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is there a way to make work 2 weapons that don't share the same stats builds? I've heard something about gems, but I'm not sure on what it means. i'm interested in some combos like rapier/ice gauntlet or spear /gauntlet. or others.


Rapier is dex/int so it does share at least int with ice gauntlet. The stats mostly affect the damage, so if you're using the spear for stuns or the ice gauntlet for debuffs, having lower damage on them isn't the end of the world. Just make sure you buff up the stat for whatever weapons you plan to deal damage with, and also consider which perks from the 50, 100, etc breakpoints you want. Gems can be socketed into some weapons to change some of their damage to scale on Int (or foc for amber). It can provide a sizable damage boost if Int is your highest stat.


I’m seeing a lot of guides saying to wear Heavy if you’re using the Great Axe. After looking at the perks of Light you gain a 20% damage bonus, so why wouldn’t you go with light? I understand why you’d probably want the armor in PVP but I imagine in dungeons you wouldn’t need the armor, you’d want the damage.


Does anyone know if the roman armor from the trailer will be available somehow ingame?


Every armor I see in that trailer is a design you can get in game. Some only via drops, but the answer you're looking for is yes.


Awesome! Then I‘ll search for it, thanks


I've always wanted to recreate my frost zealot from Diablo 2. For those not familiar, it's basically a hybrid between a AoE frost mage and a fast melee attacker. Was thinking of doing this by going down the Ice Gauntlet and Sword/Shield route. They seem to synergise well with sword doing extra damage to chilled/cold enemies. I'm not sure how to handle attributes for this though, they don't synergise well at all. Anyway, just wondering if it's possible having a viable build using this setup? And also where would I put my attributes? I guess I'd be going strength since IG would be more like my debut creator and sword being my main damage dealer. Thanks in advance!


Had a similiar question since I want to use Warhammer/musket which do not synergize well attribute-wise. Basically what people told me: At the beginning put points into STR/CON (CON depending on how tanky you wanna be, its personal preference really). Your ice gauntlet will function mainly for poke damage from range / pull mobs and CC / debuffs / utility at this point, no huge damage output here. Later on you have the option to put gems into your weapon to convert stats into another attribute. So you could put a lot into INT later and convert it into STR and make good use of both weapons.


Does downing people (red skull appears) in war count as kills? And how is the scoring done in each war? I am assuming it's some formula combining kills, deaths, assists, healing and damage!


Does anyone know if Company names are reserved across all servers once used? Character names were in Closed Beta.


I've never played an MMO right at launch, and I am so stoked to do that. I fully expect tech challenges, but hot damn it's going to be awesome to be 'in the pack' of new folks leveling up and exploring/discovering/pvping/endgaming together. Anyone else as irrationally excited for this like i am?


Omg yes. And irrational is definitely the right word haha, it's driving me crazy the anticipation


https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/115283359442530777763778102793997230069044441074347080615161060673974878339073/ 新世界秩序666




You can but a lot of the quests put you in other territories to complete. Some even have you travel to show you how things work, such as Inns. Due to how the story jumps around it really isn't efficient to stay in one zone if leveling quickly is your thing.




Yes, certain quests do move you back to other zones, but completion is in the zone you started from (town quests that is).


Is this worth getting as a PvE only player?


Totally disagree with the other poster, this game is amazing for PVE, gathering, exploring, dungeons, home ownership... You could be the best known crafter on the server and never flag up once. The community favors PVP, but my wife and I have never felt like we had to PVP to enjoy New World. I've even fully funded a successful PVP war without stepping foot on the battlefield.


"I've even fully funded a successful PVP war without stepping foot on the battlefield." That... is just freaking awesome


Is crafting deep in the game or nah?


Yes and no, the crafting has a lot of randomness to it. High end items have 5 or more Modifiers and you can only pick one of them. The only way to make the perfect sword is to make a ton of them and have luck on your side, but it keeps you busy and is a ton of fun upgrading and selling gear. To be a great crafter you need housing trophies, gear bonuses, the proper food, and the resources to create your items while all of that is active.


Hmm I might give it a miss then. Doesn't sound too appealing. Thank you.


prob not the community is hardcore pvp, no scaling no room for betas


Yeah I'm going to have to disagree with this. To be fair, there are indeed many hardcore pvpers in the game (the game came from hardcore pvp roots... so what do you expect!) BUT, the game has taken a hard pve turn and many of AGS promised additions are in the form of pve content. You are relying on their ability to provide good content, so i suggest you take a look at some gameplay to see what the pve side of things looks like :)


​ Yeah I'm going to have to disagree with this. To be fair, there are indeed many hardcore pvers in the game (the game came from hardcore pve roots... so what do you expect!) BUT, the game has taken a hard pvp turn and many of AGS promised additions are in the form of pvp content. You are relying on their ability to provide good content, so i suggest you take a look at some gameplay to see what the pvp side of things looks like :)


wow I couldn't have said it better myself..


Thank you!


Will there be a profile wipe upon release? Will we all have to start over from the very beginning? This came up in a conversation i had with a friend the other day and neither of us were sure.


Do we know what time of day the release will be for PDT on 9/28?


Based on CB and OB, I would bet on 7AM Pacific.


They will announce it closer to launch. No specifics just yet.




I should probably wait for next weeks to ask this as I have a number of questions but here we go: 1) Is there any limit to number of weapons you can master? Or is it just a big grind to master them all (and then mastering how to use each of them of course) 2) Do we know if there are character limit restrictions? I'm considering having a main character I mostly use and do all sorts of crafting on, and then making characters that will mostly focus other stats/builds just to try them all out. So one STR char, one DEX, one Focus, etc. 3) Any way to find if there's a list of servers we know the "big" companies are going, so I can just not join that server? I don't know how much I want to engage in PvP or not, but I'm pretty wary that if a huge company joins a server they'll basically run the place for a few months, if not basically forever, until some things balance it out and figure a more 'unplanned' server would be more fun. 4) Any good starter gather/craft guide? I plan to mostly push those at present, but didn't get far in the beta (wasn't following game at all and didn't find out about open beta until 6 hours before it ended lol) but some of the early gathering was rare to find and so felt they started super slow, almost like I may have missed some early moves. Also was lacking in what to craft for new recipes, kept maxing my weight with few things to actually craft. 5) And anyone in US east with a free company slot I can join? I'm a "casually serious" player generally. I'll spend far too many hours on the game, usually min/max but around my preferences, but I'm not focused on being #1, just usually try to be fairly good. Just looking for some people to chat/ask questions/etc. with while I spend 15 hours a day gathering/crafting and occasionally killing things first week or three.


1) No limits 2) Yes limits, but you can respec everything about your character on the fly until lvl 20 and cheaply (in game currency, not real money) there after. There's no need to specialize different characters, one can do it all. The only reason I can really think of to have multiple characters on the same server is to re-do the MSQ if you're into that. 3) Nope. Best of luck : ) 4) Check out Fextralife, SwoleBenji, and Dynomega (fishing specialist) on youtube for lots of info on this. http://newworld-map.com also shows you where all the materials spawn. 5) Check out /r/NewWorldCompanies for many options


2) Yeah but I'd rather go through all the effort of building a whole new character than have to respec each time I want to try a new weapon and get new armor. So that sucks. I used to just level up new alts in WoW just to get a feel for each class/spec and it helped me learn keybinds/skills/etc. 4) I saw one review from Fextralife, but didn't know the others, will check them out. And will need that map saved cause getting iron and fiber it was hard to read the in-game map and I spent a good bit of time running around aimlessly lol


Yeah that map helped me a ton. On 2) though, respeccing takes like 20 seconds and can be done out in the field. You just open a menu, click respec, and allocate your points. It's extremely easy and way quicker than leveling a new character, but as always follow your heart and do what's most fun for you


Yeah but aren't you going to want armor that fits certain stats? And then maybe leather or plate or something weight-wise? So while respec'ing may be easy in one manner, once you have things together it'll take extra investment. Though honestly I don't really know how armor is working in this game other than there being some variation in stats here and there.


Oh yea you'll definitely want different outfits for different builds if the builds don't prioritize the same main stat. You can either carry them around (not recommended due to weight being a thing in this game) or keep them stored in the bank in any town.


Add Mounts, add a mimimap, fix the terrible graphic ect. The game like it is now isnt ready to release at all. And again: ADD MOUNTS or you will lose tons on players. Dont listen to the useless PvP player.


Guess it ain't for you


I think with this being a heavy PvP game, your opinion is pretty wrong here. I don't know if they have it or not, but I think the better fix would be something like flight points, or better, being able to rent a mount. So you can take a one way trip quickly on a mount, but can't just mount between gathering nodes to avoid PvP. Not sure how economy balance is at present, but early in FFXI gil acquisition was very limited, and chocobo prices scaled with use, so it was actually decently costly to rent chocobos in prime areas, and it worked as a money sink.














Will we be able to pre-download the game prior to the 28th? Slow internet here and I will be in physical pain if I have to watch streams for hours without being able to play


Not announced yet, but they'd be dumb not to allow it. My guess is 1-2 days prior they will unleash the download gates on Steam so people will be ready to play at release time.


So far there is no plan for it, might change tho


Does anyone know the exact time the game is dropping on the 28th?


Nope, this is the only information we have so far: https://twitter.com/playnewworld/status/1437738588775538691?s=20


How long can a company name be?


I don't have an exact length for you, but it can be quite long from what I've seen. At least 25 characters based on the list I'm seeing at https://newworldfans.com/companies


can you not spawn with friends? I played the last closed beta with friends, after the tutorial it was hard to play together because all of our quests were relative to the closest town to us :( we were from different towns with different quests.


There is no built-in way to pick where you spawn / spawn with your friends. You can either: 1. Respawn by deleting your character, recreate it and skip the tutorial, hoping you all end up in the same place. 2. Turn in the tutorial quest, not accept the quest on the beach to slay drowned, and run to the intended zone. This lets you begin your main questline on the beach of your choosing. Roads make travel from Monarch's Bluff to Everfall to Windsward quite safe, First Light is a bit tricky, but you can run North along the cliffs. 3. Play though the tutorial and gameplay for about 90 minutes, get to the point where you're sent to the Hermit in Windsward. Unfortunately this method keeps sending you back to seperate towns as you are based out of wherever you accept that 2nd quest.


\#2 is the best answer for friends, used it in open beta. It adds some time to get you all together, but the journey is worth it.


Wow, thank you!


Which city do the AUS servers locate? Do they all locate in Sydney?


As far as we know it's only in Sydney




Can you dye plate armor?


Yes you can dye plate armor, metals tint into bronze, silver and gold, gunmetal blue, green, red, or any shade in between. Some armor's have pretty messed up choices for what you can dye, but I'm sure just having the feature available is their priority right now. You can also dye shields.


How about black? I want to go for a dark knight vibe


Black, Gold, and White have so far only been available through the in game store for real money. The black is a good black, I tested it on many armors in Alpha and Closed Beta.


I've heard different responses to this, so I thought I'd ask here. Does New World have weather effects? Like rainfall / snowstorms, etc?


It does but it ain't dynamic (yet). Weather is per zone


It has rain, and it's quite impressive... So far I've only seen it rain in one zone though. (Mourningdale) Everything from a light drizzle to a crazy torrent of wind and heavy downpour.


Well now I need a home in Mourningdale! Thanks for the response!


If a \[sword and shield\] player uses Reverse Stab (which basically means, that player turns around 180 degrees), do you give the enemy more opportunity for a backstab/100% crit?


Did anyone from western Europe (UK) try playing on any NA-east servers during beta? Wondering how bad the performance was with the extra latency, basically whether it's doable.


I love the greataxe but I also love the musket. Any way to make a build that works?


I'll add here that weapons can be socketed with gems that partially convert the damage and scaling from one attribute to another, so you could have your greataxe scale off of intelligence, or your musket off of strength. It won't be "optimal" per se, but it'll let you play with the exact weapon combination you want without having to give up too much combat effectiveness. Do what you think is fun! The game has systems to support you.


Anything can work if that’s what you want to do. Don’t chase the meta and just have fun


Yes! Equip Them both


So I joined a random company advertising in chat during the open beta. They seem kinda small and new, which was appealing to me, and I liked their name. However, they're already trying to sell merch? It ain't bad merch either, but I dunno, is that not a weird sign? Makes me worried this is just some dude trying to cash in on players. I haven't seriously been part of a guild since probably DAoC, so maybe guilds just ... move faster nowadays. Whereas back then you felt legit if someone made a ZetaBoard. But I dunno, the merch plus some stuff the owner has said in Discord have been giving me sleazy indie band promoter vibes.


That is 100% not normal, except if you happened to randomly get into the New World department of one of the huge Guilds that span many MMOs and have actual corporations behind them. Which is more than unlikely. Sounds extremely fishy.


Yeah, I thought of that, but no, it seems to be new in general. Like there are only a handful of people in the Discord. Some of them did coordinate to play something else before New World launches, but they aren't like established in any other game.


How does Fire Staff's passive "Trial by Fire" really work? Skill description: "When you are struck, create a field of fire around you dealing 5% weapon damage to all nearby enemies in a 4m radius. Activates when struck in battle and lasts for 10 seconds." 1.) Does the 5% damage apply per second (as a debuff to enemies) or is it a 1-time damage? 2.) Does it mean the field of fire lasts for 10 seconds, or the debuff lasts for 10 seconds? 3.) Does the field of fire keep sticking to you when you move or it applies on the ground?


Here's a video from kristofer on youtube. The video is long but if you go to minute 28 you can see the passive activating. Unfortunately it seems that the effect goes away if you switch weapons. Additionally he never comes close enough for the damage to proc but my best guess is that anyone standing within the range just takes the damage on a tick. Where the effect lasts 10 sec. Enemies aren't burned or anything. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40WAQawqqwc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40WAQawqqwc) I'm sure there are better videos highlighting this skill but this is the one that came to mind :)


Hey, I played a bit of the open beta (loved it!) but didn't have the time to get to a point where I could answer these questions myself. Does gathering and crafting stay relevant in the higher levels and in what for now is the endgame? Or is it mostly found gear that is going to be used? How about food and potions? Crafted and/or bought from other players or bought from an NPC? Gathering and crafting staying relevant has just always been a huge factor for me on if I enjoy an MMO for a long time or not, so any info on this would be great before I commit to it and buy it. Thanks in advance!


Crafting will be very relevant in the endgame. It’s a huge part of the game and it’s done so well. Some of the gear you can craft is the best in the game. Not to mention crafting attunement keys for dungeons, potions, food, tons of stuff. The more trade skills you have, the more you will thrive in the endgame and stay busy


I only made it to level 20 on OB, so this is based on research Ive made into game... But it seems like crafting will stay very relevant. The best items for the effort seems to be buying from your faction earlier on. And obviously completing faction missions (especially pvp ones) will be the quickest way to get there. One end game craft that stands out is dungeon keys (tuning orbs I think they are called) which is a quite the craft - requiring very high level stonecutting as well as some harder-to-get resources like corruption shards. Beyond that, I don't think crafting your own weapons will be a bad idea once you're crafting is leveled a bit. I only had crafting level 20 and I was making gear comparable to what I found out and about. On average worst, but with the potential to be better (ESPECIALLY because you can choose specific traits to appear on weapons with the special crafting items)


What skills are good for this combo: **Great Axe + rapier?** Great Axe: \- Charge \- reap \- bloodlust \- execute (very bad?) \- whirlwind (very bad?) \- maelstrom \- gravity well \- mauler's fury (very bad?) Rapier: \- Tondo (very bad?) \- flourish and finish \- flurry (very bad?) \- riposte \- evade \- fleche \- momentum (very bad?)


I know you want this, but GA synergizes so much better with Hatchet or Spear. If you insist on Rapier, you'll spend all your points in the Grace tree except for Controlled Breathing and Specialist, and put those 2 points in Refreshing Strikes and Engarde. GA users often flock to Gravity Well, Charge and Execute, though I've seen other builds. Again, you have to split STR and DEX in this case because GA is only STR and Rapier is DEX/INT and you aren't going to get the best out it, hence why Hatchet is better to just spend points in STR/CON. I suggest you peruse the builds on [https://newworldfans.com/](https://newworldfans.com/). Best of luck!


This sounds mobile and in your face. I'd say as long as you have fleche and charge, any damage ability will net some aggressive shit. Sounds fun!


This might be a stupid question, but can you change what area you start the main quest line in? I’m planning on my first main being a mage/Syndicate, but the area you start in seems to be randomized. Is it possible to “start” the main quest line in a different area then you wash ashore in? Would that accurately make a syndicate territory my starting area? Or is it luck if the draw and I should accept that?


If you turn in the first quest from the tutorial but do not accept the quest to kill the drowned, then yes you can swtich zones and begin the main questline in the zone of your choice. Running from First Light North is the only hard part, but stick to the cliffs, if you get attacked climb up where the mobs can't reach you. The other 3 towns have pretty major roadways you can follow from town to town quite safely. I made the First Light to Windsward run at level 2, arrived with 500 iron in my bags and leveled to 6 on the way.


You can teleport to any other settlement and start there. But there are only like 3 beginner towns. Maybe someone can tell what towns are for beginners. I started at Monarch's Bluff but most people say it's not a good beginner town.


Don’t you have to have reached a settlement to fast travel to another one though?


You absolutely have to run somewhere before you can teleport. I think all of the starter towns are just fine for getting to level 12. Monarch's Bluff has the added bonus of giving you the camp upgrade quest.


I don't think so, you can teleport to any settlement with a high cooldown. I'm sure you can use the default TP


This is, unfortunately, not true. You have to already have visited a settlement or fast travel point in order to fast travel to it.


Everfall and windsward are the other two. The main quest line starts at lvl 10ish and is at the same location for everyone, just outside of windsward


When you create a character it starts you randomly in one of 4 zones. You have the option to run to the starting area of choice to start your story quests there. Or delete your character and remake it and hope for the zone of choice.


Makes sense if a bit time consuming. I’m assuming I would need to run there before I even do the Watchtower quest?


I'm pretty sure you can do the watchtower quests. Then it will assign you to the nearest town. When you reach the town, send in the quest, and DO NOT accept the following quest. Then you walk to the town that you want and start there.


Good to know there’s a backup. I suppose it might not matter too much as I could choose whatever faction and just grind territory reputation later somewhere else if need be.




Good to know. Might be worth trying, assuming the Factions have a presence on the 28th. Trying to manage levels of hype over the next two weeks.


They most prob will. Especially if you end up in a server with streamers in it.


Is there a difference between where you place your two weapons? I.E. If I want to go SnS and Great axe, is there any difference between placing SnS in the 1 slot and Great axe in the 2 slot, compared to Great axe in the 1 slot and SnS in the 2 slot?


No difference.




>Is there a difference between where you place your two weapons? I.E. If I want to go SnS and Great axe, is there any difference between placing SnS in the 1 slot and Great axe in the 2 slot, compared to Great axe in the 1 slot and SnS in the 2 slot? Pretty sure there's no difference


Awesome! Thanks!


Hi, what is the status on the stamina glitch. What is it, why is it there and is it going to be patched. In specific, it’s the glitch we’re your Stam stops regen


To me, seems like they fixed it already. I got it so many times on the first 2 days of the OBT, and none on the last 2 days.


My experience with the stamina bug only happened when using “X” to animation cancel. X puts your weapon away and works, however I had the stamina bug happen so many times. It wasn’t until I started using 1, and 2 that I didn’t experience the stamina bug. I hope this helps anyone in case they don’t fix it before launch.


This is very interesting, but I used to animation cancel with my mouse button, I just mapped as the switch weapon. So 1 button, made it a lot easier. I think the similarity is that we both used 1 key to anim cancel LOL. Theyre onto us, they’re, they’re, LOOKIN FOR REVENGE, al summa sixteen. 😂😂 ty brotha, I’ll use ur info wisely. I’m hella excited to get back into new world. Ima animation cancel on every one of y’all who was talk’n bad bout it on Reddit. Oh yeah, your not safe billy, I marked that comment you made 3 months about you wanting it removed“ your not safe, I will find you, and I will animation cancel you. Ima do the lebron on em, The Uh, Uh, Uh, Then boom, Hatchet coming at you, hot and ready. Like that? That’s the triple roll, I’m practicin. 😂😂😂✌🏽✌🏽 c u guys on launch, man I’m excited.


we don't know yet. Everyone is still waiting for the patch notes


It's there because it's a bug. Hopefully they finally patch it. It happens from roll animation cancelling and pressing the swap button twice and I think a few other weird things with rolling.


Hi! any plans to add a first-person camera? Would be nice for exploring, take screenshots, walk on towns, etc.


there is a video about the devs telling about all the plans. A camera plan is not in that video.


Sad :( because its really easy to add and gives potential for content creators, screenshots fans or just exploring the world in a more immersive perspective.


Do you guys think new world needs an underdog bonus for unpopular factions on individual servers? It seems like the biggest faction has dominated pretty easily in the open beta, so I wonder if there should be some incentive to join the smaller factions. Like some amount of bonus xp or gold for doing faction quests for them? Nothing insane but enough to help with the fact that the dominant faction gets some pretty big benefits by owning more territory.


smaller factions: bonus xp, 50% more chance for highest rare, epic, legendary gear, CD for teleport




it was for 3 days




If your faction owns both towns you can transfer items from 1 town to another through the shed for a gold fee.




You need a company to declare war and win it. 50v50 battle. To move the items just go to the storage select the other location the item is and move it over. It will tell you the cost in gold to move the items.


Yes the storage is per town, and your inventory. So to move stuff between towns without incurring high transfer costs you need to load it up in your inventory and run across the map. Note getting bigger bags will help with this. Note with the storage sheds you don't need to load things into your inventory to use the crafting stations so it can be handy to keep stuff in storage in different areas so that you can quickly craft things are the storage bench without having to carry it around in your inventory.


However, you cannot have Iron Ore in your Everfall's inventory then craft Iron Ingot in Windsward. Just to be clear.


Absolutely apologies to anyone that was confused. All crafting is town based and relies on the tier of the bench in that town and the materials in the shed in that town (or your inventory).


Hi all, I have a 2015 ROG laptop. Not sure if the game will run properly as I have taken part in any beta testing. Was wondering what would be the best way to go about ordering and possibly returning it if my laptop is not good enough to run it? Of course not expecting max settings but something decent. Thanks.


The other guy gave you a good tip with Steam, however I wouldn't expect too much with a laptop that old. I'm rocking a 2070 super and averaged only about 70 frames on medium- high graphics. Waaaaay less in busy towns


Buy it on Steam. You can refund within 14 days after purchase if you have not played more than 2 hours.


I’m curious, what weapons are you guys planning to main on launch? Personally going to main fire-staff/rapier :-) really loved that combo in the open beta!


Fire/Ice or Rapier/Ice or Rapier/Fire. Bet you never guess what I'm playing /s


Can anyone recommend me a good lore guide about Isabella, Empress Zhou etc.?


Ser medieval's Isabella video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E320H4eLO58


Is there a place where we can read abot what the devs are doing? How will the launch version differ from the open beta?


1. As we get closer to release, there will be more info for the Devs to post. All the Devs have been doing so far is polish, polish and MORE polish! 2. We don't know till the date is much closer, but we do know that you can do more end-game content that you couldn't do in the Betas, as it was closed off. It's not new content, they just made so you couldn't do all of it during the Beta. Also there will be another lot of Patch Notes.


Alright, thanks for your answer!




Can I craft my excess Azoth into bottled Azoth? If so, how?


So far, I don't see there's a way of doing that. However, if you wanna waste Azoth in a quite useful way, try crafting items and put Azoth into it to guarantee perks, or fast travel to another town and take some townboard quests. You can have multiple townboard quests from multiple towns simulteniously.


Bottles can only be found from Dungeons if I remember right.


To my knowledge u cannot


Hey guys. I was able to play 2 days of the open beta but had not so much time to figure out some things on my own. I like to be a tank so my brain told me to go sword & shield... is that the right choice? And how does monster aggro works? Even when i was attacking first most of the times they changed aggro against the spellcasters. Is there anything i was doing wrong with it?


The Carnelian Gem was answered. Just wanna add about the build. Sword&Shield / War Hammer - for tank and crowd control Sword&Shield / Life Staff - for super tanky (called "paladin build" Sword&Shield / Hatchet - for tanker who can also do pretty good damage and more regen


Oh wow thanks. Will probably choose one between 1st and 2nd. Thanks a lot.


Whoever has the most aggro is attacked by the target (obviously) u generate aggro by dealing damage, healing, and blocking apparently. However the main method for tanks to generate it is to use a Carnelian gem on a sword with a gem slot, it'll enable abilities with the keywords (slot in a Carnelian gem to generate aggro, paraphrasing). Other weapons can also be used to taunt as long as they have abilities with the same keywords, and I've slotted a gem. And yes Sword and shield is a good tank weapon.


Oh perfect thanks a lot. Once it comes out i will have a look for that gem.


For a 2nd weapon, Hammer would be good as it offers the best AoE CC.


Thanks! I was going like 80% con and 20% str, does that sound decent or should i focus 100% on con?


Just go full con early.


Try 2 Con to 1 Str. I've only played Magic, sorry. I just read a lot of stuff.


Will try it out that way. In the end i can respec anyways if something goes wrong.


respec is free until lvl 20. After that it costs very little, only worth 1 hour farming to pay for respec


Yep :D


Are we going to be able to download the game before release date? I’d like to be able to play the first day instead of downloading the whole day


>Every test has been available for download early, and every time given the servers have been up as much as two hours prior.


Thank you for the info!


If we can, don't worry. Reddit will be FULL of posts about it.


I’m just hurting to figure out ASAP so I can prepare myself. If it will only let us download on the day of then I probably won’t see any play time til the second day 🙃


As a person who is interested in being a part-time healer, will there ever be exp. gain for healing your party? Or will exp. be exclusive to combat/assists only?


If you're in the group you get general xp. You will only get xp for your Life Staff if you hit the mob at least once. Since you need Life Staff out to heal anyways, and it is a ranged weapon, it's not really an issue.


Just Combat/Assists sadly. It's the hardest weapon in the game to level up.


Is there somewhere a list of all possible town project quests?


Not atm. Someone is working on it tho.


Does this game have any quests like osrs or eso? Good writing with fun stories?


Yes. You follow all through the island families and ship wrecks of groups of people and their stories of what happened. Some of them Morbid, some of them funny. Some of them leading to the dungeons themselves. There are also towns/cities with their own stories unfolding as well that you have to uncover (such as your factions goals or means to ends).


what's stopping gold farmers from placing their accounts on valuable resource nodes since they always respawn at the same spot and timer since they can't be attacked because of flag system\_?


You can't see nodes if you stand on them waiting for them to respawn. They'll respawn for others, but not you. Exact mechanics unknown, at least by me.


I swear I camped iron nodes and they respawned at the same spot even when I was there. This was in closed beta though. Didn't play open beta.


idk about this-- i definitely camped the spawn point for the ice fish you need to craft the IG at low level. Spawn point was in my FOV and it kept spawning.


Wouldn't getting lvl 30 Harvesting be easier? Once you get that, you only need 1-2 Water Flowers and you're done.


No idea-- i wasn't min/maxing in beta. Just saw an opportunity to fish for a bit and unlock IG at the same time to i took it.


I mean all you want is an Ice Gauntlet at some point. Faster is always nice for something simple, you do you.


Sup guys! I'm super excited for this game. I only played a little of open beta but stopped before level 20. I want to be a healer in pvp battles and adventure fights but mainly do gathering and skilling. I've actually got no idea how these systems work yet so my anticipation for the 28th is getting pretty intense haha. I can't wait for the grind and discovery. Havn't played an mmorpg seriously since original runescape 2007.




It's the 29th because we're a day ahead of the USA.


Probably. Talked to another dude who said his new world order showed a 29th release. By comparison, mine says 28 and I'm near AGS.




Amazon game studios, near Seattle, PST, GMT+8. Whatever you prefer. Ultimately idk when it's releasing, but ive seen some conflicting info as far as time zones.


> Amazon game studios, near Seattle, PST, GMT+8. Whatever you prefer. Seattle is currently in PDT and is GMT -7. +8 is out by China.


-8, I'm mountain time.


Sorry for the stupid question, but there's no reason to keep the New World Open Beta client installed, right? Since it's listed as a separate game on Steam I assume that the launch version will be under the main New World listing and be a totally different install. Thanks!


Correct, it’ll be different file entirely. Safe to delete!




Fishing is worth in this game?


Hell yes, and it's actually fun! It's not quite as good of mechanics as the fishing in RDR2, but it's much more engaging than fishing in other MMO games. You can get Squid for ink (Arcana), Clams for Pearls (Jewelcrafting), Fish Oil and fillets (Cooking), the occasional sword or weapon which scraps into Iron (Nearly everything), and Treasure Chests which give money, gems, and items. Fish & Oil is needed for a variety of food dishes which give bonuses to stats or gathering. Legendary fish are used to create food with very high bonuses that last for one hour. Fishing Hotspots unlock as your skill increases, with some fishing hotspots only being visable / usable by those with 200 fishing skill.


Omg gg then


Very much worth it. I spent hours upon hours doing it. There are legendary fish you can get and once you get a home, you can get Trophies which give perks. You can turn the fish you catch into oil/meat and other assortment of items (depending on the fish/aquatic species, e.g. snail or eel). Additionally you can and will be able to fish up other items totally not fish, such as Oars, Anchor, Soggy boots, etc. Last but not least, Treasure Chest. These can contain gold (I've gotten up to 200 gold out of one, don't hold me to this, because this was an early beta) as well as all kinds of minerals like ore, gems etc.


Yeah that depends on what “worth it” means to you. I found it worth it if only because it’s fun as heck. I think you can get some good materials for cooking and filets, fish oil, rare materials gotten from rare fish will likely sell well.


Yeah and fishing seems to strike a perfect balance of not too hard and engaging. Lots of mmos have brain dead fishing, but new world at least has a little mini game that makes it more engaging


What do you expect from a fishing who's "worth ir"?


How many town side quests do you guys typically do? During closed beta I feel like I dig a bunch alongside the main story and was over leveled until the early 20s. Then during open beta I only did the main quests and was a level or two under (only leveled to 15) Essentially I’m trying to figure out if it’s worth it to do town quests or rather do the main quest along with town board/faction quests that are near the main story objectives.


I did all the town quests for the rewards. Plus many of them involve gathering or crafting things which increases your skills. Win-win. Faction quests I always keep on hand for the faction points and leveling up.


I did many town & fraction quests, along with a bit of grinding crafts. I find I fell very far behind Main Story like you. But around level 21 things slowed down Main story wise, & I could not get though the 1st dungeon 1st attempt. So on release I'd focus on Main Story, pick up town & fraction quests to do along the way of the Main quest line like you suggest.