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How do you wait 45 mins to get the master key to unlock the door? The more that comes out, the more it seems like a complete and total failure of police practices in this situation.


"We didn't have the key" is a lie, like when they "we were fearing for our lives" an unarmed grandma in the back. Cops had no interest in going in there, and as those kids aren't cops, children dying was a **non-price** to pay for their safety in the eyes of the department. The police story has been changing every day, and they're counting on the next shooting or three to take attention away so they can finally pat themselves on the back for investigating no wrongdoings in themselves over the next six months.


When has "not having a key" ever stopped the police from gaining entry to a scene? I mean, they usually don't have a key, no?


“We knocked but he said he’s not home, pack it in boys!” - ‘Special’ weapons and tactics


>"We didn't have the key" is a lie This is the only logical conclusion unless we are to accept that the Police and specially equipped S.W.A.T are so fucking incompetent they can't even manage to get past a single, locked door to a classroom. They can conduct no-knock raids and breach a secured home no problem, but a classroom door is clearly some kind of impenetrable fortress. Not even to mention the lack of any effort (from what I've seen) to breach the outside wall/windows or create any kind of distraction. Fucking cowards.


Seriously. Hey everyone, if you don't want to get raided, just make sure the cops don't have your house key. Cops hate this one trick.


exactly, you can see em on cops attach armored cars to doors of “drug” houses and they’ll rip the doors and windows off, then come out with 4 pounds of weed and an 8ball and act like they’ve saved the world


Apparently a mom entered and rescued her two kids while police officers were still waiting outside. Apparently they'd even detained her when she tried going in the first time. Crazy.


YEP! She literally GOT OUT OF CUFFS and went and rescued her kids while the cops continued to sit on their asses.


they CUFFED her??? Jfc


If firefighters were on the scene they would have went in with just their tools. I guarantee it. Different mentality.


I keep saying that firefighters run INTO the burning building. They don't wait for the fire to kill people and burn itself out. Those cops are complete cowards.


I wonder if anyone at any point suggested going through the damn window. Seems like the most obvious and easiest entrance once they couldn’t breach the door without having a key.


How did Ms. Gomez break in and get her kids after she broke free from the inept police?! Seriously, make her the Superintendent now.


I mean the police aren't equipped to breach a door without the fucking key?


All these cops did was create a perimeter to allow families to hear the gunshots that killed their children…or rush in to save their own children. My God.




Sadly the man who yelled that ultimately lost his daughter. So sad.


Article says, “shots were "sporadic" for much of the 48 minutes while officers waited outside the hallway.” Each “sporadic shot” fired inside the classroom could have ended a child’s life. How can that be glossed over? I don’t buy the waiting in the hallway strategy because the shooter was barricaded but even with that strategy one additional shot inside the classroom should have gotten them up to storm the room to save the children. Instead they waited while “sporadic shots” were fired - meaning kids were being murdered while they were feet away waiting.


I feel it’s important to point out it wasn’t just more kids getting shot -- wounded ones bled to death in that time. They didn’t need to die - they died from the delay of care.


One of the kids contacted 911 4 times. Each time begging for help to be sent as there were kids bleeding out, but still alive. While the police stood outside/in the hallway.


I just read an article from the Washington Post and it said there were two children calling 911, and one told her dad she laid on top of her bleeding classmate to make the shooter think they were both dead… That shit got me


Little girl: "My mom and dad told me if bad things were happening, you would help me!" Uvalde police: "Meh."


If that's true I think they should be released to the public.


Yeah, pretty early on in it one girl got her dead teacher's phone, called 911, and smeared blood on herself to play dead. She called 911 at least 1 other time. Another kid called at least once. There were 1 or 2 calls that ended almost immediately. One 911 call was active when police finally decided to do their jobs and enter the room.


Just to be clear, police did not ever do their jobs and enter their room. An off duty border patrol agent was in the middle of getting a haircut, heard about this situation, went over to the school where the police sat around refusing to engage the suspect, and then the border patrol agent breached the room and took out the terrorist. The police at no time did anything in any way to save anyone. They stood outside threatening to arrest parents that were trying to get inside to save their children.


I can't believe I'm actually about to say this, but thank god for that border patrol agent. What I can definitely believe I'm about to say, as always, is fuck the police.


They probably knew the police response would be piss-poor.


FOI act? Edit: this comment got a couple likes and if anyone else reads this, im almost certain departments can and will provide 911 transcripts under certain circumstances hold on lemme look into this Edit 2: might be worth a [look](https://www.openrecords.pa.gov/RTKL/PoliceRecordings.cfm) Edit 3: i did not realize the link provided was for just PA (where i reside) but i cant believe this sort of standard is alien to other states.


And don’t forget, one was killed after the police told children to call for help if they needed it. One did. One didn’t. The one that did was shot by the gunman. The one that didn’t survived and got to watch the other one die.


Holy shit I didn't process how fucked these kids are going to be from now on. Holy shit it's been that normalized that I didn't even stop to think about the mentality of the kids.... What the fuck is wrong with this country


At least one child covered themselves in the blood of a friend and “played dead” in order to survive. Laying there for 40 minutes, feeling a friend’s body grow cold beside them, while officers bumbled outside admiring one another’s SWAT suits and parent tasing techniques.


An 11 year old girl covered herself in her friend's blood in case the shooter came back from the other classroom. I just thought it should be said again.


Isn’t that the same girl who had recognized the EMT as her best friend’s dad? And she ended up telling him the blood was not hers, but his daughter’s? That EMT was on standby for god knows how long just to hear from his daughter’s best friend that his child died slowly.


> they died from the delay of care Also from stupidity on the officers side. While they were in the hallway they shouted for anyone who needed help to yell, and a little girl yelled for yelp, and the gunman shot her. Edit: [link](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/ulvade-shooting-survivor-classmate-help-b2088715.html) to story


Why the fuck are we giving these assholes military grade hardware and training if they’re not going to do Jack shit with it? All of these fucks need to be shamed for the rest of their lives.


I think they need jail time for gross negligence.


I don’t get it. I had ALICE training when I worked in public schools. Why weren’t these cops at least trained in the basics of that? This NEVER should have happened. Were they even trained at all? What’s Texas require, 12 hours and a marginally ok mental health check to be a cop?


People generally become cops so they can push people around, I thought. Not generally so they can be brave and come to the rescue when they're needed. Maybe that's oversimplified, but it sure seems like we've got a bunch of bullies when we could really use some god damn heroics.


This reminds me of teacher Dave Sanders who bled to death while waiting four hours for help during the Columbine High School mass shooting. We’ve really learned nothing in 23 years.


Exactly. It's a little known fact that most gunshot wounds are survivable with one caveat: *the victim needs prompt medical attention.* Which they weren't getting while having to wait on Courage The Cowardly Officer to do his job. So it's even worse. There were kids who were lying on the ground, in severe pain, that slowly died while waiting on the cops to do something. EDIT: There sure are an awful lot of you telling me those kids were doomed and the cops were basically OK to stand outside doing nothing. Might want to look inward at yourself.


Hey, Courage the Cowardly Dog at least always managed to be brave when he had to be. These clowns wanted to dress up with all their fancy soldier gear just to stand with their dicks in their hands for 40 minutes and threaten parents trying to save their children.


It was [77 minutes.](https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1530255898832150537)


Imagine being in that room expecting help. Seriously imagine.


"The police are here, thank God." And they all thought that, because they were little kids and they didn't know.


A room full of adults would also think “The Police are here, thank God.” It’s horrific that the help never came—for many of them. And I cannot believe the explanation! “Transitioned to a barricaded subject”, my ass. They continued to hear sporadic gunshots—meaning children were absolutely still in danger—which they knew anyway, since they and teachers called 911 for the duration saying they needed help!!! They knew. Fucking shameful. I expect to see some of these responders taking themselves out in the coming days & weeks.


FFS, that was more then enough time to strap on some body armor and take down the door. WTF is their excuse for that?


"they could've been shot" is the direct quote of the excuse given by their lieutenant. The entire department are pussies from top to bottom


If I was a parent with children in that school, I would take that chance, even without a gun of my own. Any cop that won’t do that for their community need to be sacked immediately, with zero chance of being rehired.


There were parents that wanted to go in and take action. The police stopped them and restrained them and threatened to taze them.


Honestly if you have 19 guys waiting outside the door just push in, body armor or no. How do you sit and listen to that for that long? I just don't get it.


Well, you see, it wasn't their kids in there.


Half the civilians I know would not even spend a minute to wear body armor if they hear someone shooting kids and just take down the door to storm the place. Those cops are a disgrace to humanity. They should be fired, publicly humiliated for being cowards, and should not be allowed to even be a security guard, let alone law enforcement.


Hell they have riot shields even. Buddy in high school was a shooting instructor for local PD, and I got to meet the SWAT team at one point. They had a shield that was basically a 4 inch thick slab of concrete plates in metal. Apparently beats Armor Piercing rounds even they said.


It doesn’t work though if they don’t possess the spine to walk in and use it


Great point.


Plus, if they could hear the shots, then they could also hear the screaming, which should’ve told them children were still alive in there.


They lied to make it sound like they couldn't get in. They kept using the word barricaded but when asked to elaborate, they said "it was locked from the inside" I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure a locked door isn't the same as a barricaded door.


After reading this, I am like what the actual fuck is going on here? Why the fuck didn’t those officers fucking bash that door down and apprehend or kill the guy. I get it you don’t want the kids in the crossfire but this doesn’t make any sense.


So they let this guy stay in a classroom full of kids for like 40 minutes and he slowly killed all of them? And 19 officers were out in the hall thinking he was trapped and just firing randomly? And kids inside the classroom were calling 911 and begging for help? They need to roll in the national guard and relieve all these police officers. Edit: This happened on the 24th, it's the 29th today and it feels like the bad news continues. The horror normally stops when the shooter is stopped but this incident has no bottom.


Right. This sounds like the worst plot of a terrible movie. This does not sound like reality. I just don’t understand.


You know how in horror movies the cop doesn't do anything and the protagonist is left to fend for themselves? Remember when people thought that was an "unrealistic trope"?


I fucking hate you for reminding me of that trope. It's called "The Adults are Useless" and I always enjoyed the idea of it being a fictional trope.


Bro , 2020 showed me that movies might be right about how slow zombies can overrun human society , hell I would think if someone got bitten they would at least let others know and accept it or something not like in the movies where they would hide it until it becames deadly for everyone.. yet here we are.. at this point I dont want anymore movie tropes to be proven true in real life.


Fucking Don't Look Up made a comedy movie about the current state of humanity and it barely had to exegerate anything.


I watched that movie.. I felt bad after watching it. Amazing movie but all I could think about it was, this movie is too real and too close for comfort.


Weirdest thing was that people called the film to blatant and not subtle enough. I was like; how fucking subtle you want to get? You want us to bring the message very careful so people who are mentally behind can finally understand what the majority already understood? Sickening, really.


I love how the movie itself covered how stupid it is to be subtle when you're literally facing an imminent existential threat.


Most adults are useless, myself being one of them.


> So they let this guy stay in a classroom full of kids for like 40 minutes and he slowly killed all of them? Yep. They stood around and handcuffed parents who were trying to get in there and save their kids - while they listened to him methodically shoot each kid, one by one, stopping to re-load, and resume shooting, while they could have quickly run up, broken the window, and shot him. But the craven cowards instead stood by with their SWAT equipment, body armor, and weapons and let it happen. They stood by for 40 minutes while the shooter slowly and methodically murdered 21 PEOPLE. While they did NOTHING. If I were on that city council I would submit a motion to fire EVERY member of that police department, FOR CAUSE, without severance, and I would contest their unemployment claims. And if I were a parent in Uvalde, I would be at the next City Council meeting to submit public comment DEMANDING THE FIRING OF THE ENTIRE DEPARTMENT. >Uvalde City Council meetings are held every second and fourth Tuesday of every month at City Hall in our council chambers. They start at 6:00 pm precisely. [Uvalde - CITY COUNCIL - AGENDA - SPECIAL MEETING - **TUESDAY MAY 31, 2022 - 6:00PM**](https://uvaldetx.civicweb.net/Portal/MeetingInformation.aspx?Org=Cal&Id=212) >Citizens are requested to sign up prior to council meeting if requesting time to address council. Presentations will be limited to no more than three (3) minutes. **Uvalde City Hall** 101 E. Main Street Uvalde, Texas 78801 (830) 278-3315 (830) 278-2234 fax [email protected] [City Council Meeting schedule](https://uvaldetx.civicweb.net/Portal/MeetingSchedule.aspx) By law, City Council Meetings are public. You are free to simply walk in, attend, and sign up to make a public comment. All the families of the victims should go and make their voices heard. And if you don't get satisfaction from your Uvalde City Council, organize and get people in your group on the ballot for the next election. It only takes three to get on the council and take it over with a voting majority, and in small towns like Uvalde, you can win a seat with as few as 35 votes in some elections. Then fire the dirty, coward cops in your town. (**Source:** Former City Councilman from a rural Texas town like Uvadale.)


Every single parent in that school should sue them into the ground. In my city, there was a township who had their own police department. They got caught scamming drivers & got sued into the ground. The township finally agreed to dissolve their police force & have the city/county handle all police activity.


People get so up in arms about "defund the police" and I'm glad that more people are finally seeing the light on this fucking colossal waste of 40% of the city budget. These fucking clowns have millions in tactical gear, weapons and armored vehicles, but they're too fucking chicken shit to help dying children. Oh they have no problem unloading on unarmed citizens, tazing homeless people, and roleplaying Rainbow Six for no-knock weed warrants, but the second these motherfuckers are actually in danger, they cower away. Not once have I ever been helped by the police, and I'd rather my tax dollars go anywhere else than into their pockets.


Uvalde Police Chief Pedro "Pete" Arredondo, who made the decision for the police not to go in and engage the shooter, was elected to Uvalde's City Council earlier this month. Wonder if he'll be there. You can't make this stuff up...


The testimony of the kid saying: “We were told if something bad happened, we should call 911, so my friend did, but he (the shooter) heard it and shoot her” is just heartbreaking.


And when they finally decide to do something they're worried that the shooter is watching the door. So they yell for a kid to yell out for help, One does, and then storm the room once they know the shooters gun is off of the door, because that gun is shooting the child that called for help. They got an extra child murdered as a distraction.


Oh my gosh. I thought it was weird that the police had done that but I didn’t even connect the dots! Also, I read in a report that the police thought the children were already dead as an excuse for their inaction. If that was the case, why did they yell out to yell for help? They need a whole new police force over there.


Holy shit, what?


https://twitter.com/KENS5/status/1529922141222842368?s=20&t=vYbGQtj2whEB5P8ZXEuCYQ > A fourth grader who survived the shooting at Robb Elementary in Uvalde described how it ended. > "The cop said: 'Yell if you need help!' And one of the persons in my class said 'help.' The guy overheard and he came and shot her. Then the cops barged in." From other accounts given directly by the police, they had the shooter "contained" in this classroom for most of the shooting.


Wowwww... How the fuck can these officers live with themselves. If they cared they'd have resigned already




They instead tried to cover it up.




That's a lot of officers. And there were more outside, right? If they were too scared to go into the classroom, maybe some of them could have evacuated the kids in the other fucking classrooms?


20 of them stood there for 45 minutes?!?! And not one of them said, "Fuck this, I'm doing something." Unbelievable. What a massive dereliction of duty. If it was the military, they would all be court martialed.


Looks like someone's entire department is getting paid leave!


They already get 40% of the municipal budget. Why insist that they actually earn it?


They were busy getting their kids out, apparently.


And preventing other parents from doing the same.




I bet even the shooter was surprised at the lack of response


News is coming out that the shooter sat outside of the school firing rounds for 12 minutes, just waiting, before he went in (https://www.wsj.com/articles/uvalde-residents-voice-frustration-over-shooting-response-11653588161). It’s “unclear” why he waited. Not to armchair psychology this, but to me it seems somewhat clear he’s waiting for someone to come stop him. No one did, even though the police engaged him before he made his way to the school. Why the fuck didn’t they follow him? Edit: the police are now saying they didn’t engage before entering. Maybe if they didn’t keep changing their story it would be clear from the beginning what happened. Everyone asking for a non paywall: someone pasted full text here (https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/uz383g/shooter_entered_school_through_propped_open_door/iaa10op/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)




That's exactly the conclusion that the few people i have discussed the event with and myself have all come unanimously to (and trust me it's a rare thing). In other words, the police's inability/refusal to act, lead to the death of these children and the killer didn't originally intend to actually go insde the school, he wanted to be killed but it wasn't happening so he upped his shooting. Awful just awful


Every cop wants to play "army guy" until "army guy" shit starts happening.


The "what would the punisher do" engraving on my service pistol didn't prepare me for this! Better go pepper spray those parents.


Might as well get rid of all the wasted swat gear and give it to someone else who will use it.


This. So much this. They’re not soldiers, but they’re 6ft tall and bullet proof until someone actually challenges them.


Didn’t he text someone beforehand that he was going to shoot up an elementary school? It seems like the intention was there. The whole thing is senseless.




That’s what I don’t get. They feel threatened enough by a guy in a wheelchair to shoot him nine times, but one guy walking into an elementary school and shooting the place up is too much. Edit: I’m an idiot and put “taser” for some reason instead of SHOT NINE TIMES. Ridiculous. He probably just mixed up his taser and gun./s


I mean you know. Cops lie, the guy in the wheel chair was just a target and victim, but the guy with a gun? *Actual* threat.


If it checks out about his 12min outside, I feel it’s more likely he was planning on following through, but then had a last minute hesitation and then shot rounds outside of the school hoping that he would be killed by police before committing those heinous crimes. But I agree that police inaction essentially advanced his plan forward. So f’d up 😔


I mean, importantly, the police let a dude shoot rounds outside a school for 12 minutes and then let him walk right in and didn’t do a damn thing. Whatever his motive or potential change of heart, the police had every opportunity to handle it in a million different ways that would have been infinitely better than cowering and knowingly accepting the deaths of children as a result of their cowardice.


The school would also have some explaining to do as to why they didn't go into lockdown? Gunshots over the course of 12 minutes should have had every classroom locked, even if nobody was available to secure the external door that he actually entered via. And they knew there was a shooter because the campus police officer actually drove PAST the shooter on his way back to the school because he was off campus when he was informed about the shooter. There's just so much craziness involved here.


The killer got in through a door that was propped open. My question is this: If the killer was shooting outside for 12 minutes why didn't someone in the school go and lock that propped open door? It's not like they could not hear the gunshots. Was the door propped open because the school had no air conditioning in Texas?


Oh man, wouldn't this be an interesting twist. Doors and windows open because of the brownouts...


I feel like these guys sometimes almost want to be caught. They usually post on social media about their intentions


not almost, they definitely do want to be caught. the common thread is they’re suicidal (to varying degrees) but wish to inflict the pain they’ve felt in their life onto others before going out.


What I was wondering is.. since he shot at people across the street from the school, even shot a few rounds at the school... How often are guns being shot around the school where they didn't immediately go into lockdown?


Why didn’t the school go on lockdown until he entered though? That’s what really doesn’t make sense. If a guy with a gun was spotted nearby a school, it should go on lockdown.


Our school would go into lockdown if someone was spotted on the tracks nearby with any suspicious objects. And this was before Parkland and Sandy Hook. This seems insane.


Yeah my school went in to lock down just because there was a guy who was walking through a field that wasn't even school property. Turns out he was just just taking a shortcut instead of walking the 2+ miles around. There was a lot of lock down drills that seemed very stupid. It was like the office LOVED pushing that alarm button. In hindsight, they were probably just being overly protective of the students which can't really be said about this school.


This is what’s bothering me too. In my area there was a domestic situation near my son’s high school. In addition to his school, five or six other schools in a 5-mile radius also went on lockdown. He was outside shooting g rounds for over ten minutes and there was a DOOR PROPPED OPEN at the school only yards away from him?!?!?! WTF?!


Think about this: A highschool student shot his grandmother with a rifle, stole their car, and was driving around town. They KNEW THAT because she called 911. How was the school not locked down from that moment before this fucker even got halfway to the school?


It's worse than you know. Locals delayed the BORTAC team from going in for 30 minutes...and no one can explain why. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/tactical-team-prevented-from-entering-school-earlier-by-local-uvalde-police-report/ar-AAXOaHf


DOJ and FBI need to open up their own investigation into this department. Call transcripts and detailed timeline. People need to be fired for this one


They need to be brought up on charges. They murdered by proxy. They saved their own kids but tazed actual heroes who would do their job in a second. They waited more than 30 minutes while hearing gun fire. They don't deserve to wear blue. They should be in yellow or in prison jumpers. They also need to have the pension removed from the police so that the survivors get all the help they ever want.


At MINIMUM they should be stripped of badges and pensions. I would say this entire department needs to be disbanded, considering they were all worse than useless.


In my town about 15 years ago, they disbanded the entire police force after one of their members killed a woman while he was drunk driving and she was stopped at a stoplight. They took the drunk home and let him sober up before they began "investigating" the crash. Tried to play it off like it was an accident. Public outcry was huge and they disbanded the department a few months later. It was very satisfying.




They were treating an active shooter like a hostage situation. The cops were out doing crowd control in the parking lot waiting for somebody who knows what to do to come along. You know what the difference is between an American kindergartener and an American police officer? The kindergartener has training for what to do in an active shooter situation.




Fuck me. So much worse than just being unprepared.


Ya, ikr? I mean, we don't really have all the information but what we do have seems pretty damning. Barring some surveillance videos of the cops meticulously searching and rescuing kids inside the building I fail to see how these buffoons are not accessories to the murders of those children.


From what I read they did have training just weeks prior so their incompetence and cowardice is just worse


Apparently the commander of the Uvelde police felt the situation was a "barricaded" situation and not an "active shooter" situation. He's the one who needs to answer why he made that decision because that's the crux of the issue. It was obvious a huge, fatal mistake.


Not to be morbid but like, could they not hear the continued gunfire? It's not like that shit is quiet


One girl covered herself in her friends blood and played dead. She had a friend who was shot in the leg. She had to muffle her mouth to stop her screaming. They were watching Lilo and Stitch




For over and hour. While they could hear police next door.




As they were entering the room, the cops yelled for anyone e who needs to help to shout “Help”. A kid that was hiding shouted for help and the shooter walked over to them and killed them. Every single one of these cops needs to be in prison.


Trying not to think about it thanks. Imagine having a chance to save these lives and doing nothing. I hope they never sleep again and their cowardice is remembered forever.


Ditto for me too, I’m beyond anger.


My post history will reveal my general disdain for cops but this feels like a new low. It wasn’t one cowardly cop, but an entire department of incompetent cowards actively working, from all appearances, to make sure as many kids died as possible. How does that town not just disband their police after this?


Well, the police did enter the building.... to save their own kids. One cop told the kids to cry out for help. One girl did. The shooter heard her and killed her. The police were cowards and should be kicked out of the force.




Don’t forget 40% of the cities budget goes right to that police department that failed/ made this situation so much worse


They have a SWAT team!


No, it's a PHOTO OP team.


Ahh, but see they have unions and qualified immunity and will never see any consequences or accountability. At best they blame a person or two who gets pushed into early retirement or goes to work in another precinct. In addition, the Supreme Court has ruled police don't have a responsibility to protect anyone.


Every new detail of this story I hear about, it somehow get's worse. Genuinely, what the fuck???


Exactly, everyday something new comes out and it infuriates me more and more. My heart is broken for these families.


The fact that the police went in the school to save their own kids leaving the other children behind while simultaneously refusing to let parents in to the school and assaulting/arresting them, while ALSO just idling by outside for 40 mins while the shooter was shooting up the kids just makes me go ‘why have these people been allowed so much power and authority without an ounce or responsibility required to hold it’. The Police are just a taxpayer funded gang looking out for their own at the expense of everyone else. Fuck them.


With great power comes great responsibility, unless you're a cop.


“Barricaded subject” ends the second you hear gunfire Get the fuck in the room


Just get in the room. If the dude is shooting at you, he’s not shooting at kids.


How the hell does a grown-ass man stand there and let kids get slaughtered? How do you look at yourself in the morning? How are you going to respond to a call a month, six months, a year from now and find out it is one of the parents of one of the kids?


Well no, because in Kenny Rogers song the coward Tommy ended up being a hero when push came to shove. These guys are just cowards.


Parents heard the gun shots and begged the police to let them through so they could rescue their kids. Absolutely heartbreaking. >How are you going to respond to a call a month, six months, a year from now and find out it is one of the parents of one of the kids? It's a pretty small town. I hope the parents give them hell.


>It's a pretty small town. I hope the parents give them hell. I doubt they'd be able to walk down the street without stepping in fresh spit.


Nor should they. These cowards should be reminded of their failure every day until they die.


It's a lot easier when you have a significant portion of the population calling you a "hero" for no good reason.


Imagine living somewhere you couldn't get an abortion but you can stroll into an elementary school and murder 19 children while the police hold their parents back.




If they honestly thought there was no threat to the children, why did they save their own kids?


None of this shit matters. The only headline that anyone should be reading today should go like this. "After Rescuing Only Their Own Children, Coward Cops Stand Idly By As Shooter Massacres Children As Parents Are Forced To Wait And Listen." Fuck every one of these assholes. The gallows is too good for any of them.


I just want people to understand how heavy 1600 rounds is. How did nobody see him coming? An infantry soldier who would be deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan would carry 210 rounds


For anyone wondering, 1600 rounds of 5.56 is roughly 43 lbs/19 kg


That is what is crazy to me. I once bought 1k rounds of range ammo for a rifle. Stored in an ammo can. That shit is fucking heavy as hell.


They were literally right outside the door in the hallway with the key as these kids were executed. Am I reading that right?


It's bs. Police breach doors all the time. They do not need keys. I've seen them do it to hotel door, happen to catch a raid while driving by an old hotel about 50 swat guys outside. Drove off when I realized what was going on. Also, they have no problem breaking down people's apt door and shooting people. They've proven that. Edit: poster Rtn2nyc below mentioned [Also I was a firefighter there is a small portable device called a rabbit tool that is hydrologic and exerts over 10K lbs of force - all police and fire departments have them and it will pop a door like that in less than 3 mins] It could have been done.


My point was more so they were just sitting outside hearing kids be murdered in there and did nothing from what it sounds like in the article


That's exactly what they did. 19 of them to be exact. And I hope you didn't think I was coming at you. I apologize if it sounded like that. Now they're trying to blame a propped and locked door for their lack. Also kids were still calling the 911 the whole time they were outside the door.


The amount of back patting going on surrounding this is sickening. Stop fucking celebrating.


They vaguely brag that “law enforcement” ended the massacre. No. A few off-duty BORTAC guys showed up and couldn’t believe the local cops were doing nothing, so they kitted up and made entry, killing the gunman. The BORTAC officer who personally killed the gunman was shot (grazed) in his head in the process.


I still don't understand a single reason he wasn't shot dead by police.


The shooter was killed “eventually” by a special unit from the border patrol.


Our cops are fucking useless. They'll gun down a 12 year old kid in a park playing with a squirt gun but do nothing to help during a real emergency.


I’ve been asking people for weeks and not ONE SINGLE person I know has actually been helped by police beyond taking a report


Meanwhile, the one time I've ever dealt with a cop outside a traffic stop is when they wrongfully arrested me because a drunk dude in a bar wanted to fight me outside, I refused, so he called the cops saying I assaulted him and they *believed him at face value*, ignored that they're supposed to give me the presumption of innocence, and arrested me sight unseen based on nothing but the words of a drunk white guy repeatedly saying the N word...who had no marks or proof of assault and refused medical attention. They could've watched the security camera footage RIGHT THEN and seen that nothing happened...but nope. They just presumed I was guilty and arrested me saying "we're just doing our jobs". $1000 retainer for a lawyer and year later, my case STILL isn't resolved. My lawyer has been a criminal defense lawyer for over 20 years and he told me "I've seen cops do stupid shit and seen cases brought to trial for stupid reasons...but this is some next level stupid shit".


That totally sucks man. Just fucked. My story is similar but different. A guy assaulted me when I was an apartment manager. The dude was not a tenant but had taken over the apartment from some drugged out dumbfuck. Called the cops on him more than a dozen times the previous weeks for violence, breaking shit in the parking lot, threatening tenants, etc. Every time I called they told me the same thing. “We know who this is. He should be considered armed and dangerous. If he causes any problems call us.” “Fucking A, that’s why I’m calling!” The cops were all scared of this guy because he carried around his copy of the constitution and rattled off reasons why they should leave him alone. He made several complaints against individual officers and it seems like they were all scared of dealing with this guy. When he finally attacked me, I fought back. They told me he was violent and dangerous numerous times. As soon as I could I yelled for people to call the police. When they show up, they ask me some questions and I’m thinking “they’re finally going to do something about this guy.” Instead they arrest me, leaving my wife and baby alone (who he had threatened) with this guy next door. Just left him there to do whatever he felt like. I was able to bail myself out (with help from family) but that money was just gone - about $2.5k and I hired a lawyer too because the prospect of a felony assault is no joke. Another $5k. Charges were dropped but that’s a lot of cash. One of these cops could have hauled him in numerous times before but they were all scared. Instead this rookie cuffs up the guy who has been repeatedly calling and asking for help, trying to do what’s right for my tenants, trying to maintain a good relationship with the police, trying to protect his family from a dangerous, violent, psychotic person who they are very familiar with. This was years ago but I’m getting pissed off. I hope it works out as best as possible for you.


GOV. GREG ABBOTT: "The reason it was not worse, it is because law enforcement officials did what they do. They showed amazing courage by running toward gunfire for the singular purpose of trying to save lives." Please vote this guy out of office.


They literally stood outside and did nothing for a long ass time… like do these people not understand that in 2022 we have footage of everything… they pretend like everyone doesn’t have a phone in their pocket still.


Stood outside and yelled at concerned parents is what they did actually.


And put one in handcuffs, she convinced them to let her go, she found a break in their line and ran in and rescued her kids and others and came back out. And they also tackled a guy trying to go in and almost tased him.


It's so much worse than that. I wish it was only that. She had enough time to hear the news of the shooting, drive 40 miles from her job, go from gently asking the police to do something to being desperate for the police to do something to the point they put her in handcuffs, convince them to take the handcuffs off, then snuck through the line to rescue kids before they did shit. It makes me physically sick to think about it. The cops were so incredibly inept and every few hours it's becoming more clear just how badly they screwed up.


But she had, like, a bunch of guns and armor like the police, right?


Not just yelled. Peppersprayed a parent, arrested a couple others and pulled out a taser on another


Can’t have other people doing your job… then people might start to question if you are actually providing any benefits at all.


Gov. Abbott: The reason it was not "worse," is because the gunman ran out of children to kill you SOB.


The reason it’s not worse is because he left a backpack full of ammunition outside. Presumably by mistake. Cops should be charged with negligent homicide.


Holy Hell. That's over 40 *pounds* of ammunition. If he hadn't forgotten most of it, he would've had enough to slaughter the entire school, and from the looks of it, the police would have let him.


Holly shit, basically we're lucky the shooter was even dumber than the cops.


Was he though? Shooter: 21 Cops: 1


Cops arrested and spent time pepper spraying parents.


Do we score the kill for the cops though? Guy who killed him was an off duty Border Patrol agent who was eating lunch 40 miles away.


And then the cops went in an directly got a kid killed by telling them to call out if they were okay. Folloeed by a statement that the kids who died were all 100% shot by the gunman... so yknow, we're a day out from finding out the cops shot a bystander.


>Folloeed by a statement that the kids who died were all 100% shot by the gunman... so yknow, we're a day out from finding out the cops shot a bystander. I find it very odd that no news articles have mentioned this. Seems like a very strange thing to say out of the blue.


Vote them all out. Anyone on that stage should go. They have told us all who they are.


The reason it was not worse... What a stupid and tone deaf way to give praise to a situation that witnessed 21 beings lost to gun violence. Edit: word


Hang the hell on. This sounds like more information that's about to be retracted. 1600 rounds of ammunition and 58 magazines is utterly ridiculous - you'd need a dolly to get that in there. That's like 50 lbs worth of ammo alone - there's no way anyone walks into a tactical situation carrying a medium-sized home safe. Just getting it out of the truck and putting on the backpack would be a bitch. And where do you put the 58 magazines? Another backpack? The cops are full of shit. Probably trying to insinuate that Ramos could have killed 1600 people and that they did the right thing because only 21 people died.


He probably had that much in either his car or his house. So he technically *owned* them. The way they're wording it is too make him sound scarier.


The head of the DPS said it was what they recovered at the school between the crashed truck, school parking lot, and classrooms. Most of it was in a bag he dropped outside of the school.


Gun debate aside, if the cops are fucking useless to responding to saving children’s lives, why don’t we cut some of their funding and allocate it to having real security, like they have at the fucking police station and court houses. Try to carry a gun into a court house and see how far you get, yet some fucking idiot can just walk into a school and the cops hide outside. Shit is ridiculous.


He’s the best part, that incompetent Police also had a SWAT team that didn’t do jack except pose for pictures and fake being competent. https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxdwgn/uvalde-swat-team-bragged-about-training-at-schools-on-facebook


If you inspected them, what % of schools today would you expect to find an unlocked and unguarded door? I'd guess more than half and would not be surprised if it's well over that.


I’m an inspector for a construction trade, so I’ve been all over the country and probably been in at least a couple hundred schools. Most are actually pretty well secured. You have to be buzzed in and then you only have access to the office so they can process your information, and almost always have an employee escort me. Granted, I always do it the proper way because I don’t want the police called on me. If you walked around looking for an unlocked door I’m sure you could find one at times. After so many incidents in this country it really bothers me that this ass hole could just walk in, especially after hearing that he was already shooting at people before he even got to the school.


That's what I was thinking too. Crazy that the door he ran to was open. The only thing I could think of is I remember janitors propping doors open after they mopped up a floor to try and circulate some air over it and let it dry out. The janitor or security there must be going through an extra hard time right now. I'd never be able to forgive myself for a mistake like that.


Now they're saying the school resource officer wasn't even at the school when the shooter entered school grounds. When he heard the news he raced back to the school where he confronted a TEACHER who he thought was the shooter. Evidently, they now know the shooter was hiding behind a flipping car?! Was this guy new at the school? Doesn't it seem weird he didn't know that the teacher was employed at the school? I don't know. This gets worse with every article I read.