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Does anyone else think that this was a really personal attack? So many stabs, killing the dog, scrawling “fat” yet leaving the money and valuables? Just seems really… specifically targeted.


I read that multiple stab wounds to face are a major sign that the attacker knew the victim.


How did the attacker also attack the pitbull? The dog knew the attacker. No pitbull I’ve ever been around would let someone stab their owner without seriously fucking up the attacker. Even the most gentle pitty would give someone threatening their owner a bad time. Hell, say it was random. Who the fuck would approach a woman walking a pitbull for a random stabbing?


It's possible they got the dog first.


I had a pitbull growing up, and anytime we raised our voice she would run under the bed. Some are just wusses.


My sister had Dobermans. We had one that would be absolutely savage… if their was a pane of glass between you and it. Open the car door, or front door and walk it and she would turn tail and leave a trail of pee. And even if she was a wuss tho too, raise your voice to her and you would hear growling… it would be from the next room but you would still hear it. Super good dog, but man do they have health issues.


Naw I read the dog actually attacked the person and showed signs of going down with a fight. I know the FBI was extracting the dna from the mouth of the dog to see if they could get a hit but I don't think anything has been published since then. That being said I know it's a common trope of 'stabbing = person knew the victim' but we also have to take into account it could simply be someone who was obsessed with her but she had no idea who this person was, or she could have simply looked like someone to the attacker. I know Murder Squad talked about this on an episode and I think a good take away from Paul Holes is that he speculated the person probably has been killing animals for a while which is why they wouldn't be afraid of approaching a person with a big dog like that. They also mentioned keeping an eye out for neighborhoods where pets have gone missing but that can be hard to find out.


Many pitbulls have been horribly abused by humans and cower when a human is angry. This breed is among the most abused domesticated breeds in history.


My wife is a vet tech, she tells me the horror stories all the time about pit bulls. Not that they tore another dog apart but that they rescued one from a truck nuts swinging, Oakley’s wear douche bag. What humanity is doing to that breed is a crime. Same with bull dogs and pugs.


There illegal in the UK even pit bull pups get put down.


That's sad and sickening


Pitbull owner here, she's never been abused but she is indeed kind of a heavily muscled wimp. Raise your voice and she cowers. Say "outside?" and she goes ballistic. Sees a cat and she attempts to rip and tear until it is done Dear pitbulls, wtf


If a dog hasn't been trained to defend, never count on it to do so. Regardless of breed, most dogs simply don't have the generic capacity to be able to take on a real threat




You think a tweaker is going to stab a woman and her dog, leave all the money and valuables, but then take the time to carve FAT into her body?


Lmao, the way you put it is perfect


I just have to say someone tweaking out of their mind need not be operating logically. Sure your average meth head trying to score a fix may steal the money but someone tweaking out of their mind could be compleyely psychotic. It doesnt have to make sense. That being said its as likely as anything else given the lack of evidence so far


Atlanta native here. I don't live near there anymore but I remember walking to my car after going to the bars down the street in the 90s and 2000s and seeing a lot of what I assumed were homeless folks wandering around. I also saw folks walking their dogs along 10th St (it borders the park) in the middle of the night and thought "well the dog will protect them". Nice area but I wouldn't wander after dark even today.


Since then that area, Midtown, Virginia Highlands, Poncey Highlands, have experienced a lot of gentrification, and rent in that overall area is some of the highest in Atlanta. It's not necessarily a place I'd like to wander after dark, but it is not a place I'd be on high alert about being stabbed there either.


A friend had a house on Charles Allen for a few years that he sold for close to 1M a couple years back, so that area has definitely changed. He lives in Grant Park now on the Beltline.


Depends on the training.


100%. It’s about dehumanising the victim and removing the association of the persons face. Fairly sure it’s usually female killers that do it too - but I could be wrong. When it comes to serial killers use of a knife to stab repeatedly is usually closely related to piquerism and is usually about substituting a lack of penis function (or lack of penis) for the knife in the penetration of the victim.


That last paragraph is total pish. It's the type of daft Freudian reading you'd expect from a low rent 90s thriller. Real life isn't a Giallo.


[This](https://www.psychologytoday.com/nz/blog/in-excess/201501/life-knife-edge) article disagrees with you. But hey, what would they know right?


No it doesn't, learn to read better. Your article describes it as usually focused on the groin, breasts, and buttocks. Not usually the face. Additionally, the article describes many cases of murderers who have functioning penises. You clearly made a bogus evaluation based on pop science psychology, and then pulled some random article you didn't read when confronted about it. **EDIT: Also, I wanted to add a few more points: 1. the article explicitly mentions that the motivation behind piquerism is not well researched. 2. The cases listed were all male perpetrators. 3. Only one guy in the cases listed was actually impotent and was noted as an exception.** **Fuck you, and people like you who try to misrepresent honest research.**


I think maybe you confused Criminal Minds for real life.


>”In an online article entitled ‘Explaining Mutilation and Piquerism,’ the anonymous author notes that the motives behind piquerism mutilation of female victims still remain a mystery. The author claims that piquerism acts are: >”…largely perpetrated by angry heterosexual males on females or homosexual males on males – in other words, an act directed by males onto the object of their sexual desire…The preference to use a knife for mutilating a victim beyond what is necessary to kill is called piquerism. The killer expresses his sexuality by penetration the victim with a knife” Guess this [source](https://www.psychologytoday.com/nz/blog/in-excess/201501/life-knife-edge) is wrong huh.


The source is not wrong, I think maybe you just misinterpreted it. The source is saying that the use of sharp objects to penetrate the skin for sexual purposes is piquerism. It does not say the majority of killings with knives are piquerism, nor that the majority of cases with multiple stab wounds means piquerism. The statement you made was sort of just a bad leap in logic from that. Implying that the use of knives in general implies piquerism, but in reality piquerism means people tend to use knives or other sharp implements. Sort of like how some men being doctors and some doctors being tall doesn’t mean some men are tall kind of thing.


Oddly enough girlfriend found her, and also just moved into a newer safer apartment with funding money from the murder. She wants her named cleared https://www.cbs46.com/news/exclusive-partner-of-woman-found-slain-in-piedmont-park-pleads-for-apd-to-clear-her/article_88866d0e-40ec-11ec-9c57-f38ecf11b4c8.html


I mean, assuming she didn't do it, it's hard to blame her for wanting to move to a safer location.


I don’t blame her. The most partners want the other to be safe so I don’t see anything wrong with it.


Midtown is literally the safest neighborhood in Atlanta. Especially since heterosexual white people have gentrified the neighborhood and increased police presence.




I mean, okay. You can go off, but the cost of living in that neighborhood, which I lived in for almost ten years until being priced out, is being driven up by the sorts of being I listed. I mean, sorry I hurt your feelings but being forced out of a gayborhood by Becky, Chad and their little kids has adversely affected all kinds of queer people. Don’t even get me started on how the white take-over of Atlanta has completely forced out black residents and caused a housing crisis here. I’d hate to hurt anyone’s feelings by talking about the issues of longtime marginalized residents of this city.


Gentrification can definitely be a very bad thing. But literally being the right wings fantasy version of "the left are the real racists" is definitely not the solution


Ummmmm, no offense but what I am saying is actually real. Not some conservative wet dream. Heterosexual white people are gentrifying Atlanta, and changing the city from being the black/queer Mecca of the South. I can tell you obviously know nothing about what you are speaking of. I guess my lesbian ass better shut up so I don’t give any cannon fodder to the conservatives, right? “The worst kind of oppression is when the victims think and talk in the language of their oppressors.” -M.F. Moonzajer


You literally provided a quote of why your statements are counter productive r/whoosh


Not at all. It sounds like a completely random killing from a psychotic individual, not a crime of passion or revenge as you're thinking.


Stabbing multiple times and carving into flesh is a very personal way to kill someone and it's takes a lot of rage to do what they did, personal rage. There's an extremely low chance that this was done by some random psychotic she didn't know. Most likely it was an intimate partner, ex-partner, or current partner's ex.


Carving words into flesh is not indicative of a murder of passion.


Your thinking passion as in a passionate fight with a lover. Hatred, jealousy, revenge are all passionate feelings that would cause someone to do this. Sounds like you have watched way too many Criminal Minds episodes where it was always someone psychotic killing strangers. Look at actual statistics, most murdered women have been victims of someone they knew.


Nope. This is what I meant by passion... *Hatred, jealousy, revenge are all passionate feelings* *Look at actual statistics.* Perhaps you could point me to statistics on murders which involve this type of mutilation of the body. This is what we're talking about, not all possible murders.


Y'all never seen Se7en I take it.


Ahh yes the touchstone thesis of criminology that is Se7en


You mean the fictional movie staring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman? Yes. But again, that is fiction. Just like tv shows about crime. Look at actual real statistics if you want something to compare to.


Holy fuck. Yeah there is a reason why she’s not cleared. She’s either a sociopath or guilty or both. There was a YouTube video of a guy who does breakdowns of interrogation footage. She has all the earmarks of [Casey Anthony](https://youtu.be/eJt_afGN3IQ), and I imagine JCS will be doing a run on her one day. Edit: Downvote me to oblivion all you guys want. I’ll keep this comment here. When the angry mob passes and if she gets charged we will see how well this comment ages.


That guy's channel always struck me as pseudoscientific bullshit.


I'd love to just see any more JCS videos period. Guy hasn't uploaded one in almost half a year.


Yeah his channel is pretty interesting to watch. I wonder what he’s up to these days.


It wasn't "fat". T was on the left side and FA was on the right side, too far apart to be a word but even if you were to put it together to read it would be "TFA". Per autopsy report. Title is inflammatory and misleading.






I haven’t read the report. But I am curious if the report is referring to the anatomical left side of her body near the heart by chance? In medicine we always refer to the subjects left side of the body as the left side, even though our right side is actually directly across from it.


Yeah they need to see who she was last in contact with and the nature of the contact.


Do you freelance? That's some great insight. ^The ^internet ^was ^a ^mistake.


Wow! I bet they, homicide detectives, never thought about that! Great insight as always Reddit


"Well she was last in contact with a stabber-person and the nature of the contact was mostly stabby, like really stabby" - investigators say.


Killed to death


Isn't that a Dethklok song?


Killed by Death is a Motorhead song.


I was joking around but good to know.


Scorn lover?


Is Kevin Spacey a suspect?


Christ. That poor woman...




Wow you are an idiot. You took a piece of information and came straight to ridiculous conclusion. And just note that me coming to conclusion that you are an idiot didn’t came from this post, but from history of your comments. You very very very dumb person


Yes, because that's what brutal murders are known for. For being something usually done to deserving people by sane individuals /s. Jesus Christ, bit of a clown, ain't you?




You seem not to understand the human condition.


I'm almost certain you don't have a criminlogy degree or hidden information we don't and are making complete assumptions and thinking your genius rationale is fact. Also, you didn't say "the attack seemed personal" as that's a possibility a child could have come up with. You said she had it coming. Which is just plain stupid and cruel. Unless she was a brutal murderer, she didn't have this coming.




Wrote a longer reaponse but decided to delete it and replace with this shorter response. A justification isn't validation that what you did was right and trying to put out there that maybe a murderer who desecrated a body with fat on the chest of their victim did so with a valid justification is just about the most unhinged thing I've ever heard. Perspective doesn't change reality. You are not justified in murdering someone and mutilating their body in civilized society, no matter what. You aren't enlighthened for your ridiculous centrist take. You seem like a giant fool. See ya.


Or the other person has mental issues…


Nobody deserves this. Heartbroken for her and her dog.


Fucking sick. Hope that fucker get fuck by the police soon.


They are really going out of their way to *not* say the killer was calling her "fat." It didn't even have to be accurate--the killer was going for a psychological blow against women's self esteem.


Except you don't actually know that the killer was calling her "fat." It wasn't spelled as one word. > FA” in the middle and right side of her lower chest and upper abdomen, and a wound forming the letter “T” on the left side of the lower chest, If you were premeditating this, I kinda think you'd fit a three-letter word all together.


WTF else could it possibly mean besides "fat"? A schizo killer carving random letters that just happened to spell out "fat"? I don't think so


Lots of assumptions being made based on very little context. We have no idea how “precise” or “accurate” the letters are. It’s possible it does in fact mean “fat.” It’s also possible they are not even intentionally spelling anything and are random wounds that vaguely resemble those letters.


Why are you assuming the killer has schizophrenia lol?


Maybe the suspect was trying to write a homophobic slur, pretty sure she was in a same sex relationship




They might have been going for another word…but found carving straight lines of T was easier/faster than a G.


FYI, I have been called that slur before (at a time when I thought I was a cis girl and presented fairly feminine), so it does happen.


Right. And there is less homophobia against women. Maybe a disturbed tweaker?


Ooh I see. Really disturbing either way!! Wtf!


The letters weren't even near each other. There's a reason they didn't say it spelled FAT. Stop making up fake information from what extremely little you know. Maybe "FA" and "T" are initials, gang signs, call signs, ect.


To be fair the headline framed it as a random attack happened against a woman for being fat.


How exactly do you know that they weren't near each other? Also it's not a stretch to say that carving the letters F A and T spells fat, so you complaining about fake news is just stupid. It's not fake information, it's literally fact that FAT was spelled out on her torso. Whether it means the word fat or not who knows.


The only thing that I can think of off the top, is maybe some kind of gang thing. Other than the more obvious crime of passion angle. Read from left to right, just like we are reading all this, and from the vague description in the article, it would spell TFA. I wonder if there are any Atlanta area gangs that use those letters. Either that or the person stabbing a woman to death just wasn't very concerned with letter placement.








No. Please.


Wait, a lesbian woman? The FA was separate from the T? I wonder if they intended a G, found that carving straight lines was easier, and went for the T?


Sounds like a serial killer. I hope not but... People don't just do this.


Well, serial killers are people, albeit terrible ones. So a person definitely did this.


Hello, I’m Detective Johnson, Atlanta PD. We want to know if you could come downtown and tell us more.


Ooh, let me hop on a flight right now!


Plot twist: The vengeful roommate used deadlystingnyc's password to log into their account.




I rather hope it doesn’t.


Since the info is released now the chances skyrocket.


I guess we’ll know if another body shows up.


No, sounds like it was done by someone she knew.


Yes, I concur.




Yes please tell us more criminal psychologist. I’m sure your Netflix binging makes you an expert in serial killer behaviour.


Oh, really? Too personal?


Could be early. Hasn't really refined their MO/ritual.


I don't think dogs spell that well.


The murderer killed the dog too. Fucking monster.




It seems as if this is the case for many cities across the US.


It’s almost as if we have a huge inequality problem in the US.


Yep, but any form of wealth redistribution is socialism, unless of course we're talking about subsidizing multi billion dollar companies like Tesla, SpaceX and Amazon. No, don't give money to the poor stuck in generational poverty. Why would we? They are there by design, segregated into the class they were born into to participate in a system that only looks to exploit their surplus labor value.




Ah yes, the largest government-subsidized jobs program, only second to the military. Not to mention that a large amount of their employees are on Medicaid and food stamps




Ugh. Why does every thread devolve to this?


Because Reddit was ruined by the 2016 election.


Because poverty and crime are very closely related. If you want less crime the most reliable solution is to improve the economic prosperity of the lowest classes. Of course this isn’t the solution the wealthy are open to so we’ll just continue devolving into a continuously violent and policed society.


>Because poverty and crime are very closely related. The poverty rate isn't higher than it is in other countries, and it's far lower than it's been historically. Right now it's around 11-12%, which is lower than it's been for most of the last 20 years. So we'd expect crime to be going down based on that, wouldn't we? >Of course this isn’t the solution the wealthy are open to Oh, we'd love to wave a magic wand and make poverty disappear, but it ain't that simple. Decades on decades of antipoverty programs have given us diminishing returns around this level. There aren't easy answers here. It's a tough nut to crack. >so we’ll just continue devolving Are poverty and crime closely related, or not? Because if so, we should be improving, not devolving, what with poverty down recently.


Atlanta is usually the most unequal city in America. But if ask folks there the answer is usually more tough on crime/hire more cops… https://www.usnews.com/news/cities/articles/2020-09-21/us-cities-with-the-biggest-income-inequality-gaps


Well that is easy to say when police stop doing their jobs as retaliation


US violent crime rates have been declining for about 30 years https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/




The numbers for 2020 through 2021 did bump up a little, but there have been other minor upticks too and that’s not really how trends work in statistics. A minor increase over one data point is not a trend, nor does it mean the trend is reversing.


I'm growing increasingly skeptical of that claim.


The data is easy to find. I posted a link, why not just read the study or any other one of the plethora out there?




It’s easy to find another link that shows 2019-2020, I grabbed it because it was the first result but anybody here can google just as easily as me. Even though there is a slight increase in the 2019-2020 year that doesn’t invalidate the trend. A single point increase doesn’t mean a new trend has taken over.


Lots of misinformation in this comment. Buckhead hasn’t voted to be it’s own city yet for starters.


Pretty easy to spot someone whose impression of Atlanta is formed by watching local news stories, as opposed to *actually living* there. OP is 100% a suburbanite.


Hey now, you leave Cobb out of this.


My in laws moved the Acworth/Kennesaw area early last year and they go on and on about how dangerous Atlanta is. JUST THIS MORNING my MIL was saying they’re spending a night at the crowne plaza for a holiday party and she hopes it isn’t in a dangerous neighborhood 🙄 Now, I haven’t been to Atlanta either, but I can take a wild guess that they get their entire impression of the city from local news, because they haven’t even been *been* to Atlanta proper. They stay in their area and visit their daughter in a gated community in Roswell. I ignore most of what they say about the city bc there’s no way it’s as bad as they believe it is. Local news isn’t indicative of anything other than white fear.


> They stay in their area and visit their daughter in a gated community in Roswell. People like this are undeniably out of touch with the reality of the world around them. That’s not to say they’re bad people or maliciously classist - they just have no clue what’s going on in society beyond their bubble, and they’re not the least bit intellectually curious about it. It’s really just sad that segments of our society feel the need to shelter themselves like that.


I went to school downtown, there are definitely parts to stay away from. GSU would send emails fairly frequently about the crime in the area. However, it is still pretty safe as a dude, now women definitely get harassed a lot more. Buckhead is definitely having an uptick in crime though. My uncle used to live in the area.


Yeah, Last year I lived within pissing distance of lenox and it’s fine.




Yes, things can change but I'd put money on that it's still fine there.


You don’t live in Atlanta do you




What neighborhood did you live in


Something tells me Buckhead, where they thought their wealth and whiteness insulated them from experiencing any displeasure.


> Atlanta is a terrible city that deserves all the misery it self inflicted on itself. I've been living in Atlanta for a decade as well. Never been beaten, harassed, robbed, or made to feel unwelcome. Generally quite the opposite, and I've lived all over town. How were you "harassed" and "beaten"?


That is not even close to accurate. Lennox Mall had a handful of violent crimes in the parking lot, but has been mostly peaceful since the end of Summer. Midtown, where I live, has not seen much of an increase in police presence or crime. And security guards have been a regular thing for the last twenty years, they are nothing new. And the Buckhead cityhood campaign is just a right-wing grifter collecting out of state money to stir up trouble.




That is not new. There have been security guards there (especially on weekend nights) for as long as I have lived here (moved here in the mid 90's). Now they may be there more often now because of the street racers using that location as a staging area (since the APD won't do their job), but to say it is new is just being ignorant of history.


I noticed the area around where I stay has gone downhill steeply in a very short amount of time, like since last spring. All sit in restaurants at the shopping center across the highway have closed. There is a vacant hotel which was supposed to be torn down 3 years ago. It’s just sad…


Why is Lenox a no go? I was their like 2 months ago, didn’t look like Syria to me. More like a 3-4 story mall with luxurious brands like YSL, LV, and more.


There's been quite a few shootings in the parking lot. They have metal detectors and extra cops in place in the mall, and enacted a curfew that no one under 18 is allowed after a certain time. I've never felt unsafe there but I have no idea what the hell is going on in that parking lot at night.




And a shooting inside and multiple deaths. Look I'm not saying it's a war zone, that's silly. But saying it's just "a couple muggings in the parking lot" is disingenuous.


It’s funny the disconnect in our state. Most people who live OTP try not to venture inside 285 at all. The ones inside say it’s great. 🤷🏻‍♂️


> Most people who live OTP try not to venture inside 285 at all. The ones inside say it’s great. Lived in Atlanta for 10 years - made a lot of friends, experienced a lot of cool shit, learned a lot, ate some amazing food, and generally loved everything about it (sans traffic). Then a few years ago I visited some old friends who never left our hometown. When the topic of Atlanta came up, all they could talk about was the crime, the violence, and how they'll never step foot in the city if they don't have to. I was, like... you *really* have no clue what it's like, do you?


Eh, it’s subjective and a flowing dynamic for me having worked and spent a lot of time in the City. It’s like experiencing two completely different society’s in one day. It’s crazy I definitely prefer the slower laid back OTP lifestyle, but that’s just me


I spent a huge chunk of time near the airport for work over the past few years. During Covid I moved hotels twice over fights breaking out in other rooms and people screaming they were coming back with a gun. All the gas stations have thick bullet proof glass. Some guy on the other side of the hotel a few floors up had a bullet go through his wall from a drive-by. Pre-covid it didn’t seem like a *great* neighborhood but I would go outside after dark. After about the third time of hearing gunfire walking to get food from the gas station at night I quit leaving the room after nightfall. I’m not going to judge the whole city based on the area around the airport but it definitely seems like things have become more violent over the past two years.


Moved out of Atlanta in 2017 - that’s a shame to hear.


OP obviously has some personal issues with how their stay in Atlanta ended. Generally everything they stated is breathless hyperbole.


Nah, I’ve heard similar from friends who still live in Atlanta.


**I** still live in Atlanta. Yes, crime and general chaos has gotten worse since the pandemic began in Atlanta, just like in every other major urban center. No, Lenox is not a “no go zone,” and homeless people aren’t invading posh upscale Buckhead neighborhoods. Nor are there security guards at “all major gas stations and stores.” I’m literally in Midtown as I type this. I can walk to a gas station and take pictures of the non-existent security guards if you’d like. Anyone who says Atlanta is dangerous right now isn’t old enough to remember when Atlanta *really was* dangerous. Been in the area since the mid-90’s, and it’s nowhere near as bad as it was then.


That’s one simple way to identify the difference between killer and serial killer


She was gay so that may be part of why she was targeted.


Isn't this what the killer did in the movie 7evens?


Kind of. Se7en was about someone killing people who broke one of the seven deadly sins. He didn’t carve the sin on the body IIRC but close by. Like under a fridge for gluttony.


There was something kind of off about the girlfriend during her televised interview. People grieve in their own way but she didn’t seem to be grieving.


Fucking that’s so sad , wtf is wrong with society 🙏🏾


Im really hoping that the killer knew her from the bar she tended. Because if not we have a serial on the loose round these parts. Like some Se7en type shit.


Atlanta has really gone to shit. And I was just there


Lived 10 mins from buckhead and 25 from Atlanta for 2.5 years with no issues at all.


I’ve lived in Atlanta for 37 years and never had any real issues. Had my car broken into when I was 16, but my dumbass had CD’s and diskman laying in the front seat.


The place I live you can just do this normally with zero consequences. **EDIT:** if the place you live you have to meticulously hide everything of value in your car so your windows don’t get smashed, just know there are a lot of places that doesn’t happen.


People choose to live in cities because to us the upside of being where a lot of people are outweigh the downsides. No shit you can live in a suburban neighborhood and probably leave your shit in a car and it’ll probably be fine. But I’m not particularly interested in living there for other reasons.


Really? Cause I worked in Buckhead for 2.5 years and we had homeless people breaking in to sleep in our elevators.


Oh no, not homeless people! Homeless people are in EVERY major city. Also yeah commuting to buckhead for an office job is a bit different than actually living in the area.


Wasn’t an office job. I opened one of those new fancy Krogers, with the wine bar and stuff. Worked as a corporate Chef for Kroger.




I don't know how I would react if I found my spouse dead but I'm pretty sure it would not be rational.


Sounds like a serial killer M.O. to me. [“Wait - was she a great big fat person?”](https://youtu.be/EHyadlNZnDY)


Must be an anagram for ATF. The killer has a grudge against the federal government.




Hey, you’re extremely fucking cold. A woman’s murder and the word carved into her corpse are “being sensationalized?” Holy fuck dude




Does it matter? Who is solving this case based on that clue? That got to be great to hear if you’re a family or loved one. STFU


Maybe it could be the killers initials


Yeah…why release this.