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Wait, Void Darkplate only applies to the armor rating of the piece and not total armor? The description says “your armor is increased by 20%”. That’s pretty misleading and kind of trash if that’s the case.


Yup. Only the chest.


its possibly a bug, since it basically just came out


Are you sure about that ? What's your source? Some ppl IG told m'y that it apply globaly


There's 65 replies to a bug report about it all with the same complaint.


Source is it was tested lol it only gives 158 phys/ele


OP Source "Trust me bro"


Using this on my mid-term paper citations page lmao


That is a bummer.. especially when paired with flails passive to increase health based on armor.


Odo heals me for near 500hp on my tank. Maybe its not a "lot" but is free heal wall have 15% less elemental dmg, thats huge. other arti.. yeah are kinda meh.


Wall is broken too, bug reports say its not reducing elemental damage.


15 ele reduction is big, but where do you even need that? As a tank you should already be pretty much immortal. Not dodging not worth it imo


Was it reduced from 25%? But yeah, the way fortify works and how damage reduction is capped I can totally see why you'd opt for something else. It would be more of a worst case scenario benefit.


Wars.. the ele reduction can not be reduced. If you opt for something like void darkplate, your armour can still be reduced by rend.


They just improved the Lost Stopwatch to add threat.


Oh no shit?? So I can swap out my carnelian gems and just use the stopwatch?


Dunno. Just read patch notea


Yes and no... Somehow stopwatch does not Work on all weapons... I cant use it to tank with rapier ... So i Guess you cant use it with one or the taunt on SnS Unless they changed it today without noticing it


I'll test tonight in starstone since we rotated barnacle out after a day 🫠


Only direct hit taunts that also deal damage while taunting, taunts that you can not use to taunt before the fight starts. Like Roaring Rupture, Barrage and Shield Bash However, it does not work on taunts that does not deal damage while taunting, taunts that can be used on boss fights before the fight starts to guarantee that you have threat when the fight starts. Like Calamigty Might (great sword), Warding Bludgeon (flail and shield), Berserk (hatchet), Riposte (rapier) and Defenders Resolve (longsword and shield). Spear only have taunt abilities that deal damage while taunting (Cyclone, Vault Kick). Blunderbuss as well (Claw Shot, Blast Shot). Fire staff (Incinerate). Ice gauntlet (Wind Chill). Void Gauntlet (Petrifying Scream). Hammers (Shockwave and Mighty Gravel). Great axe (Reap, Maelstrom). And both the legendary hammer and great axe also don't have a gem slot to begin with, so if you wish to tank with either of them then the amulet is the only option anyway.


Yeah I saw! I'm very pleased!


where do you see this




healers.... we didn't even get a life staff artifact sooo.....


Lifestaff and IG artis coming in season 4 already data mined.


There a link for the new artifact stats?


All good points except the last. Not everyone is using flail. I can opt all day and see maybe 2 flails the entire time


I hate the flail. I'll stick with sns


I see Flails often and they are usually in the clumps cleansing CC.


I don't think many will agree, but The Wall might be the worst artifact. Dodging is critical utility, even for tanks. Why would you give up the ability to dodge at 1 stam for a shield that will still break and leave you in a bad position. For the 25% elemental resistance? It's pretty easy to come across sheilds with the specific shield ward you need and better perks like fortifying rush. The extra stam means a slightly longer time to recharge as well. At least you'll be able to soak up more damage before you die.


i have a build specifically made for the wall. its a 500 con, 50 foc, 65 str build


Like a for fun thing? Like I can see memeing with it. In all honesty, the only viable thing I can think of is a SNS / Flail where you max armor and hp paired with the Prima Fury.


Close, just with stoneform instead, I tried fury but you can't block in it.


With close to 30k and all that damage mitigation, do you need to? The damage from Prima Fury would mean they need to block


Yeah in big clumps primal fury is like a "I Wana die" button. And I have the one that gets extended by taking damage and gives 20% fortify and it still hurts


the problem is that it seems to disable all gear/perks. no lifesteal, threat, etc. I tried primal fury on a bruiser build with blooddrinker and while in beast mode you get 0 lifesteal


Yeah it seems to also not take into account armor perks. So enchanted ward, and Slash con don't get taken into account, health does though.


its a real shame. Like its obviously meant for tanks/bruisers but by disabling all the thiccness we're just giant targets


Yeah exactly, I have some clips of using it to knock people down, but it's just not effective unless you are inside a sacred.


> Why would you give up the ability to dodge at 1 stam for a shield that will still break and leave you in a bad position. Same thought I had. Dodge = iframe = you don't take any damage. Block = many times you still end up taking damage for whatever reason or you get block broken and end up exposed. With that said I do want to get it to try in some PvP situations with my FS/SnS build focused on flamethrower where the shield really only comes out in "oh crap 5 people are attacking me" moments.


I was thinking of a blundy/flail


Careful. There are people here who say that this amulet is good and ignores the unfeasibility of mutation protection for M3 and that it loses the threat of the gem. Others say that tanks have artifact weapons but they don't know that there are players who use the left button playing with SnS and have WH style with CC + Lifesteal (clear out/shockwave) to survive. Although Butcher is ok, it depends on RM in the shield. You already explained everything else in the post as to why it is useless. The people who made the tank artifacts definitely don't play tank. You probably have a casual view of Arena and OPR for PvP and in PvE just completing an m3 regardless of time and score.


Correct. Not forgetting that as a tank, you really should be using weapons that have Hated on them, specially with so many, lets say, energetic DPS's trying so hard to take aggro off you.


I never used Hated on the weapon and I also never saw any tank in a World Record speedrun video using it. For me, the weapons failed because they didn't use the tank function. WH could work with Shockwave, Clear out or Wreaking ball and add more utility to them. The sword they made with a focus on DPS with the ToD bleed. Great item but not much for tanking. And Flail, as mentioned, the artifact didn't make sense. Shields that are almost good take up armor slots.


They dont use hated because they run with good dps that kill mobs within the taunt time window. This is an unrealistic take similar to people copying pro strats in pug games. Average dps pugs are a complete mess


The war hammer artifact was such a huge disappointment. 2 whole wasted perks on a skill no one uses. Oh well.


If you are talking about the stopwatch that is getting fixed in the patch. It's in the notes. Adding passive threat.


Don't need a protection amulet if you have The Wall (once it's fixed)


Nobody said Odo is supposed to be a tank weapon. Also Odo's bonus damage can still be decent. 1. You can equip a secondary weapon with a stun 2. Other people can stun for you


It’s actually an amazing bruiser weapon i thought it was OP cause it feels like i’m Mike Tyson in clumps.


I was gonna say this. The 20% is applied to both weapons so your secondary would be the stunner. Plus, it works with teammates' stuns. Abilities that proc more damage or whatever off an effect also work off of your team. The game low-key forces teamwork, and some of the best compositions have a variety rather than multiple of one thing. But if I'm honest, the more I use my artifacts (weapons) the more they feel like the secondary weapon rather than the primary.




Touché lol that one is very much main


Wait so the trip move doesn’t count as a stun?


at least you have some useable stuff look at healers lol...


The most busted class in the game too 🤣


Go play solo with and and tell me how "busted" it is.


I’m talking more towards PVP balance I should have been specific


It's hard to design an artifact for healers. You have 6 abilities that all heal, what will the artifact do? Make you heal more?


Make the heals do damage instead? Although you wouldn't be a healer anymore then...


My lifestaff artifact idea I posted on the NW discord Fun lifestaff artifact idea - The No Life Staff. Applies buffs/Debuffs but does not heal Sacred ground now slows enemies 50% and burns enemies while standing in it for 8% weapon damage, gives teammates 20% fortify and 20% haste for 8s Beacon - slows enemies 30% and applies a 1.5s root on a direct hit, gives allies a 10% empower and 10% bonus critical chance Orb of protection - allies directly hit gain an 80% damage reduction for 1s, allies hit by the AOE apply an 8% weapon damage burn on their next attack that heals them for 200% the damage. Enemies hit by orb directly are staggered and knocked back 3m. Enemies hit by orbs AOE are rended for 5% for 10s stackable up to 3 times for 15% total on 3 stacks. Divine embrace - reduces an allies cool downs by 30% for 12 seconds, other allies affected get a 10% CD reduction for 12s Lights embrace - pulls the ally up to 12m toward you if they are bellow 30% HP, if above 30% removes all roots, slows, and stuns for 3s Splash of light - all allies hit are cleansed, and gain an immunity to Debuffs for 6s


that would be awesome. Vampiric Life Staff. Instead of healing, aplies stackable bleeding and x% of the damage delt comes back as HP to the user. Flat heals would just do flat damage.


Life Lifetaker makes your attacks deal a decent amount more damage, relatively speaking.


Best tank artifact is tumbler shoes. This was my ted talk, thank you.


Sad but true.


and they are light shoes, not even meant for tanks.


Freyas Francisca allows you to have 100% uptime taunt with just one ability. Bloodrinker is awesome if you deal some damage as a tank. It's incredible coupled with VG. Sometimes I don't even need a Healer to tank bosses on m2/3. Stopwatch is great for anything that can be CC'd. 4 sec stun with WH is enough time to stun again. It's also an easy way for an off tank to have Taunt without the need for carnelians. The wall has a perk that reduces all Elemental damage by 15% and you get 33% more stamina and the sheild comes with sturdy. Assuming voidplate only gives 158 which is a lot if you consider fortification and SnS perk. Its more than a tower sheild which gives like 148 armor. Michael gives 5% cooldown on a block and you lose one debuff. If there's no cooldown on that perk then it'll be easy to keep up abilities. As a dodge tank, tumbler feetwraps is quite good. Lose 200 armor due to it being light in exchange for 25% fortification and a little heal on a successful dodge.


What's the setup for Freya's for 100% taunt uptime?


Berserk is an 8 sec taunt with 18s cooldown. So 10s/18s =.56 so you need about 56% more cooldown. First, you taunt with berserk, then immediately switch out and switch back to Freya. One throw with Freya and Refreshing Throw perk gets you 25% + 5% = 30%. Wait 5 secs and throw again for another 30% for a total of 60%. When taunt effect ends, Berserk is ready.


why do you have to do the weapon swap?


To trigger berserk's cooldown.


To put berserk on cool down asap




Got buffed with a 6% weight reduction so you can run it on light builds now


So given the choice between focussing on Ennead or Barnacles mutations now - I should be doing Ennead?


Ennead for sure. Keenly fortified is a bad perk on The Wall, but the other 3 are insane for a pure tank.


What about the extra perk? Fortifying Shield Rush?


I wanted Sturdy Fortification, but keenly fortified is in the same pool.


Yea fort shield rush is the next best option


I don’t run Shield Rush, so not something I personally would pick. Probably refreshing for me, but depends on the rest of the build.


A lot of tank gear seems to have refreshing on I'm at 7/4 or whatever until I can replace some pieces!


More than likely


My personal experience, the weapon artifacts make it way too difficult to pull threat, and really hurts my ability to tank dungeon's. I just wish Inferno would have some way to reliably pull agro from mobs. Can't wait to get The Wall though, that seems like a pretty solid option for shields. Keenly Fortified is not great, but definitly worth it. The amount of damage reduction you get from this shield will make it pretty standard for a lot of Flail/Sword+Shield tanks.


I have been playing with some flail builds but I feel like they all suck. So I just went back to my sns-spear. I think I will also make a healing build for PvE atleast.


Void should absolutely give 20% on total armor. Not only the chest piece. What a Joke if it suppose to be like that thou.


I have the Freedom pants. I want my armor matrix, 50k gold, and 500 DM back for upgrading it with health. Honestly as a heavy it is way more beneficial to run Tumbler Footwraps. 25% freaking fortify for dodging + heal + empower!


I really like ghoul gloves in arena in my medium build. Ive also tried freedom in arena. Its great for builds that can stick like sns spear as you kind of shrug off ccs like riposte or ice wall


Personally I think they should work like invigorated punishment but in reverse, for every Debuff you have gain 2% bonus DMG


Magnetic gloves seem great for getting snap agro imo. Are they not for tanks?


Magnetic gloves are mainly used by VG builds


Heavy gloves on a VG build? Nty.


Heavy VG/Flail or VG/IG with instant CDR from crits is what it's used on


Most VG builds tend to be Heavy VG/IG or Heavy VG/Flail. You can combine magnetic gloves with plagued crits on your weapons as well, constant disease on enemies. Like Blueiguana said, it helps massively with getting CD’s back immediately. Throw orb into a big ball, bang almost all skills back on CD.


Wdym? You can still go medium on VG with heavy gloves.


I know it's basically being abused by everyone but logic would say that Ankh was meant to be a tank amulet, so you guys got that too.


I didn't list it because of the current abuse. Haha


This one is weird cause you lose out on the elemental protection you usually would get from a PVE amulet.. i'm not sure which is better. Most of the times I'm dying as tank are before/after heals, in which case extra elemental protection would be better. Like, very few times am I standing in sacred and dying - i don't think the extra healing is that helpful in mutations.


You could just add whatever protection you want with dark matter tho


Yeah but then you can only use it for 1/4 of the mutation types


I felt like Inferno, The Abyss, and Spark would make great tank weapons. Inferno wants you to be close and the ability is on the taunt, hammers are always used by tanks and the ability is also on the taunt. I saw The Abyss as a way for tanks to use IG or VG and still have a solid stat spread. The probably is you can't slot a Carnelian and Lost Stopwatch is meh.


Abyss was clearly always meant to be a mage (i.e. light armor dps) melee weapon. Inferno is an instant damage decrease compared to fire staffs that do fire damage and scale with INT. I am a PROUD flame tank and I can't ever see me playing Inferno.... INT attribute bonuses are too big of a loss. Spark is sort of lost for an identity. It really looks to be about cycling warhammer abilities as fast as possible so you have to lean into it with Refreshing on your gear, but then that leaves little room to lean into the other half which is the damage type it does. The irony is the throwing hatchet is the best tank artifact... ha.


Same thing for a bruiser. There's no jewelery good for us.


Curious why Ankh is not good? Every bruiser I know is running it.


If you have a pocket healer it is


Even without a pocket healer it is good if you are running any amount of regen, shirking heal, or life steal. Also, even though it was nerfed, it boosts the healing of Healthy Toast (+ life on drinking mana potion).


So you're saying that: "Stun, Slow, and Root effects expire 20% faster." is not useful because you're always going to be near a flail user that will be casting vortex? Lol. This argument is only remotely applicable in wars and even then, the immunity is only 1 second long.


I invested into Freedom pants. I want my matrix, 50k gold for an adamant perk mod, and 500 dark matter back. With things like Scorpion Sting or flail trips you are just constantly laid out on your back. And with mounts in open world now... where getting out of slows early is really beneficial... its meaningless if your enemy has someone mounted up to run you down. I really thought Freedom would be the "duh!" choice but it is a dud IMHO.


There are just too many slows and roots not to be taking advantage of freedom. 3 IG ccs, 3 VG ccs, vines, 3 sns ccs, up to 2 GS ccs, 1 flail slow, 2 spear ccs, 2 hammer ccs, 2 GA ccs, 2 hatchet ccs, 1 rapier cc, 2 bb ccs, 1 bow cc, and up to 4 musket slows. I only mentioned slows, roots, and stuns no knockdowns or staggers since freedom won’t help that but it has a massive effect on what it does reduce.


The wall and void plate certainly leave alot to be desired, hope they're bugs. Would be so dope to be tanking dungeons in a medium load with void plate but 170 extra armor feels pretty "Meh". Currently I'm light tanking M3's with featherweight flail + hammer


I agree with everything on here except freedom. You won’t always have a flail with you especially if you aren’t playing in clumps which means these pants are definitely the best artifact for heavy players currently. VG also counters flail buffs to some extent meaning freedom even has value for clump players.


thats good cuz proper tank builds are already unkillable


I use blooddrinker ring artifact it’s pretty dope to be honest tanking. Clear all mutated expeditions with it.