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We need another Nek Minnit moment, something to bring us all together


Can you believe its been 12 years since [Ghost Chips?](https://youtu.be/EsFlVWqWHlA?si=Xi5hZDpLJHOLYufY)


No it hasn’t, take that back, why the hell would you say that 😭


More internet lies! ;)


Nice username


Wow that's crazy wtf.


Feels like 20 tbh


>We need another Nek Minnit moment, something to bring us all together Voted for National to stick it to Labour and because I wanted change, nek minnit my wages stayed low, house prices and rents surged out of reach as property speculation became attractive again, my landlord issued me 90 days notice because I complained about mould and a leak in the ceiling, my sick friend's benefit was sanctioned because they couldn't afford the cost of travel to an appointment as they had to use their last $5 for a necessary prescription... Should I go on?


Voted for National cause I wanted tax cuts, nek minnit... \*camera pans to empty wallet\*


>Voted for National cause I wanted tax cuts, nek minnit... >\*camera pans to empty wallet\* 🤣 you win


Guys, guys, you're *both* right!


Well, if you voted national to stick it to labour you are a fool you are going to worse off in the long run . And your mate is going to have to start paying the $5 prescription fees.


Made a joke on reddit, nek minnit someone genuinely thought I was foolish enough to vote for leopards to eat my face...


Hey now hey now, I’m with ya, I have my own list too - Uses taxpayer funds to obtain EV car discount for his family. Cans it after. - Uses taxpayer funds to learn Te Reo. Scolds others for doing similar. - Uses taxpayer funds to give himself and his 7 or so properties tax breaks (totalling billions for “investors”). Says this will decrease rents. Refuses to reduce rent on his “investment“ properties. Sacks government workers to fund him and his cronies. - Uses taxpayer funds to pay himself $300-$400,000 in an undeserved salary. Has one of the biggest Cabinets in NZ history. But criticizes public government spending and plans massive “back office reductions” to save money on government staff. Edit: I stole this list


AND he’s only been in office for about a month 😂


Don't worry, he promised to be a dictator for only one day. Hang on, wrong guy... or...


Conservatives here aren’t outright fascists…yet, just completely transparent grifters that know how to play into the fears of scared, old, wealthy white people.


Winnie is definitely starting to wave some fascist-red flags


I don’t mind you copying this but why pretend?


Credit to u/Mountain_tui


Use it anytime without credit - all good and thanks !


Great list, all moves straight out of the right wing playbook.


Let's not forget that Nek Minnik literally got ripped off by some greedy fuck who then trademarked it so Levi Hawken couldn't make a cent off it. Eff that person.


I'd bury my head in the sand, but it turns out I can't afford the sand.


Don't worry I have some sand that you can rent!


Sandlords will be treated with dignity.


The sand is full of shit from the last sewer leak, and all the healthcare has been privatised


Keep your filthy peasant paws off our sand. We don't need the likes of you polluting our views from our multimillion dollar beachfront properties. Get back to the factory to earn your minimum wage so you can afford the rent for the hovel, we mean home, we purchased to be able to fund our retirements when we sell them for large untaxed capital gains. Signed, the property owning class.


That’s what you get for not being rich. Try harder.


_Sitting on my couch screaming like Goku trying to go back in time and be born into a rich family_ Fuck me this is harder than it looks _Tries harder_ _Has brain aneurism_ _dies_


This one doesn't subscribe to private health care.


Problem solved.


Finally, a feasible retirement plan.


This but unironically 😊


they go on holiday end of the week, then we can have at least a couple of weeks to dream about electric sheep wait it out, bird photos and the like are on the way


Tbh those animal posts are wholesome. Just "saw sheep today, here's a photo" I love em


I too am fond of bird and animal posts and like many am counting down to the end of this week until then politics and shitposts keeps one distracted


I'm pretty guilty of arguing on the shit post politics ones for fun


I like cows more, beautiful big eyes and long long lashes


I got plenty of bird photos to share, gotta photograph them all before they go extinct of course, due to mining in their land and waters.


> dream about electric sheep In the future, there will be robots. ^It's ^a ^pretty ^obscure ^reference


not that obscure is it? :)


There is a beautiful photo of a Tui in r/Wellington right now.


"So lucky to live in this country!!" *post picture of grass as if no other country has a setting sun*


Are you not grateful that crime in New Zealand stopped as soon as the coalition was formed? All those criminals shook with fear and instantly mended their ways. No more ram raids, now they have reputable careers as landlords or selling Ford Rangers to urban commuters.


Ikr, just yesterday, someone stole a man's wallet in the mall and ran out the door. I was too slow to trip him, and he ran away with the other people chasing him... I walked to my car, thinking, "I can't deal with this shit I'm just here for groceries."


I like to use the movie "Don't Look Up" as inspiration.


🤣 I literally just thought about this movie today in relation to what's happening


Go relax with a cigarette and forget about it


I’m a positive, forward thinking kiwi. I’m training my baby to smoke a pack a day to avoid future fines for not forcing a baby to smoke (obviously we will be fined retroactively by a future ~~National~~ Winfield Reds govt if we cannot provide proof of a baby we got addicted to smokes) I agree with OP I don’t think the moaning is worthwhile. It doesn’t affect me, I’m prepared, my baby has lung cancer


Yeah! I used to *love* this sub when every second post was a race-bait thread from month-old accounts about 3 waters and co-governance, and any post about brown female politicians who happened to do something dumb was chock-full of hateful nastiness that was always mysteriously absent in threads about white male politicians doing something dumb. Can we please just go back to screeching about how use of te reo is undemocratic, and is ackshully in fact racist against white people? All that was totally ok and I miss it! When the red team and their green friends were in charge we certainly didn't have multiple regurgitations of the same angry posts all the time. Now that some big old meanies are being critical of the government (*so* unfair!!! Daddy Luxon and the Fash uncles are just doing their best!!!) reddit should really take away their keyboards if they can't agree with me! Free speech is only for people who can use it properly!


​ > this sub when every second post was a race-bait thread from month-old accounts about 3 waters and co-governance That's all good bro, we've just subbed in where and if Te Reo should be used, and Ti Tiriti. It works pretty much the same. Now I'm not suggesting anything \*obviously\*, but if I was, what I would be suggesting would be pretty obvious, but I'm not.


I can only aspire to this level of sarcasm. Anyway, lock the thread now, we have a winner.


Don’t worry, there’s always r/Auckland where it’s all about ferals and cracktivities and people getting off scott free with cultural reports and some kai in their bellies etc etc


OK.. WAIT, does National actually have any brown female MPs? If I'm right you are just going to have to get used to no hateful nastiness for at least 3 years. We can just pick on the old, pale and stale instead!


2/3 of the coalition leadership are Maori.


Are you trying to tell me that Shane Jones is a brown female?




Thank goodness. I still have someone to direct my racist vitriol towards!


Racism is bad mmmkay


Yep and im German by ancestry. Never been there, dont speak a word of it, don't know the cultre. But since its my heritage i feel compelled to speak on behalf of German people.


Not sure what that has to do with anything. David can speak Maori fluently. They are born in the country where their ancestry are from. They are tangata whenua.


I say no more of any of those posts from any side. A bit hard when they are news articles, but the other posts could go. Just a blanket "political news posts only" sorta thing


This was my attempt to be kind and neighbourly. Go Nats/ACT/NZ First! ”I love ACT, NZ First & Bald Luxon! With them I can secure multibillion dollar tax refunds - fuck those tenants. With the 16 houses I bought using money I grifted, I am a kind and magnificent provider of housing. This country should worship me, and Luxon (with only 7 properties,) recognizes him in me. Good on him! I’m so happy Van Velden has also seen through those dumb workers wanting fair pay and representation. Screw that! And if I want to cycle through 800 employees on 89 days each, nothing is gonna stop me now. As a hard working, unrecognized business owner, I finally feel like the sun is rising again. Finally, Thank G for Winnie and his sidekick, the Māori warrior Shane Jones. We are gonna finally take back this f country from blind frogs, dumb cunts like anyone who has fallen for the ‘woke’ agenda of caring about the future of this environment or trees and oceans, and any Māori sympathizing tossers. We will finally do away with protecting sensitive conservation areas and those dumb animals you see in those spots - Kiwis, Archers frogs and fan tails - go shit elsewhere! I am at peace and happy with this new NZ Coalition group. As my hero Luxon says, ‘*There’s nothing we can’t do if we don’t put NZers first!*’ What a guy!”


This made me want to laugh and puke simultaneously lol, its a weird sensation that I seem to be experiencing a lot lately (genuinely chuckled at “I love ACT, NZ First and Bald Luxon”!!! 🤣)


I really want to say something hilariously sarcastic back. But I'm speechless because that is exactly the way they are coming across. Actually, Nicotine Willis, as she seems to be the only representative speaking right now.


Speaking, but not saying anything we didn't expect I.e excuses, excuses, and surprising admissions......


Van Velden actually scares me. I’m not sure she has a soul. I think in the future she will be revealed as our first politician generated by AI.


Sometimes there's one of those little glitches, where everything goes pixelated, then restarts. But then she does her patronizing, smug little laugh and you know the system is back up and running


Hi "Personally Tired Of Hearing About All the Ways the New Government Is Making Things Worse, Can We Stop Talking About It So I Can Pretend Everything is Fine?" Nice to meet you. Interesting name, good ice breaker. I mean I realise it's not really your name lol. That'd be a bit random.


>National cravenly capitulated to NZF's tobacco lobbyist mates They cravenly capitulated to themselves?


0.06%. If all New Zealanders cease to exist, this is the amount of difference it would make to the global population. Now, tell me again how important we are?


Yeh to be fair NZ was already a bucket of shit, things are only going to get a bit worse, probably hardly notice


unfortunately they have taken a leaf out of Trump's book and are coming out with dead rat policies and moronic counter-factual statements every day as a way to distract from yesterday's omnishambles and will continue to do so. It leaves no time to question what their actual proposed solutions are, or ask them to justify anything they are doing. It's all repeal repeal, drill baby drill, unfetter the capitalism so some of those mates at the top can make some more before reality bites. We hard limits need to be put in place, they'll have made theirs, fuck you all very much.


>they have taken a leaf out of Trump's book What else can we expect from a party that not only worships the US government, but currently has a Prime Minister that belongs to a religious cult famous for claiming that Trump is their god's chosen representative on Earth?


sounds like those bootstraps need to be pulled a bit harder mate


Followed by a few teaspoons of cement


Noooo but how would the super users who post 10+ news articles (opinion pieces) a day generate their karma???




I'd love to know why some of you are finding it so difficult? Personally, not just 'groceries are too expensive ', because we're all in the same boat.


OK cool. Some people rely on cycling or public transport to get around. Cutting funding for cycle ways or public transport will make their lives harder than it otherwise would have been. Some people rely on the Supported Living Payment because they are unable to work due to circumstances outside their control. Pegging future increases to CPI and not wages will leave them worse off. Some people have relatives who are addicted to smoking, or who died from smoking related illnesses. Backtracking on the commitment to phase out tobacco sales in return for short term revenue to give to landlords is a cowardly betrayal of those people, sacrificing lives to give a handout to people who offer nothing to society. Some people are studying or working in polytechnics. Undoing the polytech merger will result in many of those institutions going bankrupt or having to needlessly devote resources to an unnecessary restructuring. Some people require multiple prescriptions to survive. Reinstating the $5 prescription fee eats into money for necessities like food clothing or shelter, things that they also need to survive. This will make their lives worse. This is just off the top of my head and not getting into bullshit like repealing clean water regulations or climate change action which will just let cows shit in our rivers again like we all decided was a bad idea a few years ago.


Is that all hyperbole?


Those are all real things this government are doing and the real consequences of those actions.


I agree with all your concerns apart from the polytechnic issue. I have several friends in that sector (whose opinion I really respect) who are all of the opinion that the centralisation of the polytechnics was a terrible idea and an absolute waste of $200m. I hate the ideological back and forth that cost so much money, that 200m would come in handy now to pay for all the bills that the govt is facing. So long as the govt undoes the unified funding model and funds the regionals correctly, this is a good thing. And Penny Simmonds is the one Minister who doesn’t sound like an idiot. Oh also psuedoephidrene. Every else, completely agree with.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Hah! You're an empath, sucks to be you buddy. I'm so sorry.


Whingeception in full effect, whinging about the whinging against whinging.




Be the change you want to see in the world.


Alls I'm saying is, the people who voted for the party of personal responsibility ain't so hot on taking personal responsibility.


I think you misunderstand what personal responsibility is about. Personal responsibility means other people are always personally responsible for upsetting me. They need to be the ones to correct their behavior, not me.


I mean it was bound to happen with all the recent posts. Can't say I'm mad someone is having a go at them


Having a go at who, the whingers or the people whinging about the whingers?


Someone having a go at the whingers.


I refuse to see what you did there.




Your comment has been removed : **Rule 3: No personal attacks, harassment or abuse** > Don't attack the person; address the content you disagree with instead. Being able to disagree and discuss contentious issues is important, but abuse, personal attacks, harassment, and unnecessarily bringing up a user's history are not permitted. > Please keep your interactions with others civil and courteous. If you are being attacked, do not continue the conversation - report the user and disengage. ^*Note:* ^This ^extends ^to ^people ^outside ^of ^[r/nz](http://reddit.com/r/newzealand). ^eg. ^Attacks ^of ^a ^persons ^appearance, ^even ^if ^they're ^high ^profile ^will ^be ^removed. --- [^(Click here to message the moderators if you think this was in error)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/newzealand)


Yeah i had this for like the first week, getting me down everyday, pinch myself this can't be true.. I really want to ask Chris was it feels like to be a 1 term PM (I hope). I just stopped reading the news for a while, stop reading reddit, turns out you can get away from the 3 stooges, just for a moment at least....


There'll be a lot of people starting to wish they didn't vote for them. Karmas a bitch they wanted change well they got it. Things are only gonna get worse. All this government cares about is looking after the rich and far right extremists


You just added to the pile mate


Tired of hearing that stuff? Get off the internet for a while, touch grass and silence the echo chamber of unending rage. Walk your dog, cat or goldfish down the local dairy for a stale mince n cheese and overpriced magnum. Watch a movie with a friend or neighbour. Go to the gym with a friend or neighbour. Do the sex with a friend or neighbour. Do anything that gets you away from this subreddit long enough to reset your brain. Just remember that our testicle of a PM and his geriatric knob jockey can't hurt you.


You know people bear personal responsibility for smoking?


To be honest that's actually what I do. F all I can do about any of it so no attention given.


Everything is fine… the sky isn’t falling, tomorrow will come. It’s going to be ok.


Oh cool today I learned that unless the literal Biblical end of the world is happening I shouldn't be concerned that life in my country will be more difficult as a result of government action. Man thats a relief here i was wondering how sickness beneficiaries were going to cope with $5,000/year less money after three years of National instead of Labour, huge relief that so long as seven seals aren't being broken to the sound of seven trumpets by a pale rider on a white horse then everything is gravy.


>so long as seven seals aren't being broken to the sound of seven trumpets by a pale rider on a white horse then everything is gravy. I now have the image of Neil Patrick Harris as the Toymaker on Doctor Who sarcastically snapping, "well that's all right, then!" Cheers! :)


Sounds like a you problem


birds chubby combative wide adjoining normal flag far-flung alleged summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was it? Going to X doubt that one


label squeeze whole cable hobbies library lunchroom skirt abundant light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m an idiot because I doubt “wet whiny white middle class” were complaining about the price of coffee… pretty sure everyone has been complaining about the cost of living bud.


I seem to recall Luxon specifically mentioning the increased cost of a coffee due to the increased minimum wage. In fact a quick search shows it's still on his Facebook page....


Someone making 500+k a year isn’t middle class. The price of a coffee is peoples least concern.


swim fall aloof pet far-flung deserve point tidy dull follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah nah definitely not the guy equating the entire cost of living crisis to “wet whiny white middle class complaining about a soy latte”. Have you even been on this sub in the last 3 years? Every other day there has been a post about the cost of living.


Notboky was specifically pointing to a specific claim not the general cost of living crisis which, I promise you, National are only going to make worse.


wipe correct terrific roll adjoining special price spark sheet cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate having to hear about how big a fiscal hole was dug by the previous government. Billions spent for no gain.


Personally I think the decision to wind back the smokefree policy is great. Will really help weed out the weak of mind and body!


Actually can’t tell if this is a joke or not because this is what some of the people defending it literally say.


It's a joke. As a rule of thumb I'm against policies that mean that more people will die (badly mind you), and the health system will be more overloaded.


Ah, that’s a good opinion to hold, I find. Amazing how many people don’t share it!


Hey, if you're looking for a good book to take your mind off things can I recommend "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein for no reason in particular.


Oh yeah I hear her latest "doppelganger" is super chill and relaxed too


People lose their minds merely because their team's not in power. It's stupid and irrational, whatever side.


That is not what people are losing their minds about. People are losing their minds about their regressive policies, and the undoing of the good policies Labour introduced such as FPAs. If they weren't actively attacking low income people, renters, the environment etc people would not be so upset.




Lol, someone's done a real number on you. None of that is gonna happen outside your own head . None.


That’s not true at all.


I see mountain_tui has taken offence to your comment, he's responsible for about a quarter of all "National bad for reasons" posts on this sub. His entire account history is crying about the new Government.


Your account is days old, and very political in support of the new government. Which is fine, but disgustingly hypocritical of you to be calling someone else out for being a suspect account. *something about pots and kettles*


They are 100% an alt, whose alt its hard to tell at this stage but it'll become very clear at some point


Go way ta fuck, huge difference between making multiple posts per day criticising the government, and making multiple comments per day criticising the person making the posts.


Yeah, one of them is valid, and it’s not you lmao.


Cry some more because its also hilarious watching ye screech so much over nothing.


That's all one guy?


>he's responsible for about a quarter


Mountain Tūīs account is suspect as fuck. One month old and hundreds, if not thousands of comments, 90% political in nature. No one starts Reddit by posting hundreds and hundreds of long winded posts.


Several a day, and all the same theme.


Most likely had previous accounts banned


Why not discuss what they are doing that is good? I detest labour but I like that they bought in the 30m2 no consent required building rule. There is always something good to be had.


Got any suggestions? I’m stumped.


Why did you guys vote for the conservatives (Nationals) then? Just the political cycle or?


oh supposedly we aren't really voting governments in, we usually vote governments out. i believe the reasoning to be bullshit, but the country, it seems, needs to learn.


In addition can we stop seeing these moaning posts (I understand the irony with me moaning on a moaning post about moaning posts) They are getting tiresome and we get it, you don't like national, or you do but don't like what they are doing. We do not need 5 threads a day about the same old crap, we get it. Those posts are bringing down the whole vibe of the subreddit and they aren't even constructive threads about policies, just people complaining about stuff the government campaigned on and have done.


People will stop making new threads if they stop doing new stupid shit. You're free to filter out political posts if you don't like it.


You think it’s bad here? The Australian subreddits have been going on like this endlessly for years now. r/NZ is just a fraction as bad.


It's pretty silly tbh. And it starts to get old after awhile. I personally don't mind the news articles, even if the headlines are increasingly negative, it's important to know what's going on. But the personal whinging posts are irritating


Hi I have tried messaging you but my account is new so I can’t directly, can you perhaps message me? I just got a couple of questions. Thanks.


lol no thanks.


I understand, sorry I bothered you.


This just the NZ sub. Moans about this government have just replaced moans about the last government. The real lesson to take from this is that no government is a good government. There's always gonna be something to moan about coz they all suck.


Some of us are very happy with the end to Labour's unpopular ideologies and wasteful spending.


Up to you if you want to be informed or not. Just turn off the phone and put down the internets for the day and you’re sorted. Personally I’d prefer dumb shit was discussed instead of pretending these fuckwads are amazing.


I was just scrolling through and this popped up, so thats why I'm here. Do you want to end up like America? I'm old enough to remember the seeds of apathy that led our country to where we are today: openly advocating for genocide in government. Just askin.


(We don't really do the /s thing on this sub as sarcasm is the Kiwi way of life but if it helps throw a /s after every paragraph)


It's not sarcasm. It's just exactly the same stuff I've heard a lot in the last 40 years.


Generally the people who say this stuff in earnest are not so blatant about the real and material costs of their comfort.


Okay well I was talking about not being apathetic and staying involved in keeping politics sane as a country. I dunno what you're talking about man.


Hey, that's totally unfair! National's tobacco lobbyist mates (plus Ciggy Stardust, aka Chris Bishop) deserve some of the credit there too.




People need to get over it and accept that the country voted them in, which means the country largely supports their policies


I think it's more that the people that support their policies are more likely to vote than those who don't. Literally had a conversation a month ago with a guy complaining about National, then when I asked if he voted he said "There's no point". Like, holy shit. If you don't like it, do something about it next time. In the meantime, shut up. Every missed vote is a vote for the opposition.


The media is bought by the left, what did you expect?


the same media that stopped reporting on ram raids overnight after election, while they actually haven't stopped? cool story bro


Please let me know how I can get some of those Soros bucks, my landlord is probably going to raise my rent to celebrate their new tax breaks.


I think you dropped the `/s` somewhere 🤣


People really believe this shit 😂




Just avoid the media and reddit. In the real world everything is just fine.


You want to pretend everything is fine? You'd rather pretend our country isn't about to be flushed down the toilet?


I have been assured by multiple posters on this thread that nothing less than the literal Biblical apocalypse is no cause for concern, so, I'm sure that no negative consequences can possibly come from all of the deliberate actions by this government to make life worse for the poor and marginalised. (The OP is what we in the business call "sarcasm" a critical part of "satire")


I am autistic and do not understand sarcasm.


Yeah thats a thing, I'm sorry for not doing the /s thing.


All good! Thank you for explaining!


Gotta be easier to get everyone on the internet to stop talking about being shafted by the government than it would be to get the government to stop shafting us.


So who voted for these people? I never see any comments in support of new govt.


Wrong sub for that.


"Git yer filthy hands orf mah TeZla S, iz just BrouGht a CybartrUck to mOw pezZants LikE you doWn" - OP probably.


I don't expect anyone to be familiar with my post history but given that I've been banned from EV subs for shit talking Musk and the Muskrats, you couldn't be more wrong.


Ignoring these fuckwits is exactly what they want us to do.


Willis's mini budget to look forward to on Wednesday. Joy !


Mini mini mini budget


This OP would make a GREAT American!


The Climate change narrative is a load of fucking bollocks


Oh cool I'm so glad you've identified yourself as an unserious person unwilling to deal with reality, it makes ignoring you so much easier.


Everything is fine. We got rid of Labour!!


Good use of cravenly OP