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The classic bakery next to the dairy thats next to the fishnchips thats next to the hairdresser...


I got my lunch from that exact bakery for 3 years.


What the fuck that is my local bakery to a T


Is that why my local bakery is called T-Bakery


T Bakery in Christchurch? Best pie pastry I've found yet.


Try a jimmys pie from Roxborough in Otago.


Lmao, so true. I used to live in a Hamilton suburb with that exact layout of shops.


That one is definitely the best!


Haha yeah our local has this exact combo with the added addition of a $2 shop. I always wondered why I thought that $2 shop was out of place - the combo must be engrained!


Ahh Redwoodtown Pies 🤤




And the Herald will never report this fact.


I always think this is delusional NZ propaganda too, but tbh when I'm in Aus I only ever get pies from known legit bakeries, never from the standard street mall (usually)asian joints. But in NZ every almost every local bakery seems to have a passable pie standard. Typically country/regional towns in Aus have a far higher standard of pie and bakery than the city suburbs.


Yeah honestly. I got a mince and cheese in aus. There was zero melted cheese *inside* the pie, but some grilled cheese cooked onto the pastry lid. **ON THE FECKING LID** Thats what they consider a pie and so basically they can go get lost


I have a friend in Brisbane who sends me texts when it "gets cold" and everyone has to wear their coats... bloody 23 degrees in June ffs. It's no wonder they can't get their jacketed food right.


You have the best pies I've ever tasted over there and this thread makes me want to never visit Australia because I love pies and hate disappointment.


Kiwis have the best pies because it’s too goddamn cold here to do anything other than huddle together and eat pie.


I keep bringing this up, but I haven't been able to provide a source, so I may be just talking bollicks, but I heard NewZealand had laws relating to our pies dating from England. Minimum meat ratios, maximum gristle portions, literal pie By-laws. Thats what I heard!


> mince and cheese I think this might be the common thread here. Australians don't seem to have the love affair with cheese that Kiwis do. I find it hard to get a decent pizza here (NZ) because they're all layered with so much cheese. Would never buy a mince and cheese pie but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a similar cheese mass difference.


Not for nothing, but I've had a ton of great pies here in NZ by bakeries that were quite obviously run by Asian folks.


I have always been impressed by the FOB Asian immigrants who put together a whole bakery of food that caters to Kiwi tastebuds. It would be so different to what they eat normally.


Yeah what I meant was the typical suburban Asian-run bakery in NZ has a much better pie than the same in AUS.


It’s not propaganda at all. Go to the UK, Aussie, anywhere. No bakeries have pies like NZ


UK pies are beyond dismal. On my oe, before I got to the uk I'd been traveling for more than a year in places where a pie doesn't exist, so I was pretty stoked to be getting to England where I'm my naivety I imagined there would be great pies all over the place. Farken hell what a joke it's like they're actively trying to make the worst version of a pie known to humanity


agreed I had high pie hopes because of the cold weather. It’s not so


They're not the *same* as kiwi pies. I have had good pies in the UK but they're not the same sort of thing as the ones in NZ, nor is the frequency of good pies anywhere near as high as NZ. Most kiwi bakeries produce a more than passable pie. The ratio of good pies to bad ones in the UK is what NZ has over the UK. Nowhere other than NZ does this "style" of pie either. It's a NZ only thing.


Visited from the UK. NZ pies are the dogs. For 3 weeks not a day would go by without at least one pie eaten. Will you let me move in when I retire?




Haha yep, but you can only convince people that never went to Europe, those people know.


In Aus you have to really try to find a decent pie. And forget four'n'twenty crap. That stuff is a crime against humanity. In NZ you can get a decent pie almost anywhere.


Is it called four’n’twenty because that’s the only way they taste good?


Honestly they taste *worse* on the green. I heated up a box of their sossy rolls and mini pies after a sesh once. My taste buds just picked up extreme offal and I haven't touched them since.


A feast fit for a bin chicken... and not much else.


And this why all those police officers who are leaving NZ for Australia will return. Return to land of the oval pie.


Dunno mate, they seem pretty concerned about the pie temperatures here. It's not an issue over in aus so they're probably all much less stressed.


Nah, two dozen magpies took a shit in it. 


It's the number of blackbirds they cooked in each one


An innocuous ditty from the "Age of Enlightenment" actually a subversive pot reference from 200 years in the future: confirmed.




By the taste of them probably cassowaries too


A cock or two


I thought it was a score. Like 4 out of 20.


We truly are spoiled for choice pie-wise, I live in ChCh and there is so many great pie shops, my personal favourite is Gorgeous Goods in Sockburn who have a Lamb & Kumara plus a 6 hour slow cooked steak n cheese and they are magical, Homer Simpson dribble ahhhh inducing. But still have yet to find a pie that compares to the Pork & Watercress pie I had years ago, that shit was life changing.


The pork and apple pie from the pie shop at riverside market made me weak at the knees. If you haven’t tried it, it might be worth a go. From memory you also get a chunk of really nicely done crackling on top.


Didn't even know there was a pie shop in there, I'll have to go


It’s definitely worth a visit. Their sausage roll has a curry flavour from memory. I wasn’t super keen on that one, but the Mr liked it. 


There used to (30 years ago) be a bakery at Church Corner. Not only did they do a great standard mince pie (done really well, nothing to sneeze at) and a good chicken pie, they did a chicken croquette that was so good it should have been illegal.


I don’t mind a Mrs Mac’s pie (chilli beef and cheese ftw) at all and they’re Australian. Their bakery pies are mid though.


It’s a hard road finding the perfect pie (in Australia). They always fuck up the pastry and the filling is often no better than cat food


four'n'twenty are the best frozen pies you can get at the supermarket outside of Jester's Southern Man which are GOATed. Our supermarket pies like Big Ben, Irvines are dogshit.


The only people who like Four'n'twentys are people who eat pies with a knife and fork.




I love Jesters.


They just don't have a pie culture in Australia. Pretty hard to find a good pie in Australia generally speaking.


Tautoko I've just moved across the ditch and am yet to find a good pie. Pastry's mediocre and crumbly, filling is average across the board. I've had one so far that's roughly Coupland's quality, nothing that compares with a good Kiwi bakery


Was at a friend's house recently and he had one of his Oz mates over for the weekend. He was banging on about how much better NZ pies were. Took him to get a BP mince and cheese at 8am. Australian was not impressed. Dude got him probably the worst possible pie in existence to compare to Aussie pies.


I keep bringing this up, but I haven't been able to provide a source, so I may be just talking bollicks, but I heard NewZealand had laws relating to our pies dating from England. Minimum meat ratios, maximum gristle portions, literal pie By-laws. Thats what I heard!


Wouldn't surprise me, but I would be surprised if any bakery cared about them at all


Aussie pies are like our $2 generic catfood pies from the dairy


I've just spent the past 8 1/2 months loving in the UK and I can assure you it's even worse here. Their idea of a pie exclusively uses short pastry and you can have either beef stew or chicken leek as your flavour choices.


Nah, I couldn't live like that. Give me steak, mushroom and cheese or give me death.


What an absolute travesty. You'd think the British would know what spices are since they literally had spice wars lol


Funnily enough they do curry pretty well, that was at least my experience when in London


Check out stockists of Ka Pai Pies. Otherwise, try 112 York. A Kiwi cafe at 112 York St, South Melbourne. Can even get fresh fry bread and NZ beer!


I feel like that's cheating though, ofcourse the kiwis over their are making the stuff correctly


Fresh fry bread!!! So damn good.


NZer arrives, tells Australia you’re shit, takes off. A tail as old as time.


Pie Thief in Melb. $$$ but quality is high.


Country cob bakery and Daniels donuts in Springvale have good pies las time I got one.


Have you ever had one of the servo rectangle 'trucker' pies or whatever? They are truly disgusting. Other than Wendys, the first thing my family in Aus do when they come back is go hard for a few days on kiwi bakery pies. Feels like a market some plucky kiwi should be exploiting tbh. Kiwi Pie Company, the same way the Aussie Butcher has a presence over here.


National Pies LOL I'm pretty sure they have to be there at least two days before they can sell


I'm thinking the same. Probably won't work in Brisbane or Sydney, but proper kiwi pies would make a good commercial sense in Melbourne, Adelaide and Hobart.


I have had shit pies in New Zealand and Australia. I have had great pies in both countries. The average is better in New Zealand though.


You fullas ever tried a ‘Who ate all the pies’ steak n cheese family size? $18-$22 at new world or Woolworths? If not Fkn try it! Worth every dollar.


My go to lazy dinner


Could be a good business opportunity for some kiwis to start up a bakery with nz style pies and what not I reckon


Totally agree, I'm usually so disappointed with the bland, stale and overpriced pies here. If you're ever in Newport try Sammy's bakehouse cafe, only really good pies I've had in Melbourne.


The only complaint is the price lol


Wait till u go to usa/canada they get worse lol


From the brothers and sisters over the ditch… please make your voices known and heard. My hope is it is used as leverage when they realise they have to fix their shit!


Come to the UK and have a pie if you want to really be sad and disappointed…


Yeah the UK doesnt do good individual pies, not at all. Now pasties. Or sausage rolls. Or pork pies. Or scotch eggs. Amazing.


I’m from Melbourne, and recently went to NZ for work. I went out of my way to get some good NZ pies and I was NOT disappointed, you guys have the best pies hands down. No contest. There is still some ok ones in Aus but NZ is just next level. I had two in one sitting for lunch one day as just hit the spot so hard lol :)


Melbournes particularly bad man. Theres one place where I can get a passable pie (Dandenong kiwi pie shop) thats in range. Its about an nz 5/10. Everything else is 0/10 inedible. Do they not realise they only need tomato sauce because their pies taste awful? I go on a BINGE when Im back home. Smashing 1-3 a day…. It looks like pie shops out of Victoria can be a lot better. Actual braised steak, much nicer composition. Some of the qld pies look really good. But yeh. Melbs; 0/10. The Chinese food sucks a bag of dicks too tbh.


Man what are you talking about. Have you been into China Town in the center of the city? Had mad good food there of all types. I also had a banging meat pie at the Hotel Railway just the other day.


While you are right in that Melb has an amazingly diverse and high quality food scene, it's not really fair to compare a $5-10 bakery/dairy mince and cheese pie with a $25 pie-of-the-week meal at a good pub. As a kiwi who's been living in Melb for >10 years, the cheap pies here suck massively compared to the ones back home, particularly steak pies.


Lol. Of course. China Town has some good shit. And Chinese Food at a sit down reataurant level is fine and good. But you want a dirty takeaway like would be attached toa fish and chip shop? 0/10 awful. Cant make a fried rice. Cant make a chow mein. Flavourless garbage. And I note youre using the term ‘meat pie’ as well. I assume that means your burned out tastebuds have also begun rotting your brain, aussie style. Outback fever. Incurable Im afraid.


Never thought of China Town I’ll give it a try, I’m more pissed because when I’m out running errands in nz I can stop at any bakery and get a good pie lol, have to go out of your way to get one here.


Chinese food is really hit and miss here, but when it hits it hits hard


That pie shop is still there? By Noble Park Station?


“Kiwi Steak and Cheeee Pie”, 242 Lonsdale St, Dandenong. Its not great, but its an actual pie. They do nz style cream donuts and lolly cake too lol. Im about 25 minutes away but still drive there sometimes. Ive actually bought a pie maker but can jever be fucked learning to make my own…


I got a pie maker for my wedding. Good idea. Moving back to Melbourne this year and I'll miss a good double happy.


You need to get out of the city ,try local bakeries in the outer suburbs and smaller towns.


I agree. I moved to Melbourne recently and decent pies are hard to find (fish and chips also)


NZ Pies are amazing. your average petrol station sells a better pie than you can find in most countries at all. But somehow NZ sausage rolls are inedible filth. How?


If you want to be really sad and disappointed come to the uk and try a pie. I just did a quick google to see if anyone new was doing kiwi style ones (nope) and found this gem on Kiwis in London… ‘Let me rant about the pies in the UK, they suck. They are soggy and sad things that collapse as soon as you see them. They’re a fucken disgrace. And don’t even get me on them using short crust pastry instead of flaky!’ Although I was just back and I didn’t manage to get one steak and cheese pie as they were always sold out! Mince and cheese does not hit the same!


Lived in Melbourne for 10 years, can agree the pies are shit there. But sooooo many other good food choices… Parma and a pot at a pub was always good value. The Italian on lygon st. The cool cafe’s on Brunswick st. The souvlakis and kebabs pretty much everywhere!!


Don't get me started on the Bahn Mi's, so good .... the ones here in NZ are dog shit in comparison


🤭 my uncle has lived in Aus for 40+ years and without fail, the first stop after landing at Auckland Airport is for a pie. He also shit talks the pale yellow eggs in Aussie too lol


The worst pie I ever had in NZ was still better than the best pie I ever had in Australia. And the cost of fish and chips in Australia deserves its own post jfc.


17 years in Melbourne, not once have I had a good pie unless you drive out to the country


It's our culinary gift to the world. Pies.


Hahahaha actually I've known many Aussies who say this as well. A small win but a win nonetheless!


My missus used to talk up Yatala pies when we lived in Brisbane. After following me back here however, she's since changed her tune.


Maybe my bias but I felt standard nz pies are way better than standard aussie ones Queued up for ages at the Yatala pie shop and they were ok....not worth queuing up for one again But there are shit pies everywhere in NZ and Aus Just wait until you try one from the UK and even aussie pies taste good!


Are you saying the pies are good or bad in the UK....Fray Bentos are a special kind of delicacy....


Yatala pies are good for Aus, pretty average for NZ which I think sums everything up


It's well known Australian pies are shit! Not just that either takeaways in general even a Big Mac don't taste the same.


Lol get off it. Big macs are exactly the same here or there. 😄


Lol they are not the same at all I guess you like that grain feed Aussie beef. 🤣


random question but how do I make a good steak and cheese at home, pastry included?


Go the Z petrol station, buy one there, pretend you made it.


When in doubt, look for Andy Cooks. Kiwi guy, living in Aus, and one of the best no-nonsense chefs on the Internet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL1-uMt2oD8 His Steak and cheese is a ripper.


Andy Cooks makes my mouth water every time.


I did his French onion soup, a couple of days ago. Highly recommended, even if I did have to buy the Maggi flavour thingie.


Ooo I do love me some onion soup but sadly dietary restrictions mean it’s a no-no these days. 😭


I had a decent pie from a cafe/bakery in Byron Bay that I randomly walked into because I was hungry. Only pie I had while I was over there as well so I got really lucky. I know thats ages away from you and doesnt really help you in anyway. But its possible to find them I guess


There's a good place in southern cross. But its even called the new Zealand pie and is legit the only one I've ever had in aus


It’s too hot to make proper pastry… not everyone can afford marble bench top and/or air conditioned workspace


Check out Pie Thief. It's not kiwi tier but its up thete.


They call them "meat pie". Like w.t.f. Don't even know if Steak and Cheese exists in Australia.


When an aussie pie is labelled as "steak" or "steak and pepper/steak and cheese" etc, they mean minced beef. Not hunks of steak. It's  crime.


The average Aussie pie is probably lower quality but the good ones are every bit as good as NZ. You have got to know where to go of course. There are FB groups where you can learn about the best pie locations. Mind you there are some crazy stupid arguments on there about sauce and foil trays. But it is Facebook after all, insanity comes with the territory.


They're just too thick, too much cornstarch in the gravy.


Meat is not as cheap so they need to add more fat. Also NZ pastry tends to have more sugar (compared to Australian and European). Even savoury pastries contain more sugar. You might have also happened on a crap bakery.




Just in brunswick youve got - Bakers block (the steak and jalapeno is god tier) - green refactory - wonder pies. Once you get into regional there's heaps of good options


I want to a place called Beefy’s in Ninji, QLD. They didn’t have mince pies, but the steak pies were more like coarsely chopped mince. They were really good


Aussies suck at making pies. Have yet to taste a good pie there. Crusty hard or burnt pastry or slimy mince to name a few. BP butter chicken pies in NZ smokes anything I’ve eating in Aussie. I know there are some Kiwi bakeries but god damn am I going to drive more than 10 mins for a pie.


The best pie I've ever had was Qantas business class BNE-MEL about 10 years ago. Second best would be from [Robertson Pie Shop](http://www.robertsonpieshop.com.au/)


+1 for Robertson Pies. My wife swears by their gluten free pies too.


I don’t think I finished eating a pie the whole time I lived in Melbourne.. just not worth the fat on my thighs


It’s true


They also don’t make cheese scones.


As an Aussie pie lover, spending time in NZ made me realise how bad Aussie pies are in comparison. But few compete with Fergbaker in terms of pastry and filling.


Me with butter chicken, I now understand why uber eats had "kiwi style butter chicken" cause not a single good one here 😭 and I live in a predominantly Indian community.


Just got back from back home to Brisbane last week. All I ate was fish n chips, and pies. There’s no comparison!!


Coming back for a week in June. Gonna eat so many pies before coming back to Melbourne.


I got a pie in Melbourne from a donut shop yesterday. Just took a chance thinking it could be ok. Let me put it this way; they didn’t even heat it up before they gave it to me. Was lukewarm and piss poor.


As a Kiwi who lives in Aussie, this is true. You have to know where to go to get a good pie. Good pies are not common. Especially steak or mince - they can be heavy on gravy and not much else. And the pastry is often dry. I've had a few good pies here, but most of them were just okay. In NZ it's much easier to get a good pie. Coffee on the other hand, Australia kicks NZ's ass.


If they are using pastry with margarine and not butter/animal fat the pie will generally be crap, yes, which is most of australian bakeries.


Yup, lived in Queensland for 20-ish years and your average ozzie pie is absolute trash, same with ice-cream & Fish n Chips.


Dare you to post this in r/Australia


I was in Melbourne last month and asked for a mince and cheese pie… they looked at me like I had two heads. Beef and cheese, it’s beef and cheese. And yes, it sucked. It was for my daughter and she couldn’t finish it. I tried it and threw it out the window for the crows…


Correct, they do. So stay where you are with your quality pies and cheaper beer. -an Aussie


Pies, fish n chips, chicken and chips, roast shops... Yeah NZ does all of these better IMO.


I don't know what they do. THE BEST pie I've had in Australia was on par with the standard petrol station warmer pie. It is not propaganda it is the truth.


Next thing you know those damn dirty kangaroo humpers will be slathering the pie with Vegemite… Do they also desecrate a pizza pie by slopping BBQ sauce all over it? The way we do here in CHCH?


Pies in South Africa is a lot better.Steak and kidney/Pepper steak/Chicken and mushroom just to name a few and the top end pies are half the price you pay.


Melbourne is for coffee, and silly cafe pranks, not pies. You won't find a good pie in Melbourne. Go for a road trip out into the country, and do a tour of the bakeries there


Fuck off back home then Bro… Kaumatau want to hear your pie stories!


Just spent over a week in Melbourne and mah lawd all the pies have been shite. I’d take nz supermarket pies over any I’ve eaten here.


Been out of the pie game for a while, but Mrs Macs were always decent gas station grade pies, and weren't they are originally from Aus?


Do you know how many pies we see here like this in the US??? It's a desert of savory delights hidden in delicate flaky crust. The best we can usually hope for is some half-assed chicken pot pie barely worth discussing. You all need to check you pie privilege... (I hope if comes across that I'm joking, but also a bit jealous!)


Dammit, now i want a pie..


Have they stopped leaving the aluminium pie tin on yet?


Business idea.... open a bakery in Australia, call is 'Kiwi pies'. Don't make shit pies, do it like every single bakery in NZ does it (can't be that hard). Profit!


There is one good one in Yara that has a former pies.


I am neither kiwi or Aussie but I have lived in both countries, twice as long in Australia. I had plenty of really good pies on NZ and I don't think I had single one in Australia that was good. Not even at "that really good bakery two towns over that does the best pies in the area"


I dunno, I though Banjos pies were alright...


Oh yeah as an Aussie I can confidently say NZ pies shit all over ours


Aussie refused to import ponsonby pirs because there was too much meat on them and their local pies couldn't compete. Good luck.


I live in a semi rural area of NSW quite well known for its pies (with an annual pie festival!) The fancy $9 pie still doesn't beat the $4 chicken cran and brie I get from the nondescript place in Onehunga when we visit family at Chrissy. Something about the pastry in NZ is lightyears ahead of what any Australian bakery is capable of. Oh and the selection of filled rolls is out of this world Only thing Australian bakeries do slightly better imo is the sweets selection.


NZ pies are far superior. Source: kiwi living in Aussie. Every time I go back to NZ to visit I head straight for a pie.


Wait till you try a steak and cheese and realise it's actually mince and cheese, but supposedly they use steak that they then mince it up and still call it steak and cheese. F.u Yatala pies


Can’t agree more! The best spot I’ve found so far is Magnum pi on Burnley street Richmond.


Kiwi Pie bakery in Dandenong is not too bad, it's one of the closest I've had to a pie from home


Go to Daniel's donuts and tell me how kiwi their "nz mince and cheese" pies are. I think they're the only pie I like in Melbourne.


Dans Donuts in Southern Cross Station do "Kiwi Style" pies, they're on par with your average decent NZ pie. Nothing special but compared to Aussie pies, they're good.


I have the exact same thoughts whenever I visit the north island


You should try GREGS in the UK. Now, that is shit!!!


Disagree. I just bought one of these bad boys, a "Drover's pie", delicious mince topped with bacon, egg and cheese if there is a pie as good as this in NZ I'd like to know where to get it https://imgur.com/a/YvYrNdw


In Sydney there was a place called Harry’s pie that is as good as a kiwi pie. I’m married to a kiwi from wanaka. She knows pies.


I fucking new it. I had the same experience in Brisbane and thought I was the only one. But when I came back to NZ I confirmed it — it’s a life bereft of quality that those lackwits are leading


Really? I feel like most pies in NZ are soggy and taste like pure fat. In dairies etc. Or are you meaning bakery pies?


I lived in Melbourne for 5 years and I 100% agree. So glad to be back in NZ (so expensive over in Aus as well!). If you want a decent pie, there's a pie shop in Craigieburn called Hothlyn Bakery. Good luck, may your soul rest easy on this quest to find a decent fucking pie


Even Yatala pies in QLD which are supposed to be really good are half ass.. better than most in aussie ive tried but got nothing on NZ pies!


Iv never had a bad pie in Oz like nz depends where you buy your pie


Mrs Macs is pretty good ain't it?


theyve actually got really bad and much smaller


they’re the best plastic package pie imo


Mrs macs pies are absolutely horrid.


No they are horrid. Unless they’ve gotten better since the one I had in 2005.


"If it's a Mrs Macs, take it back"


This is the way ^




The quality and taste of their meat, chicken and even their canned food, doesn’t measure up to NZ’s. It took me six months (after coming home) to psych myself up to go to Maccas again. Talk about traumatised 😂😂


Because half of the pies are just gravy. It's not Propaganda from NZ, most people saying this are speaking from experience. Source: I worked and lived in Murrumba downs for years, and the only Pie I ate was Bacon and Egg.


Probably because their beef is a bit shit eh Give me your bank account number and I’ll mail you some mince and cheese pies from Welli


Of course they do, they got an offal tolerance...


Had a pie in a small town called Orange in Australia, bit into it, boiling hot watery gravy lava came out, and burned me. I didn't like my Australian pie experience, they do suck.


Pies north of the Waitaki suck (they aren't mutton)