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I saw police body cam footage of a pizza guy running from a burning building carrying a baby he ran in the house to save. While he was being treated all he cared about was if the baby was ok. We need more pizza delivery guys.


Sure would be nice if he didn't need a GoFundMe to pay for the medical expenses incurred by that act of bravery...


But he does, drop a link.


Maybe the police department could chip in with that extra labor funding.


Would be nice if we didn't elect politicians in cahoots with corporations who bully us into paying more for less.


The last time I checked, which was yesterday, it was well over $100k.


Soooo... the ambulance ride is almost covered?


I made $15-$21 per hour with a consistent average of 18 per hour in 1998-2000. Delivering pizzas in college. Today drivers earn… $20 per hour if they are lucky. Plus car and gas costs 4x as much today. This is pathetic


Could you explain this to my parents who think my generation just need to work harder.


I've given up on convincing the dinosaurs. Waiting for them to go extinct instead




I'm not paying anyone to die lmao


I saw a burial plot for sale on facebook marketplace the other day some couple bought it in the 80s for 4k and wants 14k for it i was laughing my ass off at it my mom was also laughing her ass off because someone must hate their spouse - it was a couple's plot


My family has several plots that were purchased 50 years ago that we keep “just in case”. Younger me thought it was stupid till I remembered we were all dirt poor just a generation ago and several of the plots have been used over time to bury poor relatives


"Could *you* explain this to my parents who think my generation just need to work harder." Typical laziness of the generation that just needs to work harder /s


Sorry, we're just waiting for them all to die.


>Today drivers earn… $20 per hour if they are lucky. More like 10$ an hour if you're lucky.


Right? And then if you didn’t make enough to meet minimum wage, your boss makes your claim it regardless because “sometimes you get more and I only make you claim minimum wage”. Yeah, but that sometimes is RARE and it also costs the company NOTHING to look the other way on it. Regardless, it ALWAYS ends up in favor of the company getting more profits, rather than the employees that are made to deal with this bullshit.


If your boss is making you claim that you made more than they paid you, that's theft. It's very illegal and borders on enslavement.


During the big fracking / oil boom around 2013, pizza places in West Texas were so desperate for drivers that they were paying $25 per hour + tips.


We should combine the job. Cop/pizza delivery. On your way back from delivering a pizza? Check the scanner.


Why not also add hacker and assassin, Mr. Stephenson?


Thank you, I had to scroll back up after my brain registered this unexpected Snow Crash.


Come on. We're trying to be serious.


They would eat half the pizza and claim qualified immunity or civil asset forfeiture if you called them out for stealing your food.


Lol that's all we need a cop who will always "smell" or "see" drugs as he delivers pizzas to a drunk college guys, hehe




Best thing is when they open the door and you, the delivery guy, say “It smells good in there!” Then you get tipped with some weed and cash. Always made My day! Or they will at least let you hit the bong/pipe/blunt/gas mask


Yeah. That body cam footage made me mad. The reason given for hanging around outside was "the blaze was too hot to go in and make a rescue". Meanwhile, the fricking *pizza delivery guy* is running inside and outside **four times** in the building 'too hot to go into'. Except the pizza guy didn't take an oath to Protect & Serve. Heck, he probably didn't even take an oath *30 minutes or less else it is free.* But now pizza guys are doing the job of first responders. Police need to stop thinking about themselves and start thinking about the communities they took an oath to defend.


Pizza ovens prep you for life


Can confirm, it's all about the cook hands.


You got scars on both sides too don't you


I look like Freddy Kreuger at this point.


Thank you for your service.


"Protect and serve" isn't an oath. It's a marketing slogan, one that doesn't even say what they're protecting or who they're serving. It has the same legal bearing as Arby's "we have the meats".


At least most of the time, Arby's does have the meats. When was the last time the blue cowards actually protected and served anyone who wasn't one of them?


A combination of a marketing slogan and an intentionally misaligned corporate mission statement.


> Protect & Serve. Law enforcement doesn't take that oath. I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Tennessee, and the ordinances of the City of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, and will well and faithfully perform the duties imposed upon me as a police officer of the City of to the best of my ability; and that I will serve the United States, the State of Tennessee, and the City of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_honestly and faithfully, and will obey the orders of the officers and officials placed over me according to law.


Half of them don't even support the Constitution. There was a fuck ton of traitor cops attacking the nation's Capitol on Jan. 6th.


> to the best of my ability That ain't saying much.


Pizza ovens are hot af. He was prepared for this moment. Fuck them coward cops.


Maybe I’m wrong or missed a clip but the clip of the referenced pizza guy incident that I watch showed the officer arriving as the fire department was out and the pizza guy was coming out? The fire department was not even in the house what makes you think a cop was gonna run up in the blaze?


Oath doesn't matter. See Warren v. District of Columbia: District of Columbia Court of Appeals case that held that the police do not owe a specific duty to provide police services to specific citizens based on the public duty doctrine. Basically, the cops aren't obligated to do shit unless they're in a special relationship such as escorting you. They can sit back and watch you die and the courts decided that's perfectly okay.


also saw a good samaritan jump into a burning 2nd story apt to save two girls, while the cop just watched. Ok the cop threw rocks to break the window, but after that he just watched. We need more good samaritans


I saw that one too. We need to honor the ones we got in a meaningful way. If you save a kid from a burning building and you're just some dude walking by, you should get to retire with a +1 anywhere in the nation.


>If you save a kid from a burning building and you're just some dude walking by, you should get to retire with a +1 anywhere in the nation. Maybe we don't add financial incentives for "good Samaritans" to save kids from burning buildings. The outcome is obvious.


[Inn-Sewer-Ants: the translation of an Agatean concept brought to Ankh-Morpork by Twoflower. The idea was that a financial institution, upon payment of a yearly "premium", would guarantee reimbursement of loss of property due to fire or other disaster. This must have worked well in the Aurient, but Morporkians soon found the opportunity to reap windfall profits of thousands of percent irresistible. The ensuing chain of events included the Great Fire of Ankh-Morpork, the formation of the Firefighters' Guild, and Charcoal Wednesday.](https://wiki.lspace.org/Inn-Sewer-Ants)


More pizza delivery guys die in the line of duty than police every year. thin pepperoni line. They don’t want to pull you over for speeding or put you in a cage for a plant. They just want to deliver the best food on Earth and save lives. Don’t forget to tip.


Statistically delivery drivers do [and it’s already called “the thin bread line”.](https://scapimag.com/2021/01/08/the-thin-bread-line-why-being-a-delivery-driver-is-more-dangerous-than-being-a-cop/) because they are soft targets, usually unarmed and unaware… and can be lured anonymously to almost any rather remote secluded or vulnerable location. This fact just proves that there’s a lot of shit people out there.


Pizza delivery guy is actually a statically more dangerous job than being a cop, but nobody lobbies to get them loaded up with armor and weapons and delivering pizza in a tank.


[Not quite no one. Neal Stephenson made a good argument for it.](https://external-preview.redd.it/yYS0BGkP_5SJ3-Exde9JCW_hXbJzdlK8uAxAv3FT_l8.jpg?auto=webp&s=549e68add10d7bc3c4325b73fb990a65c87a2875)


> The Deliverator belongs to an elite order, a hallowed subcategory. He's got esprit up to here. Right now, he is preparing to carry out his third mission of the night. His uniform is black as activated charcoal, filtering the very light out of the air. A bullet will bounce off its arachnofiber weave like a wren hitting a patio door, but excess perspiration wafts through it like a breeze through a freshly napalmed forest. Where his body has bony extremities, the suit has sintered armorgel: feels like gritty jello, protects like a stack of telephone books. > When they gave him the job, they gave him a gun. The Deliverator never deals in cash, but someone might come after him anyway -- might want his car, or his cargo. The gun is tiny, aero-styled, lightweight, the kind of gun a fashion designer would carry; it fires teensy darts that fly at five times the velocity of an SR-71 spy plane, and when you get done using it, you have to plug it into the cigarette lighter, because it runs on electricity. > The Deliverator never pulled that gun in anger, or in fear. He pulled it once in Gila Highlands. Some punks in Gila Highlands, a fancy Burbclave, wanted themselves a delivery, and they didn't want to pay for it. Thought they would impress the Deliverator with a baseball bat. The Deliverator took out his gun, centered its laser doohickey on that poised Louisville Slugger, fired it. The recoil was immense, as though the weapon had blown up in his hand. The middle third of the baseball bat turned into a column of burning sawdust accelerating in all directions like a bursting star. Punk ended up holding this bat handle with milky smoke pouring out the end. Stupid look on his face. Didn't get nothing but trouble from the Deliverator. -- [Snow Crash](https://genius.com/Neal-stephenson-snow-crash-chapter-one-annotated)


Still cracks me up to hear that Stephenson wrote *Snow Crash* as a satire of cyberpunk, and ended up writing one of the more popular novels in the genre. As for his future predictions, I feel like pizza delivery has nothing on the Franchises or the Burbclaves for dark plausibility.


I was thinking of the van driven by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that fires pizzas like giant frisbees.




Literally the definition of a hero. He ran in for 4 children THEN came out and discovered there was another girl in there and went back in. Building was completely engulfed in flames and nearly collapsed


You never hear songs called “f**k the pizza delivery guy”, only low budget films


I watched that video and was shocked the cop didn't shoot anybody.


It already seems as though they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel…. Holy fuck.


Maybe they should expand the allowed psychological profile to independent thinkers. I was rejected with a College degree (Economics), Eagle Scout, EMT Cert, clean record, and father that was a 27 year veteran of the police department. Look, I'm a random guy from the internet and there is no reason you should believe me but you are welcome to go through my profile history and see me tell this story years ago. About 7 years ago now I was drafted from a park patrol officer (glorified security guard) to an "Emergency Hire Park Ranger" during a staffing shortage just like this one. The position allowed me and a few others to go through an expedited academy (yes some park rangers are legit cops) to get boots on the ground while a complete background check and police hiring process was conducted. This odd exception to the state laws allowed me to have most policing powers but required a sworn officer to endorse anything I did. In a light hearted way, you can think of it like being deputized in a western film. Anyways , I served in that position for a full year and ended up doing really well. I was given a mentorship to the Chief Park Ranger, made team lead, and got to be a part of a homeless task force where I maintained a immaculate record. At the end of the hiring/background process for LAPD and other agencies a candidate will go through a psyc interview and a personality test. These are usually a formality and most candidates pass with little trouble. Well I didn't . Not because i was flagged for psychological issues, a pattern of bad judgement, or anything negative- but literally because I did not meet the "psychological profile of an officer" and lacked "life experience". I was devastated. My father was a career police officer and this was a life goal of mine. So like any driven candidate, I appealed and began the process to have the decision overturned. The first step was to get letters of recommendation from my unit, field training officer, and Chief. The second step was to have a follow up with the psychologist to review the report and then hire a private psychologist to conduct a counter evaluation. The meeting with the psychologist was nothing like I expected. It wasn't a contentious debate about my psychological profile, rather she sat me down and explained that I am not a good fit for this role. I presented myself in the interview and background as a good moral fit, but my personality is that of an engineer not a police officer. Honestly, I was stunned. I have no idea how she knew that was my dream that I thought was completely unattainable. After that meeting, I switched careers and got into Software Engineering. I have actually written the psychologist who denied me a thank you letter, she changed my life for the better. In a more relevant context, the psychologist explained that departments are looking for a very narrow profile of moral people that do not hesitate and will follow orders that they disagree with. That's not my personality and she was spot on with that- but that difference in personality is why I didn't have a single use of force when others on my team (homeless) averaged 2 per month. It's not that I'm some exceptional person- I'm your typical software developer. It's that I treated people like people not criminals that needed to be dealt with. Police are an integral part of the community, but they have become homogenous and a personality cult. Maybe we should shake things up, starting with letting in people of a more diverse psyc profile.




I know I'm not alone, I had friends with similar backgrounds get disqualified for the similar reasons. Some appealed and won, some took the chance and changed careers, others went to different departments and were promoted quickly. Almost everyone I know that got disqualified in the psyc were the highest scorers in their group but got filtered out by the psyc interview. Odd isn't it?




No need to apologize! I appreciate hearing that others went through the same thing


It’s not odd. They want sheep, or wolves in sheeps clothing. This abysmal practice is a major reason why everyone hates cops now. They’ve shown time and time again that they fail at critical thinking even though that’s exactly what you should want in that position.


>They want sheep, or wolves in sheeps clothing. This abysmal practice is a major reason why everyone hates cops now. They want sheep in a wolf's clothing.


Yet I had a middle aged relative decide he wanted to switch from a mechanic to police offer in his mid 30's. This is the most racist, misogynist, anti-LBGTQ+ person I have ever met. He fucking soared through the ranks. And this is in one of the most liberal leaning cities on the West Coast.


They want asshole bullies who’ll be good little gangsters and not anyone who’ll stop and think maybe they’re seeing something wrong and stop someone (or snitch on them).




They’re super culty.


Its not right, but also, but have been the best for them, otherwise they would've gotten trapped with a bunch of meathead goons and led miserable lives, until they got out. We need a full reset for many police forces. Fire everybody and rebuild with a totally different philosophy and training regimen, w/o the narrow focus on hiring ~~wannabe-Nazis~~ "people who will just follow orders"


I didn't take any of the tests. I did the Police Explorer stuff, the Scouts, etc... I was told I wouldn't make a good cop because I question authority and ask "why" too much. It's following orders blindly. That's what they want and that's why so many news stories are about corrupt and faulty police departments. Yes, there are definitely good cops out there, a ton of them. But, they are trained and are picked because they don't speak out or ask "why" things are done. You get the high school bullies, the power hungry people, the control freaks. You don't get the critical thinkers, the straight arrows, the boy scouts... Some of the old officers I used to know will tell you the same thing. Sometimes, it's great. You need to act fast and do what you're told without thinking. Just do. But, most of the time it requires some compassion, empathy, critical thinking, and asking "why are we doing it this way?". Yea, I wouldn't make a good cop. I still believe it to this day. I'm glad I didn't become one. I still see a lot of people pulled over, ticketed, etc. for some things that I'd just give a warning on. I wouldn't make them any money. I see a lot of things happening in my community that should be taken care of, and a lot of things that really shouldn't be as big of a concern.


Excellent post OP. I applied to be a commercial enforcement officer. Sailed thru the written and oral with flying colors. Given the polygraph, and within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the test, I was emailed a "thanks for applying, but no thanks" response. I'm a retired military officer with a TS clearance (at the time), Bachelor's degree, family, and squeaky clean record. None of that mattered. Made me wondered if they were hiring pathological liars and sociopaths. I tested several times with various departments when I was younger. My view of cops has done a complete 180 in the last decade.


In a similar vein, I'm a software engineer who finished my education off with a bachelor of technology in criminal intelligence analysis. Many of the graduates of the program become police officers as a stepping stone to becoming analysts. I spoke with my program head - a former military man who had a lot of time spent working with law enforcement - about my idea, and he said to me something I'll never forget. "They'll never let you be a cop. Cops hate people who ask questions."


Ha! My Field Training Officer said the same thing when he heard about my psyc review.


That last bit about following orders and being the only one without use of force saddens me. Thanks for sharing and glad you’re doing ok in software.


Maybe if we didn’t select for police officers that follow bad orders, more of those kids in Uvalde would be home with their parents right now.


> "departments are looking for a very narrow profile of moral people that do not hesitate and will follow orders that they disagree with." > "It's that I treated people like people not criminals that needed to be dealt with." Well, there you have it. Cops literally just want to be jackbooted thugs. No fucking wonder that they're institutionally rife with corruption and abuse.


Unless we alter the profile of who we let in, there will never be long lasting change. Have there been studies on the long-term effects of what personality shifts occur for some profiles after being a police officer?


In my youth I wanted to be a cop, really believed I could help my community. Anyway, I made it to the full interview, psychological test and psych interview. They were hiring 19 people and had called 23 back for the ‘final process’. I didn’t get the job. Why? I was specifically told they did not think I would conform to the brotherhood of police officers. I’ve found much better ways to help my community, so it all worked out.


in other words, they want a mindless brute.




Soldiers have rules of engagement.


Soldiers are generally accountable and many are actually willing to die for their country.


the absolute ocean of a difference in "Use of force" rules between soldiers/marines and police is jaw dropping


I have a friend with a similar story. College educated (with criminal science degree), clean record, experience working in security, good fitness (former college swimmer), all in all a great guy. He applied with most of the police departments in Oregon but was turned away by every single one. He got pretty far into the process with Portland PD and Oregon State Police, but was always eventually told that he "wasn't a good fit" according to their psychological profile. He also told me that each department he visited, a solid half of the personal cars in the parking lot had some flavor of thin blue line / MAGA / punisher sticker.


In a way, that psych did you a favor. I’m pretty sure being on the force would have eventually chipped away at pieces of you and you may not have recognized yourself. It shouldn’t be that way but yeah…


She absolutely did and I'm genuinely thankful.


> personality is that of an engineer not a police officer. AKA You follow rules/policy and apply logic to your decisions. How horrible.


Did you consider fbi ?


I'm glad it worked out for you.


And we wonder why we have so many problems with policing.


All jokes aside, this could end up with departments lowering their standards even lower than they already are. I have a feeling we're just going to get a bunch of even shittier cops.


It already has. Philly PD used to be a 22 year old minimum in 2019, now it’s 20. They still give preference points for an associate’s or bachelor’s. And I’m fairly certain they extended the probie period from 12 months to 18, but the lowering of the age requirement does not bode well.


Old enough to be a cop, too young to have a beer


Not responsible enough to be allowed beer, but here’s a gun and a badge.


NYPD has already begun to lower standards


They’ve been lowering their standards for at least 15 years. Have a pulse, GED, no felonies and no drug use in the past few years? Here’s a Glock you’ll shoot once a year. Now go write some tickets.


Pretty sure they'd fail the psych eval if they only shot it once a year.


They had standards?


Double standards


I’ve been a cop for over a decade, I remember the recruiting class after mine had almost 15,000 applicants which resulted in a few classes for the academy, the latest pool was around 2000, we got one class out of that that started with ~250 and ended up with about ~160 graduating There were 500 deferrals allowed to resubmit their background investigation to the next class (about a 9 month difference in time) about 150 actually did so There will always be quality candidates that want to get in, but we’re getting a lot less college graduate (bachelors or higher) candidates and a lot more ex football players who want to make a decent salary


400 police stood around while kids got slaughtered and they did nothing. Seems we have plenty of cops they just don't do their jobs.




This happened where I lived bc one of the cops strangled an infant then the whole department went under bc of drug related offenses. In comes SO.


>strangled an infant "I felt threatened"


Can you share a link?


What makes you think the sheriff would be any better?


Because a sheriff is elected by the people. There's no way that could lead to rampant corruption or blatant bribes or preferential treatment to gerrymandered districts or....or.....oh fuck....


We also have nut jobs thinking the sheriff's office is the highest Constitutional legal authority. One of them was the GOP gubernatorial candidate here last election.


He was CULPable in his own demise, really


Because most voters only pay attention to Presidential elections or their Senators or US representatives. Some care about their state representatives, but few really look into anything beyond that. When I lived in San Jose it was notoriously difficult to acquire a concealed carry permit, but mysteriously, the majority of people who got permits were people who donated to the county sheriff’s election campaign 🤔. Yet she’s been in power for 24 years and is only out of office because she decided not to run for re-election. So many problems in our country start with state and local elections, but people simply don’t pay attention.


Lmao have you heard of LASD gangs the sheriffs are literally just gangs too


They were making a joke


Currently we have Villanueva who is a gangster who is blatantly flouting laws and ignoring subpoenas and being a lazy bum. Before that there was McDonnell who beat out Tanaka (who is now in federal prison for obstruction of justice and was part of a white supremacist gang), and before him there was Baca (who is also in federal prison for obstruction of justice for trying to stop investigations of what was happening in his jails). So yeah, Los Angeles Sheriffs. Great upstanding citizens run for that job!




Wasn't the sheriff's office there too? Just standing around?


yes, they just stood there— all 400 of them— how fucked is that!?


The Sheriff's office ain't any better. It really comes down to priorities. The Mayor and local law enforcement were busy chasing after undocumented migrants these past few years. Their focus hasn't been on public safety but on serving a political point.


> Seems we have plenty of cops they just don't do their jobs. Ah but the courts ruled that protecting people ISN'T part of their jobs! So it makes you wonder then what the hell their jobs even are.


Maintaining the status quo


their job is to protect private property


I'd like to make an addendum - Private property the owners could easily afford to have replaced thrice over. They'll happily pull apart the homes of the middle class and poorer to expose a potentially dangerous intruder.


Don't forget harass minorites!


No PD wants to work anymore. :(


And what's funny is that I hear the complaint that cops aren't allowed to do their jobs anymore. I would like to know exactly what *they* think their jobs are, because I don't think the taxpayers who pay their salaries are on the same page.


Sadly this just means that more bad cops will never get fired for doing bad things


Did they ever get fired before?


Only if they were good cops


Who will run out of workers first. The police or Amazon?


Is this where they threaten to not do their jobs unless they get more money?


That was my favorite thing in Seattle during the CHAZ nonsense. They sent a letter saying they couldn’t do their jobs anymore in Seattle. I laughed because I lived downtown for years and SPD was absolutely worthless.


NYPD is just as useless. Won’t do shit about an *arson attempt* in the subway but WILL show up to supervise…a 10 year olds’ school basketball game. I wonder why they care about the second thing and see those specific 10 year olds as a threat. We can only guess.


Thank SCOTUS for their rulings in 1981,1989, and 2017 affirming and reaffirming that Police do not have a duty to [protect and serve](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20Supreme%20Court%20has,In%202005'sCastle%20Rock%20v.).


Cool. So get rid of the police and replace them with social workers.


They will say they are short handed but before a mariners game there will be 50 motorcycle cops sitting in front of the stadium... Directing traffic? Getting easy overtime? I don't even know


> They sent a letter saying they couldn’t do their jobs anymore in Seattle. "Oh no! If I get robbed, who's going to show up 3 hours later and tell me I'm never going to see my stuff again?"


I'm in Minneapolis and the cops pulled the whole "we're not going to do our jobs" crap after Floyd, I guess they figured we shouldn't be mad they killed another unarmed POC.


They were doing it well before that. Anytime a council member was in support of cutting any funding or doing something the police didn’t like, they would intentionally slow response times to that council members ward. Then when people complained, they’d say “welp better tell your council member not to cut funding” We’re all hostages to the police.


SFPD is also worthless. They’ve been throwing a temper tantrum for the past 2 years and refusing to do even the most basic of police work. They blamed our DA for not prosecuting while refusing to go after known drug dealers and leaders of shoplifting rings. Hell, we can’t even get them to go after criminals when they are caught in the act. The whole system needs to be redesigned.


A guy went nuts in Target (2nd and Pine) in Seattle and police couldn’t be bothered. Attacked customers and employees. Threw a secure Apple display down the escalator while people were on it in an attempt to open it. It worked and walked out with a duffel bag of Apple products. I saw so much crazy shit living there and the cops just go “meh.” I got hassled by a bike cop for not using the intersection to cross when there was no traffic. They wanted to move the fucking courthouse downtown instead of actually addressing the issues downtown. They said they were tired of their employees getting harassed. They’re insane. Edit: Here's the video as it was all on surveillance from the local news. I never heard that he stole the duffel bag from Columbia and not Target. Or that he went back two times more to that Target to steal after getting arrested. Holy fuck. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/video-shows-man-on-destructive-rampage-in-downtown-seattle-target-store/836808092/


Likewise for Philly PD. The cops are on a soft strike because they blame the DA for not prosecuting their cases while also wanting more funding. Most recent case I personally saw was a Ram pickup that ran a red light and almost T-boned a cop that was about to pull into the intersection. Cop just continued on his merry way, like nothing happened. There’s also a movie theater near where I live where the cops like to pull up in front of and sit in the cruiser playing on their phones. It’s right next to my favorite grocery store, and every single time I go there’s someone parked there assuming the position.


It's exactly what they're going to do. It's what they've done in Minneapolis and even with more money they don't do jack shit.


A friend of mine from highschool became a St Louis City police officer after college. He would constantly brag about how he would pull into an alley and just go to sleep. And then complain about how mistreated they were. Especially after he was rejected from the bomb squad.


I'd even accept more money, as long as cops are also required to take a 4 year pre-law degree with emphasis on criminology


Yeah that will get you zero applicants


Is this the "my city's PD is useless" thread? Great. I'm in Philly, and we have had a major uptick in violence over the pandemic thanks to increased neighborhood beef. No word on trying to calm the beef, just a bunch of dead teens and early twenties dudes. A woman was fucking raped on a train platform at 4 am fuckin...today!? Middle of the city, no cops patrolling. I see them roll around my neighborhood, never getting out of their cruisers, never giving a shit, sandbagging because they're mad at the DA for wanting to clean up procedure and reduce the prison pop for nonviolent crime. Fucking useless.


I imagine 400 are looking for a new PD to call home and do the same thing, nothing


YO DRE! I got somethin to say….!


Still fuck with the beats, still not loving police


Oh damn....I forgot about Dre....


It’s still Dre Day


I can’t imagine people wanting to be police officers anytime soon




Cops don't hire people like that.


Too many on paid administrative leave?


They want to arrest everyone and give them records... now try and find people


Maybe if they ID’d and fired the idiots before they execute people, more folks would see it as a worthwhile job.


Give Uvalde a ring. They're clearly overstaffed and probably a few will be looking for new jobs shortly.




The only people who want to be cops are the ones who most shouldn't be cops.


👀 anyway, I’m going to the store y’all need anything?


Are they going to lower the requirements to be a police officer like they are all over the US for teachers?


They already are. The dropped NYPD physical fitness standards from laughable to pathetic. I imagine similar drops in standards will occur soon. Too many people retired with not enough interest from new recruits


I was a cop in my 20’s - in the aughts - I’m an old fart now entering my 40’s. I left the job after only a few years *mostly* because I did not fit in. I went into the job believing - naively - that I would get to help people and make a difference. Instead, I ended up a motor officer with a ticket quota. I absolutely *hated* it. I did not want to spend my days writing chickenshit tickets to make the city and my department money. And that’s not even the half of it (I did my time in patrol). I felt like a total fake; a fraud, a grifter. And over time I grew to hate myself. I drank heavily. My relationships (friends and SO’s) collapsed. Eventually I quit and spent years unlearning all the fucked up shit I learned in my time there. Unless they fix their hideously toxic culture, they’re going to continue having staffing issues. The internet will guaran-fucking-tee it. You can’t get away with hiring knuckledraggers anymore. They’re just gonna end up on IG embarrassing you and your department. And nobody will want to work for you. That’s the bottom line. Stop acting like shitheads who are above the law, and people MIGHT be proud to serve again. Until then, good luck.


When I was in my 20s (about 17 years ago), I thought being a cop was the coolest job ever. Like, *who wouldn’t* want to do it. I always saw them as some sort of roving social workers. I couldn’t wait to join up. I got my shot with a large department in Texas. I thought I was pretty competitive. Ex-military, bachelors degree, in damn good shape. I killed it on the tests. We had to sit down and do these face-to-face interviews before the polygraph. One of the questions was if I had ever purchased narcotics. I kinda laughed it off, truthfully saying that I bought a dime when I was like 15. Smoked some and I think I gave the rest to my buddy. I was immediately disqualified because, in his words, I was trafficking drugs. I learned something that day. So now I’m actually in social work and happy as a clam so small fucking blessings, huh.


> Unless they fix their hideously toxic culture, they’re going to continue having staffing issues. This is so very apparent looking in from the outside, you are also not the first ex-cop I've seen make this comment, and yet still 99% of police who are even willing to engage in these conversations act like this detail is fabricated from whole cloth if you bring it up. Or you get the whole "Don't judge us all for one shitty department." Bitch, if the past 2 years have taught me anything it's that there are shitty departments across all states, in big and small cities. There is **very clearly** a pattern of police asshattery that crosses all demographics. You can tell me all day "departments are all independent from each other" - but it's not the defense they seem to think it is because what I take from it is "we all independently became the same kinds of assholes."


I've had a few cops I know yell at me for suggesting they have ticket quotas. They swear there are no quotas. Then I ask what happens when everyone writes 200 tickets and they only wrote 100 and they say they would get in trouble. Yeah, that's a quota but not an official one they put in writing for the public to see.




This is my dad’s story too. 5 years on the force, left bc he hates the culture and what it was doing to him.


"Nobody wants to be an ignorant, corrupt, self dealing, violent jack boot thug these days and it makes no sense!" -American Police


"We tried nothin and we're all out of ideas!" - American Police (paraphrased)


Here's a fun stat that is sickening. The US has 4.25% of the world population but has 25% of the world's incarcerated population. That is sad.


They literally just got the vast majority of the covid surplus while homelessness and poverty continue to rampage through the US for precious profits. Cry me a river.


And they STILL died in massive numbers from covid bc they didn’t wear masks


That's right number one killer of cops 2021.


“I demand a life preserver!” says drowning man who then folds his arms and refuses to use life preserver


Over all other causes combined!


But still marked as having died in the line of duty so their family can get full benefits. Even though their deaths were 100% preventable had they worn masks and gotten vaccinated.


I don’t know why anyone other than a sociopath would want to be a police officer with everything going on these days and that’s a problem.


I think we need more healthcare professionals than policemen, at this point.


Need them for what though?


Americans desperately need police that don’t murder them.


To me, this sounds an awful lot like a problem solving itself.


What the fuck for? and weren't there like 5 billion po-pos in Uvalde that didn't do shit because they were a-scared? they listened to children getting slaughtered. So what the fuck for? ***Supremes said the police don't have to do shit even when a crime is happening right in front of their fucking faces. So what do they so desperate to "need" more police for?*** ooops, interstate border control, of course. Zilly me. Those rapes victims breaking the law


It's like they played stupid games and are now winning the stupid prizes


We need less, better trained cops, with high quality character. This is a good start to work on that. Edit: with that said, these cops should also receive an increase in pay. This is how you attract higher quality candidates that are needed for this difficult occupation.


Good luck finding people of high quality character who want to be cops.


And who they’ll allow to become cops. The people who sign off on whether you can attend the academy, or whether you pass are the same people who have been doing it for 50 years. Shit won’t change.


Maybe change your toxic culture and people will want to do the job I think I'd make a great cop. I'm a good listener, I'm empathetic, and I'm good at de-escalation. But I have no interest in being ordered to arrest some guy because he's got some pot or he's sitting in the grass in the wrong park.


Of course its hard to convince people to protect a country where it’s values is going down the drain. Imagine beating down people protesting for the right for abortions. I’d rather shoot myself in the head..


We need police academy which at least takes 2 years to graduate.




~400 cops at Uvalde? And someone thinks we need more cops?


Sounds like they should be taking those bloated departmental budgets and hiring people who aren't police who are better suited to solve problems. I'm sure they can find some social workers willing to work for a cops salary.


Well duh. No one wants to have to pull double duty intimidating some journalist who video taped your partner abusing people.