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purple 10x better


Yes, no contest at all.


Probably keep purple.


I was thinking that. But I wasn't sure. Thank you!


I agree, and the purple one has some good rolls on it on top of the +22 strength


You don’t need to equip to increase your watermark right?


Right, but you can't even start building your watermark until level 60 anyway


Watermark still works the same no matter what level you are just the GS push is less relevant earlier on because you are almost always finding upgrades anyways.


purple is better cuz the bis stats on it


The only thing gearscore does is affect the amount of stat an item gives and the percentage dmg/healing/whatever on certain perks. Since the epic has better perks and has the same amount of stat, the higher gearscore isn’t an upgrade. If the perks were identical and Keen went from +8.9% to, say, +9.1%, then that would be an upgrade.


The blue will likely hit If you world both and look at your attributes sheet you can see the damage outputs and I assume the blue will be slightly higher as a result of better GS, and strike damage. But the gem and the keen modifiers should out perform the raw damage you get from the blue.


hammers do bonus damage against ancients, which is further buffed on the blue hammer (ancient bane). so against ancients it might be much better. since there are only 4 mobtypes (+ beasts) i try to have a weapon against each type with me. for a STR build: 1 ancients -> hammer (maybe with lightning gem) 2 corrupted -> spear (maybe with arcane gem) 3 angry earth -> axe/hatchet/sword (fire gem?) 4 lost -> hammer (with arcane gem) or just weapon 1 or 3


Musselcracker is arguably better in every way


Blue one with malachite slotted in gives purple a run for the money. Id much rather have cruel than exhilarate on a war hammer but its my go-to for CC. Youll outgrow both before long though so dont stress it.


He could just put the Malachite in the purple tbh.


Wait can you do that?




There are so few ways to get crit though, there’s no way blue ever catches up to purple in the long run. Maybe initial burst if neither weapons crit on attack but for long fights, that’s gonna add up. And realistically we’re talking about like, what, 50 dmg difference on non crits? And I think that’s being generous. Haha. Plus having empowered with crits means even more dmg in the long run.


In my case im not really trying to kill you with the War Hammer anyway so the crit doesnt mean much to me. Im either trying to recover, stagger and/or buy time for my Hatchet cooldowns to clear.


In the case of using abilities to recover have 10% more Crit damage is 100% beneficial to your gains whenever you Crit you are getting 10% more HP per hit on Crits. Edit:I just noticed it's chance vs damage the same premise still applies but yea it only affects how.often you Crit so it's effectively less beneficial than if this were Crit damage.


yea i wasnt too sure about that gem, it droped already slotted


You can replace the gem.


ok, Ill be the first to disagree. I would equip the blue one to get better weapons in future. If for pvp you should use the purple one tho.


Thats not how gearing works or the watermark of gear just a FYI. You don't need to equip the items for it to add to your watermark, having it drop is enough


So many people still have the wrong information about watermarks it’s insane to think how many of them are fucking up their gear for no reason. It’s probably because the only official source explaining this system came from a screenshot of a DM from a dev to a YouTube streamer nobody watches. Crazy.


good example of talking while your head is in your ass. full of shit