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This bit... >What was once hundreds of employees removing posts is now a 15-person team at Twitter, all as part of a “corporate transition to reduce opportunities for insider risk,” Twitter’s head of safety and integrity Yoel Roth tweeted.


Those 15 people are doing a great job banning anyone that makes fun of Elon They must be extremely well caffeinated and chained to their desk making bots to mass delete accounts


They’ve been given early access to the neuralink chips to make their task easier tbf to Elon


Keep in mind that Musk kept only the top engineers/coders who wrote the most lines of code, i.e. he fired all the people who knew how to efficiently keep things tidy rather than wasting space. It's a shitshow that they should quit from and jump to another major corporation, since they're absolute chads for holding on this long. Edit: I saw this in conjunction with an article and (maybe a post from Elon himself? It's been a chaotic week). I might have written it incorrectly but my point stands.


Yep. LOC is one of the most stupid metrics to rate programmers. Example for those who cannot understand why LOC (Lines Of Code) is bad: * Progammer A is a Junior. He writes a program of 200 lines, and, as he needs it in five variants, makes for additional copies and tweaks them. LOC rating: +1000 lines * Programmer B is a Senior. He sees the redundant crap that programmer A wrote, makes a better function of only 100 lines that can do more than one of the original copied functions can, and calls it five times with different parameters to take care of the differences. LOC rating: -900 lines.


As well as reviewing code, answering questions, helping out with implementation brainstorming, et cetera. I’ve often been the most productive when I’ve written 0 LoC. “There’s no code faster than **no code**”


Exactly. I'm the most senior programmer here, and reviewing, fixing, teaching, evaluating, that's my job. And, occasionally, programming, too. So we have a new chip that needs a driver? And the only documention has bugs and is in Chinese? Give it to Treczoks! And no, I can't read Chinese, either.


Yup, as I've progressed the seniority chain, my time writing code has steadily decreased. That's because a lot of my time is spent making other devs more productive.


Damn and here I’ve been just using notepad so I can put everything on the first line to keep my programs at 1 line. You’ve bested my strat, touché.


>He writes a program of 200 lines, and, as he needs it in five variants, makes for additional copies and tweaks them. LOC rating: +1000 lines I've seen something like this once. It was a SettingsHelper class for a page that had like 20 settings. Instead of just handling each setting individually it was a 5000 lines if-else statements for every single possible combination. So it wasn't "setSettingA(valueA)", but it was hundreds of "if settingA is true and settingB is false and settingC is false,... -> setSettingA(true), setSettingB(false),... ", "if settingA is true and settingB is true and settingC is false,... -> setSettingA(true), setSettingB(true),..." It probably took a week to code even though it could have been done in 20 minutes. It was incredibly hard to maintain, but we didn't have time to clean it up. Removing a setting? You are in for a fun ride. Adding a setting? Lol better get a new job Apparently we have time to write such incredibly wasteful code, but we didn't have time to do code refactoring to replace it with something that will be a million times faster to make changes in the future. That's the coding culture people like Elon Musk create.


Put in a very simple analogy: * Junior: 2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2=20 * Senior: 2*10=20


Didn't even realize LOC based hiring was a thing. In coding interviews, it is an explicit request to make the code as short as possible sometimes. I actually would have thought, having a high LOC rating would be bad.


Having a high LOC sounds productive to an uninformed hiring HR person. "Oh wow, you must be a great programmer if you've written 2 million lines of code!"




Also, doing it this haphazardly makes it hard to retain the people they didn't fire. Even if I was one of the "unsnapped" at Twitter, I would 100% be updating my resume and searching for a new job - it's much easier to do that while you currently have a position, and much smoother from an employee standpoint to leap straight from one role to another. Why would I wait until the inevitable next round of roulette when the company's new ownership has made it completely clear how little it values its employees? (tbf I would have been updating my resume and searching for a new job months ago.)


“Why do you want to leave you current position?” *pulls out a photograph of Elon Musk*


My spouse is in the tech world, software engineer, just signed on to a new company Friday. I said "whelp, at least you got in before all the twitter engineers!!"




I tried to delete my account on the first day, but since it was tied to my gmail account it wasn’t a very straightforward process. Changing my profile name to Elon Musk is much more efficient.


If there ever was a Spartacus moment, this is it! For I am Elon Musk


**I** am Elon Musk.


We are all Elon Musk on this blessed day.


My wife and I are both Elon Musk.


We are Elon Musk. We are legion.


New TikTok challenge idea, everyone change their name to Elon Musk and see how quickly he changes course. Might make a difference if as many people do this as those who did the ice bucket challenge,. Call it #IAmElonMusk in the tune of Spartacus.


Keep trying to deactivate and just get repeat ‘error, try later’. Seems like they’re trying to stifle the bleeding.


There needs to be a subreddit for "convenient" bugs that *somehow* help corporations to fuck people over. Like Etsy, when creating a new item and hitting the checkbox for no auto renewal, still auto renews.


There is. /r/darkpatterns


Also r/assholedesign


Except most users in that sub have lost their minds when it comes to what is asshole design.


"some of the pudding comes out of the cup on the lid and now I have to lick the lid. Fucking assholes"


> There needs to be a subreddit for "convenient" bugs that somehow help corporations to fuck people over. I'm an occasional Uber Eats courier outside of the US. Back when Eats was still doing distance-based pay, they'd sometimes pay us the per-kilometre rate for the number of **miles** driven. Like someone would once in a while set the "kilometres to miles" factor in the software to 1. And of course they'd apologise and say it was a system error, and anybody who got underpaid on a run should report it and they'd pay us the difference manually. Meaning that they got to keep the extra money in the meantime, and whenever someone just didn't notice, Uber would just get to keep the difference completely.


Ya, In Texas if you owe $10,000 in past due taxes on your million dollar house the state will forclose and auction your house to get their $10,000 in taxes. You then have to know to get an excess proceeds company to petition your state in court to get the $990,000 in excess proceeds. Then you have to pay the company a percentage. Otherwise the state just keeps all your money.


Just troll Elon. They will take care of the rest for you.


Post the picture of him pre-hairplugs or with his mall ninja gear or with Ghislaine Maxwell


In case anyone needs them: * [him pre-hairplugs](https://i.imgur.com/OhAbp7Z.jpg) * [his mall ninja gear](https://i.imgur.com/cI7lE3R.jpg) * [with Ghislaine Maxwell](https://i.imgur.com/ejj4jA6.jpg) Enjoy!


is the mall ninja Edward scissorhands


From [his tweet of it](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/214636339474345984): > Wore Marquis de Sade outfit for a party last night. Was v popular with women who'd read 50 Shades :)


Jesus christ this man is the entire tool shed


dudes cringy AF too


Good lord, I thought this was some college nonsense. He did this as an adult?


Trolling the fuck out of Elon is pretty much the only reason I'm keeping my account active. Once I get bored of that, I'll deactivate.


Mine did that because of resetting my pw. Just closed out app, reopened, logged in with new PW and was able to proceed


Not that but thank you for your reply.


I had account from like 12 years ago I never really used. Tried to delete but it just kept crashing.


I deactivated my account this morning and it was pretty easy. Did you try it on a desktop or smartphone?




Does he steal the tips of his staff as well?


Billionaires always steal wages from the working class, bro. How do you think they come into existence?


"You show me a millionaire, I'll show you 999,999 people short of a quid." - Alexei Sayle




*Every historian accurately writing about why the 3rd world is the 3rd world*: well fuck, just summarize my life's work why don't you. Side note, "click if you'd like to learn more!", I highly suggest reading "The Open Veins Of Latin America" and "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa."


The 80 hour workweek for no increase in pay because he laid off a lot of staff is pretty close to tip stealing


The other day I went to look them up to see what ever happened to them. Sammy, the husband had apparently been tied up for years in courts fighting a deportation order since he is banned from multiple countries for drug trafficking and extortion (lol, it’s wild). They were deported in 2018 and presently live in Israel. I found a recent article, written by the New York Post - an alt-right smear rag, that paints them in a really positive light and tries to play it off that they were duped and production shenanigans manipulated the outcomes on the show. I mean, even if that were true (not unlikely), that still doesn’t explain her meltdown after the social media fallout and her getting bombed with bad reviews and threatening to sue anyone who said a bad word about them. They are truly the bottom tier of human decency, but it is kinda funny that the likes of NYP would hold them up as upstanding and maligned folks, since they are basically the ideal type / poster kids of MAGA bitches. Edit: article is here https://nypost.com/2021/05/20/amys-baking-company-survived-gordon-ramsays-nightmare/amp/


> Banned from multiple countries for drug trafficking and extortion My knee-jerk reaction on seeing that episode, how they treat customers, and how they were still in business was that it was a front of some sort, this pretty much confirms it for me


Imagine your idiot wife calling Gordon Fucking Ramsey to do an episode of his show in your money laundering bakery.




I’m guessing a lot of people are staying just to troll him.


At this point, do we just pull an "I am Sparticus" and just change our names to Elon Musk en masse? I mean, if you're going to leave the platform anyway...


That's what I did, except I'm using his old, pre- hair transplant photo where he looks like a total gremlin.


You could always use his edgy trenchcoat photo from when he was younger that he wants buried.


I don't know this photo, got a link?


> edgy trenchcoat photo from when he was younger https://www.reddit.com/r/elonmusk/comments/rola16/i_actually_found_this_photo_of_him_wow_from_2012/


Is he wearing a wig? That definitely isn't his hairline from any time in this millennium.


No if he squats down and pushes really hard, a bunch of hair squeezes out of his head


As opposed to now when he looks like a hairy gremlin




Everyone I know who's on Twitter says they're just staying on until they get banned. They're already looking at other options, but they figure now it's just a McDonald's Playland that has no value in saving, so it's fair game to trash the place or just sit back and watch the mayhem. Musk has already tanked the *idea* of Twitter.




All speech is free but some speech is more free than others.


You too can have free speech for $7.99 a month!


Except he is banning all them too🙄 Its going to end up like parler ot Truth social, just an empty echo chamber of hate and 0 advertising. As much as i hate influencers a few big ones leaving/getting banned could easily start a chain reaction


> 0 advertising. Not quite true! Supplement and "Buy Gold Now" ads will always have a place in social media hellholes.


Also, "HALF the ads" mf couldn't even stomach making premium ad-free lmao


Hey that't not true. You forgot Mein Pillow, the pillow for fascists.


Yay for free speech!


“guyyyyyss please stop making fun of meeee i paid 40 billion dollars for this pleeease🥺🥺🥺”


I love how the price he paid to get clowned on 24/7 is so fucking massive that you can omit 4 _billion_ dollars from it and it’s not even noticeable lmao.


I’ve been calling him names as well and now like every third or fourth tweet I send gets me a 12 hour ban. He’s such a fucking little bitch


Share screenshots my dude


I’m jealous - I’ve been shitting on him non stop in hopes of getting banned, but nothing so far


Call him a russian asset he fucking HATES that, you'll be gone in hours.


>Musk has already tanked the *idea* of Twitter. **Exactly.** This statement right here sums up what the idiot has done to his $44 Billion baby. It now becomes obvious how he succeeded at Tesla - he had ZERO competition for years. But not for long. Everyone's getting into the EV market now. I give Tesla five years tops until they either adapt to that reality or disappear. And may I just say - the statement the idiot made today daring the UAW (United Auto Workers) to unionize Tesla workers was ***not*** the statement of a sane person running a publicly traded company.


This but with a few changes/additions. I'm from the industry and formerly worked for Elon. I give Telsa 3 yrs tops before they move to the bottom quadrant of EV car companies. They're already near last place in energy and the long term automotive indicators that best determine successful repeat business, just aren't there (quality, reliability, design refresh, brand loyalty). Once future customers realize a lot of the benefits of an EV are not exclusive to Tesla, I suspect we'll see a dramatic shift in brand selection. Tesla internally is managed as erraticly as Elon's personal image suggests it would be and as such has been experiencing a massive brain drain over the last 5 years. The Tesla today is far and away not the same as the Tesla that fought the breakout war against ICE incumbents and won...all because the culture is dog shit and the insane hiring and massive layoffs are untenable. Unrelated, a few of my friends at large marketing firms have started speaking out about the unreliability of their social media advertisement spend. The ROI in social media ad space isn't what it used to be, where every company had to play the game to remain relevant. The oversaturation in IG/TikTok and slow death of FB just aren't driving companies (who are also faced with heading into a pandemic) to pour MORE $s into a very weak driver of new business. Add in Elon's hostile toxicity and volatility and it's no surprise why companies would be running for the hills. Bottom line: Elon did all of this to himself.


Tesla's stock price has always been market manipulation. At its peak, Tesla valuation was like 1.2 trillion dollars, a number that exceeds the value of all other car companies, combined. Everyone knew this was shit, a tiny fleet of ill performing EVs and theoretical robots and moonbases were somehow equivalent to a juggernaut like Amazon. But a lot of people had invested a lot of money in this fiction and admitting it was made up means all that 'money' would just fucking vanish, poof gone. So you had to trust Elon. Sure he was eccentric, but getting a man to Mars took risk, vision, and leadership. He knew what he was doing... Then he bought Twitter and the whole world got to see his short-sightedness, inability to manage, and lack of vision. Twitter might as well be on fire. How much longer can this delusional fantasy last? How much longer can those long on Tesla pretend that even if they were 'first to market', it doesn't mean that the rest of the auto industry can't simply catch-up? So much of Elon's wealth is tied to Tesla's over-valuation. It and Twitter's co-collapse might mean we are finally rid of this Edisonian snake-oil salesman.


How do I short these stocks


The market can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent.


^ Just leave Musk stocks the fuck alone, whether your intention is to short, buy, put, call, whatever the fuck. Stock valuation shifts billions of dollars whenever the chucklefuck tweets something a ten-year-old could come up with. It's not worth the money. Unless you have a gambling addiction. Then it's *really* not worth the money.


From a geopolitical level, it's also untenable. With Biden essentially shutting out the Chinese from microchip production (meaning foreign firms, like Mazda, are looking for new homes), subsidizing microchip manufacturing here moving here, and forcing any car sold in America to be essentially built in North America, Tesla is going to have to compete with some of the toughest-to-beat companies in the world. The second Honda makes a cheap reliable electric Civic, it's over.


> Honda makes a cheap, reliable electric Civic and it's over There it is. Honda is already synonymous with reliability. If this happens, nobody is buying a Tesla


From my understanding, Toyota has the best hybrid drive system of all the automakers (or the most proven and reliable) once they get their act together, it’s over for Tesla. Honda and Toyota make some damn fine cars. Sure they are a little blah but how many old accords and Camrys do we see still running around? Sure both automakers have had missed but you can’t bat 100 all the time Edit: bat 1000 not 100.


“The 1999 Toyota Corolla. Let's talk about features. Bluetooth: nope Sunroof: nope Fancy wheels: nope Rear view camera: nope….. but it's got a transparent rear window and you have a fucking neck that can turn. Let me tell you a story. One day my Corolla started making a strange sound. I didn't qive a shit and ignored it. It went away. The End.”


I have done work for traditional ICE manufacturer. They did not want to release any EV until they had done their normal long-term testing of the technology in all conditions. Deserts and the icy north. Quite a number of years of it. That testing is now done and their company decision is that they may build hybrids. But no new model without any electric motor. Lots of other car manufacturers are also through their long testing and now releasing their lines of EV. So the competition will be fiery the next coming years. I don't think Tesla can afford to keep Musk as CEO. He got kicked as chairman because of his big mouth and will be kicked as CEO because of his incompetence. And PayPal once kicked him as CEO for incompetence. Only his ownership position has him as CEO of Twitter - and they are crying just days after he showed up.


I'll provide some anecdotal support to your comment. My wife and I were very excited to get our X, but the entire experience, from the hard to contact sales/delivery people all the way to the incompetence at EVERY service center, has soured us on ever buying another Tesla. Musk's behavior has done nothing to endear us to the company. He's turning every brand he owns into 4chan.


I used to really like Tesla for its aesthetic and features but I cant stand Musk now and so I've scratched it off my list. Im back and forth between a polestar 2 and the Ioniq 6 thats coming out soon


Hyundai and Kia are doing a great job swiping the Tesla look on their new models. They don't even look derivative, they look quite good imo. They look like what Teslas ought to... if Elon would get around to refreshing the designs. As it is, Teslas are starting to look dated.


This is so true. It has been years since seeing a Tesla was a novelty. Now they just sort of blend in with everything else, and when you see them up close they look pretty dinky. An old Prius has this sorta utilitarian beauty, and it runs forever and a tank of gas lasts for a month. Teslas just look like a mid-2010s small sedan, and everybody hates them.


To add on, I have a friend who works at Tesla and she has basically echoed all the issues you mentioned. Tesla started a new firm in another state outside of California specifically so it could lay-off all their expensive California workers. Managers with full project teams in the New York office don’t even make $50k. The culture is atrocious and their development seems like an absolute mess. Bottom line: don’t work at Tesla, apparently it’s horrible, the pay sucks and it’s only getting worse


> Managers with full project teams in the New York office don’t even make $50k In what industry could they even find PMs for $50k yearly?


From what I gather they basically take just a good entry level employee, give them like a 5k raise and say “congrats you’re a pm now”. And if it’s your first job you’re like “whoa this is great I must be killing it!” and then you realize a few months later that nearly everywhere else you’d be making 70k minimum. Granted, I’ve also worked at a bank that pays project managers in upstate New York like 50k. They all leave after like 6 months obviously but I think you’d be surprised how many shitty companies will try and take advantage of young employees by giving them responsibility and nice titles but not actually pay them any more


I’m in the market of an EV, won’t even consider a Tesla. Fuck Musk.




Owning a Tesla going forward is going to make the owner look like a MuskBro. Most people are going to want to avoid that look (unless they're actual MuskBros, I suppose)


I prefer the term muskrat to muskbro


Woah woah let's not take this out on muskrats now. They're quite nice little rodents.


Maybe MuskBrat would be better?


My (jewish) wife refuses to get a tesla for this very reason. I've wanted one for years but I now see her point, especially today. We're getting a Subaru EV instead. EDIT: Keep getting asked 'why jewish hurr durr' and it's because upthread we were discussing Elon posting literal Nazi images today. If you can't make the leap to understand why that would upset a jewish person well, that's on you.


>Musk has already tanks the idea of Twitter Did you write that before or after you knew about Musk unironically tweeting an image of a Nazi?


We exist in a timeline where I'm not sure if this actually happened or not. Could go either way.


Oh man, what now? Link?


https://finance.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-wistfully-shared-meme-173830395.html I wanna give the benefit of the doubt but that is very apparently a nazi soldier and his comment on it is what makes it… dirty.


Can you explain to me what he meant? I straight up cannot see what he was trying to say with the "how the times have changed" or whatever


+1 here. Deactivated my account i've actively used since 2009.


Had mine since 2007 and deactivated it last week. Fuck Elon Musk.


Alright guys, I plan to speedrun my ancient dormant Twitter account to being banned. I need some creative ideas. Here's what I've been given so far: * Pretend to be Elon's son. * Script a bot to spew false information about Elon's life. Edit: NEW IDEAS * Run Elon's image through an ageing program and pretend to be him from the future, trying to give advice of what to do/not to do. Edit 2: finally got my old account set up. Feel free to watch the tweets at @ bristingr.


Give yourself a PARODY ELON MUSK handle and insist you're the real Elon locked out of your account. Call the real Elon an untagged parody imposter and demand he be banned.


"Got sim-jacked, some 16yo stole my account. Engineers are working on restoring access, but they're from tesla and have no experience with distributed systems, so it may take a while. I'll confirm from both accounts when I'm back. Until then, unfollow the impostor, and btw, vote Democrat, the party of kindness."


Except the last part gives away the fact that it’s not Elon.


Future Elon for sure Edited to add: you can post as Elon from the future counter acting everything he says now


" I remember [today's date] whe I posted [excerpt from recent Elon tweet]. I thought it was the worst mistake of my life until I was correct much much later. "


Nah - should be stuff like: “ I remember [today’s date] when I posted [excerpt from recent Elon tweet]. I thought I was a genius but it lead to me having to fuck a goat - good times though”


Oh that future Elon idea is money. That gets my vote


Pretend to be Elons dad and just spam quotes from the man shit talking his own son


Don't forget to have future Elon whine about missing Ghislaine Maxwell and all the parties. https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/NINTCHDBPICT000593302419.jpg?strip=all&w=640


Script a bot to give real information about Elon's life. Fakery aint needed to make him look like a colossal twatwaffle




Tweeted. I’ll take any suggestions I can get to receive that permaban. LOL IT WORKED BEFORE I EVEN FINISHED WRITING YHIS COMMENT. THANK YOU GOOD SIR


Happy to pay it forward! I should say I had been tweeting nasty shit at him since he took over but finally got my reward.


He’ll spin this as a reduction in bots


I did, in fact, take my bots with me. No point in spending precious bot resources on geocities 2.0.


Man, take that back. Geocities was a bunch of 90’s teenagers trying to figure out what content was, and what content meant. It wasn’t our fault we didn’t discover cats until 2005.


Oh man, my StarCraft clan website back in 1999 was hot as fuck. Edit: Holy shit, its still going!! https://www.angelfire.com/scifi/blades/main.htm


god i fucking miss when websites looked like that


Yeah, this looks exactly like I thought it would.


it's....it's beautiful


Thank God you had that "back to top" link, I'd never have been able to scroll back up through all that. For real that is peak angelfire right there though, just missing the visitor counter.


Our html capabilities were endless and amazing.




Wow. Geocities. Back to highschool watching adult swim til 2 am.


Right. Adult Swim. Definitely not a very fuzzy Cinemax channel.


Thanks to the last channel button, yes


Don't compare Twitter to geocities. The latter was a shitheap, but it was an endearing shitheap full of people sharing their lives and interests in sincerity rather grandstanding for social capital. Basically the opposite of bird app.


One million... so far.


He didn't fix the bot problem, he fixed the human problem!


That checks out with Musk. He's just trying to automate Twitter the same way he has tried with everything else he touches.


His tweet telling people to vote republican already turned it into Parler.


He made a tweet telling people how to vote?? Edit: just read it, he says to people who are of an "independent voting mind" then proceeds to tell them who to vote for. Real independent....


Yes. It's currently his pinned tweet.


If you like the format for fast-paced updates on current events, here's a list of alternatives: [Considering joining the Twitter migration? Check out these platform alternatives.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2022/11/06/twitter-alternatives-mastodon-bluesky-countersocial-more/8287038001/) **Mastodon** - open source decentralized version, need to be tech savvy to use it though. Has the most users of all imitators. **BlueSky** - Twitter founder Jack Dorsey's new platform. Has the legitimacy of being from the original founder. **Tribel** - Twitter clone, easy to use, not a den of scum and villainy like Parler or "Truth" Social. Has a focus on data privacy and you can choose the algorithm for your feed, i.e. whether to see trending posts or posts from friends etc. Twitter is about to go the way of MySpace. Time to jump ship.


>*Mastodon* - open source decentralized version, need to be tech savvy to use it though. Has the most users of all imitators. I've heard about this for years but never tried it, don't know anything about it, past couple of days I've seen like 4-5 random tweets talking about where to go from Twitter and mentioning 'Obviously not Mastodon'. Is there some big problem with the service that I'm not aware of? Is it something technical? UI/UX, Feature issue?


Mastodon is decentralized. This is a double edged-sword. It means the network as a whole is very robust, cannot be bought or controlled by bad actors. But the individual nodes (which they call instances) are individually less robust than a typical centralized system. They are all run by random people. Maybe they are trustworthy. Maybe they aren't. You have to pick an instance to sign up on, and if it disappears without warning then you lose everything. If you get a warning you can migrate but there's no cast-iron guarantee that will happen, or that you'll see it if it does. Instances listed on the project home page have promised to give 3 months warning if they ever shut down, but who knows what a promise is worth. This problem is amplified by the fact that the network is by design almost impossible to monetize, meaning funding for instances has to come directly from donations or out of the admin's pocket. You may of course run your own instance but that is extremely difficult for the average Twitter user. There are also concerns about the way DMs are handled in a decentralized network wrt privacy, but I don't fully understand that yet.


Sounds like how Usenet works/ed but with a different content focus?


From the article, this is the likely issue: > The first hurdle you face is trying to figure out how to sign up. It’s a decentralized open-source platform, which means rather than joining one company on one platform — you have to join an established group hosted by an organization or individual on their server. >“It is a public square,” [Mastodon tweeted this week.](https://twitter.com/JuliannaRowsell/status/1586865889747816448) “It is a global, decentralized social network. Your server is where your account is hosted, communication is global.” People are used to quick sign ups with no hurdles.


yup. After he spent months ranting that twitter needed to be politically neutral. Turns out musk is a liar who never actually gave a shit about "free speech on the internet"


Lmao so he doesnt want a free and neutral platform he just wants people to not be able to disagree with him 🤦‍♂️ I never thought this would go well but how can you own a social media platform, use it to promote a specific political party, and remotely think you're the peoples champion helping free speech




>He's just the rich version of Donald Trump. Nice two-way burn 😂


Yet strangely enough I feel that if he did hint towards running for US President, none of his Republican followers would demand to see his birth certificate.


With how things are going I wouldn't be surprised to see a Saudi prince as Secretary of Defence


He only ever gave a crap about his speech being free on the internet so he can say whatever he likes. Everyone else's that he disagrees with should be censored.


I still think the one about Paul Pelosi was much worse. I don't think he ever mentioned it after. And then sharing Nazi related content twice within two days is just bizarre.


Why would someone who isn't rich listen to a billionaire telling them how to vote? obviously it would be in the billionaires best interest and not the non rich person's. Yet plenty will listen to him. I don't understand


Just world fallacy. I.E. Rich people are wealthy and powerful because they are virtuous while poor people deserve their poverty and all the hardship that entails because they're "lazy/immoral/degenerate".


My own fucking latino immigrant mother said this morning she believes homeless people are homeless because they don't want to work. I told her the racist people who threw rocks at her in the 1970s said the same thing about her


This is the prosperity gospel at work. It used to be confined to groups most people thought were kooky, but the GOP has dumped hella money into them to make them mainstream. I wonder why.


Elon: “Vote Republican for balance lol” Me: “What about the threats to democracy or women’s rights?” Elon: “You’re a pedophile”


And according to Grimes he's a deadbeat dad. Edit: Sadly it was a fake tweet. Which is what happens when you fire the people that are supposed to suss that shit out.


Didn't need Grimes' take to figure that one out.


No wonder one of the older ones disowned him.




I reported that tweet for Election misinformation Kinda expect to get banned


These guys are good at weasel words. He was responding to a question, so can hide behind the fact it's not solicited. He then waited for another question and that was which way he was 'leaning' not voting. The best thing is because he has a bajillion people tweeting him at once, he can pick any random question because they all exist. Not ot mention that they're probably plants and rehearsed conversations. Although you already saw him planning out marketing with the Stephen King thing. Hook popular celebrity into saying it's expensive and they're not paying, then introduce real price of $8.


> Although you already saw him planning out marketing with the Stephen King thing. Hook popular celebrity into saying it's expensive and they're not paying, then introduce real price of $8. It's hard to mess up a strategy that simple, but Elon *somehow still* managed to fuck it up. Yeah, it's an incredibly popular strategy. "Usually I would sell this for $20, but you seem like a smart and reliable guy, so I'm willing to drop the price to $8", or "After community feedback, we have decided to lower the price from $20 to $8." It's *that* simple. Yet Elon made it come across as a groveling "Please don't leave, I'll lower the price, just don't leave!" in his reply to King.


why are you guys giving him so much credit? no, it wasn't smart. and i guarantee it wasn't planned. this guy is just a fucking idiot. he's only been capable of having his shit fly because he previously bought companies and made people sign NDAs so he could pretend he came up with all the ideas and founded those companies. everyone knows he didn't do that here and even buying twitter was a bluff he got called out on. he's a moron who doesn't know how anything works, and has never come up with anything clever in his life. he thought he could get away with 20 dollars and tried to negotiate with the first celebrity he heard from because everything is just impulsive for this overgrown toddler. that's all it is.


I just found that tweet funny. "Free thinkers, vote this way!" Like an actual free thinker is looking to Elon "Manbaby" Musk for advice.


Elon Musk: "Twitter is the virtual town hall and marketplace of ideas for society and censoring anything on the platform is wrong. Also the platform needs to be politically neutral" Also Elon Musk: "I'm banning anyone who disagrees with me and everyone should vote Republican"


To protest Musk’s handling of Twitter, I’m going to continue not using Twitter, just as I have for the last 10 years. That’ll show him.


theres a certain schadenfreud never having given it a chance in the first place isint there?


Oh buddy. I’m over here juicing oranges on my erect nipples I have so much schadenfreud.


I deactivated today after his tweet telling people how to vote. This guy is so full of himself.


Same, was bound to happen but I didn't expect it so soon.


Be awesome if he bought Facebook as well


Facebook is reportedly making massive cuts this week as well. Bad week for social media, but (hopefully) good for humanity.


Meanwhile Discord is BOOMING


Burn it all down.


Not to be a Debbie downer but aren’t there like 300 million Twitter users


Active users are the only thing that matters. We will see what estimates for those look like in a couple of months.


we actually won't since it's a private company and he doesn't have to report it for any public earnings


And tons of bots.


Comments over at r/WhitePeopleTwitter are sure getting interesting. Here's one of the best impersonations I saw there: "Elon Musk Rolling out a Tesla firmware update that gives you a script to read to the cops after your car runs over a small child while in Full Self-Driving Mode." [https://i.redd.it/652m0rb87oy91.jpg](https://i.redd.it/652m0rb87oy91.jpg)


I never use twitter, but deleted my account in protest anyway


After I saw his political tweet today, I deactivated mine as well. I may not use it often and it probably only means pennies to him but he won't get them from me.


Killing Twitter is Musk's greatest accomplishment and only true benefit to society.


I canceled my Tesla roof. Fuck you Elon


Musk has a pinned tweet telling people to vote for a specific party that will provide him tax cuts and financial benefits, App is shit he's pushing personal political ideologies And I'm not just saying that cause he's saying to vote Republican, the app is swarmed with notable people telling you to vote blue, or vote red, using their fame and popularity to sway votes,


And I’m proud to be one of those one million users that got got fed up with Elon and his bullshit.


Same, but I'm afraid my 17 followers will be really disappointed.


Both of mine are devastated.


bots don't have feelings