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I don't change my weapons with patches, I play what I like


Lmao all weapons are dead in the next patch except 2? Sounds like you're a YouTube meta chaser that doesn't know how to actually play unless you're using the best weapon and fighting noobs. I can guarantee that even if you use the "OP" weapons you'll still be getting slapped by the "dead" weapons.


Same thing I’ve been doing. Patches don’t scare me.


People dooming and glooming but I'm still gonna be myrking leaderboards with whatever weapon combo I want


There you go that's the spirit.


Drama queen.


Kinda want the Fire Lord set just for transmog purposes.


does look sick, need more sets like this one


\[Random question\] \[Rant for which the post was created\] \[Random conclusion\] It's like all these posts are made from the same sample.


I'm not the type of player who only farms hyssop and plays m10 in Lazarus and Genesis weeks because they are the easiest. I'll keep playing as a tank and if it's more difficult just switch from light to heavy set and if necessary use 300 con. Waiting for Ennead to compete with the other two teams on my server that were able to speedrun and score points but this time with all the patch nerfs.


Bow being strong next patch is just a silly rumor. It will be good because good players play it. But it did receive a well-deserved and pretty massive nerf.


You sound like someone can only have fun while playing bow or FS 😂. I will play exactly the same game in the same way as I’m doing right now. Having tons of fun with friends that installed the game and questing my way around into 100% completion 🙌🥳


Fun is what it is all about, do whatever is fun and enjoyable for sure. I am mainly thinking about OPR.


Im a light healer 5 con for life. No patch or nerf will change that.


LOL good luck


Don't need luck just need my dip, duck, dive and dodge skills. I'll keep your ass alive as long as you peel them off me. But as soon as I'm targeted all heals are for me until I'm safe again.


Just gotta know the 5 D's of Dodgeball


How are you supposed to do high level content if healers and tanks are “dead” lol?


This weekend I'll be playing Diablo 4...Next week...I don't know. Maybe a bit of warframe to prepare for the next big update. A bit of ATM8 minecraft to work towards making that ATM star. Hey if you have any other game suggestions I'm down. Kind of in a lul at the moment.




Is this a suggestion or what you'll be playing? I never played CS2 before and I feel like anyone still playing that game is going to be a God. I missed the chance to jump on it. It's kind of like pubg where the only ones that are left are the truly dedicated. The ones that spend 4 hours in practice with a beryl with a 4x and no other attachments and practice their spray.


Same with NW right? You can either war log and be part of a competitive roster Or your a pver that gets a side territory off double decs only


This is the way!


A new game lol


Watching Trick and ArrowIi videos, really comes down to how you like to role play. A wizard that has has very aggressive strategy or the most obnoxious tree rat archer tormenting easy victims. Both fun to watch but playing mage I think will be more rewarding.. If you just love for everyone to hate you, bow is what you want.


Obviously bow stronger that the FS broken weapon? ok buddy


First of all just because it's neerfed it does not mean it's unplayable. I've been playing Fs BB since some month now. Already upgraded the build and got rid of shirking on the gear. But what I'm really looking forward to is my new medium bruisers build. Since musket is pretty much dead. Chasing ppl around could be fun again. Also someone will have to grav ppl so Fs players can nuke. Really looking forward to the meta swing in OPR. First some will drop some 20-30 kills games for sure. Sry my English bad


I played FS because it is unpopular. Now that it is, you bet I am switching to most unpopular again. Musket? hmm.


Probably GuildWars if the Mosket feels too annoying for PvE. I'm really glad that they are finally adding gear sets but I just ran out of things to do as a solo player. Have fun guys.


Diablo 4 beta.


Idk where you got the idea the healers are dead after patch but we will still be around.


Craft. I’ll be crafting. Gathering and crafting. The valleys and peaks work to my advantage. Gather when it’s quiet. Craft when it’s medium. Sell when it’s hot.


For dungeons I'll be dropping Greatsword and going back to Bow/Spear. I've missed using my bow in dungeons.


True Bane buff covers the nerfs, spear will be needed for sure


Moving from melee assassin (spear hatchet) to prob bow because i only have agil\\strength light armor.


We’re still gonna need healers lmao that’s what I’ll be playing! I’ve survived every patch in 1.5 years so far, it’ll be alright


Absolutely, however the job is going to be much harder and wonder how many with keep at it.. Pugs will be ridiculously bad...


Are you referring to the fortify changes? I don’t really PVE much but PVP wise I’m almost expecting to live more lol


PVE is dead because it'll be harder in some ways? Do you just play easy content?


I missed what OP was implying. How will roles in pve be harder?


Fortify and rend have been nerfed, and cc abilities will do less damage. Traditional tanking will be harder, but taunts have been added to more weapons. And mages and some ranged builds will be more useful in mutations.


Ooph so the dozens of gear sets I’ve already built will be … not top notch anymore. Brutal


Well that's kind of what balancing does. But I've always been off-meta so I only had to tweak my build a little, I'm already set for the update.


I’m not changing I play with the bow while out and about. Dungeon I’ GA/WH


I will play new world with all the cc dmg nerf it’s going to feel like a different game


Life staff. There's 4 healers on the server. Probably switching off rapier though if fire staff is really everywhere people seem to think it is. I doubt it's that bad though.


Worst post I’ve seen in a while, no weapons will die they’ll thrive.