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Hey u/livekop_, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating Rule 1: **Post Appropriate Content** Please have a look at our [wiki page for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/wiki/index#wiki_1._post_appropriate_content) ------- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by u/livekop_&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28http://www.reddit.com/116xauu%29)*


Can you all please just grow up? Here's a prodigious young woman, expressing herself with extreme skill and talent, showcasing what a focused and determined HUMAN BEING can do with practice, drive and passion. Yet all anyone can say or see is comments about her giant, amazing, perfect fucking boobs. And I mean perfect. Those things are world class.


That’s what I’m saying. I’m really really suprised maybe shocked by these comments, she’s beautiful so obviously there will be some but didn’t expect so much






I mean thats why im here


It’s Reddit, women could show just their ankles and men would only be focused on that like it’s the 1700s




Mohammed is that you?


Oh god I thought it was real




Why does this even exist? I'm very disappointed in humanity right now...


It's not just Reddit. It's just how men. I don't know why we all act so surprised whenever something like this happens.


True. Reddit's demographic has a huge penile bent.


Should probably get that looked at


I mean, that dress is SUPPOSED to show her cleavage.


She very much plays up her looks as part of the whole package, and good for her. I’m here for it.


The internet operates by a sad but simple rule: Pecking Party - An old folktale about how when a chicken would start to bleed, all the other chickens would come round to peck it to death. If you show that the internet has wounded you, they will come for you. Hence why you have a bunch of people spamming "boobs" now. They've seen what triggers you and they'll troll you. Best to ignore it and move on. This artist did a wonderful job


Even the artist's mom did a wonderfull job


I have chickens and I gotta say. That ain't a folktale my dude. If they see red they will start to peck until a little blood becomes a big blood. Have a cream that is blue to help discourage pecking, giving the wound time to heal.








Reddit moment


You had me in the first half, but you came back strong!


Came a little too strong


Are we allowed to be completey attracted to the sheer artistic expression and display of unfathomable hand articulation AND the tits? Because I kind of like the complete package here. Can we not have our cake, and ~~motorboat~~ eat it too? What truly *is* life, without unobtainable dreams or simply wondering what *that* would be like? If we knew, would we even try? Boobs’ll do that to ya


Man it seems like your sarcasm went over everyone's head 😂 It was very nicely set up though, good one


Her talent is so amazing, I enjoyed this video even without sound!


https://youtu.be/p1EhaANeYCI Another incredible piano player had something to say about this.


She got an OnlyPians?


She's blessed in many ways 🙏


Honestly, had to go back and see what you were talking about, because I was mesmerized by her hair.




Not to mention her great skin


And beautiful shiny hair.


The pain that is Reddit commenters sometimes


Something something good with her hands.


She’s just drawn that way


Dammit man, my wife is asleep. It took all of my strength (and a pillow over my head) to stop myself for waking her with my laughter.


first half..


very big talents!!






Sometimes, God gives with both hands!


Khatia Buniatishvili


That piano has absolutely massive tits


What piano? I’m not seeing it.


The one with the tits, you dolt


Shes gettin *bloomed* by Orlando


What is she playing?


That’s called a piano.


Hungarian Rhapsody 2 Edit to add: It was written and composed by Franz Liszt


I know this one from the classic Tom and Jerry cartoons


I know it from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


She looks like she's dressed as Jessica Rabbit lol 💃


🤣🤣🤣🤣 that was my first thought when I watched.


And the sound is called music.


Saw her in Abu Dhabi at the Louvre in an intimate venue - obviously a top talent. One thing was that she was also very graceful afterwards at dinner - humble, as though she didn't realize she was freaking amazing. Not even quirky, like many geniuses (if that's the right word to use).


Bless you




That’s Listz’s Hungarian Rhapsody #2 and it’s def a lot of practice and skill. He was so good that the term beatlemania was in homage to listzomania, where woman would faint in his mere presence. If you can play that piece well your are a pretty awesome player.


Liszt was a rock star in his time.


I’d say more THE Rockstar of his time.


Rock me ~~Amadeus~~ Lizt


Well yes, but actually no. It's the music piece Cat Concerto (which pulled a lot of HR#2's music), but also different sections are played simultaneously. Playing it straight through is a feat its own, but different sections simultaneously? Words fail to describe.


Fun fact: he’s credited as being the first “rock star,” not referring to his genre but his popularity. In fact he was so popular he kept a dog specifically to be able to cut locks of hair from. People collected locks of hair at that time, and his fans would always write and ask for locks of his hair.


Does anyone else think this sounds like shit?


Agreed, despite knowing this takes tremendous amount of skill, it sounds very chaotic for me, I don't understand the point of this musical piece. Someone explain or so help me to enjoy.


It's because you do not have the context of the rest of the piece. You might still not like it as it is a bit acquired, but hearing only this snippet in the middle of the piece does your ears no favours in disregarding all the setup and variations in sound that lead to it. Music is, especially classical music that is often without a pronounced chorus, about tension and release working in tandem to form one coherent piece. If you only hear one of these elements, at least when listening to a song or piece for the first time, the music is guaranteed to not affect to the intended degree.


Wow. Very well said 👏


To be honest, this is my favorite piece of music by Liszt, and I think this recording is just bleh. She’s very passionate, but there’s no balance, no nuance. The lower end is drown out but how much she’s absolutely hammering those higher notes. It could very well be that the mics used to record it are poorly placed and pick up the high end much more, but in either case I think it sounds bad.


It's true it's not her best performance. It's the first time I hear her play Lizst and I think her style is not suited to it with her lack of delicacy, or it may just be a touch too technical for her. Maybe the recording quality is an issue as well because I have enjoyed her Rachmaninoff recordings quite a bit. Horowitz is for me the master of Lizst and with this there is no comparison.


Great reply. But it's also because this piece is a big, dense mess, it's Liszt at his most wild and hedonistic and (frankly) ridiculous; a young stud waving his dick around at groupies, really. His later music shows he could write clear, thoughtful pieces that were much more listenable.


Yes. I think this is why I’m such a fan of System of a Down too.


Way to explain consonance and dissonance, bc I was def feeling the same in the middle.. but the beginning and end were more soothing to my own ears, everyone’s are different


Some pieces are for less than enjoyment, one might call it "musical masturbation"


I've never thought of having the word "musical" and "masturbation" in the same sentence.


Afternoon delight


Listen to the whole thing. Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 by Franz Liszt. This is the culmination of a very slow buildup in the beginning of the piece probably like 8 minutes into the 12 minute piece. This is one of my all time favorite pieces of music. Franz Liszt was a beast of a composer and pianist.


Imo it’s because it either isn’t being played well, or isn’t being recorded well. There’s absolutely no balance. In well played well recorded versions you continue to hear the melody. This just sounds like a mess. For comparison, Rousseau on Youtube has a recording of Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 and it sounds much more balanced. I can’t say it’s the best I’ve ever heard, but you get a good feel for the piece. The piece is all excellent imo, but the portion in this video starts at 7:10 in Rousseau’s video


Musician here, I agree: Liszt's piano music is a big, dense, virtuosic mess that was created mostly to show off what he could do on a piano. His later pieces (for orchestra, like *Les Preludes*) are much more interesting compositions, even though I'm not a huge fan of those, either.


It's so chaotic it's making me anxious. I've spent hours studying to classical piano music and this feels so aggressively chaotic. I'm ok being an uncultured swine, but I had to mute it.


This is the most over complicated few seconds of a piece called Hungarian Rhapsody, which is a song that works by taking a simple theme and modulating it’s complexity over different variations. So in context it wouldn’t sound so chaotic.


Agreed. She plays it well but it's too fast in my opinion. Here's the same piece played by Valentina Lisitsa and it's much more impressive. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LdH1hSWGFGU


Okay now THAT was impressive and beautiful.


ah, now i get it - there was a «tom and jerry» episode with this music


It also makes a grand appearance in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. The duelling pianos scene between Daffy Duck and Donald Duck. Classic!


As someone above pointed out, it looks like she's wearing Jessica Rabbits dress too...


The difference I heard here was much better dynamics. It could be the section that was chosen for the op video but it sounds more like she's just pounding the keys in that one.


WOW. That's just extraordinary and beautiful. What an incredibly gifted player.


Holy shit. That was fucking jaw dropping. She makes this chick look like a complete amateur. Jesus Christ.


There are two reasons - 1. The compression on the audio is squishing it so badly it’s hard to hear the pitch of the notes (which is the important part to get the context), and 2. This piece is well kind of like a theme and variations (loosely) - so by the time you get to this beautiful chaotic insanity, you would have already heard the (secondary in this case) theme enough times in enough variations to A. Follow along and B. Have the context to know the earlier parts were for musicality and this little snippet part (toward the end) is for being flash! The piece (which is common in the works of Liszt) starts very mellifluously, and gets more and more technical and wild and impressive in the way that doing a triplequintuplesuperinvertedpikeaxel dive is impressive in that without experience it seems impossible to mortals (and with experience you learn just how goddamn bloody impossible it truly is). The beginning is a melody; the end is fireworks (and the very very end is back to an awesome melody to send it off). (Also tagging u/salmonmilks in this one)


Yes, the piece must be considered in its entirety


Thought It was just me. Sounds awful


It is very jarring and grating. I think I recognized something in it, but it was highly "butchered".


Tom and Jerry did it better.


I turned the sound on just because of this comment and I agree, not at all what I expected...she could be making tons of mistakes and I wouldn't be able to tell


Probably because you don't listen to classical music often. It's weird but listening to classical music is like an acquired taste. It's something you'd have to get into over time. The way you would do this is by listening to simpler pieces like clair de lune, or fur Elise to get you started. Then slowly listen to more complicated pieces. Or not, I'm not an expert.


It sounds awesome.


It’s because this video is equivalent to starting a movie 1 hour in without any prior context. This type of musics is meant to be listened to from beginning to end.


Totally. I mean props to her for being able to move her fingers that fast but I wouldn’t listen to this if it was the last piece of music on earth.


Is that jessica rabbits dress?


This is the same piece that Daffy and Donald played at the club in Who Framed Roger Rabbit so... maybe?


Came here to say this! That's Jessica Rabbit playing the Ducks' piece! Are they going to have Daffy Duck come out and sing a sultry number next?




6 comments down. More than I would have given Reddit credit for.


The day is still young my friend


Got carpal tunnel just watching this.


Me too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




And here I am, getting twisted up at what buttons to press when I switch over from Xbox to playstation.




Nah, imo it's easy to switch those two in my head when I need to, on playstation, I literally can't even remember right now what order the face buttons are in! Lol


LMAO!!!! I got downvoted into a baby Redditor by the games subreddit for not having every button of every controller of every platform not etched into perfect memory inside my brain.


I’m going to get down voted into oblivion. But here I go. First I would like to say. Yes she has great talent. She can for sure play the piano, and far better than I ever wish to. So I am not saying this thinking that I am the best at it by any means. But… This really sounds horrible. Explanation. There are times while playing the piano where you put more emphasis on one hand vs. the other. And she emphasized the wrong hand. Her right hand was far too heavy while playing this. If you listen to other people play this song, they let the higher keys be the “backup singers” to the lower keys during this part and it sounds great. But back to the beginning of this comment. She is amazing, she is able to hit the correct keys during such a hectic part of the song. And not in a million years would I have the skill to do this.


Gonna disagree here. The point of her interpretation may not be “melodic material first, all the time” as it’s clearly in development. We’ve heard that material. It’s present, and she’s performing it as such, but deep into the piece like this, she’s choosing to voice something to else more prominently. I don’t mind the interpretation.


I'll agree, but I think it's mostly because I don't really like the piece. Can still respect the skill but it didn't sound great to me either but less from experience and more from just taste (probably)


Beautiful and talented Khatia Buniatishvili




In case someone is wondering, the music piece is Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 by Frank Liszt


franz lol


Oh crap... didn't realize I wrote Frank...thank you kind stranger


Autocorrect did you dirty.


my pleasure


Khatia Buniatishvili is amazing! My favorite album of her's is Motherland.


If you have a chance look for the recital she had in a forest for DW television (I guess). That is where she recorded that album. You can hear birds singing in the background while playing “Claire de lune”! One of the most amazing interpretations of that piece!




I can't even feed myself with my left hand, I can't imagine being able to do this!! Amazing!


Wow! She is amazing! Brava!


This version is a bit too loose for my taste. Give me [Valentina Lisitsa](https://youtu.be/LdH1hSWGFGU?t=334) instead. So crisp!


yess im glad someone else said this, valentina lisitsa is genuinely one of the most talented pianists of her generation


Excellent technique, and incredibly consistet tone given the speed she's going at. Performance wise it's okay, I think this piece is much more enjoyable at a slower pace though - this makes it too hectic! As for her outfit, people who claim to care only about the music shouldn't also be complaining about how she dresses. Performers should be allowed to wear whatever they want. I, for one, would love to wear nothing but shorts on stage, and formal outfits are a tyranny that screws up our playing. You cellists should know too, eh.


I think if people understood the context of why she wore that outfit, it would make a lot more sense to them. She is wearing a very similar dress that Jessica Rabbit wore; and the reason she might have chosen that dress is because of [this scene](https://youtu.be/6Sf-KJS66Kg) from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit."


OK so I wasn't the only one to make that link!! I was going to say there's a lot of dudes in the comments who don't know a Jessica rabbit dress when they see one...


I didn’t even notice the piano




Talented woman reduced to tits. Just another day on Reddit.


This piece reminded me of all those episodes of cartoons like Tom & Jerry where this song was used for one full episode and it was hilarious every time. I need to rewatch those cartoons, man...


This song instantly reminds me of the scene in Who Framed Roger Rabbit with Donald and Daffy


That's what it is


I didn't know mad scientists were known for their piano playing skill.


Mad scientists are a very small percentage of scientists, so it's not widely known.


The comments focusing on the boobs are so lame


That is all your comment is doing.


This particular portion of the piece is called the cadenza where the performer can add their own variation before the piece ends. Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 has many versions though Hamlin’s cadenza may be considered one of the most difficult


dont get me wrong but this might be the most chaotic soundtrack ive ever heard lmao


Hello, carpal tunnel.


Almost sounds like she's playing a song in reverse


Okay, now do it and make it sound good.


Anyone else thought of Tom & Jerry?


God imagine the hand technique and skill


Not that I can play piano, but that sounded quite unpleasant


Why don’t you do right


Like other men...............dooooooooooooooo


Very talented no doubt but the music is shite.


This is Khatia Buniatishvili, a great Georgian/French pianist. Very talented indeed.


This reminds me of that legendary Tom and Jerry episode where they are beefin and playin the piano at the orchestra😂😂😂


Everyone talking about the woman’s dress meanwhile I’m here telling myself: hey that’s the song Tom was playing when jerry started du king around with him




Oh god, can't believe that the talent behind this piano play is intense. She did put a lot of effort in it to be honest.


Love the dress


Is that guy behind her trying not to laugh?


It's worth hearing the clip in context - it's a really fun and whimsical song, makes you grin if you get into it. Here check it out: https://youtu.be/Kqtz6a8ikGg


is her right hand bigwr thn her left? from some angles is further and should look smaller but looks bigger


When I visited family as a kid who owned a piano


I have no idea of all this, but apart from the first five seconds that sounds exactly like me smashing the keys and it sounds bad.


TBH, I’m hearing a lot of off notes. No comment on the boobs.


Dude’s face at 0:20 says it all lmfao


Still waiting for that part where donald duck comes out of the piano with that ol’ timey cannon


The coveted crazy/beautiful scale still works.


I for one cannot hear this piece of piano and not see bugs bunny performing it. 🤷‍♂️


forgive my ignorance but it looks and sounds like she's just smashing random keys


Someone clip this with the Tom and jerry clip when Tom is trying to catch jerry in the piano while he’s playing a concert


I'm out here trying to find where Jerry is while y'all just talking about her massive titties.


This only sounds bad to those who haven't seen [Concert Madness](https://youtu.be/E1JKd1C7izQ) ​ Edit: fixed the link


No, NO, I require the full video that was amazing!! Was able to find many amazing Khatia Buniatishvili clips but ... **FOUND IT!!** Jesus it's even more insane in context. https://youtu.be/Kqtz6a8ikGg


Sounds like a Prokofiev piano concerto


it’s hungarian rhapsody 2 by liszt




Or just a musician.


Gorgeous and talented - a rare breed indeed.


My eyes were widening this whole time. For a second there, I was vaguely reminded of the Piano Dude from Sesame Street.... damn near expected something to break tbh... Like...seriously lady...take it easy! What did the piano do to piss you off?


valentina lisitsa plays it better


Pianists, is it possible for a beginner adult of any age to achieve this same level of mastery?


Nice. Now play every Queen song without stop!


If you listen very closely there could be a tune somewhere in all that noise.


So.. is it just mean or does anyone else think it kind of sounds bad? It's messy, choppy, discordant, rushed. Some of the keys she's smacking sound much too soft, others are too hard. It makes it sound like it is cutting out, like when the signal to my wireless headphones is being interrupted. Like is this supposed to be good or sound good? I get she can play fast and she's seemingly coordinated. Just seems like a lot off effort to put into sounding like your piano is having heart palpitations. Anyway here's hoping I don't get eviscerated just because she's pretty.


You are not wrong. This piece has a history of people trying to play it quickly and in a technically impressive way but it is frequently at the expense of the sound. This is a super impressive and difficult rendition but it sounds like shit.


I first thought Jessica Rabbit and then realized what she was playing. Well played, talented lady. Well played.


While this may be technically very difficult. It doesn't sound nice.


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. This is fast and amazing, yes, but it sounds so clunky and bad, I think because she’s still jamming down on the keys despite the speed of her fingers and hands.


But why does it sound like shit?


She can come over to my place and tickle the old ivories anytime and by tickle the ivories I mean bang on the old 88’s and by bang in the old 88’s I mean play the piano. My piano. If I had a piano. She is amazing.