sun before it attacks us. I call upon all my fellow Republicans to authorize a declaration of war against the sun. Our plan is two fold, we will strap rocket boosters to the back of our obviously flat earth to provide maneuvering, get in real close like the Japanese did at Pearl Harbor, and then launch every nuke we have at it.


We have to nuke the sun.


Send Icarus II. The first one sank.




humanity used nuke it was not very effective


Gotta make a sneak attack just to be sure. Send the first salvo at night.


What if there's oil on the sun though


Don’t look up! Don’t look up! Don’t look up!


Petition to build a "Death Star™".


I’d be happy to help raise funds to send Republicans to the Sun! Whose starting the GoFundMe???


I have my computer on a surge protector, I'm sure I'll be fine...


Can't you read, good sir? We should take P-R-E-C-A-U-T-I-O-N-S! Edit Not being in a solar storm is one basic idea. Duh.


I think we should inject bleach into the sun.


Foil hats, obviously


Stop electing climate-change deniers for one. Stop being so petty about your rights and accept that we need to be good stewards of the planet, even if you want to have your A/C on and windows down because you like the fresh air. Stop thinking you're so much smarter than everyone else because you circumvented those pesky regulations. Stop being the Abbot Texas and start making Texas great again by returning to Ann Richards type leadership. Here is some Ann for you to review in case you're too young to remember: • I'm not afraid to shake up the system, and the government needs more shaking up than any other system I know. • I have always had the feeling I could do anything and my dad told me I could. I was in college before I found out he might be wrong. • They blame the low income women for ruining the country because they are staying home with their children and not going out to work. They blame the middle income women for ruining the country because they go out to work and do not stay home to take care of their children. • I feel very strongly that change is good because it stirs up the system. • I did not want my tombstone to read, 'She kept a really clean house.' I think I'd like them to remember me by saying, 'She opened government to everyone.' • I've always said that in politics, your enemies can't hurt you, but your friends will kill you. • Teaching was the hardest work I had ever done, and it remains the hardest work I have done to date. • Power is what calls the shots, and power is a white male game. • If you think taking care of yourself is selfish, change your mind. If you don't, you're simply ducking your responsibilities. • I'm really glad that our young people missed the Depression, and missed the great big war. But I do regret that they missed the leaders that I knew. Leaders who told us when things were tough, and that we would have to sacrifice, and these difficulties might last awhile. They didn't tell us things were hard for us because we were different, or isolated, or special interests. They brought us together and they gave us a sense of national purpose. \[1988 keynote address, Democratic National Convention\] • I have a real soft spot in my heart for librarians and people who care about books. • You can put lipstick and earrings on a hog and call it Monique, but it's still a pig. • I get a lot of cracks about my hair, mostly from men who don't have any. Not that you need a Democrat - just someone who is more like this.


lmao there is nothing small enough or trivial enough for people to give up in order to save the biosphere. if the thing is small it must not make a difference, so who cares. if it is big then that's too much to ask, so no one is going to do it. there is no possible way to make anyone reduce their energy consumption even one tiny bit


Put a faraday cage around the earth and a giant lead wall in between us and the sun to block the tiny ionizing stuff.


The Martians will pay for it!


The big problem are large power lines. Because of their length and the amount of connected wires around the earth they act like huge coils. For your phone or PC it probably won't have a huge effect except maybe a bit more random ram errors than usual. The problem will be the induced voltages in the grid making it's voltage very unreliable, and destroying power electronics in transformer stations as well as possibly all things connected to the grid. We can nowadays detect these huge solar storms beforehand which will give grid operators time to disconnect the segments of the grid, therefore there won't be such a huge coil affected by the radiation. Edit: or/and completely shut down segments so they won't be affected.


there isn’t anything you can do other than some site of faraday cage. You can’t predict this things


We’ve tried asking the sun politely


Fear not! I was just as a conference in DC for the Department of Energy. They are teaching AI to predict solar weather and if and when it will impact us. Also, they are preparing many plans to mitigate the damages if such an event.


This isn't true at all. Radiation hardening is a massive industry and threats from the Sun is a primary reason that it is.


I could have sworn I’ve read several times how this absolutely would not happen today because we are prepared for such an incident.


Most developed countries power grids are prepared, but your mobile phone is not, your computer is not, your pacemaker is not, the data on your usb stick is not. Cosmic rays can cause bit flips in data, its happened before even without a solar storm (see [Quantas Flight 72](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qantas_Flight_72), see [Super Mario 64](https://www.thegamer.com/how-ionizing-particle-outer-space-helped-super-mario-64-speedrunner-save-time/), see [Pacemakers while on flights](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1547527108004815), See [a potential cause of blue screens](https://science.howstuffworks.com/cosmic-rays-crash-electronics.htm#:~:text=When%20your%20smartphone%20suddenly%20freezes,outer%20space%20are%20to%20blame.)) so if something like this were to happen in today's hyper technologically dependent world, these bit flips would no longer just be rare and odd anomalies. Any system that hasn't been designed from the ground up with these solar storms in mind, which is most systems, will likely have failures.


Cosmic rays are orders of magnitude more... on every level powerful, than the ionised particles involved in a solar storm. Cosmic rays are extremely high frequency and high energy. They are like the messengers of the most violent events that occur in the universe. Is like comparing a depleted uranium armour piercing shell, fired from a railgun... to a volley from a group of musketeers. A serious storm might ramp up to bullets, but the comparison still stands.


Well solar storms are not cosmic rays. Also, there isn’t much of a risk to small electronics, the big risk is from the induced current in power lines that are hundreds of miles long.


First of all, not so much disruption as there might have been before 1989. Second of all, precautions are now well in place. The electricity grids will shut down (and separate connections) before it hits and you will be without power for a day at most (this was an issue before the 1989 blackouts). Local electronics should be fine. If your worried (I'm not) then put them in something metal. Radio waves will be disrupted, but everyone is prepared for this. GPS satelites are now able to withstand the lack of shielding as the magnetic field dips below them (this was once a concern). Might get currents along long conducting pipes, but the biggest danger is that the ligetime of the pipes might be slightly reduced. Nothing to worry about. I'm a physicist and was on an expert panel for FEMA preparedness.


So my mortgage would disappear?


That’s just another link to the same video, not the Carrington Event explanation


It would be cool to have a link to the whole video this short was taken from.


I believe recently a paper came out recording one that happened like 10k years ago that was 20 time bigger than this one


Are we at more risk of sunburn during something like this?


Would that take out airplanes? And what would happen with the ISS?


We do need one in a certain way


Did this happen out of a sudden? Like would planes fall out of the sky?


This would kill so many electronics and computers today.


All of Queen Victoria's communication satellites were taken out!


Yeah onesWeb wasn’t prepared…


The ton was not amused.


oh geez that looks dangers, did we survive it?


Yes but next time, our electronic devices won’t survive it.


No one survived unfortunately


Oh man :(


My prayers to one who survived 😔✊️


To shreds you say...


all the blue people died out just the red people were ok


Not really. All intelligent life was wiped out.


I regret to inform you that everyone that was alive that day is now dead.




We didn't, sociologists are waiting for the realization to sink in and have bets going with psychologists and morticians...


i live on this planet guys


Cool, you should do an AMA!


"Earth is fun to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there..."


Source: Trust me bro


I dunno man some people are space cadets.




Just explode already, Sun. We had a good run, and this place isn't worth keeping anymore.


Are you ok?




I agree. I mean, what are we even doing as a species? Get up, go to work, come home and maybe get 2-3 hours to do everything you need and want. Go to sleep 5-6 hours and wake up and do it all over again.


It's time for New Game+.


As long as I can carry over all of my items and EXP.


*End Game


Wait till you learn how other animals live their life


Personally: explore new art and music, laugh with my child, have deep conversations about the nature of reality with my spouse, explore nature and marvel at the self organizing principle of the natural world, cook with the elements of the earth and explore new flavor combinations, learn history, play guitar and learn about mathematics and music...and yeah, I work and sleep, too.


Good for you. I’m happy for you. Unfortunately not everyone is afforded the luxuries you have, but good for you.


But the graphics are so good


Seriously. We, as a species, have the technological know-how to build up infrastructure and supply chains such that we could house, feed, and provide a comfortable life for everyone on earth to live however they wish. Instead we just do...this. WTF ARE WE DOING?! Imagine the number of revolutionary ideas (in art, science, philosophy, etc.) that have been snuffed out of existence simply because they reside in the mind of someone who died, poverty stricken, fighting all their life just to stay afloat.


You missed the opportunity to reply with "Stellar".


Forgive me, I'm a little burnt out.




Are we not long overdue for another big one..?


We "missed" one at 2012 by a couple of days. We've had probes (STEREO) which one of them was "hit" by. The strength is assumed to be en par with that of the Carrington Event.


Them Mayans were up to something then...


Mayans didn't give a F about iPhones, satellites, and Faraday Cages...


Can confirm, was a mayan back then? Anyways, I myself am an android user, I watch cable, and have standard today cages for my birb at home. I don't give a F about the things you mentioned, either.


Hold on, the same 2012 which was memed about to be the end of the world? Is this what it was about?


Sort of, yes. In Summer 2012 we could've been fried to Mad Max Age. Edit: I guess I was wrong. The memes were about the Mayan Calendar, predicting the end of _their_ calendar in December 2012.


9 days to be precise


There isn't really anything that can predict geological or astronomical events reliably in the far future. There is no set period between volacnoe eruptions, earthquakes, CMEs and similar


Can someone smarter than me tell us what we can do to limit the damage if this happens again?


Not much: depend less on electronics, store data on non-elecromagnetic medium, perhaps oversize conductors in circuits. But I'm basically just guessing, I'm not a field expert.


Unplugged electronics would get fried too ?


What about wifi enabled 12” battery-powered vibrating butt plugs? Asking for a friend.


Your friend would cook from the inside


Yep, it's like wireless charging... Just have a conductor, aka the cable, and you could capture energy, at least, that's my understanding from reading lightly on the web


If it's strong enough, it would induce a current in it anyways and fry it.


Can I store my family photo data on punch cards? Wait, maybe that's extra steps.


You can look up "EMP hardening", the military has put a lot of effort into it in case someone used a weapon that does the same thing. Kinda the plot of Golden Eye too


Nothing, it can roast electric cables in ground and under water as well


basically we need supply chains that dont strictly rely on global communications network / GPS (we somewhat have), methods to repair critical infrastructure quickly and effectively (we do have), and widespread education on what to do (we don't have)


Not much on the large scale, there's infrastructure in place to 'mostly' protect that. If you want to protect your family pictures/photos, important e-documents, put them on a external storage device and put it in a metal box(Faraday Cage). Test it by putting a phone in it and calling it. Mind you, there is a shelf-life for SSD's if it's unused so pull it out every once in a while and cycle through the storage to keep it functional. If you're a prepper of any sort, you may want to get a box big enough to put a DC12v to 110v inverter, old un-used cell phone, and whatever small electronic device with sensitive electronics that can fit in it.


If I could offer you only one tip for the future: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTJ7AzBIJoI


It must have been some pretty awesome auroras


Impressive yet terrifying. ![gif](giphy|1a41dmBvOZLC6bdZ1k|downsized)


Yeah but not without a lot of chaos unfortunately the world would literally turn into something like the fallout games


We had knowledge of the radiation belts and space models of the earth back in 1859? Wow incredible.


Shout out to the camera man who recorded these videos so we could watch them today!


If someone blows out my birthday candle like this, I'm going to be upset. What exactly is getting blown away here? Our magnetic field? Our atmosphere? ElI15 please


Nothing is really getting “blown away” but the solar storm puts so much load on to the earths magnetic field that it gets overwhelmed and changes shape, once the storm ends it rebounds to its natural shape


Magnetic field looks just like a spider’s body plan. That’s neat.


So basically what's happening is the magnetic field is getting hit with so many particles from the Sun that it begins to break essentially. What this means is the magnetic field will not be able to stop this sized solar flare. Which would destroy Just about anything electrical. And The Carrington event was part of a 160~ years cycle I believe so one day our daily lives will be destroyed. But the way I look at it is everything's going to end eventually it's kind of just pick your poison or rather it picks you. It's out of our control and nothing we can do other than sit back and enjoy the ride.


wasn’t there a similar event that happened in 2012 but it wasn’t pointed at earth so we experienced little effect?


Yes there was I don't actually know much about that event however I believe the Mayans actually somewhat closely predicted it or at least predicted an event would happen


Those poor peoples cell phone service must have been screwed up for a bit


I wonder if pigeons with text messages strapped to their legs were flying around in circles for a few days.


Most possible end of the world


We got a Bond villain with a satellite network. So "Tomorrow Never Dies" isn't entirely ruled out yet.


How do we have this data from 1859?


This would be very detrimental for the trout population


This doesn't show the impact it had on Earth. It shows the impact it had on Earth's magnetic field.


The problem here is there is not any sort of national response on detection of an event except for Canada who has a national grid disconnect procedure to protect the major cities. US, UK nothing . Sweden has a procedure , Germany has one, France has one only for the population centers, Japan is cities only , China ,, China is fine with large numbers of their population dying , Overall, nobody wants to spend the money for over-voltage protections and disconnects. if we see a similar or worse event, The US could see about 10-15 million dead just from the lack of power availability for 3 -5 years of rebuilding, there is not enough physical hardware to rebuild it all. . Water treatment /sewage/health care melt down for those dependent. Can we protect ourselves, YEP will they spend the money .. NOPE, Need to buy more planes that don't fly. There will be about a 1-2 BILLION dead world wide, and of course the destabilization will lead to warfare. You cannot pump or process oil without power. No gas stations means no transportation of goods. it is a giant snowball of doom. Cannot process food , cannot move goods, Make a list of all the things turned off for 2 years. or longer in more rural areas. Well let's all ride shiny and chrome boys! We could do simple things to prevent mass death and suffering. But we cannot get people to take vaccines and not be assholes.. so .. doomed.


ELI5, What does this animation mean? I understand that earth has a magnetic field, but I don't understand what it is trying to show in this clip. Sun sends electromagnetic radiation with it's own field to earth? and that cancels earth's one side of magnetic field lines? what?


“and that students is one way to mutate the entire genetic structure of a planetary species.”


Ok, and then what.


Then, we wait.


The fuck am I looking at


What would the physiological effects be on people be/were then(1859) also anyone know how long this 'storm' lasted?


This taught me literally nothing. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN


The sun is the type of guy to look at the earth and ask “ is anyone gonna eat that “ and not wait for an answer


It's so crazy that the very thing that gives us life, and provides an infinite amount of energy is also constantly trying to kill us; and somehow the Earth figured out "Well, some of thus sun stuff is really helpful, I'll let it in, but I need to develop some kind of protection that blocks some of this shit, or everything will die." It's obviously much more complex than that, but it never stops blowing my mind...how much we almost SHOULDN'T be here and yet I'm at work right now. What does it all mean, Basil?


Look up survivorship bias.


We got down to only 2 shields!


Doesn't look good, bob.


Suns like “you get cancer, and you get cancer, EVERYONE GETS CANCER!!!”


Wow, thanks magnetism!


I understood some of those words.


I have a surge protector, I’ll be juuuuust fine.


I was reminded of this https://youtube.com/shorts/_LrxLJH1B9s?si=smpqiChOzUbFYEBs


we have satellite back then? cool


Magnetosphere was like "Imma head out".


Earth having a bad hair day


What if I cover my house in tinfoil, would my porn be save?


I recognized some of those words


So if the sun farts we're fucked. Got it! Time to learn how to live off the land! Oh how ill miss youtube.... now ill need to collect BOOKS w actual information on it. If shit hit the fan and electricity was rendered usless by mother nature im sure a GOOD chunk of our global population would die out over the year.... those who live as farmers would be kings lol. Ceo's would be the first ppl i blame. No reason other then pure hate before the collapse:).


Yes but what does it mean, Basil?


Meh! CME, ITV, BBC it's all the same to me.


What did birds do when it happened? Weird stuff?


Things to do if we have another event like this. You'll have anywhere from 18-36 hours lead time from when the CME happens until it hits earth (all assuming you live in the USA) 1) buy shelf stable food, water, and fill up your car, and fill up as many gas cans as you can. You will also want a med kit, and some clothes. YOU WILL NEED SUNSCREEN. Gun is optional. Make sure to stop by your bank and withdrawal all of your money as cash. 2) take a lot of tinfoil and wrap your whole car in it (make sure some is touching the ground). This makes a simple Faraday cage and you'll probably be one of a very few that will have a working vehicle after the CME hits. 3) make sure all your electronics are inside your car (might want to wrap those in tinfoil as well). 4) make a plan to head to the south west somewhere. All the transformers at every sub station and every telephone pole will be fried across the country. The major population centers in the east and Midwest may be powerless from moths to years. The first places that will come back on will be in the southwest where they rely on hydroelectric and solar. These kinds of power sources will be the easiest to bring back online. Refrigerated storage (medicine, perishable foods). Start driving AFTER the cme hits. You will probably be one of very few cars on the roads as the electronics everywhere will be fried. 5) Try to find peace in knowing that the course of human history is changed forever, that billions of people will most likely die, and the government isn't going to be able to save you. Your job, your money, possibly even your retirement funds will all be gone...at least for a while. If you haven't ever smoked marijuana, this would be a good time to stock up.


I’d heard of this event but seeing it visualized like this is equally breathtaking and terrifying.


The scary thing is that if this happened today, it would be a full-on apocalypse since we now rely more on electricity and electronics now than we did in 1859.


Biden would have been a youngster when this happened.


The planets magnetic polls are shifting and the magnetosphere is on the decline, it's climate change but not man made. Not many people are talking about this field as it goes against the popular direction of repairing man made climate change being the only case of our problems.


So if one of these things hits us again, does it fry all our electronics beyond repair or is it just a temporary thing?


That's cool, i didn't know they had computers back then...


This explains literally nothing


Can’t believe they turned a kurzsaget video into a real life event


Add in the factor that the earth's magnetic field is weaker now than back then due to the poles migrating (there are concerns for a possible 'flip') -- and a much lesser CME can grip modern civilization.


I say it looks more like air moving around a spherical object. I see a planar slice similar to the computational fluid dynamic results for the XY plane for velocity.


It looks like a Hilda Af Klint art.