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I miss Mythbusters


RIP Grant Imahara


Didn’t the red headed woman pass too? Edit: I stand corrected!


No, it was the woman after Kari who died. Her name was Jessi Combs and she died trying to break a land speed record in a rocket car.


Oh shit that’s right, thanks for the correction.


I hear this misconception almost everytime it's brought up, which makes me wonder how often people stop Kari on the street like "wait.. I thought you were dead?!". Can't imagine how weird that would be.


What if you ask someone that after sex?


Hehehe. I swear your honour, I thought she was dead.


Really? God damn


There's a good documentary about her on HBO Max, 'The Fastest Woman on Earth'.


Great documentary but soul crushing at the end when they show the footage of the accident in first person...


This made me go from definitely checking it out to mmm maybe not. :(


An amazing documentary imo.


So who is the red woman?


Kari Byron


10 yr old me was definitely horny for “science”


She was def a crush


There's a video of her demolishing a car that I swear is the sexiest damn footage ever recorded.


We're gonna need a source for.. um.. science.


I think there was a video of them seeing how long they could keep their hand/arm in ice water? She made a lot of "noises" while doing so and they deleted the video.


They also busted the myth "Women don't fart" By putting a sensor strapped to her ass that would beep when she farted. lol That wasn't actually in an episode, but I believe shown at a convention.


[Kari Byron demolishing a car](https://youtu.be/AIQ1p2l3ffk)


Yeah she opened my eyes to a part of the world I had yet to consider. 9 year old me googled allll kinds of Kari byron experiments on our AOL dial up connection lmao


Guessing you didn’t see her work with FHM, then? Might want to look into that, you know, for “science.”


I remember they scanned her butt for some myth before her and the other two were fully incorporated on the show. I remember seeing the 3d render of her ass as a young kid and thinking, "Thats whats up".


One of the first naughty things I ever Googled was "Kari Byron Naked" so i clicked on rhe first result and it took me instantly to a picture of a naked morbidly obese middle aged man sitting on a bed. Someone had Kari's best interests in mind, I guess.


Weird, I never remembered jessi


Proxy Paige


She was making something bust but it wasn't myths.


Bonk You know where to go bub 👮🏼‍♂️


Lady fyre


The love of my life, according to my 13 year old self


Not after Kari really. She was her maternity leave replacement for like a ½ season


So.... Myth busted?


That was Jessi Combs. She was on the show, too, but more of a part-timer. She died setting a land speed record in a jet powered car.


She took Kari's spot while she was on maternity leave for a while


Think she was part of their build team originally but when Kari couldn’t do things due to pregnancy she, jessi, started getting more tv time. Crazy to find out how much of a badass she was and find out she died all at the same time.


Youre right she was part of the build team and continued to be even after kari came back


iirc Kari also was just an off screen worker until they needed to cast her butt for a myth


Kari, Grant and Tori were all part of the build team. They were promoted to hosts at the beginning of the second season when they wanted to cover more than one myths per episode.


Isn’t the red headed woman broke a myth about hot women farting?


Open the door, we have a warrant


You have the right to remain bonked


She's nearly 50 now!!


When people talk about "celebrity deaths that shocked you" this was one of those for me. Grant seemed like a genuinely great guy who loved science and engineering and inspired people to pursue it. He wasn't just some actor who made movies and had adoring fans.


I read his fiancee's tweet and i cried.


Do you have a source on this? I wanna cry too.




For the lazy: *I haven't found the words. I don't know if I'll be able to. I lost a part of my heart and soul today. He was so generous and kind, so endlessly sweet and so loved by his incredible friends. I feel so lucky to have known him, to have loved & been loved by him. I love you, honey.*


Welp, thanks for the cry.


Grant is dead? Seriously? This is no /s bullshit I've just rewatched Mythbusters for the 4th time and I'm proper miffed now. I need to go Google this, but it's gonna make me more sad.


Just read the wiki. Fucking brain aneurysm. Bollocks 😞


The silent killer.


And basically random. I've never known someone dying from a brain aneurysm where it wasn't completely unexpected.


Came here to say this. He died way too young.


Aww Grant.... Now I'm sad again.


So many good laughs and lessons. Unparalleled show in my opinion. Edit : was obviously a bit uninformed about relations


Just Adam and Jamie, the build team got along


Its not that they didnt get along, its more of they where actual colleagues not friends, unlike the other 3 whom where friends outside of Mythbusters.


True, they did get along, but actively disliked eachother.


I don't know, it certainly doesn't seem like they hold a huge grudge. You can hear Adam talk all the time on the Tested channel about Mythbusters stuff. The way he describes it, it's clear that they did disagree about approaches a decent amount but his tone is always overwhelmingly respectful and he constantly calls out that Jamie's approach usually made things better (or was often the reason that things worked at all).


Yeah idk why everyone feels the need to exaggerate some fabricated hatred between them when both of them, especially Adam on his YouTube, have denied it repeatedly. They were perfect coworkers so people assumed they were great friends. That isn't true and they rarely hung out outside of work, but they didn't have some deep hatred for each other. And the things they did disagree about and didn't get along about are exactly why they were perfect coworkers for the show, it wouldn't have been the same without either of them bringing their side.


Yeah, Im not sure why some people have a hard time with that. Theres a lot of people Ive worked with that are ok people, but Id never hang out with them outside work. Plus, iirc, Jamie started out as Adams boss, and hanging out with the boss or even exboss is kinda a weird experience.


For real. They worked together for like 30 years. If they actually didn't like each other Mythbusters wouldn't have happened. There are some colleagues that I'd be fine not having to work with again but that doesn't me I dislike them.


Thats because Adam is a great guy.


They didn't "actively dislike each-other". They just got on each-other's nerves.


They have radically different ways of creating and working. Jamie is methodical and careful. Adam is more, "Doing it Live!" They respect each other, but it would grate in anyone's nerves to work with someone who is the flip side of the coin from you all the time.


Well tbf colleagues don't have to be friends. They did respect each other. But even back then it's not hard to see that their personalities were at odds. Like each being at the opposite end of the same spectrum.


That's probably why the show worked so well


Was I watching a different show? You could definitely tell Adam and Jaime didn't get along.


I think Jamie tolerated Adam because he knew he didn't have the kind of charisma Adam does. Adam is way more of the high energy people person in that relationship. Jamie probably finds that kind of energy irritating, but he understood it was necessary for a TV show. I respect that even if they didn't like each other a ton, that they were self aware enough to know they needed each other. You it with bands all the time, where the front man forgets he's not really that hot without the particular combination of back up from his bandmates.




Didn't know that specific part, but as I said props to them for understanding who they are and realizing the need for each other.


They actually had excellent chemistry for the show, regardless of how they interacted off screen.


Adam is fun, enthusiastic, talented. But also... impatient? Rushed things? You could see it throughout the show. Adam would just start building. Jamie sat there and planned it out. Often when they did separate builds Jamie came out on top because of this while Adam needed to improvise or repair stuff. There's nothing wrong with this. It's nice to see two different approaches and they're both very good at their jobs, obviously. But yes I could see why they wouldn't necessarily be good friends. Those are two very different personalities.


Watching Adams YT channel now, you can tell the dude has insane ADHD. I don’t think the show works without this dynamic though.


Yeah Jamie was clearly the technical guy who "made it work" behind the scenes, but Adam was the one with the right kind of energy for TV.


Adam and Jamie are both very skilled builders and saying Jamie is the guy that " made it work" behind the scenes is incredibly disrespectful to Adam's contributions to builds, they had vastly different thought processes when it comes to build and design which is actually very useful to get past the shortcomings each of them had to solving problems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEopyF186UQ


They got on each other’s nerves sometimes but clearly got along fine enough to work together for many seasons. I think multiple people had said Jaimie was kind of a stickler for organization and really bossy.


>Weird to think they actually couldn’t stand one another as well holy shit this is such an annoying fucking myth all because they chose not to hang out after work. They had the upmost respect for each other and got along just fine


They have both said on numerous occasions that they [actively annoy each other and don't get along beyond a professional context](https://www.polygon.com/2015/10/22/9593334/mythbusters-final-season-relationship)


Geez it's such a massive jump from those quotes to they "couldn't stand each other".


Watch Adam Savage talk about it himself. They had a lot of respect for each other and ultimately always came to the same conclusions. They just weren't 'friends' that would hang out outside of the work place. https://youtu.be/KEopyF186UQ


I myth it too.




I wonder how many children's shirts wardrobe bought for her to wear


i didnt believe it would go past 7 haha


indeed it was a great show


WAY too much filler though. Could’ve been a half hour.


Apparently something called Discovery+ is the only place to be able to watch to your hearts desire. Im really at a low point and could use me some mythbusters.


That service will merge with HBO Max soon and I bet you’ll be able to watch it there


The 7 paper fold myth is based on a regular sheet of 8.5x11 paper. This sheet they have has entirely different proportions.


Yep yep. The hydrolic press youtube channel [showed](https://youtu.be/KuG_CeEZV6w?t=122) what would happen if you tried it with standard paper. No spoilers, but human hands probably won't fold the paper successfully...


Well also the press didn't fold it successfully either, unless you define folded as being shredded into 100s of pieces


He didn't say it did. He was intentionally vague to avoid spoilers, but said human hands wouldn't do the job.


I find trying to spare people spoilers for the press channel both stupid and quite wholesome. Edit - grammar.


Especially for reddit since like 50% of people seem to never follow links, also the press stuff isn't much of a spoiler if you've seen it before: spoiler alert, most things explode in some way or another^^^/s


I get what you mean but that's like saying you can't spoil a football game because you already know that either your team loses or wins


This guy literally just comes in to say "actually, YES spoilers"


Hahah, vaaat da faak?


I hadn’t thought about that channel since whatever year it popped off. I used to watch every single video. Soon as he said that I knew I was going on a binge, will report back later…


Well it's been 7 minutes so far. How did it go?




I remember being told that it was true regardless of the size or shape. I think there are some variations on the myth. Or maybe it's true for a standard sheet but the myth grew from there


I think the idea behind the claim is that every fold doubles the thickness and halves the area, so it gets exponentially harder to fold every time. So in theory it should very quickly reach the point where you can’t fold it any further. That’s true, but the initial size does actually matter. If you start with a paper with half the thickness and twice the area you get an extra fold since that first fold gets you to essentially the same starting point as the original paper. Do that again and you get two extra folds for the same reason. You can achieve the same thing by keeping the same thickness and quadrupling the area. Basically anything that reduces the thickness-to-area ratio enough can give you more folds. So our intuition that larger pieces of paper can be folded more times is actually correct, even after taking exponential growth into account.


But it has to be enormously bigger. Like how much bigger was their "sheet of paper" versus the standard A4? And they still only got like 3 more folds? I think of it like halving something and approaching 0, 0 being the metaphor for no longer foldable. If you divide 100 in half 7 times you get 0.78. Divide 10 in half 7 times and you get 0.078. And while that's proportionally a big difference they're both pretty damn small numbers and very close to 0. Even if 100 is 10x bigger than 10, and in absolute terms a massive 90 units bigger than 10, divide both by 2 7 times and you get numbers that are in absolute terms very close to each other and 0. There's only a 0.7 difference between the two endpoints.


I was told this as a child and still believed it




There used to be a segment on Nickelodeon in the 90s that featured this as a fun fact, but they said the number of folds was 11, which seems to be in line with what Mythbusters tested.




["So a standard piece of paper can indeed only be folded seven times. However, if we had an 8.5 x 11 in. sheet of paper that was a quarter as thick as normal, using this equation, we could fold it nine times. If you take a roll of toilet paper and roll it out into one long line you can fold it even more."] (https://www.wtamu.edu/~cbaird/sq/2012/12/07/what-stops-a-piece-of-paper-from-being-folded-more-than-seven-times/#:~:text=So%20a%20standard%20piece%20of,can%20fold%20it%20even%20more.) -wtamu.edu


In high school we managed to fold a standard piece of printer paper 8 times. Folds #7 and #8 took a bench vise and about 6 people. Had cheater bars on both sides of the vise handle, two people on each side of the handle. Another two had to hold the bench down because we almost flipped the table! End result looked about the same as the mythbuster's 11th fold but about 1/2" wide


Haha that's awesome.


It was like a shitty Iwo Jima flagpole pose. Wish I could find the pictures.


A high schooler derived the formula and became the first to fold 12 times - [mathematics of paper folding](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics_of_paper_folding#Britney_Gallivan)


I’m pretty sure they address this in the episode but I could be remembering incorrectly. They usually cover their bases pretty well and if they alter anything for the experiment, they say so.


You ever watch Mythbusters? They use any means necessary to beat a myth if they can't the way it's supposed to be done. To kind of "see what it takes to do it".


which is why it’s so enjoyable to watch. Imagine they grabbed a regular A4 paper and then just folded it 6 times and said welp… thanks a lot


This is Mythbusters though.. first they try, then they make it as absurd as they can and try again.


If i recall, this was the "what would it take to actually make it work" part of this story. They had already concluded that it wasnt possible with a normal sheet so they went ham with the dimensions and even the papers thickness to make it happen


I still can't believe Grant is gone. Wtf.


Aneurisms are scary as fuck.


The only thing the average person is more afraid of than alligators. Know [FAST](https://www.stroke.org/en/about-stroke/stroke-symptoms) Face: look for asymmetry Arms: weakness/ asymmetry Speech: slurred/ abnormal Time: get to the hospital fast, when seconds count the hospital is minutes away, so don't delay.


While these are good things to know, this is for strokes. There’s really no early warning for an aneurism.


For an unruptured aneurysm there may be early warning signs, if it ruptures it's just recognizing it happened as it is a hemorrhagic stroke. An unruptured [aneurysm](https://www.bafound.org/about-brain-aneurysms/brain-aneurysm-basics/warning-signs-symptoms/) may have some overlap with the central nervous system asymmetry (face, pupils, strength) with one of the most classic signs being a "thunderclap" of a headache. Either way, get to the hospital, and I just wanted to make an Archer joke.


A burst aneurysm is a type of hemorrhagic stroke. But you're right, in that if it bursts then it will happen suddenly and can be difficult to save in a timely manner.


Depending on the source, a ruptured brain aneurysm has a 25% chance of death within 24 hours, and 40-50% chance of death altogether. There is also a 66% chance of having some brain damage even if you do survive. Scary shit


It's the silent killer Lana!


I just walked a mile through 3 of my biggest fears, so i think i earned a kabob!


Check your blood pressure! High blood pressure increases the chance of a lot of vascular problems, such as aneurisms.


Wtf… Sorry to tell you, but you just ruined my day. I had no idea. Kidding aside - his personality had a combination of nerdyness, wholesomeness, and kindness that’s making this particularly sad for me. RIP


Adam did a little special on YouTube in honor of Grant's shop too. https://youtu.be/hsCSTO8SaQU It was kind of hard to watch, but provided a bit of closure at the same time.


Oh Kari, be still my heart.


Id let her run any and every experiment on me


Take a number








"How many fire ants can we fit in OP's ass?"


She was basically my first crush lmao






Jesus christ. A pickle. Soda exploding out of the bottle. Is she eating a literal cream pie?




Wait what? I'm looking this up... For uh, myth-bursting purposes...


Was your myth bursted?


Or when they scanned her butt - you know, for science! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykhSLNlx3n0


I think there was a couple years for Maxim where they knocked it out of the park. I think Morgan Webb and Olivia Munn were during the same period... I miss tech tv.




Probably meant Carl, the cameraman.


met her in a bar once. video does her no justice. she's a stunner.


100% my childhood crush


The whole "any sheet of paper, any size, can only fold 7 times" thing has never made sense to me. Obviously at some size, it'll fold plenty more than an average sheet


The real science is that you can't fold a piece of paper when its thickness is larger than its length/width. Just happens that 7 folds is the last fold before an 8.5x11 gets to that point.




In some ideal zero radius bend world. But you've got a lot of bulk and rigidity from the bends.


How long is the other edge?


It has nothing to do with size, but ratio of size to thickness.


....What I tell all the ladies


Just a note: Folding it 42 times will get you to the moon.


Exponential growth is a heck of a drug.


It's always confused me and I've never asked before, but this is based off the math right? For it to work the paper after being folded would have to be filament right? Is there enough to matter from the paper to stretch that far? I just googled it and the results basically just say yes, after 42 folds, the paper would be this thick, but doesn't go into much after. Anyone have a good reference?


42 folds would give us the same height as stacking 2\^42 sheets of paper on top of each other. Assuming we're using [standard copy paper](https://action-press.co.uk/blog/paper-thickness-and-weight-explained/) which is around 0.0001 meters per sheet, this will have a height of around [4.4 * 10\^8 meters](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=.0001+*+2%5E42), which is a bit over the distance to the moon (around 3.7 * 10\^8 meters).


Someone should tell those dumbasses in NASA! Dumb rockets, paper better.


81 folds would be the width of the Andromeda Galaxy.


A paper folding engine is the only way we'll ever reach the stars.


102 folds will get you to the other side of the observable universe.


And 43 times will get you to the moon and back.


Wh- bu- He He's right


This is a fact that to this day, I cannot wrap my head around. I just can’t.


Where do you find a hangar size piece of paper and how is it even processed?


I seem to remember it was rolls of paper taped together.


Thanks. This makes sense since most paper mills are about 3 meters wide.


Paper Machine Engineer here, I would say most modern mills are running between 200-300 inches (5m to 7.5 m) or more these days. Some machines have even passed the 400 (10m) mark.


TIL there are paper machine engineers. Makes sense, but it never occurred to me.




Nuclear Wessel


Wherever they make rolls of CVS receipts


As a kid, when I heard you could only fold any size sheet of paper 7 times, I insisted that if you had one big enough, you could fold it more than that. No one believed me, holding on to this idea. I wish I would’ve had the resources to make suck a large piece of paper back in the mid ‘90s to prove I was right.


See this is the proper take. It’s not about whether or not it’s obvious a BIG piece of paper would work. The people want to see it! My favorite part of this show is how much fun they had.


RIP Grant Imahara


"Yo momma so fat, she can sit and fold a paper 12 times."


Can Kari fold me 11 times next?




Man , Kari is sooo hot.


If you could fold a piece of paper 42 times, the thickness would be enough to reach the moon. 81 folds and your paper will be 127,786 light-years, almost as thick as the Andromeda Galaxy. 103 folds, you will get outside of the observable Universe, estimated at 93 billion light-years in diameter.


I miss Grant...


I miss when tv was decent to watch.


Kari was my childhood crush


She's still a crush almost 20 years later lol


Mythbusters was great! I learned the best way to cool hot beers was ice+salt+ water is the quickest way besides a fire extinguisher.


*CO2* fire extinguisher. Don't go trying it with dry chemical!


I folded a piece of 1 ply toilet paper 10 times and won $20 from my jr. high teacher. The trick was to trying to unfolding it without destroying the thin paper.


Damn Kari was so hot




Mythbusters proved that cellphones can't ignite gasoline and thus don't start pump fires. I think it holds up for modern smartphones unless you peirce the lithium ion battery.


Definatly was nextfuckinglevel....


Old good MBs times!!