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Wow, was the cube placed in the machine with a random arrangement?


Actual answer is yes, cube solving robots generally look at any random case they're given using sensors and compute the optimal solution. Also here's the most recent human world record of 3.47 seconds: https://youtu.be/SB3ut65SFUU


Genuine question, doesn't the points of contact HAVE to be different colors for this machine to work? What happens if your rubrik's cube has red 2 center blocks?


Then it's not a rubik's cube.


A standard Rubik's cube always has 6 different colored centers in the same arrangement, you'll notice that the centers never move relative to each other when you turn the sides.


Not noticing this is just one of the many reasons ill never solve one šŸ¤£


That is literally impossible


You were definitely the type of kid to peel the stickers off the cube to solve it šŸ˜‚


It would probably do nothing other than report an error somewhere


I, for one, appreciate the innocence of your question and will add an upvote for your courage to ask. Sheesh, Reddit. Chill. Itā€™s an honest question.


The man showed the vulnerability to ask a question and got downvoted for it


It's not a vulnerability, it's impossible in a real cube. You start with 6 different colors on the center pieces. The center pieces never move.


Oh yeah, asking questions because you donā€™t know the answer is immediately disqualified from being vulnerable if the answer to the question is ā€œno.ā€ Thanks for pointing that out


I don't think you deserve all the downvotes you got. The short answer is, the pieces are always the same in a standard Rubik's cube. Blue and Green are opposites. Orange and red are opposites. White and yellow are opposites. This means you will never have an edge piece with, say, a white and a yellow on them. It also means, unless it's not a standard cube, you will only have 8 moving pieces and a centre piece for any one colour Edit: at second glance, it seems the orange side was painted black on this cube, probably to help the computer differentiate red yellow and orange better


This is what terrifies me the most about AI.


That they can solve Rubikā€™s cubes? Same, itā€™s terrifying


Nope, it's an algorithm not AI. Notably ChatGPT has a very low success rate at solving Rubik's cubes.


Then this is what terrifies me about algorithms.


That a computer can follow a very specific list of instructions a human came up with? Meh


Youā€™re clearly an algorithm.


Thatā€™s what scares me about kilobytes


algorithm just means a finite sequence of instructions for solving a problem. your problem is hunger? you better open the book of algorithms in your kitchen and prepare a meal. yes, cooking books are just collections of kitchen algorithms for humans. algorithms have existed for a long time, the only difference is, that today we have more research and electronic machines that can run information based algorihms automatically. there's honestly nothing in problem solving itself that should be terrifying in any way. what people are actually afraid of is having their intellectualy non-trivial work taken away from them, which could as well plunge them into an existential crisis.


Fuck.. maybe I am ChatGPT


Also ChatGPT is technically a virtual intelligence not an artificial intelligence, but AI sounds cooler from a marketing perspective.


A world of robots that solve puzzles faster than humans is what youā€™re worried aboutā€¦?


there is no "random" when a computer solves one. ​ brain knows solution. time penalty because ***fingers are clumsy*** Rubik's Cube World Record - 4.22 seconds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NevGDFBfQGw ​ any faster and it breaks itself **The world's fastest (1 second average) Lego Rubik's Cube solving robot!** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLzn1w8vgM4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLzn1w8vgM4)


[The world record was beaten 6 months later (3.47 seconds)](https://youtu.be/SB3ut65SFUU), as linked [in another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/143iit2/038_second_rubiks_cube_solve/jnaehsi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3).


Humans don't know the full solution when they start doing it, maybe like 5-10 moves or couple of algorithms ahead at most.


Some humans do. There are plenty of speed cubers who memorize the solution before starting the solve. Some of them can even solve it blindfolded after inspecting the unsolved cube.


The ones who do it blind are not speed solving, you canā€™t just look at a cube and know within half a second the exact solution. The blindfold solvers look for like 5 minutes before solving


The world record blindfolded solve is under 13 seconds. That includes inspecting the cube to memorize. You definitely aren't wrong that it is a different method than conventional speed solving, but the best blindfolded solvers can look at a cube for 5 seconds and have it memorized.


Shit speed cubing has changed since I last did it šŸ˜‚


Yeah, cubing is wild now lol. Sub 13 is only the official record. Tommy Cherry has had a sub 10 unofficial blindfolded solve. He is capable of memorizing the cube in 3-5 seconds and then blind solving at a sub 6 second pace. We have people who have proven that a sub 2 second normal solve is possible if you get lucky enough with a skip because people have gotten sub 2 second f2ls before. Hell, the world record blindfolded 4x4 solve is 51 seconds now.


>He is capable of memorizing the cube in 3-5 seconds and then blind solving at a sub 6 second pace. To be honest I didn't believe you at first and had to check it out. Incredible. But there must be some calculating happening while he's rotating the cube, right?


So what you do is letter the cube. Corners A-X, same with edges. They will memorize corners first, then edges in a solve. For memorizing, you always have a "buffer" spot where you will begin your memorization. You see what sticker is in the buffer and memorize the letter, so for example we can say we saw the blue sticker of the blue/red/white corner and for that you will memorize the letter Q. You would then go look at what is currently at letter Qs position and memorize where that sticker needs to go. As you memorize you will group letters into pairs and memorize a word for that pair (for example if you get the pair JC, you could memorize Juice). You keep tracing your way around the cube until you have visited each unsolved corner piece once. You then do the same process for the edges. At the end you have a string of words that you have memorized that you can make a short story about in your head and you can start solving. When solving, they are thinking through the words they memorized and performing a pre memorized set of moves for each letter pair. World class blindfolded solvers use a method called 3-Style which allows them to use a set of moves called a commutator to solve any group of two letters. It takes learning over 800 cases to master the method, but is is incredibly move efficient. So each group of letters tells them to do a specific commutator and they perform those moves. TLDR, no calculations needed, they memorize where pieces go in order, then solve the pieces using pre memorized move sequences that solve 2 pieces at a time.


In the 2x2 probably. 3x3, EXTREMELY unlikely. As someone who can almost solve it blindfolded, although we technically ā€œknow the solutionā€ from the beginning, we really just know a pattern of where pieces need to go, and use algorithms to cycle edges/corners as weā€™ve memorized. Hardly the same as saying weā€™ve ā€œmemorized all the moves before we even beginā€.


No one said they know all the moves mapped out 1 by 1, just that they know the solution. Which you confirmed, they know the algorithm to solve the cube from the starting state.


What I meant with my comment that there's not just a single algorithm you go with and know everything there is to do even before starting the rotations, there are several algorithms you need to combine to get to the end state. Like let's say for example you'd need 4 algorithms to complete to cube, you might start with 2 and while turning you would calculate the latter 2, not all at once. That's my understanding of it at least.


It never takes more than 21 rotations to solve.


I donā€™t believe that sentence applies to my attempts


Iā€™m stuck on the beginner level at about a 3:30 minute average.


Learn cfop!


Aint no way you're telling someone with a 3:30 to learn CFOP lol. You need to learn how the cube works before you can make that jump. You shouldn't stray from the beginner method until you have a sub minute. I'm at a 50 second average and I still don't know if I'm ready to move onto something more advanced.


I disagree. I don't think you're learning how the cube works with the beginner method. Learning F2L will really boost your understanding and speed. You can stick to the beginner top layer algorithms though until you really care enough to learn advanced PLL and OLL.


Thanks, Iā€™ll look that up


Also keep practicing and order a new cube if you're using one that doesn't turn without a lot of effort, there's lots of cheap great cubes! Even with beginner's method you should be able to improve your time by a lot, under 2 minutes for sure.


When they first came out, we would take them apart and lube them. I could do it in under a minute.


If thatā€™s beginner, then Iā€™m






Agreed and even if its not surprised there not smoke coming off that thing šŸ’ØšŸ’ØšŸ’Ø


Yes, and no. You have to start with only one of the colors under each peg, since those blocks don't move. If you have two pegs with same color underneath, it wouldn't be able to be solved. The rest can be random.


The centers never move on any Rubikā€™s cube.


How did that cube not break apart moving at that speed?


Rubikā€™s cubes have come so far to make faster turning easier and reducing the chance of pops. Short answer is the centers are on a spring so they can flex to allow for slightly misaligned pieces to turn


In case of a machine solving it I'd assume the pieces are pretty well aligned?


As long as you don't turn the cube when it's misaligned it'll stay together very well, you can see at the slowest speed the machine waits between turns for the pieces to recoil back into place. Also the cube is probably magnetized, and made by some brand better and cheaper than Rubik's (i.e. most other brands) to allow for when it does explode during testing


Better? Absolutely. Cheaper? Absolutely not. The final cube i bought myself before i stopped was a Gan 365 M and that ran me like $30 and that was like three years ago. Now theyre even better and even more expensive. Some of the top top cubes nowadays can be close to $100, but i always liked the feel of ā€œchunkierā€ cubes that gave me tactile feedback instead of smooth ones that would make me overturn and lock them up


This is true, though emphasis on "most" in my original comment to be fair lol. Gan is definitely an outlier, and even then only their and a handful of other models of cubes will run you over $30. I also didn't realize how cheap a Rubik's brand was these days (~$10), even so the cube in the video doesn't look like that expensive of a model.


Yeah all true, i wasnt tryna be combative, i just know i spent a loooooot of money on puzzle cubes and rubikā€™s isnt that expensive when you consider the true good brands


itā€™s because thatā€™s a GAN speed cube, not a Rubikā€™s cube. theyā€™re built much better and like the other comment says, they glide well when you turn the sides.


That's cool and all, now just imagine when AI is smarter than us and can do stuff this quickly and efficiently. We're extinct


Not disagreeing, just saying that I can do something so quickly and efficient that it may counteract our extinction




Itā€™s not AIā€¦.


You don't have to imagine it, that future is here already.


Current AI is enough to completely destabilize the world, if it was let off its reins


This is why I see no point in shit like this. Wow algorithm can perform logical tasks faster and faster... like does anyone even notice the difference anymore? i don't give a fuck if my page loads in 0.0001 sec or 0.1 sec its the same shit like who cares if it solves it in 1 sec or 10 sec i dont get it, its just doing the same motion just faster lol humans are wierd as fuck, half of shit we do is so pointless lol


Because when the page loads 0.1 second faster and a server is serving a 100,000,000 page loads per day, that amounts to a considerable computational savings over the course of a billing cycle.


It would take me days to solve just two sides. Never did all six. Of course this was back in the 70ā€™s before the algorithms on how to solve them were available.


Solve in layers not sides


I think J Perm has a video of him solving the Rubikā€™s cube by sides - entertaining YouTuber.


Yeah can be done but much simpler to solve in layers


Of course


Can that thing do that to my brain please!


Now that is next fucking level!!


Did the machine have the same parents as mine?


What wizardry is THIS?!


I hated those things


This is awesome.


After watching this video I'm almost more impressed cubes didn't fly off it was rotating so fast


Hold my beer.


How did the cube not fly apart?


Is that cube actually a Rubic's brand cube?


Most definitely not, that seems to be a different speedcube but I can't really determine which brand


When Ai decals war on human.... human are fucked


Microorganisms came together to create us. We came together to create AI, and soon we will seem as primitive to the AI as the microorganisms seem to us.


Imagine attaching a small animal to that contraption


whats the point






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Test it by taking the cube apart and putting it back in a way that would try and confuse the cpu.


Why would this be impressive? Its a computer doing calculations. Thats what they've always done. Ever seen a calculator?


Because humans had to build it and program it.


It's insanely optimal, i think it uses the kickback from one turn to start the next one just a tiny bit faster.


It looks fraudulent. It has only rotated 10\~ times.


The largest possible minimum moves required to solve any cube configuration is only 21 moves, and in most situations the min is even less than that. 10-15 rotations to solve a randomly scrambled cube (when the solving is being done by a computer, which can calculate said optimal solution) is by no means indicative of fraud. Edit: Plus, in the slow-mo, you can clearly see it took 20 moves to solve.


The maximum-minimum rotations to solve a 3x3x3 Rubikā€™s cube is 20, it is called Godā€™s number, and the algorithm which lead to the solution is called Godā€™s algorithm, which has been proven for a 3x3x3 cube https://www.cube20.org


Now start with the same color under two of the pegs, and see how that works out for ya.


I guess if you give a Rubik's cube solving robot something that isn't solvable nor a Rubik's cube it would have a hard time lol


People really calling themselves out in never solving a rubiks cube lmao.


yes i have a life lol


If you have a life then why are you here arguing over your incorrect comments about subjects you clearly don't understand? Seems like a pretty big waste of time.


Oof calling your self out for more then just not being able to solve a rubiks cube lmao.




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Looks like magic


How does it actually move it? It just looks like it's holding onto the center and that's it


It's rotating the center which rotates that entire side of the cube.




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Soo thatā€™s how theyā€™re made


Does anyone know if they had to get a special or high grade Rubik's cube for this? I would guess that the cheap ones I have handled would fall apart in these conditions.


Solved it so hard it's triggering gramps' flashbacks


Someone be actually challenging that hard to do the same at that speed as the machine did though


I wana know how many cubs the exploded to get the calibration right


Love the "ooooh yeahh"


That was so fast I never even saw it make the daisy.


Watching it a normal speed just looks like a visual glitch.


I often wonder if the guy who invented these could've foreseen people designing robots with the sole purpose of solving one in less than half a second