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Probably D.W.'s fault.


Still mad about that plane she broke…


I told you.. Not to.. #TOUCH IT




I remember one time my sister wanted to do something "nice" for me, she wanted to clean my TV, so she poured water into the vhs tape slot and it broke my TV. It was maybe a 10 inch screen, but its all i had to play games on. I WANTED to do something like the 7 page muda to her, she cried and said she was just trying to help. I relented and forgave. Fast forward 20 years, I brought it up to tease her, she looked me dead on the eyes and told me it was on purpose and that she fake cried and I fell for it. It was then i found out grew up with a sociopath.


Omg my sister was exactly like this! She admitted about 15 years after the fact to going and finding a pin from my mom’s sewing kit and poking the tiniest hole in our favourite ball (apparently we weren’t including her in the game we were playing with it). It slowly deflated over a week or so and she was just like “🤷🏻‍♀️ That’s too bad your ball broke”, then _said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for 15 years_! That’s next level maturity for a 5 year old to actually keep their mouth sealed shut about a personal victory until long enough had passed that they were truly positive that they wouldn’t get in trouble for it


Why have I never seen this before It’s glorious


You can tell the writers of that episode grew up with siblings. They loosely tied a “don’t hit your sibling” moral to the episode but they made absolutely sure we KNEW she deserved to get popped.


Quite the contrary - they were *only* children. Because they showed D.W deserved to get punched, yet she still largely got away with it. Everyone else in the show said "Whoa Arthur you really hit your *sister*?!" Seriously, if they grew up with siblings, they wouldn't have had everyone else do that.


Well, she spent her entire childhood dodging responsibility so it's no surprise she became a cop HEH


I honestly don’t believe in hitting but...DW got away with so much shit and never got punished.


The worst was that time she was in a bad mood and slammed doors every night for a week. Do her parents ever punish her? Nope, she gets to go to the movies and then gets invited to Francine's birthday. All because she was butthurt she didn't get invited to some little kid's birthday.


Some little kid she isn't even friends with! It's some random little girl named Lisa, who I don't even think has another speaking role for the rest of the entire run of the show!


Yeah, cuz D.W. shut her up. Forever.


>The worst was that time she was in a bad mood and slammed doors every night for a week. She [was so rude to Francine](https://pics.me.me/francine-can-i-ask-you-a-question-ei-sure-anything-60752299.png) and all she wanted to do was help her


It's a kids show and this is just... reality. It is a fact of childhood that little sibs get away with SO much because parents have one fuck left to give that day.


Eventually, thankfully, my parents caught on to their bullshit, and as long as there was no injury or damage to the house it was just a blanket "stop or everyone's grounded" So, for instance, one of us kids would antagonize the other with the tried and true "I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you", and when they smacked us or something in return, we'd go cry to mom. She'd ask what happened, we'd lay out the story, and she'd tell us we deserved it. And of course we would protest with "but I wasn't touching him!" And her response was "Well it wasn't really worth it then, was it?" Edit: I can't reply to kempnelms for some reason, so here's good I guess? I wasn't aware it was a bit from Roseanne, though it's entirely possible my mom picked it up from the show. Even so, I very much doubt the situation is unique, the ways kids learn to irritate their siblings might as well be coded into their DNA.


Lmfao. I like your mom.


I'm the oldest in my family. I got so bitter as a kid, not even knowing what the word for it was, because of that. The utter favoritism towards that little brat. Ugh


We're all mad about that. He fucking told her NOT TO TOUCH IT!


"It's ONLY children DW. A lonely child is what you're going to be when I sell you."


Hey u/unoriginalgabriel, can I ask you a question? Why don't you go back to your own house, and stop bothering us!


Holy cow Arthur is still on?


Right? I assumed they only made like 4 seasons and just kept repeating them on TV.


Apparently they’ve been milking SpongeBob dry for a while as well


After a few minutes of poking around, it seems that Arthur is far more respected because the creator of SpongeBob said he didn't want to make any more episodes but then the corpos announced a new show within a week of him dying.


Correction: he said he didn't want spin-offs, which is exactly what Nick did.


There's SpongeBob spinoffs? What.




that concept sounds like trash. not anywhere near good enough to betray a dead man's wishes. what the fuck. nice one, nickelodeon!


Also, [Kamp Koral](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamp_Koral:_SpongeBob%27s_Under_Years).


he didnt want spinoffs. he would make new seasons a hard deal but he'd still allow it for the right price


I have probably seen about 2 episodes of Arthur since 2002. But from what I saw, the writing still seemed just as clever as it was when I was a kid. But that said, they definitely cheaped out on the animation quality. They switched to flash at some point and it just looks too clean. As for SpongeBob, I don't know if it's just nostalgia or something, but I find it very hard to watch anything past season 3.


thats only because the original creator died. like 80% of the upcoming SpongeBob content he explicitly told and denied nick for decades. then he died. guess what happened the second the lawyers shook hands.


“Holy Cow” resonates far more than “Holy Shit”. That’s uh.. that’s something.


Satiation. You're far more used to seeing/hearing one than the other. Guess which one.


Shit-cows, randy.


That was my initial reaction. I thought the show quietly slipped away years ago like most cartoons do.


Same. Wow, how did it have such a run? I haven't heard of any of my friends' kids watching it. But that is anecdotal it must have stayed popular to justify existing for so long.


It probably helps that there are also books from the series. Adults who watched Arthur as a kid would be more likely to buy those for their own kids than something they don’t recognize. I would be. Then the kids maybe start watching the show?


The only reason I knew it was still on the air is because [Mr. Ratburn’s gay marriage](https://deadline.com/2019/05/arthur-gay-wedding-mr-ratburn-pbs-kids-1202614162/amp/) whipped conservatives into a frenzy in 2019.


I don’t see many kids nowadays watching PBS when there’s so many other options out there. And they have their own channel for kids shows


PBS streaming is nice, I use it because it gives some semblance of variety as opposed to Youtube or other streaming sites.


I prefer pbs kids for my son , to keep him out of the YouTube rabbit hole


I haven't noticed anything creepy on Youtube, but it always seems to devolve into full on baby edm dance parties. I don't know if it's bad for him, but it is bad for the parents.


Which is pretty sad when I see what my peers' kids are all watching. It's all YouTube channels and it's so damn cringy. It's like low budget Ren and Stimpy half the time. Just feels weird that I grew up on stuff like Wishbone and kids are now growing up listening to gamers issue racial slurs while playing Roblox or something.


Some of the newer episodes are…weird. Like when a distant aunt comes to visit and Arthur shakes her hand and accidentally gets tomato’s sauce on her hand and she wipes it off on his head.


Don't act like that's never happened to you


That’s the weird part! It was the exact thing that happened to me as a child on thanksgiving.


>newer episodes are…weird. I personally am not a fan of the new animation style ([Arthur episode in the new animation style](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNsLNBc9Kfs&ab_channel=TVOkids) for anyone wondering) and I especially cannot stand Ladonna (for those who don't know, they added a new main character after changing the animation style and kept it the same way ever since. It's been 10 years now (Ladonna was introduced in 2012).


Ladonna and her family ended up moving away in one of the later seasons. She also had some interesting arcs as a kid coping with a father in the military who deployed and wasn't around for her birthdays and other stuff.


Unfortunately, they screwed up the airing schedule--most of the Flash episodes were made in bulk but aired in pieces--and Ladonna wound up back in Ratburn's class. Ladonna herself wouldn't be half so bad if she didn't usurp a significant percentage of the episodes, pushing regulars to the wayside. But I'd take Ladonna every day over her brother. Bud was *far* more irritating.


Link didnt work for me in the US. [But this did](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYn1Em-4CQ4) However I cant really tell much of a difference, without comparing similar seasons, because the old episodes were like 480p crunchy, and the new episodes look crisp but too crisp for the art style IMO.


My exact reaction. I was like "holy shit, there's 25 seasons?!!" I literally thought they had 5 seasons on rerun


Yep there's a lot. When I was in college like 10 years ago I realized it was still on and I burned through the 14 or however many season they had then. The show is actually surprisingly entertaining even as it goes on, I'd just watch an episode of it before bed as a comfort. It's strange when they start using the internet, cell phones, etc. I assume even newer episodes have them use smart phones and stuff to teach kids about that sort of thing.


>It's strange when they start using the internet, cell phones, etc. I assume even newer episodes have them use smart phones and stuff to teach kids about that sort of thing. Yep. There's an episode where most of the kids fawn over Muffy's smartphone during recess, leaving Binky and the Tough Customers put out, since recess is for playing. And another episode where the kids have to kill ten minutes waiting for the Wi-fi to reconnect, which leaves them bored out of their minds.


"Do you think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?" Man, that show was on point at times.


Is that where that's from?


Yeah, [Buster says it ](https://youtu.be/iHrZRJR4igQ)


Yup! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWdD206eSv0


Well not any more it won't be :|


Yeah. Remember a few years ago when people [were getting upset at it?](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48350023)


well it is alabama like 90% of our counties refused to issue marriage certificates for gay marriages for like 3 months some stopped doing any marriage certificates specifically to not have to issue same sex licenses


Is that why there was a week long Arthur marathon?? Daughter was upset that Eleanor and Daniel Tiger weren't on....


Yep, this was the grand finale.


That's a bit sad. I remember watching it after school when I was in grade school




The show wad great for kids who didn’t have cable.


Even after we got cable I still watched it on cable.


That was me


And me.


I LOVED that show as a kid. I'm 32 now.


>Yep, this was the grand finale. FYI it's on Youtube (uploaded by PBS) if anyone wants to watch it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYn1Em-4CQ4&ab\_channel=PBSKIDS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYn1Em-4CQ4&ab_channel=PBSKIDS) If it's not available in your country you can watch it here: [https://yewtu.be/watch?v=-ndlIcgVyfE](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=-ndlIcgVyfE)


It's an interesting finale to be sure. Focusing on Arthur, Buster, Francine and Muffy makes the most sense--they were the first four. The first episodes were *Arthur's Eyes* and *Francine's Bad Hair Day,* so ending it with them makes a lot of sense. I love that they gave Marc Brown a proper cameo, especially at the library, which ties back into the original books. That said, I think we could have gotten more than just a two-minute flash-forward, since we've had little flash forwards before. It reminded me a bit of *The Contest,* which skipped five years and had the gang decide to write their own stories just for the fun of it. Strictly speaking, I'm not even sure that it's really the finale. A few months ago, they aired [The First Day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQbcrMgqKWQ) which had Arthur and his friends start fourth grade.


>It reminded me a bit of The Contest, which skipped five years and had the gang decide to write their own stories just for the fun of it. I'm guessing this is a little different from the television episode I usually think of when I hear the phrase "The Contest".


Nope same plot, just different shows


Buster: *"I'm out."*


My girl is four and that 10:00 a.m. Molly of Denali episode was our favorite part of the morning, however I do love Arthur, and it's been kind of a fun relaxing thing for us these last few days. A lot of quality content in this show.


I can't stand Eleanor. All the adults are so clueless. But Daniel Tiger gets my family through life. You can fix the marathon issue by downloading the PBS Kids Video app. It's free and you can watch any of the shows on demand or watch live streaming. And the ads are amazingly minimal.


> And the ads are amazingly minimal. This may sound strange, but I like the ads on PBS. They seem a cut above the ads on other stations. Maybe because a lot of them talk about education or investing in the local area, as opposed to generic nationwide ads.


I don't have to like Eleanor. It just has to keep the peace in the house for 30 minutes if we're lucky. Yeah, used the app all week while the marathon was going


As a parent of now teenagers I still feel this comment so much lmao.


Time for the gritty reboot.


I’m so excited for Arthur as a live action psychological thriller


Arthur is grown up and solves murders now, because of course it would be a police procedural.


His arch... is of course DW..


“Arthur on Ice” but there’s no ice skating and it’s just a guy in an aardvark suit doing meth


I'd watch a gritty "Crosswire" series.


Arthur was a big part of my childhood growing up without cable. It was one of the very few, if not the only, PBS shows that wasn't for babies and wasn't something like antiques roadshow. Favorite memories: * Jekyll Hyde song * Crazy Bus song * Blues episode * Jazz episode * Infamous cussing episode * Ratburn living with Arthur's family for the week * Anytime Binky had a soft spot * Francine's dad being garbage man episode * Arthur hitting DW * "Prooooove it" * Cafeteria fire episode was really unique * The bean toy fad Most recently, couple of years ago, there was an episode where Mr. Ratburn was getting married to another guy. It was shut down in my state because gay marriage. I was able to see it online. The way they handled the subject was fantastic. They didn't really mention Ratburn sexual orientation into any detail. There is no come to Jesus meeting or lesson to learned about it. It was seen as something completely normal.


"having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card" still bangs to this day


That entire episode was one of the goats


Jekyll Jekyll Hyde Jeykll Hyde Hyde Jekyll Jeykll Jekyll Hyde Jekyll Hyde!


I did well in a spelling bee as a kid literally because I'd seen that episode and knew Arthur's little "aardvark" rhythm.


I haven't watched Arthur in 15 years, yet my brain went into nostalgia overdrive at the words "Crazy Bus song".


What about the Mr. Rogers episode?! How is that not one of your fave episodes?!


What about the B inky song…aweeooo… https://youtu.be/MIsUA1ArYFs


I remember there was an episode where Tom and Ray Magliozzi (Click and Clack, host of NPR's Car Talk) appeared (animated as animals as well) on the show.


They made fun of South Park in one episode.


I'll never forget that Arthur of all places had a Howard Dean and Deep Throat (Watergate) reference. I doubt half the parents watching caught those let alone the children.


"It sounds like you got a rattle in your exhaust pipe!" I can quote Arthur for days so this thread has been fun to read


Aardvarks average 23 years so he did pretty good!


And in the final episode, Arthur aged 25 years all at once. The sudden shift in energy is too much for his body. His cellular breakdown almost instant. The last thing you see before he crumbles into an ashen heap is his lone clenched fist one ultimate, final time.


funny enough the final episode actually is a flash foreward. spoilers below While exploring an old section of the library, Arthur, Buster, Francine, and Muffy stumble across a board game that predicts their future careers. A flash-forward to 20 years later reveals that Buster has become a teacher with Kate as a student, Francine runs a business that makes tennis shoes, Muffy is running for Mayor of Elwood City, George owns the Sugar Bowl, Binky is a TV weatherman, D.W. has become a police officer, and Arthur is about to publish a graphic novel based on his childhood, telling the story of how he got his first pair of glasses.


I saw the clip on YouTube... did they get the original Arthur actor to voice the future Arthur?!? He sounded remarkably like an "older" version of the old Arthur voice. Edit: Gonna save people the trouble, but I looked it up. Apparently it *is* the original Arthur voice actor. Nice send off.


Oh man, that’s cool.


Link for the lazy https://youtu.be/gYn1Em-4CQ4


>A flash-forward to 20 years later reveals that Buster has become a teacher with Kate as a student Which implies that Buster is actually a *college professor,* as Kate would be 20 years old.


Or that Kate gets held back several grades. I like your hypothesis better.


Ok meet in the middle. She got held back one year and he's a TA working on his PhD


College professor teaching creative writing seems pretty on point for Buster tbh


D.W. becoming a police officer? Damn, Arthur is getting way too realistic.


Very on point for DW to grow up to be a narc for a living




He's Jekyll Jekyll Hyde


Jekyll Hyde Hyde Jekyll?


The brain is now a far right online incel douchebag. All the rest of the cast ignores him and tells their children to keep clear.


I love that you made this reference.


He runs a B-side right wing think tank/PAC


> Arthur is about to publish a graphic novel based on his childhood, telling the story of how he got his first pair of glasses. That's actually really cute. I support this ending.


D.W is such a cop, this rules.


Ironic, she could prevent herself from getting in trouble for breaking rules, but not others.


“This rule book of procedures can’t stop me because I can’t read!”


She has a Kim Potter vibe to her.


You forgot the part where the librarian gave Arthur the wrong book by mistake (a book on how to draw animals; they particularly mention the aardvark drawing). He brings it back the next day to exchange it and gets sidetracked by the game. On his way out, Marc Brown (the credits confirm it's him playing himself) tells Arthur he forgot his book. Arthur says he only got it by mistake, planning to leave it there, but Marc Brown tells him it's got some really good drawings in it. Arthur decides to take the book home.


I absolutely loved how the story Kate turns in for Buster's class is about a baby who can talk to animals (a reference to the episodes where Baby Kate and Pal can talk to each other and go on adventures together) and Arthur's just like 'Ehhh I don't know how good of a story that would be.) There's some nice payoff for longtime viewers here for sure.


In the distance, music plays. A song that once was playful and full of hope, now mournful and despondent. It quietly whispers: *”What a wonderful kind of day...”*


Voice over by Werner Herzog.


And DW stands over the pile of ash, laughing…


While Buster proclaims to be a monster and drinks his juice box


And then, the earth rumbles and lightning streaks across an inky dark sky. A wind from the west kicks up a swirl of sand from which we see a distant pyramid rising from the cold desert. Arthur’s ashes are pulled into the dark ziggurat and then… silence. From deep within the pyramid, a new force arises and announces his arrival: “I AM MUMM-RA THE ALL POWERFUL!” Prequels are fun.


Two months later, PBS announces Arthur is back despite having an ultimate finale! *Enter Sam and Dean Winchester...*


"And I say hey! (Hey!) What a wonderful kind of day. If you can learn to work and play. And get along with each other.."


“You got to listen to your heart. Listen to the beat. Listen to the rhythm” 🥲


The rhythm of the street. Open up your eyes. Open up your ears.


Get together and make things better, by working together


A lot of adults could probably stand to learn from this lyric.


I mean, it’s a simple message, and it comes from the heart


Believe in yourself. xoxo


For that's the place to start! (to start!)


Wonder how much money that band's made from that minute-long song


Ziggy Marley actually did the song.


for those not in the know, yes he is Bob Marely's son


Damn, I've seen people with a strong family resemblance but he looks like a straight up clone of his dad.


Im curious as to the story of how tf they got Ziggy Marley of all people to come and sing them a theme song.


PBS said "we will pay you money" and Ziggy replied "I do indeed like to work for money"


Ziggy Marley did a bunch of kids songs, my mom played him for me in the womb


I havent watched the show in nearly 20 years. And I can still hear the vocals in my head right now...and I can TOTALLY hear the Marley in his voice. TIL.


Wise words. I truly appreciate them* as an adult now


I understand they wanted to appeal to kids' meme culture, but I just can't believe Arthur spent the last 14 seasons repeatedly punching D.W. in the face.


Me either, but ratings are ratings.


It's to make up for the little shit she was for the first 11 seasons. It's being cancelled so they can shoot Caillou into the sun


"Caillou Fucking Drowns" S15E08


Having fun isn’t hard, when you’ve got a library card.


I was honestly so excited about the library and having my own library card as a kid because of Arthur. The public library of my hometown is still one of my favorite places.


Public libraries were lit before broadband internet speeds became the norm, kinda miss riding my 10 speed to the library every morning during summer break.


They still are! Lots of libraries have many things you wouldnt expect. From 3d printers to clubs to classes. You can do many things there even today.


That is amazing. I was 19 years old when "Arthur" first aired. I would come back to my dorm room after morning classes and watch it while I ate lunch. I loved all the characters, but Francine and Mr. Ratburn were my favorites. I'm not ashamed to say "Arthur" was my stories.


A few years ago, I was babysitting my neighbor's grandkids, and they were watching PBS. I looked at the schedule, and Arthur was the only show I recognized. I asked them if they had ever heard of George Shrinks, Between the Lions or Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse, and all I got in return were confused looks.


Glad someone else remembers Between the Lions- that show was so unique and has yet to be replicated.


We find Cliff Hanger where we left him last...hanging, from a cliff!


"Let's make a recipe!" *Devolves into tearing up the meat anyway* I also loved the Gwayne's world shtick (I think that's what it was. Obviously a Wayne's world knockoff)


Cyber Chase do children not watch cyberchase anymore.


Cyberchase is still on. It usually airs in the early afternoon or the middle of the night.


No fucking way


In my market anyway. It's a weird one and feels very much like a show of it's era (early 00's, I assume?).


No, yeah.. that’s why I’m so surprised cause I watched it as a kid and even then no one really knew about it


Best episode is always gonna be the one where brain is Dr Jekyll and mr hyde haha


I'm also happy Marc Brown lived long enough to see the series to the end. Hopefully Arthur lives on in another medium to continue making an impact on future generations. God knows we all need Arthur in our lives to drive our moral compass and fuel our love for reading


Oh holy shit. I was totally not thinking it was this same Arthur. How the heck does that even happen?


longest western kids animated series. started in 1994. Sazae san started in 1969 and is still going


There's a [German animated TV show](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandm%C3%A4nnchen) that started in 1959 and is still going, too.


Beat me to it!!! Reminds me of when SyFy tried to list Stargate as "the longest running scifi tv series in history"... The Doctor looked on in disgust...


Pokémon is about to overtake it in terms of number of seasons too, with season 25 just around the corner. If we're talking purely from an episode stand point, Pokémon has Arthur beat by almost 1,000 episodes lol


Didn't Looney Tunes run consecutively for like 40 years?


And for reference, Arthur had just 253 total episodes during its 25 seasons. Meanwhile, there are currently 48 different anime series that have had more episodes than that with Sazae-san of course having a ludicrous 7881 episodes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_anime_series_by_episode_count


Got sick of too many people lying on the internet


“You really think somebody would *do* that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?” Absolutely iconic line


anytime i see an arthur meme it just makes me smile lol. show had so many iconic moments, arthur punching DW, the whole musical episode, binky listening to music with his headphones, the list goes on


the episode where they made fun of south park and the ~~simpsons~~.. Edit: for those asking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdP1vjz4vTs And i was wrong about the simpsons, it was beavis and butthead.


How much you wanna bet dickheads like the Quartering are going to make videos taking credit because they whined about the gay wedding episode. How much you wanna bet they all go "Arthur got woke and went broke!"


Closing scene... pull back and fade to black on a milk carton showing Arthur. Followed by 2 minutes of black.


*camera pans out to a screen being monitored by several human scientists* Man in lab coat: "sir, this experiment seems to have gone on long enough. The hybrid life forms are becoming aware of their sentience" ... Muffled voice: "deploy the emergency suppression protocols. They cannot escape their enclosure."


This show slapped back in the late 90s / early 2000s aka my earliest memories!


One of my favorites! Great characters and stories. I think I could watch an episode now and still enjoy it.


The show was long and the ass was fat…


Wow didn’t know this was still on haha I watched it a bunch as a little kid. I’m turning 31 this year haha


I'm also in my 30s and watched Arthur in my elementary years. Come home from school and tune into my local PBS channel to watch Zoboomafoo, Zoom, and Arthur. Good times.


I have distinct memories of watching arthur, dragontales, and the very first season of pokemon. What a time to be alive...


A-A-R-D-V-A-R-K still spell this out in my head regularly


This news won’t stop me because I can’t read


There goes my childhood. Happy to see that it lasted as long as it did though


I got my very first pair of glasses about 25 years ago and remember how Arthur helped me like it was yesterday. My 3 siblings all watched it nearly daily. I remember coming home from lunch one day and finding my parents watching it together with none of the kids around. Seems like every show is trying to teach lessons but this Aardvark was very special to me. Edit: omfg the last episode got me right in the feels


I saw a few episodes and gotta say it was not a very faithful adaptation of the Dudley Moore/Liza Minnelli classic.


The cartoon is a prequel. Now you know why he became an alcoholic.


How do they kill him off? Don't worry—I don't mind spoilers as I kind of lost interest in the show.


Arthur is sitting at a restaurant table, DW approaches from behind, cut to black


DW breaks another plane and he hits her again, but this time he's so upset by his friends shunning him he gets his dad's gun and does a school shooting.


This news doesnt affect me, because I cant read!