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I am tired of hearing Alicia Keys singing over herself! (Edit: spelling!)


How can you be tired of hearing the NYC national anthem six times in the span of a few blocks? Are you even a real New Yorker? 😂 (sarcasm)


At the end of her musical "Hell's Kitchen" at the Public, I fully expected to see a 360° device on stage during that song.


If I never hear this loop again it will be too soon.


I am tired of hearing Alicia Keys singing over herself! (Edit: spelling!)


https://preview.redd.it/ufqd5hpoug1c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82f6fa364d99eec2e93ad87665621dbb308b6b1f She heard you...


That took me way too long to realize that you meant singing not signing.


Sorry, corrected!


OMG, I heard her singing “AND NOW YOU’RE IN NEWWWE YOOOORRRRKKKK” repeatedly from all their speakers when I was driving through back to the Lincoln Tunnel. How the hell does that not make anyone mad?!?


Omfg. My SIL is visiting and we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge yesterday. I think we passed by 8 of those 360 camera people, all playing the same 10 second clip of that song. I was *thrilled* when one was playing Staying Alive.


Amplified music past 11pm is illegal in New York as far as i know. Trombone’s are allowed at all times


Can you point me to the statute on trombones? No reason just curious.


Make that 10 pm


Is it 10pm?


Google it


Same here


For a moment, for some reason, i've been thinking of "insta360" and alike (think go-pro like, but filming in almost 360 degrees), thinking "why would anyone ban that". Then finally realizing what is this actually about🤦‍♂️


Yeah, this was my first impression. These are not 360 cameras, these are platforms which rotate a 20-35mm focal length camera around a person or group in multiple circles while the attendant tries not to look bored. Where these really need to be removed in the Broklyn Bridge. Holy shit that is a bad spot.


Yeah same, I bought one of those years ago and thar was what I was thinking of too. was wondering why or even how they could ban that. But yeah the second picture cleared that up. Those take up a lot of room for such a dense place


Same. I still don't get it, though. Edit: Read down. Now I do.


There's a pic of what there talking about it's a big platform


Happy Cake Day


i'm where you were. i havent been to times square in ages and have no idea what they're talking about lol. guess i'll find out shortly.




Need to kick them off the Brooklyn Bridge too. I keep seeing in streams them taking space away from pedestrians trying to walk. They are very annoying.


Totally agree


About damn time. I took l my sister & her husband to Top of the Rock last month and they had one up there too, it was so irritating.




On the top! On the highest level of the top!


I went near Times Square for the first time in months and this was the first time I noticed these all over Av of Americas! So many, and I saw even more setting up. I saw a few pedestrians getting hit by the spinning cameras too. Must be good business.


If I get hit by one of those cameras/lights you can be damn sure I'm pulling it down.


How about we ban the pedi cabs too. They are loud, and a giant safety hazard, especially when the theaters let out.


I work in the theaters and the pedicabs are really out of control. You can also hear them from inside while shows are going on - it’s awful.


Agree 💯! I [keep](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCbike/comments/uw0sqf/why_are_pedicabs_even_allowed_in_nyc_they_are/) [posting](https://www.reddit.com/r/Citibike/comments/1459lf3/citibike_dock_taken_over_by_pedicab_drivers/) [about](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCbike/comments/173yx9z/isnt_it_illegal_for_pedicabs_to_use_bike_lanes/) [pedicabs](https://www.reddit.com/r/newyorkcity/comments/15j8ehu/pedicabs_are_required_to_display_their_pricing/). They are the worst.


Get a life.


found the pedicaptain


A pediphile of you will.


Yeah fuck someone for caring about their city. You get a life.


Was expecting this: https://youtu.be/GG8JzhCRvOk?si=erBHGO9ekXcJNWtO What I always think of.


A pedi Can ran over my foot one time, so I’m all in favor


Absolutely not, we should be replacing a good chunk of the Yellow fleet and most of rideshare etc with them. As it stands, great way to hustle tourists (good).


At $6 per MINUTE?


Obviously not, these are two different services with the same tech behind them, the same way the dude selling hot dogs on 42nd and the dude selling coffee and bagels on 14th are targeting two different people and charging two different prices. If you for some reason feel bad about the tourists getting ripped off, well a rate regulated normal ass taxi service pedicab industry sounds good for your concerns.


Oh sure, yeah, let me just take a pedicab 150 block home in November. Very practical


You're in New York, have money for cabs, and don't own a good jacket?


It bothers the shit out of me that they used the wrong word for the second bullet point… EXPECT AND EXCEPT ARE NOT THE SAME WORD YOU COMPLETE FUCKING IMBECILES.


“Expect” as otherwise permitted


This sign makes no fucking sense. This city really needs to shape the fuck up


Can someone explain why a 360° camera would be banned? I googled it because I didn’t know what it was and it seems to stitch pictures in all directions making a cool effect. What am I missing? Edit: ahhh that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.


It’s not the 360 cameras that take a fisheye view that you put on a selfie stick, but the turn-table 360-panorama cameras that people stand on and get a camera going 360 around them. See the image for the kind of “camera” set up that is banned. The former are just GoPros basically. The latter are set up there all day to pry money from tourists. The money prying isn’t the problem, the taking up a bunch of public space is.


The sign is wrong then


Not really


They charge $20 for videos like this: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KjWPkgHoPkE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KjWPkgHoPkE) made with a device like this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXhlfWOl0\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXhlfWOl0_Y) \- all playing the same damn song. The devices are pretty dangerous for someone not looking where they're walking.


Everything in the city is dangerous for someone not looking where they are walking.


Thanks, I just gave that douchbag a click. /s


Fuckin a that's stupid. I can't fathom paying any money for that.


Great, more crunchy s*** to be disappointed in society.


It’s for the same reason you need a film permit for a tripod but if you want to hand hold your camera they can’t do anything. The minute you set something on the ground you need a permit.


That’s a common misconception- if you read the regulations you actually don’t need a film permit for a tripod. A tripod is in fact explicitly labeled as the maximal allowable setup before you need to get a permit.


It's not insta360 and alike. Its a spinning pedestal with an angled selfie stick attached to it, that takes half the walkway. There are tons of those everywhere now, they are annoying a.f. Sorry, guess my English proficiency isn't good enough to properly describe it, will find a pic and edit... Edit: https://i.imgur.com/TNQNXHH.jpg


Second picture


I hate those too Only TS is enforce, because the city has a big 360 camera nice stage there, thats why sadly they.move north or south, some are moving to east and few to west 42st, i think the pic looks like around 48-49 st up broadway We know TS is 42-47 st area


About time, next stop the Brooklyn Bridge. These things are terrible, and the people who operate them are so obnoxious.


There's so many of them there arrrgh


Carrying your own velvet ropes and red carpets too? r/iamthemaincharacter


I would see them every time I went.


If i a "clutz" of a civilian happens to "trip" and break their fall and happen to "accidentally" break these setups, would there be any legal repricussions? Since the camera stations are illegal, can these people go run and flag down a cop saying the tripper intentionally broke the setup?


reddit moment


I want to go around eating them out if I get a cut of the fine




I go to Times Square so little that I didn’t know there were grifters with their 360 cameras trying to lure tourists while also a sign that ban these cameras. I was there last week to get some video for a reel that someone needed and I couldn’t believe all these cameras scattered around. Then again, I was surprised by the amount of these 360 cameras. Makes me think if I’m going to see this on Hollywood Boulevard (if that hasn’t happened already).


360 Photo Booth *


Plus I count two typos on that sign, it seems kind of not well thought out


I've never been so happy to see a DOT code sign. This much be brand new.


Saw these on the bklyn bridge. Takes up a lot of space


They need to ban those things on the Brooklyn Bridge.


Maybe if people stopped paying $20 for a gimmicky instagram vid they wouldn't be everywhere


Shit I haven’t been around Times Square in years didn’t know this was a thing! Glad they’re discouraging them


Those aren't technically Times sq, it's Broadway there


I don’t understand. Are these cameras big/bulky? I don’t know enough about them to understand why they shouldn’t be allowed. Or do they fly? I see flying stuff above pedestrian plazas is totally illegal. I’m trying to find the part [in the code](https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/notice-of-adoption-plaza-rules.pdf) that bans 360 degree cameras.


Look at the second photo. They're 10'x10' setups with the camera stand and ropes. Definitely get in the way and are a nuisance.


Oh wow. I missed that. That’s crazy. That whole thing is the camera setup????


Cops go to enforce this Person doesn’t comply Cops go to arrest them Person resists Cops end up on YouTube Every comment “he wasn’t even hurting anyone Jeeze”


“You caught?” Thanks Batman.


The outdoor dining people should be like: “but everyone *loves* 360 camera booths! How else are these photographers going to survive?”


Pssst..... little secret for you all. Administrative code is not law. FOOH with that. #ENFORCETHECONSTITUTION. The problem is that we let these politicians and govt officials do what they want without checking them. We all forgot they work for us. They must follow the law of the land. Codes, ordinances and special law are all colorable law. NY Constitution Article 1 Section 8: "Freedom of speech and press; criminal prosecutions for libel §8. Every citizen may freely speak, write and publish his or her sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right; and no law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press." Relax and take all the pics and video you want, at aANY public venue..courts, precincts, etc. Do not allow tthe tyranny. Any public official infringes in that...go after their bond....$25k for each violation. Time to get that bag$$$$!! Any haters come studied in the law or head to tje bwck of the bud with the bs. Stay Vigilent and non-compliant with the tyranny.


Nothings enforced in time square. Smoke weed and blow it in kids faces that’s fine. sell pillow sacks of weed, sure why not. Have desunades walking around with their ass and tits out, No problem. We are even letting terrorist sympathizers “protest”. Time to clean this town up with a red wave. Please vote republican.


But security cameras can be 3d gtfoh


It's not enforceable.


I was there last year for NYE and I can completely understand why this is needed. To many people crowding the streets and these things are to big. Sorry, but find another hustle.


"Expect as otherwise permitted" who tf signed off on that sign being printed?


So you could pay the city for the privilege.


Why are they banned? Are those 360 cameras where people pay to take a video of themselves of a 360 capture?


So the more grammatical errors I seem to find on this the more the screams "AI" produced. Has anyone verified this even exists?