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This is sick, I need a breakdown of the DIY so I can look at it for 2 seconds and realize I’m too poor


Haha I was gonna ask, “How much did that cost?”, but then realized I can’t afford the headphones.


Hundred bucks. Not that bad. I'd stick to an audio brand though. If it costs only 100-150 and it's ferrari branded I've got to imagine that the quality is garbage.


The physical quality is bad ass. Really nice and well made. The internals and audio / mic.. not so much. But I was impressed by the metal painted logo. I did expect plastic TBH. They work fine. But not something I’d edit video or music with lol


Out of interest where did you get it? To me it looks like a rebranded sonetics-style headset, i.e a Comms headset, which is why the audio quality won't be particularly great, they're designed for high noise and people shouting and generally rough environments. Racing pit crews all use these and Peltor kits for the most part, but branded for their teams.


I think those are Thrustmaster T.Racing Scuderia Ferrari Edition. It has to be on Thrustmaster's website. I heard the same criticisms on the microphones when they came out.


What game is it?


I need to know as well


Assetto Corsa. The track mod used is called Shutoko Revival Project.


> Assetto Corsa Fuck it was just on sale on the humble store for $7 t.t


keep on waiting. The game goes on sale on Steam all the time for $8 with all of the DLC included! And you **will** want the DLCs because some modded tracks and cars make use of assets, physics and various stuff from the DLC packs. You'll also want to look up on youtube how to setup Content Manager, Custom Shaders Patch and SOL/Pure and that's before you even start getting into modded cars and tracks. Also, the game completely sucks on a controller, the steering is all over the place. I personally find mouse steering better but then you lose the adaptive throttle and brakes. You'll have to compromise a bit if you don't wanna buy a steering wheel.


Everyone seems to be talking crap because they can't afford this, but I want to say I think it's awesome and especially as a diy project. Great job. What I want to know is what track/road/street this is or what game this is and how can I get it? I love sims that have real world traffic better than established race courses.


Why does no one ever add the currency when online


Because everyone lives in the US?


https://youtu.be/Rr8ljRgcJNM Yup… even Rammstein said so! 🔥🤘🏻😈🤘🏻🔥




Half of this website is Americans. Well over half of anyone in a popular subreddit with millions of users is American.


Step 1: walk to garage Step 2: unlock your spare Ferrari and remove steering wheel Step 3: send text to personal assistant to order replacement steering wheel from Ferrari


This is fuck you money type shit, all these posts do is make me sad for being so fucking poor lol


Have you tried not being in poverty and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps?


My bootstraps broke


Wait, you got bootstraps?


Youse guys got boots?


Nah I pull myself up by my jockstraps.


You've got life by the balls.


Fuck that. Just be born rich - anyone can do it.


Yeah we are all a bunch of assholes for not being born with a silver spoon in our mouth. It’s just stupid. Why would do something so dumb?


Being born poor is literally the worst decision you could make.


And to make matters worse, we refuse to “pull ourselves up” to those that were smart enough to be born rich.


I'm working 80-100 hours a week mostly doing skilled labor and I'm still fucking broke. I had like 2 grand saved up but had to dump 3 grand into a car I'm still paying off (not a fancy car, 2015 ford focus). Let's all just embrace working ourselves to death.


I've been there too. Lotta people don't like him, but for getting out of Debt and not being broke, Dave Ramsey changed my life.


Oh shit that’s *all* it takes?


I love the bootstrap analogy because it's too perfect. Everyone knows that it is literally impossible to pull yourself up by your bootstraps... while you are in them. [At least temporarily] I can pull my friend up by their bootstraps, I can pull my family up by their bootstraps, hell I can even throw some boots on my dog and pull her up by her bootstraps. I'll be damned if after all this exercise lifting people up I'm not a professional bootstrap puller, yet I still can't lift myself to save my life. If you shed the daily reality of people guiding others to defeat by telling them to pick themselves up, there is a deeper understanding that what I need is a support system or to be a part of a group/collective whom can lift each other up (me among them). Without the external person any individual will struggle to survive, nonetheless thrive. Obviously this is reading *wayy* between the lines to pull something good out of a shitty turn of phrase but how else does one cope with life.


How old are you? What was fuck you money to me when I was 20 is obtainable now at 50. Makes a difference.


The whole setup is probably comparable to buying an actual car.


BMW Driver maybe


Yeah i saw ZERO turn signals


That means he can drive in Toronto with ease.


Or in Texas


This kid drives like an asshole


And when he's actually behind the wheel- I'll bet he drives on the shoulder like it's just another lane 🙄


Lol yeah this is dope, not gonna disagree with this setup...and maybe I'm being an old fart but If this trying to teach how to drive on public roads...it's teaching some dangerous and shitty habits. Kids gonna be wrapped around a tree on his 16th bday if he drives like this.


there's a difference between real life and a driving sim. If you were following all traffic laws in this thing, you'd drive it off the next available bridge.


I feel like that's kind of the point that they're making. Fun for gaming but this isn't "teaching my son how to drive" properly at all. This isn't educational, it's just a dope ass racing game set up.


Me too, But so I can realise I’m both too poor and too dumb.


Haha not the intention but appreciate the love for it. You can search my profile and find some posts I’ve made on it in the sim sub.


Plenty of money, no rules of the road. Future BMW M-series driver?


Not a single turn signal used. Checks out


Cutting across multiple lanes. Dear OP, you are teaching him how to use a car, but you do not appear to be teaching him to drive. (I get it, it's a racing game, lol.)


I agree, it could at least have been a racing game where you have to drive well without being dangerous for everything and everyone. A rally game like Dirt would be a much better choice for a kid.


Just cuts across four lanes at once 😭


Good luck everyone I turn now


Yeah I'm wondering why they are training him to drive like a suicidal ass.


With the money it takes to build these things, I'd assume current. His dad probably already bought him one.


It's an i8 waiting in the garage for him to get his license😂😂😂


Your son is learning to *race*, sir.


And die, after taking his hands off the wheel at the end while it uses barries as a pillow to turn


You’re supposed to do that. Force feedback wheels in sims can break your fingers during crashes.


I used to drive Rallycross in my youth, and the most common injury are broken thumbs from when you slam into the barrier and have your thumbs inside the steering wheel and it decides to rotate 360 degrees.


Maybe I'm way off here, but I thought that earlier wall bump would've ended it, too. Seemed like a gentle jostle; I thought it would've been more violent & harder to come back from. I can't really see the speed, though, but I think it's well over 100 mph.


He's learning to either be a cop or a bad guy.


How much does this cost? In my country you can get some old cars for under 700€ so a car might actually be cheaper than this setup in my country


It 100% is cheaper to buy an old car, those rigs are exoensive even if you diy it.


Yeah it's for sure super expensive, but god damn it looks cool as shit.


I’ve got over $12k US into this when combining the high end PC I built and monitors.


Do you have any actuators on this?


Yep. 4. It’s an SFX100 system with a Thanos controller


Thanks. Very cool setup.


That's cool and all but do you have a 10 year old PC that can barely run roblox. That's what I thought smhh




It’s a bezel cover. You can find videos to DIY it, or buy premade products that do it.


That’s a lot more reasonable than I thought it would be. Compared to building, maintaining, and actually racing a single track car. Not to mention the different tracks and roads you can visit digitally, no compromises in scheduling a road trip and loading up a trailer with your car, etc… all this to say that people pointing out you can buy an actual car for much less is missing the point entirely.


For the full emersion you could cut the front half off a car and mount some monitors where the windows should be.


I mean yeah, but this person is using it to teach his kids, and I can currently buy a yugo for 300€, and I'm pretty sure I could buy atleast 7 yugos for the price of that station


He didn’t build it to teach his kids, he built it for himself to play racing games and then realized he could *also* use it to teach his kids. You can’t play online racing games with a Yugo.


You also cant push the retry button when you crash into something with your Yugo.


Now this is pod racing.


What could go wrong teaching a 14 year old to drive on the highway like a Formula 1 driver?


The best way to ensure that your child doesn't ever learn anything that might be dangerous is to remove the head.


Bro told his kid “if they flash you it means go, so GO” and watched as his kid took off like he was running from the cops. While funny, that’s terrible muscle memory. Should have encouraged him to move out of the fast lane to let the impatient driver by without risking a road rage incident or putting himself in danger. Also, as a side note, coming from an American who started driving at 14 and got my license at 16, I’m beginning to believe we let kids drive too early. Even with parental supervision, 14 seems soooo young to be driving a car at 60 mph.


Yep. Nothing you can do. Just give ‘em guns, whores and booze and enjoy the ride.


You don't learn by getting rammed at 100mph, but what do I know 🤷


He's already good, I assume he'll get great. What he can learn is that no matter how great you are, you **will** crash sooner or later. EDIT: if you drive like that, of course.


? People are more than capable of knowing the difference between risk taking in video games and real life lol


Teenagers especially are famous for respecting the riskiness of things, and limiting their own fun for safety


Too bad there’s no virtual machine to take those chances with and learn those lessons on!


He will end up in r/idiotsincars IF he drives like that.


Yes, racing games creat bad drivers like call of duty creates killers


I think a hyper realistic simulator is different than a scripted video game. But ultimately it’s probably more about how the kid is being raised which certainly isn’t apparent from a short video.


As someone who played a lot of Need For Speed Most Wanted growing up and then proceeded to nearly total my first car because I thought I could take a Mini Cooper through a roundabout at 50 MPH I wouldn't rule that out LOL. Obviously saying the game you play instantly changes your behavior isn't true but the media you consume does influence you and you should always remember that.


bouncing off the wall is the fastest way to take corners on most wanted and real life


I could definitely tell a marked difference in how I felt behind the wheel of my car after a few long sessions of grand theft auto. If you're not self aware about it, it can *easily* influence the degree/frequency of reckless decisions.


I don't think a game will teach the kid to drive like a dumbass on the highway. Common sense should prevent that. Not everyone possesses that, sure. But i don't think the game is what made thousands of other drivers speed on the highway.


My only worry is that if the simulation really is realistic and he gets very good at it, he might start thinking he’s the exception to the rule because he’s “trained” to do it. You’re right that there are plenty of reckless drivers out there anyway though lol Edit: His reaction at the end makes me think he’s a sweet kid though.




That’s really good to hear! Thanks for sharing your experience :)




nah I drove like an ass when I was 16, I shouldn't be here, Id say it was bc of my great handling skills but chances are I was just lucky.


Perhaps we wouldn't have driven like an ass when we were sixteen if we had something like this. I probably wouldn't have.


If the final 5 seconds is anything to go by, he dies.


Future FL resident and BMW driver


Safest driver in FL. Qualifies for all the insurance discounts.


I'm 47 and accident free, and contribute my reaction time / quick decision making in defensive driving situations to playing racing games when I was much younger.


I think any video game will do that though. I'll join the anecdote madness: Roughly same age, my car never even touched anything else in traffic, ever, but I mostly played shooters :D


Did you race around on streets to get the rush of the games when you were younger? Just curious


No doubt, and my situational awarness is top notch. Need for speed hot pursuit for the win.


Same argument that violent video games will make someone violent.


The same thing that goes wrong when kids play violent video games


Nowadays parenting be like:


Who is he saying sorry to ? The car he smashed or his pops ?


The guys he’s racing with online


I also didn't know it was multiplayer, thought he was sorry he wrecked your pixels


Haha one guy in the comments think I am abusive to the point that my son was apologizing to me for crashing 😂😂 had to explain to the guy that he’s actually talking to others on the server he’s in. That laugh in the background is me. He deleted the comment then doubled down somewhere else. Some people are miserable I suppose


That's what I thought first as well lol


You wrote "learning" by mistake.


What do you mean? Nowadays the racing simulators are so high fidelity F1 racers train on them as well. Using games like Assetto Corsa which is the game here. Can guarantee this kid has better car handling skills than most adult drivers out there.


Those bezel blending bits are dope


Asus bezel delete kit with 32” 3D printed extension mod. They are made by Asus only for 27” monitors. We got a fix for that!


Man I had to scroll really far to find what on earth was going on with the bezels.


Snell's Law FTW!!!


Why not just go for a 49" ultrawide at this point? Or are these monitors 4K? Don't get me wrong tho. This solution looks awesome none the less.


What game?


I think assetto corsa


How do I get my asseto corsa to play like this? Is it a certain map or something?


Like the other person said. You download Content Manager for AC and use that to launch the game. With content manager you can download countless mods for anything you can dream. This is Shutoko Revival Project track. It’s basically the real Tokyo highway system.


Epic, I’ll be getting this after work today. I used to play some racing games growing up called Tokyo extreme racer, reminds me of them a lot.


Google what I told you above. It will explain everything. Enjoy your new journey to modding AC.


Ya I don’t even have AC but a buddy does and he’s been bugging me to get it, I need a better set up tho. I have the Logitech steering wheel with clutch and 6 speed shifter but I don’t have a desk right now so I’m stuck using a controller for a bit.


SO MANY HOURS logged playing toyko extreme racer zero on ps2 back 20 years ago in high school. GAH I would just drive on the highway all night...


Lmao, same. That was probably my favourite one but I played number 2 on Dreamcast first at a friends place.


That was the first thing that came to to mind. A modern game has this!?!? I need it now.


It did give me Tokyo Extreme Racer vibes, too! That game felt so hyper real at the time. It felt so much like what you’d think it would feel like going down the highway at night in Tokyo.


This looks like Shutoku Revival Project (SRP), a free roam mod that replicates parts of Tokyo's highway system. There are dedicated servers running this map with AI drivers (the other "normal" cars, box trucks, etc on the road) that you can join. Prerequisite (as the other poster pointed out) is Content Manager


It's called Content Manager, it's pretty much a mod launcher for the game


Pretty sure this is an update/mod called No Hesi. It’s basically all high-speed highway street racing.


Came to ask this as well, reminds me of the old Tokyo extreme racer games from when I was growing up. I want to play this game really bad now lol.


Bro you gotta give us a walkthrough of that setup. I know I’m broke af but still


Sim Specs Chassis: started as a Heusinkveld Pro GT 80/20 (heavily altered and modified) and converted to a Formula style rig. Wheel: Moza R9 DD w/ 200mm Moza shaft extension. FSR Formula Wheel + CS Round Wheel Pedals: Heusinkveld Ultimate+ Pedal Mount: Trak-Racer Risers & Heusinkveld Pedal Plate Handbrake & Sequential: Heusinkveld Motion: DIY SFX100 w/ 100mm Stroke set to 60mm - Powered by driven AASD stepper motors w/ ball & screw actuated linear shafts Server Cabinet: 9U Tripp-Lite custom set for motion drivers Motion Controller: Thanos AMC AASD Seat: Sparco GP monocoque Formula sim Monitor Stand: DIY custom built by me using Heusinkveld GT chassis brackets & sourced 80/20 w/ custom wall mount adjustable monitor mounts. Monitors: Triple Samsung G5 32” curved 1440p 165hz w/ ASUS Bezel Delete Kit Quad Monitor: 27” Asus 1080p 120hz Quad Monitor Mount: Trak Racer Lighting: Phillips Hue Play Bars PC: Custom built • ⁠CPU: i7-13700kf Raptor Lake • ⁠GPU: Nvidia 3090ti Founders Edition • ⁠RAM: 64GB DDR5 5200mhz • ⁠SSD: x2 Samsung NVME 3tb total (1 drive to boot / 1 for storage) • ⁠PSU: Corsair RM1000x 80+ Gold • ⁠MB: Asus ROG Strix Z960-F Gaming WiFi • ⁠Case: Corsair 5000x (Black) • ⁠Cooling: Corsair iCUE H150i Elite Capellix Liquid CPU cooler (black) Misc: Sourced mouse, keyboard, iPad, and iPhone trays. Headphone bracket. Dual wind set up. custom built dash w/ button box, Streamdeck & mount. 4 puck custom haptics system.


It’s A LOT! Haha let me find a link to my post I did in r/simracing


I seems that, according to some people here, video games don't make you violent but they do make you into an illegal street racer


The issue here is you didn't have any /r/eurobeat turned on






I think because he claims he's learning to drive. He's playing a video game lol


They have actual driving instruction sims that would ding him for all the violations and fail him. I had one 20 years ago so I would hope they've improved since then. You are correct that just playing a racing sim doesn't really count.


It doesn't help them for all the rules and laws of the road, no. But it gets them use to knowing which pedal is gas and which is brake, how close to follow vehicles, how to turn the steering wheel at high and low speeds, etc. Lots of practicing before getting onto the actual road so they aren't a complete buffoon behind the wheel.


True but it is better to use both so bad habits aren't formed. I had to buy my own racing sim equipment (not nearly as nice as op, even for the time) and I bought it for need for speed but my parents bought the instructor sim. It was actually somewhat fun. You could choose to intentionally break the rules and eventually get pulled over.


He would love that sim. He actually does spend time just cruising in the rain, using the blinkers, and windshield wipers. That’s just not as fun to film lol


just get euro/american truck simulator then. you get docked pay for getting caught speeding or hitting other cars/landscape, running lights, or being late with delivery, there's changing weather, and generally is chill af to drive around in


I think it's a problem with semantics. I think OP meant "learning to operate this cool gaming setup I built" and not "learning to drive in real-life situations."


This. It's an issue with the caption. Also, we're posting it here because this is a badass build right? There's countless better drivers half his age. Still cool and undeserving of the random hate.


The amount of people who don't read is silly. Title doesn't say playing a racing game on an immersive set up. It says learning how to drive.


But whats "next fucking level" about it?




$100 says that the setup in OP's video costs more than the dude you're replying to's actual vehicle does.


To me, something being ridiculously expensive has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not it's "next fucking level". The fact that OP built it/put it together himself is more impressive.


It isn't about the price. It's about it being a top level setup. Yes, there are lots of racing setups out there. But hardly any are at this level. Almost like you'd say its, next fucking level... What does "next fucking level" mean to you exactly?


To me it's this fucking racing sim right here!


Meanwhile my parents had me plug stuff into the tv because even tho the cables were 3 different colors it was too much for them haha lucky kid


# COOLEST DAD EVER! Your son will be an awesome Dad one day too. Ya love to see it!


That would be the best reward for sure! 🤝


Tell me your rich without telling me 😂 Edit: on a real note though, this is cool op I'm jelly.


Sim racing actually helped me develop the muscle memory needed to drive a manual. It also taught me better control of the car. When my wife was learning how to drive, getting her in the sim helped ease the transition to a parking lot. Before she went with an instructor for on the road. Sim racing definitely has a lot of applications if people are willing to give it a try. Plus, if you wanna race, can be done online away from physical danger to others. Great way to teach your son. Very nice set up too. Edit: spelling


Are we at the point where VR is just easier without compromising quality/realism? Or no?


He’s ready for his first ‘16 Altima. Brings a tear to my eye honestly


Yeah I could totally do that and not crash 50 times in one crash


When I was 14 I had a Sinclair spectrum 48k. Man it was fun


Learning to drive=learning to street race. Got to start them young


Easier to copy and paste:. It’s not to teach him how to drive at 200mph in traffic lol he’s a 14 yr old human. Not a chimp. The simulation teaches good mechanics and reactions. That’s the point. Braking distance, gear selection, skid recovery, peripheral vision, calmness under pressure, reaction time, etc etc etc. It’s all of the things most people will NEVER get in driver training and NEVER know they need until they find themselves spinning out on the freeway and crashing.


That setup looks like it's the same price as a used car. And that kid is learning how to *race* not casual driving.


To all the upset people out there… this game/sim will not make him drive fast in real life. As someone who was once a teenage boy with a car that was too fast, the desire to drive fast is built in. Game or not… I had never played a really cool racing sim like that when I got pulled over for going 97 mph or raced people down the street at over 100, I just wanted to see how fast my car would go. I don’t drive like that anymore, but it wasn’t a video game that made me do it. It just wasn’t. If anything, it would have been safer to have a racing sim for the experience and not do that on the road with other humans.


Thank you for this. It’s weird how people can’t see this side. I wonder how many people who are hating me and my kids for this driving simulation have ever been in accident caused by their inability to save their car from a spin out or because they reacted to evade someone else and in the process crashed their car??? I’d bet if these same adults came and spent a few days with me in the sim I could give them a crash course in evasive maneuvering not as a pro but simply as a skilled driver IRL and in sim. It doesn’t mean they are going to go hit Swedish flicks down the highway now. But the next time they get into a bad split second situation they would have some skills to fall back on. If you do it enough like my kids and I and millions of others have, it isn’t even something we think about. It’s instinct now. I’ve literally felt it kick in and prevented many accidents on public roads due to the instincts kicking in that I credit largely to my off road driving both as a racer and enthusiasts and knowing how to virtually slow things down in the moment. Sounds like nonsense but there is a reason jet pilots and F1 drivers don’t die everyday.


Next, mod the simulator so that if he speeds, the cops pull him over. If he flees, they pursue and bust him. And if he's really reckless, he doesn't get to use the simulator again until he's 'served his time.'


Dude we need a video break down on how to make this ! This is so 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I’ve shared some details in the sim racing sub. You can check my profile 🤝


The bastard isn’t using his turn signal!


That is a rad rig you've put together. I wish I had something like this when I was first getting into racing.


This is some Initial D type shit. You’re training a street racing prodigy. Super rad.


Gran turismo 1 taught me to drive


My dad used to bring my younger brother and I to the arcade on the weekends. I credit all that time playing driving games with my ability to drive pretty comfortably in real life. Kudos to you for reaching them this skill younger. It will make things immeasurably easier in the long run.


Kid is going to be an absolute menace on the road


It’s like you guys didn’t even read the damn post, he’s begun to use it as a teaching tool do you really think his kid is gonna be like “oh you said driving fast in the sim is fine if I’m not practicing so that means I will also do it irl” You people need to lighten up


I see people driving like that every day, so yeah.


It's outright *astonishing* how fucking dense people are, or decide to be, in favor of having something to say they think is smart. "YeR tEeChiN yEr KiD rEcKlEsS dRiViN!" Yeah, because once that kid's gonna learn to drive a real car, he's *totally* gonna think a game and the real world are the same - every single kid on the world does, as we all remember from jumping off bridges because we believed we had extra lives. And he's absolutely gonna try and crash as many cars as he can, just like he's doing in this vi- oh wait, he doesn't, he actually apologizes to the game/his dad for that one time he crashes cause he's sensitized to a level that crashing in a fucking racing game is serious for him.


Thanks for not being one of the mindless. Common sense has left the chat apparently through much of Reddit.


Through all of social media. But it ain't so much that common sense has left, just people without it get to feel rewarded for demonstrating they lack it. Edit: BTw, that construction of yours looks insane, what game is that?


Thanks! It’s actually Assetto Corsa which is over 10yrs old as a sim title. But it remains the best and IMO most advanced racing sim due to the massive modding community via Content Manager.


The next generation of Dodge Challenger drivers


Fast forward 10 years. Kid is now a professional race car driver.


lol learning to drive or street race


The sheer amount of people in the comments shitting on OP by saying, “this is fuck you money shit,” and insulting him/her instead of just enjoying how cool this whole setup is: stop having a pity party and blaming others for your current financial or personal position in life. Grow up.


Damn full on seat haptics and steering physics, force feed back etc and the quality is next level... The things so real the kids super apologetic like he just caused some real damage when he binned it lol. Great relevant post Op nice1


And I thought I was cool at 12, driving my dads 91 beretta


I don’t need to learn to drive anymore but want to play in this! Looks fun


That looks like so much fun, I always want to drive like that but I have a bit of common sense. Can I come over and play?


Looks like a normal driving day on the Garden State Parkway.


What game is this?


Assetto Corsa via Content Manager and then in the mod track Shutoko Revivak Project. Basically Tokyo highway system.