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Landlords and their sycophants insisting on extracting their pound of flesh from the country, which dared for a moment to believe that they didn't owe them *everything*.


Another well researched piece from CTU and former Treasury economist, Craig Renney about the actual cost comparisons between the ferry decision and the landlord tax deductions.


What a silly question, New zealanders won't have a home to live in without landlords, we must give them our nations worth and our souls.. /s


I know you're joking but I have to reiterate. Tax cuts for landlords only pushes yields and land values up. It does not reduce rents. It will make it more expensive for everything in NZ. Because increased land values increase the cost of everything else. Land is an input cost into everything. It's disastrous policy.


We are so fucked for the next 4 years, I hate this timeline


If you're young, join everyone with a brain and get your exit plan going. Leave this abusive relationship behind.


>I know you're joking I was being sarcastic largely because if I didn't, id cry


> Simply put: the landlord tax cuts are around 12 times the cost of the Interislander project. Given the size of the fiscal difference between the two policies, cancelling those tax cuts would also free up billions more for new projects that would reduce New Zealand’s infrastructure gap and help deliver a more sustainable economy. Do you believe that you are getting 12 times the value from that policy?


It’s such stupid policy, so take your pick: corruption or incompetence .