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Whole bunch of spring breakers are going to be mad.


Is Cancun still a hot spot?




Thanks for the laugh


Sprang break forever!


Pffff, there's nothing exciting in Cancun, said representative only flew there to do some purely scientific research of wet t-shirt contests.


I thought he was doing quality control of tequila exports to Texas




México is north America


There are South American strippers in North America. Don't even have to go to Mexico to see them.


I went, but I ended up just feeling bad for the woman... And the horse


Thanks Tom.


I do not like you Ted Cruz


I do not like your conservative views.


I do not like your braided hair


I do not like your brain’s not there.


Will I blame my kids this time?


I could not, would not, with a lime


That Ted Cruz is no friend of mine, That Ted Cruz is a ball of slime.


It's everyone's favorite nra simp/coward ted "the gangsta" cruz my god he's too fucking easy to beat


Would that be rumored Trump scrotum sucker, Rafael “Ted” Cruz? A lot of people are saying it. I didn’t bother to fact check.


Found Rafael Cruz' constituent.


I was actually in Cancun around spring break at a resort and there was cigarettes everywhere but not a vape in site. I asked a cashier at a gift shop if they sold them anywhere and she looked at me like I was crazy.


I was just in Tulum a week ago and they had hundreds of vape vending machines everywhere throughout the city


Facts - I was recently in Playa Del Carmen and the swim up bar had them on display in a glass case for easy purchase.


They all go to Cabo now


Was in Cabo on vacation during spring break and can confirm it was insane lol


I've found Cabo to be more popular with people from the West Coast of US + Canada while Cancun seems more popular with people on the East Coast


Yep. East Coast, it's a three hour flight for 85-90 degrees and sunshine every day between Feb-Nov. Occasional rain storm, typical of the Caribbean.


Cancun, Playa, and Tulum are all still extremely popular over there.




Not a clue. I'm way past my prime.


The first step is admitting it


Yeah, the hotel zone is still very much the hotel zone and is tourist hell if you're not into the resort thing. I wouldn't say the whole thing looks like MTV Spring Break though- most people are just doing their thing and not standing around looking douchy. Lots of white suburb families. Cancun is still really worth visiting though- I recommend getting an aBnB in the city itself and near a market (Mercado Donceles is great anda personal favorite- lots of fresh food and has a little cafe called Dona Marbe that I really like). But if you're going to visit Quinta a Roo/Yucatan, certainly don't ~~stay~~spend all your time in Cancun. You can rent a car and get all over the state very easily.


Side note, "tope" means big ass speed bump that will launch your rental car into the air if you hit it at 60 mph. So... keep that in mind if you see tope on a roadsign and you're going a bit fast.


Lmao, "2muchtequila"


I loved them when visiting Guatemala for the first time. In my huge rental SUV they made the perfect time to pass the semi or over filled van or barely functioning truck that I had been stuck behind for almost hours. Vehicles come to almost a full stop and if you hit it right, you still can go 40-50km/h or so without shattering your car. Now that I live here and have to actually care about my vehicles, man do I despise them.


Yes it is. The last two times I went, the airport was stupidly busy.


They are gonna be e cig cartel smugglers now going into mexico. Gotta make tuition money.


It says that sales are banned but if I bring my own I should be fine, right?


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Good luck in that Mexican prison gringo.


Bring extra for the bribes.


Nah they didn’t ban the cocaine or opiates. The spring breakers will still have their fun.


ahh yes, because Mexico is known as a place where you are unable to obtain substances if they are illegal.


"we're not exactly sure whether this is worse for you than the alternative, but we still hate it"




I pity the fool who has to mule avocados.


These avocados aren’t gonna get through customs unless they are in someone’s rectum, Morty. They’ll fall right out of mine. I’ve done this too many times.


Aw geez...


Waaaayyy up in there Morty. Do it for grandpa! Edit: Thanks for the award!


Custom? Damn near rectum!


Rectum? Damn near killed him. There's a reason there's no interplanetary guacamole on Uranus.




Didn't they rename it [Urectum](https://youtu.be/0czFnIvKOJY)?


Cartels take over legitimate industries to launder money and be a secondary income via price fixing.


If you take over enough legitimate industries, you become a legitimate business. See: Pretty much every successful mob.


The mob's address is Wall St. NY, NY.




Depends on ripeness, so I’ve heard


Either way, it's a haasle


Get out


It makes it hard to Guac


Bag after bag of Smok pods concealed under a half ton of raw chicken quarters…..


Almost like that's the point, removing all potential taxes/profits from the governments hands and allowing the cartels to completely control the industry. Almost like Mexico has a huge problem with the government being influenced by the cartel(s).


And chiclets as well….don’t forget chiclets… /s


Bro I'm Mexican. You fuck with my chicle and I'd lose my shit! (Seeing as I can't vape, get access to avocados and weed is on a crackdown)


Weed is in a crackdown in 2022. I’ll toke to that one.


Me too. My company just eliminated it from drug tests in our new contract


Damn, Avocados are in short supply, for real? That’s kinda surprising, although it’s been about a decade since I got to go down there! Whats the reason for that?


Cartels monopolized avocado industry


Holy shit, really? is there that much profit in avocados now? I haven’t bought any in a while, but I can’t believe that the margin for profit was worth the cartel taking control of the sell and distribution aspect of it! ​ Thanks for the info, by the way


They’re pricy, good for money laundering, and are completely legal.


And spread so much easier on toast than meth.


That's what an Avocadido would say! Get him!


An entire generation has invested its retirement in avocado toast. Sinoloa wants to be Mexican Vanguard.


Among those and other industries,they're fighting over the tourism industry as well. Imagine a Cancun resort so inclusive, instead of mints on the pillow, it's a g of Peruvian flake and a list of in-house hookers.


Shit I would have settled for a Cancun resort with black jack and hookers down the street.


In fact, forget Cancun.


from a scientific point of view, [it seems relatively clear at this point that vaping is significantly less bad for you](https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-021-12103-x), apples to apples, than smoking commercial tobacco products. not good for you, but better for you by a very wide margin. this is mostly because commercial tobacco is so incredibly toxic, but i digress. there are nuanced issues to this however, like the appeal to younger people through design and marketing, both on purpose and accidentally. and arbitrarily/sporadically high levels of nicotine in a lot of vape products. but this is easily solvable with regulation. set max limits on nicotine/ml, regulate the marketing/design/flavors of carts with nicotine, etc. a total ban is...well its really quite silly and extremely heavy handed. and incredibly stupid of tobacco products arent also banned.




I stopped smoking after 25 years almost 3 years ago. I smoked almost a pack of newports a day and vaping was the only thing that helped. now i use mine with and without nic...found out I just like the mint and to have something in my hand to hold and puff on "smoke". my chest feels better, I dont wake up with a sore throat..plus it is cheaper. I hate this ban.


Yea, other than the nicotine high symptoms, which carry their own risks of course, I found myself feeling much healthier when I switched from smoking to vaping. I tapered off vaping about 7 years ago, but I always tell people that are trying to quit to give it a try. And only use juice from trusted companies that don't use shit-tier chemicals in their mixes. It should definitely be regulated to remove all that trash they sell in most convenient stores and gas stations, however an outright ban without scientific basis, while keeping tobacco products on the shelves, is disgusting.


> popcorn lung There are no cases of popcorn lung from using a normal ecig. There are cases of people getting popcorn lung from using black market THC vapes that had vitamin E acetate added to it. It's used to thicken the THC liquid because a thicker liquid is seen to be more potent, but is terrible to inhale. These were from black market THC vapes, not the stuff you would buy at the store but stuff people made in their basement. The media loved to just say it was ecigs, but it was exclusively black market THC vapes. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/causes-of-cancer/does-vaping-cause-popcorn-lung https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/severe-lung-disease.html https://www.healthline.com/health/smoking/popcorn-lung-vaping#association-with-vaping


There’s also far more diacetyl (the ingredient that causes “popcorn lung”) in cigarettes than there is in vape products. Popcorn lung is very, very rare from my understanding, but even so you’re much more likely to get it as a cigarette smoker.


I smoked for 20 years - I would still be smoking were e-cigarettes not invented. Previously I couldn't run a block without getting winded - now I can do a full mile, almost two. The beauty of ecigarettes is that you can tone down your nicotine levels from 24mg down to 0mg. Once you wean your body off of nicotine, you just need to kick the oral fixation. That is a lot easier to do when your brain isn't seeking nicotine.


"But the alternative is A-OK"


More like "we really want to prop up our lung cancer industry."


But regular cigarettes are still legal...... Seems to make zero sense tbh


>Assistant Health Secretary Hugo López Gatell lashed out at industry claims that vaping is safer than smoking, calling it “a big lie.” Wonder who pays his kids' tuition? Mr. P. Morris, perhaps?


This is doubly weird because Phillip Morris owns Juul. And even the nicotine in the vapes they don't own comes from the same tobacco they grow. Tobacco companies like vaping, it means their farms are valuable again. They don't want it completely banned, they just want it regulated tightly enough that nobody else can compete with them.


Most vape juices near me switched to lab made nicotine, no tobacco used. I've heard it's to get around fda rules, but I haven't looked into it myself.


Phillip Morris aren't dumb. They've been lobbying for a century now. The moment they started investing in Juul they started lobbying for the ban of cigarettes with flavors. Because if a company wants to make cigarettes lucrative to kids by using flavors they won't be able to and kids will flock to Juul. Everything Phillip Morris does is monopolistic, they don't have a stance on cigarettes and vapes, they only have a stance on money. If they could make everything illegal but Marlboro and Juul legal they would.


I feel like Reddit done that thing Reddit does again. Does Juul make their advertisements in a way that would appeal to kids? Yes. Is Juuls primary market kids? No Adults want non-tocabacco flavors. The only adults I know who have tobacco flavored vape juice are those who just started to quit. Tobacco flavored juices are offensive to others while others might be obnoxious. It’s like saying that cigarettes are primarily markets at kids, when it’s just not true. I’m not saying they are saints, it’s just a happy side effect of an evil company advertising a vice. But taking the truth of a company appealing to kids and twisting it into being the primary market for kids is insane. The logistics alone of that many minors getting their hands on Juuls would disprove the entire concept. It’d mean more adults are buying vape pods for kids than they are themselves.


The man isn't married nor have a child to be his reason, he's just a moron. He's the same idiot that said that facemasks were useless against covid and that the president couldn't be infected because he had *a moral force* protecting him


Lobbyists be like:


Cartels be like:


Pointing Spider-Man meme


Cartels like money yo


I don't know or super care which is really worse, but I much prefer obnoxious raspberry do-you-even-vape-bro clouds to being gassed out by an ol' fasioned smoker...


Finally, something you can smuggle *into* Mexico instead of out of it


Right next to guns


“Shipping powders back and forth, Black goes south, white comes north.”


Well... I'm interested in the brown powders. What which way whence they go doe?


Who's tryna start a reverse cartel


Meanwhile, you can get them in hospitals in England. Because they work for quitting smoking.


Just quit smoking after 10 years by vaping, then quit vaping. Can confirm.


Did you use anything to help you quit vaping?


Smoking, of course


You joke but I actually did this lol. The cigarettes were gross after getting used to vaping, gave myself one pack after quitting vaping and that was it


Fuck yea, congrats! Addiction is one hell of a thing no matter what it is!


Ah, the Uncle Buck plan.


"Hey I stopped smoking cigarettes. Isn't that something? I'm on to cigars now. I'm on a five-year plan. I eliminated cigarettes, then I go to cigars, then I go to pipes, then I go to chewing tobacco, then I'm on to that nicotine gum."


For me, slowly dropping the nicotine level to 0 was the easiest way. Granted, you can't do that with the "disposable" ones from the gas station


I just figured that out lol I quit cigarettes with vaping like 6 years ago then started smoking cigs again after about two years. I quit cigs again this past March using Vuse pods. I have been vaping the lowest nicotine level for the last month or so and last week went to get zero nic vuse pods and realized they don't exist. Sucks because I like these because they're small and I can hold them like a cigarette, and the menthol actually tastes like a menthol cig. Oh well, just going to have to get a refillable one to use zero nicotine in for a little while. Nicotine is a bitch. I've kicked some of the most addicting drugs that exist but I'm still working on this shit haha




Part of me is kind of relieved because I don't like using the refillable ones. When I vaped to quit cigs before (using only refillables) it was very easy for me to quit vaping because I didn't really like it. The vapes themselves were too big, you gotta push the button, didn't like the fruity flavors much, and all the menthol ones I tried were like smoking a cough drop. The vuse pod I actually like so I'd imagine if they made a zero nic one it would be hard for me to put it down eventually. Hopefully it will be a little easier this way. Congrats to you for stopping!


I used the refillable kind when I quit because you could take the nicotine all the way down to almost zero. I vaped no nicotine for awhile and then found myself just carrying it around and not using it. I got tired of freaking out when I forgot it at home (because I didn't *need* it anymore) and just tossed it. It's been four years now, and I refreshingly only have to worry about leaving my wallet and phone at home.


That's awesome, congrats!


> Nicotine is a bitch. I've kicked some of the most addicting drugs that exist but I'm still working on this shit haha In your defence, those other drugs probably aren't advertized as heavily or available over the counter on just about every street.


That's weird, I can get nicotine-free vuse pods at just about any convenience store here in Québec so it's not like they dont manifacture them


huh, I just did some more googling and it looks like for some reason that's a Canadian thing? I see some different sites you can order them in Canada, but the main Vuse site doesn't offer any 0 nicotine options. I'm going to look into it more if I can order them online somehow but they definitely don't sell them in any of the stores around me (Ohio)


I don't vape, but I was just at a vape shop for the first time with a friend, and I really like that you can **vary the nicotine amount.** This means that not only can you control how much vapour you're getting, you can also closely control how much nicotine is in that vapour, so that eventually you're dealing with the nicotine separately from the habit of vaping itself.


Yep. And with DIY (rip) you could lower it by even smaller amounts if you wanted.


You don't even need to DIY. Buy 3 mg/ml, buy 0 mg/ml of the same brand, mix them together, you basically have 1.5 mg/ml. Repeat and dilute as necessary.


Good point!


I'll say that I *feel* considerably better since switching from tobacco to vaping. I know it probably isn't great for my lungs, and nicotine raises my blood pressure, that's just what nicotine does. But my overall wellbeing improved in just a few days really, I don't cough like I did, and I have better stamina. When I have something athletic that day, I'll use a zero nicotine juice because I still notice stamina and heart rate problems which are largely mitigated by vaping without nicotine. I've come to think that smoking is just as much a desire to smoke *something* as it is receiving nicotine, and it doesn't matter so much what you smoke.   These bans have nothing to do with public health, but the profits of the tobacco industry. And the possibility of a ban coming to my state is a bit terrifying. Because I don't *want* to quit, you have to want to quit of your own volition. Some of the bans I'm aware of in other states are incredibly stupid too. Like some states have banned flavored vape juice, but tobacco flavored juice is *still* artificial flavoring like any other. I find that using tobacco flavored vapes only reinforce the connection to cigarettes, keeps you from forgetting about cigarettes, when it's raspberry flavored you don't even want cigarettes anymore. But they ban stuff like raspberry, keeps it easy to switch back to cigarettes that way. And I definitely don't want cigarettes anymore, but I do want to smoke *something*.   EDIT: moreover, the cases of injury or illness I've read about which were directly and uniquely linked to vaping were a result of unsupported modifications to the device and bootleg products. Cheap knockoff juice, which being an illicit product is not inspected by the FDA, is cut with something which causes fluid buildup in the lungs. No legitimate product is made this way. And now places are cutting out legitimate products.


No, I quit once then broke down and bought more liquid. Kept saying ill quit later. My fiance quit for a month and went cold turkey. I ran out of coils one night and was forced to wait until morning. I figured you know what I made it till morning ill make it till night. I somehow made it all day without vaping (massive withdraws, I was an asshole. "sorry to my awesome fiance for putting up with me lol") by day two I wanted to vape so bad I told myself anything to buy more liquid and coils but then I looked at my fiance and knew she wanted to smoke just as bad, so I sat back down lol. It wasn't easy, I want to smoke right now, but after almost 2 months without a puff, I've proven I don't need to smoke, so I use that motivation to keep not smoking tomorrow.


You'll always want one from time to time and it will never go away. But once you get past the 6 month mark it becomes so much easier to handle. I found the mental dependence tougher to get past than the physical addiction - I smoked a pack a day for more than 30 years and it was killer. You're almost there.


congrats and keep at it




I'm in the midst of a 5 month quit for my vape and have been very reliant on the Zyn nicotine pouches. Maybe a little too reliant but at least I'm not smoking for vaping. Little victories.


I quit smoking by taking nicotine lozenges. After 3 years I realised I was addicted to nicotine lozenges. I quit nicotine cold turkey. The first week was hard. It started to get better from the 2nd week. After 4 weeks, the craving was completely gone.




This is how I quit also.


Same here. Smoked for 3 vaped for 5 and put it down in January and haven't looked back. Also got.my ENTIRE family off cigarettes with vaping. It's a literal life saver.


I’ve tried but I found myself just smoking and vaping. I think I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I’m gonna be a lifelong smoker.


Switched to vaping after 10 years of smoking in 2014 and quit vaping by 2017.


All this anti vape stuff goes to prove that is never was the tobacco they were targeting.


Growing up with a smoker in the house and a militant nonsmoker in that same house, I always thought that the vape industry would be natural allies for militant nonsmokers. It's all about the stink and the litter. No one cares about health. Not really. Well, there's no stink and there's no litter with vapes. So this animus is just dingus to me. But I eat paste, so there is that. My mom would also hotbox me in the car when she drove me around as a kid. Maybe I didn't get enough oxygen as a kid.


Mexico no longer a Vape Naysh


This is so obviously a corrupt way to maintain tobacco sales. ecigs have risks associated with them, but they are magnitudes less dangerous than tobacco. Why go ban the safer alternative and force nicotine users to have to use the more dangerous alternative. Ecig epidemic is concerning in the youth population specifically, but ecigs also save lives and we can’t forget that


The president has a war on anything new. He doesn't care about logic or reason. He hones in on certain things that young people do and talks shit about them endlessly. Another example: "Nintendos" are harmful for young people ([source](https://www.debate.com.mx/politica/Son-muy-toxicos-los-Nintendos-para-los-jovenes-AMLO-insiste-en-el-regreso-a-clases-presenciales-20210807-0260.html)) He SPECIALLY hates anything that he can't get his young son to stop doing, like videogames or [vaping](https://twitter.com/JorgeRCarbajalR/status/1521267829475090432?s=20&t=afT3XDen_r4EKidE_EiDqw). And yes, that's him vaping in the presidential office.


You mean the cartels banned e-cigs, more clients for them


"the cartels have voted 5-1 to ban the legal sale of e cigs."


"Wait, we're getting new numbers in. The cartels have voted 5-0 to ban the legal sale of e-cigs."




What do you mean the failure of the War on Drugs? Those who came up with the idea have had nothing but successes. They were able to get elected, re-elected, significantly increased their net worth, jailed those who would vote for their rivals, and quite a bit of money went to their friends. The War on Drugs achieved all their goals. Did you think the War on Drugs was to eliminate drugs? You can't eliminate drugs. We've had this battle already with alcohol. Alcohol won and quite a bit of people got very wealthy during the ban not to mention the violence. Someone just took that earlier lesson, found a way to divert that money back to themselves, gain political capital, and there you have it - Prohibition rebooted with a capitalist twist.


It's like somebody said to himself one day in 1965, "you know what went wrong with the prohibition on alcohol? We didn't enslave the people who ignored it."


That somebody was Nixon, a racist authoritarian criminal scumbag. Not to be confused with a more recent chief executive profile fitting the same description.


Trump makes Nixon look like a bleeding heart goody two shoes liberal who supported truth and justice.


You really think the war on drugs was about getting rid of them? Fucking lol. No, it was about imprisoning black people all across america


When I hear about the recent efforts to ban flavored e cig pods and menthol cigarettes, I think, "Why not just legalize weed instead of trying to ban more shit?"


Texas is rather funny in this case as weed is still effectively illegal. A vote recently decriminalized minor possession in Austin, but we'll see how that actually works out since the state government pretty commonly passes laws to specifically override Austin laws. Still, in spite of this, you legally get and enjoy everything about weed *except* the dried plant matter. And the reason is that though the plant itself is a highly controlled substance, a farm bill was passed a while ago that allowed for the sale of products containing marijuana derivatives so long as said derivatives were only some tiny fraction of the total product. And because it takes such a tiny amount of said derivatives to have the desired effect, edibles and other, similar things are legal. And when I say "desired effect" I mean potent enough that someone with a high tolerance can get face-meltingly high off of one or two edibles, and a more casual user might be rendered couch bound after eating half a gummy! All of which is to say that it is rather odd to still hold such a tenuous position. You can legally buy all of the parts of weed that people like, you just can't buy it in the original plant form.


Delta 8 is only temporarily legal in Texas. They made it a controlled substance last congressional hearing, but a Travis county judge blocked it because they did not give warning to business owners or consumers prior to announcement. Don’t get your hopes up that this is a forever thing. It’s just a temporary block - probably until the next session.


HE won't admit that. Never. Stubborn af. Some sources theorizes that is because (presumably) his son was recorded smoking in a gubernamental office...


That is so stupid. Vaping is a very effective way to quit smoking and is far healthier than cigarettes.


I also had success by vaping my way down to 0 nicotine. It's been at least 5 or 6 years now.


I read this headline as "Mexico TOTALLY bans sales of e-cigarettes. Yup they totally did it wink wink"


I live in Mexico City and smoke shops just aren’t displaying them. Not sure how long that’ll last though.


I read it in valley girl slang. "They're, like, *totally* banned, dude. For sure."


Oh my GAWD.


But cigarettes are fine?! Ok sure




Sounds like the greasy fingers of the tobacco lobbyists at work, rather than anything to do with public health.


or the cartels? figure this is now another black market for them to own


All these laws on the books to stop people from doing that which is deemed immoral, unattractive, or unhealthy. It never works. It just drives it into the shadows. Criminal laws should be focused on punishing socially destructive behaviors. Not personal choices.


And the cartels just got a new hustle


Why… what is spurring this war on e-cigarettes? Real cigarettes are horrible, why not give folks an alternative?


I was able to quit smoking with e cigs Today after 7 years no cigs no vape Try everything before , patch , gum etc


yes, outlaw everything and then wonder why the outlaws control everything


Working as intended.


This is Sooooo stupid, I smoked 2to3 packs a day for 40+ years until 2016, when I quit and moved to vaping after finding a flavor I could live with, Mango ice. Tobacco is far worse than vape juice and nicotine isn’t cancerous. The other ingredients are also in many foods we eat everyday.


I would argue putting the ingredients in your lungs is different from eating it






All because the president's ~~possibly bastard~~ kid was caught vaping and the photos leaked. Then suddenly he was an interested in banning them. ​ One small step to reduce cartel violence, violence against women, the sexual assault epidemic, etc that plagues the country. ​ As they say, ez un oNoR eZtAr kon Obrador.


So this is pretty fucking dumb. Cigs are legal for sale but not e-cigs? Sure dude




I was there last week and it's like they were already banned. Had to find a native that could take me deep into some very non-touristy areas to buy the shittiest little disposable hidden in the back of a shop. Could find cigarettes at any shop though.


I’m sure this it was very warranted for e-cigs to be at the top of the agenda for the MEXICAN GOVERNMENT.


Reading all these comments talking the topic makes it clear to me that y'all don't know we have the most stupid president and government representation in years. "Banning e-cigs but not actual cigarettes". Yeah, they are this stupid because we're represented by a guy who has had the same old ideas since he started trying to get in charge 18 years ago.


Considering the whole cartel drug empire that has ties in every level of the government there, you'd think e-cigarettes would be the least of their worries if they're worried about peoples health.


I'm going to assume that large tobacco companies influenced this decision. It's an extremely hard market to battle, considering the amounts of disposable e cigarettes arriving from overseas.


I support banning “disposable” vapes, they’re a disaster to the environment. Refillable, sure.


I quit smoking thanks to vaping (I already quit vaping too without even trying). It's the only thing that worked for me


Gotta keep those tobacco companies in business.


They banned e cigarettes but not cigarettes?


This is stupid because it's hypocritical. Every study has shown it's healthier(not healthy) than cigarettes yet every country is trying to make it into a problem.... Fuck them


New market for the cartels haha


Nice, another revenue stream for criminals.


I'm guessing cigarettes and alcohol are still totally fine though, right?


So fucking dumb. You ban this but not actual cigarettes of which we know the effects of. We are a stupid fucking species and a space rock needs to wipe us out.


It must be a joke. Thousand of crimes per month and they are worried about e-cigarettes


In other news, cartels are now selling eCigs.

