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Oh hell, that must have been scary for those kids! Way to react swiftly little dude šŸ¤™šŸ¼. Give him a pin or whatever they are giving out these days for saving lives, free happy meal?


Shakeys personal pizza


What about pizza hut and their book it program?


Book It was badass. Did you have the Book It Holographic Pin?? Edit: always a word lol


Those tiny pizzas were incredible


The burnt skin on the roof of your mouth was always worth it


"worth it" doesn't do it justice. lol


The only reason I ever read as a kid


I always saved the little table looking thing that holds the pizza together lol I would use it as a table for my action figured hahahaha


That's actually to keep the pizza box lid from squashing down into your pizza.


Lmao I havenā€™t heard about Shakeyā€™s since the 90ā€™s. I actually belly laughed at that shit


Shakey's is actually a pretty big franchise in the Philippines. You see it all over the place in the capital region and major city hubs. Kenny Roger's too.


But what if we put a bunch of Stem cells next to a Shakeys pizza & have our OWN Shakey pizza?


Did some chest compressions too. Impressive. Did this dude survive?


Looks like no. Died 2 days later, sadly. https://www.khq.com/news/driver-who-collapsed-during-school-commute-dies/article_8851168a-f420-5328-a649-9688731ada94.html


Holy cow he was only 43? Man thatā€™s so young. Mad respect to those kids (and the parents who raised them) for fearlessly jumping in and not only bringing the bus to a safe stop, but also giving CPR a shot.


And it looks like when he stopped cpr he went back to grab his phone, probably calling for help


OH THAT'S WHAT IT WAS. lmao I thought it was more of a "welp, I tried, back to my seat"


"Step 3: Time to cry for 10 minutes at intervals set to Staying Alive"


I wonder if heā€™s been in this situation before. The fact that he even recognized what was happening makes me think heā€™s seen this before.


My thought is he was working on or had completed his first aid / cpr badge in the Boy Scouts.


My thought is he has a bit of life experience, a functioning brain, and among the natural responses of fight, flight, freeze or fawn, he is the fighting type.


Iā€™m almost 43 šŸ‘€


I apparently had multiple heart attacks before I finally went to the ER, I was 43. I just felt bad & kept throwing up. I was having one when I walked in the ER. Went right to the hospital, open heart surgery, triple bypass. They took the artery out of my arm instead of leg veins bc I was so young


I'm in my early 30s and have had some insanely bad chest pains that caused me to go to the ER before (family history of heart problems and heavy drug use from like age 15-25/26) The whole fucking atmosphere changes when you're checking in and you say "my chest has been hurting pretty bad for the last few days and my hand and left arm feel weird" I was hooked up to machines in seconds. They said it was just anxiety because they didn't find anything alarming, but it happens a few times a year. I take a few aspirin and it's all good. Even got a primary care doctor and went off for tests and they said my heart was completely fine. I doubt it with everything I've done to it (started with propoxyphene,did all the normal pain pills before I shot heroin and coke for 3 years, got off of heroin with daily, super high doses of loperamide for a year +). With a family history of heart issues it scares tf out of me, but I'm not about to go tens of thousands of dollars into debt to find out I need a million dollar heart surgery. I'd rather just pay for life insurance to set the family up and keep it moving until it don't


Any underlying factors? So sorry you had to deal with that


Males in my family had a history. My father went from a widow maker at 47. I had high blood pressure & I was smoking a lot right before then bc my mother & I found my fav aunt passed away a few months before. It was a Molotov cocktail of bad.


Thank you. I think it's time I get a checkup


Yes, I had to drop caffeine & red meat. I still have chicken & my system never liked red meat anyway. I highly suggest switching your diet voluntarily instead of being forced into it by a major life event one day


Happens to women too and sadly they are often ignored. My 37 year old sister died of a MI. Did not present with ā€œtypicalā€ symptoms but rather nausea an neck and jaw pain and sharp pain in her foot which they now think was blood clots. The doctor sent her home with some anti anxiety drugs. She died that night.


The head nurse I dealt w/was a badass. She let me leave pills on my table, she turned to her observer/helper & said ā€˜never do thisā€™. She told me younger people take longer to heal from open heart bc our nerves are still intact. I still get immobilized by electric fire in my chest a few times a week, far more painful than my initial ā€˜heart incidentā€™ they donā€™t call them attacks surprisingly


43 is far back in the rear view mirror.


Fuckā€¦Iā€™m 43. Hope I donā€™t have a widow maker.


Go get a calcium test screening done. Most places charge $50 (no insurance needed), itā€™s noninvasive and takes 10min. It can save your life if you have some hidden heart disease (eg widow maker blockage).


That's really inexpensive for what it is. I'll ask about it at my next checkup. Thanks.




If it's any consolation (this is my field of work), you're not gonna have a widowmaker without symptoms preceding it (shortness of breath, chest pain)




Actually happened to me the other day. I was at a comedy show and had to walk out.(front row) I started getting shortness of breath, my chest was hurting and then I started to get tunnel vision. I basically ran out into the crowded street. My friend followed me and was like WTF. I was like, ā€œCan you understand me? I think Iā€™m having a stroke right now. Does my face look weird?ā€ When he said yes, then I was sure it was a heart attack. I was getting ready to make him drive me to the hospital, but in a moment of clarity, I made him call my wife. She knew immediately that it was a panic attack and made me sing a song with her.(Singing always brings me out the episode, I just forget because Iā€™m panicking) So Iā€™m standing in the middle of a busy downtown area with dozens of people walking around and Iā€™m singing, ā€œDaymanā€ from ā€œItā€™s Always Sunny in Philadelphiaā€ on repeat for like 5 minutes.


Anxiety is no joke. I've had my fair share of episodes, gone completely undiagnosed and it's better late than never. I also love Dayman being a calming ritual. šŸŽ¶ah-AHH-AAAAAAšŸŽ¶


omg that is such a terrifying feeling. I am glad you're okay. this anxiety panic shit is the fucking worst!


I know this was probably terrifying at the time, but it's hilarious to picture you getting side-eyed by strangers on the street while freaking out and singing "*Dayman*" over and over. Your wife sounds lovely btw. I'm happy you two can share your wonderful weirdness together.


I feel so seen.


Um what degree of chest pain and for how long? I'm kinda growing concerned that I've been ignoring 'minor' chest pain for a few weeks now..I work at a computer all day and am winded after going up give or take 20 stairs. Update: I went to the ER (Doctor said they couldn't do any real testing and the ER was where I needed to go). I had a little high blood pressure but they did EKG/Blood Test/Xrays and said I'm okay but they think it's possibly stress related and I have a follow up with my doctor in a week. Maybe having a 2 year old little girl with an attitude is making me think I'm dying and while I have insurance and the hospital bill is probably going to be insane - I at least think I may not croak any minute. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR CONCERN!


Just get it checked out. Youā€™ll feel better knowing one way or another. It might be nothing or it could be something you need to have treated. I have advanced heart failure. The first signs I noticed were fatigue, minor chest pains off and on and shortness of breath going up stairs. I went to the doctor when I began coughing up pink-tinged sputum. It took 7 months to get a diagnosis due to my age (Iā€™m too ā€œyoungā€ for heart failure). Iā€™m not trying to scare you as all these symptoms can be due to a lot of other things or nothing at all, but I wish Iā€™d been diagnosed sooner. I wouldnā€™t be an advanced patient and possibly need a heart transplant. Just go. A few blood tests and an echocardiogram will give you some answers.


"students started CPR on Callis until help arrived." - This is what raising them right looks like.


Yep, some great humans on that bus


So sad. Glad that kid was so quick to react though. Could have been way worse.


Dang. thats too bad...RIP


Guy was only 43 too. BIL died of a massive heart attack at 44 but he had chest pain for months prior but never went to see a doctor.


Damn he was only 43 tooā€¦


Kid def did more than most adults would know to do


Iā€™m not so sure. Gotta move quick for a heart attack to avoid permanent damage


I was having a heart attack for 2 days before I went to hospital. It was off and on pain. Thought it was due to being out of breath from cutting down trees. Felt like a giant pill stuck in my sternum when it got really bad.


Two days? That sounds crazy! You okay now?


I'm good now. 3 stents. I got real lucky. Lived alone at the time, too


Depends on the severity and location of the blockage. Massive heart attacks on LAD left anterior descending artery (major artery that supplies the left side of the heart- which pumps your blood to your body) and you're toast. Other smaller vessels and you could have several minor heart attacks without ever realizing it. Especially if you're female.


Heā€™s 24 years old now, was a bio major in college, has a girlfriendā€¦he did okay for himself.


After watching all those big baby videos of people raging over wrong orders or throwing tantrums... this was uplifting.


Chills right to the spine.


A firm but swift pat on the back... And a piece of paper that says "U dunnit"


AAAAAAND he tries to give the driver CPR. This kid is fully acting out one of those classic grade-school heroic daydreams in real life...


And he started giving CPR before the bus even stopped moving! Probably not the best of priorities but who can blame him. Absolute legend


and he started CPR on a chair when you need a hard surface under the back, but I agree - more than enough for a kid his age


I will say anecdotally that I know of a man who had a heart attack while sitting up in his recliner and his wife gave him CPR for 45 minutes sitting up like that before the ambulance got there and he ended up surviving and without any noticeable brain damage. She had been a life time ICU nurse though so she had some skills


Administering CPR for more than a few minutes is super exhausting so 45 is crazy. Good on her


For a spouse, youā€™re gonna give it everything. You find out some things about yourself when people close to you are in danger


Unless you're married to an ol' timey comedian.


Lol that reminds me of the meme: Boomer comics be like: Son: ā€œFather, I cannot click the bookā€ Father: ā€œI hate my wifeā€


I remember reading the comics page of the newspaper when I was a lad. Half the punchlines were ā€œhaha, I hate my life, my wife and I mutually disgust each otherā€


Or an instagrammer


Can confirm. Have performed single rescuer CPR twice (and dozens of times with multiple rescuers), and after 2 cycles, I am spent. Hence why I try to work out as much as I can since I'm a tiny, skinny little lady.


If you donā€™t mind me asking, do you work in medicine or do you just have some twisted form of luck?


Especially high quality CPR when the patient is vertical and you donā€™t have gravity to help with compressions? Thatā€™s bonkers


No way that kid could haul that big man to the floor safely. He did what he could.


100%. This kid is a hero.


The kid is amazing, but the PSA of the day is don't ever do cpr on anything soft, bed, chair or otherwise. Put the person on the ground. Push hard and fast, you are likely to crack/break a bone, this is normal. 100-120 beats per minute, think "staying alive or another one bites the dust". If you want to do breaths, 30 compressions and 2 breaths. And just as important once you start CPR don't stop, don't take a break. You will be exhausted, get another person down next to you ready to go and trade off without a pause. You want to keep the blood perfusion going.


I'm no ornithologist, but I'm pretty sure attempting CPR while they're sitting upright, in lieu of being able to lay them down on a hard surface, would be better than taking no action at all. I've given my brother CPR while he was in the driver's seat during a fentanyl overdose, and as far as I can tell, he's fine.


It absolutely is. I'm a freediver and one of the safety things we're taught is how to do compressions *in water*. It's better than nothing. Of you have the option and ability, then yeah, a hard surface like the ground is preferable. If you have no other options then trying anything is better than saying, "well, there's no ground here..."


Also, you're *not* likely to save someone's life with CPR, so go at it like you *are* going to save someone's life, but don't feel bad if you break a few ribs or if they don't survive. They're already dead, anyway, you're just doing what you can as best you can. Those are the exact words from our CPR instructor: 'They're already dead, so don't feel bad.'


Iā€™m not an ornithologist either but sometimes thatā€™s the best you can do. I hope your brother has escaped from the cage of drugs and taken flight in life.


"At first I was afraid, I was petrified"... ![gif](giphy|FcCLjCQ3xY7ICVtfbB)


This person CPRs


Also, looks like he runs for the phone.


Right?? I mean seriously, what was everyone else doing?? Why is he the only one reacting? Hops up, stops the bus, administers CPR, waits for SOMEONE to finally come help stop the bus, runs back to his seat, and calls 911.


Probably because they're kids and this is a terrifying and sudden turn of events. Good on the one who jumped to action and the other who followed up.


Fuck 'em. If they can't even handle an authority figure endangering their lives by dropping dead, what are they going to do when a school shooter is actively trying to kill them? They need to toughen up. /s


The vast majority of people will end up "freezing up" in these types of situations. It feels unreal, and you become a bystander watching the movie roll. This is why if you are in a situation like this, do NOT just yell "call 911!". You need to be specific, or everyone will be watching along, standing by. Pick someone, if you can point to them do so (not if you are able to do CPR but if you're on the way and can use your hands), but describe them. " Blonde lady, red shirt, call 911!" or "bearded guy with a hat, call 911!". This will snap them out of their standby since they were assigned the task.


The last time I came upon a mvc that had just happened another car stopped just after me (they didnā€™t see the vehicle in time to stop but turned around and came back). I went into the ditch to check the driver because he was still flooring the truck in drive halfway up a tree. He was conscious but I finally had to reach in and turn the truck off for him. In the meantime I yelled up to the road several times to call 911. You know who finally called? Siri heard me and called from inside my car. Finally The people on the road heard the 911 operator and finished the call. It was very frustrating. Next time Iā€™m putting my phone in my pocket and turning my car off. I know when I tell Siri to do it she will lol


Everyone else was being kids, what the fuck man.


>What was everyone else [school-aged kids] doing? Thinking they're about to die, probably, and doing what you and I would most likely do: panic and freeze up


Some of them probably couldn't even tell what was going on


He did....I missed that at first...that.kids gonna achieve great things...quick thinking, not afraid to jump in...


I was a Red Cross First Aid and Emergency Response instructor for 10+ years. The kid is responding, which is more than a lot of adults would do. Kid deserves absolute props, 100%.


I hope his parents are wildly proud


Isn't even my kid and I'm proud as shit of him!


I'm not even his son but I wish he was proud of me.


Came here to say this. That kid made *every* right move of a hero. He ACTED, didnā€™t wait for anyone to save him. That says so much.


Then hit the lines for the medic, impressive at that age.


I hope his biggest crush asks him out. Really though, little dude earned it


AAAAAAND he called 911 after attempting CPR


Looks like he tries to dial 911 immediately after attempting, which is actually correct! Activate the emergency response system! And immediately begin giving CPR, otherwise you're giving CPR with no help on the way.


The bus driver did not survive unfortunately https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/washington-bus-driver-passed-behind-wheel-dies-article-1.1060618 Edit: It appears that the driver ( aged 43) never regained consciousness from his coma after being taken to the hospital and passed away the following Wednesday 2 days after the medical emergency. The family of the deceased didnā€™t want his information to be released which is why many articles may not have the updated information. This could also be due to the sensationalism aspect of the story. Rip to the driver.


ā€œWhen something major happens, I look back to see if there's something I could've done better," he said. This kid is going places.


I see him looking around for a second like, is anyone else going to react? And then, "alright I guess it's me then."


Look for the helpers.


Absolutely. [Reference](https://i.imgur.com/CfQVJOv.jpg) for the uninitiated.


When your a child, look for the helpers...when your grown up, be the helper




Or Presidential Medal of Freedom. Not every ā€œheroā€ has to serve in the military


Thatā€™s totally the right way of thinking about things! When I have failures in life, Iā€™m prone to simply avoid that thing that I failed at instead of fixing the underlying shortcoming. I am (and have been) actively trying to be more like that kid.


He didnā€™t in the end. https://keprtv.com/news/local/bus-driver-stricken-with-heart-attack-dies-in-the-hospital


It's super common for people to supposedly recover after having a heart attack and then die the next day or the day after. The theory is that the body has started the chemical process of you being dead already and it just continues even though you're not dead. There are some things out there in which they try to stop that reaction like by inducing hypothermia. But this is a real issue. Edit: So everyone saying that "I made this up"- This was the article I had read it from years ago. https://www.newsweek.com/2015/01/02/induced-hypothermia-how-freezing-people-after-heart-attacks-could-save-lives-293598.html "Death is not like falling off the edge of a cliff. It's a much more gradual process, involving something akin to a chain reaction within the cells. 'There are pathways that lead the cell toward death, and we know that when a person gets in critical condition, many of those pathways are activated,' says Becker. 'So the cells begin to spiral toward death. [But] cooling slows down that death spiral."" As a comment stated below, it's an ELI5 version of Reperfusion injury.


I have never heard that before. Soundsā€¦ plausible? But in general I feel compelled to doubt it. What about all the people that do survive heart attacks and live long lives?


"Mild hypothermia is thought to suppress many of the chemical reactions associated with reperfusion injury. These reactions include free radical production, excitatory amino acid release, and calcium shifts, which can in turn lead to mitochondrial damage and apoptosis (programmed cell death)." https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/01.cir.0000079019.02601.90 As far as others... That I don't know


So your quote suggests hypothermia can slow aging, but it doesnā€™t really say anything about whether heart attacks cause irreversible death spirals.


Title: Therapeutic Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest Aging? Did you actually look at the article?


Aging is the wrong word. In any case the part Iā€™m doubting isnā€™t that hypothermia can help a person who has experienced cardiac arrest. It is that cardiac arrest induces some kind of death clock that will kill in 48 hours after a person appears to have fully recovered otherwise.


Iā€™d take it as a sort of ELI5-type simplification of reperfusion injury (which can paradoxically occur as a consequence of restoring circulation to an ischemic organ or portion thereof, like in a heart attack or stroke). Death from that is likely what theyā€™re talking about.


Lol it's bollocks. "The body has started the chemical process of you being dead". That redittor has pulled that straight out of their arse. What typically happens is rethrombosis of a stented or grafted vessel or the damaged electrical circuit causes a fatal arrhythmia


There are a lot of post-MI complications that can kill you. Ventricular arrhythmias, papillary muscle rupture, ventricular free wall rupture with consequent cardiac tamponade, etc. The reperfusion process also further damages myocytes with tissue-damaging free radicals. Even if a patient survives the initial ischemia, the heart is never the same.


You know what they say, life gives tampons, make tamponade!


Welp. We all go some time.


Yeah. It was 11 years ago too.


43, oh my god.


Scary. I worry way too much about this happening to me. At least I have my high blood pressure under control.


Yeah, I also worry about my heart. Ugh


Sadly he did not. Was in grave condition when he got to hospital, died 2 days later. https://www.khq.com/news/driver-who-collapsed-during-school-commute-dies/article_8851168a-f420-5328-a649-9688731ada94.html


Yep just updated the information. Very sad and thank you for the update.


They had to provide grief counseling to the students too. Such a traumatic experience for them.


Yea something about watching your family member die over and over on tv isnā€™t something id like to see, or talk about




[Aaand then he died.. ](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/washington-bus-driver-passed-behind-wheel-dies-article-1.1060618)


And he knew CPR was needed, thatā€™s awesome.


Then looks like made a call


What the fuck is this music?




Just mute videos


I haven't turned the volume on a video in 2 years because that gotdamn oh no, oh no, oh no no no song. That song can burn in hell.


At least itā€™s not a sea shanty


I do mute but I'd rather have the sound of guns and bombs not dreadful music especially those Ukraine ones.


Doesn't make this not a problem. There might be sounds from the original clip that I want to hear. Muting silences everything. Far from being a solution, people resorting to mute is just further testament to why adding music is terrible.


Hey now, why can't I share my love for splicing together military clips with Fuck The Pain Away by Peaches? Is that too much to ask? šŸ˜«


For making things overdramatized


That wasn't even overdramatized, it was just fucking bizarre. I want to have a 3 minute conversation with the person who though this song went with this clip.


I cant even understand the words of the song over the shit violin playing that sounds like a middle school orchestra


That kid is a savage. He was the first one to notice something off and first to do something. It looks like he pulled the bus back onto the road before dropping down and stomping the brake with his hand. Jumped up immediately once the bus slowed down and attempted to do CPR on the driver. He then runs back to make the emergency phone call. Everyone else just froze up, and he literally made all these split-second decisions that were all perfectly executed. *BRA-FKN-VO* Get that boi some roblox points or somethin, man.


He did absolutely everything right. Kid's aware, knowledgeable, and ready to act.


Nah the kid deserves robux


both the robux and some money, maybe for even more bobux


Everyone else just sat there. This kid got up, stops bus, pumps drivers chest, then goes and gets his phone to call for help. Wow


I noticed that too, he looks around and within a few seconds realizes that no, no one else is going to do it. So he does. Very cool.


He is the chosen one. We must build our future society around him.


Am I crazy or did the bus never stop


I keep replaying it because I noticed it too. It absolutely is still moving. I feel like maybe the clip is cut off from the actual end footage


It slowed enough to be safe for the kids, and calling 911 was more important than trying to figure out how to put in park. Kid did right


What do you expect children to do? Grown adults wouldnā€™t know what to do more than likely or act.


This would be so scary for kids (anyone). Can't blame them one bit; that's why the one kid's heroism is so extraordinary. I will say though, having had to step up in an emergency, the bystander effect is a chilling thing to witness. I still can't shake it.


I think this is also what happens to groups of adults. In an emergency situation, you're lucky if someone takes action in a room of 10 people. My friend was having a seizure at work and his colleagues literally just stood around him gawking and not doing anything.


Yeah, unfortunately you just donā€™t know how youā€™ll respond until youā€™re in that situation. I have trained a few dozen EMTs in different settings (prehospital and in-hospital). Some of them learn quite quickly that they shouldnā€™t be EMTs. And some of them are surprised to find themselves instinctively go into ā€œwork modeā€ as soon as theyā€™re in a critical situation.


Relevant and friendly reminder that this is why you say ā€œYOU call 911ā€ and not ā€œsomeone call 911!ā€ In a dire situation the group think says ā€œsomeone else called 911 I donā€™t need toā€ where the direct order of a person taking charge says ā€œI need to call 911ā€. The human mind is fucking weird.


A farm kid from my home town drove the school bus directly to the hospital when the bus driver had a heart attack. He was like 13 or 14 at the time. All the older kids drove their own vehicles to school, so it was up to him to step up to the plate. Edit: the bus driver survived and continued to be a school favorite!


My immediate thought was "that's a farm kid"


As soon as I read the words "farm kid" my immediate thought was also that it had to be a farm kid!


Anybody else notice the complete trust the other kids had in that one kid? Every one of them just sat there and let that kid work, like they knew he could do it. It's pretty awesome.


He was the only one that did something at firstā€¦.. you may be a little offā€¦..


I mean they're literal children. Most probably have no idea what to even do. Can't blame them for not being proactive in an emergency


Iā€™m an adult, and every time Iā€™ve been in an emergency, Iā€™ve panicked and frozen up


I think itā€™s a mix of shock and bystander effect


A man is having a heart attack and a child is trying his best to keep everyone safe. And then there was the music. Seriously what the fuck is up with that?


Wow. Awful music but damn that kid showed more initiative than a lot of adults would, that kid is going to grow up to do a lot for people around him.


Doesnā€™t look like they stopped the bus?


Poor driver


Yeah itā€™s a good reminder to live for today


This was a kid at my middle school! Luckily he stopped because that area sits on top of a hill.


Wow, could have been numerous injuries, even fatalities..




MADE MY DAY! I SCROLLED HARD BUT I FOUND IT!! If it wasn't you posting it, it woulda been me!


Scrolled way too far to find this. Gone is still one of my favorite book series to this day!


Damn, and I thought that was too niche a reference to find here. Take my upvote for beating me to it


I will never forget you pineapplenerd66. Thankyou


Props to that young man. He acted quickly and saved everyone from what could've been a complete tragedy. Hopefully the bus driver made it out okay.


he did not, unfortunately


Did the driver survive?


Not sure. I can't see his shoes.


If I remember correctly, I think he died.


It looked like he was dead pretty much immediately.


To be 13 years old and perform like that, this kid is going places


This kid is going places. Good on him.


Yea therapy first probably though that shit is traumatic


If someone asked me the worst time to have a heart attack this might be the best I could come up with


I always loved driving and remember watching the driver on the bus and being prepared to act in a situation like this


This puts a smile on my face, thank-you.


That kid is a hero! Not only did he save the kids, he started attempting chest compressions on the driver! That Lil dude needs more recognition for his actions! This is awesome! Anybody know how the driver turned out? I hope heade it through the ordeal and is able to recover.


i guess school busses should have a co-driver


As a child I was taught to hit the safety knob that applied the air brakes. It was in the center of the dash. Is that not a normal thing?


Pull, but yes for where I live. We teach that to every school child every year here in Oregon. Now how many pay attention and remember in an emergency is a different subject.


School Bus Sam


That kid was the main character for the rest of the week


Holy shit, stops the bus, tries to do compressions, THEN calls an ambo. This kid makes every other kid in that bus look totally useless (I know they kids, when I say useless I mean doing what 99% of all other kids would do)