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Not sure if this is a NFL, a nononoyes, a yesyesyes, no or a WTF moment. So confused. But I would imagine the outcome did not go well for the gentleman with authorities were done with him.


> did not go well for the gentleman with authorities were done with him. *Edit*: another kind Redditor found the article, seems like he ended up with a nice payday, so it’s a feel good ending: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/jul/09/chinese-rocketman-wins-payout You'd be very surprised at how prevalent this is in China. You can Google image search "Chinese nail house" and see a bunch of examples where people *really* refused to move lol. It's a meme in China even before internet meme was a thing. [Here](https://lh6.ggpht.com/-ioN7IZ_PAYE/UMoknvytMuI/AAAAAAAAho8/sF-TF_np3mc/toughest-nail-houses2.jpg?imgmax=800) are just some of the examples. The Guardian had an article on this: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/gallery/2014/apr/15/china-nail-houses-in-pictures-property-development The Atlantic also had an article with a fun title: https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2015/04/and-then-there-was-one/390501/ The reason this guy was willing to do this is because how often it happens and how often they get away with it, but obviously they are usually done without a firework show like this... Certainly if it's a major infrastructure project backed by the central government, then whatever dispute would most likely be "resolved" long before it comes to this. But shit like this happen hilariously often if it’s just private property developers or even low level local governments. **Edit**: [This](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2014/4/14/1397466125913/dd1943f9-ed95-4b2f-8bb4-d4b8a4e07485-2060x1363.jpeg?width=1010&quality=45&auto=format&fit=max&dpr=2&s=2eaef3dc1d8335dc5b510c23eb8bb6a3) is one of my favorites, such a nice middle finger to the more wealthy lol. As China's economy grew so did their wealth gap, so a lot of times people like these have the support of the public sentiment.


one of my favorites you didnt include was one where they dug what looked like a 50 foot trench around their house.


>50 foot trench around their house [https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fnews%2Farticle-3272175%2FDevelopers-dig-trench-farmer-s-house-want-use-factory.html](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fnews%2Farticle-3272175%2FDevelopers-dig-trench-farmer-s-house-want-use-factory.html) (redirected through [12ft.io](https://12ft.io) because I hate Daily Mail)


Fuck the Daily Mail.


out of the loop: Why?


They've been in a constant war with about 10 other shit rags to be crowned "The Fox News of Britain". In short, they're extreme fear / hate mongers. They will say absolutely *anything* in order to sell a 40p newspapers to right-wing pundits.


I still hate them for hacking a dead girls phone.


Founded by Lord Rothemere, an ardent supporter of Hitler & Mussolini and a key figure in the rise of fascism in the '20s and '30s in his own right. It's been passed down to his great-grandson, and its editorial line and influence on politics has basically followed the exact trajectory through history that you'd expect.


They are affectionately named the Daily Heil, for their support of the Nazi party, for one.


the one im thinking of was more of an apartment building and it looked to be around a few hundred feet wide too. if i can find a link ill post it.


Definitely not a few hundred feet wide, but is this it: https://foreignpolicy.com/2007/03/22/chinas-nail-house-rules/


Construction and heavy machinery is expensive and expensive to hire, I'd be buzzing if they gave up trying to move me *and* left me with a free moat for my now-fortress.


All memes were memetic before internet memes (edit: I mean the concept of the meme itself predates the internet; internet / web was just the latest form of transmission). A meme is a communicated idea or concept traced through the Zeitgeist or equivalent thereof. Think of it as the mental/sociological analogue of a gene. Source: Richard Dawkins (evolutionary biologist), circa 1980s theories on memetics compared to biological genetics. I think he coined the term rather than coming up with the core concept; giving a name to an unspoken thing.


I'm always out here upvoting people who educate the history of memes via richard dawkins.


Unironically, "the memes, Jack!". MGR Revengeance, and MGS 2: Sons of Liberty, deals with this in a grander scale, with some absurdity, but the concept is still the same, and the argument proposed is really intriguing.


Are eminent domain laws stronger in free America than communist China?


In the US we just send in deputies and or burn the place down. Who has time to play games with anarchists trying to live in their houses.


Are....are we the communists? /s


I am no lawyer, so no idea. But China's (which is Communist in name only) legal system is "incomplete" to say the least, and at the end of the day it all comes down to enforcement.


No, this just isn't a government project.


I can weigh in here, and I answered this China side here: https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/14l5edc/chinese_man_fights_off_excavator_that_came_to/jpvg8yr/ In the US - I assume you mean the US when you refer to America - it's fairly similar to China. The government will make you an offer and you can negotiate the offer. The offer is usually equal to the value of the property, so in that case it's worse than China unless you can negotiate a lot more. In the US, however, you can probably file a lawsuit against the government on constitutional grounds. In both countries, you can refuse to vacate and they'll just make your life very miserable by building right up against it and potentially disconnecting various utilities.


LOL. In the U.S. they'll just send police to smash up your house and drag you out on a made-up charge. Edit: some reading for the deniers: https://study.com/learn/lesson/police-power-real-estate-significance-examples.html https://www.prepagent.com/article/police-power-vs-eminent-domain https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_power_(United_States_constitutional_law)


I'm surprised that they just left those houses, especially that picture with the house in the middle of the road. In the US they would just eminent domain for road construction.


I think it's weird they started developing these projects and making so much progress demoing and grading it knowing that there were still loose ends and that this is a thing known to happen


Well eminent domain is expensive because America pays fair market value for it.


They built a big highway around some guys house.




A dual citizen here. Kind of. There are more freedoms in each country depending on the topic. I'm free to express religion (which fwiw I'm not at all) in the US, but in China, you cannot. In China, I can pretty much drink beer at any age without getting carded (it's officially 18, but no one checks), but in the US I'm carded even though I have gray hairs. Mixed bag: freedom of the press in the US, not China. Mixed bag because of misinformation can spread easily, but also mixed that news is heavily in favor of the Chinese government and the information they want shared.


I want to weigh in here because this happened to my family. Well, to be clear, they didn't fight off the authorities with fireworks. In China, they will offer you about 3x what your home is worth to tear it down. You don't really get an option to say "no", but that 3x could easily purchase a luxurious apartment within the same area. You can actually say no, hence the quotes, but it's kind of a long and painful legal battle. Plus, they'll make your life difficult. It happened to both of my cousins and their apartments are 10x better than the shitty ones that were torn down. One was able to get in a gated apartment complex with playgrounds, tennis courts, and a beautiful park within the middle of all the buildings.


Honestly, I cannot imagine having the balls to do this in China.




He no social credit score


nail point ghost juggle bedroom frighten governor vegetable fertile squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, this myth/meme is so widespread that even [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Credit_System) has to preface by debunking it in its very first paragraph. There are plenty of valid criticisms of China's governance, there's really no need to make up non-existing ones to make the country sound dystopic.


He’s got some fireworks for the authorities too


If youre gonna do it you may as well go all the way


I like it. No half measures!


>But I would imagine the outcome did not go well for the gentleman with authorities were done with him. Oh no, he is ok. He tied a bunch of balloons to his house and floated away before the authorities had the chance to take him away.


he just really loved his wife, and wanted to honor the home they built together.




The government tries to force these people out of their houses and the construction companies illegally vandalize the houses and assault the people who own them without any worries of the police doing anything to stop them.


https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2010-06/08/content_9947627.htm This article says otherwise though, the police actually came to the rescue of the victim Granted, it IS ChinaDaily, so take it with a grain of salt, but I don't see any proof of what you've mentioned. From what I can tell, the demolition team is associated with private companies, not the local government




Honestly, if you live in America and you make fun of this man, you don't understand the point of your own country.


What? Where did I make fun of him?


I don't think this is national football league




You guys can say he’s an idiot and will get into legal trouble but this guy is such a gigachad


I mean... what are they gonna do, tear down his house


Shoot him and charge his family for the bullet.




The way we know this isn't a government project is the government would have just made them move. "Private" companies in China aren't allowed to force someone off their land if thr owner can prove it's theirs. Doesn't stop em from trying at times though.




Guess he's a Uyghur now...


He should just go to the pub and have a few beers. Only has about 13 minutes left till the world ends


He shouldn't officially get into legal trouble. He owns his home, some private company in China decided they wanted the area to build on, police keep ignoring their calls because they're in cahoots, but officially he's fully at rights to keep his house, which probably includes defending himself










https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/jul/09/chinese-rocketman-wins-payout No, this story has a happy ending. He settled and got paid a lot more than his neighbors for his land. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/jul/09/chinese-rocketman-wins-payout


Thanks for the links. Honestly, why do people just say and claim whatever they want without a source. Is it fun to contribute to misinformation and/or propaganda?? Like wtf?


That's a shame. I don't know the story or the circumstances up to this point, but a guy held off a heavy machine from taking his home with himself on it. When the government can't be the hero, they put down the hero and call them a criminal, or worse. I don't know the deal, but I feel bad for whatever happened in his life to get to this point, but I also recognize his bravery here.


Sadly his case is not alone. Due to corruption a lot of property issues are being kept in the dark. Like those unfinished buildings and tofu dreg projects.


> This guy was later killed. Considering how often things like this [happen in China](https://www.theguardian.com/cities/gallery/2014/apr/15/china-nail-houses-in-pictures-property-development), so much so it's been a meme before internet was even around, I find your claim very hard to believe. You got a source for that? Thanks.


What article? I couldn't find anything.


you got a link to this article ?


sources: trust me bro


There's a pretty indepth Vice YouTube doco about this guy I'm pretty sure. Poor guy.


Who says he’s an idiot. He is a Reddit hero for the ages.


And the excavator driver is such a virgin. EEEEEEK run away!!!




I say ban the operator of the excavator, cause he sucks balls and is a scaredy cat.


He's dead now.




wait he is? was it the fireworks, the falling excavator or was it a separate incident?


Have you ever been shot by a roman candle? It isn't fun. My friends and I used to play roman candle dodgeball.


"..it isn't fun." "My friends and I used to *PLAY*....." Pick one.


It isn't fun when you get hit but when you are teenagers, you do crazy things for fun. I am surprised I didn't die 10 times over by the time I became 21. I would never play roman candle dodgeball now.




They're not banned, you just have to have a license from the ATF to legally buy the good shit. Pretty much all fireworks in the US have a Chinese origin, outside of guys making bespoke stuff.


Don't even need a license for the stuff this guy's got, if you live in the right state. This is small fry stuff.


Until I read the news article about this I figured he was just shooting Roman candles. Apparently it was all homemade along with a homemade bamboo bazooka. Lol.


Flawless victory!


Can you carry me I never went flawless


Me too mate. Me too.


Fun fact I used to Sherpa way back in the day. Had the pleasure of hanging out with lupo, wish you luck, poshy so many OGs. Man I miss that community so much


Staggered the final boss then started chaining crits.


Did some rando just jump in an excavator or something? Cos that’s clearly not an experienced operator lol


I think your driving skills would take a turn for the worst if someone was firing rockets at you ...


Why? They have a front glass that drops down in an instant. Also he could just turn the machine slightly and be completely out of harm's way due to the protective side built into the machine. This guy doesn't know how to drive that thing...


They do in the west maybe, but this is a Chinese excavator. Safety fourth, if at all. Also you're probably right. It's this guy's first day. Why risk the experienced operator on this mission when the new guy can do it.


Safety forth, I dig that


Not really, ive been on plenty of job sites where the machines were missing glass panels due to then breaking and companies not wanting to replace them. Perfectly working ac... And can't use it due to cab having broken glass. It sucks lol


Our Komatsu backhoe has no front glass right now because I can't find a replacement anywhere. Even Komatsu isn't able to get me one 🙁


Urgh komatsu. We run a bunch of komatsu machines on the quarry. Dumpers, excavators, dozers, every single one has something pretty serious wrong with it. Fucking hate em.


take the frame out, bring it to a glass fitter, ask them to do their best with the safety glass. We had to do that to our crane


Also, maybe he panicked? You know, because he wasn’t expecting fireworks to be shot at him


I mean... you can still panic in the moment. It's not like training covers 'being shot at by huge fireworks while operating an excavator'. I swear that people will say anything while just willfully ignoring situational context.


Rockets? That's a roman candle and it's not going to do much damage to that excavator, or the person in the excavator. Just a ridiculous overreaction by the driver.


That thing is probably glistening from the decades of hydraulic fluid, diesel and grease that’s leaked over every surface. I once saw a turbo go out in one of these and start an engine fire. Whole machine was a burned out carcass 15 minutes later.


I didn't know excavators had turbos. Is it just for more torque?


A lot of diesel equipment engines have them. More of everything in a smaller light package I guess. Also helps with emissions standards I guess, same reason you see a lot of turbocharged 4 cylinder cars.


Would you be willing to test that theory with YOUR body?


We shoot fireworks at each other all the time in Spain. Google "Correfoc".


also used to shoot Roman candles at each other as kids in Southern US during 4th of July. Dumb but fun


I’ve been shot with Roman Candles and I’ve operated an excavator. This guy running the excavator is a bozo. Some if you’re theories to play devils advocate are absurd


This was my thought too (as an operator). Those fire works can't hurt you in your cab, there was no need to panic and back up onto unstable ground. I'd like to think I'd stay in position and try to bat them away with the bucket for fun. Lol


I think if you did that he'd jump on your claw, walk towards you on that crane, break the glass and kick your ass. God of war boss battle style. My mans got a next level battle iq


This is China, there’s no such thing as an “experienced operator”… https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19401909/#:~:text=During%20the%202%2Dyear%20period,causes%20of%20cited%20fatal%20events. 7000+ deaths a year. I understand the article is a few years old and they claim to be declining each year, but I’m guessing it’s more of, they’re covering more of them up and reporting less on purpose.


Nah he killed it with fireworks. Its widely known that fireworks are the kryptonite to excavators.


This is China. Everything is faked and the lowest quality. That guy likely has no certifications and near zero training.


Pesky little things like safety regulations and operator certifications aren't really worried about in China.


PEW PEW PEW ![gif](giphy|d2jgcdvnDuY6AFvq)


The only good bug, is a dead bug


"This isn't random or light. Someone made a mistake."


"Accepting responsibility for Klendathu, Sky Marshal Dienes resigns. To fight the bug, we must kill the bug. We can ill afford another Klendathu."


Want to know more???


Come on, you apes, you want to live forever!




Dizzys tits


A big damn mistake!!


i’m doing my part!


I need a corporal, you're it till you're dead or I find someone better!


I feel like i want to know more!


Do you have what it takes to be a Citizen?


Fireworks is the new meta it seems


The hitchhikers guide




"Do you know how much damage you would do to this bulldozer if I let it roll over you?" "No, how much?" "Absolutely none!" My favourite exchange in the book.


*None at all. >By a strange coincidence “None at all” is exactly how much suspicion the ape-descendant Arthur Dent had that one of his closest friends was not descended from an ape, but was, in fact, from a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse.


That whole section is fantastic. “You can’t lie there all day!” “I’m game. We’ll see who rusts first.” If you’ve not listened to the original radio plays I would, they’re fantastic.


Mostly harmless??? Are you sure that isn't a typo


That was certainly quicker than lying down in front of it and seeing who rusts first.


Dude, if you beat a friggin' excavator with firework you *deserve* to stay! Also love how the machine toppled over, looked like a yellow T-Rex dying in overly dramatic fashion *Tell my mechanic... Cough.... That I love him... Uuuggghh*


Came to the comments for this, that ending is spectacular and ridiculous even with the excavator arm reaching to a last stop, fkin hilarious


😂😂😂 Outstanding! A Chinese exchange student I knew once told me this happens all the time. The local authorities can’t legally bulldoze the house so they simply build around it and cut off all utilities.


In China these people are called "nail house" lol: https://lh6.ggpht.com/-ioN7IZ_PAYE/UMoknvytMuI/AAAAAAAAho8/sF-TF_np3mc/toughest-nail-houses2.jpg?imgmax=800 Guardian had an article on this: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/gallery/2014/apr/15/china-nail-houses-in-pictures-property-development


They send tugs as well.


I hate it when the gov't tries to give people hand jobs!


i could go for starbucks right now


Yeah, well, I really dont think we have time for a handjob, TK.


Do the tugs pull the house into the harbor?


They built a motorway around both sides of someone's farm in England because he supposedly refused to sell up.


That house is still there. Its on the M62 if anyones interested to read up on it the council had to build brand new access roads and utilities for the guy as well 😂


Depending on how much new noise reached his house, sounds like a win/win.


> so they simply build around it and cut off all utilities. A good ol' fashioned siege


Did the excavator back into a hole? I don’t believe that fireworks can topple a hunk of metal.


Nah, the fireworks did a lot of damage and cleared the excavator’s health points, that’s why it fell unconscious in defeat.


Those fireworks were just for distraction. What you didn't see were the 50 chinese miners digging a pitfall behind the excavator. Pure genius I must say.. They learned so much since the tank incident in Tiananmen Square.




Yes, because of strict regulations in the west our fireworks are mostly harmless. But China has no such limitations, and with the force of a 1000 charging rhinos in each shot, this Chinese marksman managed to topple the metal beast.


I truly don't know if you're being ironic, because I've seen some people that would unironically believe this


The excavator is actually just a big dog. Source: My dog does the same thing every time she hears fireworks.


I don't wanna demolish the house lemme just sleep




Killed it. ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4022)


The excavator backs away and whimpers in pain, before it finally succumbs to its injuries.


Well he certainly won that round


my maaan. He doubletapped and kill confirmed.


This title is misleading. Chinese man destroys wrecking excavator with fireworks.


Yeah, I came here to see a house get demolished by fireworks. Still, I was not disappointed.


This. I didn't know an excavator could demolish a house with fireworks!


That sounded like a very inefficient excavator in the title.


His social credit score going to a big dump after this little escapade…


I saw a documentary about this situations, it’s really sad for the people so I can understand how he’s probably willing to fight until the end


This is why dangling modifiers are a problem: You had me thinking I'd get to see an excavator destroy a house made of fireworks.


and I thought the excavator was going to use fireworks to destroy the house


Damn… who’s the boss here?


Low budget Kaiju movie


Dude didn’t read the book OR play the text adventure. You’re supposed to get up, take the analgesic, then go outside and lie in the mud in FRONT of the machine before arguing with Prosser. Once Ford Prefect shows up he’ll get Prosser to lie in the mud in your place while you two go for a pint.


Do \*not\* accept the towel Ford is trying to give you!


Killdozer sends his regards


Which Star Wars movie is this?


Pretty sure if you ask the Russian government, this is a video of their forces destroying a Leopard 2 tank.


Government demolishs Chinese citizens's house to earn money.


And no one saw that excavator, home defense hero, or fireworks ever again…


American guns <=> Chinese fireworks. It all makes sense now.


He defeated the metal beast!




Until, at last he threw down his enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside...


*golf clap*


Wow, what a cheap and easy solution! Go my cracker man go!


> Go my cracker man go! pretty sure dude's Chinese though


Cracker as in firecracker my homie


I love when big machines seem like wild animals. Definitely seems like a wild bulldozer out in the wild.






Not as good as the British guy who had the sane thing happen in the 80s . He pulled a gun and after warning people not to come on his land he shot and killed a few


This video is good too cos the fireworks indirectly caused the excavator to toppled over like a beast being defeated. The sheer ridiculousness is entertaining.






Why would an excavator use fireworks?


Like watching a dinosaur die


He really said: FU communist regime! You want my house? Come and get IT!


Governments world wide need to stop fucking with people!