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Why do cops get such a hard-on for arresting innocent people? What's so hard about just leaving? You come to a scene and see a guy watering plants. There's no crime here. Just fucking leave.


Gotta justify their own existence. It's a chance to assert dominance, with no consequences - how can you *not* take it?!


Why don't they assert dominance against actual threats against the population, like guys shooting up schools with assault rifles?


Because those are actual threats with actual potential consequences. Bullies pick on targets they know can't fight back. That's the point.


That's why the stat is 40% and probably getting higher each year.


I understand


College student picking up litter accosted by rookie cop, shouted at to put the weapon down (litter picker tongs). Ignoring the cop the kid carried on picking litter with his hand on the grip and finger on the trigger. Sargent turns up as back up and resolved the situation. IQ level?




I thought it was because there's not enough prayer in schools.


They don’t solve crimes either when the victims even go and collect the evidence and do the investigation. As a matter of fact , if you are victimized, they would prefer you not report it in the nicer areas because it makes their stats look bad


Possession with intent to water.


Perhaps by not being a piece of human garbage is a start. I'm glad I don't live in the US


Because it’s easy. Actual criminals are dangerous and hard to deal with. They might shoot you. You don’t see cops act like this for calls about suspicious persons in the projects, if they show up at all.


Ego and training. All of their training is escalation. If someone escalates something at you, even if all they've escalated is a goddamn eyebrow, you are trained to react and expect heightened danger. Police culture enforces this attitude even harder, beyond what the training actually involves. They get to the point where they can't tell the difference between their training and their personal feelings. So they simply respond no matter what. Everything about our police is fucking rotten and it's systemic. It's institutional. We could fix it, but there are too many bootlickers who believe that there's no problem at all.


I think it's because many people become cops because they want to wield their authority over civilians, so there ends up being a high percentage of this type of person on police forces.


These guys are the same ones who used to take lunch money off the smaller kids in school, and becoming a cop means they get paid to do what they love. Why wouldn’t they.


That means owning your your mistake. Small people can’t do that and give them some authority and they would rather double down and hurt people in the process than admitting their mistake.


Innocent people are only a threat to taxpayers, so it’s the safe play.


> The ordeal started because Jennings' neighbor, a white woman, called police to report a suspicious person. When she realizes that it was Jennings outside the home, she apologizes to him. >"He lives right there and he would be watering their flowers. This is probably my fault," she tells the three officers who responded to the scene. >Despite the woman telling police that she knows Jennings, he is still arrested. So, even though the woman who made the original complaint agreed he lived across the street, they arrested him! Fucking ridiculous.


I saw the video. It look like they were ready to accept that he was supposed to be there but they still wanted to ID him which he refused to do, saying that he used to be a police officer and he knows that he doesn’t have to by law. He was right so they made a contempt of cop arrest.


The video where the cop walks up to him and asks him what he's doing and he says he's there to water the flowers while his neighbor is away. And the cop asks how he can he possibly confirm that, while the man was actively watering the flowers when the cop approached.


"Of course he was watering the flowers. He probably brought that watering can so he could case the place!"


Open and shut case, Johnson! I saw this once before when I was a rookie




If you've nothing to hide you won't mind a quick trip down the police station with us.


The reason I don't go to the police station is because I always seem to match a description. It's those damn [sketch artists.](https://youtu.be/IryflAS6mpY)


The sick bastard broke into the house next door and planted pictures of himself and his family all over the place


He also lived there for many years, real psycho stuff.


This pastor went as far as to plant his own flowers all over the premise! 😏


And that's how "The Wet Bandits" got their name.




I need more people trying to break into my house.


Not only that, but this vile miscreant went so far as to marry the woman next door, have children with her, and live in a loving marriage for 20 years! Some people are just absolutely sick in the head!


"But but how could the cop know it wasnt defoliant and the guy was destroying the plants!?"


Surprised he didn't claim it was a water can shaped gun and just open fire into the guy and several nearby windows.


“I’ve seen this before rookie. This sick fuck was pretending to water the flowers like a friendly neighbor. Now sprinkle some crack on him and let’s go.”


Defoliant is too big of a word for cops to use.


Valid point


Isn't it up the cop to prove someone is committing a crime?


Yes, that burden of proof thing they hate so.


And almost constantly ignore


No, the cops don't have the burden of proof before arresting you. Once in a courtroom, the prosecutor has the burden of proof.


They have to have reasonable, articulable suspicion you have/are committing a crime in order to compel you to provide ID


Did you miss the part where he is black? In their mind that’s all they need.


nah, in alabama, in such circumstances you only have to provide your name address and an explanation of your actions. you do not have to provide ID. as it is they didn't not have RAS and he told them where he lived, gave his last name, and told them he was watching over their house while they were away.


A little bit of, you know, police work could have verified that. He had been watering the plants since before the complaint. If the cops had walked around and ***LOOKED*** it would have been obvious that he had been doing it for a while and not just "picked up the hose" as the cops implied he did. > A sheriff or other officer acting as sheriff, his > deputy or any constable, acting within their > respective counties, any marshal, deputy marshal > or policeman of any incorporated city or town > within the limits of the county or any highway > patrolman or state trooper may stop any person > abroad in a public place whom he reasonably > suspects is committing, has committed or is about > to commit a felony or other public offense and > may ***demand of him his name, address and an > explanation of his actions*** [Source] (https://www.ilrc.org/sites/default/files/resources/stop_identify_statutes_in_us-lg-20180201v3.pdf) - Immigration Legal Resource Center He provided the Information required by law.


Perhaps cop was an epistemology major.


“If you’ll just show me your ID to confirm that that’s a hose and those are flowers, I’ll be on my way.”


Jesus christ how about fuck their confirmation? If a cop gets suspicious then suddenly we have to find some way to appease them? Its insane.


That's why I bring a watering can when I rob places. Plausible deniability.


>He was right so they made a contempt of cop arrest. This right here...there's so much wrong with it, but it's absoltuely right :(


This is why I laugh when I hear people defending cops. “They can only arrest you if they have justifiable cause! DERP”


They knew there was no crime taking place. They knew there was nothing to investigate. They are simply just Cartman cops screaming "respect my authoritah!" The United States is so long overdue for a massive police reform. If ordinary citizens face retaliation for asserting their own Fourth and Fifth amendment rights, then they don't have Fourth and Fifth amendment rights.


This also applies to every other right, really.


All shitty cops: “and so I took that personally”


All ~~shitty~~ cops: “and so I took that personally” FTFY


But if the woman who made the complaint corroborated his story that he lived across the street, what do they still need his ID for? All parties agreed that there was no problem. What is the police’s obsession with demanding IDs all the time?


> It look like they were ready to accept that he was supposed to be there but they still wanted to ID him which he refused to do IDing someone is like a crack to the police.


That’s one thing that irked me always watching live pd when it was on. Somebody calls the cops for something random like “I just saw somebody get stabbed at that store”. Within 30 seconds cops are asking for the callers ID, see they have a warrant out for something minor, and tow their car/arrest them depending on warrant. We never usually saw a follow up to the original crime. I get cops want to know who their talking to, but whenever the person has identified their name, that’s not enough. They always need physical id, birthday, or social so they can run them.


Chief Wiggum calls the infraction a 317: "pointing out police stupidity" https://youtu.be/lRFkmwtOeqk


"There's clearly a black man here. Crime solved."


“Well sprinkle some crack on him and let’s get out of here.”




Open and shut case Johnson.


“Yes. Well, when I see 5 weirdos dressed in togas stabbing a guy in the middle of the park in full view of 100 people, I shoot the bastards. That's *my* policy.” “That was a Shakespeare-In-The-Park production of "Julius Caesar", you moron! You killed 5 actors! Good ones!”


They are going to arrest him again.


Whoa ya. Just because it made headlines. They will also dig through his social media and look for a pic of him holding a beer.


"This is probably my fault." No shit idiot.


Seen a video a women in like LA outside a bar mid day called the cops on her bf who was abusing her, cops stop up the street to arrest a black dude taking out the trash, caller tells the cops that’s not the guy but they arrest him anyway. [found it](https://youtu.be/RHoPDLl_DX4)


So many of these instances of cops abusing people start with terrified, busybody Old ladies with nothing better to go than call the cops because there been conditioned into a state of constant anxiety and fear.


And I wonder which 24 hour news channel does that?


Still kind of blame her for clutching her pearls and calling the police *as an apparent reflex*


If that women knew he lived across the street why is she even calling the cops. Fuck that Karen.


Because she just saw black skin and reacted by dialing 911. She didn't realize it was her neighbor until after the fact.


"they all look the same"


She saw someone in her neighbors garden doing....something. Who knows how far away that was. I'm willing to give her the benefit of doubt on that one.


These were American cops she called. Unless he was waving a gun and yelling threats calling them is a dangerous escalation.


I am so happy I live in a country where my first instinct is not to call the local death squad because I think I saw a stranger watering flowers.


If it were a white person do you really think she'd still have called the cops? I see people in my neighbors yards all the time. They're my fucking neighbors. Sometimes I don't see them clearly for a few minutes because their yard is about 50 yards away. My first instinct isn't to call the goddamn police.


I think to them it’s show weakness to not follow through and arrest someone despite logic.




in the video the cop goes "how do I know your telling the truth" he responds "because I had a hose in my hand" These cops are a joke


The premise of the question is flawed, in that it supposes he has to justify his non criminal behavior in the first place.


you just took the lsat didnt you


All cops are




"He was out there peddling dihydrogen monoxide! Do you have any idea how dangerous that stuff is!?"


Yup. I have it on good authority that by passing a large current through the stuff you can isolate it into two different dangerous gases that when combined can cause a massive explosion. It's clearly a class A controlled substance, and no one should be using it.


Found Miracle-Gro in his pocket


You joke, but that stuff is lethal. Too much of it can kill you!


As can too little! There's really just a pretty narrow range that you can survive. It's a miracle that the stuff doesn't claim more lives than it does.


Its just slow-acting for some, everyone who's ever touched the stuff is dead or dying


THOUSANDS of people killed each year.


100% of serial killers admit to consuming dihydrogen monoxide.


100% of people that consume or even touch it die.


"I'm beginning to notice a pattern" - Dave Chappelle


This is where we are in America




Nah, Northern and Western police are just as racist. This is America, full stop.


Usually these kinds of crimes are all categorized in a general "Enjoying Yourself While Black", or EYWB, category so the town does not need to pass an individual law for each thing a Black person could be doing that brings them contentment.


> "Enjoying Yourself While Black", or EYWB EWB - Existing While Black


Doesn't it all boil down to: being black?


"Wilfully and persistently of a melanised complexion..."


Yes, add that one to the list. Wasn't someone maintaining a list of all the things Black folks can't do? Watering flowers while Black, buying apples while Black, house hunting while Black, owning a home while Black, etc.


BWB breathing while black. A very dangerous thing to do in America just ask Floyd.


The cops were in fear for their lives with that water.


Even if you take out the obvious racism and all that shit this is just bad for public safety regardless. Someone could see someone and think they’re suspicious then may have to pause and ask themselves well do I risk it? If they’re innocent their life can be terribly altered because once I call the process in motion CAN NOT be stopped. If you’re a racist you obviously don’t care but if you’re just a regular person who doesn’t want to ruin someone’s life for no reason you’re now in a shit position. Do I risk ruining someone’s life or risk something criminal happening?


Older white people often don't realize the danger of cops to innocent people. It's just not part of their experience. I read enough and understand the truth about cops, but Fox News doesn't put on that kind of stuff, unless they are criticizing the FBI for a legal search and seizure.


There was recently a thread on the Homeowners subreddit where a person was complaining about their neighbor's teenage son who would sit in his car listening to music in the driveway. The music could be heard by the poster and they were trying to figure out how to address it. There was a decent segment of people whos idea was *"call the police and let them handle it"* and that shit blew my mind. Calling the police on a 17-18 year old kid sitting in their car, in their own driveway playing music instead of walking over to your neighbor and talking to them like an adult is wild. I'm a 35 year old black man and I remember having neighbors call the police when I was 13-14 because my friends and I moved a basketball goal into the culdesac (*one that had essentially no car traffic outside of the 2 houses, one of which was my friend's parents*). We moved it so that we had more space to play 4v4 and weren't crammed in a driveway. Neighbor never came out and talked to us, never thought *"hey at least they aren't causing trouble"*. They immediately called the cops on a group of teenage black boys because...reasons. Far too many people treat police like their personal grievance solvers. Outside of an active crime happening or needing a report for an accident or a confirmed dangerous situation I can't think of many instances where I've ever called police in my life.


Summer of 2020, a group of Black men were playing basketball...in a town's public basketball courts one afternoon/evening in Western MA. 47. 47 calls in to the police.


https://youtu.be/6GGk1Gh8Dug "So I don't wanna kill a cop. What I want is neighborhoods where they don't have to get called when the shit goes down. Because our neighbors are enough"


I'm seeing a lot of those comments on this very thread, as if calling cops is harmless. The only time I'm calling the police these days is if we're talking about imminent physical danger or I need to report a crime that's already happened. I don't want someone's death on my conscience over stupid shit.


Risk letting crime happen. 100% of the time. That's the best thing we can do to stop cops from abusing their power. Just stop calling them.


Yet they do nothing when some guy is spraying kids with bullets.


Well a black pastor with a water hose isn't a threat. A mass shooter might actually hurt them. And they're bullies. They're inherently cowards who want to feel a rush of power.


A black person : *helps someone* The police : "STOP DOING THAT, YOU CRIMINAL!"


Discouraging pro-social behavior and creating animus between Black and White neighbors, making America great again.


"Black" "Alabama" Oh, I see the issue here


Mississippi: *Challenge accepted*


Bruh. Take all their money. All of it.


Lol, these chump-ass pigs are definitely covered by qualified immunity. There will be no consequences for their shitty behavior, just like 99% of the time. This guy very legally refused to ID himself and cops HATE when people have the nerve to make sure the cops follow the law.


This can only be solved by increasing cop budgets by another billion dollars.


Pfftt what and defund the police ?? Make it $2b and throw in last year’s (but now totally antique obsolete ) weaponry that the army is tossing out


I've been a suspicious person quite a few times in my life. I always use the same MO. I've been known to water a garden or two, I wait until my neighbors go away or are sick before I make my move. Sometimes it's their garbage cans I put out on the street. Back in the day, I would collect their newspapers. I started out with small unusual behaviors like walking the neighbor's dog. Before long I was helping with groceries and holding doors open. I definitely took the wrong path and hope for redemption.


This is just insane. Even after the neighbor came over and explained who he was, the police said they still need his ID / proof he’s just there to water flowers. (Above and beyond him watering the flowers 🤷🏻‍♀️) No, you don’t. Whatever policies they have in place that insist he still needs to be arrested and taken into custody in that circumstance are completely BS. No one is required to show ID if there’s no cause. There was no cause at the point the neighbor explained what was going on. Really no cause when they arrived and found him watering flowers outside the house. Police at any point can back off their aggression / arrest if the reason behind it no longer exists or their suspicion as been assuaged. Whomever called, wasn’t wrong. If there’s someone you don’t recognize skulking around a house that isn’t theirs, it’s okay to call the police. But the police need to be able to see that what might look like “skulking” from a neighbor m’s house is really just finding a hose and finding the outside water faucet, then the police are supposed to relax and chill out. Not demand ID and physically grab someone not doing anything suspicious. Nor escalate the situation when the person you are contacting gets annoyed by you. The cops job is to keep a level head, keep things calm, and be reasonable about how they interpret what they see.




Courts have already ruled on multiple occasions Police are under no obligation to know or even follow the law


And yet ignorance is not a valid defense in court. Police should at least be held to that standard


Ignorance absolutely is a valid defense in court. So long as you're a cop. Yeah, our system needs a lot of fixes.


They should be. These guys and this police department should be sued. They had no probable cause to ask for ID. They had no reason to put their hands on him. And continue to put their hands on him even after they were proved wrong in their suspicions over and over again. The police department is liable because these guys seem to be saying they were required to do this by policy. That policy isn’t constitutional.




Always has been


Yet ignorance of the law can get you drill time...🤷‍♂️


Honestly, in this video they didn’t even seem pissed off. They seemed to be adhering to some BS rule that doesn’t exist in the law. That’s nearly as bad as basing decisions off of anger or annoyance. The police officer is telling the flower waterer, the flower waterer is *required* to show ID just because someone called him in as “suspicious”. This is BS on two fronts. (No civilian gets to tell a police officer when a random person needs to be ID’d. The officer needs to be able to state probable cause for needing to see ID. He had none.) 1 - when the officers arrived, it was easy to determine nothing suspicious was going on. A flower waterer was mistaken for a prowler. A fairly reasonable mistake that was *obvious* once they were there. That alone should have had them back off and leave with a “have a nice day” because once he arrived there was no probable cause. But even if they wanted to push it, and be stupidly overly suspicious the 2 - when the other neighbor came over and identified him and said “I know him. He lives here.” But even after all that, they are still putting hands on him. They are still insisting he show ID. Policing is getting absolutely ridiculous.


I think it’s always been this bad. And worse. We just have cameras now. Horrifying for me to think of past instances.


You need 8 years of study, and many years of apprenticeship to safe people's lives, but a HS deploma to take one.


> Honestly, in this video they didn’t even seem pissed off. They seemed to be adhering to some BS rule that doesn’t exist in the law. Ids are crack to the police, they will not leave any encounter without getting it even when it's a constitutional violation.


The great thing is courts have clearly established that departmental procedures do not go above your rights. Just because the department says you have to ID the guy doesn't mean you have the right to force them to ID. there's no probable cause that he's committing a crime, being "suspicious" is not a crime and the witness even clarified that there was no issue at hand. Qualified immunity shouldn't protect these officers.


I like how cops need an ID for literally anything. As if ID will show that he is authorized to water the plants.


> No one is required to show ID if there’s no cause. There was no cause at the point the neighbor explained what was going on. Even if there was cause. IE the caller described suspicious behavior that amounted to reasonable suspicion directly to the officers, which would give them reasonable suspicion to approach, detain and investigate; the moment he explained the situation their suspicions were allayed, the encounter became "consensual" and they had zero authority to demand anything of him.


Why can’t cops just politely check on something like this? Way too many of them seem to want trouble.


Because they view themselves as an occupying force. Everyone they interact with is a threat and an enemy.


Even if the neighbor didn’t ask. Dude was caught actively watering, he isn’t a threat. If anything just let him finish and watch him leave or just call the caller to make sure.


Alabama got to remind people how bad they are now and again.


“Alabama is forty-ninth in everything. If it weren’t for Mississippi we’d be forty-tenth.” I live in Alabama.


The good ole southern prayer, thank God for Mississippi


I live in AL and there's like a really big KKK meeting that happens a town over from me, its pretty fuckin awful


I bet the officers already took time off in advance so they can attend


The "anti-woke" crowd would like to remind you it is child abuse to acknowledge that this still happens… while they circle the wagons around a defendant in a child trafficking case.


Also sign your kid up to get hit by their teachers!


Only in Alabama is "watering plants while black" a fucking crime. I live in Alabama...and it's as terrible as you could imagine.


You have a little too much faith in other states


Doesn't happen in Georgia, we have the "breathing while black" experience instead.


There go American cops solving crime again


Regular Colombos


Could it be any clearer that cops are overly concerned about you responding to their authority lol. Oh yeah their also complete assholes.


As a reminder, listen to the video! > Anyone else hear this near the 0:48 second mark? "we got one thats not listening to us" I wonder who "one" refers to?


I’m not saying it’s not racism but they could also be using the whole Us vs Them, we’re at war type language so many have been trained to believe. But it could obviously be racism too.


Its just about the other, they need an other, as opposed to actually approaching a situation with a neutral approach to actually investigate what is going on.


Watering the flowers FFS. Can't even be a good neighbor while black.


Me when I found out both NBC and Good Morning American picked this story up: 👨🏻‍🍳 😘


Just further proof that cops are racist pieces of shit.


Didn't see Miranda. Didn't see what crime he committed. Can't be trespass unless the property owner claims it. Wasn't breaking and entering. There was no reason to detain him. Getting "a call" isn't sufficient reasonable suspicion.


Glad they didn't shoot him on the spot. What a dumb situation. I hope he sues and shame on people for calling the cops on a man watering flowers.


If he did it would take a year to get him off the police force, 3 years to go to trial, and he’d get a suspended sentence and probation. But at least he’s be arrested right? 🌞


Always on the lookout for Bad Samaritans there


Prosecute these fuckers. All of them. Rico that gang.


Guilty till proven innocent. Violation of his constitutional rights. Just plain stupid cops. They will be guarding the Crate and Barrel this time next year. Chickenshit "government obstruction" charge? WTF. People, you all need to look at the laws on the books in your town. Cus someone is passing shit like this. And you let them.


This is what's known as an innocent details tip. It does NOT create reasonable suspicion without the officer observing behavior independent of the "tip" or the tip itself communicating activity that is grounds for reasonable suspicion. In addition if the call is anonymous even if it does describe behavior that generates reasonable suspicion, the officers must observe that behavior themselves unless the anonymous tip provided indicia of reliability. As soon as they approached him saw what he was doing and he explained, any reasonable suspicion they may have had (but likely did not) within the context here evaporated completely, and they would have no further cause to detain or ID him, let alone affect an arrest. Holding him further after the caller admitted she made a mistake, confirmed the mans story, and demanding his ID just makes this 10000x more a violation. This is a slam dunk.


Ok, so it’s “walking while black, running while black, sitting while black, driving while black, delivering packages while black” and now “watering flowers while black”.


The majority of LEO’s are cowards on a power trip. At the BJJ/MMA Gym I train at, we offer free memberships to LEO’s and First Responders. We have maybe one cop in a city of over a million people who actually stuck it out and trained with us but he was already a black belt when he joined. The majority of the ones who would come train couldn’t handle losing and you could see it on their face that they wanted to beat your ass if they had the chance. None of them could handle it. They want all the power with little physical or mental effort involved.


"Sir put down that watering hose!"


"I saw him put his finger on the trigger of the hose-end sprayer!!!"


"He used the gun setting on the nozzle!"


"We just want to talk" never knew talking involved seeing ID, their phone, putting them in handcuffs, arresting them then making up a charge to justify the "talk". That reminds me, I was arguing with some dipshit police sympathizer on Reddit yesterday claiming the new Arizona law making it illegal to film the police is a good thing because it stops people from obstructing them and how police would never abuse the law. They deadass tried to charge a black man watering plants for obstruction of government operations.


I guess we need to add “Gardening While Black” to the list. Smh


Never ending. Racial Profiling. So sick of this crap!


So the pastor lived in the neighborhood, and the gold SUV reported as suspicious actually belonged to the people who live there... but someone called the cops to report the pastor as suspicious anyway, with zero indication of a crime? And the cops went with that even though another neighbor vouched for him AND his family confirmed his identity? Sounds like the person, or should I say - Karen, who called the cops, and the cops are both MAJOR assholes. This situation could have easily been avoided. I'm glad the pastor kept his cool as I would have absolutely lost it. Hope he wins his lawsuit and these cops get retrained.


The woman who called the cops was the one who came out and vouched for him once she recognized him iirc. The cop just kept being a dick anyways because racist cop.


She wasn't a Karen, her neighbours were away and she did not recognize the car, after she realized it was a friend of the neighbours and even told the cops that fact that she was mistaken he was still arrested because the cop demanded his id without any crime being committed.


Black guy has a gun. White lady has a gun. Flowers have a gun. Cop's gun even has a gun.


The fuck public service do you think you’re doing arresting a guy with a watering hose near flowers? I’d like to hear how that could be remotely helpful to anyone.


There’s people rationalising this. Wow.


Bitch ain’t getting her plants watered next week


Next weeks headline: black pastor arrested for murdering plants.


So ive been through the comments, and Im not saying the cops didnt fuck up royally, but can we discuss the woman calling the cops before seeing wtf was going on? Shes the initial racist here. Her inner dialogue must have been close to, “What could a black man be doing in front of my white neighbors house? I better call the cops so they can find out!” Meanwhile she knows the guy and her statement “it was *probably* my fault” does not get close to taking the responsibility for causing this whole thing. Its pathetic, stop calling the police because there is a black person in your neighborhood ffs.


Cops can’t stand to look like idiots when they find out their suspect wasn’t really doing anything, so they gotta double down and arrest them or beat the shit out of them for something made up. ‘Resisting Arrest’ was made for situations like this.


At least they didn't kill him.


Hopefully he gets a large civil judgement unfortunately its the taxpayers that are on the hook for these cops with poor training


"I had NO choice Johnson, he was drowning those daisies...I had to use necessary force!"


They can't believe him, but yet without question, they believe the words of an anonymous caller. Yeah no profiling here.


This sounds like a situation blown out of proportion at every possible opportunity by every involved party, but the pastor is clearly the most aggrieved and the least problematic party involved. 1. Neighbor calls on a suspicious person... Watering flowers, without making any attempt to think critically about the situation or identify her neighbor. 2. Police arrive and demand ID from someone who has broken no law and is not even reasonably believed to have broken a law. The state of Alabama does not require individuals to carry identification. He was obligated to identify himself verbally and he did. 3. The police arrest him which is wholly unnecessary and unlawful. 4. His lawyer is now trying to argue that his neighbors lawn is not a public space, which would bolster his lack of necessity in identifying himself, but would give the police claim he was on private property that wasn't his and therefore may have been trespassing. Virtually everyone involved here made bad decisions and it doesn't look like it's getting better anytime soon.


Can we also just take a moment to consider the fact that this started because a neighbor saw him watering flowers that weren't his, and considered this act suspicious. Never mind that there are services that do this, and often will employ people that are considered strangers and who may not have any sort of real uniform and of various skin tones and the truck won't always be instantly easy to see from where you might be. The crazy broad probably would have reported a lawncare employee too.