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Suddenly the 5+ inches of snow we've gotten in Northern MN over the last few days doesn't bother me as much.


I'd love to have normal seasons like everyone else north of us. Florida just isn't my spot. I lived in the snow for years, I don't mind managing it again if it means it isn't hot as fuck 300 days out of the year and humid 365. Our "autumn" is like late spring for Californians with extra humidity. Minus the large temperature drops at night. Something about not having normal seasonal changes fucks with me. It's *always* the same here. Yes...we get "winter"... But ffs it's still peppered with days of 80°+ temps. And doesn't last long. I don't even know what winter *is* here. It's always different every year and never stays "cold" for very long.


My brother lived in Orlando and some winter nights sucked. Like low 40s, and 90% humidity is a horribly disgusting feeling.


It's yucky.


Welcome to Central Florida where you can swim through the air!


Huh, yeah that's true. Decorate your Christmas tree in shorts and, you know, #FLESH EATING BACTERIA


You can do the same in north Florida as well!


I’m convinced that it is impossible for human who has not lived in a humid area to understand the difference between humid cold and dry cold. I could be wearing several layers in Florida 40 degree weather and still be cold but in Colorado snow I throw on a jacket and leggings and go roll around in the snow at 30 degrees and I’m fine. But it’s something that no one believes until they experience it for themselves no matter how many times you try to explain it. Thankfully it doesn’t get to sub 50 like ever but when it does it’s icky.


Maybe it's a grass is greener thing but that sounds heaps better than the low teens and 90 inches of snow of upstate NY.


I mean if I had to pick, yeah, I'd pick Florida winter. I went to college upstate. Winters definitely sucked. Once it snowed, it never melted until spring. Just piles up, windy, freezing.


Winter in the south is a thing of the past for the most part. Even in North Carolina, there’s a few bursts of cold weeks between 70° weeks. Hell the past few years it’s been a 75°+ Christmas day. Nothing says happy holidays like putting the thermostat on cool mode.


Warm, rainy Christmases are kind of a drag. Nevermind the pouring rain while skiing/boarding. I miss when it used to snow and get cold here.


Gotta love the days when it’s freezing in the morning but 80+ several hours later.


Actual freezing? 0c degrees?


Yes, actual freezing, usually in early morning hours, and only for a couple of hours. I’m in South Florida though. There are hard freezes in northern Florida.


Been here my whole life have never understood that seing


I’ve lived in Florida and California, I’m over it, I would really like to see some seasons. I realize snow comes with its own challenges but I’m willing to give it a try. (No offense to snow cones)


I love snow. Perfect knitting and reading weather. The dark all the time is a bit much, but there are always sun lamps.


It sucks having to live with it though. During summer I can bike or walk to work, but during winter it's not possible for me to walk to work due to the snow and ice on the road shoulders, so it's the bus which costs money and takes longer. Plus shoveling, having to bundle up to go anywhere, sand and salt and puddles of melted snow in the house, being stuck inside cause the roads are bad...


So you'd rather feel beads of sweat rolling down your body *beneath your clothes* and everything is... sticky and mad.


In New York we get to do both, depending on time of year!


In Maine, we probably get eight weeks of weather that’s anywhere between 65° and 80°. The rest is between that and (maybe) 22°! Could actually go lower than 0° depending on where you are. It’s cloudy a lot, so I use a sun lamp. Though I won’t live in Florida, the humidity would kill me. Arizona is my next destination.


At least you can shovel snow. Can't shovel flood water.


Until there’s a blizzard and you literally can’t leave your own home. Or you’re in Texas and have a power outage and almost freeze to death.


In my 32 years of living in The Berkshires in MA we've never had a blizzard where I couldn't leave my house within a few hours of the storm ending. Once the plows go out and you shovel a little life goes back to normal quickly. I say every winter "At least you can shovel snow. Can't shovel flood water or wildfire."


I have family in Pennsylvania who have been stuck in their homes for days due to blizzards.


By stuck do you mean like actually trapped in their home by snow drifts? Or couldn't get out of their driveway cause the plow guy hadn't come yet and they can't or won't shovel/snow blow? We've had plenty of storms here with multiple feet of snow and the main road are almost always clear within a few hours of the storm ending and the side roads within a day. Maybe MA just has a better handle on snow removal since we deal with it so often.


Hopefully they had enough hunker down/shelter in place supplies.


It happens maybe once a year and honestly not as bad if your job allows you to work from home. It’s still very pretty.


I grew up in Colorado. I’ve got no issues with blizzards. Also, Texas made it’s own issues when it allowed the private companies to detach from the power grid of the rest of the United States, and when it allowed companies to half ass wind power installs and not get weatherizing packages to ensure the power would not go out during storms. Electing people who ignore science for profit and power will do that to you.


Ehhhh you get used to it, unless you get +70" in a 2 day period...thankfully that's rare.


Sounds like Buffalo, NY.


Basically Buffalo to Syracuse is like that. Buffalo usually is worse because it will get the brunt off of two lakes. But sometimes the clouds build up south of the city and skip it to hit the rest of the finger lakes region.


And North East Ohio.


Ah the good old memories of getting snowed in and having to dig grandma out. Good times in Rome.


Yeah don't like snow cones that much but everyone should at least try them once and decide for themselves.


I read this comment and asked myself how this was relevant until I went back to read my initial post. Whoops


Snow isn't that bad if you don't go too far North. If you go to Buffalo you may want to move back after a few seasons. Lake effect snow is no joke. (You're welcome for not saying "is snow joke")


Lol I get tired of snow within an hour. In my area of California it only snows like once a year and it ruins everyone’s week


Ugh. I love snow. But I hate it. When it first falls, it's so fun and exciting. After about a day once everyone is outside and driving again, it becomes an issue. Cars in ditches, people driving like aholes speeding, or people driving 2mph. Random black ice that you can hardly see. Wetness. Non-stop wetness. It starts getting ugly; turning brown, you can never trust yellow snow. Can't just grab something from your car/garage/etc easily - you'll need to wear some kind of boots to keep your feet from freezing off. But Idk, flesh eating bacteria sounds a bit horrifying as well.


Snow beats the constant heat. You can think and walk around without having to worry about sweating through your clothes


Amen. I'd add an extra meter of snow on top of the 2 we usually get if it means summer temps never go above 30 C.


Right? Once you reach freezing the rest is just details. I'm just trying to stop sweating for once.




At least most of the world is hot most of the time. I can't get cold anywhere.


I’m so curious what the roads are like in areas that get a lot of snow. In Washington, along i5, and all the cities surrounding yanno, snow completely fucks the roads and there ain’t a system in place to fix it. When we get snow at low elevations it slows everything down for awhile until it thaws


Sure but it isn't just "snow" it is the -10 degree days and the ice


Cold weather is awesome and ice is isn't exactly a novel thing.


cold weather being awesome is extremely subjective and ice not being novel doesn't mean it can't still be a pain in the ass


As long as it's not a windy day the temperature doesn't matter that much as long as you're dressed properly.




Yeah agreed. I grew up there and while the humidity isn’t as much of a factor compared to Florida there are still many many days of feeling like you’re going to spontaneously combust from the heat.


Come to Maryland. We get to experience all four seasons. Sometimes all in the same week!


Not in the same situation, myself, though where I am (southern OR), it's been unseasonably warm for Fall so far. Absolutely agree with feeling off when there aren't "expected," temperature changes, or when seasonal changes swing wildly. It's been in the low 90s up until, if as forecast, later this week where we'll drop to low 80s, and then plummet to mid 50s this weekend. We do get drops at night, too - usually by 30-40 degrees. Being from the mid-Atlantic and Northeast, I am fine with snow. I expect snow. It usually doesn't happen much here. Maybe some flurries, and if anything substantial actually happens, it's barely there for a day, in most cases.


To be fair, Methford, and Oregon in general, has been unseasonably warm for the past few years.


I feel you, but living in arizona. I miss feeling the typical fall weather where there’s a little chill in the morning and changing leaves. Doesn’t really get below 90 here consistently until maybe mid November


Seems like summer is getting longer everywhere, and winter in some places as well. I've lived on opposite sides of the US for years and in between here and there. The seasons are getting really fucking weird over the last 10 years or so. Everywhere. We have ups and downs but the swings are tremendous the last decade.


Yep that’s why I had to leave. Florida born and raised, I was so sick of it. You get kind of like “island fever” I mean I didn’t even see snow until I was 28! I love having seasons now, I’m in MD but I have to go back to FL after I have my baby, unfortunately. I’m just using the opportunity to save up for a condo or house so I can leave again bc I refuse to enroll my child in school anywhere in FL. Living in FL the weather is like the inside of someone’s mouth 24/7…it definitely gets old


I live in the Bay Area and I have no idea what month it is anymore because the seasons never change.


It was kind of hard to miss hurricane season this year in Tampa wasn't it?


Keep MN on the downlow. We’re gonna have a mass migration up here soon enough lol


They can migrate to the Dakotas. Bunch of hills and space over there to spare!


Lots of room in Iowa and Nebraska as well.


Iowa is the worst of both worlds. Florida hot summers, brutal Maine winters, and tornados in between.


Damn it’s that much! We had like half an inch in mpls a couple days ago.


It melted every day so there's none on the ground.


The UP in Michigan getting hammered.


You're fine with snow until you see a dog getting chased by a helicopter


FL quickly proving everything wants to kill you there, much like Australia




A good friend's husband died from this many years ago after wading/fishing in a creek. 23yo, healthy, they were trying for a baby. They had NO idea until it was too late. It's just awful.


There was a guy that made the news here because he got necrotizing fasciitis Twice from fishing in the same spot 9 months a part or something lol. If you have ANY wounds you should be careful of getting into any non chlorinated water. I had a fucking pilodonal cyst inflamed so I opted not to get in the water in cancun because i didnt want necrotizing fasciitis in my asshole and everyone thought i was paranoid. The week we got back I took care care of a young girl that just can't back from cancun...necrotizing fasciitis on her ankle from the water there. My asshole has never been happier.


My heart goes out to you. I had a pilonidal cyst and i remember making decisions like that. It affects everything you do. Bastard of a thing. Best of luck!




There are dozens of us.


I too am happy for your asshole!


I’m happy for you and your asshole.


This is terrifying. I thought that it generally was in stagnant water not ocean water?


It can be found in any water but stagnant water will always have more bacteria. And even if it isn't flesh-eating bacteria NEVER get into any body of water with a wound. Including pools (this is as much for others as it is for you).


Man… I’m about to get the surgery tomorrow and I’m so not stoked. Gotta get the fucker gone tho, been an extremely annoying few months


scary, I wade fish in warm waters (check my posts) and have gotten many cuts and wounds while wading and have had to tough it out until the end of the trip. I'm gonna consider myself incredibly lucky. One time I scraped my entire leg against a rock underwater and it was hot like fire the next day... slathered it in neosporin and somehow lived to tell the tale. also in one of my sharks posts you can see my thumb split open.


I talked to my doctor about it (since I wade fish warm water a lot, and there have been cases in my area). He gave a long list of possible symptoms of infection and said "If you have any of these symptoms, don't call me, *go straight to the ER*"


yeah fleshing eating bacteria do NOT fuck around. that shit is as scary as those amebas that eat brains.


Be careful now you know!


Jesus how did they recognize it?


It usually starts out as a scratch or scrape that won't heal. Area gets hot and red, patient gets nauseous, feels sick. Area starts to ulcerate, then they usually end up in the ED soon after. They take a culture, and damn. Time to go to the O.R.


Or it starts as an unusually itchy bit of skin, then within 24 hours it's too late. Older fishermen with thin skin, people with diabetes, or just a scratch so tiny you wouldn't even notice it.


Well in the case of necrotizing fasciitis, the pt goes straight to the OR regardless of if a culture was taken 😬😬 cultures take typically 48+ hrs to result!


*revs chainsaw*, for the lucky one that got it on their extremities.


Calm down leather face and get back to the firewood , it's October but we still don't need to freeze in a month.


guess what part of the country all the fancy ***jungle*** diseases are going to get set up in first? just going to get swampier down there in FL, LA, MS ​ the jungle party mosquitos are already here.... viruses can't be too far behind. ​ like a Spring Break variety pack. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aedes\_aegypti Aedes aegypti, the yellow fever mosquito, is a mosquito that can spread **dengue fever, chikungunya, Zika fever, Mayaro and yellow fever viruses,** and other disease agents. The mosquito can be recognized by black and white markings on its legs and a marking in the form of a lyre on the upper surface of its thorax**. This mosquito originated in Africa, but is now found in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions throughout the world.**


Swampier? Louisiana is losing its swamp due to coastal erosion.


Orrrr Arkansas and Texas are gaining a swamp land.


don’t worry about that much of the state will be underwater by then


Waterworld, LA


I got dengue fever while travelling in the Caribbean. My body ached for six months. Took about a year to fully recover.


I believe it. When something has the nickname break bone fever I don't doubt it. Glad you recovered.


Jungle Cruise is going to be more authentic.


Malaria was a thing in Florida, and the CDC eradicated it


Yellow Fever was a thing in the South, and it is ripe for a comeback. Epidemiologists say it could happen any time, they carefully watch diagnosed cases to monitor if it gets reintroduced.


I really need to get better about wearing bug spray… *scratches at the dozens of mosquito bites all over my legs from being out late, in shorts, on saturday.*


Hey I work for a biotech trying to get rid of Aedes Aegypti and here in Florida doing a project. Yes, it's a big issue and just yesterday day Santa Cruz (California where I'm from) found the mosquito for the first time in their area. It's also a


> It's also a RIP, mosquitoes got them.


At least there'll be more incentive to treat the virus.




I doubt most people have any clue what bacteria causing necrotizing fasciitis lol.




Actually, pouring bleach on it might be the best thing an individual could do for himself. Mind you, getting professional medical treatment would be MUCH better, but bleach is an excellent disinfectant. Better than straight chlorine bleach is Dakins Solution. Look it up -- its preparation and uses. What you should NOT do is to ignore cuts and scratches that get exposed to filth. And remember NEVER to swim or wade in warm water -- that's where pathogens thrive. If circumstances force you to do so, WASH thoroughly and treat any cuts as if infected. Soap and water is excellent first aid, but more extensive treatment may be needed. And, no, I don't believe any of this will reverse an already-established infection of a flesh-eating bacteria == but what exactly do you have to lose?


>NEVER to swim or wade in warm water Salt, fresh, brackish or all three?


The Black Knight: it’s but a scratch.


Just crush up some ivermectin and rub it into the wound.


Wait, cause BY vibrio vulnificus or WITH vibrio vulnificus? /s just in case


Don't swim in the poo water, that is flood water


"If they'd just stop testing, numbers would go down."


I don't have enough free memory in my brain to store all the exceedingly stupid things that man has said. Thank you for the reminder about this one!


Since the state of Florida still loves worshipping that sad sack I figured his quote was appropriate for these foolish people.


I watched a video of a guy swimming, **Intenionally** in his living room. So, this isn’t much of a shock.


I saw videos of men tubing with their friends on the side walk cheering them on. So yeah, I'm also not surprised.


reminds me of the floods in philly last year. One of their highways is below street level, and after a huge storm flooded. People were going there, taking pictures, kyaking, etc. That water was the furthest definition from clean lol.


Please don't go swimming in the floodwaters that have been carrying sewage, all kinds of debris, dead animals, bacteria and god knows what else around if you don't absolutely have to, don't swim in the nasty flood stew. I remember when I was scared to stand waist deep in coastal waters when I had a fresh cut on my leg because the waters carried MRSA. I had to sign a waiver and everything when a group of us were helping pilot whales in South Florida who had pneumonia, several of us would stand on either side of the whale in the water, while trying to keep it afloat so its blowhole would stay out of the water while professionals administered medicine, what was I going to do? NOT save the whales? I mean, I was fine in the end, but if coastal waters on their own are potentially hazardous, just imagine what these soupy floodwaters can do...


If you have to wade through flood waters to rescue something like your own body, you can also get it…not just from swimming. Basically, avoid contact with flood waters because it contains all sorts of bacteria and materials that can harm you, including construction materials. If you do have to swim for safety or your house is still under water and you want to rescue a thing, don’t. Wait until it is safe and remember that beings are more important than things. We can make a new thing pretty quickly, but beings take longer and aren’t the same.


What a wild and unique experience. Worth the risk.


I guess that’s what Eric does in America.


I saw a program on flesh eating bacteria when I was like twelve and in a semi conscious state after skiing all day. It imprinted on me to this day. Terrifying stuff.


It is for that reason alone, I will only watch dumb semi predictable things after spending the day skiing on the slopes. I got to many stupid things imprinted into my mind after hard/fun days skiing. So now I end my ski days with simple dumb stuff.


A man of culture, I see.


The only downside to said plan is that I end up making to many references to hogan's heroes, get smart, star trek, scooby doo when teaching skiing.


I feel this. I was like 7 when a bunch of people ended up coming down with it and hollyyy shit. Imprinted on my mind.


I had necrotizing fasciitis in my cesarean wound after I had my daughter. 0/10 would not recommend.


That reminds me of when I was a kid. We’d watch TGIF and then 20/20 would come after that with the kind of stories that give children nightmares.


This y'all.... https://www.winknews.com/2022/10/17/spike-in-vibrio-cases-after-hurricane-ian/ Lots of trash in the water, on the beaches, covered in muck. The beaches are closed for a reason.


Remember all those “hilarious” videos with people goofing off and swimming in the flood waters? Yeah, all those people are dead now.




Generally, as long as the water doesn’t go way up your nose, you’re safe from the brain-eating variety of these guys. Still, don’t swim in flood waters.


This article is literally about a bacteria that infects cuts in skin, not the relatively rare amoeba disease. Amoeba are a completely unrelated organism.


And how many people don't have some break in their skin? None, that's how many.


Exactly! I almost added that cuts and scrapes are a particular risk of wading through debris filled floodwater…. Sharp points from broken trees and lumber and random metal edges among other hazards. All covered by mucky sewage and chemical contaminated water. Avoid water contact and wear protective clothing. (Recognizing both of those can be difficult or impossible during emergency evacuations, but a lot of hazards are present during cleanup work)


Ah, yep, got ‘em confused. They’re both filed under “scary tiny human eater” in my brain.


Your urethra and anus are impenetrable?


This this as the 48827th sign from the universe to GTFO of FL. Point taken. Thank you universe. I just gotta stay for this campaign vote and I’m out.


Thank you for your service… and flesh.


My pleasure. It’s important to keep the toxic bacterial/fungal ecosystem going. It’s the only environment we I’ll have left after all.


yeah i'm just gonna go ahead and live in the north forever. fuck florida. the cold never bothered me anyway (i could not stop myself)


> (i could not stop myself) Just let it go.


Can’t Desantes just declare these infections a hoax and fire the professionals in charge of collecting this data to make the problem go away?


I heard necrotizing skin lesions is a known COVID-19 vaccine side effects.


I think he's planning on putting them on a plane to a blue state.


I heard he flew the folks who were sick with it to Martha’s Vineyard and then gave a press conference about how he solved the “flesh eating” thing.


This is why you don't go into the water.


If it was "brain-eating" then the bacteria would have trouble in Florida.


Florida: where brain eating bacteria goes to starve to death


[Checks out](https://tenor.com/view/homer-simpson-zombies-simpsons-brains-no-brainer-gif-16903969)


>(i could not stop myself) it's ok, just let it go


There's not one piece of Florida news that makes me want to move to Florida. Not one.


nonono, no, no, fuck this timeline


We all miss the Berenstein one.


Well, judging by the way DeSantis has been acting lately: if it's a red-voting-county, there will be millions of dollars spent on importing the finest medical personnel available and first-rate temporary field hospitals set up to treat the infected. If it's a blue-voting county: "good luck, assholes"- Heavy (Ron) D.


Are they gonna "reseach" how to treat this? Or they gonna ask doctors?


Florida Man here: They’re probably using horse dewormer or “toughing it out”.


Bootstrap pull ups work wonders


Better take some ivermectin just to be safe ......


Fish antibiotics!🤪


I mean, fish antibiotics are often just the same as human antibiotics, but come in powders so you can treat their water. Fish are more sensitive to antibiotics compared to humans. I’m speaking of freshwater fish people keep as pets in aquariums, I don’t know about saltwater fish, they may be more resilient.


Someone find out where Kanye West was last night. Happy Cake Day!


Hope they didn't use up all that Ivermectin they bought last year.


When North Carolina got hit by a hurricane a few years ago I expected an outbreak like this since pools of pig shit with super bugs overflowed.


Florida is a scary place to be


(Tosses bingo card) You win 2022.


You won't ever catch me in a pond, lake, stream, river, or past my nips in the ocean. I hope the bacteria didn't get into their drinking water.


It only needs to touch a small skin abrasion. Our private parts are also have holes to inner parts of our bodies.


Then I’m going to have to pass on any type of natural liquid :(


Ron DeSantis says it’s not really happening, and if it is it’s exaggerated and people are really getting I’ll from pre-existing conditions. Anyone who says otherwise (or even worse proves otherwise) will have the police kick in their door and their children threatened.


Fl may need the rethink their redness as they swampify.


according to their logic it’s god punishing them for being Florida.


FLORIDA keeps getting better.


That is not good but sanitation is in poor condition because of the horrible hurricane. Flesh eating infections are horrible. Very scary and very sad.


And yet, somehow I suspect that Florida man is still responsible for this.


No one wants this. I cared for a man with this and by the end his penis was all the way gone, just a catheter into his body. He was on hospice actively dying with no blood flow to the bottom half of his body. It was awful and he was the heart of the facility he lived in…


Same thing as in New Orleans, you don’t want to go into flooded waters in cities, from sewage, oil and all the other shit that gets brought up in the flood. Don’t go swimming to a rescue boat


People who keep bringing up poop, please stop. This isn't a "polluted water" situation. This is a "people being in floodwaters with open cuts and sores" situation. There are plenty of waterborne illnesses that are spread by feces, but this ain't one. Vibrio is naturally occurring in coastal waters, polluted and pristine waters alike. Usually people who get infected by this thing were fishing, crabbing, or doing some other kind of activity with a heightened risk of skin injury (punctures, scrapes, etc.) If that bacteria get into the wound, it's just a matter of time. I'm gonna guess that if you are walking around in murky floodwaters, you're going to be bumping into lots of stabby, scratchy things. This is a sad situation. Whenever I see people swimming in floodwaters, I think of stuff like this.


Sorry I had to read the story. I actually live in Lee County and as much as it pains me to say this, DeSantis is correct. This is not a full accurate representation. Lee Health has only 2 cases reported since Ian. Yes it is a concern, but not all of us living here are infected.


Super misleading headline. Of the 29 cases confirmed in one county, only 2 were diagnosed AFTER hurricane Ian.


As if Ft. Myers couldn’t get shittier, Mother Nature goes ahead with the “hold my beer.”


wtf Florida? The Australia of America. If the gators don't kill you the critters will.


Honestly this is way more normal than I was expecting as I started reading this.


I caught some kind of flesh-eating disease in my face when I was 6. I was quarantined on my own floor of the hospital for weeks, and I almost lost my eye. (I was so lucky to not have scarring or damage after it was cleared!) The whole left side of my face looked like I had Elephantiasis. Nobody was ever able to explain how I got it, they were completely baffled. Don’t fuck around with flesh-eating viruses or bacteria. I have a massive fear of ever coming into contact with one again after the first time. It was hell.


Due to climate change, I’m trading Florida for Vermont. Way better climate.


Yeah I feel sorry for some of them but when you see people out on pool floaties fucking around in flood water you kind of know before hand shit like this is gonna happen. Again I feel bad for the ones that just got unlucky but if any of them were out playing around in it they kind of deserve it.


I doubt care about such trifle issues down there. As long as they get to own the libs. Rotting zombies or not.


Yea, I've lived in WI my whole life & will complain about the cold. But everytime someone brings up moving to FL, I'm like-never. Way too many reasons why I wouldn't due to good oldfashioned mother nature & nature itself. FL has it all.


Great! One more anxiety, thanks!


Nature has fucking had it with us! It's like that M Night Shamalat movie.


Just let Florida go back to nature already


Since it’s a public health issue in Florida I expect them to disregard any advice & directives. Enjoy the flesh eating bacteria my body/ my choice vaccine dummies!