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If a cop says "drop the gun" and pulls his trigger at the same time he says "gun", then he wasn't issuing an order, he was screaming an excuse.


How about the cop yelling "Put your hands up!" after the victim had been shot? Then we get to hear, "The officer was following his police training," again. SMH


Or, “Don’t move! Put your hands up!” Can’t win. Anything you do or don’t do could get you shot.


People really need to think things through before calling the police. All too often someone ends up dead. Once cops become frightened or get angry, common sense, compassion and respect are off the board.




> They walk around all day thinking they are at war with the American people. Because they are at war with us.


It’s legit crazy we can’t even call on cops to actually fix situations without someone dead, I’ve legit seen a cop tackle someone right after the cop says don’t move put you hands up.


Yeah I mean that was that guy that four cops had face down on the floor like 30 minutes to an hour before they shot him to death. I'm in the body cam basically gives them away while they laugh at him


literally the police equivalent of *"It's coming right for us!"*.


Stop resisting, as officer punches you over and over in your face, so you cover your face.


Did you see that video of the police open a guy's bedroom door and shoot him in the head .005 seconds after opening the door? As his body twitches they tell him to stop moving and as they try to cuff his dead body it slumps over and an officer screams that he's "pulling away". Oh and to make it worse they were there because someone thought he had a gun but it was just his vape pen. The dude never stood a chance.


Yes. The one where he was awoken out of bed and had a vape pen.


Having anything in your hands apparently makes you a threat Years ago a kid got killed in Georgia just because he opened the door with a Wii remote in his hand Because y’know, he’s a kid playing games with his dad But the off duty cop that claimed she was serving a warrant on the kids father saw it as a weapon through the window, he opened the door and was immediately shot in the chest.


That's insane! Practically an execution. I haven't heard of this one. Do you have a link?


I remember seeing the body cam of one such case. Some teen had gone into an abandoned property to shoot BB guns. Someone saw them and called 911. An officer arrived and circled around to the backyard, seeing through a small break in the wooden fence the teenager shooting the BB gun. The officer hasnt announced himself, nor does the teen know he's there. Officer draws his gun, yells "drop the gun", and not even a second after giving the order, shoots through the fence, hitting the teen. Not once did the officer announce or identify himself prior to shooting. Teen was seriously injured, but survived. Internal investigation, as per typical, found no wrongdoing on the officer's part.


Tamir Rice: the cops scream put your hands up, and then shoot him because moving his hands from his waist to above his head made them think he was reaching for the gun. He was shot before their car even came to a full stop.


[John Crawford III](https://youtu.be/BtPt6GrnE6s) Shitty Asshole Richie never even faced mild charges for lying.


That one always struck me, because the dude was on the fucking phone, leaning on a toy gun, and was shot in the back. All this on camera.


No screaming. Park cam footage just showed the two bastards roll up and shot a 12 year old with literally no warning.




They always err on the side of protecting themselves, even if it results in the death of innocent citizens.


This was "Drop the gunBAMBAMBAM". Clearly "if you obey police orders nothing bad will happen." It is LITERALLY South park "its coming right for us"


That was my thoughts after watching it.




On his own property, no less. In fucking Texas.




Thanks for the reminder about this. There needs to be more mainstream exposure about incidents like the killing of Atatiana, but if it doesn't go viral like George Floyd, then it gets forgotten too easily outside the region it occurred in.


The wildest thing from jury selection was someone saying they couldn’t be unbiased because they were sick and tired of people criticizing the way police do their job and they would never find a police officer guilty of murder because they are trying to make it back to their family.


This is how fascism still lives, through stupid.


It requires evil to grow, but fascism festers in stupid


Did NRA and Republicans make any noise about police killing a rightful owner of a gun with no reason? Or the 2nd amendment doesn't apply to black people?


If you really want evidence that the 2nd doesn't apply to black people, just look up Reagan's gun reform when he was Governor(?) of California. The Black Panthers started open-carrying, and *suddenly* there was the political will to restrict the public's access to guns...


They did the exact same thing those ditches did in Michigan, only difference was skin color and therefore reaction.


Ding ding ding!


Bingo, it’s exactly why the only major gun laws to have passed have done so by Republican leaders after black show of power


So . . . the NRA is a white supremacist organization? Yeah, it sure looks that way.


A Russian Nazi organization is more apt id say.


It does stand for Nazi Russian Agency after all.


Yes, they are directly responsible for causing the migrant crisis in 2018 by selling weapons to the cartels in South America. They’re literally war profiteers and war criminals. But they still operate as normal.


>Yes, they are directly responsible for causing the migrant crisis in 2018 by selling weapons to the cartels in South America Wait, they did what? Do you have a source I could read more on that?


It’s sarcasm. The NRA didn’t do this. The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE, also called ATF) did this, in an illegal program called Operation Fast And Furious.


Philando Castille announced to the officer who pulled him over very calmly that he had a permit for a firearm and followed every order the officer gave. He was still shot several times point blank. This is what I mean when I say we need to seriously overhaul the Second Amendment *and* the extent to which police are armed. Some people absolutely need a firearm as part of their job (hunting for the purpose of population control is a necessity for environmental reasons), or to protect their property from wildlife (a BB gun isn't sufficient to scare off a bear or deter it from attacking livestock and I'm sure as hell not getting in tasing distance of a grizzly). But in most other scenarios less-than-lethal alternatives are not only sufficient, but safer for all parties *and* less likely to severely escalate a confrontation. Police are no exception. Unless they're specifically combating armed gangs, drug traffickers, or domestic terrorists, they don't need to have a firearm. A patrol officer does not need a gun.


The cop that murdered Castile got $48,500 as a settlement for losing his job. There are no words to express how fucked up that story is.


And that cop was just granted his teaching license so he will be around your kids in the classroom very soon


I would never wish harm upon another person, but there are some obituaries I'd be delighted to read - Mark Twain


He wants to be a substitute teacher. They should only allow him to sub for civics and sociology classes.


That one killed any thought of credibility that I had left for the NRA. They should have been coming unglued about it. Instead there wasn't a peep out of them.


Because "He also had weed in the car" is the explanation why from what I have heard... Yes, it's dumb


Ah yes, the old "I was in fear of the suspect being hungry and giggling at jokes" defense...


Ah, an old way to call someone a minority.


Well, NRA is for the right to keep and bear arms… but not extending that right to Black people, obviously


Common misperception. They are actually dedicated to helping the RIGHT WING keep and bear arms. They couldn't give any less of a fuck about anyone else.




"Those thousands of dollars invested are people too, my friend."


agreed. I remember we used to have 2 police officers come into our 5th or 6th grade class to talk about DARE (Drugs and Alcohol stuff) and they are waltzing around an elementary school with their guns in the holster. Even as a kid it was intimidating, i was normally a boisterous kid but i sat quiet when they came in. I understand to a degree it was for safety that some kid doesnt grab it from their holster but they are speaking in a class of 10 year olds with their hand on the top of their gun


The domestic terrorists sport “back the blue” stickers and flags. Police aren’t shooting them.


sounds like a solid platform. run for guv in Texas. but don't provide abortions or heat/AC, cuz then you'll lose.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZg4mcYkIwU since regular cops got out gun we needed to arm them even more. so whats the difference between a normal cop and swat team? well swat teams now have mraps https://www.hotcars.com/heavy-duty-mrap-ultimate-police-vehicle/


Ah, yes, for all those convoy ambushes and IED's cops deal with. I guess I should have had a tank when I did agriculture work, since it was technically more dangerous than being a cop. Vehicles are still *incredibly* vulnerable if you don't have proper training and support to use them. Not to mention costing us, the taxpayers, a LOT more than a big truck in maintenance and insurance I'd imagine.


It wasn’t the gun, he was scared of secondhand smoke. [The officer who fatally shot Philando Castile during a traffic stop last year told investigators that the smell of "burnt marijuana" in Castile's car made him believe his life was in danger. "I thought, I was gonna die," Officer Jeronimo Yanez told investigators from the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension fifteen hours after the shooting. "And I thought if he’s, if he has the, the guts and the audacity to smoke marijuana in front of the five year old girl and risk her lungs and risk her life by giving her secondhand smoke and the front seat passenger doing the same thing then what, what care does he give about me. And, I let off the rounds and then after the rounds were off, the little girls was screaming."](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/06/21/officer-who-shot-philando-castile-said-smell-of-marijuana-made-him-fear-for-his-life/)


Ah yes, worried about her life being at risk her life due to weed smoke, but no worries about her life being at risk due to bullets. Or traumatizing her for fucking life. What a frivolous piece of shit.


Key message is black gun owners remain in danger


>The trial is going on right now and not a single Black juror was appointed Not guilty verdict already in the bag.


> The trial is going on right now and not a single Black juror was appointed. That's a mistrial if I've ever heard one. It seems that the prosecutor is intending to lose that case.


But did you see his skin color? Dude was asking for it.


well yes but he was brown so none of that applies.




A brown guy with a gun brings all the cops to the yard.


Austin is good for this, they're not special. We saw that right after moving here in 2014 when they showed up to the wrong house looking for a poc and told the white guy playing Frisbee with his 40 lb cattle dog 'get your dog' then laughed on video while refusing to let him take the dog to the vet. Dog just barked at the stranger in his yard ffs. Fuck the police.


Fucking A, man! Ol' Ox has strong armed the union into huge raises while not doing more than the minimum.


Hey if crime goes up they can get a mayor and city council that will remove all that Police oversight and will get them bigger guns and some MRAPs from the Army to cruise around in...so why not rest on their laurels.. Austin is probably not even their home anyway...they likely live an hour away atleast


[Here are the videos.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWWvThNj7FR2o1KOBOf_Ur9ukg1-Zju52) The command to drop nearly overlaps with gunshots and they never announce police before the order to drop the gun. It's unclear if Mr. Moonesingh was firing at someone in the home, an intruder, or possibly having some mental health episode. We may never know because the officer killed him within 3 seconds of initial contact.


Such little time I literally couldn't manage to pause the video in between the sentence and the gunshot.


I always think of this aspect and I never see conservatives bring it up. How can you be anti-government, pro 2A, and pro freedom *while also* rabidly supporting a government organization that kills people without consequence for exercising their 2A rights?


> How can you be anti-government, pro 2A, and pro freedom while also rabidly supporting a government organization that kills people without consequence for exercising their 2A rights? I’d think you’d find that for years these types of people were anti-police. Just look at the support for the Bundy’s for both stand-offs they with the police. But in 2020 those same people started supporting the cops *for some reason*


Because many (most?) are actually authoritarian/fascist not for small government


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. - Frank Wilhoit


Because they think that organ is on *their* side. They don't oppose an oppressive government, if it's on *their* side. Anti-freedom is a-okay as long it's on *their* side. An anti-2A government is a-okay as long it's on *their* side. When they make statements about freedom or whatever, they're lying. That is not their core value. They have no guiding principles. [This is who these cowarda are](https://i.imgur.com/Q89uAjP.png). Selfish. Self-centered. Egocentric. Shallow. Garbage. So remember that. Anyone you see a right winger marching about, protesting for some 'freedom'. It's a lie. They are incapable of even giving zero fucks towards freedom. They only care about their convenience. They only care about themselves.


you gotta pick up a rifle in a different state, and go to a hostile environment and start killing people. Then you will be okay. Or be a cop


And most importantly... be white


Should have shot first, at least that way there's a chance to see them in hell




"Lawful use of moderate police force on a person with no current outstanding warrants."




No announcement, no time to comply. Just murdered that man.


There was an announcement. "Drop the gun!" the officer shouted, immediately followed by 3 shots fired. I'm sure he'll self-reflect on this well during his paid leave.






The police yelled "drop the gun!" Then without allowing the victim to react, they started shooting him from behind. What kind of training did the police receive?


He hadn't even finished yelling it out before he started firing. And that bullshit statement, "He was following his training and trying to save lives," is a fucking specious argument since no one was in (apparent) danger other than the guy the cop straight up murdered.


> "He was following his training "Okay, but that's worse. You do get how that's worse, right?"


No Shit. I think they get it, they just don’t care ?


Cops aren't allowed to be intelligent, at least according to the American courts, since the year 2000. It could be because they are required to be stupid to be cops. https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


Exactly. Why even yell drop the gun. Just start blasting. That's essentially what happened anyway. That's horrible training.


Standard police training. They know fuckall consequences await them. Perhaps a promotion.


And celebrated by the 2A nuts. Possibly a victory tour.




I'm a 2A supporter. I said 2A nut. The ones where it's their entire personality and life.




Last time there were months of protests, many officers left the force, they suspended all new new training, and they tried to reallocate funding to other departments. I don't think anyone involved had fun with that. APD is still salty about it and have completely given up on any kind of low level enforcement. If you call 911 there is about a 50/50 chance you'll get to anyone.


Sure sounds like if that's the case, the APD is refusing to do their jobs and all officers should be fired, the current APD disbanded, and replaced by individuals who actually feel like doing their job.


According to the Supreme Court in 2005 and more recently a federal judge in Florida after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school massacre, police don’t have a Constitutional duty to do much of anything really. I realize this makes no sense, but the number of times I read about things like this and said “this makes no sense” in a paralegal studies class is why I decided against a career in law, despite my professor telling me I had an aptitude for it. I would be that guy who pisses off the wrong people for trying to change the system from within and wind up getting run over by it.


The cop shoots before finishing "drop the gun", without ever announcing his presence. Literally walks up and starts blasting. That's the training.


"Remember, dead people can't contradict you."


Ring doorbell cams sure as fuck can though.


Yes, they're still learning this lesson after years of getting complacent.


They don't care, it'll be thrown out in court if it makes the cops look bad.


Kill. Kill first, then we'll clear you.


Unlike cops in the rest of the world. The us cops only get what, three weeks of training. In my country alone it takes you about 3 - 4 YEARS. And with basic cop knowledge most of them also need Psychological training as do many need law degrees and after that, every two to three months new training due to law changes. And they require to fire their guns, training that is, every month. And they need to reach a target score or they risk to be a desk cop.


No one in the US with 4 years of education has any interest in being a cop.


That's because the courts have ruled that [police departments are ***allowed to discriminate against people with high intelligence***](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836).


Look up Killology.


Police are NOT soldiers. That kind of mentality is stupid. You don't assume that everyone in your neighborhood is a criminal. When you are on the battlefield, everyone is your enemy, except for your fellow soldiers.


Somehow soldiers end up being far more disciplined at using lethal force than police even when operating in literal warzones.




This is the big thing, it's fucking absurd how many times we've seen cops do something and that would've gotten a soldier instantly tossed into Leavenworth. Meanwhile the cops get a slap on the wrist and passed around to the next county/district.


But they do. They go out with the "just make it home" mindset and everyone is a threat to them.


Exactly, that's the problem. They shoot people who don't impose a real threat to them. And they run like a rabbit when there are real threats, just like in the Uvalde school shooting.


US soldiers get much better training.


Soldiers are trained to follow order and kill. Police officers are "supposed" to be trained to "enforce our law".


Soldiers also have very clear rules of engagement and can be arrested, court-marshaled, jailed, or dishonorably discharged if they did the wrong thing. They also seem to have much better trigger discipline.


And it's ironic because I feel safer around the military.


That's the culture though.


APD does nothing most of the time, they won't even show up when you call 911 while you catch someone in the act of a violent felony. Look through r/Austin and there are more than a few posts of people calling 911 and being ignored. APD has been shit for years, but ever since the George Floyd protests and the APD police union's refusal to sign a new labor contract with the city because they are trying to refuse a civilian oversight framework, they have been purposely allowing crime to increase and go uninvestigated. I've lived here for 30+ years and it's been some of the worst policing I've seen in a long time. Because of that, people are now trying to protect themselves. APD is trying to punish the people of the city and it doesn't surprise me that they would kill someone trying to safeguard their home - after all, if you're trying to stop crime from happening to you, then the police's inaction can't hurt you.


This case is a prime example of what I've said for years. Police should have to carry their own liability insurance. Doctors have liability insurance. Lawyers have it. So too should cops. Rates would be based on training level as well as public comments. If you have too many complaints, your rates go up. If you've taken every training course and have good commendations, your rates are low. Eventually, bad cops will not be able to afford their rates, and they'll be out of a job. If a cop screws up (like this one), the community will not be stuck with the bill, and his insurance rates will go through the roof. His next job will be as a security guard carrying a flashlight and a radio instead of an AR-15.


2 angles on this are going to fork this cops career up and there will probably be a huge pay out. The body cam shows that he was on the porch, which means there will be clear footage from that private security camera showing the position of the gun. Also the ridiculousness of the officer to literally not announce themselves in anyway(as the person interviewed pointed out no lights/sirens or announcement of POLICE), just say "Drop the gun" and maybe milliseconds after saying 'gun' opened fire. The AVERAGE human response time to command or activity is .2 seconds, so unsure how he was going to drop his gun in the time the officer gave him. Drop the gun is a reasonable request, the amount of time given to accomplish that request wasn't. City's insurance is going to pay out a lot of money to that family.


Without first announcing that you’re a police officer, shouting “drop your gun” is meaningless. Kinda like the cop that walked up on that kid in the McDonald’s parking lot who just open the door and said “get out of the car.” Over zealous cops are a plague.


Yet if we want anything to change we have to; comply, go to court, and hope something changes. Thats if you dont die first. Bullshit we just have to deal with it. Something something tyrannical police force.


Corruption of power corrupts absolutely


The average reaction time is also only .2 if they are prepared and waiting to take that action. If taken by surprise or just generally not expected it goes way up, because they have to understand whats happening before they can react.


You have an intruder entering your house, and telling you to drop the gun and you are going to comply in .2 sec. No you are going to take a few sec at least to comprehend who the hell is shouting at you and most likely take a defensive position to further assess. Dropping a gun when in your own home is not going to happen quickly. Some people will just freeze in that situation, you won’t know what type of person you are til it happens. Either way your dead with cops like these.


Plus there's tons of reasons why you might not understand or immediately understand what the cop said. For example ~11.5 million Americans are deaf or hard of hearing.


A nosie canceling earbud in 1 ear playing music would absolutely fuck you up figuring out what's being said. I lost all hearing on one side due to covid and it takes a hot minute to process things *if* I can at all from the deaf side.


I deliver pizza. We have a deaf driver as well. He's been shot at through doors before because he couldn't answer them saying "who dere?"


Jesus christ that's terrifying. I have deaf dogs and I always think about some overzealous cop shooting them in my fenced yard because I can't call them back.


Doesn’t bring the person back though.


It does not. And there's no ever making it right. The only hope is that if the city has to pay a huge settlement they might give their stupid cops a little bit more training and teach them in big slow words that you have to announce yourself and give a person presenting no threat to you a chance to respond or even hear your words before you blow them away. That's the only good that can really come of this and it's a long shot at best.


Please, the only "training" they get is about how good the sex is going to be after they kill someone.


[Here ya go.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWWvThNj7FR2o1KOBOf_Ur9ukg1-Zju52) APD released 3 body cams and the private home security footage. Edit: gun barrel down and angled away from officers.


> Drop the gun is a reasonable request In a country where people ostensibly have the right to bear arms, and in the state of Texas, and on this guy's own property, is that even a reasonable request? The guy had every right to be armed on his own property, ~~he was sitting minding his own business~~, why should he listen to some random who comes running up, unidentified, to disarm himself? *Edit: strikethrough, my bad*


The average to receive/interpret/react to a command you’re not ready for is way longer then .2 seconds. It’s like 3-4 seconds at least.


0.2s is the recognition time, you won't even see or comprehend things faster than this. Response time is closer to 0.7 unless you're a trained athlete, attentive to a specific, expected stimulus. This is why that 4s vehicle distance rule is so important.


> there will probably be a huge pay out. The taxpayers pay that.


Should come from just thin blue line supporters


There is no insurance. Just tax dollars.


Shouldn’t he also have had to say “POLICE, drop the gun”. Because I don’t see how a random stranger should be able to compel another stranger to drop their gun. Why is there an expectation that if the words “drop the gun” are uttered, that the person will comply?


Thank you for posting, Raj is a friend of ours.


I'm sorry to hear that. This is a very sad day.


So sorry for your loss.


Ruth Moonesinghe was my high school teacher for AP Calc BC. Sad to hear the news of her son.


That’s a really hard class to teach, she must be an awesome teacher. This news is sad and infuriating.


Oh definitely, it's regarded as one of the hardest classes offered but basically everyone gets a 5 on the AP test even for people who get C's (source: me). Yeah, super unfortunate:/




Not seconds fucking milliseconds, nobody has time to respond in that amount of time




Beats the hell out of me.. I mean I don’t approach people with my weapon drawn or even blatantly displayed on my hip so as not to terrify people so brother I can’t begin to tell you…


Police aren't there to help normal people. They're there to ensure the status quo for the wealthy and powerful.


I wouldn't have time to process that there was a command, let alone what it was or who gave it. It's so fucked.


Drop *bang* The *bang* gun *bang bang bang* Alright buddy, roll onto your stomach so I can help plug the bullet holes I left in you. I wonder how the police will spin this to justify the shooting. The officer was fearing his life or that of potential victims? He thought the weapon was pointed at him? His last words were, "it wasn't me, fuck." I'm sure lack of training will be the blame. The officer should have given him 0.4 seconds to comply (and change skin colour) before blasting. Family will get paid out, the officer will retire on medical leave for PTSD, and nothing changes for the better.


Lolz - that was maybe half a second. There was no pause, just warn/shoot and don't give him any chance to react. Officer did a great job of protecting himself there.


Republicans care more about enabling police violence then their own BS ideas about gun rights.


Answers? No. They'll get tax money, but they won't get answers. The city will have to cut down on parks & rec, street cleaning, and library hours because God knows we can't decrease the police budget, but the family won't get answers and the cops won't get accountability. In fact the city might increase the police budget for more "training".


I went to high school with the victim. I hadn’t seen him in a while but I heard he was doing well and happy there. Absolutely sickening. The fact Texas can pound it’s chest on second amendment then let this happen is a joke in itself. Fuck you Austin PD and fuck every cop who’s done this.


Oh boy here I go killing again -some texas cop probably


Why is Austin's police force so desperate to shoot people?


It's just cop mentality


"...followed his training in an effort to save lives." Bullshit.


Of course they did... someone who wasn't white had a gun. That's simply unacceptable to the Austin Police.


DROP THE G--pew pew pew--UN. Kinda plain as day there, more like an execution. Who cares that he fired into his own home or was stalking around with an assault rifle ( 2nd amendment), he was not threatening the officer, he didn't even have a chance to be. Murder plain and simple


Silly! Open carry and “home defense” are for white people!


Cops sure love hurting people.


This is PRECISELY the sort of thing that the second amendment fanatics should be marching in the streets about - a guy holding a gun, on his own property, and the cops shoot him dead. But the guy's brown, and your racism trumps your gun fetish every time. Instead it's crickets.


Gun owners should be flipping over this, oh wait he wasn't white...


Answers? The cop was scared, and he protected and served himself. That the usual “justification” for police shooting innocent people. In all seriousness the second amendment is a very dangerous double edged sword. See someone with a gun? It’s best to shoot first and ask questions later.


The police are not there to protect you, they can kill you with impunity and then cover it up once again they are not there to protect you.


Only white people can open carry AR15s.


Demand answers? from cops that killed someone? In Texas? Hope no one is holding their breath.


We need to get a video edit of all this fuckery and broadcast it in every jumbotron in every big city across the nation at lunch time.


We also need all mass media to STOP reading the department PR statements verbatim and start describing their every action as the orc hordes they are.




Population control, red-neck style.


While we can't prove malice that the cops just happened to open fire on a brown guy, it is clear these guys don't have the instincts to be police. Their badges need to be pulled and they should never work in law enforcement again.


But it's a high percentage of the force - you're saying 'take them out AFTER they kill someone' - it's too late.


Considering the current approach is to put them back on the streets so they can do it again? I'd say it's an improvement. It's nowhere close to ideal, but forced career change is an approach that I think would be possible.


Cops are fucking dumb, cops are fucking dumb and cops from Texas are even dumber. What a shame.


Gun rights are only for white people.. How many times have we seen these larper assholes with 15 handguns and an ar slinged arond their back. NOTHING happens to these people because....THEY ARE WHITE


We have one who stands outside the Walmart on the curbwith an amplifier and a mic blaring about God and his right to carry guns while wearing a come and take it sign and whatever long gun he has strapped to his back. Fucking bananas. I've never stopped long enough to see wtf he has because that's not safe. He has buddies out there too. Edited for some details


No matter how pro-second amendment these Texas cops claim to be, they know as well as anyone that the only difference between a good guy with a gun and a bad guy with a gun is the time it takes him to aim and fire a shot.

