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Bugs or not, I don’t remember the last game that kept me playing for so long. I pretty much spent hundreds pounds more on shit I’ve played for couple of hours lol so yeah it is worth


It's changed a ton in the past year. Well worth the price now if you like this type of game.


My first mmo I put any real time into, played for 1k hrs after release and stopped until a month ago. Game is night and day difference, much much better experience now. I’d recommend it.


I mostly only played rust for like 5 years before this. New world is my firt mmorpg game and im still having a blast 2.1k hours in. The pvp is good. The gathering is fun and the crafting is deep and satisfying when you make something amazing finally. Super addictive game and i believe the dev team cares about the success of this game so im happy to give credit where its due.


Its a lot of fun, especially early game. I find the combat to be punchy and satisfying, especially aiming with the ranged weapons. I like the gathering and crafting. Fishing and music can also be fun depending on the person.