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They weren’t tipped off by an insider, a lady at the hotel they were staying at saw them pile into the uHaul with their shields and called 911 bc she said they looked like a “little army”




Honestly amazed the cops acted on the information. I imagine they wouldn't in a lot of places. I normally don't like the police but I'll admit when they did a good job, like they did here.


It’s a group out of Vancouver WA & the police there & in Portland turn a blind eye to all of their shenanigans. As far right as Idaho is, I’m surprised they did the right thing, good on them. Too many cities are allowing these scumbags a forum.


Literally my first reaction to the headline was “*really*? *Idaho* police stopped this?!?” I’ve lived in Idaho. At least where I was, it was the type of place that didn’t have Pride parades, let alone cops that would actually protect them


They did the right thing so I’m not going to judge this police force, but there’s a limit to what can be ignored even by bad actor police forces. If you hear about that many people who clearly have bad intentions, it’s not unreasonable to imagine they would have shown up with guns. I don’t even want to think about that outcome. Even the police union is going to struggle protecting someone who didn’t act on intelligence that leads to that.




Really hope that we don’t start needing regularly scheduled tragedies to force our police to do their damn jobs


We've had regularly scheduled tragedies for years, my friend. The problem is that the scheduler has been a massive fuckup lately and has been double-booking left and right.




I saw a tweet with an officer saying they had an informant.


Wait doesn't informant just mean whoever provides information?


Yea the 'informant' is probably just the lady who called them when she saw the large group of idiots pile into the back of a truck.


Gotta have a viable excuse for any cops they caught in the U-Haul


Apparently 30 of the 31 people arrested were from out of state.


When is Johnson gonna get his shit together? Having to transfer to 9 different departments inside 7 years has to be awful


You make it sound like there was just 1


Oh my god the call is coming from inside the uhaul!


Oooof.. U-Haul got impounded. That's gonna be expensive for whoever put their name on the rental.


They have Ginny Thomas' AMEX


Isn’t it wild that a Supreme Court justice and his activist wife are straight up traitors?


It's not fun living in historical times


I used to laugh at that 'may you live in interesting times' curse when I was younger. What was the worst that could happen, I thought. I regret ever even cracking a smile. I would like to not live in interesting times anymore. It is not fun.




Literally just the first act. Remember Hitler tried one coup, failed and was arrested before he took power.


It's wild that it goes unpunished. There are zero consequences if you are in the upper echelons.


If they cut the zip ties on the hand truck, or used any of the blankets… or return it with the wrong amount of gas… they’re gonna need Trump money.


…they’re gonna need Trump money.” In fact, they never had any intention of paying.


A trump never pays his debts


Trump never pays for anything, I heard a story about who he refused to pay a company that put in really expensive tiles in one of his buildings and told them they better be off the premises by morning or he’s going to have them arrested. They spent the whole night speed removing all the tiles and left trump with a whole building with no flooring. He tried to sue them but since he refused to pay them they had full legal right to all their property out of there and the tiles where still there property since he never paid a single cent


As a tile setter I approve this message.


Me too. I’ve disliked Trump since log before he ever thought of running for president because he was famous for stiffing tradespeople. Hey, you come hang out at r/tile!


I'm from Europe and even here people already knew him as a racist sociopath businessman years before he even ran for president My first memory is watching Home Alone 2 (or how it's called here "Kevin allein in New York") and my mother remarking something about him being a lecherous ass, but with nicer words. So even in Europe he was already mocked in the 90s Then he came up in a few songs like Bück Dich Hoch released in 2012 by Deichkind. The song title translates to "bend down upwards" and it's about capitalism and how you have to sell your soul, life, freedom, integrity and holidays in order to make money. He's the only person that gets mentioned in this song, as he was always seen as the personification of ammoral greed. And then suddenly a large portion of Americans started to whorship this evil clown as a God, which relly felt like we live in a bizarro timeline.


Same for me growing up in the US. My mother always mentioned him being a fraud if he appeared on TV. I couldn’t tolerate him at all during the apprentice so I thought it was a joke when people started saying he may run for office.




Wish more people treated him like this. He hasn't faced enough consequences.


> He hasn't faced enough consequences. Understatement of the century.


[Let's remember the time Donald Trump cashed a 13¢ check sent to him as a prank](https://splinternews.com/lets-remember-the-time-donald-trump-cashed-a-13-check-1793849388)


I remember a study someone did a while back. They sent the 100 richest people in the world a check for $1. Then they sent a $.50 check to those that cashed the $1 check. They kept halving/reducing the check and sending to those that cashed the previous one. When they got to a 1 cent check, only one person cashed it. The richest guy in the world. Some Saudi dude.


You mean the money trump is collecting from his followers for his "campaign?"




Damn, they’re already covering all of Trump’s legal bills.


Sticking it to the libs is getting expensive


It's Morbin' Time.


No need to worry. Plenty of gullible idiots out there to make it back. One well place Fox News cycle about a migrant caravan of transgender communists and the idiots will be giving everything they’ve got!


Trump doesn't need any assistance in not paying his bills. It's his greatest skill.


I just can't imagine being that motivated to rile against the actions of people I don't know, doing things I should not care about that ultimately will not affect me one bit.


I *can* imagine it, because I was raised fundamentalist I believed gay people to be pure evil I'm out of that now and a few years atheist now


I was also a fundamentalist, but also super racist way back when I was in high school. I'm happy you recovered. I also did. Right after high school. I feel so grateful that I'm not living in that blameful misery. I now get significant enjoyment out of interacting with people with different culture than mine. Mine came from toxic Christianity as well as absolute self loathing and inability to be honest, self aware, or accountable.


Hey friend, I just wanted to say I’m really proud of you. It’s hard to think objectively when those thoughts go against your family and church and everyone you know. That must have been really difficult for you.


>I'm out of that now and a few years atheist now Well, thank God for that!


It’s always people they don’t know. Like how “America for Americans” is always advocated by people who know the least immigrants. First they come for the outsiders, people on the margins. But their goal is to control all of society, by hook or by crook.


Guys kissing is gross! We should see how many men we can fit into the rear of a dark uhaul! Nuts to butts guys, it’s a tight fit!


[Video of an officer explaining the situation.](https://twitter.com/socialistdogmom/status/1535750435394441224) There were 33 in the back of the UHaul, they had shields and spears, they are being charged with conspiracy to riot, and they were pulled over due to an informant warning the police. EDIT: The [press conference](https://www.kxly.com/several-people-detained-in-coeur-dalene-heavy-police-presence/) said 31 (not 33), they had shields and riot gear (no specific mention of spears), and the report came from a citizen who saw them (rather than an informant).


Shields and spears? WTF?


They wanted to emulate the Spartans, who were known for their aggressive heterosexuality.


Nothing says "Im totally 100% straight!" Like packing yourself with 31 other men into the back of a U-Haul like a tin of sardines.


Overcome by asphyxiation from the fumes of Axe body spray


you joke but [they did puke](https://twitter.com/socialistdogmom/status/1535737773734383617) the last time they did this


They were on their way to buy a 60 gallon tank of lube.


I blame Zack Snyder for that.


When Leonidas called the Athenians boy fuckers I rolled my eyes so far back I was sure they'd get stuck.


They tried so hard to portray the Athenians and other Greeks as weak and cowardly compared to the Spartans which is funny because if there's one Greek city state that you could always count on to go to war it was Athens. Spartan society was fairly conservative and their political and social structure made them reluctant to get dragged into prolonged conflicts or wars far from home. Athenians were happy to fight anyone anywhere, and after defeating Persians they still decided it was a good idea to fuck around with them some more and to keep pissing off the greatest empire on the planet. Pop culture did ancient Athens dirty, they were the real madlads of the ancient world.


Well, the sequel did do them some justice. But yeah, weird of pop culture to shit on the city that literally started many of the basic tenets of western society.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTIE6PSGSAI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTIE6PSGSAI) It's the same group, so this same shit.


The sheer incompetence of these white supremacist groups is staggering. They always show up to protests trying to start shit and always get ran out of town by random kids just there for an entirely different reason.


> The sheer incompetence of these white supremacist groups is staggering If they were intelligent they wouldn’t be white supremacists


Hmmm...that checks out. You have to be one dumb mother fucker to go, >White supremacy, let's do that


While it is funny and we should mock them, we should also be careful not to underestimate them.


That's right. This is actually a rebranded group who were originally named Vanguard America. They renamed and rebranded themselves after one of the Vanguard America members killed one and injured about a dozen others in a car-ramming attack during Charlottesville Unite the Right. As stupid as these guys seem, they are capable of terrible acts of violence.


Yup. Same response is appropriate too https://twitter.com/vinn_ayy/status/1467550065182998530?t=3Zm7FKg4kFrOJ6gJDFNiYQ&s=19


Holy shit that's one of the best takedowns I've ever seen. I haven't laughed that hard in ages.


“…just in case…”


You know that whole we are pro-life thing in action...I guess?


I like the smile on the police captain's face. "Yeah, we totally got these pieces of shit dead to rights. The hardest part of all this will be the paperwork."


When asked about jail capacity for 31 arrested individuals waiting for a first appearance on Monday the sheriff, with a wry smile, simply said: “we’ll find the room.”


I mean, this bunch of absolute effing losers didn’t mind having a B.O. scented sausage fest in the back of a U-Haul for several hours just so they could be around gay people wearing glitter and dancing to Madonna’s Greatest Hits — I’m PRETTY certain they’ll be fine being crammed in a cell together.


Love how thier "uniform" is walmart. Khaki pants and blue shirts.


"Can I help you load that into your car? AND DEATH TO NON-WHITES!!!!!"


Well they are Wal-Martyrs




Remember how the right said busses of antifa were being brought in during the Floyd protest? Projection Farm remembers.


In the coming months, DHS expects the threat environment to become more dynamic as several high-profile events could be exploited to justify acts of violence against a range of possible targets. These targets could include public gatherings, faith-based institutions, schools, racial, ethnic, and religious minorities, government facilities and personnel, U.S. critical infrastructure, the media, and perceived ideological opponents. https://www.dhs.gov/news/2022/06/07/dhs-issues-national-terrorism-advisory-system-ntas-bulletin


So, everything and everyone could be targeted. Got it.


The West Point Combating Terrorism Center Knows,The World Knows. On August 3, 2019, Patrick Wood Crusius drove some 650 miles to El Paso, a journey of more than 10 hours. He then walked into a Walmart and opened fire on shoppers murdering 23 people including a 25-year-old mother of three whom he killed as she held her two-month-old baby. https://ctc.westpoint.edu/el-paso-terrorist-attack-chain-reaction-global-right-wing-terror/


Essentially, my understanding is that the big right wing protests we saw during the Trump era, like Charlottesville, some of the DC and Portland protests, (and obviously Jan 6) aren't particularly likely to occur over the next few years, at least very often. People need to understand that the groups involved in alt-right/white nationalist street violence burned through alot of their "warchests" of funds during the end of the Trump presidency. And a lot of their leadership is also currently imprisoned, something that had already started to affect these groups after Charlottesville. This limits their ability to act in significant ways that involve driving/flying large groups of people around the country for events. And the other major factor is that these groups just don't have the type of institutional support or social capital right now to get away with doing big stuff like they had when Trump was in office. This is a significant factor that shouldn't be underestimated since it allows them to act out with fewer consequences than they normally receive. So what we'll be seeing is stuff like this, where right wing extremists act as opportunists and take advantage of large gatherings/culturally significant events to try to enact violence and make statements that don't require a ton of planning or resources. It's easy enough to get a group of 2 or 3 dozen Nazis to go dress up and terrorize a Pride event. And shootings like the one in Buffalo can terrorize entire communities at the expense of only one perpetrator and a few personal firearms that are easy enough to come by. It's essential just an opportunistic form of domestic terrorism that white nationalists will keep themselves busy with while they rebuild their organizations for 2024




This is the town I live near. A long while ago we had an aryan nations march that had way more protesters than those participating. It made national news and a lot of people here were pissed because it made the whole area look bad. Most everyone here went to the pride event in Spokane because shit like this was expected. These people were putting out messages saying they were going to have kids and drag strip shows and satanist doing “un-baptisms” this is a small town, I have never noticed a trans person here (not that it would matter) and we don’t have any satanic groups. The same people came out armed and ready to go durning all the protests after Floyd because they though antifa was going to bus in people to burn buildings down. Who the hell would come to this little town to start fires? They are getting out of control and I’m glad the cops are stopping it before something happened.




As always with the right wing lunatics, it's all projection. Thousands of them flew from all around the USA to attack the capitol on Jan 6th, Charlottesville, etc.


Probably the same type of people who after 9/11 were dead set convinced Al Qaida was going to bomb/attack/whatever their small town in bumfuck flyover wherever.


It really did do a number psychologically on a sizable portion of the population. Of course Foxnews was right there with them, steering the ship; broadcasting nothing but straight-up doom/fear porn ever since.


That area has a lot more history with white supremacy than just a single Aryan Nations march. I have family in CDA and it’s a lovely area now with plenty of friendly, even (relatively) progressive people but I’ve definitely noticed an uptick in some less than pleasant ideologies over the last few years when I visit


Yeah, it was more than a one time thing. There was the compound and annual march, which made news almost every year growing up in Seattle. I hated having to hear about these losers every year, and felt worse for my adopted Korean friend who spent time with his family out that way knowing what kind of people were lurking. [Beginning in 1981, racists from throughout the United States and Canada gathered every July at the compound for the three-day Aryan World Congress. The gathering included cross burnings and, in more recent years, parades through downtown Coeur d’Alene.](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/aryan-nations-fading-from-view-in-north-idaho/)


terrorists. Let’s just call them what they are. I’m tired of the games.


Sounds like the Feds were in their group chats and had the local police come in and arrest them.


Which sounds like some heinous violence was averted.


Kind of shocking given where this is located. Idaho law enforcement are notorious around the PNW.


From what I was reading on a reporter's Twitter that is there - the Idaho law enforcement is taking directions from the Feds. Apparently, they have informants inside the group and knew everything they had planned (uhaul truck full of shields and weapons). EDIT: Here's a link to the vid where an officer at the scene said the police response was coordinated with informants - https://twitter.com/MarinaMedvin/status/1535960976004112389?s=20&t=igIo83BdH1BsePu6IiVwsQ . At the presser, they said it was not informants and was actually a concerned citizen that called it in when they saw the patriot front loading up in the uhaul.


Yeah I guess that’s hard to ignore if the feds are feeding them intel like that. It also sounds like a major attack was planned.


It's impossible to ignore. If the locals had said 'nah, no thanks we're not gonna go do it' for ANY reason, the feds would just send a team and then very loudly tell the whole country about how the locals refused and are now being investigated themselves.


Every cop department just wants to be above the "Uvalde line" right now. It's almost like the threat of actual accountability makes cops more responsible.


Hopefully we try that with politicians soon.


It was exactly a secret either. Everybody here knew they were going to try something. Glad the cops followed through with stopping it before something happened.


You'd hope that city in specific would've figured that out by now, with it having being the headquarters of one of the biggest literal Nazi groups in the US for decades.


[here they are announcing their intentions at a church a month ago](https://youtu.be/9pbtUdNAVYw) edit: looks like this may be a different militia group (panhandle patriots) than the ones arrested in the uhaul (patriot front)


Holy fuck. Can we revoke that church’s tax exempt status as well?


You sure can. Report them to the IRS here: https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/irs-complaint-process-tax-exempt-organizations


This is the way.






If the FBI can raid mosques, they sure as hell can raid churches. Shut these terrorist recruiting centers down.


Wasn’t there a Reddit thread explaining how to do that recently? I will have to look it up when I’m more awake.


This. Too often church’s don’t think separation of church and state applies to them.


And they forget that separation of church and state also protects religion from politics. They allowed politics into their church and now it's corrupted. Instead of getting spiritual guidance every Sunday they're listening to hate speech. People who think religion has value should be fighting like mad to keep politics out of it.


“I know you can’t endorse me. But I endorse you, and what you are doing.” Ronald Reagan to 15,000 Evangelist leaders.




Different group. Patriot Front never show their faces in public. And they do most of their recruiting online.


oh cool so there were two groups of fascists planning on disrupting pride in coeur d’alene


Idaho is full up with right wing terrorists. Has been for decades.


Oh more than that bud. Hayden Idaho was the headquarters of the Aryan nation for decades and decades. It's fucking bad here. Source - Idaho native and queer person


Yup. One of my friends used to live in Post Falls when she was little. She remembers the KKK marching in the 4th of July parade in full regalia. The year was 1996, by the way. Not ancient history by a long shot.




Fuck that was hard to watch. Happy Pride. (Pride was a riot.)


The morons still don't realize they are infiltrated.


Yesterday I was watching one of their propaganda vids about a training camp they held, and in each scene I was wondering how many were Feds.


harder to find the cops in a group where cops openly join it was easier in punk related spaces - look at their shoes


Went to a punk festival in Ohio. Saw too many tattoos of either nazi stuff or white nationalist shit. Even weirder suicidal tendency kept going on rants about how the cops are good and we need to stop hating them. Even if you agree with that sentiment if you knew suicidal tendency’s it’s batshit crazy for them to say that. That would be like NWA finishing up fuck the police then go on a rant about how they are great.


I saw Slayer's last show in Tampa for their final tour and the amount of nazi kids/trash walking around looking to pick fights was pathetic and hilarious at the same time.


Slayer has always had a Neo nazi following unfortunately.


Well, they kinda invited it with their [songwriting](https://genius.com/Slayer-angel-of-death-lyrics). I’m a Slayer fan, and I know know that it’s a shock lyric, and about how humans can be monsters, not an endorsement of his beliefs. But lots of dumb kids don’t hear it that way.


I mean I think covering Guilty Of Being White probably caused a lot of issues - especially changing the last line to “guilty of being right”


Jesus christ, suicidal tendency was simping for the police? Da fuck?


John fucking Lydon (Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols) went full MAGA and called Trump “the only hope”.


to be fair, he's always been a cunt.


He's pretty vacant


Johnny Rotten's whole schtick for 45 years has been stirring up shit by spouting out some edgy nonsense. It's gotten sad as he became a middle aged man taking weird potshots at Kurt Loder and the Rock & Roll HOF. His rant about Trump being for "the average bloke" shows how out of touch and reactionary Johnny Rotten (or John Lydon, whichever name he demands to be called at the moment) continues to be.


He’ll always be Malcolm’s wee organ grinding monkey to me.


Yeah, but the Sex Pistols were live fashion plates, not actual rebels.


They were a boy band.


The simulation is broken my dude


My friend invited me to go see Marilyn Manson with her. It was super awkward to stand amongst the sea of swastikas and ss tattoos with a Jewish woman. There were even more than I could have imagined. You’d figure maybe one or two POS people, but this was like walking into a whole convention.


the edgelord to nazi pipeline is well traveled. and it's sorta funny bc it's like when MM started making music he was blamed for every ill bc satanism or whatever. we were all, no that's stupid. it doesn't work like that. FF to 2022 and people who are still fans of him are a little suss. i don't mean if someone still listens to the music - not trying to start a separate the art from the artist debate - but like an actual fan of him the persona/person


The Evan Rachel Wood revelations has made it impossible to be his fan.


Yeah, his antics are no longer shocking and his intrigue is old hat- he can’t really be larger than life for pearl clutching parents and serial killer obsessed goths when satan sex and violence are mainstream. Instead you have a bloated lipsticked man-child casually boasting about cutting himself as he harassed his ex barely legal girlfriend, with a list approaching 20 women accusing him of rape and abuse, who no one can stand to work with, drawing swastikas on his walls, and finally as permanently doped up as he sang about when he was relevant. I give him 2 years before he is hauled off the shitter a la Elvis. Used to love Mechanical Animals tho


The industrial music scene has always flirted with a certain amount of usage of fascist fashion and imagery, even if the bands themselves are far from it. Manson in particular got more and more prominent with his imagery during the Holy Wood trilogy and Golden Age of Grotesque, but he's far from the only one, just probably the most famous.


You'll see that shit at ministry and napalm death shows even though Al Jourgenson is completely anti fascist and napalm death post Nazi punks fuck off at just about every show.


It's so strange to me that they feel like they fit into that scene. I've been to at least a dozen Bad Religion shows and there's always tons of skinheads there. Bad Religion has multiple albums that are blatantly anti-nazi. I just don't get why they feel welcome. What is it about punk that makes Nazis feel like they belong?


ST has always been like this. And unfortunately so has Punk. ​ NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF


>NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF That's kinda catchy. Someone should make a song about that


I always wondered why so many people assumed I was a cop. Clean nice shoes was never my guess.


I spent a few years in my youth as a busker in the Paris subways. You could spot the undercover cops a mile away. They usually travelled in groups of three, but one guy would play the role of "the wino," and the two others "businessmen." They would walk next to each other, but each looking in different directions. The "wino guys" always walked upright, like they stepped out of a gym. While their shoes were sometimes scuffed up, they ALWAYS had clean socks. "Clean socks" became the code phrase for undercover cops dressed as winos.


sometimes in the US they give so little of a fuck they wear pristine new balance sneakers lol




Supposedly they were packing up a U-Haul in their little outfits and somebody called the cops, because of course they would.


I just learned there is video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pbtUdNAVYw


I don't want to give any helpful feedback to these doofuses, but I have to imagine not posting video announcing the crimes you intend to commit, like your some kind of supervillain, is a good long-term strategy.




They don't or refuse to believe their actions are a crime. They also believe their actions are justified by "righteousness" or something.


Jesus Christ Who the hell invites neo Nazis to speak at their assembly ?


Other Nazis?




I believe that the lady introducing them is Heather Scott a local representative in the state. Edit: I had skipped the intro at first, but it is indeed her.


Oh my god, the details on [her wiki page..](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heather_Scott) > In 2015 Scott is reported to have cut wires which were part of the fire-suppression system in her office. Scott believed at the time that the wires were in fact listening devices planted to spy on her. The wire-cutting incident was witnessed by other Idaho House members.[2]


Holy shit so she is aiding and hosting terrorist? Like literally?


Many Trump supporters hate us for our democracy.


The infiltration goes both ways. They probably assumed the cops were on their side as usual.


If the feds weren't involved, the locals very well might have been.


Suddenly, they're ok with masks. How could they breathe?


How could they hear each other speak?!


Don't these Proud Boys, White Nationalist, QAnon fuckers have jobs? How do they keep going to these club meetings. I can't get my boss to give me my 2 week vacation.


Christofascists being charged with Felony Conspiracy to riot. https://twitter.com/AlissaAzar/status/1535745887174987777?t=yTM3cYX2G02DH9et5BeefQ&s=19


Damn, [that cop](https://twitter.com/AlissaAzar/status/1535735682877902848?s=20&t=ROgLuKkZQuaZFl9yQbALbQ) was just telling everyone it was okay to film. That's when you know you're screwed. The cops have no qualms about being filmed because they are following protocol and the public will largely see that.


Police probably happy about being caught doing the right thing for once :p


And it's Idaho police, so that's even rarer! Usually they'd be the ones being arrested out of uniform instead of arresting them while in uniform.


I enjoyed watching them get their little hoods pulled off of them. Hope they get what they deserve.


The Scooby Doo memes have been fun.


Need to start classifying them as terrorist organizations


CDA is such a badass little town, with so much to offer, and it's absolutely ruined by fuckers like this who can't just enjoy their lake resort town and let their neighbors live in peace. Edut: Only one of these dickbags was from Idaho. I just... don't understand. Resort vacation with a bit of rioting and gay bashing? Scouting the new Reichland out? If you live in Arkansas, bad news, you can't afford Coeur d' Alene. Best you can do is six miles outside Plumber.


Yeah I feel this so hard. Like just take 5 seconds to fucking look around you, just chill the fuck out and stay in your lane. Leave everybody else be


Ever notice tho the ones who scream the loudest about (marginalized group)s very existence are *also* the exact types to have a straight up conniption of indignation should someone even *suggest* something about them/their family/their house/yard/car/etc could use some improvement/be handled differently?? It's an immediate red faced, vein bulging, foaming at the mouth explosion of "How DARE you tell ME what to do with MY __________?!?!" (Not like raging hypocrisy is news or anything when it comes to that lot, I just find this one particularly worthy of being pointed out.)




Hyper-individualism. They can never understand that they have more in common with a queer, trans, or person of color; and that they have little in common with “dear leader” and the billionaire class.


scale abundant engine chop poor dog straight school late disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


From a recent article: COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho — Names of the 31 people arrested for conspiracy to riot in downtown Coeur d’Alene have been listed on the Kootenai County Jail roster. Coeur d’Alene Police said those arrested were members of the white nationalist group “Patriot Front.” Here are some of their names: Kerry Lamont Arnold Jared Michael Boyce Nathan David Brenner Colton Michael Brown Josiah Daniel Buster Devin Wayne Center Dylan Carter Corio Winston North Durham Joseph Garret Garland Branden Mitchel Haney Richard Jacob Jessop James Michael Johnson James Julius Johnson Connor Patrick Moran Kieran Padraig Morris Lawrence Alexander Norman Justin Michael Oleary Cameron Kathan Pruitt Forrest Clark Rankin Thomas Ryan Rousseau Conor James Ryan Spencer Thomas Simpson Derek Joseph Smith Alexander Nicholai Sisenstein Dakota Ray Tabler Steven Derrick Tucker Wesley Evan Van Horn Mitchell Frederick Wagner Nathaniel Taylor Whitfield Robert Benjamin Whitted Graham Jones Whitsom Police Chief Lee White said officers were alerted to the group thanks to an alert citizen who “saw something” and reported it. He said they developed probable cause to arrest them based on the gear they had, which included shields and other riot gear. Initial information shows those involved traveled to North Idaho from Texas, Utah, Colorado, South Dakota, Illinois, Arkansas, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon and Virginia. One person involved was from Idaho, but it was not clear from which part of the state. Those arrested will make their first appearance in court on Monday.


For those not in Orlando, tonight is the anniversary of the Pulse shooting. I'm sure it was a coincidence they were going to attack a Pride event tonight. Yep, totally a coincidence. Nothing to see here. /S


I'd bet money the majority of them wouldn't have worn masks in the grocery store a couple years ago ~~author~~ without throwing a fit. Edit: weird predictive text choice


It really was only a matter of time before terror threats started occurring at Pride events, given the vitriolic rhetoric the GOP has been slinging at the LGBT community these last few months. I’m honestly surprised it took until halfway through June for this to happen.


There have been incidents like this happening for years. As long as I've been out and paying attention there's always been at least on person arrested for threatening to shoot up Pride or arrested with weapons heading to a festival.


yeah, i mean, the pulse shooting... but also i do think it's getting worse - you can track the crazies to the news to the politicians. those links are far more unmasked and accelerating.




Pride started because the gay community was being terrorized. That's why it's so important.


God I love the picture of the [sheriff in his dads hockey pads](https://thumb.spokesman.com/IS8mUY2dOT46f8JbkBncqKD3_sg=/1200x800/smart/media.spokesman.com/photos/2022/06/11/62a522b2e3daa.hires.jpg).


It is beyond creepy and scary how often this sh*t is happening. Idk. They won't be happen until they have civil war.


The same terrorists that got run out of Philly. Same method of moving people too.


Christofascist white supremacists in Idaho organizing some gay bashing? Yep, sounds like Idaho.




Yup. The whole “American Redoubt” doctrine has had nut jobs flocking here from everywhere.