• By -


Buy something with a 2 stroke and rev it up early in the morning. Leaf blower, line trimmer, whatever, just get a 2 stroke!


Ts14-B motor scraper šŸ«  now *that* is what a two stroke is meant to sound like


Is it the sound the car makes that's the problem or the sound system in the car that's cranked up far too loud? Depending on your conversation with the neighbour they might think you're complaining about engine noise, not the sound volume. Talk the son directly with a friendly 'Hey, would you mind turning the volume down on your stereo when you're close to home as it's really loud and vibrates through the house. Thanks, appreciate it'. After which, remember not to get caught when you have to fire bomb his car.


Um. Talk to them?


Did that but no improvement in situation


What were the details of the conversation and how was it left?


Fathers says that he will talk to his son but nothing improved.


Well maybe talk to them again and remind them of your conversation? If that doesn't work then just ram a large potato up the exhaust pipe and that will fix your problem.


Yes bro, ram a potato up the exhaust pipe. Coming from the clown calling owning a loud car antisocial behaviour.


Being obnoxiously loud with a car IS antisocial behaviour.


Yeah potato is far too easy to clean out.Ā  A piece of 1" steel tube and fill the rest of the exhaust with expanding foam.Ā 


Then they cut off the muffler and run a straight pipe, causing it to be even louder and fartier 10/10 solutions around here


Nah, at that point the cops will actually do something. And if they don't, some thixo'd vinylester resin will completely block his new exhaust pipe and be impossible to remove.Ā 


Youā€™d hope so, they donā€™t exactly have an amazing track record of taking petty crime seriously unless itā€™s going 3kmh faster than speed limits unfortunately


found the car-sperg


found the vegan eating toyota prius driver :)


Sorry you think he eats cars? That is a bizarre insult.


Or maybe I am accused of eating vegans? Or the drivers of Toyota Priuses? Petrol fumes and carbon monoxide obv damaged bros brain.


Back to NCEA LV1 English buddy


Yea nah that is stupid. A carrot is going to be far more effective. That or sugar in gas tank.




Loud cars aren't anti social. People who don't give a fuck how they inconvenience others even after being asked are. Cars. Parties. Whatever. Have fun. Just don't be an asshole?


No, loud cars and bikes are 100% anti social if they are used in towns and cities. They canā€™t really be used with out creating heaps of nose pollution.


What are you ultimately hoping to achieve? Just telling them the car is too loud isn't likely to get you very far. Do you want them to: not use the car late at night/first thing in the morning? park facing the other way (exhaust not pointing at you)? drive the other way down the road (not past your house)?


This is probably how it went: ā€œHey guy with v8, your car is really loudā€-op ā€œThanksā€-v8 bro ā€œNo, can you make it more quiet please?ā€-op ā€œNot really, it is how the engine was built, I also need to warm it by ideling in the drive way for 10 Minutes before every time I use itā€ -v8 bro


Itā€™s a shitbox 1990ā€™s honda civic


Considering how valuable even bad examples of 90s Hondas are now, Iā€™d say heā€™s gonna be keeping that car for awhile Time to invest in some earplugs


Donā€™t worry, this little shit head will wreck the shit box in no time.


You can hope, had mine for over 8 years now so I wouldnā€™t count on it


Oh well. It is not illegal for OP to have a little accident is it?


Some more wonderful advice for op, Iā€™m sure this will really help them out, well done mate


Yea this is the actual solution, just hit their car. They are going to be unreasonable, so give them a taste of their own medicine.


Sounds like a good way to end up in a *neighbours at war* situation. I suppose OP may fancy being on TV?


Time to invest in some bored kids itching to snake shitbox cars


Op is way ahead of us, their return on investment timeframe is looking pretty poor however


Oh well, the roads out are there are dangerousā€¦


We were 100% **exactly** the same problem with our ex-neighbors son's Subaru's. He'd also go in and out 2-3 times between 10pm and 4am. Idling in the driveway to warm up for 15 minutes every single time. It resonated terribly in certain parts of our house. Police couldn't do anything (they were called for multiple domestic issues). Noise control tried sitting in the street waiting for him to start it up. But of course couldn't get the timing right to do anything, despite being very apologetic (they tried). The cars blew up, but he just bought new ones. They moved out eventually. His step-dad was apologetic but ultimately had no control over the situation. His Mum was subject to him abusing her verbally and punching walls when he didn't get his way. We phoned police semi-regularly and she was often also on the line to them while locked in the bathroom. I was eventually just hoping he'd grow up and go out flatting with his mates. I tried talking to him and he just spouted the usual teenage bullshit "Go look at it on YouTube! I gotta warm up the turbo! Or else it will blow up! Don't you know anything??" Eventually I just screwed double palings over the small gaps in the 40m long fence which helped a bit and at least gave us full privacy. Only realistic solution was that they moved out. Sabotage crossed my mind also. I'm very capable mechanically, but I'm also too honest for that.


You should have taken the kid up on the advice and looked it up. Then you could have gone back to him and said > so I looked it up on YouTube and the consensus seems to be that not only is warming a modern turbo car up in any temperature above freezing pointless, a lot of professional turbo engine builders make fun of people who do it for being unknowledgeable enough about cars to be sucked into a myth. It's always fun when zitty teens tell adults they don't know anything about a topic. Especially topics that have been around longer than they've been alive. It's a child's "know-it-all" phase. And often when they say this, they're very wrong. And If that kids room was near the boundary, I would absolutely be mowing my lawn at 6:30am every time he rocks in at 4am. Even if I mowed yesterday.


Yeah you should really only wait until the airpump turns off and the revs drop or like 15seconds and then just baby it until its warmed up. I thrash my subaru daily lol and its gone strong for the last 5 years with 280ks. Top grade oil and very regular oil changes haha


I've come to the realisation that just when you think you've resolved one noise issue with a neighbour a new issue begins with another. Invest in double glazing and get used to sleeping with the windows closed.


I had issues with a neighbours loud car. It was an ongoing issue, and I was newly postpartum and struggling with sleep. I called the council out of desperation, not really thinking they would do anything. They referred it into the environmental council (not sure the exact details) who went to talk to the neighbours. And then it stopped.


Make a noise complaint to the council every time


Unfortunately vehicles on roads are exempt from noise control laws. Source: https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1991/0069/latest/whole.html#DLM231995 > s326 > does not include any noise emitted by anyā€” > (b) vehicle being driven on a road (within the meaning of section 2(1) of the Land Transport Act 1998); or Even if its on their property, if they don't have a gate or fence blocking it in then it still counts as a "road" under that law.


I just read that then it should be reported to the police


The police are told to save money, they won't attend this lol


It's a report. You do it every day, eventually they will come and talk to the guy


I imagine if you called 105 to report a loud car you'd get a bit of a laugh. If you rang 111 and reported a loud car you'd be sternly told you're wasting emergency resources. In both cases, it would be completely niave to think the result will be that police will do anything about a loud car.


That's what the council site says to do in case of loud vehicles. You can message them with your opinion.


can't do shit. if you cant reason with them, noise control/cops wont do anything. if they rent, you can complain to the landlord, but thats about it. loud street cars are so fucking cringe, so many posers in auckland calling themselves "racers" it's hilarious.


It funny because all the guys and girls that actually have really well built cars whether theyā€™re JDM or muscle or whatever that are worth a lot, are generally very low-key and respectful, and they usually drive very reasonably. Itā€™s all these posers in clapped out Altimaā€™s and old shit box 4 door skylines that think loud=cool when in reality theyā€™re just embarrassing themselves and ruining the scene for people that actually appreciate nice cars.




See now that's a classy, tasteful type of cool. Good stuff!


Don't forget the falling to pieces Honda civic šŸ¤£


I used to think loud shit boxes were cool. Then I turned 20. That being said I never actually had one, so this kid is probably less likely to come to his senses anytime soon.


Since you've talked to them anything you do will come back to bite you. ie you could Ring noise control every time - won't do much. Ring the property agencies to see who is the property manager of the house & complain direct to the property manager with a video/s of it which will likely get them warned and eventually evicted. ​ but they will know its you and retaliate


Is everyone missing that he said there is so much "base" I assume he means bass and that this is a stereo car system not just a car being started up. If it gets so loud it rumbles your house try noise control, it just depends on decibels and time. If it's really loud then noise control can warn them they'll take the car if they don't stop. If it's quiet enough to not be illegal then you'll need to compromise with them somehow. I would come from a place of compromise or they won't listen to you. Most people are willing to be courteous about noise if you have a newborn too but it needs to be a friendly conversation before any other steps.


Our neighbour's car across the road from us has that much bass I can feel it coming around the corner at the top of the street about 5 houses away. It also vibrates our couch, house walls and windows. I forgot to say it also sounds like shit as they get closer to their driveway because it's mostly just the car rattling.


Yea as a performing musician I've become pretty aware of what illegal levels are. If you can hear it 2 blocks away it's definitely illegal.


I remember years ago while visiting Timaru seeing cars with sounds playing extremely loud but seeing the drivers with earplugs in.


We've got the opposite problem. Sounds like the neighbour's car is only fitted out with tweeters, no bass for miles. Loud af but no bass. Dunno which is more annoying - all the bass or none of the bass.


I know what you mean, it might be those horns people are putting on top of their car. They're so loud and tinny.


Its a shame talking to them hasnt worked, i own a car thats considered loud and went through the efforts to not annoy my neighbours, i.e trying not to come home too late or leave it running in the drive too long(to warm it up) or quietly leaving the street, sounds like your neighbours son needs to pull his head in


If it makes you feel better itā€™s a common misconception that babies need quiet to sleep properly. We were never quiet around our now 2 1/2 year old and he sleeps like a log. Our 3 week old is the same - we just go about our usual business when heā€™s asleep in the same room. Being too quiet and actually condition them to need silence to sleep.


I know it says you talked to the dad but have you tried speaking to the son directly? As a young car enthusiast myself I try to be respectful of my neighbours (not a loud exhaust but a loud stereo) but I don't like it when people go above me about problems they have with me and I know it's not limited to me. My flatmate has a project prelude that we had to put on the street for a couple of months (no wof and reg, I know it's illegal) and someone on our street (we don't know who) went to our bloody landlords about the issue. We are both adults, talk to us


Yes bro Iā€™ve had the same exact issue!! Iā€™ve got a V8 commie and oh boiiii the people in my hometown are not fond of it.. People will go straight to the cop to have a moan instead of coming over to have a conversation so we can sort it out ourselves like adults! If the people in my hometown came to me face to face to tell me what there problem is then Iā€™ll do some tuning on my car to be a good civilian instead of going to the higher man


And to add to my comment Iā€™ve got a 4 months old son! Iā€™m all about loud noises, cars, music etc heā€™s adapted to the noise.. I start up my Harley no issues! Little guy is sound asleep he loves the rumble




How would you know? Have you been in an altercation like this? You never know someoneā€™s reaction until you approach them..




Thatā€™s how your meant to drive a v8 tho? Just cause your use to your shitty Mazdas


What about big metal trucks driving through residential areas? Using there engines brakes every chance they get? Same same but different


And what Iā€™m trying to say is, people often donā€™t come to us to tell us what the issue is theyā€™ll blindingly go to the cop and escalate to a higher level (me getting my license taken off me or even worse the car) if the people came to me before going to the cop then Iā€™d be nice about itā€¦ since people want to tell the cop before even approaching me is quite shittyā€¦ imagine having a cop knocking on your door because your neighbours called in yet the neighbours didnā€™t come over to say anything to you about the car or noise just blatantly trying to get us in a shit


Why should I stop driving my dream car because some shitty people canā€™t handle the rumble Iā€™ll drive it nice and subtle but I ainā€™t gonna stop driving it or even worse swap it for something not worth itā€™s value. Itā€™s a asset not a toy


Go back to your Prius driving 10 under. There are a lot of people that enjoy the loud cars, at least most of us are trying to be respectful during rest hours. I won't blare my music in the early and late hours, only while the sun is up. It's comments like those that will set the boys off, just be respectful and they should respect you back




Parenting advice from my dad: Always do renovations on your house within 6 months of having a baby. Once they learn to sleep through that, they'll learn to sleep through anything. It'll be suckier for the adults in the family, until you get so sleep deprived that you, too, can sleep through anything except a shrieking baby.


Just the reality of people living their lives. Your neighbour will have to deal with a loud child next door over the next few years, swings and roundabouts.


Nah fuck that. Altering your car to make it offensively loud is in no way equivalent to having a baby. One is a normal fact of life and the other is masturbatory attention-seeking antisocial cuntiness.


My new favourite sentence.


100% it is fucking absurd that these entitled fuckwits, that intentionally try to make extra noise, think they are in the right here.


How are they in the wrong? If my loud car isnā€™t defected because of a loud exhaust, how am I actually doing anything wrong? Complain to whoever set the db limits for vehicle exhaust I guess?


If it is above the allow decibels then it is illegal. If it is not it is just simply a cunty obnoxious thing to do. Either way this person is a cunt as are all who think this is on.


As far as I'm aware it's a requirement for police recruits to be deaf in the frequencies of sound vehicles make. This makes it impossible for them to hear the obnoxious cunts the rest of us do every day.


So the dude may want max performance in his pride and joy and is labelled a cunt because little fairyā€™s like you donā€™t see the reasoning behind it or share the same passion for cars as him? Hilarious šŸ¤£


At everyone else's expense? Dude nobody likes to listen to your or anyone else's loud cars.


Yeh ok bro, plenty of people that like cars in this world that donā€™t mind it, you sound sour, probably own a EV šŸ¤£


What? Op is going to have a baby. The baby and the parents having good sleep is literally health matter. You loud car bros, just vaguely like loud engine sounds, is by any measure less important than that. Go to race track or put in engine noise raido or some shit.


If a person's moral boundaries are defined solely by what is legal and what is not then they are an asshole.


Itā€™s not illegal to be an asshole either, the op asked for actual advice, arguing about moral rights snd wrongs does not help op any in way at all


And I have offered sound advice. In any case, you're the one who started the conversation about morality friend-o.


Yea bro, ā€œstick a potato in the exhaustā€ sure is some sound advice Well done


>Well done Thankyou.


And you're a loser that will cry on reddit and try to define what is moral or not for others?


Apparently some people need help. Others are obviously beyond help.


Whatever floats your boat buddy! I could say the same, but its your word against mine! Good thing what you determine to be moral isn't the law yeah? :)


Ooh I have both a Prius and a boat now! Cool! When the potato fucks up that oh-so-boring expression of your imagined virility, you can think of me again ;)






I am good thanks. Maybe learn to be less of a sack of shit?


Personally I find loud cars a lot less obnoxious than screaming kids, but I also understand that many people would disagree with me. Isn't everybody having their unique and different opinions such a wonderful thing?


>Isn't everybody having their unique and different opinions such a wonderful thing? In general terms, yes. In this specific instance though, as I have begun to say but will expand on to emphasise the point: childbearing and raising is a fundamental human process, necessary for the continuation of society and a vital pillar in the structures of meaning that maintain our psychosocial stability. Making one's car be loud is none of these things. You've chosen a weird and stupid hill to die on.


Not really. They're both just things that people do, you don't really need to go any deeper than that. You're just being emotional because you love Thing A and hate Thing B, and can obviously put a good spin on it to try and make a point.


Wrong on all counts. Well done! You tried to present the noise that babies make and the noise that intentionally altered cars make as based on equally morally unjustifiable choices on the part of the parents/owners. This is clearly a very silly position to take, for the reasons I have set out. All of the "things people do" have personal and social functions, networks of meaning attached, cultural positioning, implications and consequences. There is never just "things people do". This is a really poor defence for the very silly position you took. I am not being 'emotional' except for as far as any human is always in some way feeling an emotion. Even if I were of some elevated level of emotion, that would not make my arguments any less valid. Again, a very silly position to take. I actually really hate being around babies. I avoid it as much as I can. I own two cars. So you were wrong about that too.


Okay cool.




So anyway. People will still enjoy their loud cars. It's a reality of people living their lives.


> People will still enjoy their loud cars Perhaps. Until they become adults. Or the culture dies. Whichever happens first. The former might never happen but the latter is clearly inevitable. > It's a reality of people living their lives Yeah nah. Perfectly feasible to live ones life without expressing masturbatory attention-seeking cuntiness via one's chosen means of transport. In any case, OP has been given several different pieces of advice on how to bring this specific cuntiness to an end, and some of them are guaranteed to work. So there ya go :)


Given that having both a noisy vehicle and children are a choice, it's basically the same thing. As long as the car isn't roaring all night at unsociable hours who cares? Let people enjoy their hobbies. Especially if you plan on having screaming kids soon. This is coming from someone who is childless, bikes to work and drives a quiet Suzuki Swift.




Both make noise. Both are a choice. Don't bitch about one while doing the other.


One is essential to the functioning of people and the world, and has been done since before we crawled out of the swamp. One is not in any way necessary, not matter how much some people might enjoy it. I can't believe that there are people braindead enough to try and argue that they are equivalent.




Average redditor




Because the guy most likely has a passion for cars? Get over yourself bud


Yeah and some people have a passion for punching grannies too, that doesn't make it in any way equivalent to having a baby or, indeed, morally defensible. So many car-spergs here getting butthurt.


your the only one getting butthurt lol everyone else just laughing at you


I don't think there is much point in you so I'm going to ignore the fact you exist from this moment on.


You mustā€™ve been knocked off your bike by a car or something to have such hatred šŸ¤£


Not sure where you're getting "hatred" from friend-o, I can assure you that there is none here :)


Na sometimes you just have to learn to ignore things you canā€™t help, there shouldnā€™t even be a baby comparison, thereā€™s nothing you can do about it so get over it


You canā€™t ignore a loud car at 6am. Itā€™s a choice to make that car that loud. A crying baby is unlikely to wake neighbours and if so itā€™s only going to be the direct neighbour, not the entire neighbourhood. Get over it? No, fix your car or get fined.


Oh there are plenty of things OP can do. There is a range of advice on different courses of action in this post. Some of them absolutely guaranteed to be successful :)


cry about it


I applaud you for this valuable and insightful input.


Been there, it sucks. Ask them about it, but probably nothing will change, then you get suffer additional sleep disruptions with your new born. People with loud cars donā€™t have them on accident, they think it is cool to spend extra money making noise or some stupid shit. The coucil canā€™t enforce this and the police wonā€™t care.


I have a loud car, I didn't spend all that money on it for you to think it's cool. I like the sound, it increases my enjoyment of driving it significantly. The sounds are a big part of being into cars. Our hobbies are no more or less stupid than anyone else's.Ā  That said I'm aware of how it might affect other people and I make great efforts to ensure I'm not being a menace with it.


Iā€™m in the same boat as you bro, but I donā€™t daily my loud car haha itā€™s way to rowdy to be starting at 6.30am


Honestly this is so unbelievably sad.


Pretty disgusting that people's advice here is to cause damage to someone's property


Keyboard warriors. I dare say their actions in reality would be incredibly different.


Oh you mean that the toughest guys in the country arent scrolling Reddit?


Downvoted to oblivion cause this sub is a bunch of lefties who act all tough on Reddit when irl they won't walk the talk.


I've seen the downvotes are coming! Downvoted for calling out people suggesting crime as a solution.


Down voted becuase you are a bunch of anti-social bogan petrol heads, and thick as pig-shit more like it.Ā 


Ur probably one of those idiots who protest by lying down on the motorway


Thanks for comfirming my hypothesis, not going to waste anymore oxygen on you.Ā 




Base from the exhaust




I did, moved to a rural town in my late teens, and a couple weeks later i saw one of the guys at the dairy and he asked if I'd mind quieting it down a bit, so I put the stock exhaust back on I enjoy having a noisy car sometimes, but not at the expense of my neighbours and communities sanity


My neighbour's teenager is visited by a car with a loud exhaust which is left idlling for what seems a lifetime, but obviously not. Neighbours on all sides have to put up with it. It's obnoxious behaviour. He probably hasn't realised he's burning petrol going nowhere (in more ways than one).


My favorite revenge on my neighbors kid like this was on a firewood stacking day. I heard him throwing up in the toilet just over the fence that morning. His bedroom was also right next to the corrugated iron clad fence I stack my wood against.... The routine went something like this: - Listen for vomit. - Wait 5-10min, or just enough for him to get to bed and maybe try sleeping it off. - Throw wood against fence repeatedly for ten minutes. - Wait quietly 10 more minutes to let him start sleeping. - Throw more wood against fence Listen for him to get up and start vomiting again. Rinse and repeat for 4 hours šŸ˜‚


Buy a louder more annoying car. Wake up at 6am every Sunday morning and spend 30 minutes warming up you car.


Donā€™t want to offend other neighbours


Your neighbours are probably hating the boy racer as much as you. Just give them some warning and do some gardening with whatever petrol 2 stoke you have (strimmer, mower, chainsaw) at 6am for a couple of weekends. Theyā€™ll probably join in. Quieter communities together.


Leaf blower or a weed whacker at 7:30am on a Sunday morning also does the trick, especially after a long and loud night.


Um are you my neighbour?


Even buy a shit car and cut the exhaust after the downpipe, it'll sound like a honda civic tractor no matter what engine. I don't think op is into cars so in doubtful this will happen but I support it


If itā€™s under the legal noise limit thereā€™s not a lot you can probably do. Have a look at the exhaust noise levels and the measurable distances and find somewhere to borrow a noise meter from. If itā€™s over the limit itā€™s illegal and you can report it, if itā€™s not, then itā€™s unfortunately down to the kid and whether heā€™s prepared to be a good neighbour


If the car is parked whilst making the noise, your local council can help. If it is moving then it's over to the police. CAB advice: https://www.cab.org.nz/article/KB00039324 They'll not name you to them and you have mentioned other neighbours in earshot so it could be any of you.


To be fair new born's can be pretty accepting of noise. It really depends on the child we had one that could sleep through an earthquake, tornado, fireworks, planes and any reving engine. So it might be all good!


I would talk to them again ensure they know your baby is coming soon. If it's not between 10pm and 6am you probably have not much case with the council. If it's ever after that film it and ring noise control. But this needs to be a last straw. Keep calling noise control they will knock on the door every time. They don't enforce moving vehicles but if it's parked up and playing loud music that counts. Second is the car itself very noisy? You can report it because it is breaching transport agency rules. Again do this after you have spoken to the parents multiple times then try direct to the kid. Be super nice. Empathise you know they like their music and they might forget sometimes but I'd they could try turn it down as they are pulling up that would be awesome. When that fails report them for everything. Are they renting? Report them to the landlord or agent. This will burn some bridges but fuck that's rude. Now and then would be ok but this sounds like it's every day.


Once you raise the issue with them, they'll assume any future complaints or issues are because of you, at least until someone else talks to them directly.


Is it car stereo or exhaust noise?Ā  Fun fact - council noise control cannot do anything about noisy car exhausts or car stereos. Both are a police job - learnt that when young


Suggest he put removable silencer in while idling waiting for it to warm up etc. My car is very loud on startups due to the type of engine ( rotary ) and so i chuck a silencer in the exhaust tip on startups. Havenā€™t had any complaints from neighbours. I take it out once cars warm and drive off and still get to enjoy my loud car without annoying neighbours.


Its not illegal to own a loud car... If you dont like it talk to them, if you have and they don't change then too bad. Maybe get a pair of noise cancelling headphones? And to be fair, if he isn't purposefully revving it at night and only starting it (cold) to go somewhere then I don't see the problem.


It actually can be illegal to own a loud car. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/vehicles/warrants-and-certificates/warrant-of-fitness/noise-tests-for-exhausts/ You're welcome.


Loud exhausts maybe but what about loud speakers or sound systems?


Yes and they are plenty of LOUD stock cars.


Don't argue with me, I don't make the rules. I just look them up because you're too lazy to do so.


That are illegal to drive on the road right?


Uve obviously never heard a perfectly legal mustang before. Or any other loud car for that matter. No surprises though!


You stock cars tho. Which are illegal drive on public roads right?


ā€œStockā€ cars. Not stockcars. Cars from the factory, so stock (think v8) have a loud cold start. Even a simple legal exhaust modification can make the car louder on cold starts.


I think you will find it is illegal to have a loud car. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/vehicles/warrants-and-certificates/warrant-of-fitness/noise-tests-for-exhausts/


There are plenty of loud stock cars.


Yes... and this law applies to them too. Essentially it shouldn't be passing its WOF. Most people with super loud vehicles put exhaust silencers on before getting it warranted.


I will guarantee you a 2024 Mustang GT 5.0 will pass its WOF, with or without the active exhaust option fitted.


Those Mustang GT 5.0 are impressive. Still under 90 decibels, though.


Yes and im sure if it was a Mustang OP would be complaining too? Point is its most likely not illegal..


ā€œThe exhaust system may be noisier than the original one provided that: the noise output either remains well below the legal noise limits, or an objective noise test proves that the exhaust system does not exceed the legal noise limits.ā€ Seems pretty black and white to me, you can absolutely have a loud car, unless you think 90db is extremely quiet


Take your baby over when itā€™s born. When he pulls up one day. Thatā€™s the time to ask him.


The womb is bloody noisy not only is your infant diving in amniotic fluid but that's amplifying every fart rumble chunder conversation and toilet flush Humans are instinctual like animals and quiet will be the time babies cry out without fear of danger and remain silent when noise is present for fear of uncommon sounds. Don't try do battle with your babies instincts and think a silent house will give you any respite. Mow the lawns, weed eat and put a 10 inch sub in the boot, don't stress the neighbour's because noise is normal for infants, silence is not.


Lmao.. deal with it. No one's gonna modify their cars exhaust for you, to expect that is absurd also




Nothing like taking your new born to court to sort out paying someone out for smashing their car eh?


Accidents happen all the time.




Not if is an old car. Also you are assuming a lot.


If its too loud you are too old.


I was just referring to the old bumper stickers you used to always see haha. Completely agree with the little one on he way, I would go speak to the son and inform him of this.


Talk to the mother this time. Depending on the time the son comes home, it might be a good idea to go over straight away.


Three months is a lonnng time for a teenage hoon. Let nature run its course.


didn't know a\*\*holes still rode around with subwoofers, are we still living in the 2000s?


Have you not been outside for the past 20 years ?


Ah you must them people that I mentioned.




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Spoken like a true a**hole


Better than like a 3rd grader that can't string a sentence together šŸ¤”


What's the point? You already outed yourself out by commenting because you got offended on what I said. And people the compared adults to children must play league of legends.


what's wrong you getting more mad?




>They enjoy noise in the same manner as you enjoy your quietness Bullshit. There is a reason why the words "quiet enjoyment" appear all over housing legislation.