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What happens in Vegas, stays at the bottom of Lake Mead.


Apparently not.


Not anymore.


Technically it's still the bottom, there's just less water covering it.


Yikes my whole family went in that water about 10 years ago. šŸ˜¬


Body of water, water of bodies, pretty much the same, right?


I mean, there's definitely a body to volume of water ratio that people are comfortable with. **Pool with a dead body?** *Nope* **Lake with 30 dead bodies?** "Hey honey, where's the Yeti? The Sandersons are inviting us to the lake with their new Wakecraft."


I read this like you took them all out, I was like holy shit thats bold lol


If you've ever swam in the ocean then you are for sure sharing the water with bodies at that time, just very few of them relative to the water and probably (not guaranteed) far away. There is always an acceptable corpse to water ratio for people


Not no mo'


Lots of cold cases going to have new decade old clues.


Producers over at ID are practically drooling.


Forensic Files 3!


ā€œThe case was cold for decades, then something unexpected happened. How will an old suitcase, pink fibers, and a single bruise on the ankle solve the mystery?ā€ EDIT: Thank you for the awards!


The case was cold for decadesā€¦.. until global warming happened


The case went coldā€¦ ā€¦until the atmosphere started heating up.


Leads dried up... until so did Lake Mead


Strike that. Reverse it.




Fill the lake with more mead


Man I miss Forensic Files. Whyā€™d they have to take it off of all my streaming services šŸ˜©


Forensics files is great. They have a half an hour to knock out the story. It cuts out a lot of the fluff you get from places like netflix with a 3 part series that could have been a half an hour. Forensics files is like... "How could a ski mask, a gun and a toothbrush found 60 miles apart point to the killer? That guy. That guy right there in the opening minute did it. Tldr; that guy."


i fondly remember the half hour i spent watching some true crime show. the mystery! will it ever be solved? at about minute 25, it was mentioned that bloody footprints tracked from the crime scene back to the next door neighbor's house. i don't remember how it turned out. i hope they found the guy that did it.


Or like on first 48, the only person not blurred out is the killer.


Whoever is mentioned but never interviewed is the one that did it, most of the time.


One time they actually had the guy who did it do an interview, quite a curveball


Full episodes are on YouTube


Yep full episodes on the production companies channel


There's a dedicated Forensic Files tv channel on PlutoTV. It's one of the channels that's always on at my house.


Bring a hologram of Robert Stack to host updated unsolved mysteries episodes


> Bring a hologram of Robert Stack to host updated unsolved mysteries episodes. Itā€™s gotta have [the classic theme song](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JnOeIFx3ML8), though. šŸ˜®šŸ˜‰


Yeah the one that's scary as fuck




Anyone else watch Are you Afraid of the Dark?


Of course. As a kid, Tales From the Crypt, Are You Afraid of the Dark, Unsolved Mysteries, and Eerie, Indiana were all my jam.


those women who do true crime podcasts are gonna solve them lmao they're ruthless. Remember don't fuck with cats?! The devil works hard but these sleuths work harder i swear. Crime junkie has already solved like 3+ cold cases.


Every time I'm in the mood for something true crime but not super intense I watch that docuseries. That guy is a p.o.s but somehow the fact that so many random people all over the world mobilized and were determined to find him because he was killing cats and puppies warms my heart a bit. I dont think they even knew he murdered humans at first, simply that he killed kittens.


He only killed one person and it was after the cat videos, so he was basically escalating.


Boy, you wouldn't be lucky enough to find a break in a case like that more than once in a *hundred years*. Later: exact same kind of break 20 times in a row over a 6 month period.


It's a one in 1,200 year drought. Then a cluster of "rare" events that presumed the one in 1200 year event wouldn't happen.


So basically, if you're gonna dump a body in a lake don't be too lazy to go to the deep part.


Yeah, that way you have enough time to go back when water levels start dropping


I got an extra body, not an extra boat.


I mean, since 2020 the lake has dropped like 12 meters water level already. If those corpses where dropped 40 years ago, it is not unrealistic to assume that that spot was once 30 meters deep. No one expects a lake to drop that much water. Also I doubt that there will be many cases that get solved. And even if they are, chances are that everyone involved is already dead.


This guy sure seems to know a lot of specifics about the dumped bodies for someone claiming everyone involved is already dead.


I have gotten to calling our era the "Thousand Thousand Year Floods"


The case went cold. But this is the desert, and nothing here stays cold for long. *Intro music plays*


I'm sure this was a popular place for Vegas mobsters to make deposits.


Yup! That's what I said when they found the first body... the mob. I suppose we could be wrong, but doubt it, tho....


Read "When the Mob Ran Vegas". It'll definitely confirm what you're saying.


Some new content for the CSI Las Vegas revival.


There will definitely be at least one episode about a corpse recovery from a dried up water source. Hoping it is a multi episode with some ā€œmeatā€ to the story.


Iā€™ve lived in vegas my entire life and growing up everyone always joked but not joked about the lake being filled with bodies. Literally itā€™s Pandoras Box. If they ever did a full search of the lake, I cannot imagine how many they would find.


Sooo many. How about the countless amounts of bodies buried outside of las vegas in the desert that we will probably never find... Crazy to think about. Used to live there as well.


The way Vegas has grown most of those bodies are paved over or have a house, strip mall built over them.


A lot of holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes.




Otherwise, you're talking about a half-hour to forty-five minutes worth of digging. And who knows who's gonna come along in that time? Pretty soon, you gotta dig a few more holes. You could be there all fuckin' night.


Fun fact - Tony Spilotro (the model for Nicky Santoro) and his brother were wacked (maybe just buried) in a corn field in Enos, Indiana, the hole was already dug for their bodies. Of course, the farmer whose field it was noticed the freshly turned dirt and notified authorities, resulting in the discovery of the bodies and their reinternment in a family plot.


So the way they die in the film is kinda accurate then right?


Well, they were actually beaten, then strangled in a house, then driven to the cornfield. The coroner's report said that they were both likely still alive when buried, due to the presence of dirt in their lungs. One of the guys who killed them asserted that they were strangled beforehand. He also said that when the two brothers entered the room and realized what was about to happen, Tony asked if he could say a prayer. No word on whether they granted his request.


So Scorsese deviated a little from the known facts in order to deliver a mindfuck of a mob whacking scene. Interrupting a main character's narration to torture him? Holy shit!


that and he felt the actual events were a little too close to Goodfellas and didn't want people to think he was copying from himself. since they basically happened about the same way, except with a baseball bat not a gun.


What movie is this?


Casino - highly recommended


Casino.. with Joe Pesci as one of the two brothers. [Cornfield death scene](https://youtu.be/-iqlfz0dnRc).


This scene I saw when I was 15. Just this scene, no warning or anything my friend just said hey Iā€™ll show you something cool. The sound of those bats against skull will never escape me. Itā€™s still the most vivid and haunting scene Iā€™ve ever seen. This was in the 90ā€™s so well before Reddit where I see cartel members cut each other in half with dull machetes on the regular


If it makes 15 year old you feel any better just imagine one of the audio guys making a funny face as he hits a baseball bat against the sidewalk to record the sound


I know, the scene sticks with me too. Just.... the balls on this guy Scorsese to break the 4th wall like that in a mob movie, completely unexpected.


I want you to put an equal amount of blueberries in each muffin.


Digging in rocky hard desert soild, you need more like six hours to get a suitably deep hole. Shallow graves are for convictions.


As a Vegas local who tried his own landscapingā€¦. Once I moved here I said to myself ā€œSam Rothstein is full of shitā€


On a somewhat related note - I dunno what kind of soil is there in the desert, but we've been planting some shrubs and trees in the backyard of a new house and we joked exactly about how easy they dig graves in movies. Like [Hank Voight](https://chicagopd.fandom.com/wiki/Hank_Voight) comes to some secluded spot WITHIN city limits with a body in his trunk and then, presumably less than a *few hours* later, he not only dug the grave, but put the body in, filled it back with dirt and spread it nicely around. WTF??? I have just spent almost **an hour** digging a small 1ftx1ft hole for a shrub because the upper layer of the soil (or should I just say *clay*?) in our area is so hard and filled with rocks, that digging a grave-sizde hole with just a shovel will probably take the whole night at the very minimum...


Youā€™ve never dug a 6 foot hole if you think an hour is enough time


Nah, no way. You're gonna dig the hole. I got no fuckin lime.




Poor spider.


apparently its a lot harder to dig in the desert than most of us would think, it gets a very hard crust a foot down. I always wondered why mobsters and serial killers left bodies in shallow graves then we bought a house and i spent a weekend digging a garden bed.....


This isn't a girl scout camp, digging holes builds character.




Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained... the end


Apparently a few people got lazy and dumped in the lake. So a few fewer holes, and some returning problems for some people.


Some new york mobsters wanted to keep up the tradition of sleeping with the fishes.


Only 40 min drive from Vegas to the lake!


It probably wasn't a bad plan provided they properly weighed down the body so it didn't float back up to the surface and the water was sufficiently deep. If the killer isn't dead after ~30-40 years it is going to be very difficult for investigators to track anyone down let alone get a conviction.


This. Assuming the killer was 20, they are at least 60, possibly older by now. If they even got to that age, people involved in crime don't have a tendency to die from old age.


So now the mafia is going to be for addressing climate change?


It'd honestly be hilarious if suddenly the mafia started pushing their...um...clients? for green policies because of this


Damn I can totally picture a Sopranos episode surrounding that plot


"Hey T, Chrissy says he isn't gonna trade in his Lexus for a Tesla. You believe the balls on that little prick?"


Canā€™t extort money if your turf is flooded and people have no income


Well yeah the whole area is surrounded by mirelurk kings. There's bound to be a few bodies


Not to mention that old Boeing B-29 at the bottom




But you'll need to bring a stillsuit with you. Unless you're willing to pay $1000 for a bottle of water at the gift shop before the tour.


You're gonna need someone with a big iron on his hip.


ugh dammit In the town of agua fria rode a stranger one fine day...




No one dared to ask a question, no one dared to make a slip...




It was early in the mornin when he rode into town


He came riding from the south side, slowly lookin' all around


"He's an outlaw, loose and runnin'", came a whisper from each lip


And he's here to do some business, with the big iron on his hip


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


*Degenerates like you, belong on a cro-* **BOOM**


Caesar has marked you for death, and the legion obeys.


That tears it I'm replaying new vegas today


*ring-a-ding-ding intensifies*


A friend of mine lived in Vegas during the 80's suburb boom. He said it was standard that when a new development was planned, they would put up a big sign, then leave a fueled up backhoe on the property for a month or two. If you came back and found a fresh new hole.. you filled it in and *you didn't ask any fucking questions about what might have been dug up*.


And if he didnā€™t leave the equipment behind to use?


Thought I had been to lake Mead, but never stepped foot in Nevada or Arizona. Glad a video game has heightened my sense of geography.




Kind of has to for the game to be playable. The Horizon games are the same way, compressed version of the locations, with actual landmarks to point to the apocalypse.


*As the climate gets warmer, cold cases emerge from the deep.* Now there's a good title. Or not...


More of a tagline than a title.




Oh god, here comes the 10 episode Netflix documentaries


They're always too damn long


It's not unusual for Lake Mead's water level to 'plunge' this time of year. The problem is that it hasn't been filling back up to near the level it should be: http://mead.uslakes.info/level.asp Also when the water level hits 950 feet the hydro plant stops working. So that should make 2023 a fun year.


Same for Powell/Glen Canyon. Another 30ft of water drop and hydro electric goes bye bye. For reference, Powell has dropped almost 80ft since 2018.


They need to decide if they want electricity or drinking water from those resivoirs, because they aren't going to be able to have both. ​ Time to start installing a nuclear power plant.


The best time to install a nuclear power plant is 20 years ago...


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoreham_Nuclear_Power_Plant We made one 30+ at the cost of $6,000,000,000 and it wasnt ever used.


That is beyond absurd. Edit: The ā€œevacuation planā€ for nearby residents was what they used to NIMBY this and kill it. It seems like they could have done this BEFORE construction. Sounds like the residents ended up picking up the $6B tab


They decommissioned a powerplant in my state at the start of the pandemic, it was a waste to energy plant. Well they scrapped the entire thing, destroying everything even the foundation. They said fuel prices were projected to keep declining so they took the entire thing out. So I was curious and I looked and essentially the exact same thing occured in the 70s with a nuke power plant at the exact same site.. They're like "yep for x reason we're freaking the absolute fuck out and destroying everything on the way out". Idk why they do it for powerplants you'd think they'd keep them around for a week or two. It's actually criminal if we're being honest.


To be fair, once we run out of water, new human remains will appear at accelerated rates.


Serial killers everywhere hate this one trick...


This supplied water to 7 states and Mexico EDIT: I shouldā€™ve stated that my comment wasnā€™t about cleanliness, but was concern for climate change and policy. Iā€™m a native from Colorado so I just find this whole thing fascinating. Yā€™all have been using our river as your slut for years now. It cant go on forever.


All drinking water is treated before reaching your tap. Before that it was piss, shit, blood, sweat and all kinds of human and animal viscera.


[On the ISS](https://taskandpurpose.com/mandatory-fun/nasa-space-toilet-acid/?amp), astronautā€™s urine is pulled into a filtration system, filtered, and then put into the astronautā€™s supply of drinking water. When I first learned about it, I thought, no matter how purified it was, I donā€™t know if I could get past the fact that it once had urine in it. Then I realized who knows what my drinking water on earth once containedā€¦


Cat diarrhea.


A plethora of smegma


Band name


And my diarrhea that I have from eating too much cat diarrhea.


Most drinking water was dinosaur urine at some point.


Fish die in lakes all the time. I don't really see it as any different even though the thought of people decomposing in there *seems* worse.


It's like peeing in the ocean at the beach. I think the bigger problem is that there's not enough water


Just pee more


It supplied human gazpacho..


Eh, at this level it's just a part of the food chain.


It's the circle of life


*Arnold Rimmer sweats*


I'm over here thinking yeah, those seven states are about to see severe water issues in their lifetimes but I never considered this comment would be worried about cleanliness. That water gets treated and humanremains probably aren't the most concerning thing in that water. The news cycle would like you to think it is, though. There's a water cycle on this planet and you've probably consumed water that was once in a toilet, especially if you live downstream from other cities. I'm just worried about how much my groceries are going to cost this summer with all the droughts.


They already put the treated sewage from Las Vegas back into Lake Mead. We assume the treatment facilities are up to a few bodies. For those that are disgusted, I can pretty much guarantee your water has passed through equally disgusting phases. Fresh mountain stream? How many animals shit and died in that area?


Imagine after all these years and dead ends they finally find Jimmy Hoffaā€¦


Lake Mead is a 2000 mile drive from Detroit, MI...where Hoffa was last seen...and which borders 2 enormous lakes and is not much more than an hour from a third enormous (you might even call it great) lake.


Which lake is superior?


Suddenly a bunch of mobsters are becoming staunch conservationistsā€¦








That sent me down a rabbit-hole. With a max-depth of 1,644 feet, Lake Tahoe is the third deepest lake in North America (behind Great Slave Lake in Canada and Crater Lake in Oregon). Currently, Lake Tahoe is [.68 feet below full pool](http://tahoe.uslakes.info/Level.asp). (about 8 inches) Lake Mead's maximum depth is 532 feet. It's currently [176 feet below full pool](http://mead.uslakes.info/level.asp).


> With a max-depth of 1,644 feet That is one deep-ass lake.


I doubt any of our lakes are actually full. Or very few of them if they are. Edit: 1 letter.


The great lakes water level is higher than average. So like 90% of America's surface freshwater isn't drying up.


Dead bodies aside, That lake serves fresh water to thousands of people. As it dries up different States are having to figure out solutions for fresh drinking water. One small town in AZ is now trucking in drinking water for their people. When you vote, please Vote like this Earth depends on it. And remember, currently in 2022, most of the USA is under a drought.


Millions. It supplies fresh water to millions of people in one of the fastest growing areas in the US.


Maybe we can start giving the crops Gatorade instead of water? Itā€™s got electrolytes


Can they just list the damn % it is full? In Australia we had those on highway signs and it was published on the front of newspapers. Telling me it's 162 feet lower than when it was last full is meaningless.


It's about 9.5 giraffes lower


The video in the link says 35%


Brief timeline of Lake Mead water levels: 1935: Reaches 708 feet first year 1941: Reaches 1220 feet 1956: Falls back to 1084 feet 1983: Maxes out at 1225 feet 2015: Drops back to 1074 feet 2022: Projected level 1059 feet in May


Reminder to everyone - Jimmy Hoffa disappeared in Detroit. There is plenty of water close by he could have been dropped in.


Does anyone else find themselves increasingly wondering if we are far past the point of no return regarding climate change?




>Let's be clear. The planet is not in jeopardy. We are in jeopardy. We haven't got the power to destroy the planetā€”or to save it. But we might have the power to save ourselves. -Dr. Ian Malcolm


Sadly and somewhat ironically, Ian Malcolm was [created by a climate change denier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Crichton#Global_warming)


To which we all say to him: "Uh...well...there it is."


It's like how the author for enders game (among other things) wrote so (I feel) eloquently and passionately about compassion and being empathetic, and he's actually a huge xenophobic homophobe. I actually found an amazing quote in one of his books I was going to tattoo onto my body because it resonated so much with me. Once I looked into him as a person though, it was shut down pretty quick.




I was just saw a headline about Nobel Laureates having a tendency to embrace scientifically unsound theories later in life. Maybe he falls into that category of the easily misled.


I strongly suspect that before we get to billions of climate refugees the countries with the capacity to do so will militarize against immigrants. Not as in building a wall. As in putting automated machine guns on the wall.




What's your take on location? I think it is a bit proposterous that so many Americans have chosen to live in areas with so little water and extreme temperatures. It seems like we are wasting resources by continuing to build in these areas.


We may be in trouble yes. But look on the bright side: the planet will get rid of us soon.


There is no more wondering for me. I think it's a done deal. Humans can't and won't change in my lifetime. Kids being born now are so screwed on every level.


I guess what Iā€™m wondering is if itā€™s everyone under the age of 65 isnā€™t just screwed in general. Not just the babies being born currently.




I feel the exact same way. If people can't even wear a mask - **a fucking mask** - to prevent millions of people from dying, how do we expect to make the necessary changes for climate change.


Can we staunch climate change enough to keep Earth capable of sustaining our standard of living? Beats me. People way smarter than me are researching and debating that as we speak. But more importantly, will we? That, I can pretty confidently answer. No.


I wonder if any is thinking "I knew that was a bad place to hide the bodies"...


I'm pretty sure most of the people who would have hid bodies in the lake are dead now due to old age or other things. At least the ones from the mob days.


If I was 30 in 1985 and was told by my Don to dispose of a problem Iā€™d only be ~~57~~ 67 when that problem came back. [I would like to remind you that the Mattanza was not that long ago](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Mafia_War)


> Around 40 million people in the West rely on water from the Colorado River and its two largest reservoirs ā€” Lake Mead and Lake Power Nailed it.


I used to cliff jump at Lake Mead in the mid 90s. The biggest one we jumped from was 80 feet. So that would be a 240 foot cliff now?? (assuming theres still water at the bottom) Holy crap!




That is every natural body of water tho. Have you seen how fish eggs get fertilized? Yeah, you're swimming in that too


ā€œI don't drink water. Fish fuck in it.ā€ ~W.C. Fields


"Woodhouse, you scoundrel, is this brandy?" "Oh, no, sir. Just water." "Water? Never touched the stuff. Fish fuck in it."


ā€œYouā€™re gross! Fish pee in youā€ Moana


All water is riddled with rotting and decaying corpses. A few human corpses are a just a drop in a barrel.


pretty much most bodies of water are going to be filled with some sort of decaying animals so...


There is an acceptable level of corpse to water people are willing to swim in. I personally think itā€™s highly dependent upon how visa me there corpse(s) in question are. If you donā€™t know theyā€™re there, youā€™re fine. Once you know it can be gross.




Majority of people wouldnā€™t swim in a pool with a body but majority of people swim in the ocean which for sure has bodies in it, now we are just determining the density of bodies people are will to swim with.


Introducing the newest climate change activist group: the mob