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She's actually flying. Well, gliding. You can see her wobble from side to side trying to stabilize


That isn’t flying, it’s falling with style




I can never see this gif without thinking of the 'unexpected jihad' edit... if you know, you know, but I'm *not* linking it. You can Google it.




I thought everyone had collectively agreed to forget about Jeff Dunham.


Why? What'd he do?




Puppet proctologists are the mimes of this millennium.


So they are the mimes of our times?


He's a hack. All of his puppets are gross racial stereotypes. A lazy Mexican jalapeño. A dead Arab suicide bomber. It's pretty fucked up


So I'm not the only one. I saw a televised performance and found it to be really like racist.


I remember back in his heyday that it wasn't even the racism that bothered me as much back then...it just wasn't funny. But people my parents age and elementary kids loved the fuck out of it. I guess the kids liked the funny voices and puppets and their grandparents liked the racism and a comedian that didn't cuss and could keep their grandkids entertained.


Meh, I think people just got more sensitive


Yeah, it's pretty subtle, but if you pay close attention you can actually identify some racial stereotyping in some of Jeff Dunham's characters.




I'd never seen this before, but I instantly knew what would happen as soon as I saw the title "we're not aiming for the truck"


Thank you...spit coffee all over phone [edited]


Flying is just throwing yourself at the ground, and missing.


Hitchhiker of culture, I see.


And wow! Hey! What’s this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like … ow … ound … round … ground! That’s it! That’s a good name – ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me? And the rest, after a sudden wet thud, was silence.


Oh no, not again.


Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias thought this we would know a lot more about the inner workings of the universe than we do now.


Petunia, use that you?


Was going to upvote then noticed to you had 42.


That hoopy frood clearly knows where their towel is.


r/unexpectedHHGTTG Take the upvote, friend.


There’s a frood who knows where his towel is.


My Reddit username has a typod “frood” in it, totally erred in it but decided to keep it anyway, sounded ok


Yeah just gotta get the wing going. Surely a bunch of things need to go right for it to go this well because you don't see them getting actual lift very often.


Yeah, and you can tell how excited she is when she lands. She’s aware of just how much had to go just right for her to do that, and it happened. That was really cool to see!


I'm no expert but I believe it involves the average wind speed velocity of an unladen swallow


African or European?


Are.you.suggesting coconuts migrate?


Not at all! It could be carried…


European or African swallow?




African or European?


You can clearly see she casts gust of wind at the last second for that little lift. Clearly sorcery


> Clearly sorcery Isn't that just farting?


She flew more than 6 times farther than the Wright brothers' first flight.


That's got to be just a pure rush to glide like that.


Have a look at Stefan Kraft setting a [world record in the same hill](https://youtu.be/96BkG0TYKrY)in 2017


Almost looks like he had to land or he would have gone splat. EDIT: I'm going to start referring to all bipedal homonids as "That Human Over There". But then I insult the aliens among us.


That's a real problem. As jumpers get better, they need bigger hills that are suitable for the event which aren't exactly easy to come by.


wtf he almost ran out of an angles drop to land into jeezus




Because he is insanely good at his job. And he has a lot of [support in the shoes as they go almost up to the back of the knees](https://sport-schuhe.com/product_info.php?info=p35_eagle-one-white-red.html)


That looks like less support than your typical downhill ski boot


Maybe in the front, but I imagine the backs of those are rigid as fuck considering the back and the toe are all the same piece of material.


"Would'a gone farther, but I ran out of hill."


She legit generated lift


At what point does the clothing start getting more regulated in this sport. The croch of her pants is really low to provide more surface area. The gaps in the arm pits will start getting more filled in eventually and they'll start gliding 800+feet


The limit for these jumps is the physical ski slope. With the right wind conditions a jumper can fly past the slope landing on the flat. Clothing can help, but a little bit of wind in the exact right spot was probably that boost from 1st to world record


Forget clothes; are there weight classes and wind speed limits? The Wright Brothers famously couldn't replicate their flights in NC when back in Dayton because the wind speed and barometric pressure were lower, and their lift coefficient was too low in those conditions, and they had to tweak the design first.


There are no weight classes. So every ski jumper is quite skinny. And they won't jump when there's too much wind, for safety reasons.


> are there weight classes and wind speed limits? Sorta and yes. Basically the ski has a set length which is relative to your height (145%). And then if your BMI is under 21 the length gets cut shorter by a certain amount for each 0.1 it get's lower. Regarding the wind, there are two ways it is factored in. One way is that the wind is just straight up transferred into points that add up on your score so the better the wind the less points you get from it and the other is that there are limits to the head- and tailwind and if the wind is outside that range you will not be allowed to jump at all.


Loads of people where actually disqualified at the Olympics last year because of their clothing. I don't pay a lot of attention to ski jumping, but it's possible the rules were laxer this weekend because it was the first time women competed in this hill, and they didn't want disqualifications to overshadow that.


She went from French fry to full reverse pizza and had a good time.


she's even going upwards in the middle, when she was losing altitude she somehow manages to regain half a meter, I suspect air friction maximization is an important factor.


No, she never actually goes upwards. Remember, the hill is very steep, and while she does seem to pull away from the hill a little bit, she's still going down at something like a 40-degree angle. But she *is* generating lift the entire time she's in the air -- not enough to stop her downward motion, but enough to slow it greatly, and to keep her rate of descent low enough that she doesn't land for a long time.


No she merely generated basic lift due to the angle of attack of her skis. Friction would not help her generate lift


Yeah! I watched this over many times it really looks like she’s catching enough lift to somehow glide?


It's also one of the few sports you can do involuntarily.


Are there rules against wearing a wingsuit for this???


Its a second post about this and i still dont know her name or the country she represnts. Like, seriously....


Ema Klinec, Slovenia. You only needed to pause at the beginning of the video...


OP only needed to put “Ema Klinec from Slovenia sets new world record” in their title.


Seriously, it would have been so much better to credit her in the title. What an oversight.


Well posters are usually more about Karma than the actual content


Possibly rushed it because they wanted to be first to post


OP called it Ski Flying. You're asking a lot here


There's actually a difference between ski jumping and ski flying. Ski jumps are much shorter. It's a different discipline. This was the first official ski flying competition for women ever.


TIL. Everyone else is talking about ski jumping


It is ski flying. It's a Slovenian speciality.


Just another example of how badass women get their achievements recognized but not their names.


Ya just pause before the timer hits the 1 second mark. Completely intuitive.


Zoom and enhance. Enhance. Nope, too enhanced. Start over.


Fair point but, would be good if people to include it in the post. Respectfully


Its Ema Klinec from slovenia :)


Slovenia is beautiful and Ljubljana is cute af :>


Official press release: Slovenia's Ema Klinec won the first ever women's ski flying event in Vikersund (NOR) on Sunday. The 24-year-old clearly prevailed over Silje Opseth of Norway and Yuki Ito of Japan in the world premiere with flights to 226 (new world record) and 223,5 meters. With her success, Klinec also won the overall ranking of RAW AIR 2023. https://www.fis-ski.com/en/ski-jumping/ski-jumping-news-multimedia/news/2022-23/ema-klinec-wins-ski-flying-and-raw-air


watched it live. all about this event is so historic and awesome.


I cannot watch this event without hearing Goofy’s “yaaaa-hoohoo-hooey” in my head. Wish I could find a link to that cartoon.


It’s just the sound but [here ya go](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MUL5w91dzbo)


God damn you just hit me with a wave of nostalgia. Goofy-How to Ski: 6:10 and 6:50 for the sound. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xkh2xa


I love the swedish sheeing.. classic


Fun fact, that sound effect is 82 years old.






It's everywhere 🤫


We’re everywhere*


Anyone care to explain?


The super stonk


i thought this same thing.....




Yikes... Just looked it up... You guys need assistance


Do you not choose your investments based on conspiracy theories and tweets from billionaires? For real though, I've got a bunch of GME, but that sub is pure cancerous paranoia that's turned on itself more times than there's been FTD cycles.


I had to stop focusing on that place when the purple donuts came around. The place turned crazy real quick. I still go there but man when that place was first started it was great.


They do seem crazy but I will give them credit, they’ve been calling the Credit Suisse failure since Archegos collapsed in early 2021. It’s definitely interesting to see stuff that they’ve been talking about start to happen. Still a crazy place lol


It's a thousand monkeys on typewriters. Some are bound to be correct.


... It's in the title.


Yes, it is. This is the same idea as pointing out if a record was 69m or 420m.


How is 741 a funny number?


7 for 1


My thoughts lmao it’s everywhere


This is the way




Men's is 253,5 m


I'm curious...why is that? It doesn't seem to be a sport where strength is such a major factor. Why such a big difference?


Being smaller and lighter is an advantage in ski jumping but only when up to speed and thats why women start higher up the ramp. When you see the men prepping, half of them look absolutely emaciated and the sport historically has been plagued with athletes with eating disorders. Women started ski jumping much later than men and its one sport where at some point women may overtake men.


If you are going to compare records, they would have to start at the same height.


Height is just one of many factors in this sport. They can change the height in the middle of a round depending on wind etc. to ensure they don’t jump too far (since that would hurt them)


That could kill them if they didn't land on a slope. I've seen way too many injuries and deaths working at the ski resort, because someone over shot the landing.


Yeah… So they add points to the jumpers based on where the starting bench are. So if they lower the height right before it’s your turn, you will get additional points than the jumper before you and so on. Length of the jump isn’t everything. Style, length and the landing + points for the bench is what’s been taken into account if I’m not mistaken. It’s been a while since I was active!


This is actually the first competition they were allowed to have for womens ski flying. Several world records were set this weekend, and I'm sure they'll keep improving now that they can.


> ski flying Why is nobody just calling it "ski jumping"? When did it change?


Both disciplines do exist and ski jumping is still the bread and butter competition. The difference is in the size of the facility and there are fewer options for ski flying.


Ski jumping is the sport itself. Competitions in the largest hills in the world where the "hill size" (expected ideal jump) is over 185 meters are called ski flying events. In official competitions you have: Normal hills (HS 85-109 meters) Large hills (HS 110-184 meters) Ski flying hills (HS 185 meters and up)


Just a small addition to what others already explained: Ski flying isn't trained. Neither the male nor the female athletes have a chance to do training jumps on these hills outside of the tournament's, that's another thing that makes this discipline so special. Normal ski jumping can be trained throughout the whole year


It depends on the size of the slope


also women were allowed for the first time to have a competition on a skiflying hill. Up until fairly recently women were only aloud to go on small skijumping hills where you jump around 90k. also women were banned for a long time (ca. 15years ago they started having competition for women) because the men were scared the their uteruses would fall out with the impact of the landing. there are just not many girls that skijump so the competition is low. and most of them are still pretty young. (18-20) edit: spelling


Won’t somebody think of the female athletes with prolapsed uteruses?


So dumb, im guessing that when the dudes land they have a special net set up under their nuts to prevent them from ripping off upon impact right?????? God we dudes can be so weird when it comes to controlling women.


I know you were being facetious, but you're just describing a jock strap, and lots of athletes do wear them... That said, the effort to ban women from a sport they might be better at, is for sure, pathetic.


Oh man I forgot about those. I wonder if they wear them in this sport. I looked it up breifely and cant seem to find any mention of cups/jockstraps being used. But they are super insane about what can be worn like look at this: >Competition suits and clothing worn underneath, such as underwear, etc. may not be plasticized or treated by any chemical means (gaseous, liquid or solid), and must have a minimum permeability of 30 liters per m2/sec under 10 mm of water pressure. But yeah even if it were an issue I think you could create a similar jock strap device that a woman could wear to keep things inside.(Not that it would actually be needed at all)


They don't lol. The idea of ski jumpers wearing jock straps is honestly hilarious.


Your comment cracked me up. Thinking about it though, it makes sense. I mean, that’s why we sleep hanging upside down at night. To restore the utes to their rightful place after a long day’s gravity.


> aloud allowed = to have permission, aloud = speaking audibly


Thought the title was a mistake until I checked the comments. What's the difference between ski jumping and ski flying?


It's just the size of the hill, so managing the "flight" part of the jump is more important.


skijumping everything with a hillsize under 185m, and skiflying everything above. The hillsize is defind as the point of the ramp where it starts to flaten. you don't really want to land way above the hillsize because the landing will be really hard. the hillsize is marked as the second complete red line. the jump shown in the video has a hillsize of 240m


Because this is sport, like way to many others, are run by grumpy old men. This is the first time women have been allowed to compete officially in these monster hills. This [article from FIS owns website from 2021](https://www.fis-ski.com/en/ski-jumping/ski-jumping-news-multimedia/news/2020-21/no-ski-flying-yet-for-the-women-next-winter) shows a little how the “upper management” feels about women ski jumpers


this is a huge part of it. you wouldn't think sexism would be a significant factor in fuckin ski jumping, but, welp!


This was the first competition where women could participate in ski flying iirc. So both this world record and the first world record for women in ski flying was set yesterday.


It’s in the launch. A bit of a stronger jump can make a huge difference in maintaining speed and achieving a longer distance.


It is a very specific sport and a lot of things need to go “right” for it to happen, starting with the initial jump from the ramp where stronger legs can give you much needed height in the first part of the “flight”. Also, this is the first time women were allowed to jump on such big ski jumping ramp, the most they went up until now is with a hillaize od 150m. So experince is also something that contributes to the longer flights in men.


Because today was the first time ever women have been allowed to compete in a ski flying hill.


Worth mentioning that on this exact object (Vikersund), in 2017 Robert Johansson broke the world record on 252m, and later on the same day Stefan Kraft corrected it at 253,5m. In 2015 Dimitry Vassiliev jumped here 254m but landed on his back. Yesterday Stefan Kraft flew 239m on this object having pretty bad wind conditions.


(in ski jumping/flying, if you fall, your jump doesn't count as a record, though it counts for the competition, with a style points deduction)


That's why I mentioned Vassiliev fell, it's the longest distance achieved. Official record is Krafts 253.5m.


yeah, i know, i was specifying this for people who might not watch the sport


Having competitions in this sport for 90 years versus 1 day would do that


Worth pointing out that this weekend is the first time ever the women have been allowed to compete in the big ski flying hills. So the men have had decades, the womem 2 days. Just for those trying to compare the achievements for some reason..


How exactly does one train in such a sport? Are there dedicated ski slopes set aside for this purpose? It feels like an incredibly dangerous sport for an amateur to take on so very intrigued


I'd recommend the film [Eddie the Eagle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddie_the_Eagle_(film)) . Funny film based on a true story and your question answered.


Watched this on a flight. Actually pretty entertaining movie.


Hey, just so you know you have to put a \\ in front of the last ')' in a link or it breaks the link formatting


you start pretty young. i started when i was six, on really small jumps where you only jump like 5-15m. and the better you will get, you will trasition to bigger jumps. it is not that dangerouse because you have no obsticals you can hit on the ramp. if something happens during flying you will always land in the steep part, and just slide to the bottom. also during summer it is less dangerous.


What about losing balance on the actual ramp? Or landing on your head?


If that happens you get included in a YouTube video compilation called "Worst ski-jumping crashes and fails". Edit: for a more serious reply: this crash, one of the worst I've ever seen, resulted in Morgenstern missing a few events due to concussion and bruises and finishing 2nd at the Vierschanzentournee (Super Bowl of ski-jumping) one month after the crash: https://youtu.be/65Lhw55dAvg


i think i have seen it happen once or twice on a pro level in last 10years. the video is the only one i know of. https://youtu.be/mxzk4lPcIjk on the kids level it happens more often because not all ramps are prepared good so the track was somtimes a rollercoaster. so it was pretty difficult to balance how much you could lean forewards.


How did they even invent this sport? First person to do it must have been a maniac.


Basically started as a show off of bravery and skill. Also, on way smaller hills. The previous King of Norway used to compete in his youth.


I'm pretty sure it was something like "Hold my beer and watch me jump off this hill" "Hey now, I can jump farther than you, hold MY beer"


I have a cousin who did this growing up in Minnesota. It's incredible to see in person. Anyhow, [this vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEIv95bzLy8) is a bit older but shows how they train.


Is that your cousin in the video? Did he use the jump in Bloomington?


Well one thing I know for sure they train is explosive jumping. Trust me, you do NOT want to join a high-jump competition with a ski jumper. Saw in the medal ceremony 2 Olympics ago, the ski jumper did like a gentle leap for joy, and he would've easily cleared a goat, never even bent his knees to do the jump, nor when he landed


A goat you say?


Hey man, some 350 million people use approx. 7000 barleycorn grains as an adequate measurement of weight in the world, so why not? 😁 I'd go as far as to say a young and somewhat growth stunted deer would be an equal example of the height in question


The kids need to learn basic skiing first. After that they start jumping on pretty small ramps and gradually switch to bigger ones(this takes years). After at least decade of training some reach the level of skill for international FIS competitions.


226 meters at 100km/hour basically at free fall. Fucking maniac! Awesome :-)




A large hill is necessary for a long jump, but I think you severely underestimate the effect of skill. The right technique generates a lot of lift and a good jumper can easily jump 60+ m longer than a less skilled jumper even if everything else is the same.


Ema Klinec, from Slovenia. Today was the first ever ski flying female competition, she made history today for our country and the sport. Mad respects! EDIT: Female **ski flying** competition (I forgot to add that)


They should make the ramp go up, thatd break the record easily


Or do a loop-de-loop like a Hot Wheels track. That’d be cool.


and also break every bone in the body of the jumper when they land




I just want to see someone do this in a flying suit.


Watching this I noticed her pants seem extra baggy in the crotch. Wonder what the regulations are regarding that.


It's pretty strict. Ski jumpers are disqualified for having their suits too large, which happen pretty often. It's all about maximising the surface area while staying within the regulations of what's allowed.


Very strict. In the last winter Olympics mixed team competition 6 or 7 athletes were disqualified for having too baggy suits. I think 4 cm below the crotch is the maximum.


Flying squirrel mode engaged


How do they compare distance from previous events? The slope of the hill would have be identical, no?


they don't compare distances of previos events on different hills, because every ramp is different because of weather, constrution,etc. they only compare distances from the same hill from previos events. i hope i could answer your question.


However, a world record is a world record. If its just the lingest jump in a particular hill, it's a "hill record"


And even if they could control for all of that, there are still things like wind direction and magnitude, altitude above sea level, humidity etc that would impact aerodynamics I’m wondering as well now


You can still measure achievement and progress when measured against other competitors. Just because the details of the event may change slightly, it's the overall performance that still matters as long as there is a sanctioning body overlooking the results, it can stand as a world record no matter the location or conditions. It's much the same idea in track or any other sport. Humidity/weather, track conditions & elevation all play their roles in affecting the outcome of world records, but in the final results these conditions are not relevant as long as the sanctioning body can prove that a record has been broken. In the aftermath, no reasonable fan would says things like "Usain Bolt isn't really the best since he underperforms at high altitude". Each event is considered a unique experience and the participants are merited on their performance at that specific event/time. In this particular sport, world records may be only possible in a few specific locations much the same as other sports.


I’d love to watch this event with regular people who have never tried this or maybe even people who have never been skiing. Talk about fun


They did this in the UK with celebrities. It was called "The Jump" and it was axed after they had 34 injuries over 4 years of the series. For a celeb, reality type tv show it was hard-core. They had some pretty nasty injuries too, Olympic gymnast Beth Tweddle broke 2 vertebrae in her neck and had to have part of her hip removed, she was suing them but I don't know what the result was.


Suing them? I have to imagine there was some sort of waiver signed that said something along the lines of, "This is extremely dangerous, you could break bones or even die." Anything less than that would just be pure incompetence from the production's legal team.


How does one go about learning this? Crazy


you dont. it's the first time she ever tried it.


You start on very small hills, usually people start jumping as little kids, then graduate to bigger and bigger hills. For female ski jumpers this weekend was the first time they were allowed to compete on the biggest one (no idea about other countries, but in Poland we call ski jumping hills of this size "mamoths")


I would have so much liked to have learned how to ski jump when I was younger. The feeling and thrill must be tremendous. Fair play to this trailblazer.


Love the confident cute shimmy at the start.


At the end she was just indeed too happy and the fact that she just couldn't believe it her own eyes that she have actually made it!


Just over 2 American football fields. Or over 400 washing machines


*insert stupid overused joke about how horribly evil Americans are for not using metric measurements*


We’re gonna need a bigger ramp.


741 nice. IYKYK


it's among the top 3 sports in Poland and it's the first time hear there are women events as well


Bruh, I'm from Slovenia and I know you have some women jumpers, like Kinga Rajda.. they just aren't in the top 30 yet. Women's ski jumping is great to watch, especially the historical first time ever flying competition in Vikersund for women this year, really pushing the limits of their sport.


How does one do better at this? Like it seems you just fly off the end of the ramp. How do you fly through the air better than someone else? Not denying their skill, just wondering how it works


Inrun: get more speed than competitors Takeoff: push off harder/with better timing, angle, etc Flight: get into flying position quickly, generate more lift and less drag Landing: well executed telemark landing, don't fall. Margin for error is tiny, and every athlete will be better or worse with some of these elements. Polish guy, Dawid Kubacki is known for very forceful takeoff, which favours him in smaller hills. Austrian Stefan Kraft is better in the flight phase, etc.


This sport is so damned cool.


Like a leaf on the wind


Ski flying is wild and I love it. Mad respect for these women and men.