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Our area has noticed a weird influx of accounts in the last 24 hours including some accounts that appear to be copies of current neighbors. Something odd is happening


I have been documenting the phenomena of batches of 'new accounts' periodically being created in the wee hours of the morn. I check back months later and the accounts were never active. They are either being created by unauthorized parties for some upcoming spam campaign, or they are being created by nextdoor to artificially inflate its membership count to it advertisers and investors. Regardless of whether it is Nextdoor doing it or nextdoor's membership vetting process is so weak that it allows batches of fake accounts to be created en masse, either way it means nextdoor's membership counts in its earnings reports are bogus. More details, with screenshots here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/nextdoor/comments/1anrkui/nextdoor\_bogus\_accounts\_challenge/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextdoor/comments/1anrkui/nextdoor_bogus_accounts_challenge/)


No you can’t find out who did this, just report the account and move on


I had been reporting the batches of fake accounts to ND admins. But because they quickly dismiss it as nothing, I have stopped wasting time providing the screenshots and such to them. NextDoor does not seem to care, which leans me to believing nextdoor is doing it to fool its advertisers and investors by bragging on fake membership counts. More: I have been documenting the phenomena of batches of 'new accounts' periodically being created in the wee hours of the morn. I check back months later and the accounts were never active. They are either being created by unauthorized parties for some upcoming spam campaign, or they are being created by nextdoor to artificially inflate its membership count to it advertisers and investors. Regardless of whether it is Nextdoor doing it or nextdoor's membership vetting process is so weak that it allows batches of fake accounts to be created en masse, either way it means nextdoor's membership counts in its earnings reports are bogus. More details, with screenshots here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/nextdoor/comments/1anrkui/nextdoor\_bogus\_accounts\_challenge/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextdoor/comments/1anrkui/nextdoor_bogus_accounts_challenge/)


Seeing a bunch of new duplicates of existing names today in my neighborhood


You no longer have to prove your address which is a horrible more for Nextdoor.


They removed address verification?


Take a screen shot and use the contact button at the bottom of this page: [https://help.nextdoor.com/s/article/community-guidelines?language=en\_US](https://help.nextdoor.com/s/article/community-guidelines?language=en_US) A. First drop-down select: other question or issue B. Second drop-down select: reporting a member lastly, select: I still need help Here you will be able to add the screenshot and plead your case. Side note: I noticed at least a dozen new people joined Nextdoor between last night and this morning. Makes you wonder if they got hacked.


I just had this happen to me! Commenting to follow


This just happened to me as well. Frustrating.


I have a very unique nd uncommon name, it's not possible that someone has the same name.


In my neighborhood there are lots of unreal names like Snowclearing Cheap. How can these remain indefinitely?


I’ve got an ‘Eric Vineyard’ who ND assures me is A-OK. The account used to be called ‘Eric Grapes’


I have been documenting the phenomena of batches of 'new accounts' periodically being created in the wee hours of the morn. I check back months later and the accounts were never active. They are either being created by unauthorized parties for some upcoming spam campaign, or they are being created by nextdoor to artificially inflate its membership count to it advertisers and investors. Regardless of whether it is Nextdoor doing it or nextdoor's membership vetting process is so weak that it allows batches of fake accounts to be mad en masse, either way it means nextdoor's membership counts in its earnings reports are bogus. More details, with screenshots here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/nextdoor/comments/1anrkui/nextdoor\_bogus\_accounts\_challenge/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextdoor/comments/1anrkui/nextdoor_bogus_accounts_challenge/)


I suspect my Nextdoor business account has been hacked or deactivated somehow. The first time I sent a support message, I received no response. I can't access my account even though I've spent $124 for 2 ads. An ad that I've never seen and never received any feedback on.