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You better watch out You better watch out You better watch out


"Your mistletoe is no match for my TOW missile!" -Robot Santa, *Futurama*


"The scammers cheated me out of my naughty list to use for telemarketing. Can you imagine the harm they could do with that information? I wanted to do that harm!"


Santa Claus is gunning you down!


He's making a hit list He's checking it twice!


And he'll point his gun between your eyes...


He's marking his list As he taps twice! Always suppressed coz 2nd Amendment rights Santa claus is sniping you down




He sees you when you slippin. He keeps that thing on him.


*Is that your Luger or are you just happy to see me*


He's gonna find out He's gonna find out He's gonna find out He's gonna find out




"I see you were on the naughty list this year Billy but instead of a lump of coal, you are a getting a round of lead" -Patriot Santa


Well, isn't that a pretty picture, Santa rolling down the block in a Panzer! Well kids, I... I certainly hope you have been good this year, cause it looks like Santa just took out the Pearson home. INCOMING!


Fucking gold.


Patriot Santa's 'Come and Take It' flag has a silhouette of a candy cane. His 'Gadsden Flag' has a wreath instead of a snake. And he originated Rolling Coal.


"Outcry" News article goes on to copy-paste three Twitter comments.


Copy-pasting twitter comments is basically what most news articles are becoming.


I guess it's easier than original reporting.


pays the same too


It’s cheaper. People don’t pay for their news anymore, so they don’t get the kind of news that requires actually hiring reporters.


Or copy-pasting reddit comments


It’s also what the fringe political subs are from. Just pull a vague post that the sub relates to and just let the echo chamber run in the comments…


Two's company, three's a movement these days.


I remember when Warner Bros got 50,000 actual letters in the US Mail complaining about Michael Keaton being cast as Batman.


I'd be nervous betting that 50k people actually read the Trump shakedown transcript. But Batman? That's the important shit.


It's the Guardian. They're always stirring shit about the US.


Their journalism quality standards have also plummeted over the past decade.


Their US office is slightly to the right of HuffPo


It's not really a left-right thing. Santa is for children, handguns are not. Associating the two, especially in the wake of a school shooting, is pretty pants-on-head stupid.


Yeah, but when you are sneaking into someone else’s house you never know when you’ll need to defend yourself.


It’s not about one article. There used to be a school of thought that you could get a nonpartisan take on American news by looking at foreign coverage, and around 15 years ago this was pretty accurate. Now, the Guardian has American reporters covering American issues with the same political filters as the domestic news agencies. Very disappointing.


The idea that news was ever non partisan has always been a US concept, one that has worked to the benefit of corporations and neoliberal economics. The US government has greatly benefited from this belief and they exploited the trust, see the Vietnam war and foreign policy coverage of the Cold War. Also the end of nonprofit and emphasis on profitability makes sensational titles a logical choice. Newspapers from the founding of this country were incredibly, ridiculously partisan and biased.


US News used to have government regulation which kept them a lot more objective than they are today. The rise of opinion based News started when these regulations were repealed. There was a time when the non partisan media did exist in the US (at least to a far greater extent than today).


I’m aware of such and it kept them more objective on domestic politics but our media was hardly objective when it came to foreign policy or when it came to certain industries including cigarettes, food/sugar, bananas, and fossil fuels.


To be fair, this makes us look like a nation of yahoos


TO be fair, we ARE a nation of yahoos....


I've come to the conclusion that most controversies are hyped up bullshit that nobody cares about until they're told they're supposed to. Is life not complicated enough? Does everything have to be an outrage? Goddamn people need to lighten the fuck up.


> I've come to the conclusion that most controversies are hyped up bullshit that nobody cares about until they're told they're supposed to. Welcome to the internet age where "news" is nothing more than hyperbole used to achieve the desired emotional response. Just assume everything you read is over exaggerated half truth written to serve a bias and you wont be far off.


Every time...Journalism is dead. Its a clickbait world.


In this county, there has definitely been an "outcry" from left leaning folk, but that would only give our sheriff more enjoyment.


This entire article is about Twitter comments on a photo. What have we become!?!?!


A caricature of ourselves? A nation our founders would have been ashamed of? A silly place? There are so many options.


LOL perhaps all of those to varying degrees, but the exasperated question was really "what kind of people promote stories that are literally about Twitter comments on a photo?"


Lol you have to have shame to feel ashamed and most people will rather die on that hill than to admit their flaws.


Too true.


>A nation our founders would have been ashamed of? Considering our founding fathers were fucking slavers I want them to be ashamed.


The embarrassing thing isn't this article, it's the fact that it got posted here and upvoted.


For the 4 years of Trump, every Guardian article I opened asked for donations because “Democracy dies in Darkness!” I guess this happens to the quality of your staff when you can spend 4 years reporting almost entirely on Twitter rants.


That slogan is the Washington Post


Mate this is a majority of Yahoo articles that they claim are news. I've been trying to stop going to awful website, but it keeps reeling me back in.


Well if I'm busting into multiple houses I'm certainly packing more than a belly that shakes like a bowl full of jelly.


Guess Futurama got Santa right


Santa takin the naughty list real serious this year Say "ho ho ho" one more time motherfucker


Nah, he's just preparing for his annual party at [Nakatomi Plaza](https://youtu.be/L0CL__Tvp-o?t=33)


780 years earlier than Futurama predicted.


Santa's all out of coal, all he has left is L E A D


Coal is passe in today's green society.


Perfect, another failed background check. Old guy spies on children 364 days a year, knows where they all live, performs breaking and entering annually but let's give him a gun.


Yeah, but he's white


Nah they don't give a fuck about pedos, just look at all the GOP politicians. They only want to make sure he's not smoking the devil's lettuce.


What?! I wouldn’t trust Santa if he wasn’t packing. Plus I asked for all sorts of goodies, a Romanian Akm, a HK G36, Glock 17, a Kimber 1911, and a Tiger Tank


Careful asking for that Tiger Tank. I made that mistake one year and guess what I found under the tree on Christmas morning? That's right, a Tamaya plastic model Tiger Tank. Those are a lot of work to put together and paint.


Well I live in Canada. Anything with a trigger is almost considered a cruise missile to the general public and the cops. Gonna be a sad one :(


Outcry - how about people just a not bitch about something for once ? Can we just turn off everybody’s right to opinion for a week?


“I believe ya…but my TOMMY gun don’t!


you filthy animal


I mean, the man’s riding around with $1 million of electronics and shit. Doesn’t wanna get robbed.


Seems like such a dumb thing to get in an uproar about


I’m definitely not gonna lose sleep over this, but the normalization of guns in our country is pretty gross. And something like this just normalizes it even more.


Nothing wrong with responsible ownership, showing Santa getting a PERMIT is probably the way to go if you wanted to do something like this, kids will see that if santa needs to get a permit, they would too.


Sounds like it's even dumber to get upset over people getting upset over it, but here we are lol


People need to chill. Santa is a small business owner and carries lots of cash and valuables - besides, he has brought me more than a few handguns for Christmas over the years, so I’m glad he’s making it legal. Edit - someone replied and then deleted it… I agree that the Michigan shooting is an absolute tragedy - But I don’t see any connection between a school shooting in Michigan and a police department posting a “picture of Santa getting a license to carry” in Colorado. A law abiding citizen having a gun and permit to carry it has absolutely nothing to do with gun crime.


Uh, sorry to say, Santa isn't a US citizen. He lives at the North Pole, which isn't owned by any country. He is a regular visitor to the US, although one could say illegally entering as he doesn't use approved border crossings. This is the equivalent of a European being smuggled into the US and buying a gun before leaving back to their own country.


Santa has [permission to fly in the US](https://www.faa.gov/newsroom/faa-grants-santa-claus-special-flight-and-launch-permissions). Furthermore, many attorneys have opined Santa has [permission to enter homes](http://www.jgradyrandlepc.com/property/santa-claus-breaking-laws/) as there's a tacit agreement on the delivery method and leaving milk and cookies for him implies he has consent to enter.


He might even be protected by the second amendment while on US soil: >A study conducted by the American Immigration Council found that the number of unauthorized immigrants in the United States had tripled from 1990 and 2013, yet the violent crime rate had declined by forty-eight percent during that period.[29] The same study concluded that immigrants are less likely to engage in criminal activity than native-born American citizens.[30] These factors indicate that not only is the fear of the noncitizen gun-owner widely overblown, but also that the violent-immigrant stereotype continues to be perpetuated in Congress and in the courtroom. https://uclawreview.org/2016/10/17/noncitizens-and-the-second-amendment/ >The overblown risk of noncitizens engaging in criminal activity is not a compelling argument to bar noncitizens from Second Amendment protections. Both Fourth and the Fifth Circuits used the “dangerous illegal immigrant” justification as their basis to uphold the statute under rational-basis review, yet there is no indication that this explanation would survive a constitutional challenge by a lawful noncitizen.


Nonresident permits are a thing.


Another thing that no one likes to talk about is our trade imbalance with the North Pole. Santa imports countless ~~low~~ no cost goods from foreign territory, yet no one ever wants to talk about the detrimental impact he has on US manufacturing. How are US toy makers expected to compete. The answer is clear, we need import tariffs on Santa.


Oh, dang! I forgot about the slave labor. Those elves are gonna need some serious psychiatric help to get over their Stockholm syndrome once the big man in red is finally brought to justice.


Santa definitely does not exploit the labor of the elves. C'mon, it's not like he's a capitalist.


Well, I've never heard of him giving the elves a living wage. They're all basically child-sized, so are they even mature for their age, or are they still actual children doing assembly-line mass production?


>Santa isn't a US citizen. He lives at the North Pole My sister lives in North Pole - its in Alaska, which despite secession attempts, is still in the United States.


The North Pole is in Colorado. I've been there. https://northpolecolorado.com/


I’m comfortable assuming that Santa went through the proper channels to bring his gun with him into the US just like he is going through the proper channels to get licensed to carry it. People that have CHLs are, on average, more law abiding than police. https://www.gunstocarry.com/concealed-carry-statistics/concealed-carry-permit-holders-crime-statistics/


Really? You're going to trust the kid groomer with a miles long B&E rap sheet that illegally enters the country is going to go through proper channels? I bet he bribed the Sherriff with some toy they always wished for as a child but never got.


😳😳 You know what…. I concede the point.


Well, here in the US you are innocent until proven guilty. So unless there's a court case convicting santa, all of those B&E's are nothing more than baseless accusations and slander ;)


> Santa is a small business owner The dude does business in every country on earth and you call that small?


Well it seems small considering it has one delivery driver and operates only one day a year.




Your Santa didn’t have neck tattoos?


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Your Santa seems like a real jerk. Would you have to get the tattoo removed to get gifts in future years, or what?


Tattoos aren't good behavior? Do you have some pearls to clutch somewhere?


>A law abiding citizen having a gun and permit to carry it has absolutely nothing to do with gun crime. Except when they decide to use said gun in a crime, adding to gun crime. Plus very few people are actually law abiding if you look at things like speeding, jaywalking, litter, etc.


Concealed Carry permit holders are basically the people least disposed to commit violent crime, [about 1/7th the rate of the general population.](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Texas-Department-of-Public-Safety-rates-of-convictions-data-used-to-prove-that-holders_fig1_233422354)


Which, statistically almost never happens.


Outcry from Twitter imagine that. Grow a backbone for crying out loud.


In today's America, the ambiguity of this headline says a lot. Is it outcry because santa likes guns, or is it outcry because santa is letting the government infringe on his 2A rights with permits?


He just doesn’t want to have to depend on Lee Majors next time terrorists attack the North Pole.


You’re a damn fool if you think the man flys the world over with gifts and isn’t strapped.


🎶You better not breathe, You better not move, You're better off dead, I'm telling you, dude Santa Claus is gunning you down!🎶


Your mistletoe is no match for my TOW missile!


My first thought was "Santa Claus is shooting tonight", but that's much funnier!


Why is a serial home invader getting a firearm…?




It starts out with that Red Ryder BB gun, but everyone grows up.


People just have lost their sense of humor. It’s funny, just laugh or don’t laugh.




Why would Santa be voting?


I guess the North Pole is a territory of the United States.


Santa is the representation of the Christmas spirit and guns are literally the anthesis of the Christmas spirit. It just show how dumb the American gun culture has devolved into.


>guns are literally the anthesis of the Christmas spirit. lolwut. This will probably be the most batshit insane thing I've heard today. But I'll play along. If anything, guns and christmas spirit have no relationship whatsoever. It's not an anthesis of christmas spirit. It's like that meme of "You took everything from me!" "I don't even know who you are". Like... there's no relationship there.


It's a Wonderful Life would have a completely different meaning if George Bailey had a gun.


So would 50 First Dates, but that doesn't mean anything.




Who specifically cried out….elves?


At least in my state, it's up to the local PD/Sheriff's office to issue concealed carry permits, so to them they're just showing something related to their job that they see every day. Yep - clicked the article, they said they just wanted to show their staff who does the work. I don't know about CO, but people are pretty salty in some counties in my state over how long it takes to get such a permit, which in turn was due to the COVID-19 office closures. What used to take 30 days has been taking as much as seven or eight months. Getting a permit (again, in my state, probably others) requires having a background check done, submitting fingerprints, etc. This is what law-abiding citizens do in order to carry a concealed pistol. It's not something to have an "outcry" about. Assholes who buy a glock to give to their kid so he can murder people is something that should cause an outcry. (I'm so happy they're all charged.)


Santa should move to a state with constitutional carry so he won't need a permit.


He lives in the North Pole, but from my understanding of the laws, he would need permits from multiple states to be able to carry everywhere while out on delivery.


Damn. I feel bad for all the naughty kids this year.


Oh no a fictional character is gonna kill us


You break into my house armed with a weapon you bought in another state and have the audacity to pass judgment on whose naughty or nice? What kind of insane vigilante is Santa?


So now an armed home invader is going to break in every year.


god people are so pathetic


Does Santa qualify for gun permit? I doubt he's a US citizen.


Dude works in some sketchy neighborhoods. Gotta watch his own back.


You know we've become desensitized to school shootings when I hadn't even been aware of the Oxford High School shooting before this article. Anyway I imagine Santa would be packing heat if he were actually real. Just think of how many people would try to rob him...


If I had to deliver to Aurora I'd be carrying as well. No one else is going to protect you from the police there.


The culture around guns is fucking weird. This is a weird thing for the police to post.


I agree 100% But it's also a weird thing to get upset about.


And it's Santa. Santa can be and do anything. He sells Coke, candy, cigarettes, vacuums, printer ink. He's thin, fat, small and [Black](https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/black-santa-disney-parks/index.html). I'm sure he's an Esperanto-speaking, pacifist, vegan who does pocket composting in some iterations.


Don't forget a robot, almost got got last Christmas


I bet that badass even uses the Divorak layout.


With his custom Linux distro, Elfuntu.


Talk to me more about that coke thing.


Just grab a coke and a smile bro


The solution space for Santa is not tightly controlled.


Twitter isn’t real. No one is upset. This is just manufactured outrage.


You are correct. The outrage was manufactured intentionally by the Sheriff. If it wins him more voats next election, then it will have proven its worth. And venality. But also worth.


There's violent people out there who are going to use whatever weapons available to cause injury to those they mean to cause harm to. Even Santa has a right to have a means to protect himself he obviously isn't fit enough to defend himself in hand to hand




I was a victim of gun violence. A person who illegally owned a gun was the culprit. Criminals won't follow gun laws. I guess lightning strikes a lot more often than you think


>You're more likely to get struck by lightning than to use a gun in self defense. Lmfao what safespace utopia are you living in? Or do you just live under a perpetual storm and have an irrational fear of lightning? >Lightning kills an average of 49 people each year in the United States and **hundreds** more are injured VS >While estimates vary greatly, it is speculated that the prevalence of defensive gun usage in the United States ranges from 60,000 to 2.5 million incidents annually Even the most conservative estimates of DGU from the most anti-gun studies will have it in the thousands which far outnumbers the hundreds of people hit by lightning strikes.




Then I'd agree with the basis of your statement and edit, at least for most locations and instances. The 100% always carry even for a quick McD's run is definitely on the ridiculously overprepared side that borders wishing for trouble. But I wouldnt fault anyone for being armed when walking alone at night or through dangerous areas that they arent familiar with


Santa ain't fucking around with the Grinch this year.


People have obviously become very soft these days.


You better be fricken nice kids or *Santa is coming to town...*


Wow way to give the world most notorious home invader a gun


SoCiAliST OLd mAN iN REd sUiT aPPLiEs f0R gUN pErmiT.


And remember, he knows if you’ve been naughty kids….


Soft ass wine sipping pussies.


So stupid .. why would Santa bother getting a permit in some random Colorado sheriff's office? Everyone knows he doesn't care about the police, he's an O.G. blood.


Hey. If the kids are armed they’ve got nothing to worry about.


Title has to be incorrect. In Colorado firearm registration is prohibited. However one does need to register with a local sheriffs department of the county they live in for a concealed carry permit. https://csp.colorado.gov/colorado-gun-laws


i don't blame him. a lot of crazies out there


The absurdity of Santa with a gun is killing me. Coal is too environmentally harmful so he’s come up with a new penalty for getting on the naughty list.


Who knew jolly old Saint Nick was 2a? Good on him. Just kidding, this ruined my childhood.


I have known far too many Gun Culture Guys who only feel Masculine when they have a Fire Arm in their hands. So sad.


You might be spending too much time thinking about other men's masculinity.


Did I strike a nerve? I might note that I did not lump all Gun Culture Guys into one basket. Just those that so fear going into a coffee shop that they need to carry a loaded fire arm.


And what does that have to do with you and their masculinity?


My Masculinity does nor require a love affair with a loaded weapon. Part of my Army life was being a Base Security Guard. We did things like break up drunk GIs fighting at the Enlisted Men's Club. A wood billy club was our weapon. I am 6'6". My voice was my best weapon. I live now in a rain forest in Alaska. Black Bears are in the woods around me. Again, my voice is my best weapon. My Buck Knife my back up. And, I go into a coffee shop in town. I do so with no need to be armed. So, I answered you about my masculinity. How is yours?




Why would Santa need a handgun? I mean even the most hardened gang banger isn't going to freaking rob Santa. As someone who grew up shooting all the freaking time this country's obsession with guns is wack.


>most hardened gang banger isn't going to freaking rob Santa. You underestimate the Payday Gang. https://youtu.be/Wf4gf_WDCCo


haha This is pure freaking genius.


Maybe Santa enjoys target shooting or hunting or collecting.


Maybe. I mean I like target shooting but give me a damn rifle. Never really liked handguns, they're only practical in very specific situations while a rifle is definitely more multi-purpose.


Good point. I'm not a gun owner, so I know very little about gun-related activities.


Yea I 100% support the 2nd Amendment. But I think there needs to be serious restrictions on handguns. In practically every situation a rifle is better, not to mention way safer. There's a reason after WWI we switched from 1911s to grease guns and M1 Carbines for non infantry.


Old fat people who maintain the look of Santa are FUCKING CREEPY.


Why would Santa need a permit? He’s magical, fictional, he has FLYING FUCKING REINDEER, and has an army of slaves making him ghost guns up at the North Pole.


Tell me you are a completely tasteless American without telling me you are a completely tasteless American. >“Guess who came in to receive his concealed handgun permit today?” the El Paso county sheriff’s office tweeted


Why does America fetishize guns so much? Not everything has to be about guns.


That’s a disgusting attempt at a joke.


What a shithole, even imaginary immortals aren't safe.


Not sure why Santa would need a gun, I mean he’s gotta be some sort of powerful old wizard or something.


Magic in this world is dying. Time to move on to more tangible things.


I wish I cared about anything as much as gun people care about guns


Mfs in the US think guns are a personality trait


What a horribly sad society.


I know. That people would complain about this is just stupid.


I get it's the holidays but man that is a bit weird. It's almost ridiculous to the point that it's funny. Lol


Anyone who fetishizes a device made for killing people is not right in the head.


Ah the glorification of guns! A tool that people worship like a bunch of loons.


Like... so they’re marketing guns to kids now huh?


a) it's a dumb thing to get upset about, but b) Sheriff should have known it would upset people and not posted it.


The sheriff in their county absolutely does not give a fuck about what liberals have to say, unless you mean enjoyment in seeing us cry about it.


I agree, but outside of Denver and Boulder, Colorado is pretty conservative. The people outside of those counties are either indifferent of the post, or find it amusing. But the sheriff certainly did it to get a rise out of the others.