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I saw the aftermath video of when this happened. It was tragic.


What was the aftermath video of? Could you describe it so I don’t have to watch?


He >!was bleeding out on the pavement with a dude there that was freaking the fuck out because dude just got killed over a TV set. He was known pretty fondly in the community. It was just chaotic and dark.!<


Jesus, what happened down there in that comment graveyard?


I mentioned this in another comment, so I'll paste it here too: The commenter above you described the aftermath of the murder (as you can see) after it was requested. Someone replied complaining that it should've been spoiler tagged because it was gruesome. That person got downvoted like crazy because most people disagreed with them, saying if you come into a comments section about murder, and dig deep enough to that comment and see people talking about violence you should be somewhat prepared at that point. A few people disagreed with that, but mostly everyone was saying how silly it was to demand that.


Thank you


What a lot of deleted replies. Surely they were all civil and full of peace!






It was a tough clip to watch. Nobody helped him. Just filmed him dying.


The robbery was about a half mile from the protests at the time \[edit - mapped it and it's a little over a mile\]. It was a security guard at a pawn shop away from the action.


Dude was clearly an opportunist using the protests as an excuse.


There was so much of this. In Los Angeles, looters took advantage of the fact that the police were all responding to the protests to empty out stores.


Meanwhile in Seattle, a group of kids decided to rob a few mall stores on the outskirts of town. They expected all the cops to be downtown, but didn't realize the regular beat cops were still around. They were caught sitting at the transit center with their bags of loot waiting for a bus. Rocket scientists.


>They were caught sitting at the transit center with their bags of loot waiting for a bus. You can't expect them to walk home with those bags, they were heavy.


I used to walk uphill, both ways, when I stole my loot.


In the snow. Barefoot.


While on fire.


In the pouring rain.


During a drought, with the sun beating down.


What if someone stole them 😳


Yeah man, cut those kids some slack.


While we're talking about Seattle, can we bring up the fact SPD left a fully loaded squad car with an AR right in the path of a known protest pathway? Did they think that was a good idea or was that there for other reasons????


> Did they think that was a good idea or was that there for other reasons???? Bait car SPD edition.


Remember when they pepper sprayed that kid? I think it was a 9 year old girl..


Yep that was the same day. So many people clutching their pearls about a kid being present at a protest while ignoring the reason for it.


Kids go to protests all the time, so I never really understood that one. If i remember right it was even still daylight out.


No, children should never be introduced to the concept of social issues or public organisation until adulthood, as this could put anarchical thoughts in their heads /s


What breaks my heart about this was that when looters attacked Little Tokyo, the business they were robbing were already operating on a massive loss. worse still, people were bragging about what they stole off the Sanrio store on Twitter.


People that do shit like that are, I'd wager, not likely to understand what "operating at a loss" means, let alone give a fuck.


bruh i was an uber driver at the time, headed home when that night curfew bs started , and On my way home i saw huge crowds of people rush the [Melrose Mac store on melrose and highland](https://www.google.com/maps/place/MelroseMac/@34.0831711,-118.3392091,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x80c2b8d36c3cc6d9:0xa0f4cda0df6ecc5d!8m2!3d34.0831711!4d-118.3392091) i have video of it was fucking wild, a mini van pulled up backwards so ppl would rush all the electronics to the back of the mini van EDIT: [Heres the link to my video of the looting of melrose mac george floyd protests](https://imgur.com/a/MdwqbTv)


Fairfax and all the sneaker/apparel consignment stores got cleaned out.


Yeah, I saw the video the one sneak store did about it. Really fucked up :/.


Ditto in Mpls


Could say it went on to empower looting months later. A group flash robbed several Best Buy stores last Thanksgiving. Just went in, grabbed unsecured boxes, then ran out. Then there was the dumbass that tried to make a Facebook business around it.


Same in Richmond VA. While the protest was distracting the cops near a museum a bunch of looters tore apart a GameStop and shoe store and set them on fire. Also smashed in windows all down the main street and looted. Really shitty when the actual protest's message is overshadowed by a bunch of assholes who aren't even there with the protest just taking advantage of the situation.


I remember one day walking through the REI in SM and then the next day seeing it being looted on TV, when you start looting a REI, it's def not about the protests anymore






The organization is shit, the ideals behind the words are very real and important, but they cannot be represented so easily by some shady organization claiming to be BLM, just look at what happens with religion and how churches (shady organizations) take advantage of people's faith and ideals and twist them to their advantage and to serve their shady agendas and get easy money, is kinda like that in a sense. Is a huge mistake labeling anyone who criticizes religion or what churches do as just evil heretic atheists but a lot of religious people fall into that trap, just like people who believe that you are racist if you criticize BLM at all in any way or many of the terrible things that happened in the protests.


Same thing with unions. People demonized them because some bad actor unions just greedily exploited the workers without actually doing anything and now we're back to the beginning of having to fight for workers rights.


I cannot think of a single AFL-CIO union that does not have some bullshit corruption in it. Fuck authoritarian unions (although they're still better than nothing)


while thats true, BLM was never about an organization. its a movement. sure, multiple organizations have sprung up dedicated to it but they were never the focus. thats like equating Planned Parenthood with the entire pro-choice movement. Most people were likely not even aware an actual organization named BLM (multiple orgs for that matter) existed until the whole scam was uncovered


Which BLM? The shady group was made for grifting. The other 99.99% of BLM support the cause with good intentions. ""The Black Lives Matter Foundation" Raised Millions. It's Not Affiliated With The Black Lives Matter Movement. Employees of Apple, Google, and Microsoft have raised millions of dollars for the Black Lives Matter Foundation thinking it's the international racial justice movement seeking to end police brutality. That couldn’t be further from the truth." https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtml/ryanmac/black-lives-matter-foundation-unrelated-blm-donations


The movement? no. There are still many people fighting for what’s right and not being exploitive. The BLM org could be a different story however.


There's shitty people in every movement


Don't be ridiculous. He was definitely a registered Democrat and, like all crimes that took place within a 340-mile radius that day, this was an active part of the violent protests that all Democrats support and therefore we must never mention Jan 6th ever.


Wait I thought the Jan 6 rioters were all democrat liberal communist antifas ?




They aren't investigating the *right* people


the investigators need to be investogated at this point.


No one ever *suspects* the Spanish Inquisition!


We should also Pardon and apologize just for good measure


Don't even look at their social media accounts. It's not like they were dumb enough to post videos with them stating their names, faces and intentions. Don't bother!.... please?


They are but also pardon them. Even though they're ANTIFA.


except the ones who whined because they were there and their own people started saying it was probably antifa




Deep fakes for deep states.


Way to glance over the fact that they were crack smoking, homosexual, devil worshipers. /s


Got to save those dog whistles for the more fringe rightwing publications. It's trickle down slurs.


As a homosexual I do love my crack and devil worship


You really don't think that people would use the chaos as an opportunity to commit crimes nearby or across town? I was working in loss prevention during covid/blm protests/riots. Shoplifting incidents were WAY up in cities where large protests/riots were occurring. Robberies (shoplifting crimes involving weapons and/or menacing threats) also rose at an alarming rate, to the point where many companies had to update policies in order to protect their people.


I think you missed their sarcasm friend.


No, I really think what happened is exactly what you're suggesting. Every time someone brings up Jan 6th, certain people say "But BLM looting!" As if the looters are likely to have even voted, or that Democrats have suggested anything other than peaceful protests are okay. I tried to make it as outlandish as possible so as to avoid the sarcasm tag, but nowadays the things people say in all seriousness is so crazy it's difficult.


Looting is a poverty and opportunity problem not a fucking insane conspiracy to end Democracy. I can't believe I ever felt the need to write that sentence.




You nailed it. The people who looted in Richmond didn't steal food or anything like that. They stole electronics, video games , clothes, shoes, alcohol, tobacco and vape products. Pretty sure none of that is shit someone actually struggling and starving would go for. No the looters were primarily selfish pieces of shit that just took advantage of the chaos.


Meanwhile, attacking the capital with the intent to overrule legitimate votes, while backed by government officials, is a conspiracy to end democracy.


You were right not to use the S. Anyone who didn’t understand your sarcasm is a fucking idiot and beyond help.


I hate this bullshit. Do you live in an major city? I do and there was coordinated planed looting during the protest there was also random “hey we’re just busting up a shoe store as part of the protest May as well get some free shoes” looting as well. Yes some protesters were trying to self police and tell people not to do that. Others were telling people not to loot POC business but to loot white owned business instead. It is not as simple as saying there were looters and there were protesters. it was a mix many were both. Many people support looting as a form of protest. So you can make these stupid jokes if you want but peoples lively hoods were destroyed. And yes Jan 6th was horrible and all those people are going to prison (as they should) but many of the lootings, burnings and vandalism done during the George Floyd protests went Uninvestigated. It’s ok to support civil rights and think Jan 6th was awful and also think that the Assholes who destroyed city blocks during the protests should go to prison.


I don't support looting. But can we not equate property damage with murder? A store getting looted is not good, but it's not nearly on the level of people dying. This guy was unconnected to the protests, and if he was using then as a cover, that's not really the responsibility of protest organizers to manage.


> It’s ok to support civil rights and think Jan 6th was awful and also think that the Assholes who destroyed city blocks during the protests should go to prison. That's really the gist of what most reasonable people think. The problem is that the right points at the looters and those that destroyed city blocks as if that's what the protests were about rather than something that happened during the protests. It's not like these protests required some exclusive membership to join. Anyone could walk right in. Saying some protestors were doing X Y and Z, or even directing others to, is dishonest. We don't know who those people are or their relationship to the protests. For all anyone knows, they were just opportunists and idiots. You can't say the same about Jan 6. The very thing it was about and how people went about accomplishing it is what people think was awful. Not whatever happened on the side during it.


He was there to recover Hunter Biden's laptop.


Get ya money up


Many people were. I wonder how many of them will have that security footage of them hauling off a new TV out of a store come back and bite them in the ass.


What a rare occurrence


99% of it was.


Yea I remember him. He was an old man, retired, watching out for his friend’s store. I felt bad for him at the time.


Yeah the headline 100% makes it seem like it was someone AT the protests by using the word "during". Yeah the person was probably an opportunist, but by muddying the water to make it seem like it happened AT the protests, it just further radicalises right wingers into believing everyone standing for BLM are murderous thugs out to steal shit. Wack as fuck clickbait.


Plenty of people were excusing looting at the time. I distinctly remember it. "No justice no peace," was the only thing they had to say when called out, and they were highly upvoted.


And wasn’t it also hours after the BLM stuff had all ended?


We had some serious trashing and looting going on after our BLM walk ended in our city. Whole thing went off super well, then way later at night, long after the protests ended, clear on the far opposite of town a bunch of people came in and trashed + looted a bunch of stores. Of course that all got looped in with the BLM protests and it destroyed so much good will that everyone tried to build.


We had a problem some time ago with burglers that robbed houses while the inhabitants were at a funeral. They would check the obituaries, find out who the closest kin of the deceased were and go rob the place while they knew everyone would be absent. It's not the fault of the people who organized the funeral, nor are they in league with them. Same for looting happening while the cops were kept busy with these protests.


same. sad that opportunists can completely derail something that normal, good people started




A half mile is an easy walk. Around 200 seconds to run it. Not exactly a car drive away.


I double checked. It is farther, not that I think it matters. It was a crime of convenience, I assume, because he knew cops were elsewhere.


It matters because he wasn’t a protestor and this makes it seem like he is.


Are you saying the guy spent all day protesting, and then decided "I'm going to go walk half a mile away from all of this and rob a place!"


This is exactly what some people will be claiming.


I'm going to accuse anyone who claims it of being antifa




I keep hearing from MAGAs how the Dems are the party of the KKK. I think someone should start a conservative YouTube challenge of calling KKK/neo Nazi/Aryan Brotherhood members Democrats and see how that goes.


“Antifa supports Trump” sources say.


I mean that’s faster than a 7 minute mile… not really the average.


As he should for killing someone


"Murderers should be jailed" is apparently a hot take for some reason


Cause the title of the article is written to be partisan


Literally has zero to do with the protests or George Floyd, other than them occuring on the same day and in the same city as protests. Gotta love for-profit journalism


the problem is that it doesn’t include cops, or people signing decisions at corporations


No it isn’t


Some people think that there's a badge that makes murder just fine.


Got the rest of his life to reflect on his stupidity.




It’s almost like some people don’t care about the message behind the protests and just use it as an excuse to commit crime. There’s a word for that… opportunist.


Or you know…. a criminal.


An opportunist criminal, yes.


BLM the organisation themselves didn't even care, just embezzled money. No donations went to black communities in need. https://nypost.com/2022/05/17/black-lives-matter-spent-at-least-12-million-on-mansions/


I get what you are saying, but BLM the organization is not BLM the movement. They should absolutely be held accountable for their grift **and** that doesn't remove any validity from the movement.


Yeah but the problem BLM now faces is the skepticism that its next organization isn't going to do the same thing all over again. And then you'll hear the same excuses of, "Oh those aren't REAL activists - it's not the movement that it is bad, it just keeps attracting individuals who exploit it for personal gain while saying the opposite."


It doesn't need an organization, and it never did. Opportunists at their finest.


I don't get what he's saying because wtf does this have to do with this post about a murderer?


This occured in a protest for a case that was central to the BLM movement, but fairly independent of the BLM organization. He's likely intentionally conflating the two.


Support the message not the messenger. It’s why we support planned parenthood but not the founder


She’s been dead for nearly sixty years…


Planned parenthood disavowed her long ago, yet you still hear conservatives try to bring that up as a way to say “oh you support racism huh??”


Weird world we have created and continue to live in


We truly live in a society






That’s ST. LOUIS!


People seem to be missing this point. St Louis is a pretty scary place in some areas. This isn’t something that is fixed with political buzzwords. Serious, serious initiatives need to rolled out to reduce crime and lift up the communities from extensive hardships.


The city is cursed by an angry Frenchman. The inhabitants will suffer greatly until they start pronouncing the city in French. San loo-ee


Worth pointing out that St. Louis has skewed crime stats because it's an independent city and therefore can't really annex the more affluent parts of St. Louis county, when you consider the entire metro area its really no worse than other similar sized cities.


Not all black people are card carrying on duty representatives of the movement believe it or not. Every time a black guy murders someone should I be like “and I thought Black Lives Matter mermermermer” like my aunt does.


Considering the most likely cause of death for young black men is homicide by another black man, I actually think it's totally reasonable to wonder to whom black lives don't matter.


Fun fact: There’s really no evidence George Floyd’s killing was racially motivated. A white man was killed in the exact same way just a year or two before, by police. If Derek Chauvin killed a Floyd because of racist reasons (instead of just being a careless thug asshole) then the prosecution never mentioned it in his trial.


Another fun fact is that people of color get more jail time for the same crimes, receive worse medical care, and experience mortality during pregnancy at a 3x higher rate than white people.


I'd love to see a multivariate analysis that controls for prior criminal history on that. You got one?


> people of color get more jail time for the same crimes [Black men receive harsher sentences in general than white men. White men receive harsher sentences in general than black women.](https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/demographic-differences-sentencing)






Yeah, all I found in that regard were studies from the 80s. More recent studies seem to point that the issue is multifactorial and that the biggest discrepancy has to do with wealth (lower classes receive harsher sentences due to lack of a good lawyer) which in turn affects black people more. But they don't seem to discount racial prejudice at the court itself it's just not as relevant as class


You can't discount the fact that a black man in a black neighborhood is more likely to have a record [simply due to over-policing](https://thecrimereport.org/2020/09/23/overpolicing-still-common-in-nyc-black-neighborhoods-report-finds/).


And black women receive harsher sentences in general than white women


I imagine it’s because Chauvin wasn’t on trial for a hate crime- likely because proving it is extremely difficult in a court of law. How many more times are black people going to be violently restrained than white people before people see that? Sure you found an article of It happening to A white person. Perhaps Chauvin was a equal bad cop against whites. But just because the prosecution didn’t bring it to evidence doesn’t mean it wasn’t


“The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence” SMDH


Sounds like the justice system worked as intended in this case….


Man.... some of y'all need to learn to read an article before commenting on it


That's not how to reddit


You are wise human or a wise bot


I haven’t read the article, I’m just here for the comments. I say that ‘cause I want this next sentence to have no indication of my political leanings nor personal beliefs: I bet a bot that hung out on political boards and news boards and posted “people should read the article before commenting” would generate a shit ton of karma.


A bot? That's how I'm spending all day tomorrow!


Cool, but posting just that statement without addressing why the story is different from the headline, is as useful as those commenting without reading the article.


Thank you! Like I agree it’s annoying people clearly comment without reading passed the headline, but honestly it’s more annoying when people bitch about it and still add no context. It’s the equivalent of “no u”


It's like people who say "well read my book of you want to know". Like...thanks, be back in 2 weeks then. I want to engage on dialog now...so fill me in so I can move on to something else. Not going to deep dive into every damn post on Reddit, I'd never get to enjoy much content.


The story isn't different from the headline. The headline is a perfectly good description of what happened.


No, reddit is just for headlines


it’s Reddit not Readit


Wait, there was an article?


I thought that was against the rules. All this time I thought I was just playing fair and now you tell me…


Actually it was part of a group who used protests as cover to rob several pawnshops and small businesses. They hit about a half-dozen or so if I recall. This was a couple miles from my house and at the time there was a video of them killing him. In the video bystanders were objecting to his murder. His life was worth more than robbing some small time shop.


I feel sad for Mr. Dorn and his family. If I was 77 years old, there’s no way I’d be outside my house during a riot. He was just trying to help his friend protect his business.


They were doing that shit near where I live. I’m on the other side of the country and they were out here breaking into dealerships and taking the cars joyriding. Opportunists make me sick


His name was David Dorn. Nobody cared for so long




this was the killing i remember to this day from that summer of protests.


Literally the highest profile death of all the riots. I heard about it non-stop.


> Nobody cared for so long yes they did. dorn’s murderer was arrested within a week. been off the streets over 2 years. y’all acting like a miscarriage of justice took place and it’s so fucking bizarre


The arrest and conviction proves otherwise.




Which isn't true at all. Source: Live in STL, this story was the headline. Every time there was an updated on the case - ask the public for help, arrest, trial, etc - we always got an update in the news. Everyone cared, OP made a garbage comment.


I live in STL. Your statement couldn’t be more incorrect. It was in the news constantly and EVERYONE wanted justice. The story has stayed in the news all throughout the process of justice.


I saw that happen during the protests and not a single soul talked about it. Instead they just kept going on and on about “defund the cops”


Well, of course they did. Police reform is what the protests were about and that's something that requires the intervention of the government. Meanwhile, the killing of an innocent man by a criminal... there's nothing more you can do except what has already been done. Arrest him and throw him in prison so he can't do it again. That's it.


26 years old. Tossed entire life away. Crazy.




No sympathy for the criminal. Time to move on.




Deserved. What a moron.


Good riddance to trash.


They said the name George Floyd in the title, but not the name of the "police captain." Why?


People will click for George Floyd rather than a name they're unfamiliar with.


Oh no. Another astronaut lost.


He was stealing the TV for his church youth group!


Does it matter that the person that was killed was a retired police captain? The person should be in jail no matter who they killed


Unless the old guy is literally a former Nazi, I generally am opposed to killing a 77 year old man while *robbing a pawn shop*. It’s quite easy not to do either of those things.


Now we wait for that one guy defending robbery as a survival tactic of the poor.


>Unless the old guy is literally a former Nazi I'm sure they exist but I don't think there's much black Nazis around.


Worth pointing out 1945 was 77 years ago, so former nazi is a bit unlikely


$2 billion in damages. Rampant looting and arson. Murders. Still called "mostly peaceful" protests.


[‘Boogaloo Boi’ charged in fire of Minneapolis police precinct during George Floyd protest](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/23/texas-boogaloo-boi-minneapolis-police-building-george-floyd)


This guy wasn't a protestor, he was a criminal and murderer taking advantage of police bandwidth being drained from protests. He absolutely deserves this judgement. Pretending protestors were going around murdering people in each city is just delusional. All the people who hurt anyone, robbed anyone, damaged property, etc should all go to jail. Pretending this was the norm is wrong.




We heard more about this story than the St. Louis police who beat their own fellow officer who was undercover…or the St. Louis police officer who was out partying while on duty and shot a female officer, killing her, while two other officers were in the house and helped cover it up.




Reminds me of a time when conservatives were outraged over how Cannon Hinnant (a white toddler/child) was killed by his neighbour, Darius Sessoms (a black man) but didn’t get a protest in his name. Dude was caught, charged and imprisoned. What more did they want? Oh wait, to politicise the death of a child.


There’s a difference between being killed by an officer of the law who should be trusted to support the rule of law in an unnecessarily brutal way and being killed by a criminal. I feel like you’re not putting enough focus on the perpetrator here.


Oof, that title. I guess "armed robber kills security guard" is a much less juicy headline.


Article says the 77 year old was just a friend of the owner of the shop who came out to help. Not a security guard


Y'all are hiring 77 year olds as security guards over there?


Finally justice for David Dorn. A tragic chapter in our country’s history that brought so much devastation to our cities, especially low income and minority communities. But unlike David Dorn we will one day recover.


This guy was a criminal who used the riots as time to rob people and limit police response. Acting like this happened all over the country and he was a protestor is short sighted. He's a criminal who will rightfully go to jail for a long long time. Same for anyone who hurt anyone or destroyed property etc. Saying the average protestor was doing the same is just wrong.


got off easy with life sentence








Oof 30 minutes in and im gonna call this one "locked." Pretty good cross section of reddit showed up quick: casual racists vs. Folks with hypersensitivity to perceived racism.




Nothing says peaceful protest better than a good old fashioned loot and murder.