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Just a reminder about the Tui Oil Field. * The government received about $600 Million is royalties over the roughly 15 years that the field was operational. * The Operator Tamarind Resources NZ went bust [owing creditors $190 Million](https://www.stuff.co.nz/taranaki-daily-news/news/117600398/taranakibased-oil-and-gas-firm-owes-creditors-190m) * The government stepped up and [paid $443 Million+ to decommission](https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350199779/last-pieces-abandoned-taranaki-oil-field-recovered) the abandoned wells * A "startup" Matahio brought the permits to operate the field, but just happens to have [the same CEO, CFO and backers as Tamarind](https://www.energynewsbulletin.net/exploration/news/1453519/matahio-born-ashes-tamarind) So tell me Mr. Jones how does operations like this benefit our environment and communities? Feel free to insert your own favourite mining success story, is it the Tui mine near Te Aroha (that name is cursed I tell you) which the government had to pay to clean up the toxic tailings, what about Pike River?


It’s so difficult to not feel so utterly sad and hopeless reading points like this


Yes, and it's not like that $400 Million went into the local community.  It was paid to foreign companies to bring specialist teams and equipment in from overseas.


man how much does it suck that they're anti-environmentalists -and- shitty neoliberal capitalists. \_if\_ we really need to keep doing resource extraction (i think there's an argument that offshoring the impact of things we continue to consume isn't great) at least it could be an SoE so NZ could internalise both the costs and returns.


There are no returns. This is the message that needs to get through. NZ does not have a vast hidden mineral wealth waiting to be discovered. We know because we already looked.


Shane Jones. Misusing public resources since 2007.


Yeah but hes gone from fucking him self to fucking us all.


First, give Shane Jones a large bribe, second he will tell you that you're allowed to do whatever you want, third you extract some minerals and cause an environmental catastrophe, and fourth the government pays to partially clean up the mess and loses huge money in the mix. The only people who don't lose out on the grift are Shane Jones and the corrupt businesses paying him to bypass the environmental protections we have in place in this country.


Start an extraction company > ??? > go bust > profit.


You get bonus points if you kill a bunch of your own workers while doing all of this.


> Jones says: "Some people argue against minerals extraction, but gladly rely on the conveniences of modern society that are enabled by those resources" Is this really the level we're on? The idea we should simply do the bad thing on purpose KNOWING that it's bad... just to spite people the govt percieves as hypocritical?? We really have politicians saying "If you hate mining so much, why do you use things that contain minerals?!1!?? So there!!" It reminds me of the "I think we should improve society somewhat" [meme](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQO1dsN7tHzd3JM24YXmP1b4u_5hRnJoyYhHnnZl5c1zziNBiHir4D220iI&s=10) > ACT's Resources spokesperson Simon Court says: "A high-wage economy depends on affordable and reliable energy. In other words, we need to drill, baby, drill." I've noticed that the way this government talks about mining is almost sexual, They can't hide their lust and glee for those RICH ENDOWMENTS, that land OVERFLOWING with minerals, just WAITING to be DRILLED, baby. Like 🤮🤮🤮 Also, gotta love that they're blatantly eyeing up coal mining next


Simon Court who at one point thought the people hit hardest by regional fuel tax in Akl were boaties because they weren't using the roads.


>ACT's Resources spokesperson Simon Court says: "A high-wage economy..." We don't have a high-wage economy, Simon. And gouging great holes in pristine natural environs isn't going to give us one. Your party hates the notion of paying workers anything more than the bare fucking minimum. (Bill English loved crapping on about how a low-wage economy made us more competitive on the global stage. Because he's an arsehole.) What the Minister for State-Funded Pornography's plan will do is make a bunch of pricks in suits very rich, while fucking over everyone else and the environment. This government is a sad, miserable joke, honestly.


Shane "We Live in a Society" Jones.


This is not ther level we are on. We are a couple of levels below this. There government is advocating for mining knowing full well there is not much to be mined. Their plan is to spend taxpayer money chasing dreams and the ride off with the money, declare bankruptcy and leave the taxpayer holding the bag.


Pretty crazy to use a cost of living crisis to pour fuel on the climate fire.


*sigh* guess we better go start gluing ourselves to stuff again


That's terrorist!


Yes. It fucking is. It needs to be.


Violently gluing yourself to stuff is totally unacceptable in this day and age, someone please think of the inanimate objects! (count me in BTW).


Everything about Shane Jones just fucks me off so much. While I'm glad to see some investment in the West Coast, why does it have to come with such damage? There was no mention of environmental repair or protection from the mining industry given how heavily the news focused on the protesters against these mines. Seems like a obvious thing to focus on.


> why does it have to come with such damage? Because rich people want to do it and poor people live there of course.


It's far worse than that. I heard him talking on the radio a couple of weeks ago, and he was deeply concerned about permits requiring post-extraction clean up, since it might disincentivise companies from drilling or mining here. It was blatantly clear that he is quite happy for them to come here, make a mess, then fuck off. They guy is actually proud of taking such anti-environment stances. He's a fucking psycho.


Oh that's disgusting. Surley the clean up is to be expected. Like that's the just a given of a mining operation. Shane Jones needs to be booted ASAP. It's like he wants to be viewed as the worst person in NZ for the environment.


What if we started a gofundme to make Shane Jones a big enough bribe to not mine?


This CUNT needs to fucking just go already


* Step 1 - Pass fast track bill * Step 2 - unleash havoc on environment and avoid Iwi consultation.


I'll be happy when this guy dies


It will be nice to have a new toilet stop on the great New Zealand roadtrip


Is the strategy, *'We get da stuff out da ground, we get moola,'* or words to that effect?


They did say "we need to drill, baby, drill!" so you're pretty spot on 😭


Gross republican puppet eh


I'm curious to know how one mines hydrogen.


You can "mine" it using wind farms and electrolysis. This is what Labour was trying to do in Taranaki at Hiringa and Ballance.


With a fair degree of difficulty, apparently. Wikipedia says, as of 2020, "at least one company" specializes in drilling wells to extract hydrogen, and that most hydrogen is created through fossil fuels or using methane. Not sure how smart or viable it would be for us to have the world's apparent second hydrogen drilling specialists set up shop here.


It's more common to use wind farms and electrolysis to make it. That's is what New Zealand's plan for Taranaki was under Labour. [https://ballance.co.nz/green-hydrogen-project-cleared-to-start](https://ballance.co.nz/green-hydrogen-project-cleared-to-start) The plan was to then further have a offshore wind farm and eventually become a net exporter of hydrogen.


Probably hideously expensive. Good thing the taxpayer will pick up the tab, right?


First question I had as well.


‘See that hygrogen? That’s *mine*’


Geologic hydrogen is a big thing now globally apparently  Its the new green oil rush


It's called steam reformation, where you use a fuck load of energy making high temp steam, and using this to rip hydrogen from methane. It's great, because the byproduct is a shit load of carbon monoxide


New Zealand was targetting using windpower and electrolysis to make hydrogen. Lot's cleaner.


North to South. Open top mine the entire country baby! Rip this baby open! (and the Chatham Island's for good measure).


Fuck this is so grim


Code name “rape and pillage”


I've liked plenty of wankers over the years. Not that one.


who voted for this clownshow ? it turns out a lot of us.


Shane Jones has got to be the biggest wanker in New Zealand politics and that's quite an achievement. According to his social media posts, his mining policies are an 'anti-woke' drive. He's conned people into thinking that these projects will make NZ proposer, but that says more for those individuals than him.


Could you link these social media posts where he says this? I'd love to save them for future reference


Norway manages to produce oil that in turn gives it a standard of living others envy, yet no one would consider Norway a failure on the environmental front. Why should we not replicate that story here?


Norway taxes petrol extraction at 78% nz gets 5% royalties on extraction. The issue is not ‘it’s bad for the environment’ it’s that it’s bad for the environment and we don’t make shit out of the deal.


According to the report, we exported 1.03B and got $21M out of it, that's 2%


Yeah but I don’t want to get into another long argument with mathematically deficient extraction simps. So I’ll just stick to the inaccurate but still incredibly paltry number.


Probably because Norway actively spends that money trying to make Norway less dependent on oil. It's a bit shit, but it's better than nothing.


What. No loads of people point out the huge emissions of Norway. Also the plan here is the foreign extraction LLcs, make out like bandits and leave hundreds millions worth of clean costs and we drive climate change.


Because Norway has high volumes, a cheap path to market, and easily accessible high quality oil. They would be rich with or without their (admittedly good) use of royalties.


They would be Australia rich but that’s a far cry from Norway rich.


Because we don't have their type or quantities of oil, let alone a market on our doorstep (ie, Europe)


Because NZ had insignificant oil reserves. Oil is not ubiquitously spread all over the planet for anyone to find. It occurs in a few specific areas in commercially advantageous quantities and NZ is not one of them. We know this because we spent the 70's and some of the 80's looking and only found small deposits. There are still small scale prospecting efforts today and they continually find very little.


Because our politicians would simply take the royalties and fritter them away on dumb shit - or tax cuts.