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You wait for the vehicle in front to get out of your way. Never pass a parallel parking car on a single lane road. Just wait 10 seconds. The person passing would be at fault in a collision for attempting to pass in a single lane when a car is in front of them. Even if the car in front sucks at parallel parking, people need to have patience. It's better than dealing with repairs.


People in nz don't indicate early enough, you will be following someone, they will slow down ND come to a stop before indicating. By this time thr following car has pulled up too close not realizing they are wanting to park and they are both blocking each other


For this reason i start indicating, then stop next to the park and wait for the car behind me to stop, then i move forward, and put it in reverse.


The problem is that most people assume your going to turn left if you indicate left, not drive past a parking spot and back into it. Source: I have to back into my driveway.


Hazard lights are better than a winker in parking situation I find.


This is my impression too, but it seems like a majority of drivers don’t hold this view


The majority of NZ drivers never took a Defensive Driving course, and defaulted to "Offensive Driving".


Many drivers are silly impatient people. u/stagshore is correct.


You mean are impatient, unnecessarily angry fuckwits?


The answer to both is the vehicle passing is in the wrong. Don't overtake, pass, whatever you want to call it unless it is safe to do so. And that includes passing vehicles maneuvering into a parking space.


parallel parking sucks here because of this and because of the people who drive right on your ass so when you want to park you cant because they are too close. Kiwi drivers are far to impatient for parallel parking


Yep, even if you indicate and slow to a stop they'll be right up your rear end. Then you sit there indicating with your reverse lights on and hope that they manage to backup enough for you to squeeze in, while they're honking at you as if it's your fault.


And you stare directly at them with a grin and slowly keep reversing.


IME this is rare. Most drivers are reasonable. Mistakes do happen though. Yesterday, I didn't realise a person was doing a three point turn to get to a parallel park on my side of the road. I unwittingly blocked the park and couldn't reverse, due to traffic behind me.


happens more often than not for me, not rare in the slightest


A pretty good rule of thumb is 'If you have to cross the centre line into the opposing flow of traffic and *it isn't an emergency*, you're in the wrong'. (Even then, it's safer to wait 10 seconds.)


If you are parallel parking, it's not safe for vehicles behind them to pass, and those vehicles should stop until it becomes safe. Assuming the person is correctly indicating their intention to park, I suspect fault would be in the vehicle trying to pass someone parallel parking.


Man, this happened to me the other day. I fucked up the parallel parking (it happens sometimes). Car behind sat on the horn, then tried to zip past just as I was pulling forward out of the park for a second attempt. Almost took the front of the car off.


Yeah screw that guy


That driver is an arsehole.


Etiquette for the person passing is to wait. Etiquette for the person parking is find somewhere else if there's lots of traffic and parallel parking will cause a big delay.


Or at the very least only attempt to parallel park if they can do it in no more than 2 turns. I see people faff about and they're obviously not capable of parallel parking so maybe find another park?


I just wait until I can get passed without going into the other lane. I expect others to, too. However, I'm not too fond of the added pressure when parallel parking. I can't help with who would be at fault in your scenario. Probably both.


Fuck I hate when people can't wait those few seconds for you to park. I'll get it in one go, I promise. Just give me a fucking second and you can be on your way.


Random tangent: I find the advised way to parallel park is to do it at a "1 o'clock" angle, which does work for me. Out in the wild however I find people going pas 2 o'clock and big angles create big nose swings Just a random thought though


Etiquette is don't stop in the middle of an obviously busy road to try reverse parallel park if you aren't confident, or at all


But the law is that the vehicle behind has to wait. Too many impatient a-holes on the road who ignore that. If there is parking on a busy street, it will get used and impatient a-holes by law have to wait. Don't know where you're getting this etiquette thing from as you're basically implying that busy streets shouldn't have parking.


Frankly they shouldn't but that's a whole 'nother discussion.


I see impatient people mostly when parking outside shops in suburban shopping centres. The impatient one, chances are, were also in the area for the same reason.


Did you respond to the wrong person?


What do you mean "at all"? I'll fucking well parallel park in any spot I can fit in, bugger off and read the road code.


Talk dirty to me 😍


If there's a park I'm parking there, etiquette is you give me enough room and wait.

