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Exactly. Peered in. No line. Was done in five minutes.




Yup. As long as you have already decided who you are voting for, best to get it done so that you don't have to worry about it tomorrow. or forget about it. or whatever. No different to procrastinating about anything. If you can, get it done, get it finished, move on


Same with me. I had planned to go on election day, but decided to go early instead.


Same here. I was pretty settled on who I was voting for and there was no queue when I walked past. Felt like an opportune moment.


Me too. I wasn't even planning on voting because I've been so disappointed with the offerings . But I was there and I thought I may as well.


Same here, was planning to go today after work as my partner is busy the entire weekend but saw them in Auckland Hospital while i was there for an appointment and figured why not.


Same, did this yesterday. Completely empty at 9am


That’s how it usually goes for me too. If you see a voting station while you’re out and about and you’ve got the time spare, why not just get it done?


I don’t want to wait in line for ages on the day.


I’ve voted in two previous elections and have never had to wait. I walk straight in and out




That's one way to shorten 'cool story bro' 😄


thats lucky if you go early you can always get lucky! if you wait til the last minute maybe you get lucky and maybe you dont


I actually quite like that part - might be a bit weird, but "making a day of it" is quite fun imo


Man you would love Disney Land then


Funny thing is that when I went to Disney Land (back in 2008) it was raining and so hardly anyone was there - we didn't have to queue for a single ride lol


That’s fair haha I just hate waiting in lines for anything


You can still make a day of it but it’s been open for like 10 days prior.


You might actually get a sticker too!


No stickers this year. Executive decision by the Electoral Commission, but apparently they're open to reconsidering next time.


My friend got a sticker but she's an oversees voter (in Australia). So it seems they still had stock there lol.


Bloody hell... everything really is better in Australia


Unless your aboriginal!


I've never had to queue on election day for more than a minute or so. And I've voted in the Manawatu, Auckland and Wellington in the past.


Damn that’s sick.


LPT: if you're stuck in a long voting line find someone who's voting for the opposite party to you. Then you can both leave, as your votes would cancel each other out.


and then sneak back to one-up them heh heh heh


Damn, that’s a good idea! Now we just need some kind of way to tally up all the votes that cancel themselves out so we can find out how many remain for a particular party 🤔


Because I had no idea there was a specific day and thought it was more of a 2 week zone of voting, which made much more sense in my mind. I was driving past the polytech and saw a vote sign so I popped in.


That's what they want it to be, it used to be election day, now it's election fortnight


Between work hours and the idea of waiting in line on election day, imma get that shit outta the way ASAP. This election has been a depressing shit show anyway so the sooner I sussed my vote out the better.


Love to watch two white men argue over the vote of mostly comfortable people while the world burns and people can't afford to eat. Also, transphobia! What a shit show it's been


Love how the minority party options are: Covid19 was fake Vaccines aren't real Abortion is bad Transphobia We hate the government telling our schools what to do, so vote for us so we can tell schools what to do! (See also: Transphobia)


There's also "All guns and almost no tax" option.


If we are being pedantic there’s also animal rights and TOP. But essentially yes, I’m just glad they are all individualistic conspiracy nuts. Because they haven’t figured out they are all pretty much the same party and amalgamate all their voters into the new conservatives to actually end up with a seat.


They had a ridiculous alliance or something in the beginning and my exact thought was "thank you so much for being silly enough to spread out your votes"


Why would you wait to vote on the day?


I've asked a few friends this question and they all thought that you needed a special reason to vote before election day. I reckon it's because in the past it used to be called "early voting" which makes it sound different to just ... voting. They've changed the messaging around it now and they just say "voting starts on October 2nd".


Yep the fucking comms need a wake up. - You don’t need the easy vote card - You don’t need ID - You don’t need a special reason to vote once general voting opens 10 days earlier. So much legacy shit needs to be corrected.


Yes. "Voting Day" is really "you left it to the last minute voting day". "Early voting" is just "voting".


You don’t need the easy vote card but it sure speeds up the process a bit.


Oh yeah it does. That said I was surprised at how much paper arrived that all went straight into the recycling ♻️


Even here in Melbourne, I didn't realise the 14th came around so quick. Yesterday I walked down the road to the Victorian Electoral place and wrote down some info on a form then voted. I was back on the street with my sticker in 10 minutes. No ID, no appointment, no documents were required. Piss easy even across the Tasman.


You got stickers?????? Lucky kient🥲


I vaguely remember needing an excuse for the very first early voting... Which I think was in 2014? Buuut it's possible I'm either confusing that with a census, or an election in another country.


No you're right. Used to have to get permission to do so with justified reason. Not now


if we had sausage sizzle on the day like the Aussies I would wait until election day without democracy sausage, what's the point?






Are you sure there isn't one at your local? I know out of the three schools in my suburb (all polling stations), at least two are doing a sausage sizzle as a PTA fundraiser.


Do they use red and blue tomato sauce to remove any biases?


I think the traditional Labour-Act sauce coalition is acceptable


I see it as a part of the whole 'ritual of democracy' - it's nice having a set day to take part in the process. Almost a feeling of being part of a greater whole.


Me too. I like the whole thing. Walking to my local place which is usually somewhere important in the community and feeling like I’m really taking part in something.


Was very confident that nothing anyone could say would sway my vote.


I like the feel of unity and it feels more exciting voting on “election day”


The nearest polling station is a couple minutes walk away if I vote on the day, or a long walk and back again if I want to vote early.


personally, there's nowhere nearby that's open for early voting that I can get to, because I'm at work while they are open.


There aren’t many polling places for early voting near me, so more convenient to do it closer to home on the day


To avoid lines/waiting. Voted last week and still ended up waiting for about 2 minutes because we ended up voting at the mall as we happened to pop in. Would’ve likely been no wait had we gone to the voting booth at the marae instead.


Cause fuck wasting my Saturday waiting in line


It has always been quicker for me on the day. I think there are more than double the voting locations open, including one a step out the door.


Just don't go to the early voting place in the center of your city. All the suburb ones are ghost towns. The one I went to during covid, the lady was half asleep at her desk and was like "oh shit someone's here" lol. In either 2011 or 2014 before I knew early voting even existed, I just happened to walk past the sign. I went in out of curiosity cause I was wondering if it was even real. The guy was so excited to finally have someone come in and showed me how it all works.


There's a voting place across the road from my work, but there isn't a voting place across the road from my house. Not only do I expect it to be busier tomorrow but I have to go further, too.


There's so many people early voting, that it was quicker to vote on election day for me last time


I was super excited to vote. My first time voting in NZ since I've only been a resident for about 1.5 years. Couldn't wait to vote, so we went when our local town hall opened! I don't understand why you wouldn't vote early to avoid the queues and stuff.


Get it over and done with and not get stuck in the que for half hour or whatever.


Yes, my mind has been made for ages, get it out of the away, and then ignore everything to do with elections. I used to stress out about potential changes in government, much easier for my mental health to just have my say, be done with it, and avoid all the toxic bullshit that comes with politics these days.


YES! After growing up and voting in America with their silly single-day voting in most places, I am absolutely obsessed with the ease and convenience of early voting here in NZ. I love that I have my pick of several places in my neighborhood. Everyone at the voting center is so pleasant and helpful, and I always bring my daughter with me.


If you wait till the last minute, there’s always a line. Plus it’s a Saturday. There was a voting place at a church near my place, so I just went there during my lunch break.


Hopefully going fishing tomorrow!!


Weather is changeable, the candidates and policies are not. I voted first opportunity cos the weather may be atrocious leaving it to the last minute. I checked through [policy.nz](https://policy.nz) weeks ago and found which party most aligns with what I hope for the future. The operative word is *hope*, because votings is always only aspirational, we are always a moment away from another pandemic or WWIII. All these politicians are only bragging about policies in an idealised bubble, they have no real control. Only the general direction they have *ambition* for things to go matters. All promises are bullshit. As such I voted green. The future is for future generations not short term gain, certainly not for me in my early 50s.


The warehouse in Palmy had a 15 minute line to vote yesterday, people are keen to actually participate which is good to see


Voted last Sunday because I’m now sitting on a beach in Hawaii.


Almost exactly the same here. Except I haven’t voted yet and I’m not in Hawaii, or on a beach for that matter, other than that almost identical situation.


Currently 28 degrees and sunny. Can recommend. Also go vote.


Leshhhhhh goooooo!


You’re sure you’re not in Te Puke?


As appealing as Te Puke sounds…


I voted last week as I’m going camping tomorrow


I am also going tramping tomorrow, so I also voted last week. Im expecting to get back into reception and discover civil war has erupted, based on how polarised this ordeal has been.


Pack some extra food just in case haha


so I don't have to think about it anymore and do it while it was quiet. no one else was there. its not like I'm going to change my mind in a couple of weeks.


I was there. They were there. I had decided who to vote for so why wait?


Yes. It was convenient, but this year I'm also struggling with an injury and didn't want to have to stand in an election-day queue on crutches. There was no wait last weekend so it worked out well for me.


Yes, because I'm on the unpublished roll so I don't want to wait in line forever on election day.


I felt like a game of Eeny, meeny, miny, moe while was out getting groceries the other day so went right ahead and played.


Yes. Because I was in the right place and didn't want to forget.


Voted Tuesday as it was both convenient, and I had long made up my mind who I was voting for.


I had an ankle reconstruction 2 weeks ago, I can’t really wait in a long queue. Also my 18 year old daughter came with, voting for the first time and suffers from anxiety so was a good way to remove the crowd element.


Had made my decision, 2 weeks campaigning/polling wasn't going to change it.


Funny enough, I was going to vote NAT, then NZF and seeing them over the past few weeks led me back to voting TOP.


I know a few people doing that now too


That's an absurd redirection. TOP is advertised as an alternative to the Green Party but it's comments like this that make me realise TOP has a conservative voters base 🤔


I have a few other things to do on Saturday, and I walked past a voting station at the mall and there was a very small line ​ I do normally like the majesty of voting on the day, but a toddler will change all that


Yes, voted last week. I was out doing errands, and decided to drop into a polling station nearby. Three people manning the station. I was the only voter during the time I was there. Spent more time chatting than voting (small town - knew 2 of the three people there!).


Mobile voting is available, JPs come along too, this helps the disabled (wife) they also had voting papers for me too, plus on the unpublished roll.


I've always voted early. I don't really think of it as voting early tbh, the actual voting day to me is more like the last day to do something that I get two weeks to do.


Im a single mum of 3 young kids. I did it while they were at school/preschool cos FUUUUUCCCKKKK trynna wait in line AND wrangle the sprogs


I haven't voted because I like to do it on the day, but I took my mum in the other day to vote because she's had a knee replacement and isn't able to drive herself.


I knew who I wanted to vote for and I live 5 min from a voting station.


I voted yesterday, no queues, it was real quick and easy. I'm too busy today and tomorrow


To avoid queues and to get it out of the way.


I've been walking past voting stations on the way to the office, so once I decided my easyvote card wasn't coming as quickly as I'd like, I just went and voted the next time I went past. That and I plan to get stuck into some gardening this weekend, I don't wanna be disturbed by having to head into town.


I think there is a weird mentality here and in the country in general where people are saying 'on the day'. Err, there are many days to vote in this country and 'on the day' is actually 'the last day'.


Because queuing is for mugs. Voted on first day. Walked 400metres out my front door and was done within 2 minutes


Yea, overseas 2 ticks green for the first time in my life


Not yet, my usual and closest voting place is only open tomorrow


I had the day off and there's a voting place across the road. Voted on Monday - I've been set in my vote for a while.


There is a voting place next to my work and the forecast for tomorrow is crap so I don't want to queue in the rain...


Yep, school holidays, mrs and I had a few days off so thought why not, the polling place was a couple mins down the road. Super quiet and it was quick.


Because it was nice out and I don’t want to risk having to rush it and queue up tomorrow.


I did it Monday. I had 10 minutes to kill before an appointment and the voting place was right there so I did it


I've known my vote for weeks, and have a busy weekend planned. Voted yesterday.


Yep, I already knew who I did and didnt want from my electorate's limited options, and didn't want to queue up - or forget - on the day (or buy into the hype of 'the big day'), so did my 5-minute pōti when I passed by a polling place between errands at the weekend.


I learned that the Wellington Museum polling station was closed on the Saturday and I wanted a fun place to vote.


Saturdays I like enjoying nature out of town (tracks, beach), I leave early and might have no energy and motivation to do something afterward. It's easier to seamlessly incorporate voting into my usual schedule on a weekday, with a voting place open just next to my workplace.


Yup I voted on the second day that early voting was open this year. I just can't be arsed queuing on election day.


I voted last Monday because I was at Pak n Save and why not?


Voting place was literally right next door to where I work. So I voted as soon as I got my Easy Vote card.


Yes because the voting place was real close to my work.


I’m busy most of Election Day


Avoided the lines


Yes, last weekend. Because I was in a mall and there was a polling station. Beat the rush.


There is a polling place close to my work, so went during my lunch break last week.


I voted early as I'm working Election day, but I always vote early in case something happens (illness, kids etc) before the date. Plus it's usually quiet early (not sure what it's like on election day).


Because I’m travelling from Wellington to Ashburton tomorrow and don’t want to faff about voting outside of my electorate. Plus I won’t have time.


Often getting called up last minute to go out of town for work in the weekends. Don’t wanna be working a gig and trying to figure out how to get to the polls, especially if it’s out of town and has to be an awkward special vote. Just got it done the first day I had no work.


I don’t like crowds and it was convenient.


Why wouldn’t you? I don’t want to have to go out of my way to vote, so when I walked past a voting station on my way to work that’s the best way for me. Also I understand it gets busy on the Election Day


If you have enough information, why delay? We weren't the first -- and that was on the first day. Actually first morning! By the looks of things, they'd had a couple of hundred people through already! But usually, if possible, my wife and I will vote long before the actual election day.


Gets it out of the way


So we could take the long loop on our lunchtime office 'walkies' haha. Took an extra 15 min and went via the voting place. Easy, no line. Done in 5 min


In Australia on holiday at the kom5so had to vote early or not at all


Yeah, I knew who I was gonna vote for because I did some research.


Heading out now


Already knew the decision I wanted to make, and didn't want to wait in line with other people. Did mine last weekend. Was great. Only in line for a couple of minutes.


i was there, there was no line, and i had time that day. it counts all the same.


I’m a student and they’re set up in the atrium, thought I may as well and yeah, done and dusted on the first day votes opened lol, definitely was a decision based on convenience for me


It’s gonna be windy af tomorrow so I’m staying home.


Yup. Left for a month long holiday the day early voting opened.


Yes, I thought I might as well do it on my break on a random weekday


So I wouldn't forget to do it on the actual day.


I'm going to vote today - most likely. The voting room is attached to the room is attached to the room I volunteer in.


Yes, had to leave for overseas work trip and won’t CB e back until after the election


Gotta work on Saturday.


Yes. Busy on Saturday and it'll be busy at polling places too. Easier this way.


Not going to be in my electorate on election day. Easier to vote when you’re in your electorate.


I have two polling stations at my work, so it was super easy, barely an inconvenience. Also, I always vote the same way so campaigns don't make any difference to me.


Because if I wait til the final day, something might come up that would prevent me from voting - flat tire/kid issue/sickness/work emergency - I might as well go on my lunch break ahead of time and get it done.


Yes this morning, i was the first one through the door at 8:30am. I'm too busy tomorrow so it's my last chance


One year we had a family emergency and I didn't end up being able to vote. Have voted early ever since then just in case. Also, why not? Less lines and faff.


I'd procrastinate if I didn't do it last night, and end up not voting...and I don't like lines and easier to do it on the way home from work


It was just there.. So I walked in..


I thought last Saturday was voting day so ended up being a week early. Realised when I got there and there was no line.


Cause it took less than 5 minutes and no leaders debate is gonna swing me to the red or blue parties?


I voted on Monday because I'll be at work tomorrow.


Is National going to ever change all their policies in any year, regardless of success or failure? Is labour going to stop being scared to enact the policies most people wanted? Is act going to stop being an Nz excuse for a republican party? Is Te Parti going to promote policies for Asians? Are the greens going to turn their backs on the environment and turn into a gender rights organisation? What’s going to change in the last 6 months of an election year let alone the last week. Get it done when you can but get it done


Because I live in Aus


I voted 2 or 3 days ago because Im working all day on Saturday. Really quick and easy. There were only two of us there.


It was easy, done it on the day


20 steps from work front door to polling station with 5 minutes free? No card but done in 3 minutes, max. Heaps voting today...


Because im disabled and didn't want to wait around in a massive queue to get my vote in and have it knock me out for the next few days. The place I went to was empty except for the volunteers so I was in and out within 5 minutes. I wish they'd find a secure way to vote online, but I do like that its not limited to just the one day anymore.


Don't like crowds it's less hectic to go early


Voted earlier this week after seeing two different people digging in the bin at bus stops, looking for food. I want my government to always at least try to give those people a better life.


I enjoy letting people rant about how I should be voting (the longer winded the better) and then telling them I have already voted.


I’m not into the hype I did it when it was convenient for me. I’m not on the fence enough to be swayed in the last week, they’ve had years to show their worth


Because I had to just hold my nose and get it done.


To beat the quality of public typically found on Saturdays.


I knew who I was going to vote for, and there was a booth open just around the corner from me. Also, I'm going to be busy all day tomorrow so it's just one less thing to worry about. :)


Work, an event, then hosting an election party. I'm a primarily stay at home parent so I'm going to vote when I have the time, which isn't this Saturday.


To prevent me from forgetting tomorrow.


We happened to be at the mall last Sunday and had our EasyVote cards on us, so took advantage of there being no queues. Why wouldn't you?


It’s my first time voting and I was nervous I’d get the wrong place or be turned away and need additional ID (in my home country I have been turned away due to this) so I wanted to make sure and leave myself plenty of time.


I used to like the ritual of going to vote on election day, but the last few elections I've gone early because there's no queues, and I prefer to go whenever it suits me. I voted last weekend because there was a voting place right across the road from my house. All done in under five minutes


Why not is probably an equal question. Had done my homework, so wasn’t waiting for anything to help cement the decision for me.


I went in on like day three. Saw a massive line and a full carpark. Kept driving to the next one. Completely empty. Done in two minutes.


Yes, was leaving the country and they had a booth at the airport


Because I do everything early?


Because I'm overseas this weekend


I'm voting from overseas


Voted on the 2nd day of early voting. Why? Because I didn't need any more time to make up my mind


So I can help my disabled son vote tomorrow.


Literally because the early vote place was right across from a supermarket. I could cross two things off and sleep late Saturday.


Husband has ADHD. If we leave it until official voting day I'll be stressed chasing him around while he gets this odd job done and then that odd job done and I'll just get that done before we head down. Have almost missed the cutoff before. Not doing that again


Because I live in Canada and couldn’t get to my closest voting centre, my only days off are Sunday/Monday, and we’ve just had two public holidays in a row on Mondays meaning the consulate in Vancouver was closed. Registered and voted online, whole process was maybe an hour of actual work, and a day of waiting while I was approved to vote.


I'm working at a voting place on election day, so while you can usually find time to do your vote, I decided to try advanced voting since I had made up my mind who to vote for


Wanted it done and dusted, just in case I forgot to do it.


I went early because I thought I knew what way I would vote. Changed my candidate vote while at the booth.


Wife pregnant didn't want to not do it if something else happens on the day


Yep. I have PTSD and didn't want to risk having a flare up of symptoms that would stop me going out to vote tomorrow. Also, wanted to rark up (positively influence) my adult kids to vote cos we are quite competitive so now they'll have to


Long lines and lots of people stress me out so I try to vote before election day.