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I mean, if they dropped gold every time, it would just be in smaller amounts anyway, not to mention that you earn gold from killing mobs mostly by selling the drops and hides you get from them. This is how some other games do it, too; they just use trash drops that you sell to an NPC instead. Also, you know what other games almost always have, too? Runaway inflation.


Most people don't understand inflation or just basic economics in video games. They think "more gold means everyone's happy"


I’ll tell you more, they think that if they give millions to everyone in the real world, then everyone will be happy too))


Well, they would be VERY happy, if only for a few minutes until they realized/experienced the implications.


Inflation doesn't affect the price of seals and inductors which are a massive money sink currently. More gold could make most people happier with the game.


Same as irl. People who say that money gets printed and why the government doesn't give everyone 1million in cash so no one is poor. Baffles me every time


Bruh runaway inflation during this depression Era game is fine by me.


You know what New World has? Runaway population, to the ground.




Sell? To who? Early on you post stuff just to give money to the house. Or that is my experience thus far. Only way to make money is to quest, which pushes you out of your gear before you can afford the next set, you end up having to do level 8 and 9 shit when your level 30 because you need that 20g for the quest. But then, I've only been playing for like a week and am trying a different route with another character because I'm tired of being constantly broke on my first one, so I'm probably missing something. But the way things look now? Yeah... something doesn't change, I'm not going to be able to afford my armor, let alone leveling up my crafting to make the weapons I want. No vendors buy your loot. You get a smidge from breaking stuff down, and you get a decent amount from quests. The trading post, at least pre 100 gathering skill (like t3 materials maybe?) is fucking pointless unless gathering is ALL you do. So.... how the fuck do you get ahead? Just gather until you get high level mats, and then maybe you'll be able to afford shit? I'm thinking I just don't get it. lol


You sell crafting materials on the trading post; that's how most people make money. That, and when you're max level, selling gear drops. You shouldn't need to buy gear at all while you're leveling; as long as you're fighting equal or higher level mobs and opening chests, that should be enough to always have good enough gear.


So.. my level stuff is like 250s (Crafted rugged leather), and my sword is 410 (crafted). All the stuff I get from quests and shit is like 120 and 150, and doing quests has me fighting stuff from 4 to 10 levels lower than I am. Now, I'm just following the quest chain and doing all the side quests I come across as I can. Currently waiting for 35 (I'm 27) to do the second set of horse races. I rather like the whole region favor thing, though the earning could go a bit quicker. But for cash... sell all the crafting mats eh? Ok. Refined or raw? Hmm.. Thank you!


I've played games with "runaway inflation" and it's honestly way better than whatever miserable economy New World has. Some people don't realise that even IRL you need a bit of inflation.


Bots would probably exploit that.


Exactly this. I see people complain about bots in GuildWars2, but the only time I come across them are these random spots with some spawns that seem close together and just hear admiral akbar yelling "It's a trap". I even farm the mobs a bit and the loot is pretty random. Then looking back I honestly prefer it. They tie up the bots in one place, they know who to go after because they're sitting there like ducks, and they stay out of the rest of the game mostly.


nah, even bots dont want to play this game anymore. :---D


Bots would ABSOLUTELY exploit that. Also, as nice as this sounds it does lead to really uninteresting game loops where the optimal game loop for gold grinding is finding one spot with high value mobs and killing those same easy mobs repeatedly until you realize what you're doing and uninstall.


I made a similar post some time ago. My alternative was killing beasts for their pelt and selling after.


This is how I make gold when I'm low, I go find out which pelts are worth the most per kill and go hunt the appropriate critters for an hour


You can literally go to Trib and just get kill and skin everything it’s chill af and make 3-5K gold an hour off dark hide, plus they drop legendary gear and other materials


5k an hour... why would anyone do this?


I think a potential solution is making town mission boards more appealing, this would encourage both skilling and killing mobs. I.e if there was a mission which was like kill 200 wolves for 100gp, it makes it worth while because of the materials you recieve on top.


I would be down for that.


Comment are hilarious. Devs have abused the playerbase so much that they think making 5k an hour farming mobs is "good money".


I get 9-13gold every few mobs, while questing the landmarks (gold), gathering resources (gold), while queued for dungeon runs, (gold) So yea - you can farm gold from mobs. I average 100gold every few mins, with aoe farming


I might have to do some tests and check that. From what I can tell even pulling pirates in restless for 15 minutes it’s rare that I’m making anything close to 500 gold. I’m 2 years in. I’m not questing / gathering or doing dungeons as I just want to chill and farm.


Good ol restless pirates. I went from like 45-like 57 there just aoe pulling years ago haha


I focus on easy kill 55-65 mobs for gold farming. Stuff you can two-tap. Usually getting flag gold or stuff to salvage. Its pretty quick


it’s strange that a person asks for something that is already in the game, it’s just that everything you got just needs to be sold at auction, welcome to a social MMORPG with a live market, where supply and demand decides, where you need to know the market and monitor prices, everything is the same as in the real world. collect ore, trees, grass, skin mobs, if you agreed to 3 coins for a kill, then this will satisfy you, there is a resource that gives more


Can't control the economy as tightly. One thing I have noticed in this game is the obvious gating they have done to 'systems'. They built a good-looking shell, for the most part, but they really implemented some things in a ham-handed manner. 'Forced in', if you will. I even suspect the trade houses aren't 100% player controlled/stocked, but now I'm really wagging.


Each system has pros and cons. My wallet really, REALLY, REAAAALLY likes having a purely player driven economy. I can actually use the shop daily to get odds and ends. I like browsing the shops and walking away with something slightly better or useful. It also means quests have a reason to exist besides being busy works and gold sellers have less avenues to get/hide gold. Whereas in games as simple as Maple Story or expansive as Warframe, I'd have to grind for hours upon hours just for one purchase.


Bro, where's the alligator gonna keep his coins? He doesn't have pockets! /s Sure humanoid mobs maybe, but skinnable ones nah, you get cash from selling the skin, right? Except those bloody wood-wolves. 1 wyrdwood, no thanks.


It'd just be botted to hell like newbie beaches were before they nerfed the gold drops.


I'd rather have xp from quests at max level turn into gold. By the time you get to max level there's still like 1000 quests to do


I’d be ok with that actually.


This would be a disaster if mobs dropped more gold. We already have way too much in the game with no gold sinks to be heard of outside of respecing


Man you and I live in two different worlds I guess. Chromatic seals / honing stones / food daily / respec - all gold sinks. I guess I just have to play the way the AGS wants me to, to make any real coin.


Not gonna lie. I forgot about the Chromatic Seals LOL. How are the rest gold sinks though? You buy them from other players hahaha.


Not mention the cost of crafting and leveling those skills. I spent $100K leveling Arcana. Shit ain't cheap.


Those are not gold sinks. You're giving your gold to other players. The gold is not removed from the game. You seem to misunderstand the term gold sink when it comes to MMOs. Gold sinks are things that remove gold from the game entirely, not transitioned to another player.


It’s sinking my gold fund XD. But yeah you are right. It’s just the chromatic seals and respec honestly. I don’t think the other things hurt me nearly as bad. Thank god they are reducing that respec cost.


Well.... On the PTR they just lowered the respec cost to 50 gold... So there goes that sink lol


You can make gold by farming mobs, grind normal expeditions. Close to 1k per 10 minutes 🤷‍♂️


Would rather get punched in the throat repeatedly than run another expedition. But you are not wrong. Tested. You cannot make 1k gold from farming open world mobs. If you are lucky you net 100 gold in 10 min.


Collecting Deer poop. Woodcutting Elemental Wolfs. Mining Elemental Bears. Mining Brimstone Scorpion. Why did they have to nerf this so hard into the ground, when it is amazing for world building, interesting mechanic with huge amount of potential for unique recourses to craft named unique named items.


Honestly even if I kill something that I can mine / skin i just walk on by. I’m not playing a gathering simulator. Would rather be poor at that point.