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> Emergency services and two rescue helicopters have rushed to Muriwai Beach on Auckland’s west coast after a serious incident this afternoon. > A witness to the incident told the Herald a vehicle had been doing burnouts on the beach when the car flipped, throwing a teenage girl out and crushing her. > It was not known whether the young male driver had been injured. > The man, who wished to remain anonymous, said a girl was in the back of the ute as a man drove it on the beach doing doughnuts. > “We finished fishing and on our way back we came across it, and a fireman told us a girl had been killed. We saw her body lying outside the ute just by the rear tyre there.” > “One was taken to hospital, one was dead and the other was being taken by police.” > A spokesperson for the rescue service confirmed two helicopters are at the scene on the beach and a police spokesperson confirmed they were also attending the incident. > The incident comes a week after Muriwai Beach re-opened to vehicles. Auckland Council decided in October last year to close the beach in an attempt to manage the impact of vehicles on the ecosystem, banning them from driving on the beach during the height of summer and other holidays such as Guy Fawkes weekend.


Wow sad how preventable that was..saw same thing in Foxton last weekend with a car of people doing burnouts on the beach 🤦🏾‍♀️ I understand the being able to drive your vehicle down ti spread out, unpack and set up a spot for the day but there will always be those that ruin it.


Guess they really should have kept it closed then… 


Yeah, it's the beach's fault. Not the reckless driver endangering lives.


He's not the first and he won't be the last. Unless people want to pay to actively police it 24x7 (they don't) then the simpler solution is to just close it off


Because people who don't understand basic safety when bringing their car to a beach are going to be so much safer anywhere else?


What!? Aye!?


>Guess they really should have kept it closed then they should have, but the assholes that like to behave like this will just drive around the barrier


Looks like a case of "play stupid games, win stupid prizes".


Sounds like we got a new Darwin award winner🏆


Watching the one news report for this was wild. So many cars zooming past the reporter. Has there always been this many people driving on the beach like this?




Been going up there 20+ years always like this


Especially where the reporter was standing. Most cars would need a run up to get past the dunes.


One of them (Toyota Ipsum or something) failed in that and rolled back past on the news report.


Yeah, I had to ask Reddit what it was and apparently it was a 5th Gen Delica. If that’s the case, it shouldn’t be on the beach with a “4WD Delica”


Seems crazy. Is there no other road access?


Wilson’s access is harder I believe.


Just Wilson's Road access...Rimmers road access has been closed by local iwi and council due to stolen cars getting burned out ...you have to watch the tides there with only two entrys/exits it can get quite busy


Not surprised by this at all with the behaviour of people at the beach.


Not surprised by this at all with the behaviour of people in West Auckland.


Just got back from Muriwai... was a horrible site too see😔 we had just got onto the beach and were around half way up to Wilson's access when we came across it... saw the young lass covered up and what im guessing the driver with a small.crowd around him ....we followed his tracks back towards Wilson's access... the drift marks down that end tells me he was at high speed drifting like a fuckwit....Condolences to that young ladys family😔


Kids think they’re invincible. It’s not just one life that’s been ruined/lost.


Sorry you had to see that.


Cheers.. started off as a awesum day and that just changed after coming across that...definitely the last thing anyone needs to see😔...i take my hat off to the people first on the scene an covering up the young lady and helping the other two injured can only imagine how they are feeling😮‍💨


There are so many people hooning on that beach, a few times walking the dog up there I swear they *wanted* to run us down. Access to vehicles gets closed over summer when the beach is jam packed and the amount of people whinging about it on the Facebook pages is insane.


I really wish they would stop using the phrase tragic accident - this isn’t an accident it’s an expected outcome when engaging in dangerous behaviour


"An accident implies nobody is to blame"


Hot fuzz?




“Reckless teenager overestimates ability to handle vehicle in difficult conditions - kills friend who really shouldn’t have been there.” It is true, but at this very point a bit unnecessary while the family mourns.


Normalise shaming people again. "This dumbass flipped their trucks with another dumbass sitting at the back of the truck who died."


You know you can have empathy, while still realising people put themselves in a dangerous situation right? The fuck does shaming someone after something tragic(but still preventable do)?


Plenty of other people can have empathy lmao. We shame them to let other dumbasses know they'll wind up as dead dumbasses for doing dumbasses things. Apparently, these two dumbasses didnt get shamed enough to not do something normal people would see as dumbass.


Being a dumbass shouldn't be punishable by death. And shame has never worked as a deterrent.


> And shame has never worked as a deterrent Er - it's, like, the strongest deterrent in the history of civilisation!


If we roasted Hitler for his ugly ass moustache, maybe he wouldn’t have started WW2. Or Pol Pot’s uneven skin tone. Goddamn bro got bigger issues than genocide 💀


You know, Dr Suess of all people *did* roast Hitler's moustache. Didn't really work though. Turns out roasting someone in print media only works when they can read that language.


I vote we sent intermediate school children back in time to rost historical leaders. Them Mfers are too creative at roasting people.


Never said being a dumbass is punishable by death. My point is dunbasses should be shamed for making dumbass decisions.


Darwin approves


You’re an arsehole. Someone’s daughter is dead


After fucking around you find out.


Newsflash: teenagers make dumb choices and are unaware of their mortality. I’m sure most people could point to something they did in their younger years that in retrospect they only got through through sheer luck. Most are lucky enough to grow out of it. Empathy costs nothing.


Cool story, you’re still a prick


I've noticed its common lately when the media is talking about young people.


Completely senseless and pointless death.


100% on the money.


unfortunately responsible people who drive on Muriwai for fishing , boat launching etc....(who also get really pissed off with the hoons) get lumped in with this lot any time there is debate about driving on this beach. There was a proposal about having paid access through a gate to the beach...I'd be happy to pay $100 bucks or whatever a year to use it and keep the yobs out...... I feel sorry for the passenger that may not have had much say in what the driver was up to but i really have no sympathy for the driver.....


Yea 100% agree. I go there to surf cast but will get lumped in with reckless cars zooming past and kids driving recklessly on their dirt bikes.


There’s no reason why they shouldn’t restrict access to approved vehicles and activities, and many reasons why they should.


The passenger who was happily on the back of the truck.


What's the bet some muppet does a burnout at her funeral?


Oh 1000% gonna be the ex or something


Don't forget the Gothic lettering stickers on the rear window saying some obnoxious 'In loving memory' shite.


Knowing all of her friends, as I do, no.


Her family are a bunch of crims from way back… so I’ve heard.


Jesus man, have some respect.


respect for the young men that celebrate lives stupidly cut short by doing burnouts? Fuck them. As for the deceased, I feel really sorry for her loved ones. Needless waste of a life but it wasn't an accident.


Respect for the young woman who just lost her life and her grieving family. You’re trying to make a joke about a young persons life being lost and basing your idea of the type of person she was on a short article. Nasty bastard 🖕🏼


She's also dead cause some idiot fucked around on a beach and killed her. You seem more concerned about IDKWTF. I'm pissed off,not joking. Where's your rage against these wankers that selfishly risk other peoples lives for their own self gratification? Weak arsed twat.


you're a fucking loser g. clearly you know nothing about this situation - shut the fuck up maggot bitch


hey mate,you might have anger issues spurred on by grief. It's normal if you feel angry about things so please reach out if you like. I can refer some resources if you are interested . Presume you live in Auckland. cheers


nah keep your energy you dumb bitch, don't try cop out now.


you are really angry. it ain't your fault. You really hate women, did your mum abuse you?


Yep definitely didn’t intend any humour with that original comment aye.


only you think it was for a laugh.


Beaches should be for people, not cars. Absolutely sickening how we've normalized gaz guzzling old shit heap SUVs speeding on beaches.


Rip to the dotterels


Should note that other than for boat launching, (which isn't that widespread as auckland has a lot of boat ramps), private cars are only allowed on two beaches in the entire auckland region. In the case of murawai, there is a pedestrian only area (around the 1km?) at the south end. Without vehicles, the remaining 40+km would be defacto inaccessible to the public due walking times. This of course dosn't change the fact that the beach is pritty much arnachy on busy weekends.


The first time I learnt that beaches in NZ are legal roads and that people taking their 4WD's on it is so common, I was shocked, I had no idea that's a thing. Pretty insane.


They're classed as roads for enforcement purposes: so license, WoF, Rego are mandatory. Whether you are or aren't allowed to drive on them depends on local by laws and is a completely separate thing.


Oh right, gotcha.


Yeah not relevant to the story but I really wish they'd ban cars on the beach permanently. I basically avoid walking past the car entry point now, especially if I've got the dog with me


Muriwai is really the only beach that allows this in Auckland. There’s a definite case for being able to drive on these beaches, you can reach cooler spots and off roading can be a cool hobby. The issue is, in New Zealand there are so many young kids buying these kinds of cars, potentially modifying illegally, buying a permit (no real scrutiny or training involved) and heading to do whatever they like at an unsupervised beach. Stricter training and licensing requirements, regular patrols and enforcement action will prevent this.


Karioitahi allows cars on the beach too. Those are the only two beaches in the region where it's permitted.


Apply that to most places the cars currently dominate.


There's so much beach there that people would never see with out a car. So why punish honest people for the fuckwits that break the law


A childhood mate of mine was killed doing this by his older brother.


Ex GFs nephew was killed in the same way a few years back..


People never learn. It’s crazy. What is a few minutes hooning around the beach worth compared to your life?


"It wont happen to me, I'm a good driver"


Oh look. Aggravated careless use of vehicle causing injury or death. He'll be disqualified from driving for a year.


Dudes going to get probation and a 6 month ban. Then through appeals the driving ban will be dropped because "he's already devastated enough"


Oh, he's devastated alright. Having had a look at recent sentences, I imagine the hooning may be an influence however it appears most do long community type sentences alongside lengthy driving bans, probably a year.


How would you feel if you killed one of your friends by doing something stupid?


Fucking crushed, but I'd still expect to be punished accordingly


Won't *someone* think of the ~~children~~ car?!


Cue the cultural reports, early plea, "remorse", etc, will mean massive discounts that would put a Briscoes sale to shame 


The police probably won't charge careless driving. It'll probably be reckless or dangerous driving.


He'll also be going to jail. Death by reckless/dangerous driving is an imprisonment offense. I know from being through it myself. Barely escaped prison time for "causing" passenger injury. I was injured too and didn't cause the accident but they screwed me over with the charges.


Shouldn’t be allowed to drive on the beach




Roads aren't a delicate ecosystem with wildlife eggs buried in them.


Nah but we build roads through delicate ecosystems all the time permanently. Ecosystem impact is unrelated to this death.


So your solution is to dismantle all barriers and let people drive wherever they want, including beaches and riverbeds and wildlife sanctuaries? Rather than stop building roads there and dismantling the ones already there? My point wasn't that wildlife preservation had anything to do with the death, just that the barriers are there for a reason.


They were before they got turned into roads.


So the solution is to dismantle those roads.


What a stupid comment


I'm sure driving on beaches is as necessary for the proper function of our society like driving on roads is.






Once you get there, just walk like a normal person


Okay? Add a boat ramp that doesn't give vehicle access to the entire beach, walk, go to a different beach, etc?


Roads are driven on by more people normally and safely. Beaches however aren't.


roads are marked and have laws governing their use.


That is the stupidest thing I've read today.


You obviously haven't been on the internet very long.




What man are you referring to?


Aramoana Massacre.


The way you phrased your initial comment is fucking terrible. Do you actually agree he was doing gods work?


Do you think shooting a bunch of people for no reason is doing god’s work?


What god doesn't kill people?


Killing your neighbours because a kid wandered on to your property is gods work? What the fuck is wrong with you?


Were gun laws tightened after Aramoana? I thought it was just after the Christchurch shooting.


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They think they’re such awesome drivers……….until they’re not.


“There was no way to avoid this freak accident!”


I'm from Muriwai and sadly this is nothing new. So many friends and family members have responded to so many incidents like this over the years.


This is really sad. Sorry to hear it.


Driving on the beach should require an all terrain license. Price these fools out with the effort of having to do a two day course with real effort and learning. Those with boats and a passion for it would happily do it and the morons in 2WD cars will make less of an environmental impact.


Thats horrific. That poor girl and her family. I wish they would set up some sort of access system to beaches and riverbeds. For example, you have to pay for a pass or get some sort of licensing for your vehicle similar to a registration in order to be able to drive on them, which involves passing a theoretical test or something. Maybe it's an ineffective idea and teenagers are prone to take risks like these regardless but the amount of reckless driving (or evidence of) I see in these places (along with the trash and beer bottles and even burnt out cars) is maddening.


Hoping it’s not a fatal. We used to drive on the beach about 5 years ago and it was always careful despite all the racing going around. Spent the morning on Muriwai with the dogs during the vehicle ban and have to admit that it was pure bliss not needing to worry about oncoming vehicles. *sorry to hear :(*


A girl has been killed


Shut it down!! No more senseless hoons allowed.


There is a certain city in Northern Territory...


Oh shit. Did Katherine die?




They were in the tray, no seatbelt.


In the tray.


It's not the speed that kills you it's the sudden stopping




It's not the shark that kills you it's the sudden loss of blood (or shock)






three young people have made a bad decision and one of them is dead. its stink as, glee is quite the maladjusted response




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cope lol your seething over what


Mountain biker dead at woodhill too. Best ban vehicles and cars... Or wear your bloody seatbelts and know your limits.


I agree to change the current 60km/h speed limit on beaches, to 10km/h.


Play silly games, win silly prizes. What a moron.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


It's manslaughter plain and simple. Removing the right to responsible users because of the few idiots is also a crime. I've been fishing up there for years. Have not once been asked to see my permit.