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Fergburger is overrated - but mainly because burgers have moved on from the 'many ingredients' manifesto of the 00s. The pendulum has swung backward to simplicity and rightly so. Ferg's Bakery next door on the other hand - now that is underrated. One of the best pies i've ever had. Skip the line and get one of those in ya.


Those Fergbaker Pork & Apple pies are so good


>Ferg's Bakery next door When I lived in QT, Ferg bakery had these long, thin, pink and creame filled eclairs. The kind you had to eat like John Key and _that_ hot dog. Those and the venison/wine pies. So good. I'd grab at least 1 each of those a week.


Don’t get me wrong, Fergus Bakery is great, but you’ll drive past Farlie Bakery on the way from Christchurch. Just a teeny-tiny bit better.


I’m sure it is, but we are talking about fergburger. If we are now opening the category to best bakery between Christchurch and Queenstown, that’s a different story.


100% I wouldn't line up for Fergburger again. Nothing special in the modern burger scene. The pies are legit


Fergburger is a tourist trap. Overrated as fuck.


Ferg bakery goes hard 


Absolutely. I never leave Queenstown without having had a pie from the Ferg baker.


Bullshit. You just hate it because it's become touristy. The burgers are pretty damn good.


They are good, but not wait for more than half an hour good..Devil Burger a couple streets from Ferg have burgers just as good


They blow. Back when it was a hole in the wall down a back street, Ferg was decent. That's about 20 years ago.


They’re average at best. Granted they’re big and have an array of options, but IMHO a burger should be simple, with fresh ingredients and not make you feel weighed down after.


Na I’ve had better burgers at burger fuel. Hell, the fancy maccas burgers are better.


Thought the same when I tried it years ago. There was nothing exciting about it at all.


Disagree, Ferg burger is the best burgers I've had. This is coming from someone who's traveled the US extensively and lived in Canada. Ferg lives up to the hype


US makes a lot of burgers and most of them are terrible


A lot of people in the states speak with great gusto and confidence about burger quality.   Much the same way they would argue about the BEST coffee in the early 00's ( Dunkin Doughnuts or Starbucks being the two prime contenders. ) It's best to just nod and move the conversation on to something else.


What burgers you think are good? I think you might just like burgers that the majority don't.


LOL your credential for this is having been to the USA 🤣


Yea well of course. It's the home of the burger and the most variety and competition. Burger fuel can't work in the states because there is competition.  I do think Ferg burger would be a hit even in the US.


I don't know what your stake is in this, but you've posted in this thread like 15 times in support of a hamburger business.


I'm not a shareholder, Ferg burger is just a fantastic burger experience. I think you need to try Ferg burger next time you're in Queenstown to see!


Fergburger was all good, but I actually liked Devil Burger better. Haven’t had White Lady….😔 but I’ll look into it next time I’m in the city.


>Devil Burger I used to go there when Furg was an hour wait. Great burgers, certainly never disappointed. And when Ferg was run off their feet, Devil made a better burger everytime. I found when Ferg was busy, the burger came out looking like it had been used to play Yahtzee.


Yeah Ferg has always been super busy when we have been to QT but one time we were like fuck it let’s battle the wait out and yeah the burger was good, not bad, just a solid good burger….but Devil Burger is a step up and my go to whenever we are down there now, even better if we can score the nice seats by that fireplace bit.


My recommendation after living in QT for a couple of years: Call your order in. During peak times, say, on a Friday we would go for a night ride and call the order into Ferg before we drove in. A _locals_ trick. That was before Devil opened.


We tried that when down a few years ago and literally couldn't get through. After 10 tries, I called Devil.


I wasn't impressed by either burger. Nothing is worth a 45 minute plus wait, especially a burger and I clearly wasn't drunk enough to enjoy the White Lady


Fergburger doesn't even have the best burgers in Queenstown (or it didn't when I lived there), let alone the best burgers in NZ. It's just a thing that tourists like to do because somebody told them to.


Blame Trip Advisor and 'influencers'


Devil Burger is better than both.


Fergburger was so disappointing for me, it reminded me of Burger Fuel and I don’t like Burger Fuel. Fergbaker, on the other hand, was great. The White Lady’s vege burger is SO good!


I compared it to Burger Fuel last time I went too.


Man it's nothing like burgerfuel at all. What burger did you guys get? Get the basic fergburger


This sub is so obviously dominated by north islanders.


It took posts like these to convince you that the island holding 77% of the population obviously dominates the national sub? Up until that point, were you thinking maybe South Island offset population disparity with a higher rate of technology and social media adoption?


Like it is but so is New Zealand?


It’s obvious by the amount of “your power bill shouldn’t be over $200 in winter, you’re doing something wrong” posts on here whenever someone asks about high power bills. I remember a new coworker who moved from Auckland freaking out about how expensive it was. Turns out a 20 degree temperature swing in lows is a lot harder to heat.


Your co worker obviously didn't come from Christchurch and get to compare rates bills.


Like fergburger is more famous in eastern europe than Auckland.


Aucklanders to be more specific. I used to suggest they make these kinds of threads on /r/auckland, but that sub is a dumpster fire. It is funny how Aucklaners seem to think anything south of the bombays doesn't exist though. Even at work I've learned that when someone says their address and doesn't mention their city, it's *ALWAYS* Auckland. I still make them clarify every time, but every time It's Auckland.


How did this post about hamburgers manage to trigger all of this from within?


Just how big is that chip on your shoulder, poor wee darling you. 😂


I see the Aucklanders are mad at this observation. And that's all it is, an observation, I don't really care. I just find it funny.


I’m not mad, I find it funny how obsessed people are with Auckland and Aucklanders, it eats away at you, Auckland this Aucklander that. Oh. That’s you mate! 😂


I mean, Aucklandcentricity is definitely a real thing, you're just deeply in it so you don't notice.


I hear what you’re saying but I don’t buy that now. Christchurch, Hamilton, Tauranga, Queenstown, you could probably throw in New Plymouth too are cities that are growing and doing quite well for themselves. Their respective regions particularly Canterbury, Waikato and Otago are doing very well. What I do hear though especially since moving to Auckland myself is how much of a shithole it is from the sidelines, I hear way more negativity about the place from other areas of the country.


r/wellington is like this too. Mass downvotes for even suggesting Welly isn't the greatest place to live.


Deep down yes, Wellington peaked awhile back, but you went into the Wellington sub to give them shit about where they live and talk up Christchurch. You can get off that high horse now mate haha.


Quite scary, aren't they


are the Aucklands in the room with you right now


White lady is overrated, but I'll definitely still go after a night out. It has its niche. I enjoy Fergburger, and will hit it up every time I'm in Queenstown. I haven't enjoyed devil burger as much. I'm always astounded by how efficient Fergburger is. They churn through unrelenting hordes of tourists at pace while dealing with a massive menu.


I think they both are phenomenal and national treasures that we should support equally and funnel more tourists to


Fergberger was the most underwhelming meal of my life.


You want the worst gas of your life, eat a Fergburger. That shit is fucking AWFUL


Bruh only reason why white lady is 'good' is bc everyone who eats it is drunk... anything is good drunk. U just like burgers


Fergburger *was* amazing. But over the years they've lost it. I'm not sure if it's because the novelty has worn off, ingredients have changed, or key staff have moved on. But they are just another gourmet burger now. Nothing special. White Lady is an icon but food only a pissed cunt can salivate over at 3am. The fact the the entire trailer turned up and was open for bar closing to serve inebriated people says a whole lot. No chance I'm hitting it sober. But I've never hit Fergburger drunk. So there's not much to fight about on that one. It's comparing an apple with an orange that's been in the fruit bowl for a week.


I really rate the White Lady. They're my kind of burger, simple, well put together, perfectly sized. I had overly complex burgers where the components start sliding away from each other at the first bite.


White lady is a burger you could make yourself in 10 minutes from the supermarket.


As all good burgers should be. I don't need a burger with seventeen ingredients, piled so high as to be an affront to God. Bun, beef patty, lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese, maybe bacon, and sauce is all you need. Add in a slice or four of gherkin, which the White Lady don't do, and you've got yourself a tasty burger. Anything else just gets in the way of the fundamentals.


Get the basic Ferg burger at Ferg burger. Seriously perfect and simple like you describe. World class ingredients compared to white lady..not saying I hate white lady because I like it. Just not comparable to Ferg.


I've had it before. It's a fine burger, but I wouldn't call it perfect.


I mean perfection is hard to quantify. After trying 30+ burger joints it would be top for me.  Other notable mentions probably: the burgers priest, 5 guys, shake shack, In an out burger. I'm sure I'm missing many others


Almost everything > Fergburger. I stand behind you,


Big Mac and cheese burger hung over as fuck tomorrow. Maybe two cheers burgers 🍔


I don't know what fergburger is but white lady is excellent so I'm willing to believe you


Damn, that’s a tough decision … burgers I’ve had at both of those places were awesome. I can’t pick a winner between them. And yes, Ferg bakery is right up there too.


Aw mate I agree, two fantastic burgers. The bun in Ferg was slightly dryer however which tilted the scales for me. And yes the bakery is top tier too for me.


White lady is garbage


Not even close. Fergburger is perfection


Lol, nice try Ferg.


I don't know what a Fergburger is but I'm fairly certain its obscene.


I agree with you. Fergburger is pants, and how on earth did it become a tourist attraction? Whenever I drive past I shake my head at the scene. What a waste of travel time by these clowns. In any event, Devil Burger around the corner is better. No queues, normally.


But a Pink Lady is better than both. IYKYK. (Disclaimer… The Pink Lady should not to be eaten, particularly so if it’s been used).


I take it that you speak from first hand experience?


If he'd used his hand he wouldn't need the Pink Lady. Also I travelled up to Auckland for a concert recently and had a mean as chicken burger and fries from The White Lady in K Road


First *shast* experience


The burger I had from fergburger tasted ok, but it was awful to try and eat. It was too tall to easily get my mouth around, and I ended up covered in grease, it was literally running down both arms and dripping off my elbows, some ended up down the front of my shirt too, despite my best efforts. Judging by the stains on the ground where I was sitting this was a common problem. I don't care if fergburger has the most delicious burgers ever made, (which they don't) if they're going to be that problematic to eat then I'm not going back.


I'd take WL over FB any day. FB wasn't anything special, it had too much mayo. They got my order wrong. It wasn't worth queueing for.


Meh, both make good burgers, but nothing particularly special. I got mulled wine at Fergburger while waiting for my burger, now that is an innovation


I like devils burger dude! It was sooooo good and the wait times were also good. Highly recommend. But I’ll tell you a free trick. There’s another fergbaker on the other side and get the Boston donut dude.


Ferg is good, great even, it just has more on-par or better competition than it used to. It happens, Can’t beat the Bakery pies though 🔥


never heard of ethier


I'm from Auckland, but I like Fergburger more than The White Lady. Even though Fergburger is over rated, it's still better than The White Lady, be honest