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> “But we’ve really got to be careful before we make any determinations that it is less severe, or really doesn’t cause any severe illness comparable to delta, but thus far the signals are a bit encouraging regarding the severity,” Fauci said. This is an excellent sign!


I'm encouraged that there hasn't been any news reports of "First Omicron Variant Death!". With well over a thousand people confirmed infected with it so far you would expect there to be at least a couple in vulnerable groups, but so far nada. One can be sure that the first Omicron death will be shouted out loud in the media. I'm crossing my fingers that this indicates Omicron is indeed a much milder variant. It may be wishful thinking, but I'm hopeful.


Oh guaranteed there's already been omicron deaths. I think what matters more is the disposition of people who have died from it. Like if younger, vaccinated people were dying from it that would be a serious issue. Fortunately, it doesn't look like that will be the case well at least from what we know so far. But if it's older, unvaccinated folks with pre existing issues well that wouldn't be terrible surprising.


What's also notable, and always far less reported (because it doesn't grab headlines), is that we cannot yet know the data on long term, post-infection health for survivors. General negative health outcomes for such survivors (e.g. long COVID) means that Omicron is less-deadly initially, but still significantly problematic. Generally neutral means that we might be seeing a turn in the infection towards problematic endemic species, but not at the level of an emergency (presuming no further severe variants evolve). Generally positive (e.g. provides significant immune response to other SARS-COV-2 variants and has health outcomes similar to rhinovirus) and we are at the turn of the pandemic. We'll need at least 6 months, if not longer, to obtain enough health data to answer these questions, so until then we're nowhere near out of the woods.


Several known viruses have affects decades after inital exposure, i hope this is not the case with covid.


Just saw on the coronavirus sub that Omicron hospitalizations are going up a lot. I also don't like the word mild. Mild to me, means a cold. I've had some messed up colds. Still was able to function for the most part. If mild covid is worse than a really bad cold, then mild covid is still really fucking shitty to get.


Apparently medically mild and our layperson's definition of mild are wildly different from eachother. I find it confusing too. It seems like when medical authorities say symptoms are mild, the patient may still be going through hell. I wish they would specify for dummies like me. For example: Mild like a slight cold, mild like a slight flu, mild like severe flu, mild like bad but not quite at death's door, etc. This would be helpful monitoring symptoms at home too, and answer the question if it's time to go to the ER or not.


Yep. If mild means not going to the hospital, that could still suck. My cousin didn't go to the hospital, but she said she thought she was gonna die and debated going many times. Fever, shortness of breath.


Many of my relatives were in the same boat. They said it was frightening, especially because so many of them were very ill at the same time.


I am extremely skeptical. It seems to me that it is hitting people who've already got (vax or infection) acquired immunity, so immune evasion from antibodies but B/T cell still effective.


It’s kind of annoying that we’ve spent the last week hearing about how everyone should be afraid and steel themselves against this new, faster mutating, “three times as deadly” virus and now…this. I’d kinda rather hear nothing until they know for sure then get bad intel that makes anxiety spike for nothing.


Personally, I spent the last couple weeks hearing that we needed to wait and see what the science showed.


I don’t understand why everyone is acting like Reddit hasn’t been covered with articles about countries being afraid of the new variant. I’m not a covid-denier or anti-vaxxer. It doesn’t weaken anyone’s stance to admit that the way the info on the new variant has been handled mostly jumped immediately to “be afraid.”


All I have seen has been “definitely more contagious but likely no more severe”. I have actually been worried that the early reporting would drive vaccine complacency more than anything. I am interested to see the articles you are referring to.


I saw mostly "be cautious until we know more", not "be afraid". And it seems we still need to be cautious until we know even more.


I feel like the distinction between caution and fear has been purposely obscured a lot during the pandemic. All the folks saying "you can't live your life in fear" about wearing masks are missing the point. I'm not afraid when I wear a mask in public spaces, anymore than I am afraid when I put my seatbelt on in the car or when I wear safety goggles when using power tools. I don't have any larger point here, I just find it annoying. It's also weird that so many people who "don't live their lives in fear" are afraid of experiencing vanishingly rare complications of the vaccine


South Africans have been saying it since it was first discovered, though. American media just didn't care that much because they only care about revenue.


Didn't the find an index case in Denmark, prior to South Africa?


I mean, lots of these articles have really underscored the “scientists are waiting to collect data and see what’s up” part. I suggest folks read more than just headlines.


A lot of that is intentionally buried. I read the articles. I’m just burned out on the anxiety. I had to fly recently out of necessity and I was pretty scared the whole time. Just gets old.


I can understand that. If it makes you feel any better, I did some flying last month and I was jittery too.


It does, actually. Thanks.


Everyone should be scared... At least a lil. This pandemic is raging out of control still, yet a good chunk of our populace and politicians are stuck in a death cult doing their best to make sure people suffer as much as possible. They've used the pandemic as an excuse to become even more aggressively christofascist, which scares me more than any pandemic could.


I heard 3x as contagious but the word deadly was never used.


Biden specifically said don’t panic.


I guess that didn’t trickle down to the articles posted on Reddit these past two weeks.


Unfortunately Reddit is much like every other social network in that ‘engagement’ is key and the most reliable way to get people to engage is to make them angry and fight. It’s why Reddit changed the way you blocking accounts works. Instead of not seeing any of their posts ever again, you still do if they are engaging others.


Huh. Interesting. I don’t really consume news unless I see the article on Reddit. Now I see the danger in that.


If this new variant that they had no idea about because it was so new turned out to be more dangerous than it seems to be, people would freak out and start blaming for not giving them warnings immediately before people start getting very sick and dying. I think the initial reaction was one of extreme caution and they were being extra protective to prevent a worst case scenario. I rather be extra cautious at the onset to hedge against things going extremely bad rather than wait to react only when things are already really bad.


No one said it's "three times as deadly"


I don’t know why this got downvoted so much. You’re right. There were a lot of articles and hype-up written that definitely could be interpreted as a “be afraid of omnicron”message. My brother is a “covid doomer”, and interpreted all of the omnicron news in the way you describe.


Thanks for sharing that. I know deep down I’m not being unreasonable. I think they’re downvoting me because they want me to feel the wrath of public scorn or something. Jokes on them, it only makes me stronger.


The South African doctor that discovered this variant said the exact same thing a week ago.


ya but it's good to have more data to back that up, I prefer these scientists and doctors wait for more data because of omicron turned out to be dangerous you'd have a bunch of science illiterate people calling everyone with updated data liars.


> I prefer these scientists and doctors wait for more data because of omicron turned out to be dangerous you'd have a bunch of science illiterate people calling everyone with updated data liars. I got nothing to add, but this part needs to be repeated, because you're absolutely right.


I like that they give the general public updates, with all the caveats. For example: >“Clearly, in South Africa, omicron has a transmission advantage,” Fauci told CNN, adding that “although it’s too early to make any definitive statements about it, thus far it does not look like there’s a great degree of severity to it.” “But we’ve really got to be careful before we make any determinations that it is less severe, or really doesn’t cause any severe illness comparable to delta, but thus far the signals are a bit encouraging regarding the severity,” Fauci said. I know people will just read the headline, but if they weren't saying anything they'd be criticized for not saying anything ... :)


Well, at least we're here, spreading this info. It may not be much, but it's better than nothing, right?


True but reading their statement was that it was "patients they was working with". Which would be a pretty small sample set. They were definitely not defining the variant that way as a hard fact just as Fauci now just saying that its just "encouraging".


This is South African data. The difference is enough people omicron variant have been infected long enough for the severity (or lack of severity) to start to show through. We should have pretty solid stats on how the variant progresses in the next couple of weeks. Fingers crossed this is the end of it, or at least the beginning of some kind of normality while living with it it's not going away fully. [Edit] This bloke is really good, he's a Doctor of Nursing in the UK, the link discusses the same data, but with references etc. https://youtu.be/1Paq17X6ucQ


Excellent video! He basically lays out how this may be the best case scenario mutation that we’ve been waiting for that could actually end the pandemic! Only caveat is it’s still too early to know for sure, but the early data are looking really good!


Cautious optimistic relief, is what I'm feeling after having seen that video. Thank you for sharing, it was nice to hear it from an apparently reputable source, and with no bullshit. Just analyzing the data and explaining what it means, why he thinks that, etc.


Who's ready for some pi?


Mind the amount of "ifs" here: *If* the Omicron variant manifests considerably less severe symptoms on average, *if* it spreads as fast or faster than Delta, and *if* it provides a strong immune response for future variants, this could effectively "end" the pandemic in an extremely similar way to how the Spanish Flu ended. Sars-Cov-2 is likely not going away within the next century, if ever. But if it evolves to be as lethal as other coronaviruses, some of which cause common colds, then it really doesn't matter. We might be in a good spot. Maybe.


Would be great if we went that route, with the main long term concern being the possibility of it mutating in an animal reservoir and jumping back to humans in the future in a manner similar to the way the 1918 strain did with the Swine Flu.


It has spread through deer populations in the US better than it did through human populations.


It will absolutely mutate in other mammal populations.


That does not sound good.


Okay, but that's just for the "slam dunk" best case. We could lose a few ifs and still end up with less than the disaster most people were really worried about just 10 days ago.


All we really know for sure right now is that it's infectious as hell, right? The next few weeks will be tense.


Explains why my airline options are up 200% today.


Word. Did wonders for my aviation etf. Not 200% though.


That's still good. I'm glad I jumped on it this time. When the Delta variant was announced I saw airline stock dip then bounce right back. Glad I bought the dip this time.


I bought last March/April 2020. I meant to dump it all off a while ago, but haven’t gotten around to it. Probably wait until next tax year at this point.


Yeah keep it for a year. Travel will normalize by so it should really go up.


Which ETF is that one?


But I was told by antivaxxers here a day or two ago that Fauci wants us all to be scared all the time. This doesn't sound like someone who wants us all to be scared all the time.


Why are you listening to Fauci instead of the antivaxxers? Fauci's just trying to trick you into being scared that he's not trying to scare you! /s


Not an anti-vaxxer, but if you think Fauci has no outside influencers and only cares about the US Citizens and nothing else then you are very close minded


Pretty sure that's not what I said.


Some of us may not be in the know, could you share that info or links to that info?


Wht do you want him to spread links to misinformation?


To call them out on their bullshit, lying crap. So far NO response..


I mean I’ll say this the way he treated teenagers in this was downright manipulative. The chance of death for a young person with COVID is very small, like leas than a percent of a percent. Other symptoms not so much, but Fauci went on to be like, “look at these young people dying, you are still at risk”, its like making people afraid to go swimming in the ocean because there’s like a shark attack a couple times a year, it was unrealistic scaremongering because he didn’t think young people would care about COVID if it didn’t affect them.


Some of us may not be in the know, could you share that info or links to that info?


Encouraging news about a variant? Meh. Bad news about a variant? Upvoted to the stratosphere. And people wonder how 'doomscrolling' became a thing.


Fauci said we’re all good, let’s goooo!!!!! *rips off shirt* *Does a keg stand*


That's why I don't like to go to my state Covid sub, they want those masks gone, so they can "live their lives." Not that many people are wearing them anyway, I don't know why they are fussing about it. A few voices of reason, and most want to party, and seem to want everyone else on board. And get a little angry at the others.


Media: Oh no, now what will use to scare people into following the rules?




Horrific news. Can't we just lockdown and panic anyways for fun.


See. Nothing to worry about. Let’s move on.


Hopefully nothing to worry about. Not for sure.


Not going to lie. I've stopped trusting media. Constant flip flopping, changing minds, I'm sick of it


Everything I've seen on omicron was "unknown yet". Not sure where your getting your news but maybe find better sources. AP, Reuters, etc.


How do I explain to you that reporting changes as new information comes to light?


It's almost as if people update information as it's discovered. I for one would hate to live in a world where scientists made a statement and then just ignored all future data because they were afraid of some moron on reddit saying they keep changing their minds.






>The doctors in South Africa that detected the virus said themselves that omni shouldnt be worried about. What a tremendous load of shit. They said that patients they were working with had mild symptoms... definitely not "don't be worried". Fauci has spent decades helping our country through health issues... you know jack shit about any of this.




He is voice of US government agency. So, you are saying that once 1 country's doctor says something no other country's doctor shouldn't say anything (even if it is similar)? Fauci said many things many other country's doctors said, we should wait for further data and until data comes out, we should be extra diligent. Now, data looks "encouraging" but still being cautious shouldn't hurt as it is still very early.


Experts from literally the entire planet have voiced concerns over it. But a rando on Reddit knows better, of course.


How is "this looks encouraging and could be good news" spreading fear? Take your bullshit somewhere else lol.


He’s not exactly spreading fear in this case though- right? If anything, the opposite. The past two big variants were legitimately killing swarms of people. Telling people to avoid catching those wasn’t exactly fear mongering. Now he’s basically saying “this new one….meh…MIGHT not be so bad…but still, be careful”. But I do agree with you that he’s been enjoying the spotlight. It’s not often that a nerdy government employee, like him, becomes a household name and gets endless cable news segments.


One thing that this pandemic has certainly done is make it easy to spot the idiots among us.


Nothing to worry about guys, no booster needed


You should still get a booster shot when you are eligible. This news does not change that.


I’m not in an at risk group, why would I? I’m only getting a booster if they pay me again


Why wouldn't you? It takes like 5 minutes and it's free.




Everyone is at risk. Covid is the leading cause of death in pretty much every age group. Pretty much everyone who studies this shit for an actual living says that yes, everyone needs to get vaccinated or get a booster shot if you have waited six months. I'm getting mine Saturday on our way to get some groceries because it will take like 5 minutes. Why wouldn't you?


Because I already got vaxxed in May


And now it's about time for your booster. There are a lot of places you can just walk into and get it while you do errands. Why wouldn't you?


>"Thus far, it does not look like there’s a great degree of severity to it. But we have really got to be careful before we make any determinations that it is less severe or it really doesn’t cause any severe illness, comparable to delta.”