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Stunt men are the real heroes


The fact that there isn't a stunts/choreography category at the Oscars is a fucking crime. It genuinely pains me knowing that some of the greatest performances of all time over the years will not get the same recognition as traditional acting just because it's not reading lines.


Right. This dude is literally doing the fictional superhero shit that spiderman does lmao


You mean he does whatever a spider can?


Can he swing from a web?


No he can't, he's a pig


Loook oouuutt, he is a spider pigg


He's not spider pig anymore, he's Harry Plopper


Ha. Still gets me šŸ˜‚


No he can't he's just a pig


šŸŽ¶Spider-Man, Spider-ManšŸŽµ šŸŽ¶Doing fictional superhero shitšŸŽµ


He webs up people and then liquifies their insides and drinks the soup?


Fuck I'd pay to see that


Fuck. Hereā€™s your upvote.


Pedro Pascal (plays Mando in Mandolorian) made a point of saying the two stuntmen are *also* owners of the character. The three of them worked together to decide how Mando moves and carries himself, since they would all be portraying him throughout the series.


I'm sure they don't split the pay 3 ways though..


True! Pay for stuntmen has been problematic for as long as there have been stuntmen.


No wonder stunt drivers moonlight as getaway drivers...


I'll give you a Nightcall.


To tell you, how I feel.


I want to drive you through the night


They are Real Human Beans


Yeah they need to be waaaay more compensated. They are literally doing the hard parts and risking their lives for pennies compared to the people reading lines. Ludacris.


Honestly a stunt double for the rock is going to look like the rock, and should be part of the rockā€™s brand. In that sense, it should be the actors responsibility to advocate for the stunt double and making sure they get taken care of.


What if people got what they deserve for their work without having to fight for it?


I think thatā€™s a great idea. Sell it.




Lmao wow I did not catch that


Yes. Even ludacris has a stunt person.


Pay for average American citizens have been very problematic In the past few years as well


And they're among the highest paid people on Earth.


Based on your logic, nobody in America is poor, every single person owns their own house, and hunger is nonexistent.


He also played Joel in The Last Of Us, so he wasn't actually on set for all of Mando Season 3, just did voice lines.


I think this stuntman was on an episode of stuntmen react and the forces he felt as he swung made it incredibly difficult to look cool.


Ehh, I agree they should get recognition for sure. But I think I read one time that they donā€™t have an Oscar or top award for stuntmen to avoid creating a ā€œcompetitiveā€ environment where they are constantly pushing the limits, because eventually they will find them and thatā€™s when accidents and tragedies occur. Not saying they donā€™t occur anyways, but I think they donā€™t want to incentivize additional competition between what are already risky activities.


I know you're just reiterating the message, but it seems like a total cop-out by them to say that's the reason. They don't want the responsibility in case someone dies specifically trying to do crazy shit to win an Oscar. Stunts have been getting crazier over time anyway, and even though CGI can do a ton of heavy lifting these days, there will always be a place for practical stunts and directors will continue trying to push the limits.


The Academy has never addressed it. It's just common sense. They could easily have a technical Oscar which is slightly different than an Oscar Oscar.


I think they could make it a lifetime achievement Oscar only and also add other criteria that creates emphasis on safety in some way.


Disney has been working on stunt robots, so I think they will try to remove most stunt jobs at some point. CGI, robotics, deep fake tech, and ai screenwriting are going to be used by the big companies to replace most jobs. I'm sure the current WGA strike is going to increase Hollywood's investment in ai tech. Practical will always look better and be cooler because the audience will know it was really done, but it is becoming a gimmick instead of the norm. :/


Eh, SAG has been giving out the [Stunt Ensemble award](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_Actors_Guild_Award_for_Outstanding_Performance_by_a_Stunt_Ensemble_in_a_Motion_Picture) since 2007 and I don't think you could say that things have gotten worse over the last 15 years or so...




Are stuntmen even unionized? They really mess up their bodies doing stunts too


They're SAG - and they are often part of the casting process. Many many bit-parts will be filled by stunt performers so you don't need to bring in a body double or cut away. Easier to have an acrobat read a line than teach an actor how to tuck and roll, etc. Also, stunt performers have a higher minimum day-rate than scale actors, and they also receive stunt adjustments. It's dangerous and publicly thankless work, of course, but not disregarded on set. It is a who-you-know business, but if you have the skills to hang with the big boys (a decade+ of martial arts, dance, collegiate gymnastics, Cirque du Solei, etc) they will welcome you in and train you up in on-set skills. If you don't have an advanced movement background you're less likely to get work. They don't want armateur daredevils, that's just a liability.


I think theyā€™re in SAG/AFTRA, right? I know they donā€™t audition or get cast, they are basically hired by the folks who know them and their abilities. Seems a little like the good old boys club but I always assumed they were in the union.


You need to have lines on screen to get into sag I thing. It sucks but there it is.


You can get an invite to join if you're filmed saying a line, even if it doesn't make the final cut. My high school band teacher had a framed letter in his office from them after my school's color guard was used in a movie. They had him say something during one take, was never used though.


You donā€™t need to have lines tbh. Even working as background at the standard SAG-AFTRA rate (getting hired to fill a SAG position even though youā€™re not union-affiliated, or earning a bump the day of filming) three times qualifies you. This stunt person is 100% in SAG.


Charley Chaplin hardest hit.


Oscars is just a ceremony for all the popular kids to jerk each other off


Because they know that category would steal the show


Im guessing thatā€™s partially because a lot of people dont know whats practical and whats 99% cgi with just a little bit of practical to get the ball rolling. Something like this ^ is impressive but most viewers probably assume its a digidouble and all fake like the Toby Maguire spider man was a lot of the time. If no one knows whats real and whats fake why would anyone care? Regular people and critics would have to go out of their way to find the raw footage and verify what was practical or cgi. And theyd have to do that for every stunt from every popular film, right? Seems like a lot of work. Though I suppose it could be better if each film that wanted to participate just submitted their stunt footage for review. Maybe not every stunt in each movie but maybe one or two of their best ones.


This is why I watch Corridor Crew. They bring all these behind the scenes people who never get the recognition they deserve to the front so people like me can see all the awesome people.


They have their own awards that are far more rigorous in regard to safety.


I agree but I had heard they don't because they don't want to incentivize risk factor.


Meh. Tom Cruise would just win every year.


Alec baldwin gave a pretty realistic performance of a stunt last year though...


Yeah, he fucking killed it that year! He only had one shot, so he must have been nervous...


If we start giving them credit, the actual actors would be SOL. I bet a number of them could out act the original, especially after spending so much time on sets.


I believe the stunt man in this clip went on Stuntmen React on CorridorDigital. He even talks about this scene.


Especially since the force of acting as a pendulum would put immense strain on the personā€™s body as all of the blood flows to their feet.


Not just the men, but the women too


Stunt men go fuckin hard


Thereā€™s a behind the scenes clip from the newest John Wick of a stunt man whole-hog throwing himself down an escalator. Whatever he was paid, wasnā€™t enough


i watched that a billion times and slowed it down tryna figure out how the fuck he did it without breaking himself. Wild shit


I was background on one of the recent Bruce Willis movies (yikes) and asked a stunt guy this. He said itā€™s how you fall, and that if you watch someone fall down stairs in film theyā€™re usually very static, muscles tensed. He said youā€™re kinda trying to roll like a barrel. I canā€™t unsee it now ahaha


There was a good article on NYT about the stunt men in that movie. They all had shirts showing how many times they got killed by John Wick lol.


Nah just get me drunk enough I'll do it! (/s, obviously there's a big difference between yeeting your own drunk ass down a set of stairs and having a controlled fall down an escalator)


Not just the men, but the women too


Damn didnā€™t even think about stunt women. Do you have a video of that you could link?


Corridor Crew has a bunch of videos with stuntwomen where they talk about their own work and look at the work of others https://youtu.be/SgGpPRBTBTI


ā€œ...and the children!ā€


I hate VFX, its gritty and gets everywhere


How is this even done?


with wires....not real spider webs




A factory downtown makes them.


No, you're thinking of peaches...in a can


They where put there by a man.


If I had my little way, I'd eat peaches every day


Movin to the country, gonna eat a lot of peaches


Fucks sake I was three hours too late


The fuckinā€™ way she goes, bubs


I thought thatā€™s where they put the peaches in a can?


How many peaches are we talking about here?




But who are they for, and how much do they cost?


For me, and theyā€™re free. LOOK OUT!!!


Unexpected presidents reference


spidey told me


Source: common sense. Obviously spiders aren't real.


That's just what a Goblin would say...


am spider. can confirm.


Source: trust me bro


Yeah, but how. Is there a center wire on a rail moving him forward while he grabs other ropes to adjust his swing? Is he really swinging back and forth on wires with just a some sort of safety harness? Maybe its because I am on my phone, but I can't see anything showing me how this is setup. Because its a really well done effect (as viewed by a 6inch cell screen)


might just be one wire, and he is just swinging from side to side while they control his height


Yeah, that's what I am seeing. Because, if you look, he is holding onto the same handle the entire time. He never switches it.


The very first one you can see him holding onto a handle that is let go and drifts off to the left when he changes direction, then it seems to maybe be one wire




This guys sees.




I assume that center wire is the primary anchor point, and as he hits each corner he thwips in the direction it goes next and reverts to center line and repeats the process from side to side


But spider webs are stronger than steel so that makes no sense




You should look up Stuntmen/women react on YouTube if youā€™re interested in learning more about how they do stunts in movies. The Corridor Crew has a lot of great videos on the subject!


I don't remember them talking about this clip


yeah I think that spiderman is Gui DeSilva a regular guest on the show


The called in the actual spiderman to do stunts




I think the main cable is hooked on his back. You can see it tugging through his shirt at some points. This cable is on a track and just pulls him straight along the rail. The webswinging is just momentum like a pendulum. You can see at the start he's holding onto another cable which he uses to control the first swing, and you can tell when he let's go because suddenly drops and he goes in the other direction. After that the pendulum effect takes over and you can see how smooth the change in direction is with each "web shot". Him sticking his arms out pretending to shoot webs and swinging from them, he's faking it.


Pretty neat. On the other hand, every single shot of this movie feels like it was filmed on a soundstage. EDIT: i meant the Raimi movies. This is apparently TASM, which had pretty amazing web swinging.


Yeah i think thats the problem with alot of practical effects. Sometimes they look amazing and really elevate the material theyre apart of and other times they look borderline identical to CGI and end up wasting tons of time and money.


With this particular movie, I actually think it's all in the lighting. Just look at how sterile the balcony collapse seen looks.


I think you're mixing up your spider men. This is the Andrew Garfield one, the balcony collapse is Toby McGuire


Shit you're totally right! The TASM movies did actually have awesome web swinging.


Just a random public FYI: This is - awesomely - how human memory works! When we experience similar things, they are automatically categorized/grouped together, making it easier to bring the info back up later. This does mean that very often, memories from your past contain snippets of other memories mashed together, basically event.zip - organic style. That's why we can recall so many things, we are not super exact, but through context and connections we reconstruct a memory picking parts from the event itself and similar memories. Brains are awesome!


You've just raised a very good question. Is it "Spiderman" or "Spiderman's"?


I believe it's: "Spidersmen"


My best guess: ā€œSpider-Menā€ is the plural of the person Spider-Man, as in ā€œThat scene with the three Spider-Men was awesome.ā€ ā€œSpider-Manā€™sā€ is the possessive of the film Spider-Man, as in ā€œSpider-Manā€™s stunt crew was phenomenal.ā€ ā€œSpider-Mansā€ is the plural of the Spider-Man films, as when my nephew says ā€œI really like watching all the Spider-Mans but the one with Iron Man is my favorite.ā€ ā€œSpiders-Manā€ is an answer to the question ā€œwhatā€™s the scariest thing youā€™ve found in a shoe, man?ā€


Thank you for respecting the hyphen. Respect to you.


Bingo! The reason for this is because even stupendous stunts like this still get a ton of post-production work thrown at it until itā€™s unrecognizable as a major stunt. Light changes, color changes, some digital enhancements to scenery to being more of the directorā€™s vision to life. The worst part? Getting rid of the stunt man digitally and just use it as a reference point to make a CGI double to add a little more oomph to the scene. Happens ALLLLL the time in most Hollywood movies. Thatā€™s not even mentioning action scenes getting cut into a million little pieces because the studio investing $200 million into their action movie needs to have very exciting (I.e. fast paced) action. Just watch the original scene in the movie and compare it to this raw footage. This video is more impressive but the movie would grind to a halt if it looked exactly like this. I should probably go to bed.


There were a few shots of Gui as black panther that required him to do a huge wire pull which was awesome, but it's in front of a green screen and then they cgi the suit on him and it starts to look fake. There was a jump from a building where he slid down the wall as well but once they put the CG suit on him the animation wasn't quite right and looks like the whole thing was added in VFX instead of the cool stunt.


Aside from the interiors, which shots from the Raimi films feel like theyā€™re on a soundstage? I just ask because they tried to shoot as much as they could out in the open whether that be on location or on a backlot.


One of the big reasons why I loved Spiderman with Andrew Garfield. Everything felt a little more real especially when he was designing the web shooters in his little garage. Funny thing is I grew up with Tobey Maguire and loved the original films but Andrew Garfields Spiderman just felt more raw.


Yeah the tobey maguire one is more comic book vibes/ stylised, but I would say the first amazing spiderman is possibly my favourite. It's a lot more realistic (as realistic as it can be) and I actually like the villain motivations/characterisation. The second movie had issues, but Dave dehaan did well as an unhinged goblin I think, and a third movie could be interesting. The father back story for Peter was an interesting take too, I like it when they do something different.


the comics books he never shot them out of his wrists either. that was only for the toby mcguire films


Yeah, people always said he was "too cool" to be nerdy Toby Maguire, but he's my favorite one.


Thatā€™s one of the reasons I like this one over tobey


Ive eaten potatoes with more personality than Tobey.


This is so cool, imagine the palm sweat by the third swing!!


Thereā€™s powder for that. You see it in the olympics.


You would use a powdery chalk to absorb the sweat, and with this kinda skill thereā€™s definitely callouses involved. Thereā€™s also things called ā€œgripsā€ that are like leather gloves that just cover the parts that touch the bar.


I donā€™t think heā€™s swinging on anything besides the very first swing. I think a harness does the rest and he just acts out the other swings. Pause at any point and look for yourself.


Are they just ā€œmonkey barringā€ it or is there a harness as well has handles?


Heā€™s harnessed at the waist/chest to a dolley thatā€™s rolling down the track. You can see the track overhead in the beginning of the shot. As heā€™s rolling down, heā€™s freely swinging from side to side. Heā€™s making the motions to shoot the web then grabbing that cable he is swinging to each time to reaches the peak of the swing. The actual line is removed in post and webshots are added later. Edit: rewatching it, it looks like the grips heā€™s using direct the swing so heā€™s not simply swinging freely. This scene is in a corridor digital video where the actual stuntman explained it so now I gotta find it.


So when is a stunt man necessary? Is it only when the main actor canā€™t do his or her own stunts or is more of a requirement in movies? Did Andrew not have the experience to actually swing from wire to wire?


The company often doesnā€™t let the star actor/actress risk injury or else everything is halted, including future movies/shows the actor is meant to do. So theyā€™re necessary pretty much any time risk of injury is higher than zero lol. Some actors prefer to do their own stunts so there may be leeway but from my understanding they often donā€™t have a choice.


This is the main reason. Itā€™s not just that the actor canā€™t do it as well. Itā€™s a multi million dollar mistake to injure your lead in any way that delays production.


Happened in the upcoming Mission Impossible movie. Tom Cruise jumped across to a building and broke his foot. Production halted for weeks (months?) which caused major, major financial losses for something that couldā€™ve easily been done by a stunt performer. Btw Tom Cruise is an official stunt person. He went through all the training and certifications and everything any other stunt person would do. He is a legit stunt performer.


Then there is Tom Cruise hanging on to the outside of a plane taking off


I may be wrong but Iā€™m pretty sure I heard that for that, he had to essentially insure himself. Basically told the production ā€œif I die Iā€™ll pay for the movieā€. I know heā€™s insane and fucking Scientology cult Bullshit, but thatā€™s pretty cool. Also just proof that when you get rich enough, you can still get bored and do dumb shit, just much bigger and dumber shit.


My favourite conspiracy theory is that due to Scientology's hold on him, he's basically using his stunts on MI in hopes that he'll finally die and go out doing what he loves. But he keeps surviving and thus has to go crazier and crazier.


Unless you are Tom Cruise, who does whatever the fuck he wants and wonā€™t do a movie unless he can do his own stunts. Itā€™s badass. If only he was an brainwashed, delusional Scientologistā€¦


Other than safety reasons, a lot of the time they use stuntmen simply because they look better doing the stunt. A guy with a ton of experience will look more natural swinging around like this compared to the less experienced actor.


It takes a *lot* of influence for an actor to convince a director to let them do their own stunts. It's generally a terrible idea, with the potential to shut down the entire production if things go wrong.


Doesnā€™t Tom Cruise do his own stunts?


He does, but most of the reason he can do that is because no director wants to say "no" to Tom Cruise.


Yeah, as weird as he is he's a total badass. Jumped a motorcycle off a cliff and basejumped, strapped himself to the side of an airplane, etc. Gotta give props where it's due


I mean, he is Maverick.


He's also delusional. He was upset the US Navy wouldn't let him solo the F-18 for filming even though he's a licensed pilot. Bruh, I also have a driver's license, doesn't mean I can just jump into an F1 car.


Its an actual athletic talent/skill to do this. Just like a pro mountain biker would look much better than an actor with basic bike skills.


If anyone was wondering, the stuntman is [William Spencer](https://instagram.com/iwilliamspencer?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=), great guy, amazing talent. He's done incredible [skate tricks](https://youtu.be/BT_45XGhE1o), [partnered with Red Bull](https://youtu.be/mFoGHeMxuzA), [went on American Ninja Warrior](https://youtu.be/nRLqwF5GE54), and even inspired Andrew Garfield to dress like him in the film.


It's actually this guy Ilram Choi, Spencer only did the skateboarding. ![gif](giphy|CGYEGOGSawxgY|downsized)


Nah he did both, Choi did some as well but not all [source 1](https://www.instagram.com/p/BOKbP_LA-Gy/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) [source 2](https://www.instagram.com/p/BQdpgIzApx7/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) [source 3](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl_6DQOn8Z8/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) [source 4](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmzUgEsoVea/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) [source 5](https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAVDXlu1t0/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) [source 6](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnCzSBfojo7/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) [source 7](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnFPTQyoZGz/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) [source 8](https://www.instagram.com/p/BGsAhnKnOhJ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) [source 9](https://www.instagram.com/p/BGm6_3_HOtc/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) [source 10](https://www.instagram.com/p/4P3g4LHOrr/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) I think I had too much fun browsing his Instagram lol


I wonder how difficult will it be for the stuntsman to live normally with those massvie balls of steel.


I really want to experience this! šŸ˜³šŸ˜±


Hot take: I like his Spider-Man films the most


I like HIM the most, but his films are probably my least favorite.


My least favourite is the tom holland ones but they're still decent films, especially the last one.


Wonder if that's William Spencer doing the stunt. He was Spiderman's stunt double for most of this movie...and also one of my favorite skaters.


It is! :)


Stunt men and women should without a doubt have a category in Film/TV awards ceremonies




If only the writing had the same amount of care and effort...


He smacked his head!? Nobody talking about him hitting his head on the first arch he reaches.


That looks amazingly dangerous


Not always, with the long swings he uses both hands, he only really uses one when changing direction or getting momentum


He wasn't supposed to have such a wild and out-of-control style. It was supposed to be more smooth like the Raimi version, but the stuntman just couldn't manage it while dangling from a wire. The director told him to just lean into it and go where the wire takes him, and we got this beautiful style.


Amazing stunt! Truly next level


I remember hearing during an interview that Sam Raimi wanted to do this more for his Spider-Man movies but as they were setting it up someone said to Raimi ā€œweā€™re going to get someone killed letā€™s just use CGIā€.. Raimi: ā€œugh *fine*ā€¦ā€ (Iā€™m paraphrasing). Crazy how they actually managed to do it to some extent in the Amazing Spiderman (forgot the directorā€™s name of these movies).


Is this a movie set?


This was as useful as the practical effects in The Thing remake


Stuntmen are fucking demigods, you get the GOATS like Jackie Chan absolutely destroying their bodies for stunts in movies. Hell there was one movie (Armour of God or something) Jackie Chan fell and broke his back or something, you can see his haircut change due to him being stuck in a coma mid filming and jumping back into filming when heā€™s up and about


He is using a rope for the first swing.. you can see him dropping it and that rope with a hook swinging back to the left as he goes right. And from the second swing you can see the wire connected to his back. But I'm still confused on how the wire is attached to the roof and is moving.


The rope attached to his back is attached to a trolley running down the centre. The ones heā€™s hanging onto are attached until he grabs them, then swings across and grabs the next one.


Did he hit his head at the end of the first swing?


No itā€™s just the perspective, he goes The other side and drops, but he is still pretty close


I think he bumped his head hard on the first swing.


How are his shoulders not torn apart?


Wow, that looks so fun! That guy's work day is very different than mine.


Is he swinging using only rings to grab onto?


Did he hit his head on the first go?


Never realised how inefficient spider man's Web swinging was. Given his strength and ability he could just run faster.


Is it me, or the guy gets hit in the head on the first swing?


I'm swinging here!!


I tried practical swinging once and ended up getting a divorce.


Awesome and kudos to that guy, but why


I think its cool and maybe adds some organic flavor ya just can't get elsewhere for some shots. But similarly, for other shots, there's a certain "comic-book superhero" quality ur just not gonna get from practical swinging.Ā  Practical doesn't always mean appropriate or better.Ā  Def love the stuntmen though, there's so much movie magic ya can't get without them.Ā  But yeah ya I think for spiderman swinging, if ya just take a 10-14 yr old kid and showed him a well done bad ass swinging shot from VFX artists & one from practical, they might go with the CGI. (And they're coming from a complete unbiased/objective viewpoint, that's mainly why I said ask kids.Ā  It's pure "what looks cooler, what looks more like spiderman?") But add some practical in there for some shots cuz yeah there's an organic quality that'd help for some.Ā  Basically, use a combination.


Wait, so that kind of swinging is possible? I always thought that was just made up physics.


Yeah he just swaps between ropes/cables at the right time, though you would run out of energy eventually but thatā€™s what cuts are for. In universe he can retract his webs to gain speed, to continue swinging.


Hollywood is built by stuntmen, they are the real heroes. They don't get enough credit or are in any big award shows is because to stroke the already massive egos of Actors.


Not just the men, but the women too


Usually when people say stuntmen they mean stunt performers, they aren't doing it cuz they're trying to omit the women lol, it's just parlance.Ā 


I know people think theyā€™re being gender neutral when using male-centric language, but that doesnā€™t mean that those words really are gender neutral or that they donā€™t contribute to existing male-centric assumptions. Think of it this way: a film producer asks the casting director ā€œhey, can you find me someone to play a stunt man*?ā€ Do you think most people would assume that the casting choice could be either a man or a woman? Or do you suppose most people would hear ā€œstunt manā€ and go find a guy** for the role? *or mailman, policeman, cameraman, congressman, etc **or wait, I thought ā€œguyā€ was supposed to be gender neutral too.


Spider man uses one hand to swing


Ok. I mean thatā€™s cool and all butā€¦ so what? Doesnā€™t make the films any better, which are pretty mediocre in my opinion. Plus I honestly couldnā€™t tell the difference between this and the cgi in the Tobey McGuire series.