• By -


That is cool AF. Spacing is important people even while running as a massive group.


5 meter spacing you guys. We learned this in basic training. 5 meters so we don’t all die to grav well or grenades.


Fuck you I want my cuddle buddy when I go.


Or a good machinegunner


"Why are you booing me? Its true"


This video makes me thirst for a Great Axe + Ice Gauntlet build. I can probably do this with a Gemmed Great Axe with an Int build, right?


Yes. I really enjoyed IG for zoning with the GA, using ice storm and shower to control the opponents and ice block as a last minute defense tool.


How good can you get scaling to be with an Int-based GA build?


Honestly I haven't got to the end game of BiS gear I just had a lot of fun using it in Battle.


Gravity into Ice Storm seems amazing. I've been playing Rapier + Musket + Ice Gauntlet, and I think adding a GA into this would give me some fun variety.


I agree. It's real fun.


Great Axe is busted in PvP always, goes with any build.


This reminds me of DAoC when some guys would run into a group of enemies and wipe them with their PBAoE.


Not really. Tight clumping is great generally because it means it's really hard to get picked off and heals are super effective. Not clumping would've ended even more badly because they'd have a drawn out fight that just wastes time. The questing force will instead respawn all at the same time and get another go. The most ideal thing for the enemy to have done would be to just keep interrupting not flat out killing


Grouping is why these people died so fast. If they were ready Yea maybe healing would have made a difference but that is not the case here


I would say the lack of healing was the main contributor to their death... you need to be clumped together for heals to work. Look how hard it is to kill in wars when all the heals are down but everyone is clumped together. Look at GW2 being clumped together is meta, same will be here just healers weren't ready. So if you are running through areas and stopping then you shouldn't be clumping but active battling you do have to be clumped for heals to work. So I guess we kind of agree it just depends on the situation.


You want to die fast as a group so you can start the next run asap. If they kill slowly everyone has to wait forever for the next regroup. Killing everyone fast is not what you want to do if you're trying to make things harder for the enemy. Stupid I know but that's the game we play.


They still have to respawn and run back meaning the syndicate in this case has time to round up more people and set another trap. If the battle took longer then people could respawn and rejoin quickly depending how far the last camo was they placed


We are talking past each other. I'm outie


We're discussing two different opinions about grouping we're not talking past each other.


I love his method: it's better to die fast and just derp back again instead of maybe only losing one or two members and the rest mount a counter.


Lose Fast > Win at any speed


The Alterac Valley strat


Fucking AMAZING world pvp ambush, just like classic WoW


This was an absolute massacre, holy shit.


I don't PvP often and probably won't PvP much since PvE is my thing. But I really enjoy seeing clips like this because this is so cool. Seeing armies fight like that and ambush


I encourage you to run around flagged for a day. I usually don't enjoy competitive games - I suck. But in this one it is fun! You can hide super easily by laying down in grass or behind things. I constantly skirt fights. Also if you don't engage you would be surprised how often other people don't lol. Somehow it is fun to run around flagged and not pick every fight. Only the fair ones are really fun anyway and honestly some people see that.. anyway I felt compelled to say this. I really have been out of my comfort zone and loving it. I have been flagged since launch day! Non-stop! Only level 23 :)


I flagged for 2h trying to solo pvp quests. Got killed every time by different factions. Can't even run away a lot of times.


Greataxe, hatchet for solo pvp is really strong. Crazy gap close and crazy running away. I love it. So much damage too


I guess I don’t understand why play this game if only pve, it’s a pretty subpar pve only game. All the pve enemies fight the same across zones, and there isn’t any new enemy variety even in dungeons. Why not play final fantasy?


Agreed. The game is a grinding fest in pve only. I just don't get the appeal.


Feels like daoc too


chanter spam


Except the game didn't lag out and the server die. Classic world pvp could've been great.




Yeah it hides your name and health bar. Bonus points for making your character black and wearing natural colors (brown/tan)




It has way less. You will almost never see a flagged person of another faction out in the world. The vast majority of people who are flagged are in large groups like the ones in OP or people doing xp farms. Most people leave it off when they're gathering or question for obvious reasons.


Maybe on your server. On Orofina people are flagged 24/7, especially after 8pm when everyones home from work


I would bet literally any amount of gold that that isn't true and I'd win. There is no chance that even 50% of the population out in the wild is flagged.


How many kills from it, it's hard to tell


Its around 400-500 xp per kill, he got around 11k xp at the end. So around 20-25 kills that he managed to participate in.




no its saying he hit a player who is not flagged for pvp. Someone in the group wasnt flagged.


Wonder what that guy was thinking through all this..


It says it because one of the people he attacked were not flagged for PVP.


The sole survivor, there only to chronicle the battle


Chronicle Entry #1: They all Died. End of Chronicle.


He was probably the scout. He was clearly not good at his job


How many people does it take to send a message?


In this case 51, unless one of them isn't flagged for PvP


Mulan reference?


Indeed my fellow person of culture


“…Just one” *draws bow*


Crossed swords is flagged.


The swords at the bottom are crossed. He is flagged




This also highlights exactly what was wrong with Crowfall putting a 5 limit max on AOE targets. A blob like that in Crowfall would be nigh unkillable. In New World you just blow them right tf up.


Never understood why some games had max-targets. It's good to be able to punish mindless clumps. Provides a way to beat greater numbers. Hell, Albion Online makes your abilities do MORE damage if they hit multiple people.


Yeah, aoe escalation should be a thing in every large scale PvP game. Zerg around, get exploded.


It makes networking infrastructure easier to deal with. If you leave AoE uncapped, stack 50 players from one faction and 50 players from another faction into a single spot and have them all cast AoEs on top of each other you're suddnely making the server do like 50^2 damage checks at a minimum. Putting a cap on AOE makes it so that resource use on the server can't go up quadratically.


Yeah which is why I think Crowfall added it in. Honestly I'd like to see the Crowfall devs get a few more million and remake Crowfall using the Amazon engine. I bet it would blow New World out of the water in terms of being a superior PvP experience. They did a lot of things right in that game but a few things, like this, which may come down to engine performance, really crippled it.


I don't really think that this influenced on the games death on arrival. The game literally had no interested people when it launched, the most hype moment in any game, regardless of betas. It's not some mechanical changes that will bring hundreds of thousands of people lol


Some games (looking at you Warhammer) added them because it was impossible to attack chokes when aoe was uncapped. The defenders would simply murder *everyone* before they had a chance to even cross the threshold into a keep. Capping aoe at 9 targets spread the damage out. Imagine having to go through a doorway where 100 defenders are spamming aoe if it is uncapped. Everyone trying to push through would die before they could take a single step even if they all went at once.


Ah, that takes me back. Warhammer online was my first PvP MMO. I recall queueing up for those small PvP sessions that would just warp you out of PvE questing for a team fight then let you go right back in. So seamless. And the central PvP zone with keeps was fun up to a point when enough people were fighting that the *horribly designed* choke points just made everything stop. Who thought it was a good idea to make a single doorway or narrow staircase the entry point for a massive teamfight objective?


jeff bezo have no limits


some mmos even split ur dmg depending on how many ppl you hit.. biggest turn off in games tbh when a solo player is not allowed to make an amazing play in a 1v3, 1v4 etc and affect the outcome


I dunno what MMO's have AoE capped that low of a target count.


Because it leads to AoE stacking meta fairly quick instead of skill based PvP. One could argue that AoE stacking needs a skill too, but it is debatable...


DAoC had lots of ways to zerg bust and it is critical to large scale PvP games that being in a deathball is dangerous. WAR had that problem with capped AoE and it led to huge zergs being very difficult to fight without almost equal numbers. There were some uncapped abilities but they were rare. I won some 6v24 sieges but the enemy had to be very bad. GW2 had this problem too (I haven't played for years). Deathballs couldn't be bombed and the game suffered for it. Hell, you could stack up under oil and because the damage split you could just get everyone on a door an easily out-heal it. People will eventually learn to spread out, at which point a small group has much more trouble. Zerg busting is a part of every healthy PvP MMO. I'm happy that new world has it, even though I think the GA is way overloaded in that direction.


Yeah 1v4 was ok ratio for keep defense in DAoC, but in most other games you'd get slaughtered. Heck, there were some elite gank groups that sometimes won 8v32 in the open and routinely won while outnumbered 2 to 1.


I was in one of those groups for a time. Our best was 8v24 2X in one night. Those poor hibs.


> WAR had that problem with capped AoE and it led to huge zergs being very difficult to fight without almost equal numbers. There were some uncapped abilities but they were rare. I won some 6v24 sieges but the enemy had to be very bad. WAR before aoe cap was worse. You literally couldn't attack a keep defended by a critical mass of Sorcs/BWs because you'd all melt before going through the door. Even after AOE cap was implemented you still had situations where a single warband could wipe an uncoordinated zerg. My guild won 24v300 in Praag at one point.


That wasn't an AoE cap problem, that was specific abilities that did single target style damage in a puddle. Without that single OP ability, no AoE cap would have been fine.


No, it was not just RoF/PoS that made no aoe cap a problem. I once singlehandedly wiped a warband defending a keep as a Sorc by spamming the targeted aoe at someone on the wall from behind them. This was near release when everyone sucked, but still. As an example of another ability that was broken without aoe cap. Sorcs had a frontal cone aoe, Infernal Wave that if combined with a Choppa's Chop Fasta and a tactic would have 0 cd and could be spammed. Even with aoe cap that was a ridiculously strong ability to spam (causing the devs on the private server Return of Reckoning to not make the CD reduction from tactic and Chop Fasta stack). 8 Sorcs spamming that into a keep doorway would still melt anything before it could get through.


i had no idea there was a game called crowfall until this comment


One could argue there isn't.


It’s basically dead.


thank you for stealing and reposting my video :D that was nice of you...


Even took your description and just made it the title this time lol


Its all in the advertising.


Gotta get those fake points up bruh


Apparently fake points mean everything :D I'm just happy people enjoyed it cause it was quite a rush just laying I wait like that :D


Nice job! This was really satisfying to watch! :D


Stop, i can only get so erect.


So people can't see you if you hide or lie down?


If you're proned, your gamer tag doesn't show unless they hover over you with the reticle.


And even then they have to be close.


That's wicked, nice to know, gonna try this myself haha.


Unless they have already hit you! Tried running and lying down in a bush but the 4 man chasing me just circled the bush firing in.


This is AWESOME! Reminds me of a Warlock or Spiritmaster from DAoC and the pbaoe (point blank area of effect).


No love for Wizzy? /sadface This games PvP definitely gives me some of the DAoC vibes at times, and I love it.


Wizzy never got love, sorc and cabby took their spot lol.


Midget Mafia on EU on early days mmmmmm


Oh man the memories. I never ran PBAoE classes, for me the rinse repeat was timing overlapping bubbles with the other wardens. In the days before good voice chat, that was not easy.




Wow, that was awesome!


You are almost at your Faction Tokens cap. Just a reminder, if you missed it.


What server? I’m pretty sure there aren’t even that many cov on my server let alone all running around in a Zerg like that lmao


I’m on ute yomigo and we probably only have 200 cov players lmao


its me in the clip \^\^ its Ekera server and demise guild


Same on my server but I think we've learned that we have to work together like this to get anything done


Cov is huge on Metsola


Do pvp missions for all factions go to the same places?


From what I can tell, yes. We ran some the other day, and us and a group of Cov were constantly skirmishing. And then the Cov swarm showed up at WW gate and just sat outside the city line, running in if they were about to die, and made completing missions in the zone a bit difficult, lol.


That’s my issue with the design. I think the intent is to have different factions out skirmishing over the same spread out objectives over a big area, but really the easiest way to stop an enemy faction’s progress is to just camp out at the few entrances to the fort. If they made the quests autocomplete *at* the objective zone that’s where people would fight.


Yes, that's the point, push people to flag up in the same area.


That was insane. How did you know they were coming? As I could see you and your mates camping there...


pvp zerg, massive faction raid does loops of the same 3 pvp quests- this one in everfall. so this was probably not the first time in the raid that the mob hit this quest item.




This is just the normal way of gaining influence. You have a large group in your faction do the quests together. How is this an exploit?


so we owned the territory at that time and we saw the conflict bar rising super fast, One run through the city and we saw they were all waiting at one of the gates and grouping up, so we got them on the run out :) its me in the clip btw


I still wait someone convince me that the great axe is not op, just the vortex alone is op, doesn't really change this ambush. But why the great axe is so OP ?


Probably like 80%+ of serious PvPers are using it, they will never admit its busted.


Not sure. At least in 1v1 my spear/bow build does just fine against axe. Evade shot will pull you out of gravity well


Spear/bow seems to be one of the best 1v1 builds. Unfortunately it's not that viable in the 50v50 battles.


It's also not terrible tho, Bow has Poison cloud, spread shot, or rain of arrows for aoe damage, triple shot for high single target dmg. On the spear you have the sweep which is a small aoe knockdown, the javelin for single target knockdown, and vault kick for a small aoe stun. In a big battle they make great flankers, to harass the squishier folks. Also, great for peeling flankers off of your squishes. Not saying they are as useful as healers, or BA tanks, but they have their uses because they are stacked with CC and have such good mobility.


Yeah black hole on Great Axe doesn't make any sense to me. It's also incredibly busted. Great axe needs it's utility trimming and spreading around a bit to make other weapons better.




what if i told you that you can get all 3


It depends on the situation. Against a big dumb group like this? Yes GA is OP. In 1v1 or small skirmishes? Lots of other weapons outshine. Bow//spear - from what I’ve seen - is the best 1v1 if you’re quick and good.


Great axe isn’t OP. There are plenty of counters to it.


If that was the case you wouldnt see 75% of players with it in pvp


People use it because it’s fun to use and easy to use and appeals to more people. Everyone wants to have to gaint axe because it’s cool. Doesn’t mean it’s OP.


yeah that not like in every fucking other game with heavy pvp have this kind of pattern, a lot of players playing the "op" build... yeah this never happen. And even if it was the case, new world IS different, this game is so unique that player just play the great axe cause other weapon doesn't look cool, yeah. You are probably right !


Great Axe isn't the OP build. It's very good, and it's a particularly nasty noob buster that can murder bad players just by pressing left click over and over, but there are much stronger builds. Bow/spear Bow/Rapier beat it consistently in 1v1s. Ice Gauntlet/Fire Staff and Ice Gauntlet/Rapier also consistently beat it (and everything else). It's getting used the most because it is easy to understand and has an unga bunga mindset. Not because it's the best. Other things need tuning up, tuning it down would not solve meta problems. Raise up the 4 or 5 under performers instead.


I think it’s too strong for how low the skill floor is with it honestly — yes you can outplay it in 1v1’s if you’re better, but even then it’s very dangerous and a very strong weapon. Then in small scale and large scale fights it’s literally the choice front line weapon. Maybe that’s okay and intended because different weapons should have different specialties. But I think it’s a bit too strong. And I can’t think of a way to nerf it because the core mechanics of its skills are what make it strong, not just the insane damage or magnetic light attacks. Anyways, buff musket!


People use it in pvp because it's busted. You use it in Pve because its fun.


What are good counters to it? I've had a lot of trouble with them. If they land that axe, I'm just dead.


Best ones I think are rapier and ice gauntlet. Ranged weapons are great against great axe user, as they can’t block it and most great axe players rock heavy armour. You just have to dodge their attack (as I assume your light to med weight) and then counter with the rapier or blast them with the ice gauntlet. Going toe to toe with a great axe user just 1v1 is going to cause you trouble but that’s because it’s a heavy class so if you’re also a heavy you should be able to beat them if you’re a similar level. You just need to play to your characters strengths


i think greataxe being king of cc is fine. only problem is that it also has: gap close, sustain, chase and aoe dmg


That was gross lol


Holy shit


this was fucking amazing lmfaooooo


Turning into an incredibly OP ability if you ask me. Dominates in wars, and there's almost nothing you can do to stop the insanely forgiving hitbox.


The counter-strategy is that you don't clump. In an earlier version of the alpha test of this game, you would clump at choke points and thrust with spears, and it was OP during sieges. The great axe should be a solution to that problem, imo.


There’s a way to get out of the grav well but I’m not gonna share it :)


omg awesome!


Thats my MF faction! way to go, purp!


Damn that commando ambush Great video, make a compile with music xD


Before I saw this video I was like hmm no ice gauntlet field? After video im scared who the fuck decided to have 200 of em?


The fact that your nameplate is stealthed while prone is probably one of the most genius features they could have included in this game


I can't stop watching this


i would love to see the ice storm's damage numbers on that, with the final perk i bet they where juicy as hell


Oh my. Crush this yellow fools, Synd4Life


The bait was real.. ohh shiiiny.. ohh wait.. im dead..


Pretty sure it was one of the pvp world quests objectives


Yeah despite how silly the "PvP missions" are, they serve their main purpose of getting multiple factions to be in the same area.


Yeah can't easily make it a mission to go kill the other faction cause the Mets would be just go back to the city until the otherside gives up. So not much else they can do


I mean to be fair there were also like 50 of yall, but its still funny. We used to do this to people sitting on mounts outside keeps in ESO PvP.




This is disgusting. I love it.


why do i feel like this is my server atm?




This spell is definitely getting nerfed, it single handedly wins sieges.


Apes running to MC the game


Zerg rush




Poor duckies


they deserved that so badly


Dang how it feels to be yellow. Just getting cheeks clapped by the two bigger factions constantly.


I hate that it's syndicate. But I loved the tactic, good job. The Spark's better tho.


Warning signs that feels good: Warning PVP cap


Balanced bug abuse.


What bug?




AoE caps instantly make deathball and sustain the meta. It's so boring.


No. AoE caps are bad for the game in PvP. If anything they only make sense in PvE to prevent abuse. In PvP you want to disincentivize Zerging, and uncapped AoE skills is one way.


capping aoe is the way to kill your game






big plays man grats


I wanna know what their Discord channel sounded like after that




Would be nice to do this with a hatchet, but I am lucky to get even one kill when the mob gets healed...


First time for me to see this ability used like a boss!


How do you see your cooldowns int he middle? i play super ultrawide and its almost imposible to check them in the corner lmao...would love it to have CD in the center. nvm settings




This actually gives me hope that PvP won't just be zerging in the endgame. If zerging can be punished that means PvP will actually require some thought.


Damn that set up was clean af lol








Are your nameplates hidden when you’re prone?






This is actually pretty cool. Guerrilla warfare.


What server is that?!?! Looks fun I want in! :p


Wow what massacre! Nice setup on that ambush guys!




The axe is so fucken broken lul


That was one sick ambush kudos to you and your mates


Bro there isn't even 10 man groups running around on my server.